Helmet Lw Proves Timely Mrs- WaIton of Wnnipeg the service and preached on «elait Tuesday ta visit hier the "Challenge af Inner iàe.Mrs. T. Stevens and Mr. Space." The choir sang "In the ~tqvens. Garden" with Miss Ann Fos- * 1'4. ad Mrs. Wm. Robinson ter the organist. A meeting hier sister Mrs. Mclflroy of was held afterward planning Vrdgenorth and Miss C. W. for the Annlversary Service *Uwart visited Wednesday and supper. ~IhMn. Frank Lackey at The tobacco harvest Is finish- > =a~rvl1e. Mrs. Lackey was cd and some of the staiks have the' former Blanche Reesor been cut down. Cilo atened Peterborough Mrs. Dorothy Mercer and ~ Mis C. W. Stewart, M~rs. Edna Toronto most of last week at- A_9ýuOn and Mrs. I. Mercer. tending the Eastern Star con-. alié retired this year from vention. They attended the tÇhlng at Bailieboro. banquet on Tuesday evenlng. .,1"it weekend Mr. and Mns. Mr' and n yEsy s- 30b Yeungman attended the awa, were guesta of Mr. and New regulations making it mandatory for- mot.orcyclists twa rs em PXJd Trials for Beagles ricar Mrs. George Mercer, Sunday ets may have saved Peter Barclay of 10 Liberty St. N.,tfomerocrash helm- Hlamilton. Bob was there judg- evening. .,fo seosinry n lo~g the Trials. Miss, Kathy Turansky went Thursday, Sept. l9th at 5:50 p.m. Hie Was riding his motorcycle east on King -GCenerai Council at Kingston to the University of Western St. E. and lost control when the car he was passing, driven by Ernest King- bh-..declared a Sunday, Sept. Ontario Iast~ week. She is yens of Brighton is believed to have made a left hand turn. Mh IOur church - as Nig- thlnklng of taking the course Barclay's motorcycle hit the curb and flew through the air, landing on the TheI - Biara Rel ifS tudaython Psycology. W lser dirt driveway sorte considerable distance away. Hie was stunned and taken to ThYmelynniediate ree foo to u-tebetaluk Memorial Hospital by Bowmanville Area Ambulance where it was found he oethe lves of thOUSa.fds 0f W SE IL had only suffered bruises and abrasion&. The heirnet he was wearing sustained Mple dYlng of starvat.lon in E L Y I E several deep dents. It is understood that until the new law became effective, tlu eastern section of Nigeria.Bacy re w eahlmt Co~ntributions can be handed 'MAe land may b. In needBaca aeywrahemt lui, nt our church Sunday or of mosture but the pstwek Dr. E. L. Ewert was the attending physiclan. Constable Tracy Davis cowbe nmade through the local has been one or such beauti- investigated. ________ btnks or at Bil Turansky's fui weather most et us were #tore. happy ta wait a whlle longer , Mrs. Ted Coetham. and for the softenlng ot the soil. Cathy called to, sec Mrn. 1. The unused spaces are ful af SS unday afternaon. a wealth of colour of golden TRN JStapleton. Mxi. H. rod and asters and diming the Wedding beils, beautiful Perfect Love." were guests of her aunt, Mrs. Er Ms.G Cathcart and weekend the air ton, was flowers made the Tyrone The re-affirmation of mer. W Miller. Ms .J or fr rwere ta the Oshawa terflies, end flocks af blue- ne-affirmation. service of mar- Dugan; ail married couples Mr. and Mrs. George White, apping Centre Thursday jays flying west on the finît rnage vows which was the were asked to participate ln vîsited Rev. and Mrs. G. And- " g after the sale of artlc-. pa.rt oi their migration. special Centennial theme oi the service by standingtOrwTonanSnaad p.donated by the Kendal La~dies have been quilting the married couples held ini gether. tO wrntnr uessa n and Ies. They reallzed a littie at Miss Clara Darke's during Tyrone United Church Sun-. Mr. and Mrs. Don Real cSevnsi"osvlI. r 4the past week. day. September 22nd at 2:30 Greenbank, a former Tyrone Misses Christine Brent and de one of Kendal Central Mrs. Arniold Austin is stili p.m. when guests were pres- girli (Marie Taylor), daughter Louise Hoar, Mis. Ken Mc- oct for 1968-69: Glenn lni St. Joseph's Hospital, Pet-. ent from Frankford, Toronto, of the late Mn. W. H. Taylor Quaid and Mrs. A. J. Hoar ewhite, Linda Bottreil, erborougti, but slowly and Pantypool, Brooklin, Bowman- and Mrs. Taylor. were marrled attendeci the National Ballet b nCathcart, Karen Cath-. surely progressing toward ne- ville, Oshawa, Orono, Black- 12 years ago an that date ln at OsaaMndyngt ot. Karen Elllott, James covery. stock, Hampton and Tyrone Tyrone nidChchad Ms. Ja modey il be ~ud, Katherine Jury, Ken Abiout 50 nieighbours and charges. were et the front ai the on hand ta organize the Ex.