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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1968, p. 19

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Perfect weather and excellent competition feat- ured the annual field day at Pine Ridge School last w eek, with athietes f rom South House winning top fonors. These pictures show the tug-of-war event between Rotary House and South bouse and the over- ail individual champions from lef t te right, the winner of the mile, the junior champ, the senior chaml, the intermediate champ. In the background oi stand is Master of Ceremonies, head teacher Patterson. During the day several new records set in various events. Pi ne Ridge School Holds Annual Field Day achievement pass record. overcrowded situation In the Grade 12 alsa registered re- _______________________Bd.___Meeting_ Grade 10 science trade and spectable promotion results technology course where 59 with 89 five-year arts and students were enrolled ln the science students successfu lin fou r-year program. The school their examinations for a class principal said they shouîd have percentage pass of 94.4 per Port Hope Principal Say hd:40 tudnts here.fia cent. In the four-year pro.c I-I ig i S cii clhe)sehool board Is further gi-arn 22 of 27 students mnade c which havb ela lrefiay inGor adloer 14 e r centi'L t vercro 4'aea addition to Port Hope High achievement record. ob * been approved by the partiel- tained 285 eredits out of 319 Port Hope High School ed and up eVer 100 more than In the business and commerce pating municipalities and the paper eredits possible. There ~ .~ Principal H. J. Mumhy told the last year. Mr. Mumby noted course; and 30 in the science Unit.ed Counties. were 32 students who becamne .' Durham Coiinty District High that the sebool was ln drastic trade and technology course. Architectural plans for the eligible to receive their sec- Sehool Board Wednesday at need of another boys' occupa- Total enrolment in the five- addition have been completed ondary sebool bonor gradua- Bowvmanville that bis school tion shop now. The shop, the year streamlined course for by Barnett - Relder Creighton, tion diplomas. In Grade 12 ing. Mi-. Mumhyreaoet103 stud______________ was drastically overcrowded ln board was told. was built to Grade Nine was 186 students. !Port Hope architets.thrae10sudnsegbl some places. handie 15 pupils wbereas the, In the four-yeai- Grade Nine Whil thelowe gradesauaecle thin seonai- Inhis report on enroîment enrolment was now 30 pupils. programs, 15 were ln an arts1 the Port Hope school are seoo rautindilma. forthesehol s o Set. 2. The Grade aine two-year course, 47 ln business, and 71ths1 ea~ Grade 13 enrol- Mr.Muby no.edtht heoccupations course was heavier 1 sinc o! ttlpiormment Is dlown ta 59 from an sehool enrolnient. xas 1,14,5 ta xetdwt 0by n enrolment of 133.enomn0f0stdnslat pupils of which th930werysbons e enroleto 0suet atK D O andl 547 g-irs. wreboy rolled and 15 girls. In the1 The total Grade Nbn nrl year. "Io the lowec grades, a h nd57grolm. lesi~a five year Grade nine program1 ment was 364 of whv h 99w.e are very serlously over-, Auctlon Sale and Barbeque Theenrlmntliesad, ascourse, enrolment xvas 139 inlIwere bo, 'a only 165 girls. erowded." he commented. 40 pupils more than anticipat- the arts and science course; 171I Mr. ,,nby noted anotheri The principal noted that Last Saturday's mamnioth -_____________________________________________ there were 70) teachers in the Auction Sale and Barbeque schol ow f wich23 erenetted Kedron United Church sebolnw fwih 3wr $1,327.07, and an incalculable The Grade 10 total enrol- fund of community goodwill. ment this year is 297 which Is This rnoney will pay off the B L r l > ' U S .,i es tcIsplit almost evenly at 148 boys $700 still owing on the Manse, 1 to 149 girls. In Grade i1 l teadgv eeosbot inits outojon he boys outnurber thegils 129 the buildng fund for anew of 238. The Grade 12 enrol- An lnteresting range of men contains of boys to 96 goods from ponies and rabbits -ria