†††††††††††††††††††~ - The Canadiaii Statesman, Bowmanvtlle, Sept. 11, 19681 Curvply Employees HoId Second Picnic Van Belle Gardens Expand Into Florist Business r ordance with tl Act. ReeWilson son and John R pointed as a look after the Manvers intere5 toa hae the Ra Curvply W oo d Products,!Haltsîna walked away wlth :.iHavelock -P( QOno, held their second an-1 prizes ln the sack race, carry- Potpu, T fluai plcnic at Waltona Park ing eggs on a spoon, wheel- th Newcastle on Sunday, Aug-!barrow race, races. three' W-~ A local resi< flat 25th. In attendance were1 legged race and the shoe- advised that no Bproxlmately 150 aduits and 1kicklng con tests. Marg Middle- actote :ghlldren. The PIcnlc Commit- ton won ln the wheelbarrow allowances uni fée for this year was Steri race. three-legged race and by the Road Su Mather, Chairman. with Jacksack race for the girls. Greta Ail township Chapinan, Ed Boughen and Selis piaced ln the sack race to receive thret Joan Sutellffe as his asslst- also and the shoe kicklngdy olwn ants. The afternoon commenc-iCarrying eggs on a spoon was daservice. The ed wlth games of fun and ex- won by Joan Sutcllffe and hoiay are tc Çtement for the younger gen- egg throwlng was won by b h odS eration and almost exhaustioni Harry and Irene Haitsma. bî the foowiu for the eider folk. 'Races for single women wonl* odre ob Gaines for the chiidren ln- 1hy Ann Boersma and marrled o. 9 iiite a! eluded a peanut scramble. a women won by Mary Clap-No9intea eack race, won by Eric Selisidorp 'C7, 780.25: Charles and Randy Eastabrook. races, The big etrofheae- dog controil n wlth Tammy Boughen, Nic- fauec h fe-ad$0.Oo Carthy boy. Randy Eastabrook noon was the chicken and beef' ad$100.00etn mdKnCainaswnesbarbeque with Stern Mather as s anay $8879; Mr dit ferent age groups. The chf.Anbfftosyl luche. . cCathyboyals t<<>k~ ,with potato saiad, tossed prize ln the apple ducklng aasadpseeswste.. ir Area Ac and watermelon eating contest. *:F ing earv Alce, Pruner won the water-, TKinnhdtgi tgc tpo Searae ixelon eating for the girls. war over the creek wlth a~ $50 50 WePireÉ Tammy Boughen and Mc- few getting a free saaking. $5he.m0nth fr Carthy boy werc the prize After the meal. a few games ýM thelmot Hofer wlnners in the shoe kicklng! of bingo were played with the Dulmp maîne contest. ýlucky winners taking home a' * m minen In the aduits, Clarence prize. NEWTONVILLE .. -- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lae rv t aitnStna, Recently, in order to provide a more complete in the new lwrSo hwomoee ale and Barry were dinner guetsto spend the& weekend with service for their customers, Van Belle Gardens who this year. This photo shows the interior of the attrac- wlth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, are located on No. 2 Highway, east of Courtice, entered tive showroom and provîdes a gllmpse of some of the Gray and daughter, at Orono, 1 whose 40th Wedding Anni-th fort Labor Day.1 versary was celebrated onteflrs business. They have installed refrigeration tropical and foliage plants they carry. Van Belle Gar Our local schooi re-opened Sunday at the home of their equipment for eut flowers and are now in a position dens recently completed eight years in business in ti on Tuesday wlth Principal Mrs. son and bis family, Mr. and to take care of arrangements for ail occasions includ- area. 4 Ç 1 P. Hasluk teaching Grades 7 Mrs. Howard Moore In Brant- in edns ueas t.Th oitscini oae and 8; Mr. Robent Proie of ford. Between 35 and 40ngedigfnrsecThflrtseto soatd _____________________ Toronto, Grades 5 and 6; Miss relatives and friends were Dale Imlach, Grades 3 and 