The Orono News u.AM swr. D twn.e, Gr9. nd Mrs. Douglas McGee home on Monday from visting Cobourg and ber daughter Mrs ff MrY ulygce turned home on MondvÎo and Mrs. Wm. Waterson aiPrtHoe iute M. AdN detaise of ndav from ~ ~Mrs. Jimn Middleton on Fri- h oi the Toronto International Air- Welland. day tb « frsieb port after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schmid Mr. and Mrs. Roni Talsma Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McGee. and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. and famllyv isted her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer Ross Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mr. and Mrs Eglinton at l'en-,, aigu thelr daughter Mrq H. Lewis visited with their aunt wick over the holiday week- Lu ;n of Bowmanville- Mr. and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Matt'end. âjici 4rs. Len Pears were in Harrison of Bowmanville at Mrs. John Eddyvean visited Rufr'aln on Sunday to pav their their cottage at Long Lake Misa Florence Gardiner, Mr. respects Ir> their cousin, the during the weekend. and Mrs John Scott of IEow- late Mr. Joseph Smith, age 76. Mrs. Steve Nicholson o! manvilie lastThursday. husbafd of Mrs. Nena Virture E N S I L N. .~ Cott, Roger. Erin and Anita of M aple Grove visted his aunt, Mrs T. M. S eon w ag a knapp. Mrs. P. F. Bradley, , , da.y. Bifltt, Bowni e. were Saturday visitcors nt Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John SIemon aju, IMrs. S R. Pethick's. W~~~ attended the Mcflnwell-Hogg spent the weekend wth Mr. Mrq. E. Page and Miss Clara 'o~-a weddlng in Fraserville United and Mrs. Carl Curtis, Balti- Page were Sunday guests of '*rt: at vu, the, Church and reception at the more, at their cottage on Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley, Ist ~ e" '. >~ Club Aragon. Peterborough, on Eels Lake. Mapie Grove. W > Saturday. August 3lst. The Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown. Mrs. F. Tomx in company ~U.~~ tt~ bride is a granddaughter Of and D avid, M âffle G rove. :w ith M r. and M n. L. Slem on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~ Mrs. Robinson. were callers at Mr. and Mrs. and familv. Haydon, were Mrs. Chas. Mowat (ruce Rich- F. Beckett's. visitors with Miss Nancy riDmanons w Ard > a d M s. M ar are Jo n- M rs. M ab el R o w an . M;s;:Jo h n s an d M rs. H elen W h ite, ston of Toronto, called on'Annie Rowan, Yelverton in 1 Hampton. friend., In Orono last Thurs- company witih Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marie Beckett accomn- fyateno.R. Rowan and children were panied Mr. and Mrs S. Lamb Bakery Feature H IEMPR D Mr sndteMrs. ,Jim Middlto _RICHMELLO WHITE REMEAL A IT din g in C are m nt U ite d m an T a sm a . L a k e p o rt. a t B ra ce b ri d g e . a lso v isite d H EV R I T dMr. ain Mrs. Eanl Treitnd Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamnb at Chrhon Saturdav. AugCrack.edndWheatEaLAMBewin 31st.. Xgs Doreen and Donald. arttendedtheir cottage Rt Dorset. rc e W h t Mr n r.Fe epqa family gathering al, Mr. and Miss Marguerite Wright, L A MBOP and familv of Napanee e Mrs. C. E. Horn's cottage, Stoney Creek, spent the week- SEM.adMs rdPtr W hole W heatI b dlinner guests of Mr. and Mr'r Williams* Point, the occasion end with