BAYER ASPIRIN 100's - Reg. 95c -------- SThe Canadi an Statesman, Eowmnanvflle, Sept. 18 D cecreatîon *£Revi-en, tCome the miüddle of October Fee $2.00 per person. fieDepartmnent of Recreation, Girls' Gym Class ~~omanileFail and Winter A girls' gymn class w *Xograni will be well under- conducted, starting Novi Say. l6th in the Girls' Gymj ýA nurnber of new activities High School. 'Pime 9: »ve been added to the aduit 11:00 a.m. Fee $2.00 pe 3grams,, such as Interior Sm. rang and a Furniture Boys' Gym Ciasa Iere s hoped A boys' gym class for *eampwClub Photgrahyina 7-13 years of age a 1 ftam Clu, Potogaphyandtaria Street School starti Mode Trin Cub.Tuesday, November 5th, !Plans are underway to have4-0t5:0pm e lËams in the Ladies Basket- 4:0 o :3n.m. Feetor blil League play in an inter- po lerpo. srco Iking schedules with teamsDoglep ~m Oshawa, Port Hope, Co- Basketball - Boys Uburg, and Ajax, this coming BY'Bsebl eg .asonr. be conducted, starting or ; The Country & Western day, November 15th, a 4amboree is back again and Lord Elgin School gym flibere wll be an audition ses 4:00 pm. to 5:30 p.m. mon in the Auditorium of the group 7-12 as of Januar r nHall on Sunday, Sept. of current year. Fee itfrom 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. per person. ~yone interested in partici- Boys' Gym Ciasg ~ting in the Jamboree Audi. A boys' gymn class for Ën should cail the Recrea- 7-13 years of age at the t4on Office 623-3114. Elgin School gym, sta.rtir The Children's program is Thursday, November 7. *ell varied and involves: 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Fee ftallet, Baton, Tap, Drarna, per season. Instructor, bàsketbaIl, Hockey, Figure Doug Sleep. Sikating, Learu to Skate, Tots Boys' Minor Hockey Le. § ating, Girls and Boys Gym, Registration for the 3 dnd a number of other ac- Hockey League will tivities. place in the Recreation C Senior Citizens Town Hall, Temperance SMeet every second Tuesday on the following dates: the month at 8:00 p.m. in 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3rd, at 8:30 te auditorium. Starts on to 8::0 p.m., and Octobet !$eptemnber 10th. Next meet- from 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. E Mgis October 8th. No fee is tration forms are at the éharged. President: Mr. Gil- lic Schools and the Bow: ~e t.M~etevery Thursday ville Hfigh School. om.t 2:00 Vott 4:00 p.m. i the Figure Skating Club auditorium, starting on Octo- Figure Skating Clubr ber 3rd. tratioris will be held thrm Children's Learn to Skate o ut the week of Monday, tober 7th to 1lth, fromn tî Pre-Schoolers Leern to a.m. o 5:00 p.m., in the *kate program at the Memor- . aio Office in the1 eal Arena every Monday af- Hall, Temperance Street,1 %Ornoon from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m., manville. tarting on Monday, October The Senior Class will Zth. Fee 75c per lesson. on Monday, October 28th, Country & Western the Juniors on Wedne. Jamboree ! October 30th. Country & Western Jam- Both classes are from boca treat for the whole Vo 7:00 p.m. Instructor, faniâ]y. Twice a month, feat- Kari Benzing. Registr. krling Gerald Elliott and His fee $10.00 per person. Fa Soe-Downers with Master of Plan rate for three or mi eleremlonies Mr. J. C. Coyle Model Train Club 15r, Starts on October 6th and Advanced registrations oubsequent Sundays, October quired for the organizatio ZOth, November 3rd, 17th, and a Model Train Club tc 1>ecember 8th. Show time 8:00 held in the Lions Cei P.m., Town Hall Auditorium. Nigiit to be announoed l Admission* AduIts Soc, Child- Memorlal Park Associat Sin 25c. There