grlsfor a totalof18 The to television sets and anan Grade 13 class has j(0 boys tique- cutter were auctioned and 28 girls for a total of 58 Off in the afternoon. raising THANKSGIVING WEEK-END TOUR studentse. a total of $920.74. Children Part of the overcrowding at entertained themnselves witli to the ~~~~~~~Port Hope was exp3lained byl$58.15 worth of hayrides and Ter tyu hv0csd I 10 the ~~~T. H. Hodgsoo, principal of pony rides while their parents Te'eayuCs-Isd noted that bis four-year bus- Variaus groups that use the cpiaiacr ieii i- loess and commerce students churcli bulding sponsored yugolethnI na1 rana' Oie Opry Show né toPort Hope Hîgh booths. The UCW raised $51.14 yugolehikn n Sehool this year. with their lunch counted. The Sportier Iooklng vinyl top-il Gran Ole O pry ShowHis enrolment total was Scout Mothers' Auxiliary sold' dw o100 students, he i-e- $65.00 worth of home baking. ihifnking. Longer, easler ridin NASH VILLE TENN. ported. As a result he was A girls' Sunday achool clas ta' onmbitikn overstaf fed. There are 43 sold $ 17.87 worth of freshly -t tsyu molshnkr "THE HOME 0F COUNTRY AND WESTERN MUSIC)' boys and 57 girls enroiled here. popped and buttered popcorn, plnstrplng. The âWe ftnder l His two Grade Nine classes and the Hi-C girls raised $17.34 each had 18 students. There wlth their sale of pop corni i-re 21 students ln Grade 10, and home made candy. Thel Leaves Oct. llth - Returns Oct. l4sth 113ln Grade11, 18in Grade 12 boys of the Hi-C ralsed $15.20 s pe and 12In Gae1.The ta .by alwi thepulet r ing staff Included eight teach- to bit the face of one of their $74.00 PER PERSON INCLUDES: ers. members with a wet sponge The examination resulta for from a distance of 20 feet. " Retur a nsotto i elx oo ahMllbrook Higli Sebool last At 5:00 the action swltched TraspotatonViaDelxeMotrcochJune showed that of 1l Grade to the laneway where steaks " Accommodation for 3 Nights ut the Excellent Mercury Motel 13 studenta, nine had become were cooked on a giant barbe- eligible to, receive their On- que and served in the open " Reserve Ticket to Grand 01. Opry Show tarlo secondary school honor air. Music for the dfiner and graduation diplomas while two for dancing afterwards was lied falled. The percentage played on a wide variety of For Further Information Contact pass was 82 per cent. instruments, Including a new, !The Grade 12 class of 16 one - a Guijo. by Sebastiani1 SEE BUR EY US LUN S IMI EDstudents had only one failure Hohimann, Bill Schatzman and, L record. In Grade 1l eut of acwg r. VI OSHAWA 723-7171 BOWMANVILLE 623-3811 class of 24 there were fourfty jt OR YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENCY ýfallures for an 83 per cent Political pluma don't growR O I achievemeni. record. In Grade fi-cm seeds. They remuit from COURTICE - PHONE 728-6206 10 where only 16 students clever grafting. The Canadian Statesrma, Eowmanvffl, Sept 25, 1988 nmnt and a 250-cu.-in. L-8. A 4-barrai V-8 taloai-d for peak performnanoe et hlgher speeds is newly-op. tional on al cf the 88's. BROWN'S were enrofled, 15 Weie une- cessful for 94 per cent success record, and ln Grade nine where 29 students tried the examinatlons, five falled for an 83 per cent achievement re- cord. Total fallure for the De studenta enrolled la the tive year arts and science program arnounted to only 13 students. ln Mllbrooks lest four- year business and commerce ~1program there were two faiX- 4ures in a clama of 15 students. New staff edded ta the school ~this year include Miss Joy Geiger, an Engllsh, history and physical educat.ion teacher, and Calvin Taillefer, a com- mercial and guidance teacher. Miss Geiger la a gradxiate of S Trent University and Mr. Talilefer moved from Kenner Collegiate, Peterborough. Courtice Secondary Sehool Principal James Speers i-e- POrted an enrolment of 900 students, whIch he sald was down about 30 from.the last school tim. Early enrolment totals for Court1ce on Sept. in showed 418 girls enrolled ta 477 boys. Mi-. Speera noted that 30 students from his sehool took advantage of sumn- mer sehool ln Oshawa to pick up subjeets they had failed. 