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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1968, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Stateman, Bowmvle, Sept. 18, 168 R CR ATO ~flf!hiPhfli~rniI REVIEWS èmepu Ic mUPIC. By Frank Mohu i.23 - 23"' ZION LEADS Zian bopped Sauina bwice last week ta mave withln a single point cf lincblug the Darlington Soccer League Championsbip. Wednesday nlght, goals by John Oyler, Bob Nernis and Hank Hoogkarnp gave Zion a 3-1 win over Sauina, e s Ron Broome counted for the lasers. On Saturday, right lu SaUina, substitute goal-keeper Norman Frank posted thc shutout, including a penalty abat save, as Zion won 1-0 on a goal by Bob Nernis. The fourtb game in the best of five (six point) series is belug played lanigbt (Wed.) In Zion, and if necessary the next canteat goes Saturday aI Sauina. t t t1 t it JUNIORS IN ACTION Bowinanville's Junior "C" hockey beam practised Monday -and Wednesday nigbts Ibis week, witb future sessions slated for Wednesdays frain seven o'clock unlil aine. t. t t t t WIN TENNIS CROWN The old sports editor and aur mighty fine parîner, Man- fred Matera bad qulte a week cf tennis action as we battled through three bard fougbt matches ta reacb the rnen's doubles finals. AUl lbree matches required tbc maximum three sets and a lot of gruelllng rallies. Probably the best encounter was lu the sciai-finals against Bob Stevens and Ken MacKen- zie. a hard-fought 10-8, 3-6, 7-5 encounter. But corne the finals and we met up wltb a pair cf excel- lent performers as Lew Rundie and Lars Carlson took the mcn's doubles championshlp 6-0, 7-5. The nien's and ladies' singles were played Manday aigbt, with mixed doubles competition tanigbt (Wednesday) lead- Ing up to, the finals lu Ibose events. Wednesday, September 25th, wben spectalors will be more Iban welcome. t1 t t 1 MERCHANTS ON EVEN TERMS A large crowd took in the big basebaîl attraction a Rotary Park Sunday afternoon as the Bawmanville Merchani downed Mdland Indians 7-3 to lie the best of five Inter mediale "A" Ontario finals at one game apiece. Fire-ballng Ralpb Kennedy tossed a brilliant four-bitte for the locals, whie sending a dozen visitlng batters back ti the dug-out, via the strike-out route. Ralph also swaîted th, longest drive of the day, a prodiglous wallop that was haulei down in deep centre field. The Merchants broke up a 3-3 bail game in the eightl ail the damage comIng afler the first two batters had beec retlred. Mdland hurler, Dick Lemieux, walked the next twý and Grant Wright became Sunday's hero by hoistlng a Ibre, rua borner over the left field fence. The seventh run cami In the saine laning on singles by George Sainsbury an( Larry Piper. Bowmanville proved to be mosI dangerous wltb twg out, actuaily scoring ail their ruas wben the Indians appeare( to be out of trouble. Ray Crombie's clutch single producec two in the fourtb, and Lernieux co-operaled by walking inu rua wilh the bases filed lu the second. Bob Marjerrison along with Cromble, had two single to account for hall the locals' elgbt hit total. Actuaily lack of experience cost Bowmanville thei chances le score more runs and hurt their cause ln the field as five errors paved the way for all Midland runs. However, when you consider Ihat basebali bas bee: milsslng frorn our sporting activities for sa many years, it î a marvel to Ibis, reporter, that the players have been abli ta regain the fielding and hitting touch, the way lhey bave The Merchanîs will play an exhibition game Ionigbý (Wcd.) againsî Oshawa Legionnaires at the Kinsmen Stadluir game time 7:30. The Oshawa club losI 2-0 to London Diani onds lu the opening game af the Ontario Junior "A" bes, of Ihree chanipionship series. The Intermediale series continues Ibis Sunday afternoor two o'clock at Mldland, and in vlew of the