1Tne Caradfn Sttenian, Eowm n vt11e, Sep. 4, I M @U AL nee nInc aug rai 0'% odd E ( nei- nno a ug ari, ugiu bs.1 Mr iage ynn f 1% hit( er 2 MNr, Isbe omir er E et h ylvu edd 2, 19 rite ntar Mvr. on. 1 orthi: ni- 0 Mr ord' edd: rdJaý hurc eorgi aror' acQI auvb Lai r. athei ido a ugli isern Tatee t the rai E as hi ay ODC ashfl on, lapp' earn,ý -was li 'VJednq rema OXW eni" Falls, Is 74 Carnp'b on; i Law re dear b arx'e5 and Fr, day. e daught( sd at 9~ el. Bom ment WVILaýT eral go terbl be1aoii wiilý Servie rtîinetel on Interoc tery.i bon, 7911 kifts 4 Bar CIASSIFFOR CLASCETFIED Bu;--h s In Memoriam jComing Events Articles for Sale 'Livestock For Sale Wanted ta Rent Notices f W r_ td Work Wanted Sch-ner>ae hea BARCH4ARD -!-i lvhig-me-! Euchre In Tyrone Comrnunity FRONT end Ferguson loader. ONE Cheviot ram, 4 years aid. HOUSE or 2 bedroom spart.. flr. G. E. Marn' office will WllLL babysit children linm BOJIAVLE Scnede) r hpp tmary of a dear sister. Gwen. Hall every Friday night. 36-1 phone 98-69.H~ ampton 263-2703. 36)-1 ment. by Octaher Isi.. Write hie closéd frnm Sept. 7 ta Sept! home, 9 - 5 p.m.. Moda ounce the arrivai af their wha passed away Sept. 9,,BySot PprDie NWpttes n uniLACOMBE, premitim and com-Îta Adivertlser ()22. c/o The 15 nlsv 36-1! through Friday. Arrange wA TO BD ghter Tara Pamela. 7 lbs. 1967. Boy Stsptemer Dr3ieL!NEWBoa, 623-247. 3tii 'mercial boers. Noel IRah1son1Cadieu Stalesmran, P.O. Box In1 mn -orafwMr rnsotto. 63 zSturaSetmbr7. 61 3tbisn 'p avrn h orit. allew mr'rn sprin 2-25 zstthOsaaGen- In the book of life there are Un-oua GENT.LEMANiHmpo 6324. 1- 10 ý0wI1nvle. 3- Hoptl uut2,196J3.1 memnories Entertainment Commences;iHmtn 6-12 3- 9.Bomnii. în îrîpt. Faiptemerm - - ' Phone 623-7411po And recorded tIn lave are the Saturdav. Sept. 6 and 7 featur- Cali Cliff Pethick. 623-2313.1 fords. Young buils, bred and .16-1'<iav, 1Gra des rend osiin 0f Concession rnu 8.esing OpCiani rke.al Seconded. resent his chasen brot.her Ofa %wonderftil sisteprIlîke 1 The ---Rowmanville Drama COOEY shotgun. single shotl fComceso HgClaye.1Second!O LEIEIESIIDR. JOHN RUNDLE c/o Canadian. 920PU/o Can ILae. apyprent- "ou. Warkszhap wili meet Thursday, like new, $20. Dial 623-5610.1! mws n Hgia 1..SNOMOIEDALR Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bo1 Cec1ie*and Ralph. 36-1 .SadlY' mSsed bY sister Hel- 1 September 12. 8 p.m.. Lions 36-1t,3? 1>(Hs.i lut oit the tailnhiv urow li Appi<lntnit mn1l.3~* 'rDT C A V U are ap n.to Normnan -a n d Darlene. Centre. Everyone welcame. ~10WESTERN and Ontar'io n îIb liSIU sii LD utke. Of fice SON-Dàavid and Ma)". - -!362 BOY'S bcclC.C.M.. 26" .1- Hrfrd:5 sokr avstîhun eks IAgNîssIvr 'i'i îA. B A A R 5PooNwonII 36uhB B Ei u oig m-. Rt speed racer. Dial 623-2411. eeo s:5 stc rt0'ifu Bunc t abrth afpyteiri mary fTTa l dea ni e-n r nua50 Ws a 3-I* stecker steers, 10 sell hv-esIi i. ii k tv i1oIi ;uic he Lei-Ari. of te- randv f aher lla ho asn-Rohson Motoaîs, Bowmanv'ille 1 *S iid ,..Lme 1*19111 hlklotii 01i uss eiec lmig Ha 5.1ter Le-:I-A n. t e-'arnfiater iliamwh pas-Satuîrday, September 14, 1968, THRESHED oet straw. Les.14. George A. McGowaiti ulig imiik P an t miwiîi<ille m~.e oidl l,xmhpri tm.