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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1968, p. 11

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1 L . I~Fi' . ~sh in g le s, w o a d po du c s a d n a d d t e r s e t a d c n /W7 f 1 bats to the vilae ec ftectzn.H e I I I r ~~~~~~~~~~~Garden Hill hc ni d dIr g r e s a uh rt'-t I I i ~~~~~~~~Adams' Corne rs a d G r e h h n r v l n u ot i jMrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phono 987-4213 Hijl station (apUrf)aeynwrr neto~ds in, the industrie: r fteess h etyTlp.i Ganaraska villagstthmotSsmbruhthsluy prosperous time(7Bhdcd)eeyhueod-.B lk was a busy mnfcuig no uhmCut Cu ariefy Concert by ie'ct/ ~estivai Players aniis. Te eeepngor OIUR phone s the lag RIA AN A tt a t ir w S ocaI LnePot*sotial th 5h an d e ;îes r. eia aeRoi A t r c s B g C o dJames Fair's canag uiesSannvlede nMzv Newcastle: Once again. hold their tirai, meeting onad the pump fcoy a uy29hi h elvB "Fall Freeze-up', the VarIety Candy Storks' lovely VOice wasianother sumnmer has coame ta Sept. I lth in the Lions Room dmsCresan h cii enrlHsia.a Show presented by young heard ta advantage In LwO an end, holidays are over and Due to the act thatn anfolig people of the Great Pine Ridge solos. and the solos by Jirn doors to public and highl has stepped forward to takeý proved employmn rmay e 7t er Festiv~al of the Arts In the Baskerville were also mem- gcliools have re-apened. In over the Brownies, Mrs. CalP cîtîzens; the poplato fte Ms od h omrMr Newcastle Community Hall, orable. The other singera In Newcastle, kindergarten wa.z ýhas qffered her service foronMna vnng Agsa;s peddgopweeBhaddt teohrros.sottm one.Sewl iII Ihod 26th, proved ta be a populâr' Arnott, Sharma Ferguson andLittle folk. some a littie be in attendance nt the firsti aglyacn e e n t . E n t h u sa s t j c a p p la u s e : R a l p h d e J o n g e . f r g t n d a d m n v r y m e i n i l h l r a - l s e t r n from the large audience re- Vaudeville" was d e .ft nihteemad hmr any tov e m et ndtihel orstmeign-n. I warded the talented cast. Phil ,pla' ed by James Boyer, Blb i ous mdethirwaytaiznaattitevert eein hp arrHaris as he tirc-Murhy nd ria Wison ~the sehools to meet their tea- underway. A meeting will bel to r ars a hedr c MurphanedioyAddrelssn. Acher. Others, older atudents helon Sept. 25th at which. Der purinhsdteBaih0v. er 1e~a eiil Randy allow; andGeorg DianaBarry evoke muchin both public and high achool time they hope ta have some-,De ucad F R ausndv thellow s an rge . ia a Bane oed muchter classes also returned w ithout ane ofler t o take over for the t nterests In J& 9 an ra s a clever Impersonation of the An original playlet on the perhaps the saine enthusiasm leaders who have resigned. err] hs wolen ucr Smothers Brothers through- death of Caesar with Keith as' the new atudent, with Mrs. Cal bas offered her heip! carbuinsfo r o ed ,aeýhresadAe.alo o. out the production. Amusing Allen ln the lead roIe was ex- sanie of them, the first year in helping break somneone in. Wm. G. Reid, Ashburn. Vice Prcsident. Avrshire Breeders' Association otDyer, Hope Wo1 n Ml~mnil. h a h ato Twist, and Harold Powell, ing of "Goodbye, Julie" ta the ward ta the new way of tra- ing an until the end of tpCndo h et spcetn h soito rpybDulNs othe Gi atrernd H i oe. Mnîhraml added much ta the comedy.' tune of "Hello, DoUy" was a velling t a chool by bue. year ta be of assistance. It .s Grand Champion fernale at the C.N.E., Toronto. The Grand Champion, Burnside ',fallcther an elinted, hexsanahetoth The excellent band wvas corn-; hit. Others ln this offening meeting new friends and be- not a difficuli, job, and she Blue Donna 2, is being held by Rollie Ness. On the right is WiIiie MeScevenex tul-cand ban kesec.