The Canadian tategman, zown mnvffe, Sem. 11,l, i £1 I c OUGIfff -- Ted and Jane n'e Hncok)wish to an-t nounce the blrth of their1 diughter Penny Leigh. 6 Ibs. :on., born September 3rd, u168 at Memorial Hospital.1 »Owmnanville. A wee sister for _ýIammie and Sheila. 37-11 D:6GOOYER-John and Pat _.(Poe Richards> are happy ta trnnounce the birth of their son Alton Craig, on Wednesday,1 '%pt'rber 4th. 1968, at Me- >iral Hospîtal. Bowmanville. Thanks to Dr. H. B. Rundle. riurses and staff of Maternitv :Ward. 37-1*! ,PURRIE-Doug and Svlvla (rice Angt) are proud to an- nrdunce the arrivai of a daugh- ter, Lee-Ann Sylvia. weighingi q *lbs. 10 ozs., an Thursday, 1 September 5th. 1968 at the' ÇIshawa General Hospital . 37-1 EIIFIEO BE DEREBDLTB In Memoriam Commng Events___Coming Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale _ Pets Work ASHTON-In Ioving mery on and squaredacn Annual Turkcy D inn er,ijONE 10-spced racing bicycle, SENECA Chief swcet corn. FOUR lovely tabby kittens. RELTABLE hie of a dear hugband and dad, at Tyrone Hall, September 14.1 Kendal United Church, Oct. 23.,$20. Phone 623-3863. 37-11987-4625. 37-l',anc with white face and feet. would like ta lé Bruce O. Ashton, who passcd:'Everyone welcome. 37-1 11968.WTRfo ae37-1l rd.KIERAuniun- Sidin- free ta good home. 623-2743. ends. Phone 62 a16y 196d1n. etebr- aleGav nnaurkey Dance at The Wheels this! Call Cliff Pethick, 623-2313.!1 with transferable 20 year guar- - 3----BO M. Although wc smile and make r Supper, Sept. 25th. Sittings, Saturday, Sept. 14. Might be 38-tf1 antee. Doors, Windows, Awn- FREE to good home In count.rv. ONM nfuses 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Price:1last ealfor this season. 3741*ICOjB corn, reasonable prices.jns alns aeAla ixmnhadpr hpedTT thnau~$l7.cidrnudr12 h omnvleDaalllgid.Fak'1Prince St. 37-1-1 and Lab.; ail needies. Phone, A T Neoane misses him more hnadle$.5 hlrnudr1 e omnll rawl gi.Fak Hiemstra,i -- 728-6428.3-1 us 1ycars 75c. Tickets, call 623-2610: Workshop will, meet Thursdav,1 263-8473. 34-61jSTEREO Hlgh Fidelity Con-', -Lovlngly rmmera',o 2-30.3-2 eptember 1,8 pm.Lions,-slRvla MA ai hn 1 __ -- P__- TWO boys' bicycles 26" and slRvla MM ai resWne wife Marie and family. 37-1;CutieUitdChrhCentre. Everyone welcomc. ancdils2" $5cc 2 4-speed record playerco- BoaresW ne FEGSNI eoyo RlyDay. Sunday, Scptem-1t--36-2Duke tree3-7115 ood37-l* I rOmlnchaersseparate r SEPTIC FERUSN-n rcmrv0fber 15. Pot luck lunch fol- Frtdac f h eson-.GI-L'Scîathing, sîze 5utahes.packed. Phone a dear husband and father1 lowing Il o'clock service. 1 Legion 'Hall, Saturday, Sep- Also Artex paînts, some neyer ACME electric stove, large 623-23188.___ 37-1. Tr4 James Gardon, who passediReglaused.__623-2530. 