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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1968, p. 2

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Reeve Oke Gives Report on United Counties Coun cil Reeve Annie 0ke in cor»- ciallzed services could be wîll he elected by public' PliariCe wfth a promise she made available and budget school supporters and one byl had made during the munici- wise. one out of every fouriseparate school supporters. 1 pal electian campaign present- dollars wauld be raised by taxý "Nominations for board of! ed a rep~ort at the meeting of levy with the remaining threeieducation trustees will be re-1> Town Council last week on dollars paid as a grant. Pres-iceived in Hampton but poil- the United Counties Council, ently, the Counties receive a!ing places will be Iocated as covering the period from Jan- 50 per cent grant an the op-lis normal for a municipali uarY te June 1968. eration of the health unit. 1 election. "I have faund in attending "Personally. 1 wonder ati "I have touched only lîghtly sessions of Counties Council any real saving ta be had be- on some of the happenings of and Its varlous committees, cause oi the cost of providingiCounties Counicil. If anyone that It is a znost Interesting these 'specialized services', and iwants more information on an~d informative experience. I arn worried about the size1 them or other matters I wil ThiIs report will flot attempt af the unit and whether or be pleased to provide the In- te caver ail of the hapenings not local mnunicipalities and formation or If that is not pas- dl Counties Council but willilocal citizens would receive sibie then enquire for it at Its concentrate on ýthe decisionsithe personal and qulck res-isource. having a greater eftect upon ponse so neceusary. Councillor Leslie Coombes Bowmanville.1 "The Advisory Committee congratulated Reeve Oke on ,"In the first six months ai has recommended the Court- her "very good report", and the year there have been four ties agree to enter the District moved that council extend ,,meetings ai the Council of the Health Unit, but this has been thanks to her for her Informa- Unilted Counties ai Northurn- delayed because two of the tive report. This was seconded «berland and Durham, averag- Counties involved are not In by Councillor Maurice Prout, ixig In tinie two days for each favor of forming a district. and the motion was carried session.1 "Two other services which unanimously. "The first meeting In Jan. have been praposed by the _.was the time ai the election Advisory Committee to be car- of the warden and Mr. w. 1. ried out et the County level O Thomas, Reeve of Cobourg are ambulance service and O o 0 was successful on the fifth planning. The Committee sug- ballot. gests thet a planning consuit- Ob "I was appointed ta a one ant be hired to determine theFo i 'year term with the Children's best course of action to be (FROM PAGE ONE) Aid Society and I serve on folwdIn determinîng the;acoe oae yteOh the foilowing Committees. Fin-lf'easîiblity et planning on a la a olr dness Horse Drvinh. ance, Legisiative and By-Laws, county basis. -and County Property. "This is the first year ofClb "DeutyReve . J Rndi asesmen unertheCouty Captain Riddle was the "DeutyReee E J.Runie ssesmet udertheCoutyhorse that won the Hambly's ewas appointed for a orne year Assessment Commissioner sys- Beverage Tro Pre$7) -terni to the Special Rebate tem. The