'The Canadian Statesnm, Eowmanville, Sept. 11, 19018 a Fletcher, Mr». Margaret Ito Dorset and visited ait theirfhm 'tocmecilbxd 'Mrs. ll Cewaro neycottage and they were guestsPower L1 omsada aatetbid Raise Money for Biafra Ernestine Robiso, Mrs. Ver A ccident R'oufld»mUp libothr-i-thatM. areMs. Sarginson, Mrs. Ruth Skuce, Clifford Hetz. nas Soare f rn.lk otcmui Mrs. Bella Smith, Mrs. Loraine (Intended for last week) damage in an accident at Congratulations te Nestieton tc nti roici t Smith, Mrs. Cheryl McGee, A car driven by Phllp Har-IIO:35 arn. on Monday. The Foresteru who won the se m1-( ~I nt xada esn Mrs. Thelma Wright, Miss ness, 20 Simpson Avenue went 1giens of the cars *involved finals In the double-header%.,roflo lag wrknnerb Bwnai ter, Mr. William Barrett. Mrls. on Tuesday afternoon at Maple Donald Foster, age 20, Green- Scugog 14-il and 9-4 at MaI- na usadaadOhýafn hspes Carol Wennacott Is thenGve Road, and left the trav- bank, and A. Keyerleber, age colm Memorial Park, Nesti eted atnqitvilgeIan da mui ece.elled portion of the road sus 38, Willoughby, Ohio. Dam- ton, Sunday afternoon and t reforestation areaq h i-paei hc orsd n C o n tra c t C o m m il m en îspooltirning about $200 dm age ete the Keyerleber car Port Perry I hee ain.tu tsque police vlae~~rn ConstIna1ble William H m ounIl ted Thei te League final play-off sertes OPP, investigated. $3.000, and there was about 3will be at Nestieton. Septem- sedl nteps eae tewodrc h far here on Sunday evening. Vau- Lawr;ence B. Bond, petta- $2,000 damage te the Foster ber 8th (Nestieton vis. Burke- And the Oron, yr y fte rwn rn yr in - oaccident. tem hanM has beehen upng awa detted te o hsycasce.mCnsareeJoFl asedn-Non)cherlsonee pitcherwith Tery Malclm at te jkeepinpofeHwithy theestorn-d chairccideand D.p M.e Svit receiving. and Highway No. 35 at 3:20 On Saturday at 9:50 p.m. munity's developet hs.Wd.ar rut Longer contnact commit- said.i procedures In accordance with Hyland started on the mound a.m. this morning (Wed., Sept. there was a two car collision was Uev e Ml W.D ows woSEK RAS n=ats are predicted, John R. "The Act nequired that every existing legislatien. 'for Pontypool and was ne- 4th). The vehicle went off the on No. 35 Highway nonth etO IUA YgrMilW Dempter, Tono, stated In collective agneement shall con- "Having been assigned te placed by Stinson in the road and cnashed. Damage 7A Highway. The drivers in-,AN EOGEproudl pointstothimde Procedure and Leglslation" at settlIng differences antsing 1 schedules a meeting ef bath i ng. $200. Constable Don Stuart, age 51, Willowdale, and Rich- The death et Mrs. J. Frank This ycar, the ]s eto 2Rhe v. onavle EOwmanvrnle Rotany Club held stoppage et work. If a coIl-rtatk which he undertakes hemners by George Scott, Bob Four cars were'invoilved in ough. Damage te the two cars Ont., ocourred at Trenton Me- grain was cempletdwe 6 tha rnpr or o ai the Flying Dutchman Moton lective agreement dees net lt-a successtul ceoncillaton must Reynolds and a triple by a collision on Monday at 5:15 ameunted te about $900. Con- Hoptaonraudyýnw mecr Ilin on Thunsday. Mn. Demps- self contain such an arbitra-1possess h ig h professional Vaughan McGiil. p.m. The drivers et these stable K. Ruttan, OPP, in- m HsptalonSatrdy, r nsterrd aoihstetrnfr0 ls 11 te, Mediator fer the Ontaio tien clause, then It Is deemed standards and be non-polît- Score:.ehiclsge e5,RussniLake. ShiA-vstig1:ted.mAgut31 96. hahd\vrerstledabigigthlPbiccmmrca