- -yBrian Langstaff, Wayne tiends of Joan Nidhols gath-. Our pastor, 'Rev. David Nor-. chunch to give leadership in plorer'Graup for the coming .Lean, Russell Martineil, ered at the ahurch on Satur- they gave a special welcame the responses. year commencing Sept. 30 at ffCrine Nicholls, Bevely day evening to honour ber ta) any who aven the years Rev. Chnis Dugan deliveed 7 p.. m the Sunday chool t on, Sherry Stapleton, Cor- with a shower of gifts on the have been married in the the marniage sermon, "Before room,. girls 8-11 years. e Turansky, Hazel Wilkin, occasion of her approaohing Trn atrlc arg ia God" givlng sudavc.M.DnyBleMse ta Zealand. Mrs. Campbell yoePsoa chresudavc.M.Dn Blr, iss ches grades one and two. mnarniage. Several ai the girls Tyrone. Haydon, Long Sault, HYmn "Love Divine All Loves SharonFrsradudtB- ýed1Mdes r îyn entertamned those present with Bethesda and Providence. The Excelling."1 Our arganist, isme r ea ondwJuthBele fwith Langston Satunday at agrepae hl h community honored Mr. and Gordyn Brent capably' played weedget !teris fflda nt2:0 fr he hap-player was blindfolded. Try Mrs. Luther Hooper who are appropniate musicaac om- ens nd gbrtofthein-a.Revis IMshlp ai Ontario. Thts will pufling on a nylon stocking 61 years marrîed, with a pot Panedte y ncAten Oter and nbDrorthey n-and Miss be thefint gme i te to wtha Pir i aen iti onai ums M. and Mrs. Aimer service Don and Marie Real Barbara Bilmer. out of three wlns. Kendal lads your haînds. Mesdames R. Farrel af New Tarante were were given a ride up and Card party Friday evening played Cobourg Saturday, a Dinner, H. Best. H. Payne, the eldest married couple pres- down Tyrone Street by Mn. was very well attended. Prizes practice game, and won by a Gwen Ford and Mangaret ent, 50 years married last and Mrs. J. C. Cook In their were as follows. Mn. F. L. 6-2 scre Moore were successiul. As December. antique car. Byam, Mr. Fred Partner, Mn. Guests this weekend with woon as Joan arrived she was "The caR ta worship, hymn A wonderful dlsplay Of pic- Dick Clark, Mn,. Marion Mc-. Mn. and Mis. Truman Ganbutt seated behind a table and ai-. ,o Father Ail Creating", res- tures. former and Original Keen, Miss Irene Reyenga, were thein san, Mn. and Mrs most hldden by its load ai ponsive reading from Psalm wedding dresses, a formel wed- Mrs. Enmma Knapp. 50-50 draw Jack Garbutt and their fam- gay parcels. White beils. and 705 and prayer. ding suit of 1898 and nlany was wen by Mis. Anvilla Bar- ily, Lion, Michael, Gary and streamers of pink and wthite We were very pleased ta other lnteresting articles. rett, Kelly; also Mx. and Mrs. from the ceiling macle a frame have the Excelsior Choir from Lunch was served by Uic Mn. and Mxi. Don Real and Faulkner and their faniily. for table and guest af honaur, Bawmanviile directed by Mn. Centenniel Cammittee In the sons, Greenbank; Mr. and Reith Swarbric-k was down and the white ecioth On the Meïl McCoy and accompanled Communlty Hall along with Mn& Rallph Davey and chld- from Peterborough where he table was decooated witb the by Miss Leta Bragg, who sang wedding cake passed by Don ren, Courtice; Mns. Gardon là attending Trent University. pastel colouns ai thie git two anthems, "Praise ta the and Manie. Many thanks ta Milison and boys. Newcastle; W. «wish ta, congrattilate hi wrappings. Barbara Dininen Lard the Almighty the King the Centennial Comrnittee and M.Grrd tpes n on receiving a scholarship pinned a corsage an Joan's ai