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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1968, p. 15

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RE NT-R - _____ fo s [.CIM IFIED ADI BEI RESULÎS__ l j'agitratesCur ,nItorb' LARGE country home, 3 acres1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS SINGLE roam with fridge.Hed n Bom vle in. David -hrt Tele- John F DeWithfl land, on paved road; exchange, AND OTHERS 623-7148 after 3 p.m. 37-1; F. .rIn'u h ' eter Kowal, Jr. fi Monday, September 9, 1968 ! hadpidoneiso With hke daojwgnbegrol veer l ; w a t e 8 tfr sm all 4 or 5 room bunga- IN THE ESTATE 0F SAM UEL HOUSE In Orono for couple or ti e! pta g lm and kee apfo t L b ry St, w e i e e a phneNecatî 974582.3- REAL ESTATE LUMTED 10w on paved road. Write RUSSELL PERKINS, late f small family.Po9355. Magistrae R. B. î Battn t! omwr n ephmaa a asdteohrt o REALTOR REALTOR Advertiser 915, c/o Canadian the Township of Darlington, Phoe93-37-2 presided, with A ss, st 1 Ufo the wrong pepert he ims nHgwy41 Clarke's Citizens' Committee: 14 Frank St. - Bowmanvilie and GENERAL INSURANCE Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- 'in the Countv of Durham, Re- LREbi Crown Attorney K. Stubing-. whmhe had be anld Ratepayers' Associationi Phone 623-3950 52 King St. W. Bowrnanvillle manville. 37-2 tired Farmer, deceased, Who LAG rgt roomsclose o a entsoct w ill h o d a m e tin g, u e s d a y i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a B o w m a viu e, ntarlo b u sin e ss se c tio n . T e le p h o n e I to n , a n d T o m J e r m y n a s d u ty in g . M r. L e m o n h d g v n e ly la e r i r ove1y ,September 17, In the IONE ACRE LOT: with 3 623-2453 'NrhEn~d Locatiom ed' 23736onald infr eai.athoefse se t ae O o V nited Church Hall at1 room building. Located north[ Dor abouhathea26thndayr0fi______ 1968. 8 oclok. ues.spakr: r. fsBweaakeerA:si ng Bwmavile! Doyouhav a lanfo Asune 198. YPERIER entisstY Doal Kisela o Ne- ad almr ws mkin re-PancmCosen wa gvrv Jon1Bw avle !home, or woud you like toiTHE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O. dents' rates; service. Phone estle had his license sus-: titution wmith tfhe moe h ad M. rhm Li tat JonBradshaw, Horticultur-j$7.000. Ask for Phyllis Mc- 3 Bedroomn brick home In pc n ro eea e can 11960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52.l 623-5193.- ______3-7-Il- pended for one year on con- was earning. Ubigtsiadthtwhl alist, "Conservation and Land Robbie. excellent condition. Centll1Y show you? Consider w,,,,,ng Credîtors and others hav- [- romho-eron -ct--o crles9rvig Crown Attrney G on. ewssoîgdw og u ngse".'M ed B wl :fr100A RE BU LD NG LO S: lo atd. Fuhorcemes 0. yo rlom b li a d ba ke i g ai sinans t e bo e fl orbmve In Ocob r st Mr. d E hir, Os aw , asie ac uise, wh n r. On to th srsec r ad t Ing League - Ti mne: Sundays, $ ,000 cow n. B alance at 6% . N ew astie!! :are sure you w iiI like the parLiculars and ful p o fl . A ni, 1 5 K n . h r e i hprope p ss Lovekin asked for f r h r e - r s a r n , h o l e h 6 o0 ng Aduit s' Mar i l - iC lofo 120 qc f. ho e. Onyf e m3ar ng d y o oro 'Âbld r. W E tt aeoeur d o se d A p 71 n n ureras o n jce' e son o s s e si n of snsti lg t o wo cr a e d few o)penings In the league for CAVAN: 116 acre farm wIth 'bungalow on 1,2 acre lot, In building lot. For complote de- or before the 4th day of No- APARTMENT, heated, mod- WyeVeNcatewaptnt tdayt tr anhehfdleadth - bowlers, married or single. 