Chartran'*s Win Intermediate SoftbaII Titie On Wednesday evening, Chartran's Men's Wear Randy Donoghue, Dave Rafuse; baek row, Coach Cec wrapped up the Intermediate Softball Championship Mutton, Bob Tugwood, George Michelson, Jim Clarke, for the year by defeating Frank's Variety 4-0 to take Garth Linton, Terry Baker, John Connors, Ron Etcher, the final series four straight games. Members of the Ted Brown and Manager AI Cole; absent, Bruce team include, front row, left to right, AI Farrow, Simpson. Murray O'Brien, Dennis Tierney, Wray Randaîl, for sixth trd W Wight the s Drpping Franks 4 in Rowthen re yJim Clarke third lnning. Webster turrn- In last Wednesday's contest, oe 80 twsalogcib u ed in a strong relief chore, Clarke had two hits, with wt 65 t as lng lib, utflinging one-hit, shutout bail Baker, O'Brien and DonoghueAt 34 Chartran's Men's Wear final- over the last four inrnngs. rounding out the winners the :54 ly reached the playoff sum- Rafuse shackled the Variety five hit output. presen ý47 mit, iast Wednesday evening, hitters to only two bits Pitching and fielding were crests 45 dropping Frank's Variety 4-0. throughout, and his mates the features however of this Recrea 44 The victory gave themn the played errorless ball. Brian year's finals. The Men's Coyle 42 1968 Intermediate Men's Lea- Bradley had an infield safety Wear's Donoghue, at his third Acesi 42 gue Championship, ini four in the fourth for Frank's, base post, was a stickout. fect, 40 straight games. while John Kramp ripped a For Frank's, Brian Bradley hocke3 4( Dave %afuse once agaîn sinigle through the middle In and Gerry Falls were their " turned in a dazzling mound the seventh. top performers, both at the Ade 39 display, tossing a two hitter The losers' best bid to hit plate anid in the field. Cry; es The 3and fanning eight. It was his the scoresheet came In the derman turned in afo see36ruph i ih strong theirt seet ru6pi ih fourth. After Bradley's lead- game at second base during swimm 3playoff decisions, for the off hit, Dave Snowden walk- the last game of the series.aut 34Men's Wear crew. After trail- ed. Ken Cryderman fanned, Anotiher fine crowd was on day, 2ing in their semi-fiflal set, but Ken Baker also drew a hand for the final garne of 10:00p 8 2-0 against Ellils Shoes, Char- free pass, loading the sacks. the playoffs. Sept. >7 tran's reeied off se v en Rafuse bore down then, whif'- The Executive, players and The R, ,7 straight wins enroute to their fing the next two men to coaches of the Intermediate for res] 1title.a escape any damage. Men's Softball League are residen ý4 Terry Baker wallopeda Arou dteBae:deeply grateful for the Ay ýtwo-run home run in the first iteBss staunch support the leag Ad 18 inimng, to put the winners in Next tao ounting stars, pick- reoeived ail season long. Th The ý7 front to stay. They added ing them is an equaliy frus- fans were great and we hope hold th ý6 their other two runs in the trating task. This particular tosealofo n anyllthea a second frame, to complete the Seievas no exception. Ra- new ones, next season (about Ron- ý5 sooring, in the tightly played fuse, Chartran's "Mr. Cool'*, eight months from now). In Ro ýo game. After Randy Donoghue was the most prominent play- addition to a big increase in 17 opcned with a base hit, Garth er during the hotiy contested attendance, this past season The ý6 Linton's sacrifice bunt and playoffs. In the four game was notable for many th'ings. ory Co ýf Ron Etcher's infield out sweep, (5-2, 7-6, 7-5 and 4-0), The calibre of play, we feel, Recreat ý6 brought him home. Murray he allowed just 17 hits, in împroved and the umpiring offering 4 O'Brien, Chartran's second leading Chartran's to tihe duties were of the highest Coachef .sacker, followed with a two- championship. order. To everyone, playerý, Oshawa 2 out single and scored on an Every member of the win- coaches, sponsors, officiais and