be0m4bx~n tIteom4ti 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1968R Real Show Stealer With Her Caif r-cr T..TTT-N UM 'L I 3 Tyrone Twins and Ponies Attract Much Attention Nine-year-old twins Blain and Blair Vaneyk,'0sons of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, R.R. 1, Tyrone, and their ponies were among the many attractions at Por Ho e Fir Passes 1,500 _Mark This Weekend Public SC Pot .-. Annoia~ l AIf A; Fair, set for Sept. 13-14, ls leaturlng new artistie com- Petitions this year ln the exhibition buildings ln the fain grouinds. A grand pize of $20 is being offered for the best J?ýlntln9 ln 01l, water color, (or graphies from anywhere lnNorthumberland or Dur- ,am County. The entries fmust be framed and be original work. Horse races will again be featured at this year's fair, supervlsedl by a comniittee composedl of: Bruce Halli- gan, Murray Noble, Cliff plHie, Murray Garrick, Ivan Thackeray, Murray Archer. Ross Timlin. Two races wlll be held ln four heats wlth prîze- money of $500 up. The show will open on Friday, Sept. 13 with a dan- lng auto thrlll show featur- Ing the Trans-Canada HeUl Drivers, starting at 7 p.m. Rot arians Rai. Hîghest ii ýAil lieme Record Attendance at ýOrono Fal Fair t.Alil attendance records were broken by Central Agricultural Society Iast Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It was the most suc- cessful Orono Fair timat has ever been held, 0 and it was greatly *njoyed by the large crowds of people who attended. More than I 10,000 were present. The Hamness Horse Racing themselves of the opportunity on Saturday were exciting and to enjoy the wagering privi- a great many people availed leges. Ted Spenceley was the chief announcer. The wîniner of the Durham Central Stake ýJ'Mvar 1-lorses (estimated purse $1,200) was Barbara D. Pride, a horse I. ned by H. R. OCnel S Rosnah and driven by Ger- Win iropi es aid Robinson. The trophy don- ated by Pat Reid in memory OflOof her father Jack Reid, a Faralso presented to the wne .~Several entries by J'Mar of the Durham Central Stake. Farms of L lsad owned by He received coolers donated by I Jerome Marvin, flot only Carman Plumbing nad Heat- created a great deai of inter- Ing, Orono, and Ehrlick Horse est at Oronc Fair last week- Transport, Toronto. Send, but the Appaloosa horses The Walter Frank Real Es- % won several awards in vari- tate Pace (Purse $250) was ous classes. They were trai'n-1won by Freddie Pick, another .ed by Gary Gordon, an ex- horse owned by H. R. O'Con- pert trainer. nell, and driven by G. Robin- The wins included theson. This winner also received .4 rn hmin Sa1o~ (TURN TO PAGE TWO) (Halter Class) and the Re-' seheG sedChaon mnate. OL~ Durham Central Agricultural Fair at Orono on Friday ey took a sCaon mr.2on rrim n andSatd othlad sverl * î yearling class and anotheer an auray. ohld won e ra prizes including1 econd in weanhing. The Ken's one in the pony race on Friday. r .---Men's Wear trophyý was mml pens h rd y in the Reining class and the k Alex McGregor trophy was Northumnberland-DurhaM"S won in tihe Western pleasure recently re-elected Member class. In ail, J'Mar Farnis of Parilament Russell C. t won nine ribbons and three Honey of Port Hope will bee trophies, an excellent show- present at Ottawa tornorrow :lic*cl o l m e n ing considering this is theiT (Thursday) for the opening first year in coinpetition. of Canada's 28th Parliament. They have also done wel] Mr. Honey ivili have add- M Y ii fairs this year at HamdIton, ed responsibilities this ses- Caledonia, London, St. Cath- sion because of bis recent n ~ n" IOH~iIIL in T oo r iarmnes, Sutton, Pickering and apoient as Parliament- Richmond Hill. ary Secretary to Rural De- -1 ltc tLai nt a loal tlbl c S iuOIS nY ùlas-,ý ýBownanville Public Sohoolss1 ses is as follows: Grade 1, 169;- is the highest it has ever Grade 11, 165; Grade 111, 176; Pl f I Pr been, A. M. Thompson, the Grade IV, 171; Special 'Cia- y* ~ B~f ~ F P Supervising Principal tl ses, 31, Grade y, 17]; Grade B ITS* ~ ~ the Canadiani Statesman to- VI, 138; Grade VII, 151; day. There are now - 1,519 Grade VIII, 157. pupils enrolled in these~ The new teachers in th~e RAINED OUT - For the second time, the decidîng schools. T'his is the first tinie four local public sohools are:, fifth game in the Town. League Softbail semi-finals that enroilment has passed Central School - Miss Jean was rained out on Tuesday night. Now, Walter 1,500. The total enrollment Baker, Eniliskilletn, Grades V1 Frank's Realtors will meet Geo. Stephen's Fuelers aof June this year was 1,474, and V7I; Mrs. Margaret Cor-, for another try at settling the issue on Thursday at supils this aun Tis nun4- <TUN TO PAGE .TWO) 7.30 p.m. If that doesn't work, Friday. The finals ber equals a room and a hlw - luill ,oe n i i -rinr ff.