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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1968, p. 10

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S-q . 'e ,. .f* Blacksock Far Pri7 w* Jecorated Bicycles and Carniages in Blackstock Fair Parade Four 4-H lus1,l --cstc Fa - - Pr * .W *mmmu W'. 'DecraedFloat. non-conm-lhands--... G. Cochrane. 2 L. Cow. glvlng milk or' ln caîf merai 1 Cartwright Hlghi Hoskln. 3 1. Cochrane. --lI Jim Jamieson. 2 and3 &ehool. 2 Mr. and Mrs- Rich-' Carrnage Teem -i Ralph'Neil Aluin, 4 G. Cornlsh, 5 &Md Van Camp. 3 O.N.O. Cluh- Sadier, 2 Bruce Lewson. Danny Butson. Decorat.ed Bicycle -Girls Carniage. single, under 151j Heifer. two years old-l MhkrY Lou Malcolm. Lorii Arn hAnd.q-1 L. Haskln. 2 B. Law-!Gerry Cornlsh. Emerton. C a 1 h y Keuning. son. 1-fe.Iýfer, one year and under .. Sandra Johnston. Carniage. single, over 154t, twoînd2GCris,3N. Deeor8ted Bicy' hands,--1 Ralph Sadler, 2 Ailin, 4 Jim Jamieson. .9 D................................................... Jamie Malcolm. -Doug Cook. Brure LiwFon. Butson. ý ClOWns-Marrhall Thomp. Lon Blight.. Brooklin: 2 borne -1 lames Jamieson, 2 Neil . ' son. Hoskln. Alun ER,*~.5 D8corated Child'x Wagon or Ladv Driver- I L. Hoskin,, Bull Caif. under ont year-- -%il Carrlage.-Debbie Swaîn. 2 R. Sadier. 3 Donna Robillard. i Cornish. 2 Danny Butson. Sey McMahon. Sarddîe - Englisl---I George; Best Beef Herd--1 John Rlc- «, Decorated Auto Hector Chirltori. 2 and 3 Barry Flint, kard. 2 Gerry Cornish. 3 Jlm Shortridge. 4 Sonya Kohn, 5 Lillian Kohn. Jamieson. 4 Neil Allin. 5 John ~. Noveity (comîC or other - Bowmanville. Rickard . -Cheryi Graham, Glenn Mal-, Parade Horçe I Guy Luke. Fat Steer. any bneed- l ~ colmn, Teresa Asselst.îî'e, Guy. Oshawa: 2 Cheryl McCoy. Tenry Malcolm. 2 Brian Wll i n- j Luke. Burketon. son. 3 Tan Page. 4 Paul Crago, Heavy Hormes Pony Cl1ase 5 Marti Malcolmn. Halt r C asse Catwri ht peciI -1 Cind Dary C ttl Veld Mare on Geldfinz Van Camp, 2 Mike McCoy. .1 Bull. 2 yrs. and over-1 . ..* Clvdesdaie-1.. Hehrr Doxvn. Philip Hoskin. 4 Steve Wjl- Harvey Graham. Nestieton. Elmokin; 2 and 3 Gordon Lew- Ilanis. 5 Pat Taylor. Cow. dry-i Frank Fney. lis, Unlonville. Ponv, Brood Mae-l Lloyd Nestieton, 2 Ralph barmen, -Percherons - A Il bal ten clas.s- Sedore, Keswlck; 2 RuthivNestîcton-, 3 H. Graham,. 4,4..~~~ ft ln this division won by V. Brown, Ida: 3 ATnoid Williiams, Teunis Molenaar, Biackwater;i Cookson. Bowmanville. Nestleton; 4 Earl Durwand. '5 H. Graham. s Belgians - Brood Mare-I Blackwater. Cow. ln milk-1 and 4 H. ciarence Buckley and Sons. Pony Foal-i Ruth Brown. Graham. 2 Frank Frey, 3' BRR. 3, Lindsav. i'2 Lloyd Sedore. 3 A. Williams, barmen Bros. ..A -Pol-1 C. Buckley. 