tact that Midlanc sent a couple of busloads here along witb several cars, 1- would be nice bo sec Bowrnanville fans rifurn the visit. If you wlsh bo attend Sunday's encounter, contact Ker Park at 623-7466. The fourth garne lu the series, goes thi « oilowing Sunday, two o'clock back here at Rotary Park. They iniigbt reed extra bleachers for that one, becaust * eknow of xnany basebail fans, wbo due ta previous com. mittinents were unable to attend Sunday's game, t t t t t _-FUELS MEET KBAMP'S IN FINAL Perbaps the worst thlng Walter Frank Real Estate diè wa.s ta beat Stephen Fuels 19-1 ta take a commandlng 2-C -bulge In the best of five Men's Town Sofîbaîl League semi- finals. The Fuels came back ta win 5-2, 4-2 and 8-5 in Ihe deciding encounter la sweep the serles. Stephen'a- will now meet pennant-winnlng Kramp',c _Furniture in the best cf seven final set, wiîh the openei having been played Tuesday and the second encounler carded for Tbursday aight, 7:30 at the Memorlal Park. AIl other contesta will be played on Tuesdays and Thursdays, sarne tinie and place. Veteran pitcher George Stephen deserves a lot of credit for the Fuels' comeback, as hie held off the power-packec array of Frank's battlng power, with clutch burling at Its best. * Manager Lloyd Hamilton inserted blmself into the lîne. up, made a couple cf player shifts and dld a great job ai gettlng the club going, wben their backs were ta the wall. Grant Wright homered in eacb cf the last tbree games, * .whlle Terry Black, afler being styrnied by sorne fine Real Estate fielding, slugged a two run borner to win the big fifth -game ia the first extra nning af play. Don McMurter con- tlnued bis great bltting and running, Ted Fairey contributed a spectacular catch and Bob Abbott Iaok over behind the plate le turn lin a strong effort. But lu the final analysis, the tbing that won for Stephen'a was teamo spirit. This was certainly tested, when after appar- ently havlng won thc gaine, tbey faund an umpire's decisian had enabled Frank's ta lie it 5-5 In the final frame. Nol only *that but bbc Realtars bad the winning run on second. To have the series wog - and suddenly taken away is pretly bard to take, but Stephen's did came back. Kranip'u had ta bave a lot af determination as tbey roiled up an Impressive record ta mave past Frank's and capture the league pennant going away. The furniture dealers have a gaod solid club, and there Is no doubt that Stepben's won't concede anytbing, whicb points ta a probable top-notch final serles. M EMORiAiL BOWMAN1VILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC 1 MISSION - e - * 50e Dt ta le ýd Wright's- Homer- and Kennedy's Hurling Send Midland Home Unhappy Wý m Dorothy St.ark - -_____209l Marg MacDonald ____208 Mary Skelding -_____1981 Olive Henderson ____173, Dale Foran ______1721 Gall Millison _____171 Bernice Henderson- 169' Marie Trim _____168 Joyce Staccy 168 Ruby Shaw --____168 Margaret Wade 165 Barney Boisvert ____154 Grace Farrow ______150 Shirley Marteli ______148 Sharron Brown -____147 Dorelda McCarron -____139 Bea Armstrong --____111 Annette Savery--- 79 200 GAMES D. Stark -'280 M. MacDon-ald -i248-201 M. Skelding - 231-225 O. Henderson ___ 211 B. Henderson ______205 D. Foran _____201 On Sunday aflernoon, Saper Creek Park was of the game, Grant Wright aI the plate clouting his jammed with cars, buses and people for the second three-run homer ia the eighîh and Merchants' hurler game of the Ontario Inlermnediate finals when Bow- Ralph Kennedy who kept the Indians well under manville Merchants tied the series by defeating the conîrol Ihroughoul. visitors 7 ta 3. These two pictures show the big heroes Merchants Tie Playoff Series On Grant Wri*ght's 3-mRun Homer GAMES WON by Jlm Clarke noon. The Dowmanvifle Mer- with a long gone, three run The Merchants had one of ro