vcicl v e h i cl e w e r e u s s e ll E . S h a r v e se p e r a t i nge n lic e n c e n owal tifo rtt h Concliation Services, was In- to contain a clause set eut In ical and non-partisan In his eae4,Aeyae he t 10 r.Stra hr enea lth fo"the ota u its8 nit.RbrtGrowc t4roduced by Tom Rehden. the Act. aprah Pontypool 1n40000 Dr. Win Tat Hel, age 30, Ham- was a rollision between a milk Past fv h ae r"'tlgte ilgsinO-Lns -The Rotarians had a buffet "To thi.s extent our legIsla-1"aigeetulyrsle Bethany 4 0 1 4 3 3 itan, Ernest Wall, age 29, truck driven by Elton Bnock, and Mns. Ashtûrd Warnica, tarie," Mr. Downs ad _________- !gn2ei meal consisting of tien now provides for cern- tenlicts avet tealyrgain-e Teams: Rexdale, J. J. Berojois, age 102 Queen Street, and a car tefre ahrn .Wr esae h ri anc coffee fon which each pulsory arbitration et disputes Iing table wlth the committees, Pontypool: Brown 2h, Wli 5 eot.Daaet h nvnbyEns aky 8tl? omrCteie E Wam Hystae ha wenth mÉember of the club had paid whtch arise during the lite of h tm r rfme eteIf iksRc an b, Wall car ameunted te about Wellington Street. Damage te mca was born at Barrie. SeOooHdesse a s a month ago and the total a collective agreement and ne- respective company officiais Garry VanDam cf, Stinson rf, $800 and there was about $500 the truck was about $125 and J.srvnkveorg e usant ashdinpera emb13..' Lrceswene sent to District suit frem diffenences between and union membership where and P. Mitchell c, Hyland p. damage te the Benojois car. there was approximately $150 SheFrank G her eunvle. it ubsletb omn clovernor Ken Miller te fer- parties as te the Interpreta-_ the agreement must be rai- anid rf, George VanDam 3h. There was miner damage te damage te Mr. Walkey's car' in Sh rcevd emeuctinville Publsan ms icontlinds oJ. eard to OXFAM for food for tien, application, administra- fied. Atter ratification the Bethany: Jakeman If. Malcolm teSarrad e arBCn-Teacietwmpne nanvle oOros and missioalJ.R. ihad eerelief of starving Biafran tien, or alleged viotinon Minister ef Labor is lnfonmed c, McGil p, Edmunds ss, Rey- sal .C aoOP -Kn tetEs.Cn tabewahs' gaduaegefTorntriHevwasthe clnersnaie chlldren. Eveny one et the the agreement," thespae that a settlement ha en nolds 3b, G. Scott 1f, Bob vestigated, Don Anderson lnvestigated. 56 Rotary Clubs In District stated.spae effectied. hsbe Smelt 2h, R. Scott lb, Bill There was a two car collis- A car driven by Gerald K. The deceased taught school resigned in 1945, lewssc in at 1:55 p.m. on Monday at Agnew, R.R. 3, Keswick Ridgefor svralâ years at Wooer, ceded by Ernest Dn n 7b17 are taking part In this He aiso pointed eut that the J "In the case in which a ISmelt cf. 401n1o 5Hgwa.TeNBwn ute ote ei Mirt hfiel and other local Ycar latertelca yr an te raise money te aid Ontario Labor Relations Board 1 settlement has net been reach- Don Batley et Peterboough drivers involved were Bruce the CPR overhead bridge on schools. business 'vas bcintcndce _ehungry In Biafra. The has quasi-judicial powers de-1 ed a detailed report is sub- 'wa umireinehorgasised obonth A-L T ~an was eriginated by Jim sgeweefneti a. ttdi hc h ocla byK Blir etn Millbf anstd Rbo Fairmount. West Vir- Saturday at 4:15 a.m. The car Ms Gogehd e idc n on the'office ~ 1,j Tu a~9i e p ilck et the Bowrnanville Such a degree et gevernment tie- icerrcmed l iiad Vco rio.crse netegadrisSmithfield for 44 years and armorv i mn.T IloayClub, Mr. Elick ac- itreto sjsîids