4 Earl Durward. Cow. 3 years old I- and 3 ~ One or two-year Gelding or Pony Colt--- Lloyd Sedore. Frank Frev, 2 and 5 H. Gra- + Pilv-1 and 2 Buckiey. 2 V. Asselstine. ham, 4 Larmer Bros. V eld Mare on GelIdlng-- Single. in harness-i Donna Heifer, 2 yrs. old. dry--I Murray Grove. Stouffville; 2 Roillard. 2 Ray Cochrane, 3 Larmer Bros., 2 Teunis Mol-' ~"9 V. Cookson, 3 C. Buckley. Ethel Goble, 4 L~. Hoskln. enar. 2 H. Graham. As usual, the parade that preceded the officiai bicycles and carrnages classes are shown above as they, Harness Classes Single, ln harness, over 46" i Junior Helfer Caîf I- T. opening of Blackstock Fair recent1Y wa.s an, interesting paraded along the race track. CldedaeTeam--i and 1 -1 b. Sedore. 2 R. Cochrane,! Molenaar. 2 and 4 barmen event. Somne of' the participarits in the decorated. M. Down, 2 G. Lewis. .3 D. Bobiliard. 4 E. Gable. Bros.. 3 John barmen, 5 H, - __ Belgan-î V. Cookson. 2 Hackney. unden 1.3.1-1 R 'Graham.î lr 1A uivI o M. and 3 M. Grave. 4 and .5 C. Sadien. 2 R. Cochrane, 3 E. Bull Calt. under ot I > > ngo yeafl-Tm iki n ete passLng 0f.i Buckley. Goble. I F. Frey. H s y igo C llr in A tieaTmTrc i hep"fgo Percheron-].. and 2 Cookson. Ha-knpNy. aven 1.11I . R. Best Hencl 0f Guernsevys - bro.Jonln Mll Single in Harnesî H.: Saien, 2'E. Goble, .1 R. Coch- Eaton Trophy-l Frank Frev,:rok flown. 2 G. Lewis, 3 M. Grove. rane. 2 H. Grahami, .1 barmen Bros.,...i Wedding belîs aree nlnglng. 4 V. Cookson,.95 C. Buckley. Popy Teani. other than 4 Teunis MaIenaar. Miss Lynda Smart. bondon: Commercial Hackney -I L. Selore. 2 R.ý Grand Champion Female- .M Mns. Sam Grant, Oshawa, and' Veld Mare or Geiding -l and Cochrane, 3 E. Gable. 4 Donna -Frank Frey. by eelnha uss0 2 Russell Cochrane. Burketon. Robillard. Sheep and Swlne boys . ey Sun day.gus o Single la harness. lighî. and Hackney Team--1 R. Sad- belcesîers-Aîl pri7es wonlMs . Madnl n heavy - both-1 and 2 R. er. 2 E. Gable. 3 R. Cochrane. 1hy Mn. Russell Dow. Bowman- 1 nen.Bwa ile Cochrane. Poîîy Tandem-I Robillard,ýi]e rin.Bwaville le Commercial Tean-i and 2 2 R. SadIen. i Hampshlnes and Oxfords---Snayget 0 r.T ~.Cochrane. Open Pony Saddle-- 1 Ruth Aged Rani-] L. Skinner, Bai Pour Horst Team-I H.: Brown, 2 E. Goble. 3 b. HOS- Tyrona; Ram Lamb- 1 Dow, ....... Sympa thy Is ext.ended toý Down, 2 V, Cookson,. 3 R. km. 4 Janet Canfield. 5 C. .2 and 3 Skinner; Aged Ewe-te areM. Sand fMKnghothe:n- Cochrane, 4 M. Grove,.5 ~C' McCoy. 6 Eari Dunward. 1 and 2 Skinner, 3 Dow lte M.fam a nfinds ai the Buckley. Chiîd's Tunnout-1 E. Gable. Shearling Ewe-1 R. Dow, et v of Bunketon, who forp Llght Horsts 2 P. Hoskin. 