Peony 2 Ralph Kennedy and Grant chants squared the Ail On- borner ini the last of the theiir best games at the plate, ,d Iris -_________ 2 Wright combined to arnbushitario best of five set with a eighth. Kennedy claimed 12 rapping out eight hits. Rick Asei the Midland Indians at Soperl seat - squirming 73 win tieu sap nbaighsLerieux took the defeat for dPfox 1 Creek Park on Sunday after-j Wright ripped a 3-3 tie apart way to a four hit *victory Mdad ih hse -a a hami putting in a brief relief stin!t. Junk dealer Lemieux worked 7 2/3 frames, ailow- 'S ing five hits, whlle whiffing seven and walking seven. He ir departed following Wright's dl crucial clout. Grahamn was nicked for one run and two hits during his 1/3 of an inn- * ing. Is0 %oOu CI s 1-' VU C An estimated throng of1 le near 400 saw the Merchants ertd b tn' ersm n vc t. fail behind 1-0 'in the first. A perte y oysrfeh et evie td A walk, a base hit and an mn- toshawa, ontario. field error put the visitors in front. Bowmanville tied it up in the bottomn of the third st wish to announce the when Lemieux walked Leo Kelly, with the bases full. S The large group of Midland1 J~.dla,* 4aIl$ii4f4V %hs%4supporters had a chance toI ýd whoop it up in the fourth. lt I - Three infield errors and a ~~"4~2PENINsacrifice bunt shoved the In- n dians jato a 3-1 edge. Bowmanville clawed their [le way back on even terms, scor- ing two runs in their haîf ofq ;e the fourtb. Rae Crombie of their new CEVG ENTRE: LOCATED AT WAVERLY RD. bingedstevsismd îU two errors. Lemieux battling SA . ET 1A IN A 0,INTEROHANGE NO. 74. wildcness, walked three mn Meanwhile, Ke nn e dy was d gaining steam on the winners' mound. Over the last five 0 innings he fanned eight, in- 1- ~cluding the side in the sixth.Ï e ~Midland got a runner to thirdî in the eighth, but Kennedy set dowri the next three bat- ters, two via strikeouts. rStili deadlocked 3-3, Blow- d manville's dormant bats came ýr alive in the last of the eighth. e After two were out, Bob Mar- jerrison walked. C romnibi eÏK then followed with ariother t free pass. Wright launched a home mun over the left field s fence, giving the Merchants a T H EL 6-3 lead. Larry Piper greeted reliefer Gralham with a single and John Fowler walked. George Sainsbury then drilled a single, scoring. Bowman- ~*.,.~,ville's final run. Midland picked up their fourth and final hit in the ninth, but neyer really managed a rally. r' Around the Bases: While Wright's homer wasC the critical blow of the garneh fîve other Mercharits chippedG he thdrd gane la is seri-D slesis back lu ilksand at, 2 p.m. on Sun.AySet.2d. ks i Atrmerpsoareabe twg made to: thertKellygain Saino d- roand Anonte inersted lT dro tikes gvenaed to conatac.thKen Park- 623-7466 Cas soonasosl Sudlnd paycne towlle quo it aanTethe raIn ts ver-N Tricycl, ldes tory a Mind means atCf Blende, WorkTo.il2ousd .nyon rse t a th eptcas oud.a Ma mre wap Ump thae tite, ithmade-t h tocrte abu orlwib usedayfort lagn oieestodenng - ~'WIN ERS WIL BEADVIED Y TLEPONEMdas dio tation PkM against the MOshawt.A Lein- ntorte Junoslow KiSnsmen THE DRAW W LL SE MAD SATURDAY SEPT. 21Sopr re ak.Asa.Cls September 13, Gord Ritter was really bowling Friday nigbt; be roll- ed 675 for high triple and 281 for bigh single. Dianne Me'- Reelis had a good nigbt witb 641 for bigb triple; May Ail- dread rolied 273 for higb single. Here are some of the bowlers wbo are bowling a 200 average: Ron Brock ____217 Bill Nicholson 217 St. Joseph's Mixed fBowling League Team Points Tigeroos 1 Hustlers ._il__ Separatists8 The Larks 5_____ Rejects4 Go Getters2 High Triple Jirn Pair 149-226-285. 