¶ The Canadian ~tatesman, Eowmanvilhê, Sept. 23, 1968 ~' h CIMSSIFIW ADI DIT RWULTIIMagistrateCor9 eXpERENEWanteaaovê wanted Realci Ecde for Sale Real Estate for ScdlReal Estate for Sale &oice to rdt s HeId in Bcw avle wa ees I.ApyCslMoe. FEMALE HELP viio tretîampton - telle- W. Frank Real Estate John F. DeWiih AND I ueHE, epem r24 earlier this sunuem perd iigAt . .Gen'r - -UgtVatr or poFe63224 3-ILM1TED REAL ESTATE LIMITED IN THE ESTATE 0F SAMUEL' Magistrat.. R. B. Bixter port having been prprd1eTi u.cnrclçfr .- PIJLL-TIME waitresaes. AP V JIY la Persan te BEAUTIFUL treed buildingRELO REALTOR iRUSSELL PERKINS. Iste Of:presided with Crown Attorney waa 4iven suspende etnecagd ihdihgwti Th oaeu etuanlt 0'x10,InNwate.2 igSt. W., BwmABVIIe 14 Frank St. Bowmanvllle1the Township of Darlington, G. F. Bonnycastie. for two years. oa odto iefeto oe oddwt levley e oyageur eataant, e 1 SPl.C. T Y Newlotl0'8x4342 aNesl. 391 K 823-*393 In the County of Durham, Re-j William Tate, 19 Kingscourt, being that he stayhoewk-eloieaStMrysCmft Waver eRoad, owmanvIl~. I I~...LL1MeNewartOsh97w4342d39District93Phone 623-3111 jtired Farmer, deceased, who'Bowmanville, was fined $50 ends from Friday 3 ngt ury __________________ ____ PA- ER PRODUCTS WEST Beh, îiterlzd co-I elesawead 9DistrictME:iedaBwanlle ntarIo, ýandcsa r1 as olw odymrigdrn ht .BanoDsrc npo GEN4sfiAL help. nursing ex-,tg,6 om it w ht-i RalEatBor9RO EDHM:wh on or about the 26th day Oflang conviction for careles Ure. trfrteDprmn perience helpful, for day orted and screened verandah!l, I 140 Acres, Orono small paratebapth. 011sieat-e. H 1968. EAC drivlng. Evidence was that Wayne Chapple, DvdHr ieli fvstn h iê nlght shlft. 623-3711 after 6.143 TEMPERANCE STREET flush toilet, large kitchen, lot-s. î1,1 acres workable,- 10 room ed. 4-pc$1,0. b th. oodsi ze Ot HETUSE A R.S.O. Mr. Tate was westbound onl mer, Rantford Nicersn o.l oebradaanltt~ 39-l'Askn $650.Tem. s 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52. ýKing Street at Liberty. The aid Sheehan and 1eadBn n aigte okn~ * ME orwomn fr aplepic-j OWMANVILLE, ONT. of parking. $1,800 down tOI home. 2 baths, o11 furnace, jfor George VanDyk. Creditors and others hav- 'vehicle ahead of hlm stopped nett, charged withulwu atriisedo h AM at once fon ppe -21439_1 IsTt mortgage. Ask for Mr. barn 36 x 120, 30 x 50, hog 134 ACRE FARM: 25 acres ing dlaims against the above for a red Ight. When it chang- assembly, again tidtehv25x5paerwihhehd Ing Ha~~RALETARCAZR nlryVane t6233. L .S. baalt r n 0x16.To 1ae orchard, 7 roomed home, 3-pce. Estate are required te send ed te green, Mr. Tate swung their bail reduced. aia-isrce nhspeiu- or cali at Lot 8, Con. 6, Danl- IRA ETT1ARE lgoeC.