3 Bobillard, 4 W. Ewe Lamb--l and 3 b.5kin iseveral years worked on thet Roadster on Carniage Claisses Vivian, 5 A. Williams. !ner. 2'R. Dow. section here. Funenal service: Poal on halter --- George, Beef Cattle Stîifolks and Nonth Cheviots! ýwshl nBwavle Çharlton, Port, Penny. ';haothorns--John Rickard, -Ail prizes by L. Skinner. wa1eî nBomnvl One, year colt-I Bruce Law - Newcastle, won first pnize lan Dorsets and Shnopshires--1... I ..... son, Janetville; 2 Bîsyne Flint,.. Il classes except ln litifen caîf.i L. Skinner. 2 Keith Van Camp.! Yaowmanvillg. whare the results were 1 and 'Blackstock; 3 R. Dow. Harness Classes- Roadster 2 .1. Rickard. 3 Garniet .Rickard. Aged Ewe-- 1 K. Van Camp., "ean-1Lb. Hoskin. Bunketon,- Bowmanville. 2 L. Skinner. 2 1. Cochrane, Nestieton, 3 b. Herefords - Bull. 2 years and' Shearling Ewe--i 'K. Van Port Penny. nrone: 2 James Jamieson,i Ewe Lamb-I and 2 Kelthin Roadster. single. under 15' Nestleton. Van Camp. 3 b. Skinner. . bands--l and 4 b. Hoskin, 2 Bull, onevear and under 2 Market, Lamb. aay breed. emd 3 1. Cochrane. -- and 2 Cerny Cornish. 3,shown by chîld 10) yrs. or È, Roadsten. single, over 1i,5 1, Neil Alun. Onono under--I Kelth Van Camp, 2 R. Dow, . and 4-Stuart Don- reil. DURHJAM CENTRAT, AGRICUllT TIRAL SOCIETY Market Lamh. any breed.-. 1 ,Skinner. 2 R. Dow, 3 K. F LFA RVnaK.Van Camp 1 Mc Best Fîock of Sheep on R,,Dow,.1 Lb.Skinner,. Champion Rani Rutssell~4;.~ O RO N O Dw. Champion Ewe-Kelt Van*~* PHONE 623-5471 FOR FURIHER INFORMATION Yorkshire, Sow. 2 yrs. nid - Leslie, Taylor. Bunketan. Saw, under 6 man ths .................. ............................ Tamnworths -Boar. ravenr yr.- 1I Fred Taylor, Bunketon;' 2 Leslie Taylor. Boan, 6 nia. to 1 yr. I Taylor. F. Taylor. Boa r. unden 6 nia.-1 Fred . Taylor, 2 Leslie Taylor. Sow. aven 2 yeans aId i- 'Leslie Taylor, 2 Fred Taylor. iSow. 1 year ta 2 years-l > and 4 H. Yellowiees. 2 L.Ty Ian. .3 F. Taylor. -î aw, 6 m . Talor . I i At the recent Royal Canadian Legion Carnival in Mcmoial Park one of the Sow, under 6 mo,- i L. most populan booths was the Bingo, whct-e hundreds took time out from tauring Taylor, 2 F. Taylor. .1 and 4!the grounds ta sit and enjov a few gamnes. Calling the numnbets xvas this vwcll- Hf erd -I b. Tylr 2FTa ed representatîve Reg.Vvllatis, who also does quite a bit of officiai ing in the Ion. isoftbalilJeagues. Champion Boan -b. Ta vlan. Champion Sow-F. Taylor. i Bansma. 