bier faher, Mr. N. Alex Watson on Saturday heing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tre- E. Wright and the E. Wrights. A D~E evening. win's 25th wedding anniver- Mr. and Mrm Murray Ax- The appointment of Elmer G. Girling as manager B Mr. and Mrs. Robent Cooper sar. Congratulations t M-. ford and Melanie, Oshawa, o h s a aofc f C n rl M rg g n o sn .BEDO E O 1 and children of Birminghanm and Mr,. Trewin. were Sundav supper guests ati cMheOhaaofieofCnraYorgg adHoHn near Detrit. spentthe hou- rs. A. J.Werrv Sh ronM. and Mrs. E. Wright*s. Corporation was announced today by T. B. Pickers- 2-z.LafM AY HAUO TPH dlay weekend with Mr. and and James accompaned Mr.! Mr. and Mrs Ra ph Vru gui, C.M.H.C. Ontario regional supervisor. Mrs. F. 0. Cooper and M. and Mrs. Ross Lee of Kedronivisted with Miss Ruby Vir-, Joining the Corporation in 1946, MVr. Girling work- 6 ABLG 9 Carl Tennant. Ito Browning Island, Brace- tue who is a patient. at Wes-1 ed at head office in Ottawa. Int 1953 he was appointedi Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Robin-_ bridge, foi- a few days' v,,,a_ terri Hospital. Toronto. i ,fteWnsornhofc, o- o M son spent the weekend withtion. John Archer vacationed Ms.F Tmsws rc n t O Sanianageraof he idsrbrn6 3ficcnv her brother. Mr. Walter Mon- with them aIso. Mr. A. j supper guest of Mns. Walterr n oSri sbac manager the following year.Z- -- __ crief at Fraserville; also visit-,Werny and Sandra joine Ferguson, Bowmanviîîe. MrGrin waapone.dmisateasi- ed other relatives. itbpm on the weekend. John MnadMr.F Beet ant in the Toronto office in 1960, bcmn assistanti Mns. D. S. Larness and Archer bas returned home were Sundlay callers at Mr' rnmanaerTofNthRand in Mrs. Ivan Farrow necently, from hoîidaying with theý aind Mrs. Clarence Bradley's,îmngro h Mortgagean Property Department in visited Mn. and Mrs. Mer%,yn Wernv-s and the Sohils atý Bowmanville tesmebac i pi£ 94 J-iarness and daughten Marie Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGiIV In June 1966, Mr. Girling was appointed assistant. nt Kitchener. Messns. Michael Gregg and and famdlY, Barrie, werel BangeL A MBhaa (N O PSth 4 9iioch bs el Mr. and Mns. Leo H-adder' Michael Orem, Glenburnie, Weekend guests at H. J. Me-i mnager cf Orshntaaoficete stion h hasBheHd And family of Scarorough Maryland, spent a few days Gill's. Mr. and Ms. Ralph, R b vsited her parents. Mn. and with the Sharp families. * Virtue and girls were Sundayl Mrs. Jim Middleton last Thurs- Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Bec-, dinner guests. FRES M M *N dia v. kett, Oshawa, were SundayvWS EYI L Unit Iwo of the Orono Unît- dinner guests at Mn. and M,,s.;ton and Deanna. Coboung.1 aa aRMn thwq ed Chuncb held their Septemn-F. Beckett's. were weekend visitors et. th& Friday eve>ning, August 23. earnesl. Those whn ere gno- ybiW frik %M ore ftesn M '.Stantons and A. Niles he cliuroh was tbe gathering1ing into a nlew class receaîed MN-sp uI noon at the borne of Mrs. J. wene Saturdav nighi. visitors Mr. and Mrs. Norman;place fon a gay bridai showe1eir porotoncetrS Tte T. Cook of Winten Road, south at Mn. Norman Scott's. New-'Welsh, Oshawa, were visitorsiand Iast Fniday evening iW Mrs, Clanence Ni ch ol s cf Onno. ,tonville. ~hM'.E ae a the scene oif another