19 i 8 roomed home. 011 heated 4- spotless condition, Musi; be tails tel. Mrs. Mary Heath., vember, 1968, after whIch date ern, stove and fridg. Adults Wanvted onaeechaef asboys beî-odavetand rk P1 t te 25 years of age. Anyone623-2902, Rep. for Jack Ricard the assets of the Estate will be cily Apply Statesman office,.j aneicedey asharemofdatt-o beysbellaa- 2 5 A n 3'o e e b a th . G o o d s iz e b a r n . 3 7 - d i t ri u t e d h a l n g r e g a d t f i n g . 3 -tf in g u n n e c e s s a r y n o is e w i th a ! A a m r s i l b s 1 î n a h o h r h n h ~ Interested please calHeather Asking $30.000. Ternis. CaIl: $19.500. Ternis. Ltd. 371_______ ___________d t Kig W 3- torveiceiTisc Arg os Plmertolupned okwge wrot ore , 728-2956Li r t h my B o ss Davdson UAL OPORTUNITY t eW1 n h d i s t a E TL M N w c -wa, laid because of ex ossve sentence, M agistrat Ba en he ig t a d s ou er f Sudy etme 5n e A OB ODS o ur:c! IN REAL ESTATE SALES j have then been receix'ed. roins, kitchen with cooking muffler noise, ton fast accel-aseedafnof$(neheodndteohr r re5gister at LhoelbertDyt owanvll, n-fBowlie Ontrom.Seartes . ad elpd th aasfineo p.m. -37-1 200 acre stock farm with good l 1ý acre lot near school. AIn usualsituaing hich provides the 4th day of Septemn- i entra nce. Prin.63-18rainanresdetallion h~ehmetrm odt bulig.Bikaoe ag br, o. a-, 6.37-2* ein a esidnthe Voiontoveget enteutn berlen 1968.on.Pficamer dal6.po______t____ -- __-__ofNewcastle, at 1: 15 in th e keep the peace andbeogodkwge buldng.erikhoe.Lageecelet oniio. riedtey dua pontetchae a rec C. Mason, Esq..offQcC. FURNISHED room, central morning. The fine Was $15 behavjour for two yas fstdered. CHam ptoffice. into a top-lexel m a ine-l asistidnd Stliiee , drtinversd s itaeett ;tnd co te o0 t e aeM INK FARM : 2ij acres., 14 Acres w th stwo carn p siio ? f s ,eou oed1 0 inaSree W sto1nLsyRaph Br streamH. ryLoel bdoo uniIdeal poitonxI 1maag- 90,in Sret eslibi irnmediately. $70 J* yFranzek, 2, wýAllan Brown, andi rv glw it tayourself t alBOWES Bw nvll, ntaroaply100hne.63-43 rmanville, D sr. T o h En E H . V e r rh y :A l o de e r o n g alo w lc a ti o n f r h o e;7. 0 . A N D C O C K S L T D ., R e a lto rs. .oli itor for10e0Ex cito r .E ._3 7 -1 c a g e ouip i d td r ivin g , dp p e r e o c o u tolaga r e s . v n ha R - PE ED u de te aise be bought as a going con-, Our representatives also enjoysi a chare of c i p, pp are i BOSVNIANVILLE cern with 1,700 animais, equip- Klendai!! these benefits: $100 weekly ia- 37..3iTHREE-bedroom house, New- on Sept. 2. He had been tak- charge of break ai neaantGrl aie a ANIMAL ment. etc. Ask for Phyllis 1 ce ibsrns oescns n cietj: castle area, heavy duty wir- en into custody in Bowman- with intent. They wr c idan CLIIC McRobbie. acres cleared. Asking $7,500. plan. group life Insurance,f NOTIteF TO CREDITORS lg WrtAdetsr24vieaereigoion i cusedi of hreaking it w rfi ae okU h c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Highway 2, going east. andi cottages and a trailei h eane fteatron Smail animais hy appolntment.' PA'RTLY NEW: 9 roome Terms. O.H.S. and P.S.I.. ample park-' AND OTHERS Bx10 omnil.3.