nceffetheneor t eecommends Emer Hgg, Baiiebor, on Kington. Constable Murray which pevented it rom ging beore that lived in Bowman- M. Dnt was iredo uI ~o tIn t eb a s e s.oJ e y n t. O P , w asdt heni n v e s ti-et e e m b a n k m ene to n t hecv ll e.nS heiw assasm ev ib elo. ti mewb asas.eA tet htoti memt hba sn e 0 ftYIl éd as chef for the RotarIins healthy labor-managemnent ne- a Board et Conciliationesti- ver tee banD mitfelmU'tenhurci omunt'sprmtvvltg asterty meai here. aainsaeprBco n tesardisoed Cntcilasn e et Mm. and Mns. Carl Smith gating officier. Damage te telnorth side of the brige. Darn- mtfedUidChr c mutysp Thebirhda etEnllWh t nmb e r ou woakdsthpaestoarhd, Inthe paseare Ispent last weekend on a trip two cars amounted te about âge te the car amounted te and a former member et the xvas increased te 820vls m ly theroughhnortof nrOntanie. $900. abouto$400.oCoagora'NJohnard'k Rhadparsietuaee YhrkwasaandnconnectedSte aasub-sta-n was celebrated by his fellow are lessenied. hedeclared. netlfied et the decision and Thh xvcre conieOnt o a rsioceivd9exensieaMcuy inestiated.aIsralmmbr tJhoUCh.nie ncte bdar ee cccmdysacn Eotarla.ns. Alla n Genhorn, "Conciliation has two main 14 days atter receipt et the Te eeacmaidb w asrcle xesv ue stgte ietaSmteld Uniftdhe.C larkonone ndmintnow 10enelon Falls, was a guest at objectives, botb essential te notice the union is îegalîy In iMr. and Mms. Norman Wilson of Surivhigbesitdes erhu- hips. e nDalu i 97 r~Dn aelse asdu the luncheon meeting. the harmonieus nelationshîp the position testrkeor- the l vetn band, are three daughtens, retimed and hisduis er poee..loestaalte 'The guest speaker, M. between the labon force and management may lockout. Miss Joanne McGlyn and LU S L EO Ms re oan(i lstae ve yM Dempater, told the club that management. The flrst and "The Ontario Conciliation !Miss Elaine MeGlyn et Peter- E eille; F red Doran iltPhylisr en vrb r en.feunl oc h ml al tacets of the reiationship Immédiate one ls the success- Service, a division of the De- borough spent the past week! (Intended tom last week) Laie Malcolm enjoyed a ri),Ohaa rsrln îoric pwcrs nce91 odfo h atodI- bewe abnadmnae u etlmn t susa partmient et Labor, Is headed f witb their grandmother, Mrs.1 Ms. Lonnie Chapman and shrt holiday with er grand- Rittenhuse (Sily, Jraneecr aoe ngn r oend by and hand, and the preventien oet by a Director and an Assistant InaPalmer. aiyNot Byrune niother, Mns. S. Brooks, Bow- StShio;îoneoHrod we rnhs :ftntIon In accordance with wonk stoppage. Here th rue 1Director, beneatti whom are 13 M. nd Mrs. C. J. Adams, home on Wededayatt rnanville.Satontee so. Sevaichise owasgatdErneGoppoet e George, Smithfield: and 14 trie (Up tews p the ntaio abo Reatios o thmb is hat ompomie, oncliaion ffiers whoelSrevceor, 2,200anavolttplpmimaryweks'sacaioniOnTagainstrs Ltreeeftndhcmben.2,20emetnti, Act. This Act bas these three Is the essence et conciliation. function iIte iaeInds theps week with ber par- with hem parents Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm, Gýail and Bon nie, 1Aise surviving is a brother, phase sstem. Fiveyaslt ogrfadadohrdi »sic aims: te facilitate col- bti tle fri u ue hhccurwthnt e nt alM. and Mrs. Harry George Bowers. Constable Jen- weeuppr guests with Mrs. Da Warnica et Windsor, Ont. hb'taiomydr léctive bangaining, te previde middle noad, se that each side boundanies of the province. Preston. ny Bowens, Dryden, bas been Ted Hoar, Diane and Lee An-1 Another brother, the late Roy Semontr Poerdoto vr ous csy pc fôr' stabillty during the lite et gains as.rnuch as possible William Slîeen attended the ~ cmu oe eadte Seu o eal oa.