4-, present, and presented the wth Mn. and Mrs. Harry IMss P. Varma, tramn India, guests of honor wlth bouquets Wade were Mr. Jack Wade of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cooper easy chair and purse of money. woge aGcp hswe U and famiiy have moved te Glad te sec our minister to begign bis course of study The United Church Sunday fines for June; Departinent of' titions that will be held. The Rendai. Rev. T. Snelgrove returned at O.A.C. School held their annual pic- Highways ne 1968 audit of fairmers dlaim that the dogs' Mn. Frank Gilmer met with safe and sound after bis rath- Members of the Brown datCrwih Prko refgtnn he ctI 9 K an unfortunate accident last er hazardous and fog-delayed family gathered at the home Sunday afternoon. ro s ntnaH -and causing hem te run andý Monday, whcn, whlle rcplac- flight tram Ncwfaundiand, last of Mr. and Mns. Trueman Guest.s with Mr. and Mrs. dro re street light rates in become wild. In this connec- Ing a set of clothes lune pul- wcekend. His topic Sunday Henderson at the supper hour, rn ht hog h village of Pontypool; Depant- tien the Dag Contral By-lawý leys, at the back of bis home, morning was "We are laborers Sunday, te celebrate, a trifle weekend were Mr. and Mrs. ment cf Agriculture concenn- is to be amended to prohibit lie siipped on the wet plat- with God". The choir offen- belatediy, the latter's 20th Garfield Ooooey of Belleville, ing 1968 Warble Fly Grant in hunting tram April lst in any forma steps and feul the ful cd the familiar "Corne ta the Wedding Anniversary. They MVr. and Mrs. Kenneth Syer, the amount cf $448.93; 1968 year te December îst unlessI vWiflflO length ta the ground, crack- Church ln the Vale", an Invi- werc presented with an elec- Cavan, Mn. and Mrs. Haigh Assessmnent Equalization fig- the written consent is first' Ing several ribs. Fortunately tation we hope more wili make tric dlock and set of candie Btwl n hercid 1u res o nai;Snwo ecndta h adon for hlm, the services cf an ex- the effort ta accept, as the holders, after which a show- PryadJnofetbr-1 Estate'i Ltd. re size of * back ers on Ihs ads the ht pert practical nurse have been taîk of cîosîng oun rural ing of pictures, oid and new, ouh.erryotags and Joan cf Peterbor- I wiheca.ns ed un- avallabie, every day! churches grows more preva- was enjoyed by ail. Those og.ltcotgs; neea c n st ecnido Mrs. C. Walkey was a visi- lent. present lncluded Mn. and Mis. Mn. and Mrs. Wellington:cuns Reeve Wilson Heaslip and - ton with Mrs. Jean Cochrane, Mn. AI!. Graham of Toronto C. Brown, Mn. and Mns. Ross Capeling and family have Mn. Alvin McFadden of the Clerk Ross Davidson were* Newcastle, on Friday atter- bas been vlsiting lu the neigh- Brown and family, Mn. and moved bere trom Chathamn, Dept. of Lands & Fonests and authorized ta sign the Coven- * noon. boxrhood and wa*s a supper Mrs. F. Hendenson and famîîy cccupying the former home of several natepayens in the area an'ts in the Deed tram tbec, Mrs. Don Vinkle and Mis. guest, Sunday, with Miss Alle Mr. and Mns. Jin Gilmer and Mn. and Mns. Emery Smith. west of Ballyduff called on Depantment of Highways con-, M. Jones spent last Thursday l and Mn. Jim Nesbltt. family, Mn. and Mrs. Raymond North Durham Softball the counicil concerning hioundsI veying land to the townships! in Peteborough. IMns. Roy McKay o! Bronte TrIm, Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wade Bethany took the win here that are released in tbe even- cf Cartwwight and Manversý GalaO0 Mr. Ean Walkey was wark- and Mn. and Mns. Les Ahl- and boys. ' in the Nortlh Durham Softball ing and run ail night and are jointly. Ing at Warkworth