*to onMri' od aKna itit nAgs Dipesayopn oda t incorne home wth two bath- iNewcaste!ofcs tws ie lcaio.1IFEDLILIN WINRRYM.Fazesdfnshs Stra,9am o5mofic, copfee room. priatiN, THESTLLLAE0N WN BUNGALOW to rent. Modem M.Fane' eene ij6th. -E. R. Lovekinf» h S a u r a y a m . t 5 p . . r o o m s . C e n t r a l . A s k i n g f1 t a e l 1 r o m h o e a s e c a l b o n s e t r e e n p a n ' a t 0 t e o w n h i 0 C a r e ' c o v e i e c e . v a l a l e m - i a y c , . .Va r onWo.C - e f e s e s i d t h s a s t h irfI EC oA-T for l rge nim ai neod $17. 00. erms park-Ilke setting. T rulv one extra Inc orne roin nter-office in the C ounty of D ur arn'tm ediaýely. D riving distance bourg, stated that M r. Fran- first offense, a nd 1 î e a r s -M O U E T N Phone 623-5808 f LOVELY: 3 bedroom brick of Newcastle's finer homes. referrals. Men or women mai Widow, Deceased, wbo died aï j ta Os hawa 18 miles. Writeizek had been steadily cm- ing officer agreed ta hy AKR Registered Veterinarian bungalow with attached (heat.- Has 2 fireplaces, broadloom.!apply. You nced nbepr-BonieOtaro no'Advertiser 926, c/o Canadianj ployed since he came from'seemed te be amers available cd) garage. Hanover kitchen etc. Must he seen, Priced ta cntly lîccnsed (we will train), 'about the 28th day of Febru- Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Poland, 10 years ago, and that ilrime. esma % _______37-2, with built-in stove and oven. seil. :but you must have the quali- ary, 1966. manvilie. 37-1 a jail terni would not serve:1 Each boy was give ss hete.4-ce at.Paio!itestatst OWSANithe cause of justice. Magis -, perned sentence oftoyas 0FTAFR oh hetd. 4pc. ah. PtiBowmanville tc ha e OW S A D THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O.' trate Battn said lie should rJR DR.JOH BU DLEetc. Caîl: Jan Oudshoorn. paten hm.COCKS a notch above the, 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52. bvn ttn oproetdfom1ncn with warning of a aitr DR O NR N L,,3Aateticrehmohr.For fuirther ifra Creditor-s and others haib 'J e rm eaigif back within two arfo IU BEDROOM BUNGALOW, centrally located. Ia excellent ionp s alGORDON (lams gaist tttaovnthepublic, and canvidthe any in fraction, whaer. jfft dyApinmn in ete Garage. btP ave gedrie- arl. Op$190.Tem. as sae r rqirttaheuhk By Apoiimen 01 hcaed.4-pc. bth. arg repir.Hot water heating. 'TRICK 576-2421. asans t end acuodbb vovbig 20 Office way. Loveiy part of town. 1 utclr n ulpofla rbecue a pended for two years. jig f laid agairs ere__ Il fie fe ..iKeith l thoreof ta the undorsigned on Mis usnl Follett, of Port Hopwoe 'Ird D Nuss eiec aor before the 3th day of'MiRo 'usK Dcyman, Tor- homne isj inh Trolier (Queon and Lambert Sta.) WELKP:9roe .A Mcrgr-9746 'E T E R S Scptem ber, 1968, after which i"Rotary00, s rchafrgdih came-ý charge was macleatra home with separate apt. Al Peter Kowal Jr.- 623-5868 REALTY LTD. date the assets of the Estate diîg îtrseb accident between M o BEOvv-AnvOSITL 1650.dern ms arraine. Ask --___ 3-113Kig78-38wili be distributed, having re-' The barbecue held by thecame involved in an accident l Vokwige ndaca LMTE Bw avle for George VanDyk. 