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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1968, p. 5

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BARCLAY - MITCHELL Autumn Wedding in Courtice United Church The marriage of Miss Mary -'Y Douglas Mitchell. daughter of: ke theMr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell' 1e of Motherwell, Scotlandad brigh test r~oetOnrwBi3rce ' star in the sky. l, B manille wsfolernie ,in Eastminster United Church, Belleville, on Saturday atter- noon. August 31, 1968, a t 2 o'clock. Rev. Alexander McDoWall officiated and, for the or restau, the church was en- henced wlth bouquets of, bronze and yellow chrysanthe- mums. Mr. Cyford played the wedding music and Mrs. Doro- thy Howes was soloist. Gîven Iu marriage bv ber' great-uncle, Mr. David Sned- don of Buffalo, N.Y.. the bride ivory crepe in empire styling with Guipure lace eppliqued bodice. A train et Guipure lace hlghlighted the gown, '~ .#'and her shoulder length, candleglow veil was caught to a gold and peanl coronet. She ., cariled a white Bible crested wlth bronze 'rnums and nib-! bon streamers. Miss E. Roberts, R.N., trav- elledl by 'plane from Scotland ta be the brides attendant. She was ettired In a faonr- Iength gown of peacack blue' ~ orgenza aven taffeta accented by e floon-length train. She' p ut itwone a matchlng rose bead- dress. and her nosegay bau-r on her in ger! quet was of yellow 'murns. 0 If you can't reach for a star, j the groom, was beÉt man, andj raay we suggemt an ArtCarvedl the usher wes Mr. S. Flack. diamond? It'Il match the j The reception was heid at Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ross Nesbit beeutv of any star, and go it1 the Sun Luck Gardens, Belle- afternoon, September 7, 1968, at 4 <me ettr wth ht'unuuai ville. The bride's aunt receiv-Chrh hebiestefomrM onrtave ermanhte n. Vale ed iu an oyster calored heavy hrh h rdei h omrM ,ArCave Pemaien Viti ibbou -lace dress and -jacket, Mrs. Robert H. Cook, Courtice. and Gueanste Vrhetr v sipl, ii matchlug bat and accessories, C. H. Nesbitt of Bowmanville. mean thewont ai ou land corsage of blue tiuted car-__ dieniond is warranted as longi nations. She was asslsted in" as you own it, including the receling by the groom's motb- u m rW d ig n oon o appvits full es htung a limegreen S m rW d i g i *alup oadaohrArCreesatn sheath dress wlth diamond of greater value, peari tnini ou the bodico and « et any ArffCarved jeweler 1 sieeves, deep pink hat or silk; in the worid. We wilî welcame petals, arressaries ta match,: yeu o ou plnetaium ny end corsage af deep pInk car-i yeu o ar plnetriumany nations. tume you're ready ta go AntClarved stargazing. A s the couple left on thoir weddlng trip, the bride was ,i\~? rved wearing a turquoise shantung, A ,,r-t arved dress and coat ensemble with: I A M ON ORIN GS matching hat and stone-color- ed accessorles. Tho are resid- LA RNDEtro $~G. ng at 4 Montgomery Blvd., Belleville. 81{ooper's fJewe/!erq BO WM ANVIL LE Autsmore!d i4,.tCarved «Jew$r__ tt, shown in the above photo, chose Saturday O'clock for their marriage in Courtie' United iss Robenta Joan Cook, daughter of Mr. and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. _________ Photo by Astor Studio iNewcastle United Church; A nursiug sister. the' bride atteuded Dalgiel High School! ln Motherwell, Scatlaud. Thei groom ls an Insurauce adjust-!r or and attended public and hlgh 9chool ln Almonte. Prior ta ber wedding, the bride was guest ai honor at! a shower given for her in ther home of Mrs. Sheila MacDon- ald on behaîf of the nurses of Third Floor, Belleville Gen- eral Hospital. - I l-thReine From Your Pharmacist How long bas it been since your Iast physical check-up ? You sbould see your docter regularly for examinationq, regardless of hnw h.ealthy you feel ! We'd ako like te ren-ind you that you tan gel vitemins and ether needs for keeping healthy, as weIl as prescriptions, every day of the week at FREEI - I 623-546 Bowmanville ,.