-t. eatr.road frontages. Locat.ed near adfl rbathaondteohrca n e ndDnl E Ington. ____39-1 Wanted - a full Urne real 38-2 Orono. Only $55,000. Tersath. Large barn. Garage. partîcularsan fuipofutrudthohrcranmeanDnldSehnas-vs. - ~~estate aient for Bowmanville Drive shed. Ask for George thereof te the undersigned onl proceeded west at a high rate ed the requiredamutth1 MgtreBatreerd ately. Cali after 6 p.m. Ralph help you plus extra advertis- A. L. iiooey Good corner property wlth' LARGE 3 bedroom, brick thembssfter.168,ate wldae Csevtbeismanorh aveob-he heaIngbigse o eaueo asneo Hogeterp, R.R. 3, Newcastle. ngto expand commissions. i RELESAT ND celnt vew.on ae oadigwthas.E ihtacegr dsets !tehe ategardesevdtî mneve gv coerIt vcto ortrewek hr 08-42.ng1 ELfroT AD celntgewon paved roain x-bnaowgt ttceIar ltrbtdthvn egr achase, following the Tat.e car William ConnensadJh a nuuulylreFm.y 98-99 _ __ Member cf most Real Estater age on. 4 acres. Ail modern the WiII and the dlaims that dw oGoya hr tMlil aos HELP wanted on mink ranch. Boards. Contact Lloyd G.1 INSURANCE !pond sites. 2 storey, 8 r0oem conveniences. Courtice area. have then been received. dnrow ta Goodycar ere it evleJcos perngfradJveieCut P ul rpart time.Good waes Lee, F.R.. Vice President, H. iBoit manvîie -38 LibrtyN.faehue Br 11 0.Akn 3.50 em. DATED at Bowmanvllle, On-! namnowly isspeed eeraopikthettybai tresas, er rîes for r t men. ago Klh t. Rat- e181Eg .Asking $40,000. Terms. itro 'e4hd. yo e te rsiapae neteo al ni coe s.FN ULT for riht man Hamptn Keit Ltd. ealtor 181 Elin- 63-721 75 ACRES wit.h lovelytaitethdycSptm Iparking lot east cf the plant Two teenage grswr OUET N 263-2642 after 6 p.m. 318-2 ton Avenue, Toronto 12. Tele- 6376 155 Acres, Tyrone stream. Pantly wooded. Ask- ber, 1968. wt h rie ls eid hre ihudrg rn- AKR * RESTAURANT help for steadYphe48-3. MAPLE GROVE - 3 Bed- Good stock farm. 7 miles jIng $22.000. Terras. Cal: Lawrence C. Mason, Esq., Q.C.,i Phîîîip Bragg, charged with ing. Dianna Cewles gd1. rae 1ig o ae etig2soe oe ag an,1 30 King Street West, wsfnd$5a perience. H o n e y Hollow Auction Sales jsîdîn, h1twater eatlng 2 sthey hoe, lare ber Restaurant, Newcastle. Phone 'built-in stove and refrigerator. pond. Good early soil. Onîy hoeDO M: 1'ed 3-ce bthey Box 129, ithe otheae Coapurdrtl'~ .,,,..u.s 997-4208.--3- Auction every -W ednesday, Large lot. Small building $45,000. Terms. O ieyted -c.bt.jBewmanville. Ontario, HÂYDON nJvnlCor.(UW1 TAFR - O ieytedlot. AskinglISolicitor for the Executcs-1s. James Thosapson hre RS T. ______ - starts 6:30 p.m., Bowmanvllle1suitable for pny. Asking; 250 Acres, Newtonville * $12,900. Terms. Cal: Georgelj3- m n rs erePvywith supplying liqurt mn- ~PPLE pickers. E. Mostert, Auction Barn. Cal 728-1005, only $14,700. Tîerms. Two sets cf buildings, 8 room VanDyk. j73f Mtan SrGreEglnorsvereiyimssdb go.2 Highway. finst farm 723-0976. Deug Gower, Jim! BofANILE -3 ed brckhoseSlurrsuebrck cng asecf aditakein h n southeast of nanrow subway,,Wood.s, auctioneers. 34-tf OMNIL -3Be bikhu psInlbrc MAPLE GROVE: 5 oomned T!rT'K Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennett, caue f amlTa east of Newcastle. Telephone _____room brick, semi-detached, house. Large barns, excellent home with ail furnace. 4 -pce. ELLiVERTONJ UL Bowmanville, wene Thursday formation, 987-4654. 39-1 1 new furnace. Close to shop- stock farm, stream. $90,000.