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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1968, p. 8

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WLSr were played Tuegsdai night, %vith action corrinuing again. Thursday, nt the Memrrrial Park. ___ Last week Waiter Frank Real Estatm clohbered Stephen Fuels 19-1. ai Bob Marierrison and Tom Pearson each coilect- Youth Bowling Collision Causes Confusion ed.tfour saietier, te learl the inners* 18 hit assauli. t.. wllse Spt.7 But ln the next encolinter. the Fuels. farlng elinrinatiort, RogitritonwlbeSp.75., at Liberty Bowl, Base Line: 4 came back to %vin 5-2. as manager Lloyd Hamilton and centre-1 p in. for last year's bowlers, ..11 fleMer Grant Wright led the way at the plate. 2:1.5 p.m. for new bowler. ç . Lest Tue.Qdav. Kramps,, carne tp with hvo late runs to Registration fece $1.50. Age ' ,.. lOgMe extra Innlngs-. but alter counting twice in the ninth. it ]mt atm.8ys oI teayrs.: Junior. 12 yrs. to 14 yrs.;. " . was Ken's turn to pull it out, as the teams battled t Seniors,15yste2 r.: Jim Coylp rapped a homer and t.wo doubles for Kramnp's Uh1e Ken*s were led hy Don BagnelU's twfo circuit clouts. L de ao Geore Joes tnleashk*d the big timber, Thuirsdav night, a is ao but the big sîorv was Dit-k Stata*s fine twv-hit pitching, as "V' Kýrnp's downed Kens 8-1. vBowling Alter i ving uip a first innlng single, and another to h lire leed-off batter, which was followed hs- an error, Stata pro- AIl gaines start at 6:45 p.i. céeded te retire the next 18 batters ln elnn nMna,' 4t:~"",s '~\Z. Heading it Tuesctaya'. action Kramp'i led 2-t) with one Thewilba$201m - gaine tied. as the defending champion Mýen*s Weatr face bershlp fee for ail bowlers., el.tmlnatron. Franik's hold a 2-1 leed ln thre other besl orf ive. Teains for the first srhedule Sertes. which means that virtorles bY Kranps and Fr*anks are. would enable thi- best of seven finals to start Thir'rsday rîright. NoDm1rand. S. Fowler S A Fuels' win would force a sudden-death encounter. Greenham. F. Draper, J. God- wtrile Kpn's could aimo stay alive. so Thursdayv muid see onre in. C; both semi-finals continuing or the finals getting uniderway. >No. 2--- D. Brooks (captann, J. Almyond. J. Baker. M. Wise- * + - +, J. Sudsburv, R. Pei-ris. No. 3_41. Reynolds (cap- BIG GOLF DAY SATURDAY. tain). J. Harness, C. Bowers, J. Miller, S. Poirier. K. Bitrns. *BowmiAnville Cou1ntrv- Club ivill welcome spectators t0, No. 4---0O. Patfield (captélin, Viatch their championship finals filis Saturda.v. w th te Nebt.GEli,.Har so i, . EBragg, I. Hellai. s men's 18, hole club titie match starting proceedtings nt 12! No. 5-. Davis (captain),~ noon. J. Bragg. E. Mitchell. D. Mut-~~" -The n'. championship sirould be a dandy het\veen ton, D. Osbrorne, C. Johnston. On Thursdav everng, during the To\vn Lengue Softball play-offs fhere \vas Oshawa's Phi] Trudelle and Bowmanxilles fine junior golfer. No. 6--L. Crosse' (captaîn)-, C. Bruce. M. Perris. I. Mouint- ,a collision in the infield w'hen Bob Abbott of Stcplien