approved budgetro (Pse$7) Commlttee and serves as Com- from which grants have been Tis, horse Is w nd byR. :ITiissioIiCr for the Bowmanvi'lle, deducted is $243,050. It is Giensd, A McCBbardle n ., On Monday, Sept. 9th, Registry Office. He was also hoped that this requirement AKoen dbedy al f obcate ygeon. fHmto ee appainted to various comnmit- will be reduced In 1969, as the Lycett's General lnsurance, 9th birthday. Many frienc - tees naniely: Roads and Brid- cost of setting up new officesOrnfrtewnr ihi'adte alorcve ca ges, Assessment and Industrial, and the cost of data process- rce. rtewinro hs adte lo eevdcr Agricultural. n safcigtebdtforc. "In1 January the Speclel Ad-ithe fist afcig h ude o The Businessmen's Race -v1sory Commnittee advised thel -It i.s interesting tn note that (Prs $160) was won by a' ncrease Eni dgtfe named Robert E. Lee,, Council that plans for an area the portion of the budget or jr. owned bv Keith Wood. jail had been abandoned due 'assessment purposes applic-I .jt, pendng changes in organi- aNc to Bowmanvîlle is $24.- Koe doalso yreeid a' At Cla rke 1 zation. That change we Jterl305. The Clerk edvises that an codlerdaed yRidsSn learned was that the Provinceýamount of $9,000 is more theand rvl .ha asumd he esonibiyaraoal siaea h The Oshawa HeIl Driversi Clarke High School openedl the admterationsibityus-acoatnassessi in 1967he-(motorcycles and cars) gave this year with an Increase in fer he dmiistatin o iu-ýcst f asesingin 967b-a n excîting performance des- students on opening day. 3,571 tice. Subsequently the Prov- fore the Counties take-over. -ince decided that rather thani l"The 1968 Road Budget con- Pite the heavy rein on Thurs- compared to 343 on openîngl consiruci e new jail, facilIties tained items of lnterest to day evening In front of a day in 1 967. Also the sehlooli -etMilbrok oud b e- Bwmnvile Unermiscel- grandstand cremmed to capa- has seven new teachers on the -aed. 'loo wud e enous thilee esnem icity With enthusiastic specta- staff and an additional port- ."A district health unit. bas!$2.700 for the Liberty Street Trs. able clasParadni. been encouraged by the Prov-istorm sewer. Under the head- Thhl n' aaeatl The teaching. staff at the Ice. They wish to sec an areaiing Land, Fence, Cleaning, 1:30 p.m. on Friday receivedIschOOl flow numbers 22 and encompassing Northumber- Engineering, etc., was an much applauise. It was led by three portable classrooms. land, Durham, Peterborough, amount of $3,000 concerriing the Claremont Citizens Band Those jolning the staff this County and City, Victoria. andthe Liberty Street subway and and had fine floats and 87 dec- .ear are: Miss Evelyn Holsi, the District of Haliburton. $18.000 concerning County oreted bicycles. The Most Sur teaching English (Comm. Typ. Advanteges are that more spe- Road 57 (Martin Road). Under cessiul Fat Caîf Show in and Math.); Miss Shirley Ann -~construction the following connection with Orono Fair Marsh. English and French; lwork was provided for: Lib- was held on Friday aîternoon Mrs. Catherine Smith, Mathe- MON EV erty Street Subway $226,000; and evening. niatics; -Brian Smnyth, Science; Liet tetSba o Other highlights on Friday Miss Kathleen Watson, Lib- EARNS ConcLiessionStreet, $57 y o~wr h he hw h ay egah n cnm Bowmanville Creek (design) Holstein Show, a Pet Show, lcs; David Wilson, Latin, MORE 1$75,000. the Rabbit Show, a Cake Auc: French, History, and Mrs. % fi An action wes