~ e, colective agreement, and te wbile losîng as lîttle as neces- "hs niiul fiit CNE îast week. ehtMday wthes his dil ut njeewastpeforanceater"They Warnica, pedeceased ber. Comsinitaedahr- ikssist the collective bargain- sary. A prompt, yet tain a iunlsdiction over M100witb thesevie ommssonPP.a l«i precess by the provision settlement et the existing dis- square miles, an area 1,0Z0 Mr. and Mns. Glenn Smith, ies Mihteondymral rcto, ie a hs 440vl o! conciliation services, be pute is the primary goal. miles wide and 1,050 miles Iind aîtseteh oiawe- Mr.R .Jcsn a dmrbeCino, îehl usdy etme eifrOeo end itsethbi eha eMs Mr.R W aksnadRidge Festival Production, in fnom the Weavem Funeral The second objective 15 the lenth.- You bave heard nef- Belle Smith. dauiler, Miss Marilyn Jack which Diane played a leadlng Home, Trenton, and was con- Hs oae conin ai mpovrnet t îb necestetheIm ene sze et Dr. Norman Lowes, Oshawa, son, returned Thursday from oe. ducted by ev A. C. M - W hen Orono H ydese or-management relations, te Texas. Ontario surpasses Tex- ams. . Pletu t he Fied respese is preg- ree. nw emeterysmith- waene o e 21)cstmesaniSUIn ensure that a similar dispute as for it is equal in size te the vîsited with bis parents, Mnr otejybetu ete Find r lae htLrn nemn ws -cm nobigi 98 hr e1ebndaese e ok and Mrs. Donald Lowes dur.* Maritime Provinces and New- Mrs. George Pesrl rg rewo eeey mt wr oe20e oes not arise again. W a cmine Ne ashirNew Ver-kng the weekend. foundland. esn faobl flowgfid.1teoa wsac theagreement wili expre inMaie fe aphrVr-sr yi aa Hospwiiald. Hnrathllerr e eled Nwasath5klo /~~1~~/fiç' ~ ime, lit is hoped~ that a cen- ment. Massachusetts, Rhode Mn. and Mrs. Howard Scott, The 42 passengers on the MsrgA. inoselhaaspia. Hnoayplbern er at.No ume fE trutie rlaionhi w îîIsand Cnnctiut Ne Jr-Lindsay, weme Sunday guests bus wene frem Sudbury, On- Ms .Hglbsbe a Messrs, Laird Cole, Ernesticustomers bas doubldt 0 A cotnu.sey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, MI_ with Mn. and Mrs. Walter angeville, Guelph, Toronto patient in Port Penny Hospi- Seeds, Fullerten Gibson, Gu1iBuïýýt the load bas ere o Tissse etconciliationchigan, Indiana, illinois, and Neals. Agincourt, Richmond Hill: tai. bent Waite, Charles Langman,. 1,050 kilowatts. some2ie EEA NUAC "h is ws tempatie conceineio Wisconsin. l Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Cap- Clarernont, Oshawa, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mms. Donald Lamnb, Ed. Becker, Joe Rouse and igreater than 30 yea( ao teosteprte ocre stick, Uxbridge, visited witb Nestleton, Lindsay, Woodville, Baflieboro, were recent dinner George Hutiey Sr. 1 Mr. Downs saidtatmc vln rtuaiy Thcond e ofero "Oth e nta insopu net thn rdf Charles W eatbeilt during the Haliburton, B acebridge, Camn-W iguson.wthO n . a nudayM rs. ci Active palbeamers cc t t e s e t c lr g o t s2 i g S, E o m n ll .1 ~~~~o n prla o r a m . te h ep nie etar- eC an hea oald p o u lati o re t w eek en d . pb el îord , B ellev ille an d B ro ck - W i s n O n at d y, M s M essrs. E r nest I v in , R o y b ecause o f th e in cr a e s ' O f c e i e Oncilatr i ta he th pan Ca ada an pr duc s m r Ms. Ross Hal W htby, ville. Ail were strangers but W ilson accompaned er brio- Chatton, G rdon Berry, W m. of lecticitv in th bens ~ BACK-T-SCHOOLn res thtyf an objet nyannualer Gntoss tionalspent several days last week they were one bappy farnily then and sister-in-iaw, Mr. and Mellveen, Bert Gillings and For example, in evilg 6358 hadige1ipue4csI rout ti hems ihywîth ber mothen, Mns. T. J. before the 22 days were aven.,Mrs, Lomne Lamb, Ennskiîen, Ken erguson. 