Philip and Timni wene In Mr M. and Mrs. David Kilpat-: M. and Mrs. Harold A31i- ýM. and Mrs. R. Howe and party to express regret ntf the!Westmeath fr the weekend Mr Miles Brand RindlessI Mary Miles Bradriet Pc rlck were among the rnanv ýton and Eva were Sunidav fml iie eltvse o ntx o h eatreývisiting with relatives there. cut, of town guests at the supper guests at Mn. and Mrs.iBeaverton. ofMn. and Mrs. Anchie Ford!I____ Smith-Woodward wedding in!Len Plaven's, Bowmanville. Mrs. George Irwin visited and famiîy who have recentlylF6B e kat ac n Pg7 5C o d St. John's Anglican Church, n.adMr.Fnn on ~Sunday withM.adM moved to 81 Jocelyn Street,i OBI Bowmanville. on Satunday,i land attended cburcb service: Lloyd Ransberry, Enterpnise.* Port Hope. Sîides were shown Mai'Mie Ban Srt' Penj August 3st at Hay Bay on August 25th. Sndy cholwill re-pep ecrch intheMn. J.c Mns. Gardlbam Tran and Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton ýOn Sept. 8th at the usuel houri Fraseroeatn tepoec16z daughter Miss Blanche Tran, were Sunday tea guests <f 0f 10:30 a.-mn. ton and usiing slides provided 1-zWE cf Markham visited Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. F. Dorlaind. Ms.Edie9îte, caboo byKe Ahb, eniee es, Mvrs. Alex Watson on Sunday. i M.adMs1CalyLn- was e weekend visitosns tMn .Farad Mrs. Fred Hoa- 1 Mn. and Mns. John CarnIgan, maid and family, Mn. Ro.v! and Mrs. C. Avery's. . k-i. They had many subjects.---- and son Douglas of OshawalLangniaid were Sunday vsi Mn. and Mrs. j. Belle ,nd winter in Florida. 1967 Expo, î'isited Mrs. John Eddyvean on1 tors at Mr .and Mns. R. Me-; faril, Orono, were Thursday snowmobiling locally, the ?tna.IGl'.evening callers et R. Grif~ns north country in auturnn, Frs r du e F au Mr. va arowreunei r ad rs rturRd- Crll AerTilbury,iid bird and animal picure,,, Ontario Grown- Canada Fancy Grade New Crop - Sweet Eating __ was overnnght guet with: a summrer wedding and sev-'- A& Jo&v.n Avery. i eral of the penformers 4 QUART iMr. and Mrs. John Belle. wiiiter's vaniety concert. BSE CAIriPilip and Karen, OrnoJ The committee in ch:rgeý v. I M E L B A APL E SAVE # # were Saturday evening -visi-lof the evening invited evey1. ! tors nt Mn. and Mr@. W. Grif-! one downstains whene an a'd- .:..fth:esn ..Fnc rd Sz 5" SHOP HE WE BAY W y! in a. sGn ere dress was read to Mr.and .-Fisofte eao -BC.FnyG de Sz 15' Mver~s. o.J>on and BARTLETTdPEARS 7çoA49ol SHOP HE W SBAY A 0 John Smith, Mount IForest, Thorndyke aften Mns. Ken wene SundaY visitors et C. Dinner pinned the corsage on B \\E T TP E A R Mr ndMs.Jh Siemnon) Gifts ef a card table and ji S~ ~Ontario Growri - Canada No. 1 Grade , ~enjOYed a motor trip fa Que- chairs, minor and wall pla- FR EFLM ! bec Ct and oheteBwt ques wene presented by Mr. WXDTRPS7 b CMt and ro.G chtn it aim ýfl M IM iclough, Ken Dinner and An- - i nold Thorndyke. A r c h i ej____ Lev orClu rBakWBY TIRES ARE BLACK tbanked his friends an d -i __ Lev orClu rBakEven wonder wby tires are vited them tn corne and see Dr. J. H. Werry G O EY FA U E and Wht. Fils wîthUs forblack? According t oo-em in tfheir new home. Mrs.ITedahcDr onHn!GR C RFE U ESH lt ad Bauy Ad ea rs I y an- ana e e gieen, I th v F nd aIs ex nesed er W e ny, V.S., D.V ÂvI. aged 45 M axw ell House - 1-b. kg. SAVE 1e 15-oz. S