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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1968, p. 5

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Reports from . ýOmen's Institutes If yo're loôkn o r tvr specia weddingg rndhatveus if we have it. Thanks to Art- Carved, we can say "I do.,, A-MINUET SET s$32.50 Hers $29.50 8- CASCADE SET His $47.50 Hers $42.50 fOODer's BOWMANVILLE Authofrzed trtCarved Jewoler mm .. li /viDZ /- /- gaearaing Three Gates." Bal11ard. 8The meeting closed with hGod Save the Queen. A soa- e. cial half hour was enjoyed T R N stby all. Lunch was served by T R N othe group in charge. Mrs. R tio afednoca ovnr Mrs. D. Phasey, Wayne,' ac,..... Kathy and Brenda, Castleton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, n- R W ' Mr. and Mrs. B. Covert, Pet- wR WN erborough, Mr. and Mrs. A. ýW, :7Sanders, Mr. Warren Crosse r-Ron Wannamaker has re- Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ron aturned home to continue hi, !Philp and family, Oshawa, m. studies at the North Hastings Mr. and Mrs. E. Grills, Balti- s. High School. moe -ee holiday guests of, ,n Mrs. Marie Ulrich had her4 Mrs. Edna Philp and Mi;ss ifather. Mr. Boyer of Toronto, s Jean Philp. tosanoe-h weed Mr. Alex Guest, Mr. and1 John and Norman Suther- Mrs. Bill Davis, Mr. Jacký randdfaesswr at WsgtonStheDvsTrnto r. .Gl The little boy in the above photo is RobetMc- race atWestateonStur and son Ossie, Locust Hill, day. and niece Miss Lyn Booth' eal Bandstra, son of Mr. and Mrs. RobertBadt, Mr. thl ron etrndSouth Wales, were guests ofý R.R. 1, Orono, who celebrated his first birtdyo home from Am'hurst, NS, re-' Dinner guests at the well-attended Rotary Barbe- had been formed at the Pine Ridge Festival of the Mr. and Mrs. T .dd. tet Augustra2N.wHistlgrandaet Mr. and Mrs. . cently. S d SM.adMs e atet adtaNwateadM n r o Bradly Haman as oecue on Saturday at Soper Creek Park not only ate Arts and included, from lef t to right, Bill Arnott, Oshawa, accompantied by Mr. RR ,OooPoobRbtAd t of the gests at evin wel, they lso wereentertaied by agroup of mnusi- Candy Storks, Sharma Ferguson, Jim BaskevleadndMsDold aey ny erwr Rahme's birthday party last clans who wandered f rom table to table. The group Jim de Jong. They call themselves "The Last Resort". joyed a motor trip to the were Saturday evening guests graves of loved onsbfr iWednesday afternoon.--- - -- WestCfornia returming home of Mr. and Mirs. R. Bowers. the service, taken b e.A Sunday evening visitorsl their pur-pose was to provide a Mr. and Mrs. Herb Powell, E. Cresswell ofHapo wit te JhnSuterand E ch ntig oll a d T ys at us um better level of education across1 Misses Norma Davey and1 Bowmanville, in Company Sacred music wasrcde were Sandra and Keith An- the counties, not in any cer- GaeMorToot, !pn with Mr. and Mrs. A. with two loud speakr.Mn derson, who have, recently tain areas.i the weekend at their respec-1 man were holiday weekend thanks toall thosewhhep moved to Bowmanville.P William Dawson. Cobourg,,tv hms guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold ed make the servieasc Mr. and Mrs. Duanne Welsh ueriig rniplixpan Mr. and Mrs. Lotrne Phare Brown, Aylmer, Ont.cescoltin$4.. and family were Sunday ev- ed the role of the supervising1 were supper guests of Mr. Allan Yuga ila ening callers at Norman and principal more as a co-ordin-land Mrs. Don Allman, Osh- te dteCIeg fEua Edith Sutlherland's.ator of education than a suer awa.n th Cleg ofEua Mrs. Josie Welten attended visor. It was not, hie said, con- Tyrone Community sends; for theUniersiyofTrot, the Jewellery demonstration fined to the elementary level. congýratulations to Col R.S. Mr. ad Mr.MurayYe t Mr arian oodhead's