initiated tion and an Amateur Show-- Wlth these terrifie some trne ago by the Town mncluding baton twirlers. Interest rates. . . lot Bowmanville coneng Ed Sterr, President of the I SWINCG UP TO . . . ' the justification for thecron- Agricultural Societies of Ont- A cua n ýtinuance of the Emergency arlo officially opened the Orono c d n 1 5V AVINGTS Measures Orgenization. Dep- Fair at one p.m. on Saturday. Wî arsn g 211 (miimu mothl b l.) Iuty-Reeve Rundle and myself FHe was întroduced by Orono Livingstone Avenue, Toronto,1 (minmum ontly bl.) attended a meeting ofihe air President Bill Slater. The lost his life as the resuit oi a CHEQUING the riees held to consider progrem on Saturday featured tw'o car collision ai 2:50 p.m.t 4'4%Àe eus of Bowmenville. the Big Four Guernsey Reg- o rdya o 5Hgwy <Low service charge The Committee reported ta ona hw h efCt five miles north' ai Enterprise - minium %yealy bl.) Counties Counicil that they Show. Lîght Horse Show, Hill. He was taken by ther minmu ½yealyba.) feit that E.M.O. made a worth- Heevy Horse Show, Dairy Bowmanville Area Ambulancea G.I.C.'s whîle contribution and that Cattie Show and Harness Rac- to Memoriail Hospital wherea $ilm1,500 (Bowmanville's share) ing during the efternoon. The hie wes pronounced dead on1 70 $0.0 oron and a half cents per . arival by Dr laB.S-a 1-2-3-4-5 YEARS 1 capita- was a small price to ing with an enjoyable dance Hast rriowsth rie SWIN DON T Ipa ifit ave a prso's ife wih msicprovided by the M.Hrio a h rvrI lower ost ý"A matter which has caused Dodsworth Orchestre, Oshawa. oi ane of the cars Involved in cansiderable comment and the the accident. The driver ni PERSONAL LOANS 1 effeci af which bas not been the Ui other vehicle was es I and felt as yet, is the change in Soencîev, age 65, 103 Auburnv MORTGAGES schci urisdictions. At one W sn e Street, Peterborough. Damage t 'time the special committee UEto her car emnounted to aboutS Swing Your Account :considercd one board for cach $1.600. and there was approxi- c Now Into county, but apparently ibis is o t mately $2.000 damage ta the s CENTRALONTAR 1O n ai possible and the new (FROM PAGE ONE) arsncr CntbeMr CENTRALONTARIO board will have jurisdiction fo r a numrber oi years, yet we ray Joynt, OPP, and Corporal t TRUST & SAVINGS over education in both coun- alI have been paying thqrougb- S. Pappin. OPP, investigated.n ties. out Canada for those munîci- Elizabeth Tief, age 59, 39S CORPORATION "The total amount of assess- palities that have been us- Summer Drive, Scarborough, 23 Kag s. w ment for residential and farm ing it," Mayor Hobbs explain- wes killed on Sunday na 5~mni. purposes as equelizcd, deter- cd. accident on No. 35 Highway, c 82322 mines the ereas from whicb Reeve Il. C. Muir indicated four and a hait miles nortb 19 imca. st U. trustees will be edected. Dar- that Darlington Township of Enterprise Hill. She ls 723-221 lingion bas the highcst assess- wlll not be affected by the conirol of the car she was v ment witb Bowrnenville sec- ending of the Wlnter Works driving and it left the pave- S NOn RS ond highcst. Together. the two Program. "For the lest couple ment and creshed on the side D 9*te 5:38 municipalities combined will oi years we have nat been In- oi the roed. She was pronounc- Fr *9 e eleet threc trustees.i volved in It, and we dld not ed deed at the scene of the Cf pomq7AIWxau 813. 