Fuels ran intu Bob .'lar- Brian Peters. In their match to the final round, Peters knock joy, M. Gibbs. H. Rogers, jerrison. Frank Realtors' shortstop, who was fieldin aro.n balMajrîn edofDnGlo'y, Ted Hoar. in a match tirat went 22i No. 7--H. Donagirue (tR-- 1 e o ut wieatrtecliso n bot\a eoiulyal L- holes and Bill Lyle lnthre sAmi-finals. Trudelle bested Bob, tain)r. E. Whitehead, 1\. Cole,,seoped for quithe a whlersfter the collisîto autAbth\V as entuatl lale h Welsh ln the semis, aller earller defeating Don MacGregor, B. Ppr .LxoB o~sOehh] h ulr vntegiet u hi akit h lyf an onFwe.!No. 8---M. King traptain),-- - Inthe first fligh,. Hoar (s pla.vrng Lew Welstu in onel L. Hazeldien. E. Etcher, B. r , .P .î semi-final, with Trudelle awa îtlng the winner hetween Bernie~ Terrv, B. Morgan, N. Wel "ih' Hodnand Bob Welsh in tihe othpr. No> 9--H. Depew (capta, Fu lsfl tn o ntenP t i on 1-~old n LewM . S. Brown, H. M oore.'. u The second fight finalists have not bren deccided sê'ts tiK. Biggs, B. James UE either. George McKnlght mpetsg Ted Welsir in eue semi -finat,. No. 101-D. Bon d aptalii, w;hile Dave Preston xill play either Alex Wiseman or Jak 1 Tennant. N. Sheel anS.!; Garn tiohand JniorHnicpeets u is *akBickle, L. Lake.P. Thiele ' ram p s C lic lk v p 8i1 vvin Bruc Welh hs reclid th fials n bth te JNo. 11---D. King (captain, Bruc Wesh as eachd te fnal inboththe.Jtuio K.Stephen, T. ForresteropnntVlKgh, .Park, M. Steplien Fuels nmoved back1c pion Ken',;Men's Wear, Tirurs- crir, and singles by Totm Champioship an Junio Handicp event, but is oppoentintonicontention knMthetoMensendioninlgheteaztiren Memot ihelUPearsorPearonda Girardrd. has lot been decidied at the tinie we went to press, Th« WIlliamns.r orL 1~deschmponbls îl asohedeîdd n atrdylMt~No. 12 - B. 1uttonshaw SetiorTon eaguie Softball Park-I. Stepiren's mrapped it up hiy' ladis campnnsipswiI aie b deide onSatrda, bt 1(captain). J. Shearer, L. Cole Playofts, wvhile Krarnp's Furo- \\itjî MNanager Llo\,d Iiiamil-. counting tWiCe lu thre fifth. nin details are avallable on wha the finalists %vill ire. G. Kîchko, D. Palmer, R. l uire mnoved a step closer f0 tort showing llow it should irc Doit McMurtcr singled. stoie' Dicinoneliniating defend1(ing chain-;donce at tire plate. and George second and third, as thre Fuel- j- . . j fSteiDictkinsonsx-iiteCrs pilfered sevc'n bases, and LAD)IES' MAJOR LEAGUTE 1968-69 SEASON Stepheuis took thre opener 5-, Wriglit delivered ato-t LOCAL NETTERS SWEEP JUNIOR TITLES FIS CEDL while Dick Stata's pitélirin cliitch horner. FIRT SHED LEand George Joues solid hittinp Statainssed a mia:terful two-, Bowmanxille's junior tennis plavers turned ln oît.standing, AIîey.l 1.- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9_10 11-12 hg-lighted Kramps 8i-1 hitter in tire second gaie, re- efforts ln the recent Oshawa and District Tournament, walk- I .otd gaine victor. tiring tire last 18 batters in Dlate SUCcession, afier Reg. Whrit, ing off wlth ail four chaxnpionships. Certainly the boysr Ilamilton snrasired a triple hr ige eoe h eod deserve a brg'tip of the hat from thre sports editor's deski Sept. 9 1 - 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-101 11-12 and double, along with a big ira sged toon ire sor nd. Sept. 16 10-Il 9- 8 1-12 4- 5 7- 6 2-3 home r-un and single by Grant crdK s for a job vrell donte. 