M Mr. Thom said the depart- McLaughlin of Oshawa on h a le n ome ay night. ~~~~ment had lifted a limit ntehs9t itdy udy friends to a corn roast on number Of supervisors or Sept. 8th. Sunday night. superintendents who would1 Sympathy of the comn- Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and fam- 62 ELZ B TH I L i work under the board. The munity is extended to Mr. ily were Monday supper board itself would determine and Mrs. J. C. Cook and Mr.,get fM. n r.Mr Ohuch ervceswer hed the number that would work and Mrs. H. McClure on the ray Yen, the occasion being here Net Snda sevics mst ffiienly.passing of their siste-r, Mrs. Wendy Yeo's sixth birthday. will be at Garden Hl tH andta o many George Wills. Flowers were U.C.W. met at the homne of 11:15 a.m., when Rev. G. A. supervisors at the second level, ple for the Sunday morrn- Mrs. George Alldread Wed- Ramit illcopar ma'sof authority (that is, working ing service in loving memory nesday evening at 8 p.m. soul to the growth of a treeudrtedrco feua of their sister. Sunday, Septemnber 8th was illustrations drawn by Mr. J. to) udmk h ytm M.adMs ednTi Decoration and Memorial ser- IMuldrew.HeaisdIO hovr bault and family, Mr. and vie a Bethesda Cemetery, |Mr. and Mrs. Ron Provost, that school personnel now in Mr.Wynla usnadwich ws laey onatted Belleville, were with Mr. andpoioninteUtdCu- family, Mr. and Mrs.MelnForswepacdnth Mrs. 0. Mercer visiting with ities would hold their jobs atIVan Dusen and family, Osh- Gwen over the weekend. least until the end of the 1969 aa eeStra vnn Several attended the car sho ea nJn visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Carl races at Sandy Race Tracký On motion of Howard Stur- Clark. nothofhreonSudY. rock, the board voted to re-. Mr. and Mrs Willaird CIa.r.•. Ronny Mercer and H. Mooreý commend that the new board. and family, Oshawa, were had cars entered. N use the experience and qualifi- Sunday v'isitorrs of hfis dadB On Saturday night Mr. and cations of the supervising Mr. Fred Clark an d brother: al DAY,, SE PT. 20th Mrs. E. Fowler held their an- 4 principals to the fullest extent Carl Clark and family. nual corn roast when most of Mrn some capacityhar their immediate family at- 1%= h SCcara u- M.adMs an hr tended. The evening was gested that the executive comn-weetSundayrevnmg supper AR ON spent in dancing and renew- mittee take a thoroughi look at aguet oMr. aM. Hw ing old acquaintances. Mr. its proposed organization strue-arBenOhw. ad Mrs. Ross Russel, daugh- ture and that all committees Quitne alae numbeOr romF er Brenda and her husband, ireport at the next meeting- Tyrone attended-Orono Fair Mr. and Mrs. C. Yarrow, G Nlo, Cobougre on Saturday.12SLE ST-BO M NI E Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. E.ý porting for the secretariat, an, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, PHONE 623-7138 Yarrow and family, Mr. andý advisory group formed by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm, Mrs. W. Yarrow, Mr. and area school inspectors, saidlKathryn, Judith and Keviný FURNITURE - CARPETS CLOTHIN |Mrs. H. Newsome, Oshawa;1 questionnaires on the structurel attended the Oilco Mainten-: Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer, Port These are just a few of the dolls and toys at Bowmanville Museum which of the 26 existing boards, fa-lance Picnic at Waltona Park,l APPLIANCES Hope: Mr. and Mrs. F. Belz- both young and old find enchanting. All were played with and cherished by' cilities and proposals for ex- Newcastle. Sunday afternoon. ma, _Kendal; Mr. and Mrs. R. boys and girls in the 19th centurv. The toy collection alone is worth a visit to paen sionalred pannedoad MranMs.FodBcetH UEOD TMS- TC Robso ad amly