103Kin Street East, Oshawa gard to the Will and the dlaims Bowmanville RotayCliu b with Mrs. Annie Van Dam,ofdie by Jerry LatiePr For appolntmet RICE LARE:40 acre farmthat bave thon been received. from 5 p.m. to 7:30 P. M. on Pontypoel, at the juriction iHp.CfitngedecBo13 For apointmet RIC LAKE:40 acr farmREALTOR DATED at Bowmanvîlle, Saturday la Rota* Soe County Rolad 60 and 16A, on Pe Colitg Phone 623-3042 j with brick home. Ail modemn W. Frank Real Esiaie' Country Bungalow - New Ontaro, the 26th day of Aug- Creek) Park was a successful July 6. The ar Mis Dey- ineswh ~h:d StE.WbIb btenconveniences. Terrific view.i I TEi brick and stone, 6 moins, stone ust, 1968.j event, much enjoyed y the marn was driving, a 1967 Fiat, as toatthe cause of th1ok-Wlty 6335 btenVerv anxious to seli. Cal: ~ TDi ielcduegagprv! Elton A r t h u r Glen fid20pecopie who attended. hit thc back of Mrs. Van - ofc.REALTOR fieicdul aae mv;Wer 89 Adolaide 250et enMKeniChairr Dam's Buick, just aitor Mrs.___________ 9a.m. - 12:00 noon Jfce 2 ate setting. Cail Dorothy! ri "Stee o ceze, ama Vn ha ad ~ ~ CRS:prt21ooedrKing St. W., Bowmanville Vva 6-18 East, Oshawa, Ontario, o the Civic Committee, wasVa Dam hî al turn on on Monday - Wednesday- with loveiy strong stre*am. Ask- 623-33931 by bis Solicitor herein, in charge of arrangements for ta Highway 16A. E. R. Love-, Friay orOffce our in $5.00. emm. Cli eore Memor shaa ad Dstrct$19.000 -- . 3 hedroom brick, Lawrence C. Mason, Esq., Q.C., the ovent. Ho was assisted by kmn acted for the defendant O F F I C E H O U R S .st tebungadlo w , 2 y*ll sea oi , on a re B rr s or an otheo , b cother m em bers af this com - and the charge w as dis nissed. NOFFBDICEbrc ' Ra EtteBar otwt sal tealoae 30 Ring Stroot West, mittee. Dr. A. W. -Harris, Tom Laverne Merkley, R.R. 2,j NEW3 EDOO: rik noar Orono. Phone Audrey i Box 129, Bowmanville, ho, Dr. W. A. Rudeli. Bowmanvil, was charged Monday- 2 - 5, 7 - 9 p.m.: bungalow wlth carport. Elec-; 100 Acre Showplace Plain 623-356.3.Onai.- Reler tmiall hote, 4pce bth.Buretn. rom pli loe]f Otaro.3 5. Harry' Van Belle, Jesse Van with careless driving, as a Wedneday- 2 - 5, 7 -9 P.fl. Lvn n dnn om.Ak.rckhm.2bahom 90 Acre Farm - with ri - -Nest, George Vice and Edward result of a one-car accident,, I'ridaLiving Ask forbGoor replaces. attahdrage. 2 ffidy- 2- PM. Ig 2150.As frGerg Jfrelae, ttchdgaag.brick bungalow. barn and f NOTICE TO CREDITORS Samuel. on Hoit Rd., on May 3th.;ir 3___ fBeautifuily landscaped, barns, creok. Call Doroth Vivian f AND OTHERS A musical group, The Last E. R. Lovekin, in defonse cf 36.3* f VanDyk. 12 ponds. Corner propert.ý263-2138. IN THE ESTATE 0F SAMUEL Resort, composed of two young his client, said tihat Mr. Merk- BONELESS jNEW STORAGE BUILD- iny$500 em.Cre alt tr n JOHN McKNIGHT. late of the ,girls and three young moen, loy had been roturning homoe t~ I I w ith office. Stockroom . On , 186 Acres, Stone House Inc omne hom e. W ll qu p ei V la e o c asurh ,m InR thr d g s n im B s vle ih a construci g lon g h u s o E A T N' I N : 2,00 sq.fe t iaor sp cewith appliances and stock in Co nty or Nurhas, Rtie in e ad s to rks. hask r m Fe r-Bll a c t r u okng job, and thati ~$II Iacres. Cail: George Van-1 Beautiful 10 room field stone tesoe rc oewt Rail road Section Foreman, de- jAmnott and Ralph de Jong, he ma y have goane ta sleopiRN Dyk.TomeOithE