2 Edward Gîlmotmr, C L Grains and Grasses Lindsay; 3 Don Frew& Sons. j3JE jcjjo ilrshifl i Radney Oats -- H a r o I d Royal Bank Trophy --Hanold W ~ M , i a1ts, then variety-1 Han- Sai. Vegetables 7 aid Swaln, 2 barmen Bros. 3 Fa rlv PotatLoes-1 Eileenr c GenMalcolmi. baugin, 2 Mrs. A. Whitmee.T G o t 4 - e b r iBarley, two now I I-Haroid 'Oshawa; .3 Mrs. Edna Van 'Il hi Canadian National ýx- rnaking Cluib mm fran- Swain. Camp. bîbition is apain wardjng 10 Laiark Cntitv. whn plans c Banley, six raw -I barmen bLate Pa)tatots--I Mrs. Ediîa $600 scholarsbips, la 4-H Club enter- Macdonald Instîtti Bras. Van Camp. 2 Mns. A. Whit- memnhers, on the hasis nofnpju ost' f Gueîlph, in Sep- Baled Hay. first cutting-- 1 met, .3 Mrs. F. Batîe.y. for eacb province ni Canada. tnmber, ta take the Degree V. Malcolm & Sons. 2 David Tiinnip.s -I Chervl McCoav l'le scuholarships are tn he Cniîrse ,ii Home Ecainomirs Adamis, Nestieton; 3 G. Mal- 2 Mrs. Marilyn Railey, 3 beslie used bx' Club mermbars ta fi. Dotnna rrcr'iv.ed hbar igbt-np- com. Wright. ther tbrir oducaton in Home tion Hoorn raduation Dip- Baled H-ay. second cutting-- Table Carnat.s I Mi,. F. Ecnnomicsq or Agriculture. loma from tlic, Perth atnd Dis- 1 P. Hoogeveen. 2 -Joha Bons-, Balle\,. 2 Mrs. Witiield, Port.,'Ple 19168 scholarshiîp ini Ont-. inn Collegiate Institute in nia. Penn 'y; 1 Mrs. R. VanRysw.vk. aria bas hecin awar-ded In ..lune Sheaf Ensilage Carna. Il G. Cabbage--I1Mns. K. Mc- Donîna Fitînis. Fallbrook. Ont-. Damia lias comipIntrd 14 4.- Malcolmi. 2 .TIn Byens, 3 batteblin. 2 Mae Shart.rtdge, 3 aria. Donna is a 4-H Hotniie. Hoi 11ma 7îîg lub) protn:cf- Harvey Grahami. Cheryl McCa.v. ovar t past six yoars. and Grain C n. 10 cb- 1Jh Hubhard squaqll 1- Mae 2 Mrs. A. Wbite. b as a 1wa ' s niîaiîîiicd a hiph ,-Shartridge. 2 Mrs. A. Mbit- Frenchli Mrigolds Il M 1-. st.11andardoni work. She lîas me.3 ohyCwl.Carneroti, 2 Mns. M. Baile'., 3 given leaderslîip in Club work. Pie Pumpkias .-Mi. CIrs. Edwards. atschlonl, in hie Junior Fan.- Adamis. 2 Mns. M. Balley' . Tuberons Reganiias 1 M. ens pi ognam, and aiMer com- l'able Btets-I Peter Varl. Wotteni, 2 Mae Shartrrige, 3 munitîy organizations. She is Ryswyk, 2 Mrs. P. Van Camp, Mns. F. Batiey'. iiitencsted In music-, aîîd bas 3 Leslie Wright. Gladioltîs - singe ilke - bcoti nhurch orgatist and a Duteh Set. Onlfotîs- I-Mr. classýes -- Pinrk I M. MOtten. t, mber nf the Junior Vannier Whiî,mee. 2 Mae Shortridge, 3 2 Mrs. Whiî.mee, 3 iIrs. M. Choir in Laîiank County. iMrs. Whitfieîd. ,Baileve. - Spanlsb Oniatis --1 Mrq. Yeilow i Mrs. Canicrori, i Wins Championship Cameran, Bowmanville: 2 Mrs. Mns. M. Wotten, 3 Mrs. Wlîit, F. Bailev. 1 Mrs. M. Balle'. mee. Lloyd A.'rp nf Bowmanvillp, Tamatoes--1 Mrs. D. Ed-, Pnîple- i Mrs.Wîne. 2 Otît h ad thr teserve champ- wands. 2 Eileeti Mcbaughlin, Mns. Cameron. .3 Mns. B i.loti ram tru the sheep judging 3t Mrs. M. Bailey.1 Orange on Bui 1 Mn. n(I;..assa the Central Caniada 1 Parsnips- I Mns. Canier- Camneron. 2 Mt-.;. Whitnire, 3 PExhibitio-n ini Ottaw,,a recentlv., on. 2 Mrs. M. 