9te "Population determined the use lt much before. There is accident hy Dr. R. D. McKin- p op suvias number ai trustees and for the not much demand for it," ley. Sarnia. 0 s.wnffleCi.. e dneudosdm United Counties this repre- Reeve Muir stated. Consteble T. Boyce. OPP, hi sents 16 trustees. 15 oi whom "The work we did use It for and Corporel S. Pappin, OPP, Ca - --- ~-- -.previously was just for the 'werp the investigeting officers. 1y M cuttin f aibrusch hk ie hr ws apoiae --.t.- ., juueyngweraL up ad i Uof aa actor traiter Griven OY the municipalities have no optinn but ta pay It," Reeve m Muir declared. 3v ae t "Sorne municipalities used'S u e t the Wjnter Works Program quite a bit for capital project- E r l e But the onîy capital project m v l e I Darlington township has had' FROM PAGE ONE) arcib ýhosesconcerning construc-IPatricia Bundle, Bowman- ln a cshools, and schools ville, Commercial; Miss Keye ____were not eligible under Wintcr Wells, Morrisburg, Latin and Warks. Yct, wc wcre all pay- 1 History; Harvey Jacobs, Tor- Ing for thase Who were using 11nto, Ë.nglish; John C. Scers-, l," Reeve Muir assertcd. ilWw, nls;Ms Dougas unnlgh i Catherine McGillivray, Tr- Vilageni cwcsil artaPhysicel Health and was aiso Indifferent ta the 'Education; Miss Pat Pelletier, cancellation af the Winter Ottawa, Library and English; afoctksPagraml. W"It will not, Michael Collycs-, Watcrdown, 'afectus t al. e anly used English. It once when we put ln the, Foîîowing is the list of new jwater. Most work could be teechers et Courtice SecOri- donc more cheaply as w elleas dary colMis .Deon ,mare efficienily during ihe SchilooýLatiss M.d Fencon, polinmed oui. CnnngamPierce Farragher, Orange-1 Reeve oy ,iatville, Agriculture and Science;( Clarke Township dld not use GrehMissnien O a ra w , the Winter Warks pragramn English; Mis mmaenPris,; iNlest year. "I1 tbink the ending Pr crry omril aitEsNoga mgt.u Douglas F. Truemnan, Tilîson-c sIemrpopsaweae burg, Occupation, Histary, ibtthat dcpends an overaîj and Geograpby; Johin Cald- emnployment," he seid. well, Toronto, 'Engllsh and "We sed î eery earHistorY; Ronald A. Murray,1 previous ta 1967 for cutting Trna osP3sclEu 1hrush on the side-roads. Work- cation and Science; Richard1 ing ln the winter doubles the Deakin. South River, Geagra-e rost ai construction, and the phy; Edward Gale. Toronto,( contractais raise iheir pites Art and History; Klaus Wal-t ta caver the difference. The kau, Winnipeg, Science: Miss , effeci oi the pragram endlng Margaret Kirkpatrick, Seska-E will depend an employment toS,Physical Education; Missb conditions. Lest wlnter was Susenne Shuh, Truro, N.S.,t nat bad. Wc will have ta watt English; Miss Elaine Hoidas,1 and sec what the situation Toronto. Commercial; Miss willi be during the coming Gem me Asse-lin, Windsor,C O wner," Reeve Foster stated. 1-tnme ESxnomnics. i Celebrate 65th Anniversary Apple Growers Hope for Heavy Orchard YieIds è Most local epple grnwers are iIntosh, Deliciaus and Spys. learly v'arieties but hie did not pleesed with their crop so ferl Herb Gibson Orcherds Ltd.. grow meny ai them. this summer and like the' look 1 Bowmanville. said the' quelity "I've beard some archerds ai their main crnp, which hheyîof bis drap laoked excellentt. are down a litile on the main start picking about the mid- 1Eerly appies were gond Ina, crop but ours is the seme as dît' ai September. ýand lie was stili harvesting lest year, which was falrly A spokesman at the pi-ovin- varieties such as Melbas. good,- lie seid "We lied e dry ciel agriculture and fond officel Harold Watson, enother:speil we couid have donc with- in Bowmanville said lie un-iBowmanvillc grower, said bis:oui but there was a gootIn derstood from I. B. Elîs, fruitlorchard was a litile iigbianî lest wcck."