> 35 Nelson St. Bewnianilbe ai~~~~~~~~~~ Ha p t l o m n il . e w y S p . 6 h 9 .8a.rn. - 6 p.m . In case o f, a i. C llacutt. Phone 623-2242. 7 8 2 1 a ei c . W i- K îîûw leîIge f tii fitt iIN I 'M O fIA L HJO S PIT A L - fFL a lJ J U V ist - 28. 1968, wetghing 8, To wusvoit ga 'e 'ou r hest. Stmnaet.2lt Hl.s36-1 liver. , 2handlitng naiie I fief îr Bw avl~CNTUT 1 oz.. 6 - 1 Sad y issvo e ar e an r i t r d bel Spther tHlpLs n ioi t iuihie haro il I Brick - ______ .6- Goi rat, oupeae -d!es. o hl thr3 -2 CHFSTRF110hd0 lt)WESTERN and Ontaric!ile sIi)i,ivl dlitaoi tanED. TTXH Boc Son Forthcoming ggy.son-in-law Carl and ,M NTRBN Ochair, Newcastle 987-4201. istockers. sldpri\atel.v eve'v 1 i T <,îî,(Oîîtîil'ur ai lot rCISTM IL FLLNGan Freae Frhoig grandsorns.36-1i 3TR IGO.6-1 1poinîrnent»>. an *lbYap-snn, PLO ILO nd ISINO Marriages 'THIURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock ---p iiNat) vnJhsn, hn 2-02 PLIGIGadDS efI---,.BARRETT JIvnR \ o. Sponsored by the Junior COB corn. i'easonable pr1res;! Sotuih Monagiaui. Bailieboro ton Saesbl wtf'rn Poe5613 hR. ..3 omnj -ad Mrs ila enhihniWî Chamber of Commerce wlll grind. Frank Hiemrstra,19'IQ6855 15 miles aoî'h ofPhone 576-103 ý -Oshavra, wish ta an-:whotaser hugaa Sellieme, UBLEPA lN 2-843 6Por't [ope on HAighwa'y 28, 2'Aution every Wed,îe11"dmv 9 a. m. - 12:00 floofln TINO OTOFC ANOESGRE ce the forth omiri mar- 6th 165. O H A A 8-f SWF 3' no foi' sale t Tv- miles easii114f -ts 6:30 31 p lu- Rawuo auîtllo n ModavonWednonday-35-8 ILLER , CHA N SAW of their daughter Diana Everv dayv ln;orne sniall wav rRawmauvtile Mi setim naw rone. 40e do',. Phone L.orne Aîc iRni( l 21 F~ 'riday - or Office Hours URADMTR toElinLareic. 0f Fndmemanles f hlm came taking appointments foi' class Phare, 2632634. 36 1 e71 -.mWood ,)aonr.' O P, iaTudor FurnitureAN YS M L OT R r. anid Mrs. Lawrencei my waY. anri group touris. day or even-, "RATOA f MOTH-ER cat and t.wo kitLens.ns, OFFICEeis 3-t HOURSSae&Seic e, Maple. Grave, Septem - Timep bas a way of slipping hv'. lng. See Cîmator ait Museum, j wnvets tl3-frro ail toa sgond faim, OFC i Refinishing Ltd. Sln od ia lc ot Ji 6 1 B u t lo v e a n d m e m o le s n e y e r ' o p e n d a il v e x m e p t M o iid a v s c n e r s.t u w ill e p r t . T l h o eW E A M n a -2 5 7 - 9 . X P R R P I S R h a u r s r e l die. '2 ita 5. a ir 'p h o n e M s. M elv ille . 3 p im t hl6 2,2 3- 1 43-7u 64 8 . pa a . . T l p o e E K . o d y - 2 - 5 . m X E T R P I S f T u t n R a 623-7648. 