LES PORTropucs! By Frank Mohun MZ-7234§ DOWMANVILLE TENNIS CLUB i. t t i. t Tennis finalists in the Ladies Doubles championshlp et Bowxnanville Tennis Club will be Jean Evans and Laura Allin vs. Anna Strike and Pat Lucas. Jean and Anna were P*~ers last year when they won the tille. In the men's division it wil be Lars Carlson and Llew Rundie against the winners of Ken Mackenzie and Bob Stevens against Manfred Nattern and bis partner the old Sporta Edtor. MLced doubles action will get underway tonight (Wed- nesday> with the singles slated to go Monday nlght. t t t t. t '<MURPH" OUT WEST By the time this is belng read, Oshawa Green Gaels wiIl probably be home with their sixth straight Minto Cup. Bowmanville had a representative on the west coast with the Gaels In the person of Jim Murphy, who along with brother Mike, is one of the assistant trainers on the club. Mixed League Bowling Piper's a nd Glanvile's C. Mutton _______185 teams took ail three games M. Nowlan ______18.5 Friday night, Sept. 6, 1968, to H. Piper 182 take the lead ini points. Larry 0. Etcher _______182 Piper took top honors with R. Conners 182 top average of 263 for the G. Milison 181 men, and 790 for high triple. J. Thompson 180 Larry bowled the only 300 C. Wisemnan 179 game of the night and took M. Leaman 177 hjgh singles with 304. D. Bradley 177 For the ladies, Shirley Da- B. Leaman 177 vis took high average of 219 J. Dickens 177 and also high triple with 658. George Piper 176 Ladies high single went to J. Nowlan ----------175 Mary Wilcox with a game of F. Bradley 174 272. A. Sleep -_______1731 700 Triples D. Mutton -____172 Larry Piper 790; A. Saman P. Prout _______171 707; M. Etcher 710; H. Pal- Y. Osborne 169 nier 710; E. Brock 703. M. Harrison 167 225 Games and Over A. Osmond ___ 16.5 A. Osborne 256; B. MitchellIL. Smale -___164 255; T. Milîson 229; L. PiperlAH. a an ____ 164 243-304-243; L. Stainton 226-j H. Saenet163 243; L. Welsh 237; M. 'Etcher B. Lobb ___-159 232-295; J. Brunt 229; M. Wil-R.Mthl15 cox 272; H. Palmer 235-267;1R. Mitei ___-157 SDavis 257, M. Richards 230.1G.Pier157 T. Bennett _____ 5 V. Pr'out 251; S. Thompson D. Thompson 150 227; E. Brock 278; M. Nowlan p. Smale ..... 149 231; B. Glanville 225; D. Pe!T K. Blanchard ____-147 fect 228; A. Saman 271; G. D. Palmer ____145 Wilcox 295; D. Brunt 245. F. Osmond ____-143 Team Standings N. Glanville 1,9 Team W. L. Pins Pts. M. McDonald 132 Piper ---- 3 0 3192 7 R. Wray 131 Glanville 3 0 2969 7 E. McDonald ____ 128 M. Etcher- 2 1 3026 5 M. Perfect 127 Palmer__ 2 1 2964 5 E. Brock- iI. Brock- Osborne- Prout Lobb___ Brunt O. Etcher Per-?rt ---- 2820 9 2789 4 2855 3 2943 2 2780 2 2764 2 2881 0 2~794fl4 j Averages L. Piper ---------- M. Etcher H. Palmer-_ _ A. Saman___ ý E. Brock -__ \Osborne Welsh j V. Prout __ S. Davis- _ _- M. Richards j M. Welsh___ D. Brunt D. Perfect .--- - A. Wiseman 4i.Moore ____ M. Wilcox _____ L. Stainton A. Blanchard J. Brunt - -- A. Sleep ----- 73 Mi1rhell-- j %)vis ----- T. MVilison-- P. Chrville T.Harrison P LrIb ------ F YD ickens ------ M. A. Richards L. Connors . _-- E. Moore -----_ S. Stainton- A . W ray -------------- Pigeons Race From Chatham Pigeons race from Chatham, Ont., and Amiherstburg, Ont., Members of the Bowmanvilie Racing Pigeon Club flew the àth race o! the young bird, sehedule on August 24th from Chatham, Ont., an air lunet distance of 206 miles to Bowv-j manville, with the followingt resuits in yards per minute: lst Pete Woolner & Son, 1252.29, 2nd I. Piper, 1237.03:t 3rd L. Richards, 1222.46; 4th1 Brown Bros., 1221.44; 5thr Dave Woolner, 1205.73; 6thE Ron Luke, 1204.46; 7th Johnt Turcotte, 1154.93; 8th Earlt Luke, 861.09.s The 6tih race from Chat- ham, Ont., on August 3lst,t with results in yards pert minute. lst Ron Luke 1189.33; 2nd Pete Woolner & Son 1166.03; 3rd Dave Woolnerc 1161.85; 4t.h Brown Bras.1 1154.45; th 1. Piper 1148.84;1 6th Don Stainton 1147.83; 7thD Jack Bridger 1142.72; 8th( John Turcotte 1123.98; 9th L.s Richards 1120.35; lOth Earl Luke 1098.00; llth Michael1 Carmen 973.24. ý The 7th race was flown on Saturday, Sept. 7th, from Amnherstburg, Ont. n airb ~THE HEALTH CLUB S i s now accepting a imited number of applications for r-nembership. S PHONE BOWMANVILLE 623-3373 Season: Sept. '68 thru June, '"69 Tefollowing facilities wiII be available: Tii. *SAUNA ROOM âD EXERCISE ROOM VIBRATOR - BICYCLE. WEIGHTS *HEATED INDOORi POOL HEATED OUTDOOR POOL *MEN'S and LADIES" S L ICENSED LOUNGE l n Addition to Above W. *Have Now Install.d Tennis Courts VOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED SMembership $25.00 per person Husband and Wife - $40.OO0 (5 to 15 Years) Each Child - $10.00 EACH VISIT - Member wiIl pay: 50c Per Aduit - 25c Per Child Hours:y SLADIES - -2to 5 MEN ---.