0f the 30 there were only thi-ce unsuccessful, lie said. Clar-ke High Sehool Princi- pa E. G. Witherspoon report- ed a total enrolment of 357 students cf which 262 were en- rolled ln the flve-year arts and science course and 95 were ln the four-year business and commerce course. Including himself there ai-e 22 teachers on the staff at Clar-ke. Bowmanville High Sehool Principal Len Lucas noted tot- Sal enrolment was 606 students ln bis scbool. He said this total was somewhat lower than he expected. He thought the Senrolment would be 20 stu- dents bigher. In September. . 1967, there were 643 students .reglstered at the beglnning of the school team and 623 at the end of tbe tsi-m. Total Grade 9 enrolment at Bowmanville was 149 students of which 84 were enrolled in the five-year program and 59 ln the four-year curriculum. Grade 10 tatalled 193 students with 103 ln the flve-year1 course arts and science; 31 In the four-year arts and science and 60 ln the four-year bus- iness and commerce course. Grade Il had 60 In the five- yeai- arts and science; 48 ln the four-year arts and science for a total of 108 enrolled. Grade 12 gave 66 ln five-year and 47 In four-year programs for a total enrolment of 113 In the c arts and science pi-ogram. In Grade 13 there were 49 an-" Promotion resuits at Bow-r manville ln June saw 99 of 112 candidates ln the ftve-year arts and science Grade 9 class pass for a percentage of 88.4. Thea business and commerce class graduated 68 of 80 students lnc the four-year pi-agi-arn inù Grade 9 for an 85 per cent pass. In Grade 10 flve-year arts end science, 63 of 70 students passed for a 90 per cent pro- motion record. Tne four-yeai- arts and science had 26 of!.31 students pass for an 83.9 per- centage and 42 or 52 business and commerce students passed for an 80.8 promotion percent- p n In G rade 1l there were 74 o n f 77 students from the five- ýn the year arts and science class who John succeeded for a 96.1 per cent were promotion achievement. In the four-year arts and science classes, 29 or 33 studenta were Oldsmobi.le for 1969 h4s and rear deck, and greater completely. restyled its 88's luggage capacity. and 98's, Produced en enti.rely The increas;ing1y-popular 98 new top-of-the-line, hardtop Luxury Sedan, previously coupe for the 88 series, the available only in a 4-door Delta 88 "Royale", and creat- pillai- version, will be avail- ed a langer and sleeker Toro- able for 1969 as a Luxury nado with a major change i Hardtop Sedan. rear end appearanoe, General 'Mis new hardtop hmas Motors of Canada announced significant front-seat passen- today. ger ' comfort improvement, Among other major ad- provided by an optional, di- vances for Oldsniob'lle in 1969 vided front bench seat, with are power - train improve- independent controls for dri- ments designed for greater ver and passenger positionîng. economny and performance in Longer Toronado Oldmoble -85modls. The 1969 Toronado has been Styling and engineering ad - lengenthened by 31,' inches vaincements in the 1969 Olds- overall and displays a drama- mobile cars go hand-in-hand tically redesigned rear end. with new safety-related pro- There is a new deck and rear duThese iencde renfrd quarters, with an extremely idheldiclai-; ew mini- re.cleanly-tailored look. windhied pllar; nw mni- The interior of the Toi-o- buekle for deluxe shoulder, nado is richer, and the car'sI beits; st.andard-equi p m e n t ride has been even further1 front seat hiead restraints, a improved to absorb road ir-1 redesigned energy absorbing steering column to provîde Rregularities, without any sac-1 more uniform rate of ab- rifice in handling. sorption. The rew F-85's, includingý Longer 88's standard, F-85, Cutlass, Cut-' GM said ail cars in the '88' lass Stipreme, 4-4-2 and Vista farnîly for 1969 have hadi Cruiser models, are redesign - wheebass iocrase byaoced, front and i-car, with in- whcl to 12 incrheasedbyon terlor improvements as well, inhly des4ine lone