wlll be a Park P. Interier Deeoration ciation meeting every se, An Interier Dcrtn Tuesday of the month at Course geared for home use.Mmra Prk Cuh 'T'en weeks. Fee $10.00 per Tîme 7:3n p.m. Fee 50e Person. Starts on Thursday yea. Mrs. M. Bate, pi evening, October lOth, 7:30 to North Ward Park Assgcis 9:30 P.m. in tihe Lions Centre. President, Mr. A. Stur, Tots Skating Membershdp fee $1.00 Toto skating wil start on year. For further informe Tuesday, October 29th. Ad-, eall Mr. A. Sturrock, 623-:ý mission 25e per person. Hockey Mothers Drama Workshop nhe Hockey Mothersi In the auditorium on the every fourth Tuesday of first Thursday of each rno'nth. month in the Green Roor Tinie 7:45 p.m. Fee $1.00 per the Lions Centre. First n Year. President: Miqss Helen ing of the season, Tues ZNelles. Sept. 24th. Presidient: Mr, Hockey Coachesq Meeting Sheehan. There wiil be a Hockey Drama Club Coaches' meeting, Wednesday, Children's Dramatie October gth at 7:00 p.m. in will start on Saturday, C the Liions Centre. ber 19th, i the auditorjur Renting of le the Public Library on T1 Groups interested in rent- peranoe Street, Thils clasi Jng the Arena please contact open to boys and girls 8 yi the Arena manager mr.R to 1 years of age. FeE >Teads at 623-5728. $4.00 for 20 weeks. Insti tress: Mrs. B. Kitney. MINOR SPORTS Ballet Boys' Basketball Ballet instruction for ch *Basketball league for boys ren 4 years and up Vo bel1 G317ym 0s f age in the ini the Utility Room of Boy' Grnof the High School Ontario Street School e'v erting Saturday, November Wednesday from 4:15 oi J.6Vh. Time 9: 00 o 11:00 amn. p.m., starting October li WHY PAY MORE!1 Corne nand Compar 59C Modess SANITARY NAPKINS A Reg. 55e -----------------------4 6 20¾/OFF IE MOIRS CHOCOLATES 14 oz.- Reg. $1.10 9 JERGEN'S HAND LOTION With Free DispenserO, Reg. $1.29 --------- LIGHT BULBS 40's, 60's, 100's Reg. 2 for 63e 2 for 45c FRE1 FILM!. Leave your Colour or Black and White Films with us for Developing and Printing Land Receive a NEW VILM FREE! WECDYVDiscount & WVLJDMJVoriety.Store 32 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Seolby'gmfo :0t id fgods. "Every Mexi- Thcy have alw ay s been i i- M r . -ànd Mrs. Charli, Wat-ý 9:00 p.m. Fee for the seasonIran city or town is ccntred vidualistie, and it is diflicuit Cers. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wat-CO LEENWRF GRTINS TM is $3.00. Stants on Monday,lwith a spacious plaza. Here at finst to convince lhern 0fiers and Christine, ail of Toron- O PE NW RFI RA O S TM Octoben 21. 1968. Cn these views of this provin- the advantages of acting as aito. spent a few days last week Ladies' Basketball i cial capltalýs main plaza one team. But once they are work- with Mr. R. Bruce. A basketball league forican see the chunch front, ing together weil it Is hoped' Mn. Wayne Elliott l'etuirned Ail new curlers will receive instruction Saturdays and Sundays ladies 18 yeans of age andýwhich was built lu 1540," Mn. to jatcrcst lndustry. homne Fniday from Memorial f romn 2 to 5 and Wednesday evenings 7 to 11, without charge. over to be held at the LordVan Belle said.; Mr. Van Belle told of bis Hospital. Elgin Sehool gym evenry Wed- i "Acnoss the plaza fromn the efforts to improve living con- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones nesday evening. stanting Oct. churcb the municipal offices ditions for these poor people, with Mn. and Mrs. H. S. Bnit- SCHEDULED PLAY STARTS FIRST WEEK OF NOVEMBER l6th, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.1 can be scen housed la a digni- and also the instruction given ton Of Newcastle