Cii 2infield error. ners, somewhere along the and of course, the fans __ ber 27 1 Frank's starting h u r 1 e r, playoff trail, made their Thaniks for making 1968on be cla 0Kenny Baker, was relieved presenc~e feit, either offen- of the League's mast exciting structio by Harvey Webster in thejisively or defensively, or both and gratifying years. applical L reation Town1 3 Boys Stephens Down Franks, lie Series Kramp's Furniture gained a In three runs on a single and on a passed bail and scored on berth In the Men's Senior two sacrifice Mies. Wright's squeeze bunt, Wright iTown League Softbali Finals Raye West collected three ending up safe when the first last Tuesday nlght, at the singles and a sacrifice, with baseman dropped the bail. Memorial P a r k, downing Vince Vanstone also havIng a Abbott tripied 'home the sec- Ken's Men's Wear 7-5. Theperfect night at the plate an ond run of the inning. win gave Kramnp's, regular1 two singles, a walk and sacri- Glrardi's bunt single and a schedule pennant winners, thei fi ce. Reg. White blasted a single by Pickell gave Frank's best of five semi-final 3-0 home run. one run In the second, and w ith ane gam e tied. K ens K a ps j m e n o a 8 o t e d e n t e a t e n x were the defendlng ch arn-i Kapsjme no - Iyaddante nten pios.bulge the first time they came trame when Bob Marjerrison pions. toth plate, as Coyle doubied, doubied and Tom Pearson fol- Inth other serles, Stephen Hellam beat out an infteld lowed with a single. Fuels, after losing the first'singie, Jones delivered a sacri- The Reaitors losti second two starts, have corne back ta fice fiy and Richards capped sacker' Steve Burns whea he capture the next two, doub. It off with a home rua. was banished from the game ling the score on Walter Ken's runs were ail singles and eventually off the bench Frank Real Estate 4-2, in the tahefrtonsglsb by Umplre Reg Willatts for second hait of the two bill-anstone ra, nd sirchesCros arguing a de c jaon too The fifth and deciding en- sy nthe In the second on strenuousy. counter was played Tuesday sy ne _____ night, a report appearîag Fosters three-bagger and Van- In hefistgae rapl te outhas John StaInton KP NU l M led 3-0, but Ken's kept peck wandkWs ta Vger GrubinIO ing away ta, tie the score. Te Awl oVr rbn Furniture dealers made It 5-3 Hellam's single, an error and R VI W oniy ta have the Men's Wear Jones' sacrifice haist gave E EW tie It again, but Kramp's Kramp's two Ia the fifth. Royals Deteat Aces counted twlce In the final Wht homered for Ken's in to Capture Pe. Wee Crown frame ta win. teflfth, with singles by Irv O audy h oaso Dick Stata gave up il GUI and West completing their O udy the Roy eals ai safeties to earn the wln, wlth scorIng In the next frame. th Rcrajn eprm t Bob Foster iosing on a aine- Kramp's won It with two Pee Wee league deteated the hittr. "oe"Richrdsre.out I the seventh on Grubin's Aces 5-4 In extra innings to hiter. "M oe"chardse rla- fielcier's choice, a double by win the titie. gaiin hi tuchtatheply-Coyle and Jones' single. The Royals went ofle Up In offs, swatted a home run an Tednnr er loout- the bottomn of the first on a two singles ta Ilead the w n-hi Tihe inightceabu Gorg akt tar lh n ners' attack, whlle Jim I hCoylep btGorewakt SurtWgt n crckd hre oule ad ob eStphen bore down In the double by Paul Forsey. They Heilamn added a pair af singles. clutch to, earn the declion on added two more In the second George "General" Jones drove a n1ne-hitter. Dennis Sulli- on four walks and a hit batter. van allowed six safeties In be The Aces camne fighting back RandyDonogue, Way ng tagged with the defeat. wlth two Ini the third on two Rany DnogueWra ~ lob Abbott accounted for walks and a single by Gerry dall and Jini Clarke ail had halt the Fuels' hits, swatting Masterson. In the top hall of neris Donghe cee thewo whtile, double and single, the fifth the Aces went one up ner. Dnogue