3 2 -0 9.7 ~ 6 Wrighrt to pace the Fuels eigirt-,ordKnslteu nls- Chris Steel was a double wlnnier as ie cdefeated OSiraw Sept. 23 3-i5 1tta2ck_10 9-(ose-1- Den4i g pitcher Bob Fauter's sacri- Murray Farncomb 6-0, 7-5 in the under 16 class, .and tirenr Sept. 30 4- 7 5- 1 6- 3 2-10 12- 9 8-1 1 Sullivan. Dan Girardi and >fi -îlv moved up Io the,18 and under division. Once again, Chris Oct. 7 8- 6 10-12 9"Cir3u-c-k-à" K in pas -nctheaci rd (et e.oe apdahm etFarncomnb. in tire finals, this lime winning 6-0, 6-3. ; Oct. 14 12- 3 4-1 9 2- 7 Il- 6 s8ng5e10un1thecause. The under 12 division wvas an ail Bowmanvllle affair as Oct. 21 2- 8 6-1(1 4- 1 5- 9 il- 3 -7 Stephirs iunped Into a 3- Chrîs Terbune went three sets before downingAdrwOt28 -I 1I 3-0 62 5- 48 second inning lead as Bob McKerizie. Abbott douhled and stole ti n Sterrras n tre oublet fel Don Bradley of thre Bowm-anvil.îe Tennis: Club captured' Nov. 4 Il- 4 2- 6 12- .1 8- 1Io1- 7 3- 9 ephe nd on sthe ouale -ifue the under 14 clais on the strength of a 6-I. 6-t0 victory over No)v. Il 6- 9 1- 7 il- 2 12- 4 '1 -8 5-10:Stephen took second and Ah- AI Delong of Oshawa. Nov. 18 8-12 il- 5 Io- 4 3 - 6- i 9- 2 boit scorcd. Hamilton rapped The Bowmanvilie Senior Club Chamipionships will beginý Nov. 25 6- 5 Io- 9 8- 7 1 - 2 12-11 4. 3ý a tirree-bagger, %viiir Joli n Fowler's sacrifice bunt stcri rg tenlght (Wednesday) with the Ladies Doubles titie on the Dec. 9 12- 1 6- 7 5 - 4 10-il 3- 2 g- q him rfuour tiird. une.Dec 16 10-8 I- I 7- 3-5 4 6 -12 Tire ReaItors vaie lack wrti iOn 1 0 8 i-1 7 3 -P - a pair fir lihefourtiron a b i t OnMondRy, Men's Doubles competition gets undervlav,i Dec. 213 - 6 9-12 10- 2 4- 7 il- 8 1 -.51shrgie by Kilpatrit-k. aul nfieldÀ with the Mixer] Doubles golng next Wednesdlay, Sept., t. -. _________-..~__ Th Itemeiaecnampicnship wîîl be decided betweeni oAa Warren AIder anrd Paul S1er-on. To reac.h tihe finals Warreni de1eated Steve Sumersford and George Saunders, while Paul won over Chris Steel and Rick Shackleton. f Thre *Ir.rlor final has Andî-ew NIeKetuzie plaving '10211 iEr ]3radIpe, Andrew downed Myles Chittick and Boby S Rike. with Don beating Mark Steel and Cirris Terirune. i t t j t . t MANN CUP FINALS IN OSHAWA~ To-night Washes Ouf Plciyo fs in Infermedîafe Soft-bcII by Jim Clarke and possrbly final gan-e at beerr closely contested affair s. Wbile .in iBsirop wvill have iris Green Gaels arithtie vest Bi ahe u1hefutr8 pm. Chîrtrans have a strangle- Rai wahedoutthefouth l'ire Mer-us Wear clubr, bld- irold on tire series. with 5-2, sf111in ireqi ofale th o nta ec antional inalC, a ir e ingaine of Chartrans - iFî'ankçs ding for tireir first, champion-17-6 ai-id 7-5 'l. Nns will illb bet ei ainlfnl steMn finals on Monday evening. Tire