batroostara,.ceaedi(krmeome0 Bowan- al members of the Great Pine at the wheel. Mm. Merkiey! Dy.hoewih2 chr ,lnd-cegragands-cap ditlot. ad vie, e(otarlof whodidat Ridge Festival of the Arts, a ale heplc.H a SALES OFFICE 100 ACRE FARM: with 8saped grounds. Barns 45 xgar a n A-ca odtion and Necste, Ontaro , on or atprovided an excellent program had anld efoie.He* vJs 80edhme O3hete0 x 50. New ben bouse Audrey Plain 623-3563. cecslOtaio rf entertainiment.1 T.R.S. Cat- canvictedadfnd$3.5 andi T A BO~~MANVILLE pc oet.5011mn te. 4 40'x 196. Concrete silo. This 62Are1 about the l6th day of August, eîgSrieOhw r costs, but no suspension ai __________________________ -OM N I L c. bah an te m Aisking $500 . Ask frproperty as two highwav,, 62heres weerifi many116t.affic SeviceEOsawLEANe 'J~e1ep one Se vice j eomgeV nDyk. oomed frontages. Located nar Mili- value, frontage on two roads, 1 THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O. 1 pared the delicius meal. iionse. hd be h ,,TiBlphon Sevicbrook. $75.000. Ternis. attractive large brick home Wn1960, Ch. 408. Sec. 52. tickets sont out ta drivers,. 'excellentcondition. Com- Creditors and ocershaving cITmost cf whom a enc bric bugalw. arg steamI 20 Ares Orno rea 'mui distance te Osh awa. dlaims against the above estate )j Ii.seedbthArcatProSA Only bikbnao.Lresra.ClHoadWgtaerqretasn atclrSA E evdbth ieatPto ST E KCUA 15 Acres wood. Call: Jan!I 8 roomn brick bouse, barn. $30,000Cî owr1ih ,aerqiedt odpatclr on Hdghways 35 and 115. will Oudshoorn. i_ Good gravoi doposits. Excel-i 623-2524.1 and full proof thereof ta the You are invited Vo a social BOWANILE:3 b -$6l50t nertmsn. Ak undersigned on or before the eeÀga h hrhnx usaSpebr1,16 lOMNIL:3b $25 ent nsn. Ask ngRestaurant, barber shop and 4th day cf November, 1968, Fmida thevening, S ept x t Maisa etembR. B.Bate1968 R emain Open rtom brick bungalow with fin- jliving quarters - Real going ate19ic6dteh ases i y . weninMmp. 1hTwit peiewt m Atl for business every ished roc. maom. Nlcely dec- 120 Acres, Sanderland Area concema an husy Oshawa at hie ate tilh disbtedf .m.jlI hw icMresJohndTwistw or- lb oratd. Ptio a bak yad. 8Rocmhomo lare ban 78rughfa8. Cl BbJh avlng regard te the Wiil and about bis visit ta Africa this ney G. Bonnycastie. Wedesay Asking $20.000. Ask for pond. This is a good pro-; shon 728-2548. ____e Dnad uray Nwcste vvueay Phyllis McRobbbe. ductive farm piced right at ______37-1I the dims thatofDobaveMuthon been -es Atenon 1-.0 6 TW STRE BULDNG $3 00* erns.DATED at Bwmanville, On- Sympathy is extended tefDnadMry ONTARIOtNs. kteroon 2:30- S TORE BUIDING $32000.Term. Jak th 3rdday f Setem-the famiiy and relatives of appearedi on a charge af fail- NAI o AL Ote asicuig About 7.800 sq. ItL floor 8pc 2 Ars cggRvrtarie, te3ddyo etm ing ta pay incarme tax. Ho 00. ceSuo ie akMr. George Honey, a former badben hagdb teÇ p Ohrdy nldn fo aeos.Asking $12.00.960' frontage on river, ideal ept NatioaRev yeO A IfF Wednesday morning Ask for Jan Oudsboomn. Ifrdvlpet om R IC ARD Lawrence C. Mason, Esq., wbrsed aof a iast wei ek. o- Ntina 0veu,10-b roanaauulNORTH OF NEWCASTLE:' home, steel haro 40 x 76 ai- AQ.C., unriderr the Excise Tax Act. 37-1 Levely 3 bedroom brick hua most new. $45,000. Termis. Ltd., Realtor Barmister and Solicitor, A