Creation" and "Holy Are ali those who helped in any and Mis. L. Phillilps and fam- from Trent University lait ihaulden and Valenie Austin Thou." Flowers in the vesti- way ta make this specialse-i, Year. rnd an addn'ess of good bule were placed by the Dug- vice one ta nremember. Ur lBowmenville, were Sun- There was qulte a fair rep- wishes fnom ber many fri- an's. Our special friend and Rev. Dugan bad the honan daylvionsa o M is. . Hs. resentatIon froni Kendal, Shi- ends. Her sisters, Glaoria and former paster ai this charge, ai drawing the lucky name Tyo n n .Brei lob end Newtonvilie at the Marylin, asslsted the bride ta Rev. Chris Dugan, based his for the Centennial qufit made board meeting at Ncwtonville b. ini opening ber gits, after message from Matt. 19: 1-6 by Club 49 for the Centennial jD  VL E 4 lest week when the nc-align- which Joan thanked those and Eph. 5: 21-31. H-yn4"0 Fund. The lucky little gîrELIZA E H IL ment of the churches was dis- present. Everyone enjoyed - was Kmathy Phasey, daughter cussed. Funther inormation the coffe. or tea and nefresh-. iusing these weeks en ec- ai Mr. and Mrs David Phasey Ohurch services were held wIllh b. necived aften the Pres- ments brougbt as usual in counit ai speclal services. It o! Castffeton, former Tynone here oni Sunday. Next Sun-4 byteny meeting et Gneenwood abundance. Besides the-u coni- was at tpn o'clock on Sept. residents. day services will be here this week. Are we going ta munity people present, were 22nd on account ai anniver- Mr. and Mn.. J. Gibbs. Mn. again. On Oct. 6 services will lame aur church? Miss Mildned Darling, Mini. sary at ZMon-, next Sunday and Mrs. Henry Stainton, Mn. be a united sacrament service i Watch for ads about aur Ruth Andrus, Mini. Yvonne marning as usuel, and eanîy and Mis. Lloyd Skinner, Miss et. Garden Hill. Oct. 13th is Turkey Supper Oct. 23nd. Borcmi, and Mine. Dorella the fallowing Sunday ion the Anne Skinner were guests On Canton anniversary, Oct. 20th There wai quite e emali. con- Ohard of Pa)rt Hope, Mini. S. World Day of Prayer. The Saturday a! the Henderson- is Gade Hill's, and Oct. 27th4 gregation out ta chunch Sun-. Lancaster oi Newtonville. boys' classe% read the morn- Scott wedding ln Canton i ainniversary here. day. Rev. T. . Snelgrove took SundaY School trne in con-ing scipture. United Chunch. - On..Satundav night. the crnw-.' 2"f6S But you'rei a number m Chequing To ronto-D or We thlnk cf peopli why Toronto-.Demit choquas wth a Pori PCA laitho Iow-cosi record cf what you a Choquing Acceunt TrORONTODOlI ::The bank where people make thi X. G. LAWTON, MauaRger 39 Temperance St. Bowmanville4 Ontario - ~vns.ucone YungB0Wmunity and friends îrom sur- Toranill e; isrentgyesaung, nound i ng aeas gathered eta Tornto wre ecet uesi c M. and Mus. Clarence Mer Mr. and Mn,. Luther Hooper ce's berne te honor Mu. and i and Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Mini. Ron Mercer who weue Richards. marricd recently. Mn. M. sN.Woodley, Bowman- Misses Manlene and Diana Elle H.a d r. C i t n B at yaSm a n e y M s of Mn. and Mini. L. Hooper ings by Mus. E. Fwe n and Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards. Mini H. Thickson and an in- Mrs. Percy McCoy attended strumental by Mus. F. Wheei- the wedding on Saturday ai er made up the pragram. Mns. ber granddaughter, Miss Gloria K. Trew reacd the address and Woodward in Downsview. te r psned wh Mus. Ann Casey, Windsor, threyere pr abested with 4 Mrs. N. Rogers, Taranto; Mnr' esaktbls ag and Mis. A. Mooney and îam. iecbnto okaead Kiy, Oshawa. were visitons cf a pair oi vases. Lunch was Mn. nd M,. J Cavrs. served by the ladies. Mn.andMin. Rnal PbIp Cuba and Scouts met t bus ~ ad dugben. Obaw, wtbweek on Manday and Wed- EdnaPhip ad Mss eannesday nàghts nespectively. Mrs.Edn Phlp ad Mss ean Little Guy Doucette cele- Mn. and Mira. J. Hathenly, bnated his third bintbday on .Newtonville; Mr. and Mini Saturdey. .Wibe Hanry Hatheniy and Karen, Mrn. and Mini.D.Wibe