- bath. Asking $13,700. Cali:' visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. E a,1 rdrc v. FEMLE-anttie ad filWEEKLY ping. Askiiig $12.500 w1th Terms.j Jan Oudshoorn. A speedy recovery te our Cameron. appeared for an ifato f Sa' î~ UreMAshort orde andkfurll V SOC iLS only $2.000 down.99ArsPotPry1(ACEAM:8ooe neighbors, Mn. and Mrs. Mm. and Mrs. James Pater- a town by-law, alwn isr raw~ cafeteria. For appointment, SRIE O 0 6,Dairy farm, veny productive i brick home. 011 heated, 4-pce. WilliaeMcCae, th of son, NBth M.,anspetothe ter-lnd gte cbarg.e dyi( o 623-3373, Flying Dutchman st Durham Conutr Sales Arena,1 central. Asking $5,200. Tern¶. cday loam soil, 2 ponds. '2 bath. Large barn. Stream. ated In Ross Memonial Hos- .sort and family. la itUcan did etapea, avaman Motr nn. _______39-1 Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. E Wbarns, -12-36 pig pen, mlmntAkn $40,000. Terms. Cali:whmaecrntynace-wthM.ndMsRoPte10 t dmssdLMTD Sellig Heres.Cttie, SwInt, IE./W.torryadlpyemenjAs35n pital In Lindsay. Mn. Me-j Mrs. Bruce Gafllagher, Mn. Most of the day aspet IPEMALE waitress, expenienc- Calvez, Sheep, etc. Charlie Ken. A. Caveriy- 263-2632 rsum la- an budshorn. Cabe nderwent uccessful IFrank Gallagher, Mr. Arnold hearing a chargeladAnl0Bo13 ed, for midnight shift. Five Rei, Auctioneer and Pro - i39-1 ecm canveniences. Good water 10ARBULIGOT:sreyti ekadsr-Glagr, jxcldongis PtMN ______etwek rnsota ritr 23-tf spl.Vndrwl ell as for 1,200 sq. ft. homes. Only ported progressing favorabiy. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paterson on hill, with failing t opy Po hty6835 niha e ee.Tanprt-983 t ___-59Jr17pl. edo ij ~ 10 down. Balance at 6%.1 Belated congratulations te Sunday. with the provisiosoth or 987-4215. __ 39-l*. Peter Kowal, Jr. Tcen skig mCîl office.M.d MrsMevile Le- Mr. Donald Thompson, Bow- iSaturday, Oct. 5, by public j'CVN 16ar amwthtag1c Oee h b manville; Mr. Roland Thomp- MALE or female cook or auction, a brick schoi house, I REALTOR j 16 Acres, Oshawa 8 rome hoe 116 ea hted, nj erv ed O hodin onHmtnb-stdMs . waltress. Must have own 1/ acre lot, pressure system omdhme 1 etd -s.vdter5t Wdigsn apon iie r.A trasprtaonan bewilig cl eaing fus toles n d GENERAL INSURANCE 9 room homne, 2 bathraoms,i pce. bath. Good size barn. Anniversary last week. Mn. Thompson. tranwor weekand . e wlepho paera No. 60us (binoets'12 iSKing St. W. Bowmanvile terrliieview. Barn 40 x 100. iAsking $30.000. Terms. Cali: and Mrs. Lethangue are well Mr. and Mrs. M. PallÈrd Newowte 987-420. 39-1 ile est cf B. (ethny off 1ih-3 miles from city limits. IdealiRais Davidson. i known in this area. having and family visited Mn. and NewystNe.87-20and9-2 mile eto e s snoutih), I 623-2453 1herse farm. $39.500. Terms. MIKFRM ½ace.farmed for years east o! Lotus. Mrs. Art Pollard, Scarborough. SARAH Coventry, nationally 1mlsto k o.SaeSiomnil R.R. 1, Millbrook iLovely 3 bedroam bungalow. Miss Pat Buxton on cor- at 145 p.i. and church ser- goo ernigs plasnt igi-640-1494, Atkinson and wîî- . 