~UMM Mn. and Mrs. Robert Alan Dunn, shown in the above photo, exchanged i marriage \'ows in Newcastle United Church, on Satunday aftennoon, August 17, 1968, at 3:30 o'clock. Formerly Miss Donna Florence Ferguson, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Hamilton Ferguson of Newcastle, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Dunn of Bowmanville. ____ ___________________Photo by Astor Studio DUNN - FERGUSON 'munis with fiowiug ivy. j Newcastle United Ch urch,1Mis Shanma Ferguson of ervhanced with bouquets ofiNewcastle was maid of hoor whi te and yellow gladioti at for hon sistenraand the' brides-l each side ef the' altar aud anmiewr is aaFr atratie ilti-colorod boa.. guson of Ne'wcastle, another, quet of gliadioli nt the, rhurch h aw sfr atbr, Mr. Rsr1ix entrance, was tht' seîting for C O shwa rs er the' mariage on Satiîrdav Heruess. Kingst.on aud Miss afternoan, Auguist 17, 1968, at Linda Cal] of Newcasile. The' 3 3 ocockofMis Dainfiower girls was Miss Robin Flore'nce Ferguson and Mr.lCuff of Taronto. cousin of the' Robert Alan Dunn. -Me brîdelbride. The attendants woire s th deuhte et r. a Iformai len.gth, empire-waiste1j Mrs. Sydney Hamilton Fpr-ý gowns of lime-pee'l flowîng: M IED uso ofNewaste. nd ii1 chiffon over matchiiig taffeta,! groom i, tihe son of Mn, andece e ih lime-peel peaui! jMrs. Jack B. Duon of BoW7de soie bows on the shouiders with a full lin. manvilie. a nd matching peau de soie The officiating clergyman band et tihe empire weists. wes Rev. T. H. Smith and Thein beaddnesses were match- Mrs. S. Payne played the! îng peau de soie pleated hows we-dding muiic. 'and they cennied cascade hou- Given in mariage by her quets et white' shasta daisiesl father. the bride wore a for- and white carnations. mal lengih gown ef white! Mn. David McFectei-s, Fort silk crope witb empire waist ý William, wes bcst mari andr SALES & sheath skirt, Chantilly lace' :the ushers were Mn. Jamesi SERVICE nerklne and long lily-ie;er osfthgroomn.MMx. Larry! scailopedi Chantilly lace train;DeweIl of Bowmanvi ,cou. r BOWMAN ILLE foîl frern t.he shoulders, andsin of tht' groom, and ',%r,! BOWMA VILLEtiny buttons down the bark;StevOfl Dunn of Bowmanville,l accented the gown. Hrsilk+a5O a brother et the' groom1 illusion veil wes caught tee The nPception was held t wedding ring hewdpiere ai the Lions Communiîy Centrej Aurore Borealis and pearls.;Bowmenviile. w he re the' and her cacd bouquet wesi r bide's mother received ina ici White ce itý nand babY i champagne brocade ensemble' with pfik aceessories an~d bride with a kcitchefi utenil jThe Canadian %ttesman, Bewmanville, Sept. le, 198pet irorsage oi pale pmnk carne- set. Newcastle Hi-C, withl _____________ ________ tions and pirik Bountiful; whieh the bride and groom, r < h h oi sweter roses. To assist in iwere couniselors for the pat loped lace tran and er head- happy couple lofforeehat .p1deuo kogaz oe nteSaee a hn. receiving, the groomn's motheriyear, presented the couplei rs fsl ognarqseymon nteSReooen chose a pale green puffy-silk with a Corning Ware car-' and leaves, studded with1sYlvania. For travelling, the ensemble, beige eccessoriesiserole dish and a green dust-1 cryst.als and seed pearis, bride wore a matching roat and corsage of Woburn Abbeymop. 1caught hier bouffant, scallop- and dress of pale pink nylon sweehear roes ad whte rs. ydne Feguso l d veil of silk tulle. She car-1souffle complemented by a carn hartis n w ieMs. S d e rg sn 1 ried a Nurse's Bible adorrnediwhite orchid corsage. They carnations. ihostess for a trousseau tee in with a white orchid and rnb-1 are residing et R.R. 2, Oronn. Before leaving for theïr, honor of hon daughter on; bon streamners knotted w±îth1 A graduate nurse ni Osh. honeymoon Rat T inSmte tu' yAuut Ot. rosebuds and atephanotis. - awa General Hospital. class oSnyo ontResntRanthe The groom was honored MrÇs. J. Widdecombe <>f of 1968, the bride attended PooesviMouPen,therid w two stags, one in Tor- Waterloo was matrorn of hon- Courtice Publiceand High ontomnrstielhoePenn.,. Ro-h doned mit geenpufv oto t iie omeet r. o-or and Miss Carol Robertson! Schools The groom attended silke naching reatend ufy brt Haris. when the groorref Courtice was maid of Hempton Public Schol and was presented with a sum < oo.Th ndsadwa,, ýBowmanville Hfigh School. He withgl tthe d orsagenon money. The other utag pxurty Miss Joan Gardiner of Locust r is employed at the Goodyear bagiae sus, and crae of was held by Mesers. David Hill and Mi3s Dianne PrescottlTire & Rubber Company. white'mums Theyare e-jcFeeters and Alan Hooper,iof Oshawa was flowen girl. siding et 2570 Kingston Rd,, et whîch the groom aiso e -AIl the attendants wereatr- Apt. 908, Scarborough. cevdaitoimoe. dinoriinthgwsa The bride is an IBIM eper-;e-in_______t. owsutSA E aton for Union Accept.ance pink Italien Peau with short Chiîrcîi service will he held Corp., Toronto, and the groom NESBITT. COOK sleeves and A-line skirt, and'.here next Suinday et the usuel is employed by Danson Corp. eccented by a centre-bow at time 9:459 e.m. Ltd., Toronto, as a tecbnical Arrangements of pink and the empire waistline. Their, Salem U.CW. will held thefiy sales representative. white gladioli enhanced Cour- bow headpieoes were of the, September meeting at the Many parties hontored the tice United Church when Miss dress material and thein bau- church on Thursday. Sept. 1. bride befone ber marniage. Roberta Joan Cook. deughter quets were of pi.nk sweet- Mrs. W. Craig and her group Amiscellaneous shower was Of Mr. and ?