3 .6-1 LIVESTOCK SALES Wednesda- 2- 5, 7 - 9 p.m. FINE REFINISHING NMTN2384 h a Bars org , Lo i ] .riememberd aui W iseman ao' M is. Roy Lunev. PASSANT'S Garden --Cnt 1a u h m Ct' -ae r n , Frd y . .C[S O A I E A s t a a n o h r i c e t h e f o r t h - 1 8 - 6 1 f l w r l a i l , s e e e sW O D TfN N .g mnarriage of bier diaugb- sadlv misseri hy is 3-1flwes- laiiisee 1a Cars for Sale Orono - Every Tmurs., 7:30 p.m. WO UNN Wirinie. 36-1i rPa .oatn teDra nd others. Container ar-Sli oe aLe~i-- Brnrda Marlene, to Ken-,623-352 PONattCe'62thee.D2-dr.m %v..oc, Rusl lisno rzN. P PWomen's OrganiZation rangements. Phone 6335U66 POTIC,-23JACK BURGESSwasle 874, DAMNT693""'g eroi Calves, Sheep, etci. Charlie Ntc rdtr ecsl 8-59OLRRES-FRAE aEl's of Barrie, Ontario. of a dean son andi brothe r nmmage andi bake sale. Town- Orders takeri. 29-tf s. al] 63-62. ed AcNneradPo ice -4 CLEANEDr liet aepaeO6-1.edl odnwodm hpHl, apo.13 .. prietor. 2 3- tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS LJBN REAS 9 6 8 t a t : 0 p .l c e O c t eto heKn a îmod n . w o e d S h ir d a ll, H p t o nb r . 1: 0 . m . RîO S a i l f o w i , t o a 6 2 L A IR F N T IA N . g o n d c o n - I l H S A F F F A -~- ~ H N A P '68 ~~e* t 2: 0 m. ti ni ty acci denrtallv , S p e be 3 . > 'n ep e b r 7. V n ' toes po tatoes and o th er vege- d îlo n, on e o w ne i' car. V i M aIN\T HEol , m odeinO Fu C E Y 'J H O M A S G E R A L rd Church, Bowýmanville.rî9t cntributioins would he '-tbe.nrhatcre ig 'mn ros enap- I ÂTL0 A GEArand o ri.16- rcit Frpcku. t ables.sboonteahtncanner5897. ~I.'-Asleep lu f3o's hepmtiful proeamp.tornp2ck-54. te%-N'av 2 aud Solina Road. Tele- Ohre Po 636- antique furniture. rushes and 263-2151esed am M~.Orule . sT grden. pphneeH57ton-263-543. 36-Ireal estate, the property a? the HJCS. dceasd. SerBvi4 an ril.C - A\way fî'om qIl soi'row andi3- hn 7-19 3- late John Tr'ick. wilI be sold Al daimrs against Ithe estate Comtimercial and nomesti omnul co nr'iskiller, ia nn ounc e iS mlthe T o n d M f a p ai, W ondvie w C om m ii ni i! C en tre ' J E a be ' p r s mr , e e o a eb '. p u blie c j tio n a, is form re ' o f F a c y T o a e ai i f i e a i n - M ilk C ooem~- - - .0 t ~oein mrrageofthirSomnedayý. \",hen lifes jot.lnp.rSipicivThnan o:a premnises lu the village of Mi,,- Hicks, laIe of the Township: Phone BERT SYERFO dauchter Lois Mayrene., edei MONSTER BINGO! appijances. natioriaîîyade-Ry'.rp b'o.FdeikStacbokf Cavan. in the Couor.y of Das- 2-5 rKeith H. Worin eder We'îî ali e 0toche h igaiçi.ised lne of furniture. Paddy's SEED WHA etof fair grounds, SDrickDuram Gntlmatone XVorkht 63-17 )f Mn and Mrs. 'Hirnx'7,: Ivg SSNext .Mofav !Market, Hampton, 263-2241. 1 otndav Drabout Getan. wofe ihs-633 on,~Sal R .Bwaiil. ,misseri hy morn. dad. 74 T.4-t lop qt,:ALI'I'Y *SepteOibei' 14, 12 p.m. sharp. no bu h 2bdyofLne adaerpae in, R. t k. povnlaea.- 7:45 PCaroM.n nri tlI Tei'ms cash. Real estate will Apnil. 