are Io achieve a, sportier look,1 aihy n aeogrlook' nomhined with high-quality haemr trunk detail. room.1 In 1969, they will al] bP Engineering known as Delta 88's, includ-1 The power-train philosophy ing the Delta 88, the Delta 88 introduced on full-sized Olds- Custom, and the new hardtop mobiles in 1968, has been ap- couple, the Delta 88 "Royale".. plier] in 196() to many F-85 The new 88 "Royale" has a models. vilnyl top as standard equip- This has been done by comn- ment, identifying hood orna- bining an all-new 3-speed 'nentation, a distinctive back- automatic transmission with a ight and front fender side lower 2.56-to-i axie ratio. The louvers.. result -- signîficant gains in The new 1969 Old% 98's have economy for the F-85%s as dlso been completely restyled.1for the full-size cars. Wheelbases have been in-J Other changes and improve- creased by one inch to 127 ments for 1969: inches. Ail have longer hoods ., . . "Anti-theft Ignition, Mrs. Bessie Rupert was in Peterborough last weekea* staying with her son WillhpU and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Suth6e. * land and Mrs. Thelma Suth.: ~~~.... .. erland of Bancroft were Mon.q day evenlng visitors w1th Nôr. ýwly-created hardtop coupe man and Edlth Sutherland. -:lZI 8, this new car has a vinyl Mr. John Ulrich and Mc. *t ýentation, distinctive side Norman Sutherland were sr,,I exclusive exterior paint Bancrft area, hSantrayn J the new 1969 Oldsmobiles Last Tuesday evenlng tfï#f' rovemnents. Brown's Busy Bees held their first meeting following the steering a n d transmission summer recess. The meetliftt'l% lock". was held at the home of Mrst".- * Oldsmobile-pioneered Joan Simpson. Business waa, steering wheel rim-blow horn, attended to. It was ecdç now available for 1969 on ail the next meeting wiil be " models. Mrs. Louis Adams. Joan th#i;,* . . . Cruise control system, served lunch to the 10 ladjgç,*g introduced on the F'-85 in present. Anyone Interestedýlp,,,~ 1967, now planned for al ioining this worthwhile group.. Oldsmobiies. or wishing more InformatIirnàl . Fibreglass-belted tires, please eall Mrs. Adams ,at available for ail Oldsmobiles' 987-4625. On thie 88's and 98's, standard We welcome Mr. and Mrk- wheel and tire size has been Peter Heesmnan ta the coe1-2a. Increased to 15 inches. munity. They have recentIp9q Engines moved Into the fore Mark residence. Oldsmobile's 1969 engine Mrs. Dorothy Brown ha,, t4 lineup consists of hree basic left by train for Flint, Meif V-8's of 350-eu.-in., 400-eu.- where she will visit w1th lier in.-and 455-cu.-in. dispiace-launt and cousin there. SAVE $ $%$ SHOP THE WESBAY WAY ~ FREE FILM! Leave Your Colour or Black - r 8 y r si r si r i - >me sec bdthe cars te omencloser look. oalors rIght now. venflpane-free aide wlndows.To saynothlng of a IÎGw Delta 88 Royale Rocket 455 V8. They're standard on Royale, big, beautiful package. along wlth the new GM safety féatures.There' even fA tats youngmobll. an Ingenlous antl-theft device to keep, your Delta 88,p ig 1244nch whelbame Royale yg Delta 88 Royale. Stop ln soon. ig. So la ihe custom See ai!l t. cars wlth the corne-clouer look. louvrs. The draft.frn, Thyo on dlspla and waltins for you ulght now. homthe onIà asryatyuur £ilhmi bl ealrs: 4*2, Ctia&Vu"taCrgsoe. t:* U VI"II trP IA L A IYI Ir@A.II~hA DI~I 1*/.# . I~t l5IAt IIdDIV8 L5JOMU ~Di= U i.8 I HOLS MOTORS LIMITED ' BOWMANWVLLE - PHONE 62-5 Joining the Oldsmobile family for 1969 is this ne' i the Delta '88' class. Known as the Delta "Royale" 8f top as standard equipment, identifying hood ornam( louvers, and other unique features inlu ding its own striping. Styling and engineering advances in ail of1 go hand-in-hand with new safety-related prcduct ùmç Oldsmobile for 1969 Feutures Complete New LUne ~' j' -t, 'o J 10~ 4. s 4 -"v 'v L §ý WESBAYli DISCOUNT & VARIETY 9f STORE (Formerly Oke's Smoke Shop) 32 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE m vmi in t nràr àt rrunni7pn ni-n.,%mnRiur nipai rp

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