'Balle'. . M. Waîten. Clarrtire Gardiner ai thre One Citron -1 Cind'. Vati White nor rream 1 M t, R rockvilir. Ont. district shaw- Camp, 2 Mns. Penny Van Camp, Whltmee. 2 Mns. Cameron. 3 ed the grand champion ram.1 3 Mae Shortridge. Mrr. Bailev, Fhp Cprttral C'anada Exhihi-. Table Carna--I1 Mns. C.:An ot-her caînn ir-1Mr7. fion dnew, 88.3U8 Tîîesday tar Adais 2 obv Cwl. 3Caern.i 2 Mrs. Whit.mee, 3 lit attendance at the hali-wav Leslie Wright. Mrs. Railey. matýk ai the eight-day fair ta Collection ai Vegeî.ahles---I Coleuis--I Mns. L. Blizht. 2 334 Mrs. F. Balley. 2 Mrs. M. Mns. F. Bailey, 3 Marilyn ___ Baiiey. 3 Mae Shartridge. Balle,'. iSpecIal -MfsI. Pointîs la Giadiali snd Rases I Mari-i ýVegetables - Mrs. Marilyn lyn Bailey. IRK TO Bailey. lowcis' for Cbinnb Wed- Flowers diîîg--I Mrs. Cameron. 2 Mrs. Mn. Kelly Stephetnson liasl J t eAsters-I Mrs. F. Balle *v, 2 Adamis, 3 Mns. M. Balley. heen bolida.ying la Victoria, do ~Mrs. A. White, Oshawa; 3 Dinlng-naomn Table- I1Mirs. B.C, arriving home hy 'plant. Muriel Watten. Cameron. 2 Mns. S. Moore, 3 We weîcome Dr. and Mrs. Pari Poni DahlIas-- 1 Mns. Marilyn Baile\-. Been and iamilv to aur vil- Brown, 2 Mrs. A. White. 3 Bowl ai RaseS-I Mrs. Edria age. They havý-e punchased the Mns. Cameron. Van Camp. 2 Mirs. J. Hamilton, former Merle Hnbhand homne. S. Moore. 2 Mns. Camenoin, 3, sentiag a sang title-Mr-s S. and familly njoyed a motar trip Mns. M. BaIley. Moore. 2 Mns. Camenan. tO thp Marit'imes recently. Batey,2 ichrd anCamp. annuals used as cut flowers-- a te".' days with Mrs. W.; J a n ce C r wiey 1 M r . . M o o re , 2 M u iel B r v.a n i, C-mslMs &Bley otn h Imah ttr n.: m 'A chievement Days AtBlacksfock Fair Blackstock Fair, held on'Nel Allin. 3rd Lloyd Jamieson. Saturday, August 24th. wasý Junior Hereford Hci fe r . an overwheling su c ce s s Css-1st Ariens Allin. Znd thenks to Glen Larmer. Feir,!David Adams. President, and his Board 0f swîne club Directors. Showmanship - lst et The m em bers f the D ur - al o mek e ry C rn 'i ham 4-H Beef Club, Swine Malcaimohnd Grerry Co rnh Club, Poultry Club and North 3dJh amr t ia Durham Corn Club heid theiri Wilson, 5th Grant Milîson. 6th F Achievement Days at the Fair.DanKnx Calf Club Gllt&--lst Gerry Carnlsh, 2nd Terry Malcolm, 3rd Jimn Showmanship - lst GerryiWalker thJne Taylor. 5th Cornish, 2nd Terry Malcolm Ger so, th J ohuam 3rd Neil Aluin. Gerry aiGe tn 6hJh em Terrv will be competing for er. the champion shawman for NrbDran onCu Durham County et Orono Fair, l st Donald McManus. 