Th Ie Canadian Statesmnan, Bownianville, Sept. 4, 19038 and tamily. KIngq.ton. MIss' Donna Wotten, Hamptor.. ac- f > lnn al howwit Mr. and Mrs. Fred ai and fmilyEnfield. Mr. Ken Spires spent Labour Day weekend inMontreal. Openied by Mayor I. Hobbs MissadtDîeIral:xaiane a andDanSlna Vac e, Oha 14/h Prases Thei EffrtsMr. and Mrs. Larry Spires. isWorship, Mayor Ivan Horticultural Show ifl 1967. lst. Mrs. M. Robinson; 2nd, O IU R là- bs ini olTcial]y opening the, Other special prizes were Wiliam Axford; 3rd, W. M In- O IT AR ~4manville and District Hor- won by. Mrs. A. Sul for the donald. 28. Roses, Fl MRS. E. . tI~tural Society's Third An- Best Flower Arrangement In or Polyanthus, une spray. ist.i 1REE m nM Fléwer and Vegetab1e!the Show, and Allen SIute forliEmliy Slute; 2nd. Mrs. M. Rob- Ms .J reeawl OL F I Show in the Public Library the Junior Exhibitor with the'inson; 3rd, J. Cruickshank. 29.kow redetfrmn Auditorium on Wednesday, Most Points in the Show. Mrs. TuberousBegoriîa ifornat- Ate ist, highly commend- A. Sul was also the winner of urai foliage in low dish. 3 Mear ie Hospitl, OenerSound ...~.. ... ~ T I- ~~IK U~ Sorganization for the~~~the prize for the Senior. Ex- bloom s. lst. M rs. A . Sul; 2nd, oau d yftr o n, A g 7 u v " u w .u 9 lInterest it has shown In theihibitor with the Most Points. Lyle McMahon; 3rd, Mrsfollowing afengtyilnssn m~1cpait.Show Chairman Cruickshank Robert Dykstra. Mrs. Creeper as a wide circle ,the work of your group is made the presentations of the Section B, Potted House of friends both In the city, eI'*ent now at the Bowman-ý speciai prizeg. There were 33 Plants. 30. African Violet, any . where she had been a residenti vZle Museum and the Ceno-'Se&nior Exhibîtors and eight variety, lst. Evelyn Gingeli; since 1908, and the district. ~~E OI LS RGA M tpand as you progress we Junior Exhibitors taking part 2nd, Mrs. A. Sul. 31. Coleus , Mrs. Creeper was the form -th19 wQbe much more aware Of ,in the show. The judges were lst. Norma Brock; 2nd, Mrs. rA <ousk'lotmm YcÉË activities," Mayor Hobbs1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, A. Sul. 32. Geranlum, one ber of two pioneer business .hgoU,- E ÎZ~. He. congratulated the vOshawa; and Mrs. T. Fair- plant; 2nd, Emily Slute; 3rd, familles of Eastern Ontario. meinbers on their achieve- brother, Newcastle. Mrs. A. Sul. 33. House ferns. She was born at Hampton, rai&hts. and expressed the hope Prizes in Section A, Speci- There were no entries. 34. . Ont., near BowmanvileI W PMcUG X 8~qOtIc3E Uh they will continue to make men Classes, grown by the ex- Arrangement of fve cactus 1883, daughter of Mr. and thtse special improvements in hibitors, were won as follows: growîng In one pot or contain- bis bet wish s for iooms, lst, M s.rG. eeosn . Sut; 3rd, M s. A. arson t onde Mayor Hobbs also 1. Asters, large flufly type, 5 er. Ist. Mrs. Slute; 2nd, Mrs. -~was an early business man eeoeaodd t*.success of the Flower and! 2nd. Ken Palmer; 3rd, Mrs.. Section C. Vegetables. 35 Q She and Mr. Creeper were 1 suoese~~ ~ceece~ ~ss V~eabl Sh w.M. Robinson. 2. Asters, powder Collection of Vegetales, 3 . M are Api ,10 in T o - 'he president, Mrs. K. Fiel- If5 blooms, lst, J. Cruick- specimens each of fv a-t hr r reentv chér, thanked Mayor Hobbs, shank; , M rs. M. Robinson; eties, lst. Mrs. W. Dilling; 2nd, ~~~ fKmlwseggdI h d.cdtd.cj~ngoum.AE aij she welcomed the large 3rd, Mrs., Robert Dykstra. 