z a e. V l e 22 Developing and Printing andj weren't, they wauîdn't takan ecoed ler bus- 1ers occurred suddenly atM IDg% m( F C 7 fC C A A A ~ ~U Receive a New Film Iingredent that provides te hthe her uldstli e. August 24, on Saturday, ALL PUR OSE COFF E 7 c lV5 iu iwmr caler, carbon black, is the pIe nty or opportun ity So rRpn' WeIeh's - 32-oz. Tin Cfiet Set 5-oz. SprayBohe. FRE1most effective, Yet least ex- ifriendîy "isits. Refnesh eSnMrny Bandst, Rherta ~ * - a e rn fr1O lF lrn A T9 pensiv'e strengthening agent were served et the close of bomo in artnig h T wsî AppleGrap--rn-. for Adde totherubbr drintheevening. Former members1 oniCatrgtTwsp1-( DEOR Added a the ubber lackof the district who were pre- i and attended Blackstock Hign 49 Dominlon's Own Brand avjOn-a.Botseg$.0 W ~~ S B A ~ amnounts ta about 20 per cent set1 Clf-ianM<heftno agadt0<f RîheI o f a tlne's total wiht lh gno aionaadMs1e euw1 odcneg.eens -John Robb of Osgoode. le, Guelph. In 1946 he manAG 5CB BY 0 ISCOUNT VARIETYestimate tires would îast onlyl BoY Scouts, Adventurersredtefomr vtn hpT El A 2-b.B Ax GASE-4- 5 5 BeA Y O IL D S O N & RITlafraction as long. land Cubs spent a happy few who survives. I Ctll-2l.BgSV e~de euy-1-s ieEg 14 r W f IFA pn oduct f the-- pet r * - iy a pi g w s ? a t n r .e_, a ve e m n a I enbks andnext oh-' t, Kingstn.n A -ST IgTST,~IIseday 91hnuîd sfethis year' The funeral sprvi*ce wts,1.1.Ail advertised Doino trIem inT- 8 -FORYNAA M Mir$4.W @tlcourse__Of. Studv starting inheld froni the Morris Funeral WCinThand st o r e.a Ill 78A EZ T, mis W .000 MM $45.00 C'a'el e WEDIQ RIGS0TARANTEI $ET, miq 00 i M,$ 80s .00 TuePsdav. Atigut 27th, andj SALE wvas conducted b Rev. Harold' Turner. -interment 'vas in' FREE PARKIN Mr. Len Bpnschop h15(:n eaBowmnanville Cemetery. IVle fetv nilCoig audy et,7 6,i emnil W to we oa t on t p o th Palbearers w ere M e srq ge.C, - AlilM erch ndise Is G uaranteed Ta i e 1 0 S ts a to W e s st Coast. ROY' M u len. G eo rge W ofet MsSuaCai shome Howard Malcolm, G er n et' ERSRETERGTT afUer spending the Sumrmesr Rirkard, D. re Vicent'W EEV H IH OLMTQATTE ! with Dr. and Mrs, Ken Miller,'and Dr. Hoît Webster. Swift Curnent. A-ogtemn euiu Open Thurs. and Fi. N g ts'è 9 pm Mn. and Mrs. F. Blac'kburn,, floral trihutes and donations' Mr. Brian Blackburn and to the Ontario Heant F'ounda-i !Miss .sIyn Chambherlain. tion, evjdenep of the high' spent the weekend with Mn. ecste-em in whiL'h the deceesed, Glen Blackburn, Kernptville. was heMd, 'ere thosp, fromn They aisû visited Mn. and the Ontario Vetprninv Asco-' Mns. E. Anderson and familv. niatiffn; Staff Of Stevenso,, J (oop i,*S Kemptville, and Mrs. MrCof- Turner and Boyce Ltd.: Cen-i Mr onTitarvdCu of Bowmnanville; Bo)w-, DOMINION STORES LIMITED 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLH'horne by plane fnom Newl menville K-40 Club: Year A Yoren Friday fe sec- 99O.V.C.Casmt, HIk IV 1 Classraimp;oL ing twe rnonths in Africa. oratory Staff o? Petterboroul-è K n t n i po v neiih kufh«e,« Art(<s rv.d i.r wMr. and Mrs. Ray Twist,, Civic Hospital: and the Health'ef5 i -------.-----.,.- -Oshawa, 'vere SundRy vîsitr>rs oif Animnais Bnanch, Dept. of7WI 4P»ouPauV jwith Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist.i Agriculture, :1anvame BoIavle r 1I