37temer 2stl*-1avensi and warming aven. foui- P___________ away September 12. Regu5ar.Sunay Sch2ol-cass.stember lst, 9-12. usic bv r T 195 start Sept. 22.d B $20bresdep elcok, 37-1! Royal Ambassadors. Bar. $2.50 ilsacbeaer it urnmatic tieranelecreepvate_ ETT He le gone but not fargatten -a oulea-.oipesa t a One ira orck 6"x40 x3" ngeUL tm. aukWaonPoB ETTO' As itaws nohdawns 1Euhr anotatyhM-'r --_1cipsrndtaksEOechre1 Card6 x40"x 6Partiy, Meie.Ch -WaonPhneNeto In Our lonely haurs of thinking! marial Park Club House, Llb- First dance of the season tin bcd. 2-95 71ýhn 2-14 7I etuat iha 11. Thaughts of hlmi are alwaysierty S.. Tucsday, September Solina Communlty Hall. Sat- j 63395 7-Chne63314l7IfRsauat HCiy .i5 Everenemerd y wfe17.8 .m Dor rîz. d-urday, September 14 wîth Earî UPRIGHT piano, Gerhard - Ue Newcastle 987-4775. 37-l'al --vrrmmee ywfmission 50c. Proceeds Crippled ' Brown S Orchestra. Evervone Hcntma;god odiio.ractors WAITRESSES, sat order,- Hzladfml. 71*Cide' coladClinic.1 welcome. 37-11$125. 623-7115. 37-1*!i cooks. shift work. Voyageurj PETERI Hazel nd fally. 7~1* hildrn's Scool ad 371 Rebeah Loge Peny SalntSTUnBAKEonervce,50eDientrnltinalstauDieeltRePauran, Phoe Newastle BOIJGHEN-In laving mmi----IFxiday, September 2.23:and sdpat.Grhmsi International TD5 Crawler 987-4231. 3- CONSTRI o u erhsadand fath- PLAN TO Centennial Hall, Queen "Street. Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf and Loader PART-IEbysitr-_pe Brick - Bo er ap ogewopsSHm aig feno ta KETasgùtà ____ mInternational B275D -IEbb-itr r-j and FirE er.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rap age.wops-a oebkn.Atronta ETbsgia n ml- Itrain~ferably with child, as corn Pd nwav September 12, 15ïlDine adDance ,Draw 8R nrn 37-2 î fier. on cndtn h nenainlB11) nrvfrnrghn.rPhn hn Wanted .gh sehool girl baysit for week- i23-7128. 37-1l ANVILLE BODY 623-7411i ~TANK4tf [PING >MPKINS riville 786-2552 collect LOUWS IUCTION ick - Stone replaces ýWI-LL baby-slt children 1n vY own home. Phone 623.~5 BABY-SITTING ln my own home whlle mother warks. 623-7489., 17-1 ýWILÈl by-s-t a-nc o-r -twoé chlldren ln my awn home, Monday ta Friday, 9 &.m. tu 5 p.m.__Phone 623-7245. 37-1 A. BAARS Plumbing &Heatingj 3l' Nelson SL. Bowmnio EXPERIENCED lady with good references, wauld l1ke afternoon clerical or house- work. Write Advertiser 925. c/o Canadian Statesman. P.O. Box_1-90.-B-wma-nvillc. --37-1 _ED. HAASS CUSTOM SILO FILLING PLOUGHING and DISCING K EN N ED Y -Ralph and aile SW et m e mnories willl linger -- C r a h t 87 45 7 after 5 .. ne ... ... pil .34-5 TAlier.NTON P1111T11OFFICE-4 'a nne ater) are lof ead ir im a at h n e them, 2 osn M tr. B w a vle E CLLENT i l ty dried (C'ise 730D PART-TIME gas attendant fa- 'announce the arrit*sltrf th -r'Saturiday,. September 14, 1968, shelled corn. Bob Carruthers,' Mlilassey Ferguson 1651) grg uBwavle hn ANMWR.GRE :doagH osriKae n siea e thatsnitru e - at - 18 a.m. - 6 p.m. In case of raina. R.R. 1, Bowmanville, 6 23-5485.!Above Used Tractors Carried Bud Virtue ait.Nichols' Motors. TLLERS. (CHAIN S W u o u nt r 'maral ospil1n Suday Veramacmeant CLUB ANNEENE StudySe.2s.Hlps 34tf Interest Free - No Paymnt 623-2.5.56. 