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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1968, p. 11

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Newcastb Woman Wins Televisiori On Saturday eveni1ng at, the officiai opening of the new Highwaymen Service Station on Waverly !ýoad, Bowmanville, Mus. Ben Wind of Newcastle was the winner of the portable television set being presented above by Tony Espasita, President of Tony's Refreshment Service Limited who own the centre. She and her husband were present and accepted the first prize with great enthusiasm; their own set was an aid one and, as Mus. Wind said, had just about had the biscuit". They were ,sa delight ed with their new set, they stayed up Luntil 3:30 Sunday morning uýtching the late movies. Other prize winners were: 4 ansistor radio, Harold Black~, Scarborough;, food blender, Hughy Linden, Port l edit; wrench set, Robin Srnirt, Bowmanville; tricycle, J. Koss, Ontario St., x.wmanville; dinner for 4, M s. 1. M. Hobbs, Bawmanville; Coke cooler, Robert Beauchamp, Montreai; turkeyý Rosemary ,Pris,, 6-3 Larnbs Lane, Bowmanville.; ,pîcnic ham, Bob Barrett, Box 3,"ÈowmanvÏiltè; picnic i!fan, Miss D)ianÈ Thibert, Aima St., Oshawa; beverage et, Norman Luxton, Bowmanvilie; beverage set, Irvine Harreli, R.R. 2, Oshawr; Coke tote bag, Fred Lander, Midland St., Osha wa. Newcastle Personals Mus. A. Flonk, Mu. and Mus. Jack Cuago. Mrs. W. Kay and Mus. Marie Gartshoue cailed at Stuathaven Rest Home, Bowmanville, on Satuuday, to cxtend best wlsbes to Miss Hattie Mason whose birtbday was that day. While there thcy weue seuved a cup of tes and a picce of birtbday cake which was nlccly decorated and adorncd wlth llgbted canâles. province called Uic sun parlai of Ontario. Extending aiong the shoreline of tbc Detzroit iRiver and Lake Erie, arc many, many greenhouses along bath sides of thc bighway. Here market gardening Is car- rled on extensivcly. and we saw acres and acres of bead lettuce and cabbages, la vaîlous stages of grawth, same belng cut for market. Their strawberry season was almost flnished, and tomatoes werc staring to ripen. Each bus had Its own local bostess, who gave a most Inteucstlng rua- ning accouant of sîl that we saw. Flnally. wc aiivcd at the Jack Miner Bird Sanctu- ary. where wc bad an oppor- tunity to walk auound to sec tbe wlldlife, and then dulven an down to Pt. Pelce, whicb is oui soutbcunmost extremlty, and is on tbc same latitude as Nothein Califounia. An out- door barbecue ln Jackson Park and tour of the wonderful ter- raced rose garden there, a wel- come from the Mayou of Wind- sor and close baumony of a Swect Adelines graup braught to an end a memorable day. On Friday mauning, a show- Ing of tbc 1967 Photogiaphic Competition was thorougbly enjoyed. The puize wlnniag sldes partlculaily so, and surpuised wc weeladeed to bear a volce caîl out "Bow- manville" and sec a famillar face flash acuoss the scucen. Our Secuetary had submltted a fcw slides which puovcd wortby of a prize. Ib was at thc close of this part of thc puogram that the speaker de- ploucd tbc vcry evideat lack of Inbeuest shown,, and sa- cicties werc uîgcd ta send along their best slides. Very few had beca cntercd, and the feeling was that this lndicated a lack on aur part, la not talk- lag this up wlthln oui groups and aîîanglng slde nlgbts. A vcuy Intcicsting speaker, Mu. Rome Leroux, Sudbury, spake on the thiags a Horti- cultural Society bas to offer. He sald that lb