ollcte tw whlefor the second game Ia when Ken Ferris hit a three RBI's, whIle O'Brien benged a row Grant Wright smashed bagger and Doug Sellers walk- out a borner and double. a big home run. ed, then stole second and Brian ]Bradley pleked upi Dan Girardi led the losers third and scored on a wild three of Frank's seven sale- with a double and two singles, pitch by Paul Forsey. ties, for tur RBI'u (borner. and Rae Pickell notched two The Rayais, trailing 4-3 go- double and single). Jerry singles. lng Inta the 'laet of the fifth, Falls had a pair of hits for Stephen'. scored twlce In Paul Nimigon ulngled Steve the lasers. Ratuse's ten whiffs the tirt as Wright's horner Maynard and David Howarth raised his strikeout totaltto fllowed a base on balla to walked to load the basés with 33, alter the tirât three gamets Tom Black. Ini the thIrd two out, bringlng ta thehflt of the Final:%, Kutir doubled. rnoied up Barry Hooper who wu m<by; pitcher to bring la the 9rua and send the game extra innings. Paul Forsey the Aces scoreless in the Lbut the Royals' Stuart it led off the bottom of sixth wth a double and GryBowen singled. rohtup pitcher Paul ey who iashed a single first to score Stuart Wight the game-winnîng rua. ter the game was over, victorlous Royals were mted with championship sby chairman of the eation Commlttee J. C. aSr., and the runner up with crests by Bud Per- Chief Supervisor of the ey program. lut Swlmmlng Classes eAduit Swimming Class-, STeenagers who passed' tess uram th naummr t t fi.ui- swiil begin on Wednes- A tip of the hat from this corner ta Brooklin Redmer Sp. and fotonMonda t who won the Marin Cup ln four straight games avez l6th, asdirst anvertise Nanaimo Luckies. It was the Rcdmen's fifth appearance iri Registration Fcc is ss.od the national final and first Win. ýsideats and $6.00 for non- ft-' t t t r i t s . R F S I N L L R O S A T A D T R U lutDrama Workshopwi It was annouaced afflciaily late Sunday night by man- their first meeting of the ager Frank Wilbur that his Montreal Canadiens wiil bu eason on Thursday, Sept. playlng at least two of their N.L.A. lacrosse semi-final gameo Rt 8:00 p.m. ia the Green at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. of the Lions Centre. Canadiens downed Peterborough 11-9 Saturday night ta Hockey Clinic ln h t id p a e - a d t e i a l ye et , w ie a Oshawa Sports Advis- cic hr lc n h ia lyf etwiea .uncil and the Oshawa the same time, ruining the Pete's chances of catching Detroit ation Department are for top spot. g9 a Hockey Cinic for Wiibur feels that his teamn has to be rated as strong ýs and Referees at the contenders to beat Peterborough, based on the tact that the a Recreation Complex ivic Auditorium Septem- Montrealers have won thrce of the iast four games between 7 - 28 - 29. There will the two cîubs. issroom and on-ice in- 0f course the Petes have scorlag champ, John Davis, in. The tee Is $200. For anc of the best lacrosse performers we have ever seen. The ations eall at the Rec- ri Department ln the games ln Oshawa arc scheduled for tonight (Wedaesday) and Hall, Bowmanvillc. Monday, both getting underway at eight o'clock. lockey Registration s At tonight's game, it is expected that the Mann Cup shockey applications Champion, Brooklin Redmen, will b. latroduced, and prob. now be obtained tram ýcreation Office in the ably if the Green Gacîs have won out weat - they wiil be Hall. in attendance also. Texaco will keep you cozy and warmn ail winter long. That's a promise and one we fully intend to keep. To begin with, Texaco heating oil is 'climate controlled'-special. ly refined and adjusted for the weather conditions in this locality! What'a more, we make it Our business to see that you'l neyer run out of fuel. And if you want to install a new furnace or convert an old one, Texaco has the plan to let you do it. The cost is TEXACO lro spread ont into, low monthly paynxenta. You