were visitons,' COMPLETE CLUB FACILITIES AVAILABLE. Depcnding on registration, wve fied building. The streets are them ln agnîcultural develop- Satunday evening with Mn., hope to play a regulan leagîie cobblestoned and life is llved ments. He managed to per- and Mns. A. G. Redknap Sr., scbedule throughout the sea -iat a le isunely pace," he added. suade a aumben f0 raise crops ýIn Oshawa. son.F mml3.0gfClaseseson T e wee a number of of mixed vegetables. and not' Visitos on Saturday with! FEES: $50.00 INITIATION PER PERSON SwnigCassMn. and Mrs. George Stapleton:M N E BRS - $0O The Adult Swimiming Class1 pictures showing corn grow- Vo depend solely on corn. included Mn. A. A. Martin of M NM M ES . . . . . .$00 ing and apparently fiourishiag During the question and an-'Pn rdt r n r. wil tae pacethi seson on; on the steep sides o! the moun- swen period the guest speaker Anthur Martin and Allan of'W M NM M ES - - * - $0O Wednesday evenings f r omtains. The speaker explained rcplied to many quenies. H-e Thornhill. Mn. and Mrs. O E M MBR . . . . . AOW0 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. at the Pîne that the farmers o! the district old the Rotanians that thei Ridge Sehool Pool. This is a have coaceatnated on produe- studeats wonking ia Mexico 9o Laurie Stapîcton and Bevenly BUSINESS GIRLS - - - $30.00 15 wek oure. eenger 13ing a single crop, corn, there and wonk at thein own 0 jx years and up who passed "elf h aialfrteepne Quite a number of local their tsts dunng theTthe cpitulfres he ilI G. AiaLodm daresidents attended Port Hope thi et uigteSum-nranehos.Th itrswIG.A Maeo mvda Fair on Saturday whcre Ross; Sunday evening dinners by reservation only imer Swimming program Wil'show you that the road is vote of thanks to Mn. Van Brown showved bis two honses. be accepted. The fee is $5.OOreally an uapaved trail which Belle. He said that it ls won-'wînnîng three finsi, prizes and Closing Golf Club Dance, Saturday, October 5th in town anid $600 outside Oficaaant be used for moton traf- derful to learn of young peo-: a- second. towa. Stants on Wednesdcty,!fie. Travellers must walk on ple who are actlvely helping M n r.Fe edr Sept. lRthX ~ride a horse or mule. You wUll others. and he said that theyI son were visitors la Bowman- C NA T LRY H FEIG - 6327 Anyone who bas not receiv- i notice t bat many mea are pic- are givîag a fine exaixple to1 l, CFN ACday evening. w-ith-267 ed one of our Fal & Wiater!tured walking aiong this trailaIl North Amnenicans resident Mn. and Mrs. Bey. Henderson.BwmnieCutr Clb Brochures may obtain one 'over the mountains carry ilBIl Thiesbungen also express-,Mn. and Mrs. Bert Tompklns BwavleCuty-lb froni the Recreation Office. iheavy loads on their backs,"ied hîs pensonal appreciation to witb 'Mn. and Mrs. Ray Tomp- Box 40 - Middle Road, Bowmanville Town Hall. Tempenance SI.. the guest speaker said. ýMn. Van Belle. and he present- kins were guests at the Welcb- M Bowmanville: i Thene wene a nuniber af fine 1ed hlmn with a glft as a mem-, Metcalf wedding ln St. John's il ____________________________________ I~~~~~~~~~~ A98 is e n a O fie s a i n r a c nglianur aft rtnoon e,,i Mrs. Clarence Vice, ?&s. Mur. - i>UndJ.ets n t l O fc r t in rD nc o atra feron O INÀ lray Vice and Mrs. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harl Johnston. ~ pet heweked nDetroit On behaif of the SolUna Miss Margare Miller, of with Mr. and~ Mrs. W. J. Cuin- cominunity sincere synipathy Brougham was a Sunday visi- min s. is extended to Mr. and Mrm tor wlth Mr. and Mrs. John Super uess a Mr RoWilliam Clarke on the pass- Knox and famlly. 