3. Mrs. A. Sul; 3rd, Mrs. G~~ hardware business. They came nuMber of visitors attending Asters, any other variety, 5 Meeks. 3X. Beets, 3 speciments hr n10,we M.Cep ... thé show. President Fletcher blooms. lst, J. Cruickshank, lst. Mrs. G. Meeks; 2nd, Merle er entered partnership In the ' .u .~..ÂE à1zo thanked the Show Chair- 2nd, Mrs. A. Sul; 3rd, Mrs. K. Slute; 3rd, J. W. Robinson. 37. hardware business known forl in, John Cruickshank. and. Fletcher. Carrots, 3 speciments. st. ,--' man y r. Creeper land Wer assistants, Mrs. Clarence Four. Zinnias, large dahlia Mrs. A. Sul; 2nd, Mrs. Weresz- Gifn n ree ae Tipk and W. Maindonald for flowering, 3 blooms, Ist, Mrs. czynski; 3rd, J. W. Robinson. continued the business hiniself çp. al,. the work they had done j Cnuickshank; 2nd, Mrs. M. 39. Onions, any variety, 3 spe- until lit was closed. Hie has td ensure that the show wouldiRobînson; 3rd, Evelyn Gin- ciments. lst. J. W. Robinson; been very active In varjous c-Qn bérauccessful. I gelI. 5. Zinnias, large cactus 2nd, Merle Slute; 3rd, Mns. A phases of the city life.Mei rw *!rs. Angus Blair won the'flowrîn 3 blooms. lst, Mrs. Sul. 40. Corn, husked 3 cobs While health penmitted, Mrs. ~" pscoo aWand for the Best Bloom in J, Cruickshnk, 2nd, J. Cruick- lst. F. Samis; 2nd, Mrs. ACeprwsatv nvros Mda ea~pMet'-a~ aopi the Show. Mrs. Blair, wholshank;3rMr.,, A. Dilling. Sul; 3rd. E. W. Bradley. 41.e hrgaiztin of whChenta nt s6 rnbved to Bowmanville recent- 6. Zýinnias pom-pom, 10 Tomatoes, 3 speciments, lst. F.Chr,0fwchsewa wa te ine o te lom ,lsMsJ.Cuc-ais2n, rsA.u.4. a devoted member, and. n the _______he_____o______'s____J.____- ams;2n, rs A Sl.42 Red Cross Hospital Aid and A d UeC P!'IO* satne award In the Alliston shank; Z nd,. Mrb. A. Suil. 7. Cucumbers, 3 speciments. lst. ohrognztos Avr on eidMt ~e*eaiR Cosmos, 5 blooms, lst, Ken Merle Slute; 2nd,,Mrs. A. Sul;grcosldhewsedin Pooop dw*u 'eioI Palmer.8.Manager, 10blooms, 3rd, J. W. Robinson. 43. Pota- 'g': a: igh e ysews edIn PoorckT A.SnooStton Sul. 9. Marigold, Arcn; ing; 2 J. W. Roinson; 3.. 0f friends. In rePUbIk Rrs 11 blooms,,lst. Sylvia Oke; 2nd, blindness, had restricted ber Menvyn Brock; 3rd, Evelyn Section D. 44..Miniature ar- Neil Newton, President of Neil Newton. Photography, Ltd., Toronto, and actîvîties greatîy. On the Gingelfl. 10. Marigold, French, rangement thnee inches In resident in the Enniskillen area, is the author of an article appearing in the occasion of their 6Oth wedding Dsfs f~io 5 blooms, lst. Mns. J. Cruick- height. six inches in diame- September issue of The Professional Photographer, officiai publication of the anniversary, three years ago. shank; 2nd, Mrs. Wereszczyn- ter. lst. William Axor; ntoean r.Crerrwee o ski 3n, rs.K.Flechr. 1.Emiy Sut; 3dAxfrd 2n, rofessional Poorpesof America, Imc.shanM.Ceerwreo- si rMsK.Fece.1.EiySue rEvelyn Gin- ~p~r ored by their family and B~ms - ~. Peuni, do ble 5 loom. lt. eil. 45. Arrngem nt n a Titled, "Abstracts and Experimentat ion," the article describes Newton's ex- ned.L~ nrs. A. Sul; 2nd, Mrs. A. Gar- Tea cup. Ist. Sylvia Oke; 2nd, periments in the field of abstract photography. Surviving beside ber hus- Date ProcessinFngca oo~mqp son. 12. Petunia, single, 10 B. Dlling; 3rd, William Ax- His first attempts were sold to clients in specialized fields for use on the band are two sons, Elroy, of