was a gaad thing ta îcvlcw tbc aims of the Society fuom time ta ime, ta become familiar wlth thc Act; ta kcep abrcast of wbat Is going on la tbc ficld o! horticulture; that j-eisure was- the biggest problem of this age; that 92% of te people don't know what to do wltb bbemselvcs ta fight boiedota. He claimed that there was nothilng more satisfylng than worklng ln a Horticultura) Society. There wcrc at pues. ')4o ticu tuý ai eleg tecnt 230 Socicties with a mcm- bershlp of 4,50)0 people, but Gives Coà'jention Report eners, and announced a $50 puize for the Junior Society This past June, Mus. Meeks es, ýuetching across tbc Inter- fiected on the wateu. The offering tbc bcsb report. and I jaurncvcd ta Windsor as ven g spaces of lawns au smake wucathing acuoss the Finally, a Mu. Murray yor1968 official delegates ta dubeways weue cavered withi sky with Its clais slowly fad- Young, Ontario Departmenb ai the 62nd annual convention af thi'1 lsb display of bloom, and ing inta the night, cast a soutEtuc aaYng o e . ortiul the Ontaria Horticultural As- lb a lost seemed as If anc out-. af phospharescent glaw aver urebs anYugMoetinsOne sociation. did0 ts -neighbau, such was the all. ofht we nesugestionscboo It was ueally a fîrst for me,'pr sion af bloom whcreverI On Thursday mouning, the thatse wbstate e c o fax although I had. some years ago, welooked. We marveled at ofcatpnig0 b on- te, andte fr s.Hedo o attended a anc-day session ln[thiq and tbaught tuuly, Wind- vention. and welcomc to the of an Instance wbcuc a green- Touanto. But this was dif- [sou'ls a ciby o! great beauty. many delegates and others bouse had been staîted at a ferent. lb was an advcnture, lb , wchl named bbc "Gauden was gîven by Mu. Stanley scboal, wIth little or no co- and an oppartunity ta mingle Ga way". ýGomme, tbc Secrebauy a!bf operabion of bbc School Board, with aveu 1,100 people from frly In the afbernaon cf Ontario Horticulbuual Society, but af bbe success tbat had ail aveu the province, sim- Jute 19, we registcred at the Foodi and Agriculture Dept. been met and the gucat Inter- llarly Intercsted; ta sec new 'U jeusiby and found much He advised against people tuy- est shown by the pupils, and sights, to beau ncw things, and Ifrindliness awaiblng us. We ing ta take notes of the many how gradually bbc Idea caugbt ta become a smaîl part of a w e soon in aur quarteus on speeches, as plans were under-onadohrsbl flo d veu lage ntecs tht i th sithflor o bb S John way ta have these mimea- suit. He said wc should Inter- definibeiy making itself felt A. aDonald building, a new grapbed and sent out ta the est scbaols ln horicultural eveuywhcue. a, titon t thc Campus fou variaus sacieties. I stilidntparmadsgetcm We were masb fortunabe ta n students. Bcing new,,know wbctber bbc mail strike petîtion 1between schoîs. have as aur travelling can--cerytbing xvas spic and span, had anything ta do wibh this, Mu. F. A. Lashley, who panion, Mus. T. Fairbrother, a rw \e weuc made mosi. corn.