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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1968, p. 8

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-t- Thefi Canadian Statesman, Bewmmnvflls, Aug. 14, 1908' OPiCSý' 623-7Z34ý SUNDAY As we slt here in the bruItant sunehine at Sauble Beach, the old sports editor à wondering why we didn't get Jim AUlin to drap last wèeek' columo int.oth Statesmnan office, go that we could combat the postal strike. f Not a cloud In the sky, but were the waves ever high. h t s O se fo ly o n today - although nothing like the towering breakers at: - - - - Puerto Mar-guetta, neer Acapulco, in Mexico. But still swim- rning in the surf iç what we like Only problemn was that. accompanying the on-rxîshIng tide was a 9tiff wind that made it too chilly ta enjoy- drying off by the sun's rays en~ the beach. Haven't seen a thermnometer. but It must h., 80' nt our: cottage, gmre 150 yards fromn thf, water and ten degrees cooder et the water's edgp. An an added fenture today we lwere treated to a ane hour concert hv Ihe Klnc'ardine Junior Pipe (bagpipes that, i;) Bind. as they played In the late afternoorx on the sands o! SauNe. Went out ta drive R few golf halls atter supppr, first ~#' tirne we've swAung a club in txvo wecfk.q -and it wasn't hard to teli. Althotigh besideq the lack of practic'e, the old -> " duffer has an added excuse - aur finger which we damaged playing softball, hurts likp heck whpn wp grip the clubf Shirley's sister Joan and famlly drove up f romn Walkerton ta visit in the evening. MOND4eY Repeat of yes;teîdav' with high waves. somei temperature dlffprentIRl, wind hlowing strongl * y and bardly a cloud in the sky. as the sun trpat% us to another fine day I In fact the water was even rnugher, trernendous when you!~ ~. - were i.n it, but vers' cold atter yven erged. Ail that battling: the swirling water sure makes a guy pret.ty tired. But after supper it's on tn the movieq again where wve catch up with one ot the James Bond epirs we had eardier rnissed- "Goldlfiriger". Far-letc'hed with plenty o! ioop- holes ti the story as u-stial - but entert.ainlng for both adults and ail three children, as two year old Scott attended bisi fIrat filmn. TUESDAY It sure is bot toda. quite a change fromý lest night when ,ve were quite happy tn have electric heating - In the cottage. Water calmer, very littie breeze and go we' scpent roost of the afternoon right at the beach.. Thlnk Bill has been vwaiting s1nre last year to pilot a go-cart racer around the track. Couldn't trust Leslie because 1 . ~ .. she gave it a whirl at Wasaga and drove just about every- where except on the track. She hurtled through the Infield 1 a couple of times, just missed a post and as the piece de resistance, was saved from colliding witb another driver, when one of the attendants leaped forward in time ta stop the cart. *,. Then they bath had a go at the trampolines, (they have an excellent set-up here,>, even the old sports editor giving ft a try for a couple of minutes. Those things sure give you . quite a bounce. And to wrap It up it was basebal, shoot ing and a variety of nickel and dirne games at the "penny" ~. arcade. ~.n The holidaying sports editor got toto the aci. too. as we 'Z-.****' found ane golf put ting game interesting. and turned back ' . . . ..n"i~~ gi~s~ti the dlock to our younger days by playing basebaîl and basket- hall. Shades of Grand Bend, Atlantic City, etc., and that's On Monday, in the first game of the Irtermediate Softball semi-finals, going back a few years Isn't il Ted ? (Dadson that is). j Whvte's took the lead and appeared te be on their way to victory. But Frank's WEDNESDAY No need for lectrie heating last nlght, men were not to be denied and came through in the latter stages te win the i tact it was quite warmn sitting autside the cottage. Tried game and the series. This picture shows the Frank's Variety teamn gathering ta rent a televi sion set so we could see the football games,1 around lanky pitcher Kenny Baker tocongrabulatehim. tanight and tornorrow nlght, but unfortunately we can't pick up the closest CTV station (Kitchener) up here. 1 Scores on Close Play at the Plate Started to cloud up around twro o'clock, go we decided Moî wouid be a good day ta take a drive around nmre of1 the neighboring coastal villages. That didn't take long - so wound up drivmng te, Tobermory at the tip o! the peninsula. The ferry Norlsle, running