2nd September 6th. David Stewart, 3rd Don Heer- Steer Class-lst Terryv Mal- JInga, 4th John Pallis, 5th colm, 2nd Brian Wilson, 3rd BettyN Heeringa, 6th Glen Jan Page.1 Malcolm. Shorthorn Heifer CIasslstý Poultry Club F Guldo Krummenacher, 2nd ýI 't Walter Taylor, 2nd Tom Glen Ashton. ýMetcalf, 3rd John Lene, 4th neswere then anucd e ý(musiage Club 'Ig nthe juniorseto rn H old M eeting Ing w~as adiourned wt h The third meeting of the The, final meeting of the ~~~~~~South Durham 4H Corn SouhDuhm4..rnSl Sout Duham4H ornSilage age Club was held on Tues- Club was held Tuesday. Aug-1 day, August 27 et the farm nt ust 20 on the farm of m,.! Mr. Stanley Allin cf Orn. George Neals ln Man vers în!The President. Murray Yel- the formn of a soi] judging com- 1 lowlees, called the meeting to petition. It. was held ln con- order with the minutes of the juniction wlth ail other crop last meeting and the r raila. Clubs of Durham County and ý Jim ]Rlckard cutlined the two clubs from Victoria ' main factors of judging silage County. 1 corn and a class wes then In the morning we toured 1judged. Reasons were taken Manvers Township whlle Mr.iby Mr. Rickerd and Mr. Harvey Wright, soils and1 Murphy and Mr. iRickard then Crops Specialist for Durham gave the OfficiaI Placing and Countv* , explained the varjous1 reasons. factors to look for ln judging! Mr. Murphy discussed sali land. After lunch the actuai uret n terfntos comptiton ook place with The members present did. a members .iudging Tour plots ofi quiz on the year's work which land, selecting crops -for each 1 wes then taken up by Mr. ,plot and giving reasons for!Murph y. The meeting was their selections. Mr. Harveyladjourned by the president Wright then gave the officiai and Mrs. Allun seirved e light placing and reasons. The lin-1 lunch. the safe PE R IONTH I Iow-costI way to have ail the HOT WATER You want. when TH E NI1 ELECTRIC Bowma Uilities 19 KING ST. W. yoU want t WATER HEATER nvile Puli CmsoWnVLE# BOWMANvILLE ~ i -luc b'mkaLny vi une corn. 10 The Cariadian Stiten1,an. w,mnqnle. & I e4-a0 . SEPTEMBER 5-6-7 T-hursday Evening 8:00 P.M. OSHAWA SUICIDE HELL, DRIVERS,9 2 ROUIR SHOW - Admission $1.001 - CJhldren under 12 free - must be, accompanied hr aduits FRIDAY'S PROGRAM SCHOOL PARADE - PET SHOW and COMPETITIOK AMATEUR SHOW - HOLSTEIN SHOW SBEEP SHOW - 4-H CLUB DA Y - FAT CALF SHOW CHILDREN'S PONY RACES C. & C. MIDWAY SHOWS Friday Evening QUARTER MORSE RACES - 6:30 P.MW. CAKE AUCTION - FAT CALF AUICTION VARIETY SHOW ,SATURDAY'S PROGRAM MARNESS RACES WITH WAGFRING PRIVILEGES BIG 4 GUERNSEV REGIONAI, SHOW DAIRY SHOW -- L[GHT and HEAVY MORSE SHIOW RARBIT SHOW - BEEF CATTLE SHOW C. & S. MIDWAY SHOW Saturdaày Evening Dance te, Dodswortb Orchestra ln the Aren& t te Fair Grounds - Admission $1.00. let Your fingersc walking througl YELLOW PAGE im .. . . t, ý . - 1 1 . -- - 'l MF - :ý A clean EW TWO-ELEMENT nviille u b li

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