1968. must be filed with b T1 Hadw 'lace 12S168at 73 36-1 REDl BARN RFCONDITJON FDIDI(;theunerigdsoicto o ligiiltk pRCNIINDTV towei's HGETYILI be offeird foi' sale at 2:30, sub-thîndsiedolioro and ELFCTRIC AI o s H12 q6 i :3,RE ARWN and rotors (trade-ins) 0..o INSPECTED - TREATEI> ject to a reserve bld. R. j or before the 20th of Septem.OXOD RIKAVR triEonkilen inmedHANC0CK -I lov.ing memor 60-tf aud 60 foot structures: al ti Ontaio's Best Paying Pa\,te andi Cliff Pethick, ac.-_br. 1968. after w.hich date bis RN NDSOEMSN - - -0fa danfahe ani rad- ~ ecelen cndtIo. s iwationteers; Betty ILoti Preston estate wilI be disti'ibut.ed. FRANKBI< a ea fthr ndgrndexelen cndtin. Osaw !Grain ('rop Dtda Mlbok hsI' faiher Victor Hanicock. w ho!1 Ttr. PT'l TV Supply Limited, 723-81.31.1a2d Gwen Curtis, Clerks. Daeia i]rokti 9b.rencnîng POEOOO9350 [- LANDER On Sat eee - 0-f1 CERESMORE I3- 1dy IAmgs,168SPTCAN -t i Laverne Ho.', Administrato-, HP Is grte bu. not, orgoN.Y. 40-FOOT i.owem Installation,!B i oiioISALTO August 31sf. 1968, atiH oebtritfrotn BUJFFALO N. lack and white TV antenna FAR SLD ulo sale o? barber shor' B bisSo6.itor INS ALLAIN rn in the Chapel of St. As It dawris anothen yean isad store equipment, propertv JAMES A. IRVINE, Q.C.. RR.6BO ANIL BA ES& YM Iour lonelv ous0ftikng THANKSGIVING installed, $4695' ariditional' e'sUni te Chrc,!Thougbts of hlm are alwavs 1black and white TV antenna,: Bowman.ville, SAES OSEVIC ,ta, by the Rt. Rev. Angus' WEEKEND an;,Oshawa, Fniday. September si 623..-7201 ýueeri, Margaret ,îane. nen.1 installed with Iead-ln, $15. a63710't 7.30 p.m. sharp: three bar'ber~ NOTlICE TO ([REDIToRS l 4HU ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack; i -Alxwa-s î'emembered b'. October 12 - 14 Phaone 623-2006. 32-8 6375 chairs, complete: tobre N)OH V inder of Bowmianville, ,Bfo . lanr Gn adPICK your own ('oriuthis - - 36-3 sinks. large waIî mimrons, sîso R - - - dx. uner erîc WVIlliami Lewis, son of' familles. 36 Flor Reseri'ations Phone weekend. Tomataes, cairot's, ti mllmi1 r r on s. lrsetIH SA~0 WIN- D" Wanted ta t SEPTHE TANKS ANF nd \.ra, H. M. Lewis of - ±,iees.peperiSanTILE BEDSfor19 peg.36- NIHOLS J.B. A tkemio? 23-265or 63-393 e~ts cues.peperspaneitp Vanted îigbtaIsJ, two hall trees. approx- NJFRED LILLIAN WERRY, USED boat talr o 9-2 _______NHS___-Atkei f62-36 o 633 n3ouons. Bmiog baskets. IA - Imatelly 10 show cases. vanlous late of the Township o? Clarke, boat. 623-7658. 361* ________________remembi-ance ta a dean hrat.henr Emn.ltmr t0 o' PART time baby sitter, Tele- sizes: book sheives. two or- lu the Countv a? DurhamHLTNcosn eie,' AMTN2-2S easJack who pRýçdaýPvsp. OM RNcosGrg.Cutcnrhone6-732. 3.1casional chairs. Chiinese lights, Widow. Deceased, who died atfeha p'nig hn Cetn -AtMeanalHe , sw1 busî9mm58TRVL.EVIEta first t'orner. 