ubrfo oeat- E.R. Lovekin, for the de- gaowwthcapmt Toyemsfbrnou44Ace 30 Ring Street West, tended Orono Faim last week, fense, informcd the Magi5s OTRO o NO H ___________________owAsing $20or.90.T emms., Rroo home, Acn30re0s23253Box 129, Mm. Ciharles Hone, Bow- trate that the a-turns are o ONAIN. Cali: Gog aDk Solicitor for the Executors Mm-s. Percy Rogers, Bonnie wdshes to discbarge the ohhx- y. ~ýstream. This ts a scenic moailBowmanvil-e, Ontarlo, an vi, a bis odauhe engfld sMm umy A L F OER 1~ ~ U U T U er Hours Please Cal: ing hrse farm. $31900. Terni cne - O oo Ae er eetvîios t ms. this .Thx i eod, obav e h iBeautiful brick bungalow w36-3 and Davi, CampbilfoMd, gtioqm.Thxieod, o hcbn C U I y,. on Mountjoy - 623-36141f 10 Acres, Junction 115 and i!wlth dînîng arca, large kitch- NOIETCRDTR E. Twist. od ncrdtbupamt Phyllis McRobbie - 623-7159 35!lhayen and extra large living roem AND OTHERS Miss Kathy Twist left last has net yot been received byfEPTECUTYOAT ASE RossHaWA GFVICetany30R2 Motel site. Good visibility.! with fireplace. xlpia ý IN THE ESTATE 0F CON-I week te continue ber studios Mr' Murray.f K ier R is T a Bs it 349269 Ryerson Institute, Toronto. lKrMconsdelwyr or $elyAdro 4-69.50wt 300dw. iwBsmn maSTANCE HARRIET JUSTINA'M.MDnllwe-jr 303 XILLSIUEA g.U ago VanDyk -623-7437 j85 Acres A]ws îecfato rudBARNES. I adM'.DnWlbthe prosecubion. sl.ated that' 110148AilÏ&,pR.rson Al having -f runbi et on Satu.rday for a week's this wasnt thefrs ffee.Ia- ~ 4 1 -Har ld outu * 725 264 f hritma Tr c F rm eve. $ 7.5 0.against the esta e c visit w ith er sister and fa m - Tw o fine, of $7.5 each and Direct Toonto Lins922-79W062,000 Scotch Pine. 5,.00, Bungalow o neArr HaCo Jsin ansltane Mr. and Mrs. Russel - dzee mosd nd 5 Ia Odhorn -62-28 ready this year. Located noar Ol e ceIHare Isin ansMatiiiyl -csa ee moead DirecisToPhoto LMno922-7yrone. On1.f $17.500. - T___s- in_ea ]drnc-tye1h-Tw1c ewavile-a edelOFala.flioi.bbsewret h aialng AV e AE 9 $40u,000- ierms. recm. Separate garage. -Twc 6- odrae - s1 tte cf-ofth.ess1ey.e -H NIGDEICT Tenders For Hampton A rea blocks from shopping. $18.900- Wne tarin, and a th:ik you ua iled athers. fr Spring VegetaeCHCLT 1 oo.2 tre r-ehoe was received. alsc the reports the defense, asked the con rP A Fo c o sv cin Lot 156 x 346. This Is a gond Dlck Metcaîf 623-.5293 fWor t frni.m d rom froni the exhibits at Black- stable if he knew how bbe'C hce o Fe c on tla on hm pie ora1ik sle<'nt Ricard- 623-7397fo three adults. Teiephone sekadPr er am accused walked or ta.1ked, Su cm$2 ,00 eprcedquc Mar Dn 728-58.-7-*The roll cal 'W hat I1 ead iý normally. Mr. Bennett had K endal Recreation Arec 1 2300.Acres. acMconld. 63-91 TWO-bedroom apatent ori educate mysei,' was weîî admittod to having three' K WiIf -Hawke 983-5274 bouse. Profepssonal coff n swered- drinks fdrf hir i o K çuarke I Ownship Sealed tenders for the construction af ap- proximately 1600 rods nine line woven wire fencing labour only) boundary fonces, N% Lots and Part Lots 10-16, Con. VI, Clarke Township, Durham County, wil ho recoived by the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests until 12:00 noon, September 27, 1968. Ail fencing materials will be supplied by the Depsrtment. Tender forms, plans and apecifications are available on request froni the District Forester, Depariment of Lands and Forests, Lindsay, Ontario. or any tender flot flecessarily A. E. WALROTH, District Forester. Scenic wooded land with streamns. Oshawa area, $10.000. Temms. Must ho seon. Calil623-3393 Lloyd Atchison Wayne Marchant- Mary Heath- After 9 p-m.: LADY'Shnd-tooled br ow n Kes" Hookin- 623-5055 leather purse with Initiais Terry Masters - 623-3792 "'M.B.' at Orono Faim on Sat- Joe Barnoski- 723-5787 urday, September 7. Rewamd. 