Silh;the Museum, but there are many other rooms and displays, something to interet see eta tiue obadadduhe arie, Ennis- Mr. and Mr.A Chamberlain' everyone in the f amily. The Museum is open every day except Mondays, 2 to 5 Boards were instructed to iSunday ofMra reup st n EBUFNDSLLUEDIEM. and family, Mr. and H. p.m. from now to Thanksgiving. ýcomplete the questionnaire byt.B - Thickson, Miss H. Trew were Oct. 11 at the latest. Answers m Td Skinner left Monday some of those who attended., will be compiled and digested monning to attend Universityi Mrs.E Folerattededby the varlous committeesý tea Fo ed in Peterbo ee, 8 th atfull report presen ted at el. . .Park, Bowman- on atudaNovember. ville, Mrs. Arnold Geisbergerl MnStr. adMs .Qanr A report of the secretary- and family, Zion, were Sun- sentM unday visting i 88ne rs Reports on Progress -lldfo mm=daeg- dyevngteCon a e moved to a o ~~~steps to set up banking pro- mnt aldoswr gi hae will attendnersit The Northumberland - Dur-i urgent. would have a unique problemi cedure for the new organiza- opened for the regular card Mr. llatnd Mrs.J. eyke rna interim school organiz-! Chairmian Wes Down urgedi in how it would relegate au- tion. lparties held through the fall Osawr nM and Mrs DkkR, ation committee met in Co- the committee to follow suchlthority to its supervisory per-ý J. M. Rolph, Cobourg,1 and. winter. Prizes for the Wet fBbourg last Wednesday to hear a course. sonnel. aigreed, suggesting that the enng went to Mrs. S. Go- were with Mr. andwmanvile progress reports on the estab-' "Get the business end of the Vice-Chairman AI Strike of charteredi banks be asked to!ble, Sam Reyenga, Mr. Lionel • lishment of the new county>nwognzto e padBwavle adoeo h tender for the job of handling ý Byam, Mrs. A. Richards, Mr. school board. the work of the board will fall, Most important problems the tecut or' akn.H atrPrM.Fe at The 26-mnember committee into place mnore simply after- interim committee will face proposed that banking pro- ner. 50-50 draw was won by / / ~~agreed that setting up the fin-, ward," hie said. in the next few months will bei cedure be settled by Nov. 15 Mr.Hla upry ancial and business operations Tosee p-hnfration whether to distribute author- If the board is to take office Sunday visitors of Mr. and --of the new board. which will of an administration, he pro- ity on a geographical basis or i eebr Mrs. A. J. Hoar were Mr. and be elected in December, is Mosti posed the eai-lyhiig 'faron a centralized basis. "If financial matters get!Mrs. George White, Mr. and IN H OM E M U f Thickson on Sunday.had oficalewill e alesd tasexpessed some fearp n a h c re so nbo nMt e Ropht s.K W. 1 ea rand anRO e A numnber in the community soon as possible after the elec- ordination between the urban can deoplaboait. It i up oKenMcQuaidry and b aby nOh attended the funeral of the tion of the countv board. school areas and rural areas wth e eewoaedaigaaMsvec er n late Mrs. May Mercer whio O et gi Ot9t ol dereyafc.orsswt teey day. ifamily, Orono, Miss Kathy was buried on Wednesday. hear an official of the ÍN>rth and facilities available in the The bioasrd ost iporatan nd Joh ndHor, TLoronto.a Services were in Port Hope York colBar uln larger communities. ing'in. eov ron ak r ndMs ly co and Most of the family and pr-oblemis and ideas used in The committee agreed that The finance com rnttee rill!ha n one, Tronto. visited Trew Carnd Baarran Wlkrfrea sehe odrytholk super- Bow dsus tem ! M.anville. SunayrPak an r.Aln rwstr 1a nenet tl temetn r. and rs.Jaes ood-r Tue aerColgeh etfu erbor- rseent hne.nDprtetlvadfmiyvstdCl oughdua today.ofrEduationpolibycallgfrtheand Mrs. JeorgeuHdgkinso Onss s W ene d a e vnig he rngW. F. a di e