shitp since 1962, lead tire best 1Tl'le Var'betv club. tir-t, place èup wil e playerd aitirhe Osirawa Civit- Auditoriur. t\,%, clubs ineet tris Wednes- of seven serles 3-0. !finisîner-, tins seasýon, witir au The best of seven spries betvvec'n Ngiair-ne Luckies a;nd day, night .At tire Memorial AI] tlir'ee gaines, lit this i8-6 mai-k. uaptur-ed i ir e 5roohln edmn bean ast igit<Tusdav wih fuurePark Diameurd. in tire foui-tir ýears cirainpionsirip set, have cIirampiorriip akl 0 garres Ilated for Thrs Ay t eight o'clock. Satiurdav a, '8 p.m.. anrd Srrndav afteriloo-n. startiîrg at,. wo 5'c"Ttm The fifth and sixtir contests (if necessaryv r for Tuesday and Wensdviext week. gaine ddiehoKramps and Ksens Tîe 5m #ights ai erght o'r'lock. Ticket prît- are '-ervri' asoahl t . si-5o per adrl., 75e for stidpnts, and 5()( -o te den ' reServed seats wil be sold. so tire iret bet wo- d hInbu Franks Wg,,,GIop Fuels i1 yetir ticket qhPead o! hune t.o avord lne-tip.;anrd get to the, Auditoriumi eaî-b' 10 secrîre a gond seat. Kranip's Furuîiiuie a nii iir-g a borner and iwni doubles.Inplired %vitlr a single.'r, n Plav by piaY wil Ne (art-ted bv hoth CKLR. vitir Peter- Kervs, Meurs IWear hatled toi vhie Stata aided hus o r (oeanr ill)1 Hay a rd b orougir. s ,lohirt n Darîko calling tire action. anrd CHOO, a a5-5 tic. arid Walter Frairk cause wih a pairrof sîîgrsStura siïlgtl i md C oix 1 asReluai tate wallopedf StepirenrI ari y R-iris dnubled anrdýdoiibled. fliýk Trotter reports. Ftielsr as action -ontitnuied iiii-singte(d twice and Doit Bag- A lier- Ragnvlhrirci 1,0rn('(d u - Thre Greeni Gapls left for Vnoîer irid- nrnirig tire Men's Senior Towtr Lea,- .ueli cracked t'A oIrnie runrrus îead off tire bottori haif, thr,, for therr first came on WTdîsdyrighi. Otîrer gines in guInxfu usa rgîlbpc esatc.uexIi wo batteu-su;tr-uck ouit ihe besf o! seven serbes hav-e been schrdurlpi for Fridav', of lasi week at the Memoriall A single b.v Covie along1 but Peir-is beat out anir ibeidi 1 Pa rk. 1 ir Bob Hel]arn's double [bit. and Bill CrussrY' iripledi ,%aurd - an 1Tihe tic 1<ft Kramp's withl1gave the penurant-wirrning b l ie it. 1 At. thf, t ne thi kcoti nîru -rs herîrg xrîr w r ai rgin-iîs 1ai-0edge in tire best cf fi\ v Krarp ', a firsi innun g ri 1 en rrik -ia .-; wer iidewa'obhroadcast theire m('ip itral oin a delax-ed iscmi-finials, viii -F-aRnks ,takýbrutir h, eiins ear- curnîn Walertir see<nnd aun x u rrrg a crmcindiîrg iwogaiebac-k \wth two inr tie buttoirrb'k h e(Il "l( ,.c baels the folowing da3 , due tr ttre urne difference betw en irnulgein tire ollher- seriesý. Iiraîf as Bagneli honred af - otire iY scrîrirrg srxt he.u here and threv-eqt coastý Therefore, if thre ar-ranRempnts have The oprirer wvenrt uine inn- ter Raye WVest was bit byate four'ir to take a 7-0 nlgx befen comipletpd. the first game wrll likely be Neard on CK(,B, inugs before berng called dîc, pui. r<cîrr nrbdi m vi s~mebme hursay. even 11n thre- -r;xth an d i e Thui-dav. ID~~ the rur'few, xvrth Ken'ý Peri-is dur îiblr-d, stole sprocn t( evnu n-oing