îpe dierCyrh pased of John McGuirk, piano-, in addition ta Mr. Allin were omnmg accustomed ta the feels there muet be sompone with Stinnv'11 Hill~ r trfy4,M ade fahndgoas.utm r.Rd guvvd Dave Paddock, drums- Rickl Jim Baskerviîle, Jim West- difference between the school who would like to work with 1 CButterfix' 4,nt the iReserve Grand Champion for R. M. GoodramI ad'eslothngcriesboshrhsadHnyYoa Dewell, trumpet, and Bill heuser, Brian Wilson, MIke they left behind and tfhe one these chiîdren, who could do Capeirot Ot aoetecingls. 1 ad tw auhesMs Arnott, bass. 'Clarke and John Cunning- they now face. the job and do it weIl. Ha%;-, re.wo adngase r.Rgr ii(ay .n Excerpts f r om "Charlie bain. Just as school begins, so do ing done it herseîf for 12 erson and farnil.. ocilty. r . ye ere a svn rndhiden Ilo Brown', siung by Diana Barry' There was marked applause many of the fallactvte.yassefesfO h ut Mr. and Mrs. Charlie BrîjpsUS .Poiate r.and wstegi- hnovl with John MeGuirk playing for ,Whats New, pussycat"., For one, Hockey Mothers wi1 ive it LIp. The Brownies noZand Mrs. L. MVountjo *v, NestIl- r e.ýghn n bnfco n Fnrl evc a eýo the piano accompaniment,lan excerpt skit by Marjorie gel under way on Monday. have a couple af Guides who ton, were Suinda *v callers nf G arde . il i st ryIngh n were greatly enjoyed. The Murphy and Phillip Carr- September 9th. Cubs and have been a wonderful help!Mr. and Mrs. Char-lie Garrarl. Cbulinc h e uea hpl e.W J Priest,ç*, J im Baqkerville, two fine monologues, "Tin3, Septemnber 9th. with Cub!: Mrs. Jean Wager who are in mother Mrs. Smtith, Toron .0. tav~nid similar naines re- NorIh Ganaraske on the 7th Beatty, M.D. (Tr1 t nv Itren vsI ieve Michael Cl1a rk e and Bill Tim" by Bruce Walters and holding their registration for asstt'Othe youîh group.ý eeTusa'dnnrgeîiqet h eaigo at-Cnce17sioneRond atr Lots 16ibegHopsditicnshdpyiaCe trSanovle Murphyv were also highîy en- "Prisoner" byI Bill Murphy. news boys who are 00w ai Came Christmnas, whether a of Mrs. A. Thompson. Mrs. .!erlord xwhen the local officean 7TeFtptikFmIbgnpatc n19 n on tertaining. "The Laugh-in" by the entire will be eight years aid as or leader has been found or not,I Thompson accompanird thli x as establshed 1 r 1870.' iîy fiom England îacated here. established his piaetl E'CS OA "A German Beerhall" captur- cast was bath hilarious and December 3lst. They are ask- Mrs. Cail wiil be leaving. it'Smiths home for a viii Garden Hill '.as chosen tram bl the third decade af the last1 phone, the BeattyTlpoe FRODAPINE, ed the right atmosphiere of en- contagiausq. ed ta, take along the registre- would be best for any inter-1 The,-c wns a gond atteîA ri-Gairdle Hill Co. Fermanagn,[century and bulît their millI Systemr. For the et0 i hog .