sevenal days jdnead. Oshawa, were Sunday Several local people wcre ln final series against Pontypoolerthen piced up by thei ow- oThueirUndandCuisac last week, ln bis capacity o!f visitons with Mn. and Mns. C. 1 Peterborough Sunday evening with the score 3-2 on 'Sunday n ntemrîg ta- otubradadDra 4"1trouble shooter" for the Bell Brown. at the Memonial Centre whene night. This is thein third win peans that the owners of the Assessment Department arei Telephone Ca. Miss Heathen Bcst leaves on nine members o! the Lawrence in the four out of seven hounds wish ta exencise thein ta be requested ta supply the' ALSI Mrs. 0. Gardiner and daugh- Thursday for Watenloo wherc Welk ententainens put on an senies. dogs and get them in candi- rames fer the Votens Lists in] ter Miss Oua have moved fram she is enrolled at the Uni- enjoyable floor show. Among Vaughan McGil was the tion for the fali and winten the vanicus polling divisionsl Garden Hill ta the Tyson !anm, versity. those froin this anea were Mn. winndng pitcher with Mal- bunting atnd the tield campe- lin alphabet'ical onden in ac- L ionth o! this village. Mn. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey and Mns. C. Farrow, Mn. and colm reccivîng. Dale Stinson .Mns. H. Trlm with Mn. and a! Port McNichol have becu Mns. Carl Todd and Ann, Mn. was in the mound for Ponty- Mrs. Walter Simpson Of visitlng ber parents, Mn. and and Mrs. M. Jones, Mn. and pool, Mitchell receiving. Oshawa, drove ta Pictan. Sat- Mrs. Wm. Stapletan. Mrs. D. Stapleton, Mn. and Pontypool 0 O O 0 O 2 0 tirday, whene they visited the Mrs. Don Bright cf Oshawa Mrs. Lennox Vascy. Bethany 0 2 0 1 0 O 0 Lake on the Mountain. spent the weckend with ber Mrs. Bruce Elliott. with Mn. Teains: Pontypool: Brown Miss Diane Kimbali wiil be parents, Mn. and Mrs. Jack and Mrs. R. Strang. 2b, WiIlis If, Fisk ss, Rich- employed at the Cobourg Gen- Kimbail wbile Mn. and Mns. Visitons with Mns. R. Fan- ardson lb, Garny Van Dam cf, eral Hospital, as Rcgistered Bill Kimbali and Vicki of Part naw on Sunday were Mn. and Stinson p, Reid 3b, George Nursing Assistant, as o! Sept. Hope were Sunday visitons. Mns. Carl Farrow, Downsview; Van Dam rf, Mitchell c. 16th. Caliers with Mrs. C. Buniey Mn. and Mrs. Jin Farrow and Bethany: Jakemnan If, Mal- ,Miss Joan Walkey left on on Sunday were Mn. and Mrs. !amily of Bowmanviile. colmn c, McGiJI p. Edmunds P'iday for Queen's University, Dennis Burley. Rodncy and Miss Ida Sharpe was down ss, Reynolds 3b, G. Scott rf, Klngstan, wbene she wil ne- Wcndy of Cobourg; Mrs. R. from Toronto oven the week- Bill Sinelt 2b, Roy Scott lb, ume ber course a! study. Burley, Newcastle Miss Judy end. Bob Sinelt cf. Mn. Wayne Elliott was ad- Campbell of Coîbonne and Mn. On Saturday Grant Wade Don Batley of Peterboraugh f itted ta Memorial Hospital, Bruce Burley. went ta Belleville with bis was chie! u.rnp±n, Blair o! r Éowmanville, Saturday morn- Mn. Arnold Wade atteuded cousin Bll, whose hanse was Mil'braok and Hogg of Bail- tng. an E.O.B.A. meeting lu Belle- competing lu the races there. iebaro on bases. to Orono, the latter part O! and Grant were at the bail spent the weekend bere with typool on Wednesday. Jast week, where the ever- game in Part Hope. Barry Lane. popular Fal Pair was the big Wîtb Mn. and Mis. Bayd The following is the list of United Church Women Y U WED attraction. Harris and family Sunday sup- new Grade 1 pupils at New- The fîrst meeting a! the"O R WED Mn. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer per guests were Mn. and Mrs. tonville Scbool: Donald Brown, Uniited Churcb Women for lA TII M and family went ta Niagara Geraid Quinn a! Lakefield, Blaine Gilmer, Glenn Mac- the faland winten session E U I LM , Falls oven the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. A. Green, Mn. Donald, Jo-Anne Pankhurst, was beld on Tuesday night in ',Vhether you are plaflfl . A miscellaneous shower lu and Mrs. Stan Quinn o!'West- Je!!ry Payne, Colleen Powell, the Sunday Schio hall with anony or a simple one,e bonor o! bride-elect Miss port. Mn. Harry Kuehn aud Ricky Sellers, Robert Sbarpe, Mns. Hcrb Coppins presiding . should be one you alwa3 Joyce Campbell, was held ln Peter. Stanley Tisnovsky. welcoming the members aud Flowers play a big pai the Sunday Scbool hall hene, Mns. C. Walkey spent-Sun- Joanne DeSmit and Paul quobing a poem "Let Me Take wdig...adti Satunday eveuing. day witb ber sister, Mrs. Vers DeSmit are wedding scoo n. -" Dopi and thisr b MisBni imro nesn ors.Hamilton this Faîl. Mrs. Addison Scott present- bookiel for the priiper Lindsay and Mn. and Mrs. Bill Witb Mn. R. Bruce on Sun- Ail ladies are invited ta at- cd a film strip "Face ta Face" tedsg o ih Clark and son Michael o! day, visitons were Mrs. Glen tend a joint meeting o! the dealing with the problems o!f edn oqe Dsge oPreto Bethany were weekend visitons Banker, Mn. and Mrs. A. Stew-1 Women's Institute on Wcdnes- evenyday living in leaing a WdigBuut Dsge oPreto .wth Mn. and Mrs. Don Vinkle. art o! Bancroft.1 day, Sept. 18 at 2:30 p.m. in chnistian life ini the modern rdsaiaBuut -AGaeu Mn. and Mns. C. H. Lane Dinner guests Sunday night the Sunday Scbool hall here. wonld, and the ueed for love Floral Harmony and understanding. Foe ilBses Dit n euiu goMrs. Carl Parteous intro- *Foe ilBses-Dit n euiu duced the Bible Study on * Mother Corsages - Something Distinctive "The New Marality" concen in cnîtin eh vi un. Boutonnieres For the Men .G"d1igChnistian musthaketv Gi owa oragu- ae ar.ndU PERSO AL LO N irf ber d it B anmeri o! the 'i o members planning to attend. Toronto-Dominionmiso okwlbepkd Mrs. Ross Davidso'n gaveIo the financial report, nating the success o! tbe recent Dur loans are easy to get. In fact, you'll Salad Supper. be srprsedhowsimpe i isWe akeA Christmnas gift will be be srprsedhowsimpe i isWe ake sent to the gnoup's fosten loans forjust about any purpose. Repay child in Xxorea. over as long as three years. See your Manvers Township Council U local Toronto-Dominion Bank manager. M NerTownhpConi Y ANB E I. L.E met in negulan session on -wu u ~ fb h- -w .~ m m m.m.Tueaday, with ail menibers L1M1 ~~ ~presen, and Reeve Wilson L MI Lu Ri T O 1 0 M 1 92N Heasllp presiding. The oank wnere people make the difference. ju ons wer n rcommud nd a- :5 5 UR R. G. LAWTON, Mauager PFrom the Corporation of theB BO ANILanC R. G. LAWTON, Manager t»~~frwn of Cobourg ne Separate 6 4 5 5 BTENBW ANIL n 39 Temperance StL School B o a n d; Mtagistrate Bowinanvifle, Ontario Baxter enclosing cheque tor $.7being muvers abare..of 16 àrs of Food Draw m Sept. 7: $10.00 - R. BARRETT, R.R. 6, Bowmanville $ 5.00 - PETER REGAMEY, R.R. 1, Tyrone $ 5.00 - RON CARTER, R.R. 6, Bowmanville $ 5.00 - C. J. ALLuN, 220 Liberty St. N., BowmanviIe ýpening Prize Winners Listed at Station MORE . '. . Draw Prizes This Weekend 1 ;0 . . . IGA FOOD VOUCHERS WORTH $25.00 GIVEN AWAY WEEKLY 1 F10 Our 'R -r R t. h SHOP NG.. . A -MORV ii! 1 ing a format cere- your weddlng day js will remember. arthl a beautiful lai our specialty. cautiful, full colon protocol, and for * Fnesh Flowers Daily front the Greenhousmu * Expert Designlng *~ Courteous, Fat Dependable Sermlee Daily Dellveny to: *BOWMANVILLE: Memorlal Respitli Morris Funeral Chapel Northeutt-Elliott Funeral Home *OSHAWA: Oshawa General Rempitl Armstrong Funeral Home HiUsdaie Manoi, Gerrow Funeral Chapel Mclntosh-Anderson Funeral Home *ORONO: Barlow Funeral Home Dally deliveries Lo nursing homes ln New- castle, Orono, Hampton, Ennlsklllen, Blackstock, Bowmanvllle and Oshawa. _ I r Vhen sorrow strikes, it feels good to, be able t. depend n the proper flowers being delivered promptIy. We wIII ndeavor to do our utmost on designing for you, a beautiful floral tribute of fresh flowers. May we be of service? for Every. :casion PE N ).M. Daily med Sundays 1 "Gel weli moon!"