4,~y:day ewcatleon S n of Mrs. Clarke's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ilue d M.New aste nSnMrs. Pulklnghorn of Peter- lowlees and famfly vs Roy Berry and family, Orono: r.E am Mr. and rs Dn lliott anâ Congratulations to Miss Rob- stock, on Sunday. rembr 1girs, nd M. Dve enaltýIn Lynde who won fIrst prize1 Mr. Lawrence Sciuair, Sal. glrls and r. Dae orenuotin the 11i Vo 12 age group, for lem, wasaSudytaues atebr the occasion belng in honor0 a Dft e o lhM sunKati eagald a00t thhate' brhdy thet"Zero Deect'posr con-1 ihMsKaeLngad the lteers birhday sponsored by General Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe, r e-Mrs. Margaret Day of'Motors Her prize was a $100 Newcastle. were recent callers Toronto was a weekend guest1bond. A large barbecue party with the Langmnalds. of Mr. and Mrs. ClinVon was held at Camp Samac for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snow- bosBrown, whlle Mr. and Ms ail the wlnners In the otest dn and Bruce visted 4and GeogeSkedigBlackstok and their famlles. Mrs. Norman Farra~u en on- were Sunday visitors. Belated congratulations Vo on Sunday. g on Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Far- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mlllson 1 r adMs.Grdnl a rnirow visted Mr. and Mrs. Carl who recently celebrated their attended the Sth wedding Mr. Farrow, Downsview, on Sun- 25th weddlng annlversary. A celebration for their cousins, My. family gathering in their honor Mr. and Mrs. Melville Laph- 'e Misa Allie and Mr. Jim Nes- was held at the home of Mr. angue, Omemee, on Satu.rday bitt were supper guests, Sun- Eber Milîson. afternoon. n wril day, wlth Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Recent visitors with Mrs. E. Miss Pearl Leach vlslted ber rt Fhe fred Wood, Newcastle. Spires were ber sisters, Mrs.1 sister Mr. and Mrs. A. Young. t the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton F. Burrows and Mrs. Ethel ma.Trne, on Sunday. Aewere Sunday visitors with Mr.i Sutton, Oshawa, Miss Elleen Hockaday is ry 1 stand Mrs. Harold Whitley ai, Several from Solina com- sailing today (Monday) for a $2.00Avenlng. munity attended the 5th holiday in England. Her $00Mr. and Mrs. A. Wade were Wedding Annlversary for Mr. mother accompanied her to at a hall game at Little Bni- and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt in Montreal Vo sec ber board the boys tain, Sunday afternoon. Maple Grove Christian Educa- shlp. Lord Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott tion building on Saturday- Saturday visitors with Mr. Lodand family attended the an-1 Mrs. Katie Langmaid, Mr. and and Mrs. Tom Baker were ng onau tique car display, Sunday, and Mrs. Clarence Vice, Mr. and Mrs. H. Couch, Misses Mar- Time the Ganaraska Tour after- Mns. Harold Pascoe, Mn. and jonce and Eileen Couch, Bowv. TM r . . .~v~~- w r.*ns G r o s. manville, and Mr. Norman Mn~, -. M. and Mrs. S, J. Lan- M. and Mrs. Bill Ashton Wllson, Edmonton, Alberta. - ,~ casten with M. and Ms. Fred and M. and Mrs. Doug Flett Miss Helen Baker spent the ene Henderson touned the Nuclear visited Mr. George Patterson weekend with Mn. and Mrs. agePlant at Pickering, Sunday and his father at Richmond Tom Baker and family Vlmo a* e aftennoon, then went on to Hill on Sunday. The Solina 4-H Cubhl ta~e .',~ ~ Toronto wherc they attended Sunday supper guests with their firsi, meeting Septem- c St., ~ the Eastern Star Service In Mr. and Mns. Campbell Ham- ber 9 at Solina Hall. The Fal S t <,~-, - -,-~Metropolitan Church in the er wene Mr. and Mrs. Bill project Is "Worklng witli Set m-.