consderably behind schedule docked several minutes after our arrivai, and that brought back ta mid. an occasion when tbe boat was right on time. Undoubtedly Larry Dewell, Bob Leask, Ron Moareraft  and Ted Dadson will remember the day we roared arowid the curvng road on ManItoulin Island, and jutt;nanaged to reach the ferry, leaving South Bay Mouth for Tobermory. Ours was the last car on board, as they were already hauling up the gang-plank when wc arrived and It was the last trip for the day. We took the time to tour around the place for an hour or go, after lunch, and discovered that there are a surprising number of different and beautiful scenes ýaround Tobermory. The parking lot and walting room, however, don't appear to have changed sioce we were lest bere 15 years agol he are decidedly inadequate, ta say the least. Then It ralned, mnakIng us feel that we had guessed correctly In going for a drive. Unforbuoately, however, we had left all manner o! items outside the cottage, and besides - that lefi al the windows open. Judging by the huge puddles, it must really have poured et Sauble - 'nuif said. THURSDAY This rnorning It appears that aur luck hem run out as far as the weather Is concernied. It Is nice whcn the Sun Is shinIng but cool when the overcast takes ôver. With no wind, this would be an ideal day for golf. Tricd swioging a club a tew minutes ago, and discovered aur 'hbad" finger isn't bathing us at ail. Only problern is - we're cxpectlng visitors sa golf Is out. Shouida got up carlier 1 1 ...ue .. .... DOUBLE-HEADER hy Jim <'Iarke l 'lihe lasers saw a 5-2 lead in came up witb five runs, in the; All citizenChart-ran's Mens Wear and th fourth dissolve as the Shoe top o! the fourth and Ibreat- Ailcfiznsare invited to attend a basebaîl double- header j Whyte-,Uhîte aeoe eIuckybe t. Harry cned to chase Willoughby fromn &t Mernorial Park on Suncday, August ith. Please h ring ganie each away from playoff Willouîghby fired bis second the mound. Ellis commlttedi africnd. ýextinction following last Wed- Ifive-hitter o! the playoffs, two o! their three errors dur- J k Knapp's Tinesday nigh t's twin a ction.îunîg or hiewliinbg the Men's Wear uprising. SfbalTheam is. gam ille utteowng :00diesjThe Men's Wear crew dropped 1three. David Rafuse took the: Wray Randali had a single, So.fballTea vs.Bowmnvile Ctiesat :00 .m.the opener 6-5 to defending 'îoss, givîng up eîght bits. H1e whlle Refuse and Ron Ece Ithe second lit will be Men's Town League Ail-Stars.'champions, Ellis Sboes. The, Efe n n tse w rcedduls sCatra defeat leaves Chartrans trail- wek.Cata' afie sn egt3e1 h pae vs. interniediate Mens Town League AIl-Stars, aut 8:00 pm ng2Ob hiabsl! ief ros. Cgivin thml17, er' - lhetregh ea n a tsort-lived, as, P.rn Ing2-0 n teir est f fve erors jovingther wethEir'%buedbakwt h A silver collection will be taken with the procceds of' semi-final set. Freîîk's Veriety o nlv two garnes. ElUiswet sbucdakwihhre the gamnes toi be used to aid crippled children. There wîîî took a twvo-game bulge in the ln front 1-O alter twa frames,;runs, ta tie the gamne 5-5. spelalprsenatin a Bd Prfct or isunslfih ther serles, handing Whyte's, on a walk, a fielder's chaire; Bill Crossey and Haroldl alse b. a pca r"naint u efcfobi seih a 14-0 shellacking ln the late l'piay and an Infield error. They Michelson opened the winners' and undying efforts ta promote sportsmanship lnx the Town game. push-e<t acrass their second run fourth with singles. Willough-t' cf EawmanYi~lc. There will also be a draw for $500. A two-out, lest of the sev,- in the third. Bruce Adama iby followed with a two-ruoI Ticket$ are 25c each or 5 for $1.00 Tickets wiil b. on sale enth throwing error by short- and M k e DonogZhîîe had triple, but was erased nt the. stop Jim Clarke ellowed Ellis singl es and Ray Wallace added plate. A fielder's choice. a as the ama to scoe their wlnnlng ru.ia sacrWiafWc l. Chartran' i walk and an error gave ElliSý r - - - r W w .W~ SPORT ilBy Frank Mohun HOLIDAY DIARY CONTINUE!) 