will receive a freo, annual check-up and conditioning for your furnace to ensure trouble-free opera. tion. To back this up ini winter, there's an emnergency service on ca]1 24-houri every day. If you'dl like to know maore, about Texaco's coinplete Home Heat Service, caIl un today. ie L. WEARN FUELS ENNISKILLEN, ONT. TeL: 263-2291 mir GoaUhunity ro" istaibd or iX SPORTOPICS JUNIOR MEN'S HOCKEY Ail players wishing ta play in the Junior Men's Roç%g' League this seasan, contact S. Worden or N. BothwXN4 phone 623-2248 before September 22nd. t t f t t MERCHANTS PLAY SUNDAY Bowmanville Merchants wil play hast ta Midiand Sunday atternoon at two o'clockIn l the second game nf the beat of five Ontario Intermnediate Baseball finals. The cantest goeu at the Rotary Park, as the locals wlll be out ta even the set at a game apicce. Midland took the opener on Sunday, ln Midland. , as the Merchants, who bad been piaying sound bail, came up with a few errors at the wrong tîme. While the score might sound bad, and at the same time, this reporter Isn't attemptiag necessarily ta make excuses, the club dld have a few problems. Ta begin with, ace tire-baller Ralph Kennedy became a poppa in the early hours of Sunday morning, and dldn't make the trip to Midiand. Gary Akey, who took aver the mound- duties, wasn't feeling up to par, and maybe a littie thing like tan support had something to do with it as well. There wcre some 500 ta 600 fans on hand ta cheer the Midland cý,ew ta victory, and we understand that at least Itwo or three bus-loads will be on their way down for Sunday's second tilt. It will be a sad day for sparts in Bowmaaville, If there are mare visiting than local fans in attendance, particulariy whcn you consider how easy it Is for local enthusiasts toP reach the bail park. Don't farget too - that the excti% and players have donc an excellent job of rciuvenating intermediate basebal l i Bowmanville - and the club is playing for the Ontario championship. The sports editor has anly seen one game - and Il was a dandy. We intended on going back but overtîme and vaca- tions stymied aur plans. Pcrhaps other people have been in the same boat as us. But we are certaialy going ta be In attendance for Sunday's game - how about you ? This corner thinks that Bowmaaviile bas every chance af squaring the serles and going ail the way. It's a good bal tcam, but given the support they deserve could make them even better. t f t t i. IN ONTARIO FINALS Although not playing for the Merchants, another Dow- manville baseballer finds himself ini the Ontario Finals as well. Guy Parks, playing for Oshawa Legionnaires, will be 1la action as Oshawa meets London for the provincial Junior "A" championship. The Legionnaires downcd Welland 6-4 and 6-2 on the weekend ta capture the best of threc semni-finals. No dates have yet been announced for the final series. t t t. t. t TAYLOR WINS TENNIS CROWN Goodyear plant manager Jack Taylor partnered Ray Petrie who won their third consecutive men's doubles champ- lonship at the Oshawa Tennis Club, Sunday aftcrnoon. But "Master Jack", as he is affectionately known by bis workers had a tough time, as Ron Guiltinan and Sid Dods. worth put up quite a battie before bowing out. The match was one of the best In many years at the Oshawa courts, taking over three hours ta play. After the dcfending champs had dropped the first set 6-2, they came back to win 6-3. Then In the third set they were down 0-5, only four points away trom losing. But in a great raliy, Jackc and Ray came back ta wln 7-5. You would think that wou'ld be enough ta finish Guilti- nan and Dodsworth, but they regained their torm ta earnaa 7-5 victory, deadlocking the match. Taylor and PetrIe won the fifth and decidlng tussle 6-2. These guys are pretty fair players - but this scribe would be willilng ta play anyone in a game of singles - and we would only use anc hand as well, M49--4.-