ip witir twous n ir d iii scored K en's tirird rrrr; rt tre[) en t ir.i al lo s c tire bottoin irait. after thlire' n arinfield error inîî th(- rs ultxattnne Furn iture c'c.viad eourtecd fur uir. Wjttir h e r-u "rrrh itteî to n cast tbtht- * txvice bInopen thre inning. out Co le beifed a t\wo'rî,wine Frantksr- * r<k Stala toissed a r ei,-humer to tie il in tire sixt!. etted 24 safetivs off ti-rre M E O R A L hitter for Kramp's. with Bob a single by VentFuels' hur-icus, tire Inss going M E O A L Fnse gving up týn on tire Griihin t starter George Stepiren. hilfi h e' er. Ka ' perdtoAiriottcaine onrinutheii Ji ol ilidapow- tsixtir.ockrt pinanrd Jiru MeKîigir eifuI bat for Krarnp's, swati ni)th wlien George Joirelpitî<ired tirse 'nth. ARENA sTr O IC o ln orri Parson, whioe ]e;l( BOWMANVILLE of]on itsatdt( Telephone. 623-5728 three singles to !end the ________________A meeting wli be held at Liberty BowiI on ners, while Bob Marjeri-isoir THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Sth was right fi step. witb a dou- ble anrd ihree singles. PU BLIC ist 7:15 Pa». to forti a ne w Young Aduit Bowling League. '"Ohuek" Kîîpairick, Jg" This.wiU be affllated witb the Young Aduit Bowling Cowling and Bnb Williains 1each had three sinles, ii SK A TIN G oae. Rae Pickell adding a seventir The age libmvt is from 18 te under 25, nsarrled or single .inning homner. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th Bieetion of officers wtIl, seib <on handlSe ~ upiidS1iar le Thua'mday, September StI, eai Lberty owI. tire seventir, tire lone triii ION e A Fong dult puze tted. coning wbelr Wright dou bled ~~M~ISSON . e q Oc il owi adltePksattnd.and McKnight delrvered a -- 36-1sacrifice lly. I I b ru ndtiple and Afex MIse marn dellvered a two-bagger and pair cf siugles to pac.e tire league penîrant winnerq' a,,- iack. "Moe' Richards. once one cf rire circ(uit's rnost feair- cd si n gers, camie up wit h n pair of safeties for-tire first tirne tis vea 1'. White Stata wx as lrandliing thre ]Oser-s vitir case, Kramp's coutited tv-ice ini thle first wlrer Bob 1-lellahi w-,alked xith two eut and Joues rifled a[ home r-un to riglit. Wiih Kerîs ouifield bnotirg tIhe bail arourîd for four' erro-s. Kurnps collected iraîf 0of tireir b-hit total lu tire second to score fixe oins and ta ke a 7-1 lead. Singles irv Ricirar-ds, Stata, Veru Grubir and WiseImarî, along witir Joues' tirree-bagger. did tire darnage, Tire final Fn rr ritunie taill Camerne rtire si'.t1r on BiilI lIlaYx s inrgle and a sacrifice lVI\Gr uhmn. BowlingBRING THIS i>ai., m F i ~ -~'~ SPECIAL% PRICE PASS Rn h gi S FOR TIVO Alle-vs 1-2 -4 i 7_8 1ep P TO THE Is FRIDAY, SEPT. 6 -t -1 14 - 3 .6- C Oct.