&rs. Robent I. heart roses nestling with]nr r n hre.MsMnc feld by Mrs. Glen Virtue and Cook, Courtice, and Mr. Alan white gladioli flowerets in a Butterv' will show pictures of Mrs. Randy Colo at the for- Ross Nesbitt, son of Mr. and' double crescent-shaped ar- bher tr'p to England. mer's home. A similar shower Mrs C. H. Nesbitt of Bow- rangement. ý About 50 attended the social was given hy Mrs. Anne Cal] manville, were united in mar- Mr. James Wiiddecombe of'evening ai the church lest and Miss Linda Callet the nage on Saturday afterfloofl.Waterloo was best man and Friday ev'ening when Mr. farmer's home in Toranto. September 7th, 1968, et 4 ushering were Mr Fred Cool, John Twist showed picturps Mrs. Florence Ferguson of oaclock. and Mr. Tom Cook, brothers of his two mtinths spent in Newcastle, grandmother of Reverend Dermiott Arscott of the bride, both of Courtice.' Africa tihis sumnier on "CrossÇ.- the bride, was hostess for a officîated and Mr. Douglas, The reception was held at:roads Africa." His picturesq presentation party atliher Dewell played the wedding'!the Carousel Inn. Oshawa, wc're (olorful and educationnl home attended by familý, music. Mr. Ross Metcalf was rwhere the guests were receix'- and his commentary gave ux members. Mrs. Elma Hopkin, soloist. 'ed by' the bride's mothe(r.,a bettcr insight into the lives and Miss Sharma Ferguson Gixen in marriage by her For the occasion she wore a and problems of the Afnican gave a personial showen. Mrs. fablher, the bride wore a floor- rdeep pink shantung dress people. Roy MeMuilen and Mrs. Ger- length. A-line gown of whitelwith elaborate beading. She' Mr. John Twist is attending aId Harness held a miscel- silk organza over satin withrwas assisted in receiving by Queen's Universit * for his laneous shower at Mrs. Mc-1 rose-design Chantilly lace bo- the groom's mother who chose'final year in Theology. Mullen',% home in Bowmen-Idýico fashioned with scellOpedra blue lace dress. Bath woreý Dr. Gary Houslander. Hami, ville. neckline, e n d lily-pointeca' white accessories and corsages!ilion, was a weekend guest of The girls et Union Accepi- sleeves. The gown was high- of white roses. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and ance Corp. presented the'llighted by an encircling, scal-1 Following the reception, thr" farnily. These are Bargains, Baby oCORDUROY 81dM SETS Printed corduroy crvwler sets for infant boys end girla. Boys' toP with V-Ins.rt acton ahirt. Girls' Angel top with set-mn cotton blousa. b, STRETCH SLIM SETS..7 Reg. 6.98 - 9.98 100% nylon stretch slim sets. Infant and toddlerbeys end girls. Assort.d styles te chaos. frein. Firet qoality by weil i known manufacturer. Machin. washable, ne irening. c INFANTS DRESSES Infan gil's' dress. he sIwe syes in dalnry fre hterylens batiste fabric. Delicate lace trim. Compilety weshable. 1 Pink, $que, mint and blue. 5KING ST. E. d4 WAY PRAM SUIT Reg. 15.00 10.97' This germent is made te lest through baby's f irsi twe Vears In four ways: as a bunting bag, as a two place pram suit, as a snow suit, as a jacke. Pl trimmad hood end hem. Machine washable. iINFANTS STRETCI4 SLMS Reg. 1.98 .97 Infante 100% dupent nylon stretch stimi. Machine wasfr- able and dryable. Ne ironing neaeseary. Assorted colours and patterns le chose from. fNot Illuatrated CORDUROY JUMPSLfTs Reg. 4.00 2.97 Infant and teddler boys and girls no iron corduroy jump- suite. Beautiful voeur finish wid. wale corduroy. Machine washable, no ironing necessary. Domed crotch, button shoulders and burton front trim. Navy. Wjus, pinlc. biewu. yod. BOWMANVILLE do 67 King St. E. Announcement RAY GIBBS and staff arc ploaied to announce that t'hrough an agreement with SEAWAY MOTORS LI we can now supply the. Bowmanvll. area of fast.moving parts and accessories for FORD MOTOR PRODUCTS. RAY GIBBSi 181 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-3503 2.97 2.97 Reg. 4.00

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