35-_tf BAB -SITTR 3 - 5:30 p.m. oumerous other store articles. Bowmanville. Ontario. on or f'63 2284. ning P CaterneAtMenota elieswih s n emryTRVE SRVCEdaily,. at 184 King Street E. Terrniz cash. No reserve. MVles about. the 28th day of Febru- ~ - - 5 :al, Bowmani'ille, on:Arid will tonever more. -6-4 6231-2988 befoî'e 3 put .36-I King, auctioneer, 723-05(11' a rY 1966. TWO-storey brick home o rrUrr~JbE y, September 2, 1968.! -Dearly loved sud missed 3o SKI DOO Afogerafrmwn.361TETUTEC, R.S.O. gaod size lot. Tneed backya. iYIRCETRIL rine Fox, formerly of.'mach. sister Millie, Bill and SLiNNYSI)F. PARK MNfrgnrifr ok3- H RSE CAyhr ot fQ t,in ber 83rd yýean,,fanuly. 61M NSE IGO Sales and Service Ceesmore FarmsLtd. Bow- - 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52. Ayhr ot fQcnO.CAR reEtmt of William Fox. dean - 'r~~1-1 MONv T BINmanville, Ontario, 623-7150. Attoîsl ehl tCeîossdohr a.î Street in Bowmanville. Wie6355 Foydea, Actin sle o b hed etCreitos ad oher ha'ngAdvertisen 916, c/oi The Ca- t~ o Jhn, M.: NICHOLS- An laying me.moî'y DNigt V 1I S 36-i1'Stintevant's Auction Hall, 33 daims agalnst the abaveaiaSttsn.P.Bx hts ~ (Arma . Mr. H ohn aent., bo asdaa 1 aieand Rentaier. WAITRESSES, short order Hall Street, Oshawa, on Thurs- Esiate aie nequined ta, send 10 omnil.3- W 'ooks. shifti wark.and Ren al Voyageur day, September 7, at, 7p.m.: particulars anid full proof: - ____ 5 Klg St E Eo manjll onr (Anni ,M'e. ilHam.october5t, h. 1 se958.î7:. cos sit ok nd CbAlre. Wilimste iob t'hemyerba spe5RDBAN 28555Restaurant, Phone Ne\.,,castle FrFigid5aire nefrigei'atoi'. freez- tbem'eof ta the uudeîsigned an:'td ____ s XNothutt Eîitt. Fo- rAway loin tarhe al;st.OSH VA55 îG T .atWLONCIDENSnismi36-2 er acîoss top; nom biration elec- on befoie the 3Oth daN of __ __________ 55 KN S.E.atW LSN CHLD E 'S n .rsrai, trie and ail stove, antique bu?- September. 1968, afteî ' hich-___- 1_________ Hoame. Funeral service Where memorles and chpri.ýhed 6-tf! Oshawa and Area's Oldest and liv'e lu or'ont, lu Bowmanyille. ft altepct olr at h seso h saeo Idat2 'cok Wednesi- Dneams mrill foreveî' last. Largest SKI-DOO DEALER W1ln or ekns single bcd. record playei', will be distributed, baving re- cleant i','Cl'osleyintele-wgakdwetanthe-Wiacuand the daims FamSokC TMVJRK ' fternoon, Irterment ; Ever remembered by'\vite Bethesda Cen.tey 35tf Permanentpoion62-43* leerCosytl-gadothWl n'F mSoc ~a Unon Cmetey. ad fatly.36-1 ~ ~ emteryposiion.623-473.vision, toiler tank and basin, (bhat have then been recei'.ed. PICKED IJP PROMPTLY luhnr - Mwn Ï& Union Cem-etK OWMAN ILLEndRELABLEfemal3be1 36-1 hydratille jack, bedroom suite, DATED at BowmanylIeTleeCollee 26-2Doleiang -Rkn Il 36-1 ~~~Decoration Day B W A VLE RLAL enl epfor ugs. dishes, hundreds of ather'Ontanlo. the 26tb day o? Aug- TCorn Plantlng - f268-n7 ~BONNina . At' my ean wfe Nllie iniam SERICE WLL BEHELDON T~V'~D full rime restaurant work. articles. Term ah yesat 98 rS. who pM - A.mydasswed waNete Mr:m ERVIEWLB D0 FRIGID LO KER Experience preferred but flot Kinig, auctioneer. 