BuinssOro blooms, lst; Mrs. M. Robinson; ford. 46. Corsage, No prizes cvr fana eot.Ohrasrct aeapae ntecvr ftaeTononto, and Jack of Halifax, __ 2nd, Mrs. A. Garson, 3rd, Mrs. awarded. cvr fana eot.Ohrasrcshv perdo h oeso rd three grandchildnen and one A. Sul. 13. Gloniosa Daisies, ScinE lrlarne journals and more recently have been uised for the cover of a record album by great grandchild. A brother, EcOnots voonv-n single or double, 5 blooms. lst, ments in baskets on papier Columbia Records. Abn lit fFr re Marketing etg N yervyn Brock; 2nd, Norma mache containes 7 ldoi e t n e t r d t e p o o r p î r f si n i 1957. Ilis firm ocated at predeceased her.-Owen Sound Soe od Sle n qq e X ýrock. 14. Salvia, 3 sprays, lst. two or more colors, flot more Unit No. 33, 2 Thorncliffe Park Drive, Toronto, specializes in commercial, archi- Sun-Times.Rao edsi S~~~~A . S u l; 3 rd , S y lv ia O k e . S am is; 48. D ah lia , fot m o re _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fifteen. Snapdragon, one than 20. No entries. 49. Mixed N IL vase. lst, Mrs. J. Cruickshank; Flowers, at least five varieties. M A I T . e4eo'I -so 6 2nd, Mrs. M. Robinson. 16. lst. Mns. B. Dilling; 2nd, Mrs.;(teddfraswek --Scabiosa, 5 blooms. lst. Mrs. A. Sul. 3rd, Mrs. K. Fletcher.! It- dfo at ek McKnight; 2nd, A. Slute; 3nd, Section F. Arrangements, M NaII n.Had Cwlingsa- r. -'"Mrs. J. Cruickshank. 17. Sweet- flowers need not be gnown by Miss Bernice Millîgan, Mrsr. family. Newcastle, were visi- Goldthorpe and family of Elmer Lee's. peas, one vase. 1st. Ken Pal- exhibiton. 50. Dining Table W. Milligan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy tors, Thursday, at the home ofj Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid c mer. 18. Any perennial, one Centrepiece not more than 10 Hall and Chanlene, were at the Mn. and Mrs. John Veleke. Trno r n Ms a-adfmiy omnie n "jem tpe, one container. Ist. Mrs. inches high. lst. Mrs. B. Dii- homelofLitlMr an Mas en A jewellery demonstration mond Gilmer, Steven and and Mrs. Rae Cowllng, Whit- M~Oc m ten A. Garson; 2nd, Mrs. A. Sul. ling; 2nd, Emily Slute; 3rd, TyoLtl rtiawe was held on Wednesday even- David were callers Sunday by, visited Mrs. R. Griffin. Medoenics I ,, 19. Gladiolus, any colon, one Mrs. W. McKnight. 51. A Can- ago, wbere the 401h Wedding lng at the home of Mrs. W. evening enroule home 10 Is- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gniffin EI Ceert spike, stem flot to exceed 20 adian holiday buffet arrange- Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Boughen. lington, from Twelve Mile attended the Morgan - Me-lc.ui w~~ Cedric Russel inches below first floret. ist. ment. lst. Mns. B. Dilling; 2nd, Bill Taylor was celebrated. Among the local people at- Lake. Laughlin wedding reception4~q Mrs. Blair; 2nd, F. Samis; 3rd, Mrs. A. Sul; 3rd, Mns. Weresz- Mns. Dan DeMooy and tending the Toronto Exhibition Mrs. C. Burley accompanied at the home of the bride's par- MdoISo~u2wGi A Maple Grove resident for Mrs. A. Sul. 20. Miniature czynski. 52. Modernistic Ar-- on Thursday were Mns. H. Mn. and Mrs. DnVlnkle t entsMn. and Mrs. Ted M-Tcne aè -12 ears Cedie ussel isgladolu, noentres.rangement. Ist. Mns. B. Dil- unden. 1. Cosmos, one vase. Tnim, Mrs. R. Farrow, Mr. and Bewdley, Sunday mornîng, Laughlln, Fenelon Falls. 