1i er arenow32 aîîcnc6359 hadin f ipue at i rout.I I hemsthghyJackson. Mrs. Enle Ross, Scarborough, FAVOURITE 1 tbe ,best Intercst et both par- lndustriaiized of the 10 pnov- MnadMs.Eey mibpntFdyteMnywthY tics". lmecs and bas the highest con- have moved frern their farm ber sister and bnatben-ln-law, .. Mnieptetxlhedcnrtine nonmme horne into their newly butît Mn. and Mrs. George Heaslip. 6 th~~~~~~at befone any steps, cithen ship. hueatheatndcte M.adMs.JmsHrs 1 otticial on unefficial may be "The entire Conciliation l eag e andnd f he M. and Mrs. JmHar r ii-s. f lf ~ 'taken, the existence et a prob- Procedure is neally enly as l er, Lindsay, called en several >i iI le1m must be acknowledged. good as the pnesiding efficer, fusiness theý,ifi ilo fid ater the parties involvcd penlence must have developcd M.OtnBabnPtr lI have been unsuccessful in ne- logical analytical thinkling and c co n ouneda. vstdrcetywt A M. Marvin Nesbitt and Mr.1 sad.prejudice or bias. The aneas RYJ ILN Ted Lennard. 3.0hi IIH 1144AWOSAZtàra "Negotiations may lh a v e; ot ntegrîty and împantiaîity RYJ ILN SUPPIY d by t fIor AA Woireaiv fdýfl.ITO rcabedan mpase nd da-can neyer b. the subjects etf Cbartered Accountant liMn. coand Mns MrClandWl "~Idpd , * ~ ~ ~ ~ tens betwccn the parties niay compromise. 93 Church Street lasacmaidM.ad.. ..,.,.,.. 623-3861 Frank Wbite, Bethany, te Kin-.. . ... *. 4 u~ beon the verge et complete "Karsh and Levine of the -.___.- - mount Fair on Saturday. Tbey __ i.u iiaîuTABLE~. a~, lUU coliapse. Faced witb this University et Illinois have donc'1 WepoJ. H. COGGINS anIan 01 E I BA im N Diau ire yvur lA kAIDEw ' thrcat cither of the disputing a dctaiicd study ef 'The Cern- I Cbartcred Accountant rpr uecadada ., ,,i Z ~II 'M5Vf *, Nothing beats Glen parties submîts an application lng Revolution in Labor Rela- 15Lbrt t Bwavl e elen xhbiinYR Ur JAR ;Xae Dairy miIk ..f rcqetn h evcse a tiens'. Their conclusions are Phone 623-3612Wckn vitos itM. ,EX R SA NG !AMU&URI VAS49 co c la i n o fce . A r - b t n e e tn n e e ln .and M rs. W illiam s w ere M n., 1A FARCY TOMAis .. j,, ..,.yI1 ,,oiyd,,.d OT O C H P for t is q e c in pcncil aio n ofer.A n- ot nt nctng an r v alng ILLIAM C. HALL Everett C ake, W oodvill; M . IIf et~ ., A ,,1-6-1,h, 0gb ..14 u 1 Mth- . 11,u d, . tl î,, .d ,, MPP OU ASSUIMP Ll ~J vo r, th rs q en hi g p et ed n dn eu b traisptid " o g r c nta t c m i-B.Comm. and M rs. Ian Hovey and girls, v i ETN ,,d' .» . . f, -. (,.làp... ~ . . . i. y o. j. ., y là. M RCOUT U-egN patyknwnb bthdipu-ments arc predictcd. These ('hartencd Accountant Bowrnanville; Mr. and MrsL*b*I # o...fb hel~~ jnd downright goodness ants will lntercede and attcmpt wIl, greatiy neduce the fre- 36½1/ gS.E.'saa EnetGaLtu;M.Tm ici FANCY FRUIT ta unity their thinklng and qucncynt st.iks.,ndOreuwt bErnest__GrayI$LotCus;IEr2.'To$ MiIk satisfies young cniuet qu±fr et e a mof stblesîandormanagein Telephone 725-6539 Wood, Tarante. Mn. E. R. Wood f AI Esum tsnc tIment favorable te ail concern- ametablînooment. Th e-îîBURROWS. SELBY & -CO and is daugbter-in-law. Mrs. COCKTIL AITmID4e ,,ýpe î ýcd. be a