îayment, and the rausing sing- "Garden of Eden". a skit tion fe.e of $2.50 if they pos- ested persan ta volunteer nowance ai the wmjener roasi ihelin relaild. ýwhere the East GRnaraska lire (halr a centur)hev TTSA 1 in", punctuated with the with Keith Allin and Manjorie sibly cen. It must be paid by to take advaintage af Mms.'at the school on Satuirda\ '[This, o010e the mos t impoi-t-ýj oins the North Branch. Fran-jed the TownshtpiialwetCASqYD thuming f seins of theMurhy ws eanedntlhemu- th en ai eptmber No alls asistnce athrtthn nihndaotfi te Gaarnka WterNcisBeamsh.PortHopisaarnrcen ciruintanrs Ilis hon 622320 fine rnusic \vas decidedly ing. "The Le a st Revue". boy. excepi, by transfer, wilî wait until she leaves and pos- pleasln.e In "A German Beer- written by David Black, was be received io tIi Newcastle sibly Brownies foid up. With' hall" cast were Jin Westheuser. welI played by David Black, Cube; the last day Mrs. R. Simpsan, Mrs. Cal'r Brian Wilson, Keith Ailin, Bob Maccauchi and Don Fen- of September. Regular meet- started Brownies at Bro%&n*' Stan Sinall, Michael Clarke, ton. Rotieiws u gs will get underway the Schocl in 1956. A Couple of Johneno.i erham chdilnl, "Watt m wtpe r-,1 llowing week. Meetings wiîî years aer they came ta New- Jon uninha ad il ooulvpefome wthpe-again be held framn 6:30) until castle wjth the ive or six e Pr c d Mii mahv,. ýfert tming by Keith Allin, 8:00 in the Lions and Brownies they had left and The snging of "The Lest James Boyer and BEIMupy Centennial Roomn unlessladded another 30 mare an the NECTAR ORANGE PEKOE Reg. Price S9 SAVE 10e Ilesort." a folk group. was a The entire cast appea-ed on.ý otherwise sUated. There wi]l enroilment of Newcastle girls.A hiffhlight or the prograrn. stage for the finale.'b a Scout Group Comte The Pac, hic inc.reas D A meeting on Saturdav, Sen3t. ed ever sa much mare has seen A P T A BG 79ÇI 7th, at 1:30 p.m. et the Comn- fit ta have still anather Pack SGR1 zCOOAECI 6o.Rg re 7 AE4 C ub ELayO u iw*ir. munity Hall. Al parents of started up. The interest SGR1 ZCOOLT HP1rZ e. rc 7 AE4 C ubs ~O~M111 a tCube and Scouts are invited among the giD ARlsBISU ITS Pice Pbiit3 CpSa ac OshavaiAttention Guides, please from the parents for camps.ý DR S B 4pe.. C a pim c s a lng le, :0t :0thelo nCokeDyhv be,~E I E change of your meet- hikes and generous conti'ibîî- ý. D.SMITH Reg. PietS4e- SAVE 23e Newcastle The annuel xith each Six competing for1 Guides are girl. froin age ho wonderful, but now ta rt -. r .s U Newcastle "A" and "B"' Packsitime waE allotted thec boys and invited ta loin naw if she is1 far no one seemns ta feel she - wvhen they lef t the village Fri- ýthen another bour's swim was ,flot already in the companv. can do it. Sameone probabîvAL NI day evening until Mondayenjoyed. At camp lire the bovs'pieg.,; try ta attend the firsi, cen and .Nfll undaubtedly en- Ami Page Cr..ny Sniooth noon hour at Camp Samac.: toasted marshmallows but held i meeting i possible, Tesdvt34uta uo s hjahrDU l t Oshawa. With their leaderstheir skits inside. Cookies and..September 1th, in the Lion sleaders have in the past. vorir P A IIUI H BUTTER 9 9Ypr,. Mrs. Ed Nesbitt. Mrs. Pete Depop was an extra treal and Room, Îheîp is needed now, doin't let IJong, Mrs. Bruce Tilîson andonce again, bed time. United Church News: On these girls down. A N IED EL T Powdered (biue or white) Miss Cathv Shaker, the Cubs' Sunday morning tbe boys Sundav Septemnber a th, Sun-' Mr. Stephen Gotîîd has re -!UftJE Reg. Prioe. 