_____ and vegetables represenietivei- - ------ for Durham, Ontario and Vic-: " Mr W Wnnan, Mrs. H. tari Contis. tal oththe /~1 enoLowery. Mrs. R. Elliott, Mrs. yield and quelity ni apples in Tapis r. lrw r this area were god. ITaompkins, Mr. Glder mMr Bo dmgeea a-New si rby Mrs. Simpson. Mr. J. TIghe Whiiby, wbich grnws 17 vani-1 [ Iis the relief teaclier for tbe eties oi apples, seid be consid- i'UP u b1ic 3Choo00 j principal. ered the crop comparable ta';Ti stefrtta h lasi ycar. a gond yeer. 1 The new Kirby Cenhenniel Ti stefriia h Algo e O chars Ld IPubic Scbool opened is doors Kirbv schoi as been opened BrokitO, îo ac pa t eda ib aaie-and it replaces a number of Broki, ls ntciae onTusaywi-a al nc--nom schools fnrmcnly at gond crop ni main varictîca olmnt ai 273. The scbool lgs Ki-by, Enlerprise. n Cak oiapples grown îocally: Mac-' nperating nine classes witUi onah l stend Cl-keo o ne ciasa belng an opportun-,,Unihon ats llas the twa-om iiy cless. Mr-. I. Galder lis the 'tnschal tLeskad. Atheso nm O BITUARY new principal af the school. lstd tstcdngh cao The UARYci are stafffetm thé Newa-cai Th tahigstff- teville and Brown's rat . HOWARD J-j. na i The death ni Howard J. Pye, aged 77 years, nf Ennis- I killen, occurred suddenly at I Sthe Golden Plough Lodge.: SCobourg, on Sunday, AugustI 25, 1968. Son of thé late John Wes-, -'.'- ey and Laura (Souch> Pye,; he was born in Enniskillen' - ,.~* .~and received bis educatiron' tihere. The deceased was a lite-ý , Mr. and Mrs W. E. "Bert" Stevens who live just long resident of Enniskilleni ate thir 5thwedingannveraryandMr.Steens until t'aking up regidence in! -ate thir 5thwedinganniersry nd r. tevns the Golden Plnugh Lodge endl ids, neighbors and relatives called to wish themn well. retired some years ego. lIe! ds from others unable to be present. was a member of Enniskillený ---: United Church and was for' many years caretaker oi that churcb. He was also a mem- roilment Bragg Family bro h rneLde moMr. Pye is survived by a Mrpew Clifford A. Stainton ruugn School Lnjoys U"cnic ~ H Aprl Wndelxc Enlis At Swi c ha e~ceased by two sisters, Mrs. J. The following teachers re-A w ss C ae and Mîs. Herbert Johnston main an the staff from lest A eyejab tm ws(A lin) year: John Amesbury, His- ' vr'ejybetm a Aean) tory; Miss Joan Bennett, Eng spent by ail attending the The funeral service was lish Robn Brmley G g- Bragg family annuel picnic held from the Northcutt-EI- lish Roin romeyGeora-held on September 8th at the'uî uea oe omn phy; A1ex Callan, Guidance Swiss Chalet Park, Green I illtFe, and asHond e d bymn an Hstry LrsCeî o d. Fifty-eight peopie were Rev. Milton Sanderson. Inter.ý Phys.Ed.; rs. Rta Calsonpresent urider sunny skies andmn ainH ptnC e- Frencb; Mis. Elaine Devolin, tmentprtasn in Hampton Cerne-ery Hmeackin Mtbics; SOU Bc Karen and Ted White, Emma Makn ahrntc;S .and Ross Bragg. Among the' Iovely floral Rutherford, Bialagy and Com.1 tributes was ane from Ennis-, Maths.; John Sylvestervich, Prizes were given to the eld- killen United Church. Pbysics and Chemistry; Rn- lest persan present, Mrs. Ethel Plbaes wr ess bert Taylor, Commercial; Mrs. Souch, the couple wlth the PAul an r dweRe Mesr Lillian Watson, Commercial; largest family, Tom and ElaineArhr BacrRa ph Bon Wells, Industriel Arts; Baker, the youngest, Brett Virtue, Adam Sharp, Clifford; Miss Judy Williams, Phys. Ed' I Baker. Aiter ail prizes were Pethick, Wilbur Smith and' and E. G. Wltbcrpsoon. Princi- given out a few pictures were Wm. Mahafiy. pal, Geography and Penmen- taken.