-11 ; SUDVVIYX UIANGEO5VEK rThe average enrolirnent inj Kindergarten during the past Work began recently on the five years has been 170. This road and subway on Manvers September Kindergarten en- Road. At the moment, a leng- rolîment is up to 190. This thy detour has been anranged time last year it was 147. The around the construction. It lsi figures do flot include stu- expected the work wiII takeï dents attend ing Knox Chri-s- several months to complete. Ini tian or St. Joseph's Separate the meantime, quite a fewý School.residents of the area are flnd-' it almost impossible toi Total etirollment. in the use their driveways. se Money for Biafran Relief f L41IFrî Bowmanville Rotarians contributed funds to Biafran relief on Thursday and had a taste of what it might be like to hav e their meals restricted ta a dish of Zice. ThaI'ýz ai]'hvas S"'rved at the noon luncheon al the Flving Dutchrnan. otarian ( * . 7lrick ý,i. harge of the event is shown here'serving the rice t resident Bih Thiesbwjer. vviiiupui un -ue±vy atiwe jjnoria ark wîtn ami games in the best four-out-of-seven series on Tues- days and Thursdays, starting at 7:30. HEADS - Mrs. Gordon Montgomery, Centre St. reports sume unusual second growth cabbages, Apparently, one bas really gone wacky with four or five heads on one stem. t - t t t CHANGES - Tom and Wes Percy would neyer know their aid blacksmith shop on Silver St. It was taken over recently by Mr. and Mrs. Krawczyk who installed a show window in the front and gave the interior a complete face-lifting. It will be calIed Marion's Second Hand Store and will open for business on Sept. 2th. t ti t t t FINALISTS - Bownianville Merchants, our lone entry in an Ontario final playoff this year will nxeet Midland for their second game here on Sunday at Super Creek Park at 2 p.m. They dropped the opener in Midland on Sunday but will be going ail out to even the series here. Give them a hand, tbey put on a good show for the fans and you should see some excellent-. hardball., t t t t t ERROR -- An error slipped through in the accident report heid over from last week. In the report of a collision on Saturday, Aug. 3lst, Ernest Walkey is listed as the driver of one of the vehicles. Il should have read Bessie Walkey. t1 t t t t MOVIES - Sorry tu disappoint quite a few ut the local inhabitants who were expecting to see sorne more mlovie action bere last Sunday. A last minute change of plans took the film coin- pany to Whitby that day to complete that part of the niovie before the students returned bu the Ladies College. Tbey may be back here later. We'll try to provide accurate advance informa- tion because this one should Le quibe excibing with the Russians taking over f rom the Germans. t t t t t HOCKEY -- An invitation is extended to ail hockey players of midget age and up to junior to attend an open Junior C camp on Monday, Sept. 16th from 7 to 9 p.m. to be continued on Wednesday, Sept. 18th from 7 to 9, at Bown'anville Memorial Arena. Plans are going ahead to have a Junior C team here this winter sa if you are interested, better corne out now and get in on the ground floor. OPENING - Operator Cedric Russell at the new Sunoco Service Station opposite Milligan's IGA on King East reports such a tremnendous upening last weekend that tbey are doing a repeat performance tbis week with many prizes for Iucky customers. They certainly have chang- ed that corner. lt's so hrigbt that the neighbors won't have to use nearly as much electricity; they'll be able tu sit in their front windows and read witbout their Iights on. DRAMA - Now the Art Festival in Newcastle has concluded, many of those taking part fromn this area wil] be able to continue their training by joining the Drarna Workshop here. First meeting will be held ai the Lions Centre tomorrow night (Tkiursday) at 8 p.m. veiopment Minister the Hon. Jean Marchand. M1r. Honey has been relieved of his duties as Chairman of the Liberal caucus. While no details of the Speech front the Throne have been released, it would appear that Prime Minister attack on poverty. -Op- The eut-off of the Federal The purpose was served for a - -- position forces will be de- Winter Works Program i wll few years, but since then the G mandlng smre fast action to have