-7tolO SCHILDREN--4 t 7 p.m. - Mon..- p.m. - Mon. - p.m. - Mon. - Une distance of 256 miles, witli resuits ini yards per n- ute as follows: lst Eanl Luke 1258.49; 2nd P. Woolner & Smn 1248.16; 3rd 1. Piper 1236.86; 4th Brown Bros. 1236.79; 5th John Turcotte 1226.63; 6th L. Richards 1147.. 68; 7th Dave Wuolner 1144.28; 8th J. Bridger 1064.20; Oth Ron Luke 980.19. (0F Bowling T'he leugue started off with a bang on Friday night. Carol Roberts took high triple with 696, Ron Brock had 672. High single went to Betty Westlake 267, and Kevin Chipmesi won At for the men wlth 288. Team Standings Team No. 9-May Alldread 7 pts. 3-Ron Brock --- 7 pts. 6-Clayton Morgan 5 pts. 7-Gord Ritter --- 5 pts. 1-Bihl Nickolson 5 pts. 5-Betty Westlake- 2 pts. 2-Bob Marshall 2 pis. 8-Glen Prout-- 2 pts. 4-George Marshall - 0 pts. 10-Bih Potter 0 Opts. la Fri. Fri. Fri. -FAMILY DAYS TO BE ARRANGED - Ask About Our Baby Sitting Services IIIe Golf Club CFîampionshifps Decided on Saturday Bowmanviile, Ont. Sept. 8, 1968 Dear Sir, 1 wonder if we have a by- law prohibiting the riding o! bicycles on the sidewalk ' If net, I think it is time we did. It is a very dan- gerous practice. Surely It c'ould be stopped. I know if I ever get hit, the town will sure pay plenty for any damage. I would like to see any more letters on this subject. Thanking you, Interested. 1 KENDAL PChurch reopened on Sunday with Rev. T. J. Snelgrove ln charge. There was a very smali attendance. Mr. Snel- grove's subject was "Partner- shlp with God"l which showed that we are partners with God although many times we fr11 to realize it. In the absence o! the organist Miss Joyce El- aiott presided at the piano and the choir sang "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross." In the near future we hope to have an Official Board meeting of the three churches ln regard te the closlng of some of the smaller churches next year. We hope that aIl members of this Board will attend when the date is announiced. Our UCW spent a very en- joyable afternoon at the home o! Mrs. Burwash at Cobourg. There were nine ladies from Kendal and Mr. Snelgrove, Mr. Thos. Stevens, Mr. G. Cathcart and Mr. A. Thomp- ,son aise joined us. The prog- ram was in charge cf the President whe spoke on the work cf Rev. Norman Mc- Kenzie who has bought some land in the Kendal community. Mrs. Stevens gave the Scrip- ture reading and Mrs. Cath- cart gave some thoughts on [t. Sir Ambrose Stanton, e famous Kendal boy was the subject o! a talk by Mrs. Cathcart. Several ladies from the Cobourg UCW had been invited by Mrs. Burwash and we were glad to welcome them to our meeting. A sump- tuous lunch was served by Mrs. Burwash and the ladies of our group. Afterwards we enjoyed seeing the lovely gar- den and home o! our hostesi. '4rs. Stevens thanked Mrs. Burwash for her kind hospi- :ality. Please keep ln mindJ the sale at the Oshawa Shop- ping Centre on Sept. I9th. It vas decided to go at 9:30 an.I Leave any contributions to thisJ saie with the President C. W. 1 Stewart or Mrs. W. H. Foster ln Kendal. Mrs. Swarbrick spent the weekend with her friend, MVrs. Bell of Oshawa who had been spending a few days in Ken- dal.à - -----~-- I JThe Canadien Statesmean, Bowmanville, Sept. 11, 1968 Legion Branch 178 Dort League Schedule. BRANCH 178 DART SCUEDULE - IDU-69 Date Boardi1 Board 2 Board 3 Board 4 Board Sept. 21 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 10-10 8- 1 10- 3 7-10 2- 9 Miss Joyce Elliott who works ln Henry Street School in Whitby, was home for the weekend. Yeur correspondent receîv- ed a letter from Mms. Wm. Mercer who is enjoying ber trip and visit te Saskatoon. She hopes te return home seon. Mr. and Mrs. T. Stevens hed Idinner with Miss C. Stewart on Sunday and afterwards went on te their home in Tor- onto te attend a« funeral on Monday. Mrs. Waldoiof Lindsay wes at her cottage "EdIe's Shack" for the weekend. Our new teachers are Miss Rose and Mr. Donald McDon- ald. Miss Rose is staying with M4r. and Mrs. Allen Foster. Some o! the W.I. ladies went on a bus trip to Port Credit on Thursday. This trip was sponsored by the Newtonville Wv.I. Mr. Kelth Swarbrick and [Mr. Allen Irwin have return- ed te Trent University to con. tiue their courses. Miss Kathryn Turanskv wll attend Western University Ini L.ondon thi. year. OCt 5 4- 7 Oct. 19 3- 6 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 6- 9 5- 8 2- 7 [0- 1 9- 3 1- 5 10- 5 a- 8 5- 4 7- 3 5- 2 4- 1 2- For Intermediate Tille w U ' CAR9 ID S LSCOFP»E]S PJ FLES ell u