1 1 SPORTOPICS The Men's Town League Softball playoffs are scheduled to get underway on Tuesday night, with double header action going nt the Memnorial Park. Pennant-winning Kranip's niture will play defending champion Ken s Men's Wear, wound up last this season, while runner-up Walter FraIkl Real Estate meets Stephen Fuels, in the best of ceven seini. finals. It Is flot likely that any games 'wx1l b. played the follow. ing Thursday (August 22nd), but fans would be welI-advised to keep an eye on the bulletin board, as the posslbility exists that the second gamnes in each series could be l d - _______________ on another 1 the tieing run. Both teams threatened In the fifth, but a~ failed ta score. Willo ghby' Le UpelK apu1 - and Raluse set the sidesudown, l p e r ms 1 In order in the sixth, as thei tension mounted. After Terry I t n*Uc a Baker's fifth inning doublefo Chartran's, Willoughby reti- ut Stn i n g U c a ged ed the final seven men he faced. Rafuse, set down six;w Ellis hitters until Wallace With first place ail wrapped: moved In front by scoring Jim McKnight singled and banged out a one-away single up, Kramp's Furniture took It three times In the third, as Kramp's made their third In the last of the seventh. on the chin last Tuesday night Curt Vanstone, Bill Hay and bobble of the frame. Abbot,, After on Infield ouit, Wallac'e at the Mernorial Park, bowling Hellamn singled, and an errori up again. thls time walloped was perched on third, with the1 to Stephen Fuels 12-7. proved costly. a three-run homer to complet@ potential winning run. Fate! In the opener, Stephen's' Stephen's narrowed the mar- thescoring. was preparing to plant the trailed 7-3 before breakIng gin In the fourth when - goat harns and Chartran's 1loose for nine runs in the fifth, 'Wright, Colin Cooke and Me- Clarke was the victim. Crosseyj ail of them unearned, as the Murter singledi. smasbed a two-out drive, that pennant winners couldn't find: Hellam's circuit clout, fol- the loser's shortstop fielded the handie. George Stephen lowing a single by Wiseman,, cleanly, but his throw to first posted bis third success1ve win i acco)unted for a pair, and pulled Randaîl off the bag t b ring the season mark for~ "Butch" Cole siîigîed and scor-1 623- 3303 The relay to the plate was too te veteran right bander ta 'cd another as Kramp's made it late to get Wallace, who raced 7-4. Jim Coyle dropped his; 7-3 In the fifth. ter across with the deciding run, third against four victories. In the big seventh an error WJT Around The Bases-Crossevj Don MeMurter went three started the big nine-run pusFh ýwas Ellis' only player. to pick for three at the plate, be]ting by the Fuelers. Abbott beatj up two hits. He was also a a triple and two singles. while; out an infield hit, and a walk SE defensive stiekout, to boot. .Bob Abbott vracked a home 'loaded the bases. Another' Bruce Adams, Donoghue. Wal- ' run and a single to pace the m iscue kept the rallY alive 1 'lace, Lloyd Stainton, Michel-! Fuelfs' 1 2-hit attack. Grant, n w,,ith two out Franxk son and Willoughby wrapped'Wrlght added two singles. Mohun singled In two more.' up~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eli'egtbtatc. Bo eimdoe he McMurter tripled Mohun home up Elis'elgh-hItattak. Bb Helarndrov in threat send Stephen's in front For Chartran's, Randali hiad losers' runs with a borner and a pair' of hits, whlle Baker.i single, wvIth Alex Wiseman' IRafuse and Etcher piçled Lj singling twice In two officiai' ! the remainder. Rafuse and' at bats. Etcher each had two R.B.L.'s.! Both teams scored once In first two games bas been; 'by Coyle and Wright. Kramp's' Cbartran's erratic play in the field. Willoughby's standout eight bits were extra hase Wear Club well in control to borner by John Kramp. Randy., BOWMANVILLE date, but 17 miscues in two Beauprie and Bryce Adams, garnes is the crusbing blow.lhad turns on Whyte's mound.' Telephone 623-5728 Ellis hold a 17-'1I edge In bits They were harnpered In their and have had nlv three play- task by nine errors in *the: ers strike out, to 12 by Chart- field. Frank'g fielding was, ran's'. These two clubs met daz7ling as they pulled off a on Monday nigbt In the third 1pair of slick double plays in PU BLIC and possible final gamne In support of Webster's great~ their series. pitcblng chore. Don Bishop f Io last Wedresday's other!and "Sam" Snowden had two SK A TIN G playolf, Frank's Variety snow-! bits for the winners. Gerald jed Whyte's under 14-O on Harness, Jerry Falls, Webster; FRIDAY, AUGUST l6th Harvey Webster's three-bitter. and Kramp completed Frank's, After nning the opener 8-2 bitting barrage. DenniMc 8 -10 p.m. thet r lety grew conteinue to Feeters, rohesDuganMe-' A MSIN - -- - - - - - ma hnle th opposiin ihiVic collected* W h y te's! le rsstnce. Six o! their humble three-bit output.

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