10 Thé Canadian Statesmnn, Bewmanvflle, Sept 11, 198 Photos Taken af Orono Fait Fair on Saturday Sept. 7th Recntgust wthMr ad* The President told about* took place on the problems Of, Reen gess it M. n "Operation Carpet' and ask- crn,. prices. etc. Mis. George Rabin and Helen, ed the members flot to throw, Ke Sinclair. district direc- S O L I NGreenhank; Miss Marg. Goyne,, out old carpets, furniture and Farm I Unlionfl tore tdlce the guest Courtice, luggage, as the Indians and sekrMre Bih.sb The Sauina Womens Insti- were guests et the Griffin- Mr. and Mrq. Weslcy Yellow-' Mr. and Mrs. Larry Spires Elkimos have need of these NeekrMreyBihsb ktute willi hold a bake sale et Samis weddlng ln Enfield lees. and Robert arnd Mr. Royv things to make their homes News dstfrctdi Mer Brghtamp-i the Shopping Centre in Osha- United Church on Saturday Mr. and Mrs Eric Hlodge' Hooev enjoyed several day.3 and their churches warmer. interesting report on his trip *wa Baedgoos or he al aferoon wee eekndguests with Mr. hliays when they vlsited:and more attractive. Blackstock Local 73, OntarjolIto the Joint Board Convention .A&1yay be left at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slute and Mms. Lorne Kelett and on Upper Canada Village and the Mrs. John Knox reported on'FresU ohl eet- !in Camp Goldeye, Alberta. ÂbMrs. William Ashton In the and famlly. Raglan, were Set.- Saturday evening they werei City 01 Ottawa. the Coîxterence at Albert Col- ing in the Town Hall at Black-j Lloyd Hasson repomted on ,;CIage on Wednesday evenlng urday evenlng callers on Mr. JOindb -sMreFet r n r. osCye-lg nBleil hc shc stock on Friday, Septembeyd the Board meeting in Guelph. »rearly Thursday mornlng. and Mrs. Russell Vice. Solîna. and Mr. Donald Kel]ett,: man and famlly were dinner'attended in June. She gave 6th at 8:30 p.m., wlth a good H e also spoke on collective 1'In honor of their approach- Solina communlty has sev- Swa~le nSna hyget lh M.ad Ms natatv rve fti attendance. Several visitors bargalning, and the Roy al ý-Ing 30th weddlng annlversary, eral young people who xiii be ail attended the stock car' Jackson Wray, Oshawa, to year's stud 'v on China. were present. Commission on Agriculture 6Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hocka- going away to college to furth- r aces at Indian River.,xvhere 'celebrate sorte special events: After the worship period T Oa eeetrandt inre hi dcto.Mr. David Kellett was raclng. in their fami]v rirele: Max-1 which was conducted by Mrs. egnrlbsns a n aktn orsta Sunay Fybg Pgg twee nte~taI~eo dne e ~goMiss Miss Susan Vice was a Sun- ne's 2 tst birthday and Debra ' Spires. Mrs. H. Yellowiees gave dealt with and a discussion was initiated hy Our. govemn-, e*ilutchtnan Motor Inn, Their University Of Toronto; Mr. Doit day guest of Miss Janice yel- is to begin liem nurses train- a most interesting talk on0a11fmmr b,+1aml1y weme 'the hasts for the Westlake and Mr. Ken Knox lwesinga odn"-optl The Tale of a Bale". She ;avHeaticlesforsa ale wnihapt ,1very enjoyable evening, and to University of Guelph. and 1 Mr. apcl Mrs. 1-arold Yellow- Solina U. C. W. mentioned that a bale is like ' will be assembled earîy ln Helftu wlh an '~pesnt« her arnt wthMr JhnHaQc wllbeme Iees were Sunday supper Solina U. C. W. met at the'an international ambassador'January. questions unanswemed. Where. a rse and bouttopere. thM. rnn ho GueTpTl orbs rde sts wîth Mr. and Mrs.'home of Mrs. Bruce Mont- iberause it involves o n The President mentîoned mission's report Whv have 4v~and Mrs. Broweg and Barbara, year of studies. Wesley Yellowlees. gomery on Wednesday, Sept. 1 people. She also gave a very 'that the next meeting will be the 'o ee aepul? ý,,;Bowmanv1IIe, were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Brue Tn Miss Rhonda Pascoe recent- 4th. The Presiden pneyh ivddsrito f e een edonSpebe hatW a eepe depa fo ti« Later, aIl returned to the home were Suinday dinner guetLI settewekn hhmmetig lt ahyn,-olo-,visit to Fred Victor Missionithe home of Mms. Lloyd report and surely we are en- 'cf Mr. and Mrs Bary ihhMm.andMrs Muravgrandparen'ts, Mr. anîd Mrs. ed hy prayer. The minutes and Timothy Eaton Memoriali Broome. Roll Caîl, "A Thanks- tîîe ..f rs. Soana, whre aryan- J .acs ndhaw . Mra Harold Pascoe. \vere ead and appmoved and Church. giving Thought". The meet-1tle to read what they found1 4.' vesay ak asseve. r.an rs Wsly ilsMrs. Ross Page were Mr. and ' he treasurem's report given. The mem-bers are asked toling closed with pî-ayer. i n htreomnain ,ý4 vers--- cak -a- -e-v-d--m.