- but so far, notblng bas came since 1949 bas been Director who bas a great Interest in aur ftable. ta aur hand f ram bis depaut- of bbc Agriculture and Houti- ouganization. Having attended >ris beautiful aid universibv ment. culti4re Sacieties Buancb for xnany sucb gatherings, she was'f tsbb Detroit River. It bas The 1967-8 year would go Ontario was honoued for bis able ta "show us the ropes" a4 recent ycars combined witb! down ln the annals o! Horbi- untiring efforts la thîs con- and to introduce us te many t; Catholic Assumption Col- cultural Socicties as a bue- nection, and was presentcd officiais, and this xvas a gucat 1ee Ther r hurches cf mendous ycar, Mu. Gomme with a painting o! himsel! at help ~~" tau nmn as hPoestantendcaths ie stated. The Royalty Tue pro- bbe conclusion of bbc closing The firsbtbting that we f4 ths there, cacb beautiful and ject, introduced by bbc Sa- luncheon. Also, Mus. Stevens, noticed as we dlrewv near the lý,ding an aura ofai dignity ta cieties, had been most success- Hauwood, aur District Director, outskirts of the city, was the t# surroundings. There are fui, and tbc sponsors of this was bonored for ber work by profusion of roses in bloorn 'oýsny fine buildings, lncluding were ta be congratulated, and a Trllliumn Pin award. alang bbc way. Higb wire fairly new Administration deserved a lot af cuedit. He Many dIsplays wcrc set up fences erected around ather- Ii iding, wbcue registrations. uuged that we carry on tbc on bbc main tfoor of bbc audi- wise~~~~ unih'aesa wa tl4bures, displays, etc.. wcrc great interest that had been tauium crcabed lnterest and land, ou mnanufacturing estab- 1 Id. AIl facilibies sucb as evident ln bbe Centennial year, comment. There was gucat lishments. provided spots af feteulas libraries. gym. and 1wltb Cent. 1, 2 te follow. The varlety la bbc Ycar Books dis- beauby with their planings of Jlb. omine ta make thîs seat 1 ncwslctbcu wbich Is sent out play and bulletins. A warn- climbing roses. all vividly a-r1 cri aning not only a beaubi- ta each and cveuy Society Ing was Issued wlbb regard.ta bioom. and camotiflaging as # place, but most modern should be uead at bbc meet- Year Books la that bbcy sbould lb were wbat iay bebind, Each q#Id up-te-date in every way. ings, and praper inteupuetation give minimum space ta, prize and eveuy borne aloi'g tbc '>."h lawns wee ike velvet, [cof same was most important. lists, but ta focus attention on had its own continuaus spiash td many wcl-kee)t flaweu Many campetitions were avail- biags perbaning ta gardenlng of colar, wltb rose bushes cx- ýd s and bue piantlngs made able'te the mnembeus. lb was rather than compebitIon. A tcnding from the front,; aofle place anc o! great beauty haned that participation lacm btonfuJirGad bouses rigbt dawn along the In th ecvening we enjaycd a'these wauld came forth. He encus ducw forth mucb lnteresb sidwaks ndas ara; hejeIghbfulha tpd hv -e depiarcd thc apparent lack a! witb a display o! creatîve and 6,trect. Fences btwecn bous- ver, affording us an excel- lnt.erest. and feblb I was due artisbic animais and flowcra. _____________- nt view of thc Detroit sky- ta aur iack a! communication In &lslng I would like ta Noiene. wibb its myriads of wltb cach otheu. bhank aur Society for the pruy- Nntice imneys a nd smokesback3s Mu. Wm. Nelson from Cham- Ilege o! belag one o! yaur Eýfectiv-\e ScptÀr.mb-er 30 168 elching out smoke. The re- plaign, Ill., spake at bbc con- delegates ta a most enjoyable bbc price af baircut.s ln Orono jýuin trip afbcr dark was clusion of Mu. Gomme's re- and cnlightening event. I and Newcastle will be uaised lspccIally beaubiful, as thaus- marks. He sald "Cibles Can strongly urge that you send ta $1 75; students $1.50 and ýnds o! twinkling ligbbs from , Create"' a n d "People are delegabes, as rnany as arm la- childuen $1 25. 