723-0501. Ei196 it8. rGlufil Margwill Fur FarmCmllnEc âgton. D.C,,on Tuesda, Sunday, Sept. 8avSepSYSTEM Et36-A Phonei 728-7218l ~'27 118 Nin H dg-2rd1966. SnaSp.8 1necessary. 623-3602 (B.J.'s Wî3'.69-1îadeSrer Licence No. 151-C-68 Èar sister of Mrs. R. r -Even remembened by brus- ýi-- East,'Osbamia. Ontaria,5tf (a-el, Hmpon adbtrd lier.161 erv 'ie it -Incaheldof Cael.Let usupply your home'E X C E L L E N T oppot'tunitv. Auction, Saturdav. Sept. b\; bis Solicitor hem'ein,FrRntoZ6383 4Ajaxservicealisrvice - -d-inPleae e freeoerRwit ;-ax uea evc KNAPP- In Inving memiory . ae ring your own chairis.!1 fezrwt Large company bas openlig 7th. 1:30 p.m.. Cýentemînial Lawrvuence C. Masomi. Esq.. Q.C., -.-2--tf ldi.Wahgtna3-2 RANFDB'F for a local resident wlth bus- Cu ,Bn t .&RshllBritradSlctr APARTMENT, one bdo Falda in.g.35-28i, 1968.E 0f a deans ootsars sudkgrand-.Re- BChuncOhawa.Bond St. W&bosetîl Bamreedoitorst f;ess or salesebaekger'anddgrae--central, upstairs, $90 Include o l nl o lo,36-1 mother. Nellie Miriam, who, ~KT'alaSummer p 'stating personal histov,Bolvd.CetrStaw. cUnpite bouse- 3BoxKng Streetwmavet. eevhn.63218 ~Ori 2,196TOURSDEA - PO passedi away Septemben ,l96. b education adeprect Manse: Stove. fridg, 2 diniug Oraio.TE - 3omdaatet hoe rmorslcino ..eaeAthrSu-,Gdknew that she wasPT t-Toro1 SIDEIS - - - 52e .O. Box 23, Oshawa, Ont. u'nom suites. 2 bedîoom suites.trin :t bts home tri Fenelan suufering. FsPT.dirit, Tour stopiagara FRONTS *-40e I36-4 54- sud 39" box sprngs and NTC OCEIOS a'.ailable Sept. 15, near NEwweilbud omoupan -Mond'~, epteiber2, Tat te hus wec bad taFalî anddistictaisostopaNOTI OTHREDRS castle. Newcastle 987-4487.oyorlt-,.r wea ý-eongc.An, t r ne,'n hm h il wr ar oBotanical (jardens (Fruit Stop' HINDS --66ce 'THE Bowinanivtlle PublTie mattresses, chesterfield suite, 3ANI)upl fîlyîeviedN..A ýh er. Arehrave brus- Soi îoe brwer eeisalso). - Fare $6.00 retiirn SEJA aPG 4e1chool Board equires respous- sofa bed. tables. odd ch'5m- IN TuIE ESTA'PE0F SAMLJE.FRISE om.cnrly.ap36dlt euiu [Il 1lattie eo ge na'bu -ri 1 whls iered eae e SEPT. 15 - Mart3r'a Shrin44ei1.Ible persan taiant as, noon lamnps, caffee tables, eud tbles .IHN MKNIGll". leenotre biel, dear father o? Ruth ! thine. Mdad Oilafn tSint Ct rpe!adFoe omas u e so at iuîcur nocking cair.s dse s, gas-ilg ? ec'tc a te lae iclud iten Ett.i 'Clarence Sims I. Cametr-!Awqy ti ithe heamitil hillsa? Moate (exra)rn $4,50ýncepi" oui o uhan Rti Masprie era),foryo$4cnvn5e0e 11:30 a.m. ta 1:10 p.m. Applv maîY Itemns dortater by camngre- Ralîzoari Sect inF"rernan. de- 62-2 . ýving ' B te .'aleao rei.safai. EP. Go-COOIRfTURdrpes eulrspîisoDtmhaî eti'e imedarlv Dil arwa grandndaCateerineGod q, ' T3,, the va ley of wetrisogfatatiogFage,29uali-L gation.ISalenbeingibeldtaling egeedq(foi rnealyoo? Sale.beinsu-eTHREEcmaoms aoribathv o- Libert. THSt. So-nsoand nvih.