______________ ship-Oroo Ties.An enjoyable picnie supper, ship-Oroo Ties.followed and fterwards some' Get Cash Today Iwent homne for chores, others reminisced and otherspl1yed FrOdA plne R ou d- p The eommittee for nexi year's get-together included through 'Vernon GreenNood, R.R. iSandra and Laura Stapleton S A ES A Broolin.Donne and Joe Dickson Mr. EYolfson was t.kcn by C L ASS 1F 1E D the Bowmanville Area AmbuPhono 623-3303 lance ho Memnoriel Hospital ______________ ment for lecerations ta bis face ag wssustaned by the ~School SAVE $$ $ , n,, inere ~wda i about $100 danmage bthe (FROM PAGE ONE) truck. Constable R. A. White.- don, Bowmanville, Grade Il;'1 ley, OPP, inveshigeted., and Melvin Putnam, Peter-le A car driven by Kennetb borough, Grdac VII.l William Hellaweâl, ege 36, 532 Lord Elgin Sebool: Miss i Denforth Roed, Scarborough, Lyrida Bellemy. Coboconk, wcnt oui oi contrai and left Grade I1; Mrs. Karen Robin- the iravclled portion of the old son, Bowmanville, Kîndergar- Scugog Road et the Nintb Con- ten. The new Assistant Prîn- cession ni Derlîngion Town- cipal for botb Lord Elgin andi' ship et 7:45 arn. on Tuesday. Vincent Massey Public Schools;l, Damage ta the car amounhed is David Stapies, Betheny. !î :0 about $150. The driver was Ontaio Street School: Mrs.r noi înjured. Constable ClarkeDon Mioih Tont Stepben, OPP, învestigatcd. Grna MhwcTrno This merning, Wednesday. ai rae Ill; Mis. Marîce Sav- ý' 10:25 o'clock there wes a hwo age, Kitchener, Grade 1; Miss l' car collision aI the corner oniGadeso1ndy InV. sa , Church and Silver Streets.Gae I n V The drivers ai the cars ir-i Vincent Massey School: Mrs. 'olved were William G. Wai-IRut.h Gibson, Trenton, Grade ~ son, Mill Street, Orono, and 1, Mrs. Gibsan wes formerly Donald Spencer. 30 Silver Si.eaheacher in the local Public Mr-, Watson aiterwards re- Sehools but recentiy ber ser-, ccîved treaiment In Ihe out-1vices xvere loaned bt te De-1, patient depertment oi Memn- partment oi National Defence, orial Hospital for a cut overiand she bas been teaching in is lefi cye. Damage In bisIGermany for several years. ]y $90, and there was aboutwl tearh Grade V at Vin- $250 damage ho the Spencer cent Massey Public School. ar. Constable Don Anderson, p rivestigeted. Tocars collided ai the' O IU R corner ni Church and Ontarid OBoU R itrcets on Tuesday et 12ý :'dlock naon. The drivers off EDWJN PEARSON -tese cars were Mrs. Florence! A former commanding ni- D. Draper, 18 Sunset Road, fie ftt nai ank ind Gerrard A. Riley, 142 King Regiment, Edwin Pearson of: i 3tree East Ther a arut 212 Adelaide Ave. E., Oshawa,!'~ ;300 damage ho the Riiey cr died Sept. gth, 1968, ah thei'. ind approximately $250 dam- Oshawa Generel Hospital, ini ie to the Draper car. Con- bis 71st yeer. The deeeased1ý' able Richard Khouhi investi- abenifilghat or ated.bdbennfilnhcthfo At 526 pn. uesdy threorne lime and succumbed toi' At a:2wo car colsion o ershort, serious sickness. vaary oedcnarcontisin on Ason or hhe late Aliredi,- r. Theldrvers invfovd nt ibiNo.and Harrieti Pearson, the de-' ccident were Thomas O. Dun- c1897d insTornoSept. l8, alI, .140 Morcland Avenue, 187jnTrno n )shawa. and Douglas Flewell, married .June 3. 