39-1 actorles and sbaps wcrc mc- Cibles" His address ccntred terested, each and every year, -mail] on bbc thlngs wc as for in no ather way wlll yau horiculturai people can do ta ho better ln!oimed, or receive beautlfy aur cibles, tawns and more stimulus for your Sa- REGISTRA4ION FOR v.illages. He uuged us ta, be- clcty, wblcb la turn wiI ensure ware o! benign stigmatism, oui guarantee for conblnued that seeing. yct unseeing and success. Ballet, Baton 4d Tap Dancing unconcerncd, wc close aur __________l Fetcer to te ulyapen spaces that LOBBYmar aur landscape. He made COMMUN ITYpALI OBYa pîca that wc bake a stand for LOCAL FIDDLERS WINl frm112 m the pueseuvation o! natural An Old Tinie Fidiers' Con- fro ll2 wblch in a !ew short test was held at bbc Part Hope h oums are destroyed by bull- Fair on Satuiday, September Sa turday S' tember 28 dozers butwhicb bakes Mth. 14. The fiddlers h achieved er atreyerstoproduce. p place wcîc: ItHerman In lahbb aibernoon we were (HÎank) Goltz a! bbe CNR lni Sponsored by Newcas Recreation Cominittee takcn an a bus tour o! Essex Bownianvflle, 2nd Raymond ee County, that flat but wandeu- Avery of Oshawa, and 3rd fuily productive part of bthe Glenn Virbue of Bowmmnville. Mrs. BrucesTillsorqEditor phone "74218 BLACKST( Mcbrway. Sept. 16th, Mrs. 5. Who la responsible for Tennyson Sameils and Mrs. unemployment, the goveru- Chas. Venning wereý hostesses, ment or the people? for an afternoon tea in honor 6. Shouild married women of their cousin, Mrs. J. A. take full tAme work outslde Johnston's 80th b ir t h da y. the home? Eighteen ladies spent a veryl 7. Should we plan a career enjoyable afternoon at Mrs.'for our children? Venning's home. A nicely~ 8. Shouid your child marry decorat.ed cake centred the a Roman Catholic; as a par- coffee table until lunch time ent what would you do? when Mrs. Johnstori blew out 9. What responsibility bas the candies and inerted he the church to the young peo- knife. A dainty lunch climax- pie? ed the afternoon. Other ladies 10. What do young people who could flot attend that expect of t.he cburch? afternoon have been calling Il. Wbat are your views on each day since. Tuesday, a chureh union as it affects us 94 year nid cousin, Mrs. Ina locally? Heron and her daughter-..yn- Th nail came tgte o law, Mrs. Les Gibson, Tor- a summing ti togehepror onto, spent the day with Mrs. very , which pro M ein Johnson. cosedwitb benediction. The Candace Unit met et A good crowd gathered In t.he home of Mrs. Neil Mal- the United Church Wedines- colm Tuesday morning. with day evening when the ladies 12 members, four visitors and of the General U.C.W. joined [four children eresent. Leader the annual Bible Society Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy opened meeting to hear Rev. Walter the meeting with a pcem and Tonge of Hong Kong. Mrs. conducted the business. This George Wolfe, president of unit is to convene the ONO. the Bible Society, presided. banquet Nov. 30. The U.C.W. Meeting opened with a hymn, General is to joîn with the and prayer by Rev. R. C. Bible Society Sept. 18th to Rose. Minutes were read and hear Rev. Walter Tonge, re- treasurer's report received. oently returned from Hong Rev. Rose presided for the Kong, speak. Each member election of officers as follows: is to be gathering information President Mrs. Richard Van on Chdna for study for 1969. Camp, Treasurer Mis. Harold Mrs. N. Malcolm led in wor- Crawford, Searetary Mr. Earl ship, reading from Eph. 4: 17- Dorreli. Rev. Colin Rudd, 32, ber theme being "Kind- Peterborough, was present Lo ness". She then divided the introduce the guest speaker. group