374-1 017TBOAKD SiOTOR September 8th. Special thanks : ita help others 37-1 2"RE .CM Rm-r-99 A nyeml hlir-RNDY'S SM'NALL MTO ,t D Ecr ad henuse;Our Ilngremembrance ofONS26GO" RED VgueButerckStye on-'bys k d if iitil Apriil st, 19uirAEcîadpple lup ersn ae evce 'RfnsigLd ..e Mteniy.vou. O SUOGISA s ultant. r EnaStle ns, wll'onths. $50. Pony EXEReRPAR Alice M. Bough37n1and familles.aItPorts' 6na StevensAlliedm28'hAug$r0. Phoe 623-2d9P rloidd 28C tugerSolina,,oPd WoodstrplacesortliFINEoREFINIrHINp -- Alwys remembered hv 1.rry e tGodbad abisSe-Ontario. 37-1 of Taunton Ra1ISO CBNTMKN *,MacMILLAN-Burns, and Joan: 37-1 ta the Country and WVestern tember 18, 19. 20, evenings,1 ONE -set--drums, complete;' o ne ang, MCAIS epr on APO 6-87WO UNN th17are3,t avs o l udi cesre. N 6 h.p. motor ýman ta, instaîl tires, batteries,__1tfN w sie 9 74 9 -Gar dapytMo lal o pita f eaesnMusa Wl iam, \' DAIS and ur sewing problems. 37-l! nedw-erlato so 'birth of their son. MarkiBUDAY I-n lovlng merv his orchestra. Refreshments castle 987-4741 after 5 pm znobne.n ognea uos -Bowmanville. on Wednesday, i wto passed away September and lunch served. MOSERBNG 7- se or.62-51.:3 JAKBRGESS 35- September 4th. 1968. Thanks1,1965. - 37-2j THURSDA Y NIGHT, 8 o'ciocki 330 STANDARD bushel box- Allis-Chalmers 66 P.T.O. :E X C E L L E N T opportunity. OLBRES-FRAE lNT. >oDr. Sylvester and nurses onJutshewshe ialas Sponsorcd bv thc Junior els, handnmade, stutable for Cockshutt7 ft. P.T.O lare m-n :soein 'E Maternlty Fasoor.w37-IfeWill - I ' Jfor a local resident \vjth bus-* PLI'MBING RE.AR ako evc _______________ 37_1_ Chamber of Commerce storage. 263-2204 Hamptonl. l Bt obnsi ns rsleIakrud e IOEHM --IAlvigtogt1am RENTL IJUBILLEPAVILION37-1elleath cobnesin esosasbakoudRe PHEHATOTrnhs-Dan SAly oFîlFanin atay 68bv' 9cos.inlleswte bwi, sel\ i PO.Box 23, sonhawa Ot. ai Adrss263-2151NT1 &SO M r. and M rs.wooClifford Shrfor' Bomnvleaeplaedt Ia argaret Goulah. 371 Spebr2 h ar .SapWde-piping and tie-ups. 983-50121. 36- P.O. Box 43 R oimvl announce the engagement of BDYl g mmr 98i dayOctober 2, 8:15 p.m., il7 -on ic ______3-f -----9643 0f th ovn ieor 96 le Lions Centre. Spansored COOKING apples. Telephonei Olivier 3-fîîrrow, trip beam ýTH- Bowmanrille P u blic~Dy n i their daughter Karen Yvne ade hsadWilm, ,to r. RgerMafft, on 0'if woasea usay September' Classes wiIl be held ait by the Rotary Club. Tickets'Bill Feddema, 623-3325. Bringý International 3-furrow SholBadeurereps-IFR3i Moffatd wa Sptm'5,$1.0<). Lunch 'and lucky draws. 'Owfl containers. $2.0 bushel. Massey-Ferguson 3-furrow ireprenta atesnt Mr. and Mrs. Narm. 37fat.17, 1965. IHsialBik&7tn or1-R1rgrto Mampta. Melioria37-137- hour supervisor at Vincn .Ht. n 37-1 nathatth hn 0f 'Savaio Ary eaue0f UYNGorsepintfantur iJ jMasqes' Public Schooi. Hours: n t-îme. 'aio AmyL2gu o, 4YNGorp.m.g uritreUsed u litvators 111:30 arn. ta 1:1)0 p.rn. Apply Frpae plac evc 1. Mr. nd Ms. CnradB.4Opaivn. Mercy are holding a Smorgas-ý or appliances, call Elmer, inyFrgsn1 tohl writing stating age, quali- CALL ICnmriîadDmsi elickenden. Newcastle, formn- But la m hagare he ast i Every Monday ibard, Fnida1y, September 27, Hampton: business 263-2294 - Matc fications sud marital status to OFR RCLYR -Jriy~~~~~~~ Corie anuc he Ta il oee ls.' . Aduîts $1.50, children iresidence 263-2695. 