'Maner afue - 23-605Telephone collcct Uxbridge 852-3282, or write M. Baker, Fat YeO - - 623-3077 ' Box 323, Uxbridge. 37-1 Ross Gilbart - frono 983-5533 - ftoy Fater- Orono 983-5801'\Vcmrted Weston Bannister- Garden HilII 797-2215 Dead or Crippled Howard Farder- ]Brooklin 655-3853 Fam Stc George Beaton - PICKED UP PROIMPTLY Port Perry 995-298»1 ' Telephone Colicet 263-2721j Andy Sutch - Orono 983-9119: Margwill Fur Farrn, Roy Strong - Bethany - 52RII Licence No. 151-C-68 i 786-2959 623-2945 623-2902 37 -i UUUpicainsweea 1 V ul-aL oeerin with co child. Phono cal- j Mrs. Marwood McKee, groupl ecateHetel, but said ho iect, Area Code 416-887-5449, j leader, now presided and an- could not walk in a nommaIi' or write Box 17, Unloaville. ,nounced the followîng pro-mannor, at any time, due te! 37-1*f grain. Current events was a knee cartilege injury. The; give byMrs W.Hooy l anslurring of speech may have W anted to Buy - interosting manner. Mrs. L. ben caused by Mr. Bennettý LIVE poultry, old feather ticks.j solo, 'Autumn Woods". Mm-s. stapped by the police officer. f M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bothany. jMcKee read "The Women's1h Magistmate Batten beiievedj Phono 7 r 13. 37-I 'Institute" and "A Foolîshi hat Mr. Bennett had beonj JUICE applos pickcd at farm Little Maiden." Mis. Thomp-1 impaimed, at that particular. ln bulk at competitîve prices. son gave anether piano solo time, and convicted him, lie' Please make inquiries early. "Th17e Impossble Drcam." fine was $75 and costr. Phone Welcome 753-2246. Mrs. McKee introduced the! Gardon Palmer, Newcastle,!i - - 7.3*guest speaker, Mrs. Y. Chris-apaedoabeh warrant' tie of Port Permy, wha gave jfor allegcd violation of resu-: a most lnteresting and informm.tution. and violation of pro-I Get Cash Today ;ative adds'ess on "EducatIon-, bab.iori. E. R. Lovekin, forf imontlaning many changes an bth defendant. shawed proof For OId Apoliael : e new needs. After the tlinks ai restitution, and said ac-, throurb o! gatherlng was expressed bal cused h ad rua cff ta the :Mrs. Christie the meeting IStates, but had retus'ned, and1 S T A T ESMAN closed with The Queen. Mrs.fWas now working hard, atj C L A S S 1 F I E D) S J. Coates (Shirley) cxpressed long boums, an a tobacco farm.' Phone 623-3303 their thanks. A dainty lunch j Ho stated that Mm. Lcmon, ,was served by the gmoup and'who had f irst peferred the a social hour enjoyed. ichanges againet Mr. Palmnes', À&qGi c - G SAVE 21c SAVE 10c DINETTE WHITE SLICED MARGARINE BREAD 416,'.$1.00 4Lovs9*5 c SUMMIT - Assai-led Fiavours ICE CREAM'i Gal. 79C YKSTRA' S -(HOME F QUALITY) )OD MARKET r- E I i I The Iowest oc accepted. finduy, Ontario. The Canadian Stateman, Rowmanvine, Sept. il, logg Lost

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