in three and gave out He told of the work of Rcv. these questions to discuss: Tonge who for some unknown 1. What are your vîews on reason neveu arrived. Mr. a consolidated chuuch for the Rudd, who had shown a film Blackstock charge? on Hong Kong the nigbt be- 2. Is it possible to worhip fore and hadn't taken the witbout attending church? equipment out of his car, 3. What is our responsibili- then showed the film on "The ty to ahurcb members who Crowded Way" whicb was neveu attend cburch? very inteucsting. Mrs. Mur- 4. Should the TB clinic be ray Byers expressed hearty compulsory or is voluntary thanks ta Mr. Rudd. A hyxan good enough? was sung. Rev. Romeril also. YOU JUST CAN'T BMAT OUR A&P Brand V% CAFFEIN FRER INSTANT (OFFEE '% 11re. ja" 9WeM-SAVE 1 sanvifle, Sept. 25, 1988 ~C K The Canadien sttman, EOWM D C K the meetJaig dispersed. CartwTtght BantanisAd expressed thanku before pro- vance into Finals against noumcing benediction. Lunch Utica. Cartwright fi1 n ail1 y was served and a social time broke the Greenbank jixix in enjoyed. Port Perry Sunday afternoon, The Sept. meeting of the defeating them by thc score of 11-5. In thc top of thé flrst A.C.W . was held in the Par- gRckHwe ndNi ish Hall the evening of Sept. MeLeghin scored rudn fo 19th, with 12 present. After MLuhi crdrn o the singing of "«Blest be the Cartwright. Greesibank went ahead wit*i Rodd, Kerry and Tie tftat Binds", with Mis. Baker cosn Aepae Donnrai t te pino, is.Cartwright's big ining came Graham, precident, led iana ini the top of the second when devotional period. Commun'- Nesbitt, Hawes, Grant Mc- cations included a letter from Laughlin, Kiinnuncn, Mvacolm Mis. John Carter (whom we aind Jackson scored six runs. were sorry to leaun is in hos- Score now 8-3. Cartwright pital) thanking thie branch made it 9-3 li the fourth for qullting ber quilt and en- wlien Barry Malcolmi scoîcd closing a donation. Other cor- on Jacksosi's hit and somne respondence read was from: Gueeabank miscues. Green- Old Crow Mission, Ont. Hos- bank came back in te bottom pital at Oriflia, Pakiston Emn fteffh ihTopo broideries, Diocesan WC>îk- and Huîth wsSin.Thmpsn shop Meeting, Cbuîch Calen- the score 9_5. Jim MacLeod dars, Living Message changes, scored for Cartwright in the Suggestions for Devotions at itadN MLuhn A.C.. metigs nd he ut-scored in the scventh. Gren- reach progranis to be heid at banlc was shut out during the various centres ttiis fail. The last two innings. Rick Camp- Dorcas secretar3r read a list bell pitched a solid gaine of articles nieeded for the bale throughout Uic contcst, re- and reported one quilt o n c- g e- fi upotfo hand. Plans were discussed ahl his mates. Trevor Nesbitt to quult aniother ane. Several played errorless defensîve knitted articles wcre brought ball behind the plate. Good ia. The Famnily Life Sec. re- show, Cartwiiight Bantams. ported three new baby mcm-CnyadLuA Mb bers, and the Sunshine Sec CnyadLuAnMb four cards sent. A date iý ley, Part Ferry, were weck- October was set for the Chic-_cend guests of the Lloyd Bea- ken Pie Supper and Bazaar cocks. Table. Otiber matteus discus- Mu. and Mis. Lloyd Beacock sed wei-e the Vestibule and and boys visited relatives in Parish Hall floces an-d the Toronto Sunday aftcrnoon. Cook Book. The treasurer Mr. and Mis. Elmer Archer, was authorized to buy Gar- Whitby, were Saturday even-i bage Disposais for the kitchen ing visitais, and Mr. and Mus. and washrooms plus disposal Dan Fleming, Oshawa, Sun-1 bags. Mus. Donnerai invitcd day afterncon, and Mr. Stuart Uic A.C.W. to bave a Garden Milleu, Whitby, and daugbteu Party at ber Nestîcton home Mus. Don Emmeison, St. Cath-1 next June. This was gladly arunes, Sunday eveniag visi- accepted. Mus. J. Hamilton tous of Mr. and Mus. Wilbeut1 gave a most entertaining talk Archer. on ber and John's recent trip Laury Werry spent Uic to thc Britisb Isles, after weekend witb Rod Campbell.1 which lunch was seived and. Thcy attended Lindsay Fair, Graham and famuly. 