33-tf 3-on hthS. R. James, Sec'y-Treas., 24 erertnt engagementteir ouhtf Saly issd b wie ic. ickts valabl frm1T7,E5cTRSTickdn$2tsoh i)erc16-oot Tril Kin St E. PO Bo mo AN STNEnASOS$PoneBER S$R2 ~ta Joyce Wlckenden, ta Berrice.37-sAyon InBomanili o Mrs. Wilatts or Mrs. George' wýki, cashiers, adders. Trades, Cockshiitt 12-tooth Traitl Bowmanville. 37-il PHONE ORONO 98-66eys-6357 evr. Bob Fredericks Roberts- -.Duirhami Couiity interested, Forcy 37-2 terýms., rentaIs, service. Billj. REAL ESTATE CAREER 3tf ihs 6337 Son of Mn. and Mrs. Frcdenlck! BUDAY. la l nvlng memar please contact Northuxnber- I-Newcastle Lions Club Month- Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-716. Discs iWîanted - a full time reAR.TrI vlijLne fLobents af Halfax, Nova! nt a dear bnather-ln-law who ilIand-Durham Health Unit îy Dances get under way 12-tf earoHarditware& 1cotiserecentlyagfntowfar- passed awayB- ,r>111,ee. n Otyo obrwdn ss 965.September 17,1 ~r~lSeptember 28th. Mvusic by tth e hegoe t o- Farea. Experienced manager toi PLUMBING & HEANGndLETJ kilane. A ctjr edng 1 elepnone 623-5661Am FROMVI 'hei you pluwextra avertis-; SALES & ERVICE FANK BRIN aat 1__ 3- sbassadors. $4.00 per couple. 1Deliciaus sweet corn, tomatoes I egus 3-pintlutchexa commisns.ES &-HERI land 7lWithln aur store cf menîorles ___37__-2 Br priviileges. Proceeds t-'pisa rd ri akt i~Ime fms elEtt - rnhn AR ~Oao.I~New Tractors 'ingtrofmsRelEte 01 Mr. aad Mrs. Frrancil no anc cisc can lever be DeUR Arena. 0 Mmri7-i1, y3, oth0 36-tf CARRY NO PAYNIENTS 'Boards. Contact Lloyd G. Oil Burner Sevc iwilias ishtoannaunce jMare cherished ln aur .LeDeNUREic rsiet,11 SETC AK illiams wlsh ta ~~~~~~Ayonc desiring ta 1v'ASANT'S Garden -Cut AND INTEREIST FREE Lc R. iePeiet I AK N ETCTN hl engagement of t hpilr heants. 1 play PASlor ,8 glr TL BD augter Shrle An, t Mr -*Saiy issd b DoisrndMO4.~.TORCOACH Marathon Bidethis s o,1fowers -Gails tpa'UNTIL APRIL 1st, 16 et t.Batr 8 gin IEBD fa'ghtr, hirey nn toMr --*adl msse byDors ai spansored by Women's Hos- iand - Gladoli,1sSet1pe9ston Avenue, Toronto 12. Telle-PHONE raak C. Langton, son of Mrs.: Bill, Pcggy and Ron. Rita and TOURS pital Auxiiiary, Memorial Hs tes Container ar- r~wï~< hone 487-3333. 37-3 HAMPTON 263-28 uby Langton and the late ILes. 37-1i pia, plcase eaul Mrs. Mason rnemsten. Pon 2-57fT PART TIME OPPORTt'NITY i__TRN 6-60bJ/u jKr. Frncs L. Langton, Belle-,I SEPTEMBER 22 by September 18. 623-5553.,GROScuilwetm-Housewives love the appo r- REP LTR *iaturda rlage ta take place iLaKEas I ong ' ryHighlands of Haliburton Tour!marings. -37-1 tc-pttosa:dote xeequipment tunity ta add ta the family Action Sale *ZtraOctober Sh 98a 0 ensnand brother $.01h Hnrbl-athw .Itabes,oteasd threr High-r.neAcin vr ensa a oc SithIJah' 1Doal Wllam.w00ie budget. Show beautiful Bee- VOUR CHESTERFL -- __ omaa Catholic Church. , September 15, 1967. Depart Bommanville 8:30 ar..r Dymond, Provincial Minister wsy 2 and Sauina Road Tele- Ltd. ueFsin w rtreO HIS-Fe siaesat :0pmBwmvl 17-1* We Mllte knew whcn we woke This loveiy 330 mile colon tour of Health, wiii addncss the phone 576-2139. 