6o-SAVE 10e giaii* 42-oz box whn attended were Maxwllwere cager ta begin anotherlday Schiooland h1rch s]aai]'etumed ta he vilage 59 BslirlmOughs,. Danny ShP-ilds, dav by tieing up leaders andýgo back ta its reguha.r bour. altRA FI DINNER Maearoei s yyç Jeif Lowry, Sammy Glanville, hearty breakfast was served toani., with church service Wo- ang ar asJunior oresi f FEATtIREPIRICE? 7'14o pg 9 Robin Duetta, lobbie K dd. them . Cburch was held in the'low ing et 1 .0 . Tbere fol-jRange r s h M . a d M s ' ib ys wt ýe s Dann y Hopkins. Stewart Till- Open Chapel, A swim was then ho classes for children three' Wm. Wilks and îamily over c aby'sauthceeg.e and son Rcke GanileFre ejoedand after cbenging yearq of aeaUp ta 17 or 18 the weekend were Mrs D' 2 for4Pr-SA E. aGtfi NichaIs. Harold Couvier. Gar- mbt their dry clothes a walk years. On this first Sundey, Gormen of Warkworth, Mr.i SAVE 14c a59 9 dion Blaker. Donald Wilks.'throucxh the Camp over to theýa movie wiîî be shown alter and Mrs. Ed Duf. Campbell-' L yscepbrow4t (in omto99<e J l'Arthur Messenger, Wade Tastv Trent for Ice creem, aiwhicb the pupils will gaLber tord, and Bill Honey of Mark-' lib' epteeos*. S wîdsandmesot eilDetreat. bv Mrs. Nesbitt. Back at! for a short lime in their clas- ham. iRg rc it49 AI 4z~ Jonjz. Only four years aid, 'hecamp, another-treet. Airpianes ses ta be enrolled and nieetî With ail the associations',_____________ rnnnaged in keep rip with ihewere given the boys by Mr@. with their new teacher.A n neiajsseln i resi i the unti Cveig.Ij150, This was a bribe to 1h. churoh service, Sept. 8th, for anoîber season,plae JN PAKRRgPreeoh5c-S E c rvhn hfor hewasputtohvethe boys flv planes wile 1the Sac rament of Baptism elephone yaur news bo as- bed, he'd be asîeep. ýthe leaders rested. Aften lunchiwjlî be observedi. Parents are sure the ]atest o! yaur activi!- 5 Ariving ai camp the first the boys chose ta go separate encoureged' ta bnsng tîheir Lis bein pinted. There %vilIl night. boys were assigned their ways for ane game or another ehildren ta chuncb earîy on be othercivilies throughoutL E E R bu.nks and read the ules of and finaUly iL was swimn time, Sunday. Children under age the. village which many wil', the camp. Cubland was truîyaiten which they wene reedy tbree may be lefI in the nur- ha interested in reading and- enjoyed by the boys and espe- for a good supper. Following sery whuîe other children learning a bou t. Tlpoe.K-fl " cielly the leaders who eppre-ithis they practised their skits fram three ta eight rney leave yaur news before eleven e.m. r cinted the extra size of the for the. evening. Guests arriv- mid-way through the service each mnorning ta 987-4213.u If 24-oz pie kitchen and dining amea. Aftered. Scoutmester and Mrs. Roy for Junior Congregation. For it's already written ip, then making up their bunks and Hopkins witb their son Brad- ifuture uise, please jot down please drap it into Glanviile's getting Into pyjamas, the boys ey, and Mn. and Mrs. Arthur1 the new lePhone nUmber Store during the afternoon. en ,yd a sing sang, poped pap;Messenger and their daughter for Pev. Smith. il is now Mark Tilîson accompanied corn and drank freshie. then Liza. The boys and leaders97-20 weme bedded down. Sevenal took thernian a tour of 1h 98420,Mr. Art Dubeau and Darcev and invited themn back Pi ecsî Brownies La Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, Saturday moroing. following for Camp Fire. Firsl, e n erw y hywillIFisber's cottage at Algonquin, a good breakfast, a hike anld'in the cabin, initiation of the, Park aven the weekend. tou r were combined as newer tfirst year Cubs wes held. Theyl1They were a Isa given a treatI .