~ evening. Hamer and famlly of Toronto; Wool". The meeting was Y. . r. ..4t n adMn.W alIl ace Mn.' and Mrs. R. Newton, opened with the 4-H Pledge - ,Boughen were among those Hampton. cd by Mrs. H. Yellowlees. ~egs - attending the Home Show at Mrs. Grant Down and chlld- Pub- 1 ,Ohw' ii uioim eSnelnvstdo Durlng the election of iman Osawa' Ciie uditriu, rn, Sndelan, viite onoffîcers Canol Huis was chos- Sunday afternoon. Friday and Saturday with en President, Iris Koczulab Mn. and Mns. Harold Best ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. elected Treasurer and Kathy and boys werc Sunday visi- John Knox. Vice became Press Reporter. regis~ tors with Mn. and Mrs. Don Mrs W. A. Ormiston, Brook- We will continue to have a VOnce lin, has been visiting wlth Mn. noving Sccretary. Our local university stu- and Mns. Bruce Tik and The large clubo!7wa Re- dents are leaving this week to family for several days. dlvided into thnee groups - commence thein fal tenms, Several ladies from Solina with Mrs. Hills showlng and rown Marilyn MacDonald and Bob communlty attended a bridaI testlng wool saniples. Mns. BwHenderson to London, Dorothy shower for Miss Sharon Harp- Flett helplng with measune- - Elliott and Heathen Best to Ien, at the home of Mns. Keith ments and discusslng patterns satWaterloo. Shackelton, Bowmanvllle,Mne- and Mrs. Yellowlces In change U.C.W wil meet In theicently. Attending wene M. .o notes. Wc closed with the scaSunday School hall on Wed- Rusell Vice, Mns. Harny Knox, 4-H Pledge. nesday, Oct. 2 at 8 p.m. Please 4:00note change of date. Miss P. Mr. Vanna of India, will be the ation ~specia speaker. All ladies are qre- nof On Saturday, Sept. 7th, Bowrnanville Kinsmen Lower photo shows the Kinette office rs; front row, I Dbe and Kinettes held a dinner-dance at Bowmanville Past President Virginia Fairey Peidn Cni "China - Today" the e MOTORIN« *tne PeietCni ater: Country Club during which the annual installation of Wiseman, lst Vice President Iris Murray, 2nd Vice sitrud t ofr the UCW waso lion officers of both clubs took place. Top photo shows the President Barb Chipman; back row, Director JaneuntbMs.KHokn.E cond Pesîden Keviniuntoduced t. o pkh iLHnL UB. Asso- Kînsmen officers, front row, lef t to right, 2nd Vice Therteli, Sgt.-at-Arms Ruby Woodward, Registrar We wene dîscovered because H C L U thdesdn ei Chipman, Past President Roy Wood- Marion Slaght, Director Donna Whvte, Bulletin Direc- people wene looking for a V, iouse. ward, Deputy Governor of Zone C Ted Reid of Peter- tor Marilyn Webster; absent, Secretary Karen Geddes northwest passage to China is now accepting a Iimited number of In Marco Polo's day only aaplctinàmme)h' pen borough, President Alex Wiseman, lst Vice President and Treasurer Rena Fisk. During thie meeting George few knew of China and todayfor )hone Don Masterson; back row, Treasurer Harvey Webster, Mto wsnme Kimnofhe eafrhiot-we know less. She is stili a PO EB W A VLE6337 Bulletin Editor Ken King, Director Wayne Thertel, standing contributions of time and effort for the! mystery. Mrs. Hopkins men-!k e a 1'tioned a few tbings we do' ,rtok Registrar Phil Vowles, Secretary Lloyd McRobbie, betterment of the club. knw h ste agscu-SOfnel6 per Director Bill Slaght; absent, Director Fred Fisk. -MRbi "'lrpy r ýAiadte ags :S pA hu J ation ýîepoue.Tegetwl h olwn aiiiswl eaalbe ,97 0 ilento of bis visit to the club. was buili, agalnst the Mongolfoown faites ilbea iahi The bin'thdays of Don Muir-invadens. Many live and work SAUNA ROOM meet L v n o n 'ol)M n M U C ray, Stewart McTavisli ado hen nivers ia junks on