34-4'eeig ek oivs- 2-96 ogGwr - that marotrouh heHihln o f: pening meeting of the Can- USED washer pars os 3 igS.EBwnnIemnts, coileiug r drelie-6355suto sn mi7810 Th orwtedywudHaliburton and the Muskoka adian Club of West Durham mtonPhonewo e62a3robs689 - Frtcoin Th bmi;WthgdaSwul Rgio wlibea MadndSetemer30ha picty TorandMofa Pone62-5e9e.arl' re. xpeieceîlt hyte' UhosteyîWads actiners 3-t ?darriages For the catilwas sudden and' There wili be many 8:15 p.m. in Trinity Churcnh i incesof uaturna(lyhade c-r7.1For ineorain ut 5KigS. llBwani g - - hock severe ltrsigsoserueAuditorium. 37-1 tse Lc f urître 72d8s-3-594 avca. or inoratonca842-f7uc.o sle0ffunîun a M.adrs.ECaeTpatwton elvdiMarket, Hampton, 263-2241. jJivesLock Fior ae7839 r6884 71' ehc' ito hd n Mi md rs EC.RedeTapat it oe e ovdOCTOBER 6 Woodview Community Centre, 42-tf 1 -2 - - -T -ehor -hes.- ARTTIM AGRICULTURL nsiln audyeeig owmanvilie, wish ta an- Sa dean. iSptember 21.E aeholarge quaATntlty auncethe frthcming ar- ou wihed a anca lat Algnqui ParkCircl Tou MONSER BNGO RCO0DTIONE TONo-crsTelehone 63-26S. 3-1 é-USTO 1NORe0f ood fnn2tre-2675.g uage of their daughter Daisy farewell $7.25 and ratons (trade-ins), 40, 50ls mrelafoa.Eatiles:SleUSmeTOMac W une, ta Mr. Stanley Peter Or had a chance ta say Depart Bowmanville 8:30 a.m. Next Monday and 60 foot strtuctures-, alilnPNY, \ATl 987-471. 37- Plouzhing - Mong anici Meeks, son of Mn. and gaadhye, 'Travel via Orillia and Hunts-j 7:45 P.ii'. excellent condition. Oshawa N c sie98-74. 7i lîfPehc, uciner rs. George Meeki, Bowman-I You were goine before we ville, throuigh Algonqutin Park! TV Suppiy Limited, 723-8131.1 RIDING honse. saddie; bcst' Double Discing Rang3- c. The maniage wlll take knew It to Whitney and Bancroft. The' RED BAR 50-tf ýoffer. Phone 623-5548. 37-1 * PHONE 'Corn Planting -Bln lace Saturday, Octoher 12th, An iGdkoswv enr hudb acd f O H W ai--IE-SERE---le 1r-6337 968 biack0 anlnS.doh'si white TVmmbre clr h anteo ya. ntr 6t!nna jl fonds. Young buils, bred a COLMER uch.--biack and white TV ante:sin ,Cane.Scnd LIGPhone 728-721 3 l"'ohr aste eel lsigsos illi maefrinstaiied, $46.95; additional, open heifers. Durham Fa rmsSlsAea E__n-an rtesEns nl pcuetkn OMRTUSblcanwhtTVatnna, Concesori263-848Clarne.- veronThurs, 7:30-840 1 WEDDINGS Robent. 37-1* OCTOBER 11, -12, 13, 14 j installed with lead-in, $15., arm west of Highway 115. DUTCHMAN 4'SlngHreCte wn, si, i1ic aatedPRTOSl lva - Thanksgivlng Tour to BUFL1. Phone 623-2006. 32-8' 35 niPo tie reunlon of mi cupesmary of Stan and Jena e THANKSGIVING awn tomataes, beets, carrots,j Herefords: 5(1 stocker calves,'____ 37-1 i DREAM HOUE petr2-f f 'nrido yoePsoaway renS, a h asd1OTBR1,1,1 n 4WE 5ept Sc6 quart, $2 per bushel;;50 stocker steers, ta seli pnîv- -- I Aucton sale 0ffurnituee jhurch. aundy, Mothited r, Sept. 1,16,ad New York CtWEEKEND Iaura, epeme Thanksgepti10v196. 