-a-d Mr---Ws-_y-H-l-s-1 --------- ---were made. Did our goveî-n- -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor and familY, alsa Mrs. Ross'me thdaiss ortaiey or Cryderman and Ellen attended '.. just lay absrprt aiteo Bethesda Decoration Day' on;"~~~tt *~~t tt; iete on o o 'f'.Far ~ a ery i-.andMrs.TomBakr~ ..»s , ~Has Our Minister of Agri- Fa m-f t r ndMs o ae culture Mmr Stewart studled and family attended the Bragg 1 """~~ ' tî rpradi o h ~:Those hydra uines going faniily pientat Swlss Chalet; '. «.ý- t' ~ ~hasn'pte adia shemnt a .41i<cross yaur farm h ePr o udy o its contents or published it .,ýoe n oedneos- Mrs. Edith Leach vlsited: for the fai-mers ho read as, 2":han you thlnk, wamns Oscar with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett well .1ýeSnyder. Farm Safet.y Coordin- an Sunday. Farm xehirle safetY signs v.«ýiRtor wlth the Ontario Depart- Mr. and Mms. Ernest Hocka- i are available through vour ,..nient of Agriculture and Food. day attended the Moarehouse- r,"j ares' ninaaseca .'An Ontario farmer narrow- hn edn hS.An' ' ae Have you got yu ~ sapddet hi ume Anglican Church. Toronto, and y>o'slgn hlepryghîerp Hethe receptian afterwards ah the. The meeting wvas adjourne rasdtebo o h pa-SkylIne 1Ztel on Friday even-- - and lunch was setvd ýjýr and touched a hydro wire.,lg __ .'rHyd.ro men and a doctar on M.an Ms.JeSow n '-the scene marveIled that he adfml lle rn >lewasno intanlykilled. NotiMrs. AI Llhhgow at New- .~was ot insantly market on Sunday. , .m*,everybody Is as fartunate as iMr. and Mms. Frank Cook ,Z'this men. ~. her ar nîny azadsand Frankie, Bowmanville, Ther arernan hazrdsjwere recent visitons with Mm. ZVaround a farmyard, wlth wires1 and Mrs. Frank Westlake. ,,,erunning from one building to Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. M.$ ,.another. 1 was a recent weekend guest. It's easy ta hit a wire when wltb Mr. and Mms. Tom West- ,you're movlng a bale e-. lake, Bawmanville. ~ . Pvaton. a sprayer with the' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Short e.,boomns up, or any ather hlgb and Mr. Luther Short, Court- .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~.m :equipment. i ce were__Sunday callers on n You'i be gad yo swithed inI to INTERNATIONAL!If r 62C Young Shorthorns Corne Under Engle Eye of Judge Maurce Baker PORT HOPE AGRICULTURAL FAIR SEPTEMBER 13-14 Fr;clay, 7:00 p.m. Drivers flirt with spilis and crashes: - Trans-Canada Heil. death in spine-tingling COOPER'S MAMMOTH MIDWAY alive witb action Exhibits on display - main building and under the big top. SAT. 10 A.M. and ALI DAY - EVENTS continuous on the big park grounds. A greater caie show - OId tyne fiddlers' contest - Saddle horses - barness Welsh ponies -' harness horse racing - pet show - Dog obedience tests - 4-H caif clubs. "Science shows the ivay" - High school exhibit. A TEEN TO TWENTY "HAPPENING" Unlimited free parking DEWITH & MOUNTJOY FRANK ST. BOWMANVILLE i ~A Fow of the. Colouful Outfits Taking Part in the MagýWfcent Parade '* 623-3950 CORN EQUIPMENT id H EADQUARTERS See the Iatest, the greatest. INTERNATIONAL 234 CORN HARVESTER Fits 26 models of tractors, performs like a combine corn head. Snapping husking, shelling units changed in 10 minutes without sweat. Save up to 10 extra bushels per acre! INTERNATIONAL CORN HEADS Wide and narrow row models, 2-row to 6-row sizes for 1H combines. INTERNATIONAL CORN PICKERS Giant capacity-built for today's heaviest yields. However you harvest, we have the machine. Seo us todayl T. Cowan Equipment Limited PHONE 623-5689 134 MIG ST. E. BOWMAN1[LLE ON TA R IO iure your ter wheat Fis littie as t per acre New levol of comprehensive coverage designed to guarantes recovery of your "out-of -pocket' expenses at a very Iow premium cost If your average farmn yield is 30 bushels per acre, you can guarantee 50% of your crop production for just 62 cents per acre I Higher levels of coverage can guarantee 60, 70 or 80% of your average farm yield - at slightly higher premium rates. Act now. Applications for this government subsidized insurance must be made within 10 days after seeding .- and flot later than September 25th in Eastern Ontario, and October lst in other parts of the province. Late seeded crops are not insurable. Final seeding date in Eastern Ontario is September 1Sth. In Central and Southwestern Ontario it is September 3Oth - and October 20th is the seeding deadline in Southern Ontario. For confirmation of seeding and application deadlines in your area, contact your nearest agent - or write directly ta: THE CROP INSURANCE COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5 0ONTAR 10 "mvma fw opgîuNIunY . C14 em- ,