- irother of Nmll (Mrn.ISome da%. weknow nontwben Haliburton, Algonqujin Park, Phone 623-578 fcainssd a', Gsaui owerbuTch aring o. ogvilOm, 72vl8-ir10eda05os.so:seaar o Dw 'amn ~~~~~~ earei omnil: W wiIl meet aur loved one;1Santa's Village - Fare per -t S. R. James, Sec*y-T'-eas., 2 G_ r.actane, 62-1.Ne'.'casile. Ontario. on oir ent'ance. In Bowmanvill.Blneo ovnetNWA BarMri.se), Bwm0er) .erpesoi6.0King St. E.,PPO. Box 100, 3-1about bbe I6tb day o? Amugîmst, PhonteÏ623-5796. 361 -rNr.W se W ry r.i esnS.0Bow.martville. 36-I 1968. - Troma ol 8a% Iner. m-derick, bath predeceas- 1Sarilv msr)hy db.\son Oliver, ,SEjPT. .30 -OCT. 'S - 9 Days Ue Tatrs RA---T--RE Ihîsdy epebu'1 . . RU"E (..S.. m u,,Utw quiet rulig I ~_ 36-h ~JNL AKIMl'J uSIptvite Tiends, relatives aid 01adGiIîalto EXFLET uaiy rid3-Point Hiteh the services of an arnhitious,. NORTHERN BARNES. EXCF.LI.ENT qîuaîithdnier) courteous man 25-.15 years nihosteert h _____ Jn sd Bll.' oIweî wshshelIPeri mnnmm Boh Camruthers, Oliver 3-furroja, trip ham_____nepet-sons celenatetheir PRESURE SSTEM iwith paint and hardwar e x-.FE I esu aigdisSt edn niesr. SuadSrle 'Ir-At Memnoniai Hns--ln0 xtenri mos) sincere tbanks .R . owavile 23545r ntratonl3-îurw enece $0tod10pe we E SLS ganî heetae ?Costne atmda14pem.r1.2- to friends and relativeAs for RnAmnil,63485. FEDERS arriet JIîsina Bannes, Ite Of' p.m., 7-9 p.m., nt Maple Grav HF. EALWR 15wagst le 31 o 98nat te eatiulflra a'rng ' Mase.y-F'ergilaon 3-fîîrrow (o start, dependinK on quîaiîfî- EXPECTED )OFFERNG heawoBmaile iChstnEuctnCnr. er o? John aur) Barbara ments, thamghtful leî.eî's and RUYING or selling furnîtane thatowions. Knowledge o? apphi-dcaton ent e 5 4 gb St et. R es,ýt- ars wh ch I ecel'.'ed tiri niz or appliances, raIl Elm er, U s d C l i a o nc n / r Fu nt e an W IA RTO N - T'hurs.. S'ept. 1lbzo nt' o u ha , W d ea l h s onl. 36-1Ro es nd am mv 8rHg Sre secelivtos anct. andorunit frth350hr.Sept 9 50; Wthae Coi, bofDrman ou'Betws teMori Fnea]Chp- o stay ln haspital. A Hampton: business 263-2294 -m.Dcaewh ido r urauille,. for service spectai thanks ta Bey. Turneri residePnceP 263-2695. ..1- tf XMaaseY-Fertuaon 17 .tooth right man to commence buy-, sale time 10:00 a.m. 196. anc eeynte a M.sd Mrs. John Shacklo- Poe6379 ~sdy mmnng.Iner-! ortons Spean. Mîkîns. West- 011, space heaten, -electnie 3-point hltch , ng mb othe business after 3,I'TH RR-1,9ep. 68.sni uIarticulabynso? fedter W85Lity tetSuh BomavileCeeter'.'. r arth sud Hubbard. aitd the waîhater ae. 40) gal.: eîectrc John I)eere 16-tooth Trail yas rnebnftfv.i10;sl im 00 r.dist h nesge xIwIll receive their tnlends and 36Inurses aud staff o? the Ma- range. Westinîghouse fî'idg. TV Cockshutt 12-tooth Trail, day wveek. Reply stating past rltvsSudaepmb ternlit', Wam'd for thein constan)t:riteajn. al]-a 623-7043. 