660 HIgh Single Jin Fair ~285 High Triple - Wornen Mary Sorners 209-172-117 498 111gh Single - Woinen Mary Sorners 209 Over 206 Jin Pair ____28M-26 John Ford-____ 277-208 Allen MacLjean___ 255-243 Roy Trudeau -- 255-203 Ron Munro -____ 229 Banner Passan-t 223-221 Garry Conway- 218 Mary Soiners ______209 Mike Kennedy 208-206 Operate Service Centre Carol Roberts 215 Gord Ritter - - 216 Jim Robinson ____204 Betty Westlake 204 May Alldread ____204 Dianne McReelis ____201 Bob Marshall 200 Team Standings PIs. Pins Clayten Morgan 12 5749 Ron Brock --- 12 5240 Gord Ritter- - 10 5580 Bill Nicholson 10 5452 Bob Marshall 7 5473 May Alldread - 7 5243 Betty Westlake - 4 5628 Glen Prout 4 5046 George Marshal- 2 5028 Bill Patter 2 5000 À BURKETON 5Miss Bernice Grace, Osha- 4wa, wlth Mr. and Mrs. K. 2Grace. Mrs. E. Price. and Mrs. Samn Grant were Sunday tea guests af Mrs. R. Davey. Mrs. J. Peeling and girls 5were Sunday visitors of Mrs. T. Bailey. 3 Mr. LeslieTaylor and Frecl attended Beaverton Pair ox~ Saturday. Mrs. R. Davey spent Frlday' Ia Lindsay. "Tobacco barvestlag la bhe district bas been camp ;leted Ibis week. Churcb service was beld la Burketon on Suaday aI 11:45 a.m. Mrs. John Carter, BowmariV ville, formeriy of Burketon, Io a patient la Memorlal Hos- Graham C. Wilson Ia conneclian wltb theoffi- clal openlng Ibis weekend of The Highwaymen Service Centre on Waverly Road, it has been announced that Graham C. Wilson will be the Mlanager of the Restaurant Division. A native of Hoyle, Ontario, he is thoroughly experlenced in food and business supervis- Ion. His career bas included posts la related industries in Ontario and Manitoba, as well as a stint In bbe Canadian t.rtillery where be was a Techaical Offlcer's Assistant. He and bis wlfe Bente, a native of Denmark whom he net in Manitoba, are living in Newcastle witb Iheir twa bhldren. Mr. Wilson's hobbies ire golf and curling. In April he joined bhe Tony Refresb- ment Service wbo are operat- Ing The Higbwaymen. Some people would rather be wrong than quiet for a LIBERTY BOWL ANNOUNCES NEW BOWLING TIME* Georce A. Dugan The service station section of the aew Highwayrnen Ser- vice Centre wlll be in charge of George A. Dugan who was bora in Kitchener and educat- ed in Fart William and Port Caîborne scbools. Mir. Dugan's business career bas been cancentrated witli two flrms, International Nickel in Coîbarne, and the B. F. Goodrich Company wltb whomn he spent 15 years as store manager In Peterborough, Niagara Falls and Oshawa. Ia June be joined Toay's to came here and since bas been cxtending every effort prepar- ing the new centre so that it will be able ta pravide the best possible ShelI service for bbe motoring public bath lac- ally and from tbe Macdonald- Cartier Freeway. He is married ta a former Port Coîborne girl, Dorthea. and they have anc daugbter seven years old . His hobbies are golf, Iroul fsblng anid ive- Pin bowling. They are living ani remain open umai1 Il o'eiock ait nighi. Make up a party alter work and bowl a game, 4 t r si Girls' Mior Softbaii 1 There werc lwo gaines play- ed Ibis week in the Depart- ment cf Recreatian Girls' Sofîbaîl League at Central Sdiool groundcs. Plilliies deleated Crackers 16 ta 9, and Belettes downed jets 16 tb 4. Ia the Phillies - Crackers gaine, thc big guns for the Phillies were Robin Martyn witb four bits, Carol Shane three bits, Jay Ross banged out two home rune and a single, Mlaine Shane three bits, Nancy Jackrnan tbree hits, and Caroline Steel two bits. Kim Burgess led the Creck. ers with two singles and 'a double, while Linda White- head bit a borner, Susan Spryî two hits and Janiet Wilson two hits. Ite Jets-Bellettes game saw Wendy Mountjoy not only pdtcb ber teain te victory but she colected three bits. Other Belette hitters were Robin Martyn, Shelley Fry, Vicky Cowle, Judy Michelson, Ann Hubbard. Standouts for thec Jets were Jane Marshall, Joan Perfect, Theresa Payne, Cindy Kowal and Nancy Hubbard. New'ville- Starkville Bowling League 1

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