réduction et the numnber Chartened Accountants T. Wood, Tonante, lett for 14 ozE~ 'andp pee ai e u;tiine I provicil eisia- stading.s rsngfo alc 323 King S treet West Flonida Iast week. TN andispefec a a "trenegris a cciipuiorye ipte nsn fo aOshawa, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson t t tFOD EA 2 3 fetuereadigcoclitof Information and misunder- 72.5-6451 - 728-75,54 and Suzanne returned Satun- IUEF CNICKEt SALISIMIV OR TU49ET tien. While the use et the delibenate slow - downs and Gilia A. D. Seby, C.A. day frorn a 10-day vacation ta PHON 6235444 'services available Is net mani- G.ctstîe îî îapa Edmond Burrows, C.A. Florida. They attended theý dH N 2354 atory as such, the union and Aboe a icnclat wil il bpe convention at Tupperware 0 OTE-PU EOI hedq-tes nOrlando. Te FO H ME DE IV RY t e mgemsrI e n ocot Ift are bd e corne more vital, for- the per- C hiir o p r a c f i c 250 r r sentatves w o were ITONOTIG tasnk rleoti byaemanence ef laber-management -'e i r& irrr mrR ~~~ ~unable te reacb a settlement relaionswîîîneed__strngGEDWI -MAN,-D.- preent rom a adaadt+11. ÀREà______________________ 251 Chine Drive, Wellington C. C ln"is the, ClosedWednesday - Satunday1 K.- Lawnencc-who- won-th les ____ Scarborough, Ontarlo new vice-pincia others areTNLEYERT $800 abstract painting f rom Ca Rin ~aaGAURE G 1ibJPNUIO E 57 o eehn hrhOffie 63'Ba2ilMns. Can ge, Mnabl, fie Hs:fnt n hchwsehbTodr-' or Te epho e C b u ch O fice 23-3 12 p i Mrs Jea Argu , Mr. -~ 67 King St. E., B ewm anville ! Dunklernan's Gallery in To l LSCO UE R o ___________________________________Miss Bonne Daring, Mrs. Lin- an o l te alîey aB UTERAK ETZR2 - Monday througb Thursday . dýt aioa Ehbtinu SPECIAL IJNITY JARPPSDN OTAT!F79 9 a un. te 4 p.m. Friday 1 Mr. Tom Lawrence bas heen ICA UNRDé 2 Closed Saturday and Sunday 'ernployed by the Depantrnent As fr hs oo le.Phone 623-7662 et Hath at the Ontario GoV- Ask(orthi bo kie. fernment Building at the Can-' It tels ho yoU n s r a c eNational Exhibition. It tels ho IlouInsurnc e Rcverend Harry Atkinson, 1 DOADA McRGRand Mrs. Atkinson, Tenante, $.0= Ma banDNLfeAu. maeGRG -wce Wednesday guests with o31.0 MI00LS20 ~20 ma o ta nMr. and Mrs. George Johns. i ONUS TAPE BONUS TAPE BONUS TAPE SONS TP an £.-Blo.L> 0LFIN5'52 King St. W., Bowmanville Labor Day visitons were Mn. c ILr OUSTR14L ~~~and Mrs. Wm. Johns and fam- IR i. PL I to help start, DEPhone 623-5962 ilyMarkharn, and Mr. Isb CRNOL11SU modernize orMorigages On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. i $10oo:î.00 1s~o ORNOJohns were dinnen and sup- OF IAPNBNS AP ONS AE E exadyu§ADIE HAMILTON -(R per guests witb the Atkinsons"MTP BOUTAE ONSAE F8IIIIA explnd ourPhone 983-5115 at their cottage, Scugog Is- oM First Mortgage Funds land. KENX RUDCU business. Resîdences- Farns MiHenare pleased that FS IWasUableAL Optometrhom u~vuurmUii IAK __________ KEITH A. BILLETT,0. very fortunate young wemnmanvil G od i e DORMEN BANK143 King St. E. - Bowninville on 35 Highway resuited in ber Office Hours: By appointment car nolllng over three trnes. B wa v*l G 1DMANASCII FR ANAIANBUSNESESTelephone 623-3252 From its appeanance it looks Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fnl. a total wneck. Miraculously.! TPUIO.OU. D Vvwfl no, TI.Im. t--i 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Miss PankEr bas ne broken WM N IL We.and Sat. - 9 - 12 ibones ,but she is stili suffering Thursiday ovenlngs £rom ahock and bruises. '.-.-.R~ m