36-1*. five years or employment and THESSALON-Wed., Sept. 25c ecators at, 253 Bay Street,îreaisStnaySptbrBlc tck9652 Tamnt-I Dnaioonsr e-7 at the Canadian Legion31 AM -tOsaa eikndness andicae3rareWLTR, $d.,$TDorontotlsttu.EGNBR1.100 sOntar000ai.foeoh,3t dy.oonptm1HlorueuStret Bwmn-__ - ERTRno$d. 2imarTD., 29aQus.E N.. BOON1,0;MANItOimLIN 0:h0a.. fert.tber, 1968,aerofich te-vill.e, ntetason tei spital. on Monday. Sep- wlLcshesTdres rae, DaronTai >s.Poe82211. 6-2 . 2500: saNIJ'Ol ime 9:3 a.m.th1etae68, b1dstibteiFfle thWedocion Anntversr AK 2nd, 1968. Rufu!; Mene wnrd% aretimadequate trms.. rentais, ser-vice. BI2Fe6.on3pont5i00-R',TMEr A sae. PQ.ed Ot:hv0n rgaud olyt ifrom 7 - 12 o'lockin ersi ,22KngS E. aexpress our gratitude. Tu) HamiltonBiRaglan, 1-985-7160. the.15-2 r HOLIDAYstrIb hu-hanri of Estellalbore wha have helper ius, F'RO the nowemto yo ds r e a r father of through these davs o? sorawpýý0 h rwrtoyu'BN UTNWISKAD-T in-ûn (Ozzleit Wills. 11h floral trihutes, donations Delcitiswxeet naorn, tomaroeq. CARRY NO PAVMENTS '"W -' evr.EW ISAR) Turs., DATED at Port Hope, On taio, PaoTn.g !Bil orCri o am.. . ~I7Oct. 3rd, 500; sl timerthîs 23î'd day a? Aaguust, 1968.I TJEU n was held lui the Morris iti the Heant Funri. words o? apples li Fred*s Fruit Market. AND INTERFST FRER YYAITRESSES 1:30 p.m. Helen L. Thompsoii: PROFESSIONAL work guai-8FT HC I Chdape Bow mn ille. symat hy sddne e ds a î i b ay 3 . a tha? O 3 ro îaPnLl t 1 6 d W IA RTO N -Thur., Ort, lot, Justina S. R. D raper a d j anteed. Arthur C o111 s o . jnsa a >clok.mfiitknds. eanoI.36? 1500; sale time 10:00 a.m. CANADA PERMANENT ý623-3900. ___ 36-tf ae uflr-Ee rit 36-I Special fthanks to the Morris own tomatoes, heets. cannots.iT. COWAN OT IE CafSl),_53BySreToronto 1PersonalmnlI ee1a hn o 0mc.VGTBEpcdvu '~~l~~TM RS OPN -' AlWr oeb u--rFnerai Chapel. the Bowman- 50e 6 quart. $2 per hushel:!C FTRA 1 i rc.1th 0;sl tneOtro h E q uip m ent ~~~~~~~~~1:00 P.m. Executors oft e Etae f H G NI Sip l s-( u b .rCî s oClub. nd fri nds %v o assited ea h. Spa ish onons 10 C A SFor furturtreInformati onon writenstaConstance JuHara lets)Justednapgoods) lecmuit fHmp t hehuean nRv.Hr ac.Big akt. u.;LuLU, SIDNEY MacDONALD Bannes. deceaseri, by plain sealed envelope with il and T would like tonîri Turner for the com fart helEymnau Farm. .5 miles East o? .1 PHONE *a . HONEY. BROOKS pnice liaI. Six samples 25, OaU al for the beautiful h as g'eya as iu the loss of a; Newtonvilie, iî'st farm, East 134 Ring St. E..omn" detsin aarr&HRIO.24smls$.0 a]Od Sissinceiely. Idean hushbandi andi ?bther. oou-hChnhHiwa2 Phone 623-6681D62.3-333 6- Box 130, Hluntsville, Ontario I Ieir solicit.ors henein. Dept. T-2& Nov.-Rubber Ca. hn 1333 r- n WMCP-eells. Evelyn and Ane Wry. a6-tf 1 36-3 &M 9aamilton, Ont. 1-34f DEADLINE 1 L:_ýýÈLL*RENT- SWAP -HIRE* E3UY-ýSELL-REENT- SWAP -k-ýl RE" ËBUY - GELL-RENT- SWA - P-HiREO azur-, , -qqespl"- 1