- ; -3 .49 8 S 7-1 4-6 3-8 5 -2 15 4-7 61 8-2 3- I S E S U R C A 22 5-1) 7-8 3-4 -2 KNS N SU E CA .9 2-t 1 - 3 5.7 6-q '1 7-3 :2-H 1t- b 5-1 Z, 26;ý -8 -2 -6 -J-B IN G O - 1 9 1 - 3 8 4 7 2 .3 -t h e .38_5 92- ý 8i 8-2 - --5 6-i 4--, e PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE 17 4-3") 2-t 8-7 6-5 Chnistrnas Partv ai Bowlng AleYlieu 17$8,00 0 îN PRIZES including No. 1 Captairi Heleil Rcyn- Branîd Neii' 1168 'NXBASSADI>R. Sedan or $2,000 1-n olds. Helen Ir-ille. Marg. M- Donald, V. Gaffl. Arnne Ber-r, .' Cash: $1.000 Hi Lo (,ame. $800.0fl Small Snowvbail1 No. 2 -Captairi 0111e Pat- <(,5 nos.): $1,100.00 Big Snomwhall (53 nos.); field, Anne Piper, N. Oud- $600 regular g ames: $450 special games siroorn, Aune Marie Bi-vsoii No. 3 Cptan Mnrie Ty - Don't forget to buy the eonomy pack for value loir, TI. Terry, B. Sieriruis,an ae oey Daisy Paeder, Ollie vem ey Nor. 4 .b- Capin rM.rion Fo- Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the. Wealth) at 7:30 ter.~Do Rtv pie-. M.oo Ma ri. Em m a Clarke, Nellie M - A NY EX A ND V L An E D OR)I E Feeters. MN RZADVLAL ORPIE No. 5-Captiln Marionr Gir-àN sonr, Mvarv Bliunt. Rose Moi- IBME Te Canadien Statesim., Bowr-nan cille. Sept. 4. lq8S [SPORTopIS By Frank Mohun 623-7234~ SEIRLEAGUE PLAYOFFS Fourth gamne in each of thp best of five semi-final xeriles' uIll- -l I It 1r o éiS t Lr1) , murri morial Park. At Pine Ridze School Adiîit Slw\immniiig Classes ris, \l dCrougi. TMarlon (oix'ille. No. 6-CoplainRrîtir Mitrr-, eh., Rap Shîackletonr. Betty Locke, Ma rY Cow,ýan. Rena Bat hizate. o.7Capta;in ,IeatiLohir, L.ila G,.rah ani. J. Hu tton, Audre.v Bate. RubY 1-irtchln- No. 8 ('aptairi Elsie Ricir- a d.forýe Dic-kinîson, Rurth .Osborne, Wilma Coornbies. Bowling Is; to start at, 2 pi. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THE VARIETY SHOW FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. h t 'n M 0k Be Sure and Pay Us ýa Visit a! Our Auto Display cÇ, RONO&, SEPT. 5th -6th -7th YOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER FOR PONTIAC -BUICK -VAUXHALL-ACADIAN BEAUMONT h 166KngSt.E. 3-3296 j j *g Sto.1» $ M"HUPhone 62: I £ecreaIon £RcvîewsI iRaton and Tap (Auitorium) eventingç from 6:30 to l01:0I Baton and Tap classes on p.m- RejZi-.tration nýIjIht Satturdav mornings from 9:00 September 9th, from -.:Ont U I 100) p.r. in the auditorium 10:0nlnb the gym of PIne Rtdze of hie Town Hall. Fee 7.9c per letzson. Registration WXed- Sehl . 1- CIRases wll StArt o neda-. Septeniber 11 th front September 1 6th. This Is a - 50 ' :00 p.m. in the Lions week course. Teenagers ii Centre. Instructress: Mrs. j. yearm and up who passedj their Fo w 1e r. tests during the sum mersi- Baton (Advanced) ming programme will be Bato ulsseçat he Lonscepted. The registratin 1 tr Mo ednesdax's froinm n "n'ndS.0 't 4ý0 to 9:0 ni.. . F r 1j ( side of town. Inst rctors aret, person. Registration. wene _IN rW Bagnell. Mrs. D. Ca\,- day. Sepemiber Ith froi 5:()) ry Mrs. S. Rey nolds. (n 7:00 pm. Ilnstiruc(tres: Miss Aduilt Drama Workshop 1. Hnvc' ~The Drama Workshop \wiiI Pee WVee BasehaII Final hioid their frrst meeting of 1 The Pee Wee Basehall Final, the fati spason on Thuirgdl,' llet\v.Ccnl the Aves and the Sept. l2th. at 8 i. in th.E. RO «Vals of thp Bownianville Gireen1 Room of the t.ion3 Rccreatiozi Departmnc)t, LeRgue Centre. Lîberty -Belles à b lii6 K;n,

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