Tarate;Mn.andMin. Fankand two girls, Oshawa. spent Hatherly, Lakeview, vlsited the weekerud w-th Mr. and .' theur mother, Mini. Anale Mis. L. Muldrew. While here Hatbcrly. they ahD took in Lindsay Fair. Mr. and Mini. Menten Mavin Mr. and Mina. Roht. West-4 Oshawa; Mrs. David Park: heuser, Bcwmanville, spen Bowmanville. wlth Mrs. A. weekend wîthMn moe ha Wot~od and sn:Mns. H. Thickson. m r hnjustMrs. Ronald Scott, Bowma.n- Mr..and Mns. H. Quantrnill vit a ersnal ville, with Mr. and Min.. w. long with Mr. end Mn.. John Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner, Suiid*y with Mr. and Mrs.H.'e Account at Mrs. N. Woadley, Mn.. W. p. Holden, Guelph. Park, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mn and MnI. John DeKoker flifliof. Mna. Earl Stephens, Sutton, spent Sunday witb Mn. and wene guests oi Mr. and Mr.. Mini. H. Steats, Brantford. at individuals.Which explains Lloyd Skinner. Mn. and Mini. Howard Quan- nlan gives free fully persenallzed Mr. and Mns. Walter Park t.nill Ment a couple ai dayl et senai Chequing Account. visited witb thein son and Niagara thia week. rtway to pay bills and keP a daugbter-.in-iaw, Mr. and Mn.. Mr. and Mini. V. Peacock spnd. Sa open a Persanal Douglas Park, Oshawa. spent Sunday with Min. and - tToronto-Dominion taday. Mr. and Mins. Ralph Eoweru Mnm W. Héosey, Milligaru. t and sans vislted Mr. and Mn,. Mrn. anîd Min,. D. Mcffatt * * -Arn old Williams, Nestleten. had a corn neait and social 1 Nr and Mxi. Wilbent LiiI- evening Saturday nugbt. w1 IN IO N cnopp, Cannlagton, were Sat-. Mr. and Mn. R. Winn had unday dianer guests of Mr. a birthdaY Party for young Là e dlTerence. and Mrs. W. Park. Robt. on Saturday and hidad Mn,. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, numiber of the young folk cf was Sunday guestu and Mr. the coumnnity. and Mina. Aluner Fazincl, New Mrs. Paul Woelacatt and Toronto. are spendiag a iew the twins cameeberne on Suni- days with Mn. and Mrs. tarldaY. Their naines mn Michael lpzmsctt. on Moda yth" amd SWUvu. fg Maple Leaf Brand (By the pîcce) Iu lb. 33c xm Bittner'. Coil SPOLISH SAUSAGE lb. 89c f~Blttner's SLIVER Poste LOAF lb. $1.19 4~Coorsh Famous f~CORNED BEEF fl Pks.89c pe Serve Maple Leaf Brand Slleed COOKED MEATS Macaroni & Cheese Loaf ,~Chicken Loaf- Bologne '~Pickle & Pimento Loaf Meat & Olive -Loaf %'24 Dutch Loaf T6-02.c 40 Pkg. 25 SNOP UNTHCONFIDENCEI f~Lazy Maple and Swlft's Pnemlum Breaikfasçt Baicon kg. À SMaple Leaf Brand Puîe Pork (Skinless)* 1-lb. Fresh From Sunny Brazil- Sweet and Ju. VALENCIÀA Ontario Grown - Can. No. 1 Grade CELERY 1 Ontario Grown - Garden Fresh - ,PEPPER Si 'rfàDominion's Own Bakery FE tRichmello Mince on - 24-az. BLUEBERRY PIES Ricbmello - 24-oz. Loaf FCRUSTY BREAD Richmello Orange s ~CHIFFON CAKE Richmello - 12-oz. s ICHERRY CAKE- flHealth and Beauty Aid Fe SFamlly Size Tube SColgate TOOTHPASTE 3-oz. Tube GROOM and CLEAN S10-ai. Acrosol Bcmb q L4,SUAVE HAIR SPRAY MacLean'tq - Lange Suze Tube 1TOOTHPASTE 2foi eottle af 100 Tablets MILK 0F MAGNESIA 0 ayer - Bottlo, af 100's6 tèIASPIRIN TABLETS im A A ION STOIRES LIME Avenue (Highway No. 2, East) i Th. Canadiai, Statesma, EwmanvMle, SeMt. 25, 196;8 Burley Bus Plans ,,tJree Extensions 4' rley Bus Lines Lllte, Hapt1 and Kendal. Thhn bun, bsapplied ta the service luln nedtaserve 9.tagihigways Transport Hemten n eeOr one, Do0ard fer thnee extensions to Kenda and the Oshawa Ski Ib'éexlting service. Club. 4ih. firni bas appiied for an The third extension sought tq#ehsion cf Ite public ve:hicle 18 to service a lakeshore route sferatlng licence for tube car- between Newtonville and Port eff ofpaseners pace x.Hope via Port Granby. Wes.- p= aenges, pancleIyvifle anud Port Britain. This ap and bPgogrte en latter rout4 ia feuitotabe im-. <la~are an Por Pery. potant In vîew cf the fact -A extension ig aise beught that Ontario Hydra plans ta tôtW brovide a service on Taun- erect a nuclear power plant tri MIIIÇoad frem Oshawa te the ane. KENDAL 14 ýéÎ