sani- n of .u m * c . er elowRotan- six adseven hBICYCLmil- sdtay,,~k A L ~ I~â~~ ians. Guests present at the lionis are trying to exist in- WEIGHTS ,day F. e s r ed bR o a y Ser luncheon meeting were jim Red China. It was suggested L * H A E N O RPO ~F ~~I Ug 1 * ~ ~~7 I5 dI~ FReid aad Douglas McLellan, that we should have a broad HE4E IDO R OO both of Oshawa, and Ray mind and see nations as tbey1 HEATED OUTDOOR POOL A graphie description of lus in iatroducing bis brother toviews of the road, or fi ail, Walter, Wolcott, N.Y. see theinselves. jE' n A IS Club two month stay in Mexico the club, said that lie bad winding up through the moun- Mns. D. Oke gave a brief M NS n L DE cto- where he attended the Con- been bora la Holland, but tains. Others showed cor meditation from thec book "To- LICENSED LU G 'n of fereace of the Inter-Amenican came to this couatry at an being gnowa on the cliff-likei E T N JL ward Undenstaading China." OU G cem- Students Council, and the canly age with the family. sids o te muntin, ad God may be speaking to usI In Addition to Above We ~ ~work being done byth or- "He was educated in the there were beautiful views of, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis tboughnavesoudn- Have Now Installed thr aizto.toipo e lvn Bsolve ule col, h retmutantestwto be teachable. The eIS conditions and opportuaities Bowmanville High Sehool and ering mountain peaks, and toured the Bowmanville Ce-,and Mrs. Oke closed with'T n i ru-for Mexican peasants was Courtice Secondany Schooll, high plateaus. A truly magni- ment Plant, last Monday even-i prayen.T n is C u t given by Bill Van Belle Ia bis and also obtalaed a Dcgrec in ficent landscape. ing wnyoemmesmt YOUR INSPECTION IS IN VIiLIJ îidaddness at the Bowmaaville Horticulture froni the Univer- The slides depicted the small' nTusa.abs odo1ttehmeo r itn hl Rotary Club's luncheon meet- OnThusy of bu Guelph,"th Mn. f Ms i ALL . .,,. l held ing n TofsdaGatlheh," Mrsa. Van Belle community with its church, Woinen's Institute members Tink for a pot luck dinner toi ivembersn p~prpro teDutchman Motor Ina. h eundt eol n ubro os and friends from Newtonville, open the faîl seasoa for thel vey otrin ary anBel 1"Lstyer e etrnd oes whenc Mn. Van Belle work- Kendal and district, drove to afternoon unit of the UCW., Husband and Wife - $40.00 ,ey RtainHan anB1eîbLîv~ f ulh oe t epthe pesatnti Port Creclit where Mn. A. A. Miss A. Hoît opened the meet- i 6th.Isucrs:Ms.Fwe. study for a Degre la Political summer. The typical huts Martin joined them, to con- ing with a brief verse and! (5 to 15 Years) Each Child - $10.00 ~ Intrctes:Mr. .Folc.Science majoring ini Latin with log sides, dint floors andi duet a tour of that anea, where also dedicated the offcning. EC Fee 75e per lesson. mnia This summen he at- roofed with dried corn werelhe has made bis home for The Octoben ThaakofferIng' AC VISIT - Member wiII pay: Stamp & Coin Club Itended the Confereace of the sbown. There the peasants Ilivelmany years. The B.A. Re- meeting will be at the home cPeAdi25 PeChd I Advanced registrations ne-lInter - Amenican Students la poverty. There were also search and D e vel1opment of Mrs. K. Hopkins and 5cMrs -t 5 PrChl ~, quired for the onganization of1 Council in Mexico wherc as a pictures of the governmentl Centre was vigited la ts en- Elmen Down and Mrs.Chne 4 a Stamp Club on Coin Clubligroup leader he worked for sehool there. Mn. Van Bell tinety, under the guidance of Pound are nespoasible ffor thel Vo beheld pr]in the .ions ea sv nmnths to raise livn pliae-d tha;t eve-ry eahe1 apb etfembnafe- ronm-Tegnea eetnl o s