119i pappy to be "back home" In Twenty-one. Dahlia, pomn- ling; 2nd, B. Dilling; 3rd, Mrs. lst, Allan Sînte; 2nd, Carol Mrs. M. Joues. where tbey embarked on a Mn. and Mns. J. H. Pascoe, tiomanill. "us"Is the pom, 5 blooms. Ist. A. Slute. A. Sul. 53. One Colon Ar- Slute; 3rd, H-enry Dykstra. 2. Mr. and Mns. Jerry Adams boat trip wlth Mn. and Mrs. Kedron; Mrs. Hugh Beaton, sperator of the new Sunoco 22. Dahlia, miniature cactus rangement. IsI. Mrs. B. Dil- Carrots, 3 speciments, t. of Toronto were dinnen guests, Harold Bunley of Cobourg. Ashburn, wene Sunday dinner OI.S Bervice Station at the corner not over à blooms, Ist. F. ling; 2nd, Mrs. M. Fraser; 3rd, Allan Slute; 2nd, Gracia Dyk-ISaturday, with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fan- guests at the Pascoe home. Malu e et King and George Streets. Samis. 23. Dahlia, large dec- Mrs. K. Fletcher. 54. Arrange- stra; 3rd, John Meeks. 3. Jim Adams. row and Karen of Willowdale Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Lloyd e.éSci Ogo Asë well, he wlll continue 10 orative, one bloom. lst. B. Dil- ment suitable for den, entrants Marigold, 5 blooms, French. Mns. Earl Walkeyv and Miss were Sunday visitons wit and family have returned from ,,. eo,é serve the public in bis Whitby ling; 2nd, F. Samis; 3rd, Mrs. men only. Ist, Edward Gin- lst. Henry Dykstra; 2nd, Carol Joan Walkey aîtended a trous- Mrs. R. Farrow. a thnee-week vacation aI Lake ~~~e Oeê Iocation. The industnial and A. Sul. 24. Dahlia, large cac- gell; 2nd, Merle Slute. 55. Slute; 3rd, Deanna Robinson. seau tea in honor of Miss School is opening hene on Kennebec. Midential growth potential of tus, one bloom.'Ist. B. Dilling; Wood Lore, decorated drift- 4. Zinnia, three blooms, large Linda Ross of Port Hlope at Tedywt w e ec Miss Teresa Smith recent-. O S towmanville sparkedt "Russ" 2nd, Mrs. W. Dilling; 3rd, F. wood. Ist. Mrs. A. Sul; 2nd, variety. Ist, Andria Dykstra. the home of her aunt, Mrs. C. iers on the staff, names of ly entertained a number or' to request the new station and Samnis. Merle Slute; 3rd, a tie, Sylvia 5. Wild Flower Arrangement. Moore, Cobourg, on Saturday whom we hope ta have for young folks to a wienen roast IERSWCSW' he is looking fonward to doing 25. Tea Rose. Any Centennial Oke and Babs Garson. 56. lst. Allan Slute:. 2nd, Canol afternoon. next week's edition, as welî as an1ayle b~Winess with many of his variety. lst. Wv. Maindonald; Harvest Moon. An arrange- Slute; 3rd, Henry Dykstra. 6. Mrs. C. Vandenberg, Bow- ýthe list of beginners.MurySihOsa , I frIends in town. 2nd, Mrs. V. Maindonaid; 3rd, ment in crescent formation Any animal or chanacter made manville. was the guest of Mn. _______ MuraySmthMr. ohawa, is7P*g A native of Nova Scotia he F. Samis. 26. Tea Rose, any using flowers, fruit, and orlfrom assembled vegetables on R. Bruce, Saturday. . olidayng at 1s mannied and they have, four Peace variety, one bloom. lst. seeds. ist, Mrs. B. Dilling: 2ndfrit. ist. John Meeks; 2nd, MranMs.FeHnd-F lENT1 Bomn s. r. GfNey E*1R~O 4 C4g wgo~w~~ -d riM.adMs r 1lne-Mr. Frank Sms e- rkeMhOurs rhodu Tiso, nb q 161 dildren, two girls and two J. Cnuickshank; 2nd, B. Dilling; William Axford; 3rd, Meral Andnew Meeks; 3rd, Graciai son and Peter wene arnong the SULIJNA castle, is vstn tM.Fod btm1«7p bÏpys. Ha bowls -with Maple 3nd, Mns. V. Mamndona1d. 27. Slute. iDykstna; 4th, Deanna Robin- bus load who drove to Dash- Lloyd's. vriin i. n._2oyd end.7pu.ad9pa.Case eç Speýe Grove Bowling Team. jTea Rose, any other variety.1 Junior Section, 16 yeans and son. wood, Satunday, for a bai Sundav guests with Mns. Mrs. Wilfrid BowmanSu- ' r 1 --- ameKatie Langmaid were Mn. and day School Supt.. called a Brenda O'Corinell of Co- Mns. Cathcart, Kendal; Mn. and meeting of the teachers last bourg spent the weekend here Mns. Lloyd Preston and fam- week to make plans for the Fe 5'cwo.