1- 1Spaish onions lOc each. Bring atiy traySpebn Y O U T H j we wiîî build from Yo ln~tepaet fMs ae 2ad~Oh Fto:3rRChth e tuch fvnse coe 2-1 akt.Rudy Eyman Farm, 1.GoreA cGwn on your lot . . . orweanana nteVlgeo 42da :0p.m. Rev. i. hands For further details and I 5 miles East of Newtonviile, 778-2213 Havelock. We de- IVANTED supply fully servicetiNHA'Hmtn,5mlsfrho ugaonflwn.ges1 -speaker. Re-J Iton Phone first farm East of Morrish ive.3- orGnrlFctory Work approved lots at beaifu omn'ie onhpo ptln oliwig. 372An voices that are still. reservations Phone 623-12CrhHgwy. 37-tf 0ALOINO mare, 1.3 handsa _sd y son-law anjonie adR Y ' rPCK your oigwnanac Prkwa Crecentaaengto5.anSatuday fter tD ah adly ssed by aughtie adJRYand OEu 2-26 r623-3093 p _ --- ýexcellent disposition, gaod con- IPERMANENT POSITION fan, eptw2st.Lls o OB A saaRichard Haskill. 37-1 dc.;tonatleA2.pply * 1pfrmtinrson;als totrnSUB-DIVISION rilsnx eks ppr j B A6haaGnlTRAVEL AGENCY COLMIER carr;ots, $1.25 buu epeshe; WTe. adedscatery S. S - owmnviie Sal atI oclok. tof aptal an Tuesday. Septcm- PORTEOUS-In loving me- and IG T.E beets, $2.50 bushel; Span- mthn breast collar and PehLkibertonyr 10ý 968, amy m 9KI GS . R V L SE EIs onions, 8c eacl. Bnlng!bridie. Telephane O s haw a P C A T Low Dowrn Paymeni 1-.- obbs, ln his 62nd year. Dean Dad, Stanley Porteous, who; BOWMIANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 ___ 364 baskets. W. Eyrnann. haîf .725-8929. 37-1 Balance on convenientNHAr utoWdedy 8Sp usband of Helen Lornds id sucddenly Saturdav Sep- 37-11j mile east of Roy Nichais' Gar- 1100 WESTERN and Ontario e2 tol 3% itrs.tme, .. omnil Ver of Fred and Caal i temhcr 11, 1965, and j -e.ý - SUNNYSIDE PARK age. Courtîce, go north ta first 1 stockers, soîd pnîvateîy every LTD.ActonBan:30 eecni MnePreu.wo stn. dsof Thanks Thursday 37-tf' Thursday, (anytimebyp-D ovdp-aftl,5chis tng Funna HmecKig tosoaceuiy wanSaurayri- .'ÂJJt M L.JÂ fST,..7%.BI-NGOtmnt. vanJoasn,63TEMPERANCE STREET I Phone 623-2263, Bowvile2pe oa oabdîet saw Sevc rnth etmer1.1966. 1 wish ta thank the organi-NghS DO South Monaghan, Bailieboro BOWNIANVII>LE, ONT. i1-~sIe n als d his hapel. *Frlday, 2 p.m. Legion Ia aur h art amemory i Saletm fins o husa NgtSKIIO je rvice Thursday ev ning at kept, t i r i t cards. flwers and 17:45, chairsirth of -30 arlock. 37-1 For parents we resPected hot urn my reccat stay ln 745Sle ndSrvc 'orDop n ihkT8 i HARDWARE ('LERK PiumIE fonplihrEgaswr, os and wiil neyer farget.1 hspitai.RE DR Aereuie YvneFlls 7I DAVISLong established stor r l mpnsicysal cbietHri OLAR-A MrrnralHo- o pae f im, o ape r SH WASed orSale !the services of an ambitious, lts lmnmhas e OLLRDAt emrll Hs-Nospaeo im.n apeoivnn als.3- HA~A Marine *and or __a. courteous iman 25-35 years, Pone62- ~tal, Bawmaaville, on Thurs-i Cari dim the treasured past., Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry --7856 EDXJET with paint anti hadrex-j7ONAOSTET es0foditm.Du y.Setebe Sh,1968.