1922. lie was 19 Elgin Street. Damage to employed in the' persoonne .e two cars amounhcd ho ap- relations department et Gen-1 ýoximately $400. Constable erai Motorg from 1944 to 1962.1 ohn Bird was the investigat- A charter member ni Branchi g officer. 43, Royal Canadien Legion,. There wes a tbree car col- 'he was a lite member ai the1 sion et 1:20 a.m. on Sunda-Y Ontario Begiment Associa-1,ý tthe' corner af Liberty and tin . ,ing Sireets. The drivers i- Mr. Pearson served witbh. olved werc Balpb Gerald the' ll6thi Battalion duringý îcey, Church Street, New- the First World War and with1 asile, Vern Frederick Rowe. the' Ontario Tank BegimentP ,ndrew Street, Newcastle, and ni which be was the cam-ý ames A. Budai, R.R. 6. Bow- manding ofiicer with thei ianville. Damage ho the thi-ce rank ai lieutenant colonell rs amounted to about $450. irom 1936 ho 1940, during thel f. onstable Tracy Davis In- Second World War.i esigated. The' deceaed is survived bvi' Sbortly before anc o'ciock bis wife. the former Ada V.,~ cednesdey noan, a small Maithews: hwo daughters. , 7ck driven by Erv Brooks, Mrs. W. M. Braadbent (Ev e-ý îurtb Street, and a car driv- ]Yn1) of Oshawa and Mrs.; nby Ewart Bragg, Perkway Gamneron Aldrcd (Joan) ni ý res., collided bib te rein ai Newcastle, and seven grand ý ie corner ni Third and High cbiidren. i-sets. Two passengers In the The memorial service wa ragg car, Mrs. Bragg and held et the Armst-ong Fun-, ris. D. McCoy, their deugb- eral Home, Oshawa, Sept. 10.'. -., were taken ta Memorial Interment was in Oshawa] ospital by Bowmenville Ares Union Cemetery. Bey. E. K. rnbulance for a check up. Smith, pastor of Harmnon. instable Don Anderson Is Road Baptist Cburob, con-e westigatlng. ýducted the. service. i si a: sti w ac JO inI lis et Ki VO La ce Ar Ja mi cei Co vt Wg tri Fo en Cr, thb st, Bri Mr icr Ho An Co1 1wv scnuoi Includes ivrs. McMullen,irby.--urono imes. ÇBits and1 Lieces WHOPPERS - Forgot to mention last week that Mrs. M. E. Abrams brougbt sonie samples of ber "miniature" cucumbers to the Editor. A Chinese one was a gigantic thing that must have been over two feet long. Mlany thanks! EVENING (LASSES WILL BEGIN OCTOBER l5th, 1968 REGISTRATION DATES 7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Tuesday October 8 Wednesday October 9 CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL Monday - October 7 COURTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL Tuesday October 1 Wednesday October 2 A registration of et least 15 students in required to conduct a dlans under Department of Education regulations. Courses will b. advertised next week DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD 1 About SELLI NG NEW FORDS EV9 I BELO 1-W COST1. -qw 1NW Every FORD Moke - Model - Color in Stock 1968 FORD, (USTOM AS 10W AS 2-DR. SEDANS - 8 cyl. engine. s The last af the 5-Yer, 50,000 mile werranty cars! sible of Brand New Oe 0 e due self we'rie sure ta have 1968 FORD Products cars ta ehoose from. .I the car af your choieI for ourchoce!now ail ln onclocation! I It the prîce you want Always a " Scotty1" on duty at MacDONALD FORD SA&LES PHONE 576-1800 NOW ALL AT ONE LOCATION 815 KING ST. W. -' . OSHAWA f - "'--- ~ ~ I -. h. ra ic 1 nos

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