--$ Fwith ber grandparents, Mn. ily, Bowmanville. coming year. Opanlng day and Mrs. S, Rowe. Next Wadnesday, Sept. il, wlll be Sept. 151h uwith gau _ _ _ _ __ré ?_ _ _ n . a n M s . T . H e d e s o t h W men n s i t t e w i l t i n x e c i e s C h r c s r v f. quile é Id- - R g-r o u i Saturday,an . and Mr. arper, Utica. Ifl tlown faiieswIb. viabe Lloyd Clysdale onSuay Masters Gary and Robbie *SUARO Congratulations to Mn. Starn McMinn, Oshawa, spent sav-SA N O FREE DRAW PRIZES include:* BweBwmnil.osanlay th "f) * EXERCISE R(O on Sunday aI the home of Mn. erm an. VBAO IYL EGT *SET 0F DGO O PA SNOW TIRESF and MrsaC. Farrow. when Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, HEATED INDOO PO * SE OF OOD EAR NOW IRE Todd and Anne, Mn. and Mrs. brother, Mn. and Mrs. Tom I, Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F Sunday suppar guests withMES nLAISLCNEDLNE * L A T FRO EC M LEETNU Todd, Mr. and Mns. Norman j Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Ham- ln Addition to Above W. Hav o ntle i esaidDarlene Bowen of an were Mn. and Mns. George T LLI *~ SIX OIL AND -GREASE JOBS (including oil filter) CombraY and Miss Linda Cal, Rutherford, Seagrava. LTEN-NIS COURTS NewBUXTleNiWALLETn Mrs. CharlesLag ORISETN *CAR SEAT 'COVERS *ChXO W LLT1 Mrs. Roy Hall and rnaid and famly called on EMB-YU NPCIN1 NIE ~~~J E D E A r~ J U If~ U T ~ I A e~ u A , A los with M ir. and M s. Ron enjyed a visit with Mr. and ME R 5 :$ 5 0 r p r o * EVEREADY L~IIGH LSSESTSmith of Srnithville. IMrs. Ross Prout and daugh- L VVK SE HuibnddWi.-$00 * ' Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Lan eltens, Etobicoke, and Mn. andl u~~~a ~with Mr. and Mns. F. Hend-!Mrs. Don Hart and famlly, (5 to 15 Years ahCid $00 ALSO... VOUCHERSerson atlended the Ex. on1 Prestonvale. VST-wl Ioo ' Sundayi Master Randy Frietag, EC II ebrwl pay: *AS . IAFOOD V UHR WORTH $2500 The following were Suriday Oshawa, visitad wlth his cous- 50c Per Aduit-25PeChd guests of M. and Mrs. Carlus ln, Lary Cryderman, for a i GI YEN AWAY WEEKLY Smn~it and farnily at Mary-. few days.R.Tyr.Sln-** I.jest Waîkey, Port Hope; Mrs. and Mn. Edgar Thornton, HOU-S V/on t You Drop 'in and Meet Russ and His Staff? Soe, Bowa~Xnvile; r ndo heLburDweekend LAIS- * .2t5pm.-MnatbuFdy OPEN: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. PHONE 623»2303 Perrytown; Mr. and Mns. traRnallway j e.ME N....... 7 to 10pm.-MnythuFia Lioes.dMecan.con utyWayne Ellicît and Ian, Mn. Master Douglas Larmner, j .. *. 4to7 LiènedM«aiconDuyand Mrs. Cynil Walsh, Janet Blackstock, recently enjoyed CH.LREN .m. M.da.t4ru rld7 and Cnaig. and Miss Carol a holiday with his cousin, - FAMILY DAYS TO BE ARNE ANY PURCHASE ENTITIES YOU TO ENTER BOTH DRAWS ~ Roche, ail of Pont Hope, Dernls aellowee~ rs e-~ ay itn rî Msr.Roy Smith and ae Mran MsE.Sise- Denault, Newton ville; Mrs. C. 1 joyed the holiday weekend As but ur Bb IWalkey, Mr. and Mrs. Lori wit.h Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Spires