- A loving memory kccps It dearnsd famili wish tai thank ail1 CLARKE CITIZENS 72-55SE HA permence, $90 ta S110 per wxee BWAVLE jGwrJmWoAcin 0fn auhe f Max and ' OMITTE ND OPQUAIT adeline Pollard. RR. Affection hoids it fast. theiîr relatives, frîends ai-id! O' TE AD 55 KN ST. E. ait WILSON TPQA Yta start, dcpending on qualifi- 3-fier.W byadsigo Restd1atthe'Ssdly missed and aiways ne-! nelghbons for their kindness. i ications. Knowledge of api ___ __ue untr.3- ewtonville. Rse ttemcmbercd by daughter Helen,syptyadcdsunn RATEPAYERS ASSN. Oshawa anti Area's Oldest anti HIGHE.ST YIELDING aneatioFuiura ilnoris Funeral Chpe, v- Isonî Cîem gnandchîîd-:their recent sad bereavemnent ags K.O EIE INSPECTED - TREATED a sset. Opportunity forth CEM ainville. Graveside service" g' - .35t he AKRMNTcsa, et 2NGomit as held on Frida.v at2'clc.nnadbetracidc to be lield tîIing into the businessafater 3 XGs~Hîtislcuig4 terment Bowmanville Cerne- 1 PURDY-In ioving înemovrwoî ik athn ila' Set ESTERN ONTARIO Grain Crop i years. Fringe beîîefits, five- LOADING - TRENHGmikcwblnebdhef ov f Chardes Bcrtramn Purd v wlho L17, CK (Ip.m.NT - I 'd awa fnieds, rlaties su co- . I>VESTCK SIPPLEMNTS dy wee. Rely sttIngyasteenk.,Grave, TopSalI nd cr. hefSasdadGraviredTop Piano - in Ipass tem5r12 workers for the leIy flow- I n ineraI Vîtamin for 1~ Ll,1V')l five y cars of empîibyment andFi elerdhfecav,4mlkrut, Tumn 196. hywifeIvîlnie rs. iftsand ardsreceved NITE Hogs - Dairy anti Beef Cattle f marital status. EGAN BROS. 2u-Hour IVATER SEVC81upec,4 anbl oln I SadlndycarnlseeieddORONO UNIED RiOFESSIONAL work gutar- l Estelle'and tari~' 37-1 during my rîecent stay in CUTT TPFIZER PRODITCTS ' t1V.bLD LT,29QenNBION Reasonabie Rates 'ikqoab uto.qat teed. Athur C o11 ii . ,Oshawa General Hiospital.' C.tUiiC. HALL 1 ERAI'I1CMBOTC Phone _857-221 1. 36-2 623-57.56 - BOWMANILityhyadsawthpa- ____ .RAYCN OBITCS owmanville, Ont.i - - - et fW.G emna Mf my dear parents and grandi- 'Spear sud nurses on 4F. BIdPSFSLD FAEHL V I Hid Wilsonay N.&7Van ~ecpton parents, Effle Vera Strongi CnlSehn 37-1'JH RASA Pasture Mixtures 36-3, CLEANING . iees fBogm bt an r. - -'who passed away June 1.3.1 -_ --- - __7- Ot n Gsjn Mrn r. Melville C.l 1952. David George Strong'i Wp would ikie to express R ET~T~ Pride. Warwick anti Unitedi PRES ISUtiandServithepmkshsaeaus tha e, ngu . , Stungeon t ree. who passed way September sincere appreciatin ta Dr. H BRID SEED CrOleRW M NPRNU E S ST M a m ). N t L rk o ie n e e . O n . i l e a o m e i 1 2 1 P .5 .5 . T w o lo v i g n e p h w s , , . o h n R ti d e . t h e m i r l n s t a f f S E T t - T o r t 1 9 6 5 D O D G E 4 - d o o r s e d a n , 6 F O Ill im e a n d P a r t T im e S H E T M E T A L W O KO1s o t n ti e a e i p m I on the occasion of teras) ae$.0rtr iginai mleage. Phone after 62-3373 17 Liberty St. N., Bow m vie asn n Wls ,Sls M r. Itl Wedding tlh n. SPT. 5 - artyrs Shine,__ 3-1 six. 623-39016 or contact Jim62 st wishes oaly. 36-2 - ' ibili 1V- ren 2Prset S a Bw- i P n l ;1 i.' DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIEU Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. "-SELL-RF=NT- SWAP -ý41RE--bUY-SEL4'-RENT- SWAP -ý-4il RE - SUY - SELL-PENT--SWAP-ýqI RE mizzzzzo- -1-quzzzzzv - -%qqillillillillillillilillillililýýýýýýýýýýý -ýý jjý el M fil 1 Work Wanted