absolutely no effect on picture has changed consid- brlng an end to the grain Bowmanvllle and most munici- erably. G est Spemaker handiers strike at the lake- palities in the district. The His Worship, Mayor Ivan head that is affecting Cana- prograni has flot been used bY Hobbs, told the Statesmaan ta- .. da's wheat growers. this town for some turne, and day that he has feit that the This will be Mr. Trudeau's it has been little used for Winter Works Program has ... first full scale effort as some time by Darlington been obsolete for a numnber of Prime Minister of Canada. Township and the Village Of years. "The town has flot Reports indicate that the Newcastle. Last year It was used this program for some ~ opening m ay encounter not used by Clarke Township. time. When work la handled ' ,- some complications because Prime Minister Pierre Eiliott through this programn the fed- a large delegation of about Trudeau announced recently eral government only paid a 3,000 from Quebec is ex- that the Winter Works Pro- portion of the labor costs of pected to be on hand to gram was bcxng halted In an a project. We questioned register a demand for !n- Jeffort to reduce government whether we could get an struction in the English lexpenditures. It was origin- efficient job done through lt,' language In M o n tr e ally estabilshed in 1958 ta help Mayor Hobbs sald. Sehools. ýrelieve winter unemployment. '«I tinkf cancellation of the . Winter Works Program is a *S step In the right direction. 1,890 Students Are frfror fniv e ar o s It foBroranvle ars.t ue t' Ileve that Prime Minister Trudeau is on the rlght track Enroied at T reeregarding this program," the Enyorlleds ai Threeu .Ç14'IfjV'IIICthat practically ail work done k Seconaary S h o In the winter months takes Enrolmet t dae i the- __________longer ta, complete, and cer- Enrolmentto dte i thetain jobs such as storm sffew- ilhree Secondary Schools min ITS FRONT PAGE ers present particular diffi- 1 John~ Bradshaw the district totals 1,890. There cltenIn today'seycn lakeToToroCiizn are 610 students enroiled at I oaysTrnto Star, the cut Isiwntogoe esrhey a Cae Twnhp izn Bowmanville High School, 920 main picture on the front page Igst ina ooymss eur Committee and Ratepayers As.w at Courtice Secondary School, shows Prime Minister Trudeau igscinpms sociation will hold the first and 360 at Clarke High talking to Senator Paul Martin "Therefore contractons must regular monthly meeting in School.andi Russell C. Honey, M.P. for bld higher ta caver costs, and Orono United Church Hall, on Scoo.this constituency. even so cannot have work per- Tuesday evening. September New teachers at Bowman- The picture was taken while formed as efficiently as It 17th at 8 o'clock. ville High Sohool are as fol- Liberal MPs were gathering would be at other times of the Joh2n Bradshaw, the well. lows: Charles Kennedy, 0sh- for a caucus yesterday. The year. The cancellation of the known horticulturalist. and awa, Guidance; Henry Netten, Prime Minîster was scheduled Wlnter Works Program wlll TV, radio, (and author) per- Toronto, Science; Miss Joan to explaîn legîslation that not be a loss ta this mni snlcl t ilb h u Andrews, Ottawa, Music, Mrs. would be inciuded in the pality. We have not used It sonakery wis1bethe gue.tb <TURN TO PAGE TWO) Speech from the Throne. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) "Conservation and Land Use". This young lady and her Guernsey caif alrnost stole the show at Orono Fair on Saturday. She is three-year-old Jennifer Baird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baird, R.R. 2, Blackwater, who had ail the assurance in the world as she paraded around the ring. At times, her caif was a bit obstreperous but with a bit of help she managed to complete the show and won her prize. The performance was part of the Big-4 Guerisey Club show. lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Baird of Greenbank were among the proudest people at the fair. Ha ven't Used it Recently Cutting Off Wîn fer Works Will Have No El fect-Here Municipal Heads Declare Four-Horse Team Almost Gets Out of Hand at Orono Fair There were a few anxious moments along track- and fell, bringing1 side at Orono Fair on Saturday when the noise of the ta help and soon1 fair upset one of the four-horse teams who started to no harm done. bolt down the track ou~t o£ controL. One of them Uripped the others to a ha 11, Spectators raig had everything under control wîtki VOLUME 114 f 15é Per conv NTTapvp q7 r The total enrollment ;;i. ii ---0