'I 4 RED BRAND BLADE BLADE ROASI REMOVED SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS RIB ROAST s" BEEFI BLADE STEAKSg Shoulder Pot RoastBONELESS GROUND CHUCK NO FAT ADDED TO BEEF ROASTS ... MOT AT A&PI PORK HOCKS BULK RING BOLOGNA MAPLE LEAF, PURE PORK SAUSAGE MAPLE LEAF, SLICED BEEF BOLOGNA SKINLESS %q I lb. 29c l.2 c PEAMEALED CENTRE CUTS b 9»0 lb 1cBACK BACONm-ý8 SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, PFCNIC STYLE SMOKED WM-IOLE 4 to 6-lb 41>0 5W PORK SHOULDERSSUCED b5 3~ BURNS BRAND lb59 ý W IEN ER S V vmPR 2-ro;* 97<e BON ELESS b49çt BEEF TONGUES>5 JueBakd-Js' Fo e o l . Depedablé'GroeryVles PDEEI< FREAN (9 VARIETIES) BISCUITS Reg. Prie* pkg 3Ue - BAVE 33. SCOTT CUTRITE (REFILLS) FEATURE PPICEI 4-oz99< -WAX PAPER 3 T$ O 79~ »NV« PACK* Che. Qui4ty Canadian Wois A&P BEETS 5" nýz99< FEATUREPRICE1 AU PRICES IN TINS AD G4JARANTEE THROUrpH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER289h, 1968 -- -~ - - - - - - - a ~ - on Saturday and Uic bail game li Port Ferry Sunday. T&. and Mis. Roy McLaugh- lin and Mus. P. Romeril at- tended the reunion service for ail couples wtio had been: maied on that charge, ini Tyrone church Sunday after- nomt..4 AUl are pleased to hear that baby Tara-Lynne BaJiey re-..' turned home froin hospital on Sunday. Mis. J. A. Mr-Arthur, Misa Ida Dempsey, Mi. and Mr&. Normnan Dyar of Peterbor- ough, Miss Betty MeArthur, Toronto, Mr. and Mms Ardiâ,. McArthur, Wiflowdalc, at- tended a famlly reunion in hiosor of two sisters' birtit. days at Stratford last week. end. Mus. McArthui- and Miss Dempsey called on Mus. Da- vid Hill, Richmond Hill, on Monday. Mi. Weir Swain, Toronto. spent the weekcnd witb the Herb Swains. Mr. and Mus. Jim Swain, Don Mills, and Miss Helen Swain spent the weekend with Mu. Harold Swain. Miss Ruth Marlow, Tc>ronta, spent the weekend with Mr.' and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Mi. and Mus. F. Henke and two sons, Scarbouough, moved Saturday into the home re- cently puuehased froni Mr. Heub. Vine. Mus. Roy Langmaid and Mu. Elgin Taylor, Salina, visited Mr. and Mus. Ernest Laumer, Thuusday. Mu. and Mus. Glenn Laumer: and boys visited Mu. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family, Sa-r lina, on Sunday. Mr. and Mus. Ken Gambeli, Oshawa, also Mr. and Mrs- Harry Hall, Lindsay, werc weekend callers of Mu. and Mrs. Marwood McKee. Mu. and Mus. ïMervyn Gua-, ham werc Sunday supper guests of Mu. and Mus. Ray Il PORK, LIVER JANE PARKER (DAILY DATED) SLICED WHITE BREAD 24-OZ d4LOAVES 87 Reg. Price loaf 27c - SAVE 21cJ JANE PARKEIR PEACH PIE Fuif 24-ox size3 each 3 Reg. Price each 49c - SAVE 10c 1Iom m ROBIN HOOD POUCH PACK (7 VARIETIES) Reg. 2 pkfb 45e - SAVE Os 154 OFF DEALI SAVE AN EXTRA 6c AT A&PI CAKE MIXES 2pK39ý OXYDOL DETERGENT CIAN8Tx ONTARIO GROWN, RED, NEW CROP, CRISP AND JICY, FANCY GRADE A& PP L ES McINTOSH mmVine, sq)t 25, 1"8 n Lt L. .e y y ,e s d a 0 r r s t

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