or oe uca- Pict. own.n il . u d WomensInttuemeand a th'Wlre on fst and c oosuperirMran Mr.HrdBa- M.adM.LeVitThsacshanvrnedrong QanMr.ill presIded. r, M rrs. irfi nalaprovl nqul-Muda.ine getsanM.gussfMr. admrs. .A Woweheoodea hmfo ok ýc[vvàerapon .re spena ng ins weei witn Jhn, Bwavie BOWMANVILJLE ,Bwmanille visi;- -Hie cautionied that the Unit- College of Agricultural Tech-ý Many games were enjioved,1Mr. and Mrs. H. Van Dorp. 5TMEAC T .BW A e wih friends after churched Conte cbcause of its nology. He is employ ed at The winners are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold VWil- 3 EPRNEST .BW NIL on Sunday, size andi geographic â1tuation, Bowmianville Country Club.' Longest married couple, Mr liams and family, Nestleton. and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock; best The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanvnie, Sept. 11, 19685 Carolyn Dewell; nail poanding. Joe Jackson; oldest man, Har-1 Happy Little Fellow old Salter; oldest womanj Minnie Horn; youngest baby.i Notleen Hurst; shoe scramble.i Diane Hindman;; jar of marb-; with oldst coinn ins aleocket. Steve Artym; lady with need- le in her purse. Mrs. Bruce Hurst; objects in sock, Mrs. Bruce Hurst; birthday closest'4 to picnic date, Carolyn Dewelli and Mrs. Ben Killens; whati year did Elmer Wilbur's busi-1 ness open? . . . won by Dougi Dewell and many other games' played for the children. Prizes donated by Hamptoný Gardens, Stockers Shell Sta- tion. Smitty's Snack Bar; Elm- er Wilbur's Used Furniture; Barron's Gift Shop; Greena- Iway's Shell Station. The Hampton Couples Club lenjoyed a hay ride and corn Iroast Saturday evening atth home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralphî B3OWMANVILLE W. I. ber of these accidents happen The~~~~ BomnileWm nm the home and gave some tite held thileirmetng advice to prevent these hap- thte Salation r meYoung penmng. She also told of ople' all ton AThursday, practical remedies for some opt.' tHaTh meng open-a of the common ailments such wt.ith. ThC daeth Ien as stings, burns, nose bleeds I, ut OdeCanda.The Inrd cuts, etc. She finished wi th rd M ndtM W.d' a question and answer per- siding, e e o m ed thsemnd.a Mrs. I. Munday etend !mbers and visitors. There Sylvesvteo hak o r. sa good attendance for the • t metig o th fal sa-Mrs. S. Buttery gave the! .tmeigo h alsa motto 'Safetv begmns with S s. I udyra h and ends with you. She fin-' nuts. a.Mndcorrspondeeished with the line "Safety: guesaedthe resurner'se- must not onlv end with you t. ganvtatio to attrendr but begin wi«th you and me. ple GroivetaWomn's Ittnti Mrs. O. Bragg gave two piano il veting on th solos much enjoyed by the s accepted. The delegate mmes r.R ebr the Central Area Convet ion November 6. 7 and ýo be Mrs. R. Patfield, wit . E. Twist as alternat mpton Institute are to vis Bowmanville branch c .3rd. Bowmanville Inst are to dnn;t- C d;ri; &-eéie o onate a uarci vilresMemorial ospitalwm The roll call was "A ne, keat " product on the mai kt." Mrs. R. Webber wo te convenor for the progran DThe guest speaker was Mn Sa. eSyylvester who spoke hospital patients were acci dent victims. A good num , Ins in Pec Sep ed stit Pra pre met waj firs &On. MN min and pori Mai tute was to 1 tioDn is tf Mrs Han the Oct. tute FAO D ARE - Entering mnarriage isn the happiest and most exciting part of mont peo. Ple's lives. We're ve y happy to, be in the a lot of thi happiness in our customners.. We're even happier to be ArtCarved jewelers, for Art- Carved has been the first choice in wedding rings for far More than a century. rtC arved w E DODING R IN G S Wandering Minstrels Entertain Rotary Barbecue Guests

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