~ gay il wIth flow- ers! What better way, to express your gel weli wlahes. Try ros- es, c a r nations, mums or any of the vanleties of fit flower lower um imour $hop. GARDENS rED - ffND FLORISS6357 )SHAWA ON HIGHWAY No.2 3 7 7, 1 Mm th oesList N IE Dthere waD»UO nttont OW ENFIELDAvery-Bowman weddlng l 0 Haslp ad'this colun Al ter a Montb ot Healipand Mrs. L. Waldbauer, Buffalo, wedded bin ,we m n fre wRchad-atteded the Grifl¶n-Samis "Happy AXmiversary." ayn wee P- wedding and spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Murray P>res- committee to end with Mrs. R. Griffin. Alo cott Susan and Cindy, fÈâ Township of vislting Mrs. Griffin were Mr. at the Prescott ho me. st if the Cana-an Mrs. Don Carr, Bowman- ailway prooee ville and Mr. and Mrs. Rae ýn service from Cowllng. Whitby. leterborough - Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lad- KEDRON roronto dico-die. Holland. Mich., visited Mr. At the barbecue, which will and Mrs. Morley Gllroy and begin at 5:30 at Kedron United ient is to be attended the Griflin-Saniis Church on Saturday. there itrees are to wedding. wll be bot dogs and hambur- township road' ess auhri Congratulations and best gers at popular prices. The les athoizd'wlshes to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Auction sale will get under- iperintendent Gîfi (nee Donna Samis) way at noon. employees re who were married in our Has anyone lost a een ,e weeks' holi- ichurch Saturday. Donna re- budgie bird? Mrs. Roy tbin- :ten years of celved a phone'call from her son of Ritson Rd. North, has rad employees uncle Donald Samis of Alberni, found a stray bird, and is giv. ,be arran ged B.C.. extending his best wlsh- ing it shelter. Her phone iperintendent. es. He also mentioned how number is 728-0180. accounts were much he appreciated recelving On Wednesday the Kedron paid: Voucher The Statesman every week U.C.W. held a very successful. iount of $15.- which lie shares with Mr. Lucky Luncheon in the dining s Morton frGordon Law; formerly of hall at Camp Samac. r!fleage $14.6()j Maple Grove. The Kedron Doubles' Club ,dog con troli Mr. Howard Cowling and opened their new seas'on on Printing Com- Mrs. Dodge, Oshawa, visited Saturday with a day spent at, rs. Ruby Chap-!at Mr. L. Cochrane's. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ogle's dlaim $315.00;11 Mr. and Mrs. Erle Bowman, cottage on Lake Mississauga. on PontypoollHermosa Beech, California. The 21st "B" Cub Pack wtll ,out $48.OOj have been visiting at the begîn its meetings in Kedron Ltd. on Pon-!Bowman homes. ilower hall on September 16th Area Account! Mr. Ralph Cochrane enter- from 7:15 ta 8:45. eaccounts foritained some friends to a corn The Kedron senior choir August $408.97;1 and wiener roast Saturday iresumes practices on Wednes- rfor Garbagelinight. ýday at 8:00 and will welcome, ance $155.00. Due to the postal strikeany new members. '% w. wish to than< the motoristi of Bowmanville and area for their overwhelming response to the Grand Openhmg of aur newest Service Station . SELL'YS SUNOCO SERVICE ling St. E. Î Bowmanville Phone 623-2303 UNERALS