-- . FROZEN S#DE PORK boys were shown the largewere. Cub Assistent Cathylat the end of their walk, aý heated pool. the beautiful aut- Blaken, David Rowley, Arthurlamaieî spoonful of musterd., HA ffT door chepel and the front an- Messenger. Ricky Glaniville,1Each niedio aten1JUL totm ole. ollwig tis a DanyHopin, JifLowy'hoe l oe. t r thevmp M Han ds om n ih -o4s1wm, he u ch w s St r il-on, K eI. n y- . "sie a r O'k 1 sg_ S ng . sî frs n , urne skits he ch I -'rtlwe'Ride(CRYOVAC - 3 70 4 LW AVEAQGE tIeabnjo y ted. Conn wi on Sunday. Rhonda and Su--'______________________ heget noe.Cr a 1san Morrison remnainedpçvwth'SPRRGf IAnSK haer noe witb pop and tîheir gnandmother for the CO SHACAC -f ;once &gain, it was bed lame. holiday. U ll , Wilh the rain fairly heavv Mr. and Mns. E. Yokomn and, hi m,!ake Ieaving so bard. Folhow- vaiy enshM. waenda v.w in order for O nta rio H y'dre te safely carry o ut jing breakfast the bunk roomn P l a d a d f m l . M . a dRU -S T A A K U E% o é em~ential repairs on our local Sub-Station, it wiIl iwas cleaned out and boys MPoiAtle llrd and A u4STA ACPR gathered Up thein gear for the rughamrt P ollr ndfarnu1six', a e a N9TYCPê SE ho necessry b interupi yourHydro Strice tp back with exciting talestorsough he we re odevsi-,J ~ fL l ben weateher p rHydrenService teItl. It's al over for anothertowl h the Po5lerd. ImVR JM V JMB (wethr ermttng year. but even the le Mr. and Mrs. Roma Ashton, u St" eadrs lcamp. r t nxtSunday dinner guests of Mr., pesca hna hr.ampn1d Mrs. Roy McLaughljn, r SUNDAY SEPT. tGnaohela M ri okpB weta SU D Y E T t who baked, Mrn. Fred Gln!lackstock. Brodford Marsh, Sweet'ond leaderBehk4. osis wo o ville, Mns. Malcolm Kidd and! Glen Ashton, Belli and: Ne-i1God Flovoq.rW, No. 1 G.iode, Sire 135's f rom 1:00 pm. to 4:30 p.m. !Mrs. Shermîan Sheilds. W Barbra, accompanied Mrs.. & RN weesorry two Sheilds boys' Lloyd Ashton and Ronald and or if nrsaytn poFtpone the interruption on Danny and Wide had ta leave 1 Ray anid attended the C.N.E. C A R R O T S P E A R 5A. RN CA g.Pe4e-BV neeesarycamp eanly. Danny ueemed tel on Sunday. Septeniber I5th, 1968, at the same times, have taken the Ou adw Mrs. M. Berbnim and. Miss . UN oat o ..Pi 8 AIS ivery very sick, and Wade tan-! irdie Bertrim visUted the " lie regret this temporary inconvenience and , gled with a bee hive, comîng' Bertrim f amihy et Windsor!5~jF S AE request your co-operation. drvrBI ikR oiy ra.out the louer. Thanks te thel and aise holidayed at Mon- ýAU pflI 7 0 D ISH CÀI T4AU 1Bob NichaIs, Pela De Jong, IMr. and Mrs. Raymaond Pat-,.9 ýMalcolrn Kidd and Roy Ifop-, arson, Oshawa, ware MondaySAU AY PTMEt7,10. YOUR MANAGER, rkins. Appreciation lsaisle ex-i cellers at Mr. and Mrs. Roy: pressed te Glanville's Variety! Paterson's. Mn. and Mrs. Lar-' T. MESSENGER. Store. l-lumnpty Dumpty Pot-! ry Reeleader and famiiv., &to Chips, and HambIy's!Sannia, were Mondey diruier (SBeverig, gueuts of Mr. and Mrs. Pa- The Conadian Statesman, nom anvËle. Sept. 4. 1088 C.N.E. Ayrshire Champions

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