3 Apartment Income home rhoe 15 rooms, 6 bedrooms. aise be bought as a going con- Lindsay last summer Is now 21 is having a card and crib- ~ ~ lie_____N_ 'mtmnt 1eptar. ot ater Inhxeeatig u~ u IU II~ k O fied wFor.sNolnvestmnt. j 3-1:cnraylote.nexlet springi-fed ponds, 1 stocked cern. with 1,700 animais, equip- attending Trent University in bage party in the school on coliectIng. or deivering.1or j sn, AucHoneer. 39-1r wit Interview appointment c a 1l j Large lot. Oly$21,900. Terms. t trout, 6,000 Scotch Pine1 ment, etc. Ask for Phyllis Peterborough, specialiing in Saturday night at 8 pan. Adults Newcastle 987-4491. 39-1 Auction sale at Stlrtevant's 1nl ready toecut. Good' fronta ge McRobble. 9romdBioiogy. 'only. Sec Coming Events. FRESH -LRG to6I. COMPETENT cook - bouse- Oshawa, Thursday, September Stey10nohoenaI with $25.000 down. incarne home wth two bath- si a ece eki h n ail aldo nadf I keeer or wolades n Nw-26, 7 p.m., G.E. refrigerater, park-Ilke setting. Truly one 100 Acre Corner Farm moams,00. C e tr . Aknîs e esne xeIenced Mrs. Fred McLaughlin, Fene- R 0 A N castle, well equipped oe eectnîc steve, chestemfîeîd of Newcastl' ine r I$1Ë00oeri in years. On Sunday fans by Ion Falls, on Sunday M live In, generous time off state ierhmes.J Newtonville, 1 mile off 401.'1 OEL:T wages cxpected. Reference. suite, writing desk, vacuum Has 2 fireplaces, broadloam, Attractive large brick home, OEY 3 bedroom brick the carioad cengregated on Mms. A. Thompson was dîn-*frL tle Ot d) garage. Hanover kitchen ton te cheer the Manvens team Osmond, Bowmanville, on H1- Write Box 77, NewcastiOn. amps. Irames, dIshes. roll-! sei. scaped lot. Good stream runs wîth built-in stove and oven, to a 19-9 vlctony oven the Monday. - Er XE LLEph NeT87 ppo8tun3tyï away beds, power lawn mow- through property, productive 'i etd.4pe ah.PtoCetH ICCF (inr f Mn n r.Lly stn LE CompaL ENyhTopetning er, sewing machine, hanging Kendal !soul. Good barn, hardwood ol eatc d -c.bt.Pto eteo ...(inr fM.adM ly stn Larg copan basopeInglamp, china cabinet. Many 15 Acres with sprlngs. 7 1 bush. This exceptional prop- etc Cal: Jan Oudshoorn. the Scugog League). Despite Ronald and Ray, were Sunday BNLS for a local nesident with bus- more articles. Terms cash. 1 acres cleared. Asking $7,500. etmutb sod Asig WELL KEPT: 9omesmespppaygonbtdnnrustcf Mm. and Mrs. BNLS Iness or sales background Re- Myes King, A uc ti on e erTerms. ,0. Terms. home with separate apt. Ae1I 'l sdeesflourhome runs ton the Milton Stainton, Enniskillen. f ply stating personal history, 723-0501. 39-1,$0.00 modern conveniences. Asklng Bethany team - two In the Mns. Lloyd Ashton attended education and expenience, t.o ____ Newcastle 1! * Kendal His ; $16,500. Terms ariranged. Ask first inning, assisted the Man- a shower for Miss Jean Tamb- PO.Bo 2, OhaaOn. *Autin aleofmoem Beatiul3 edrombrck 2 storey 8 roem home with for George VanDyk. vers team te maintain its su- iyn at the home o! Mme.W. (ô 3à-4 cionsleo mdr bungalow on 14 acre lot. In beautiful view, painted barn,!'1Il/2 ACRES: partly wooded i pnemacy throughout the game., Bowman, Enniskillen. rO furniture, property cf Mn. J. spotless condition. Must be 15 acres land Included. Asking wIth ioveiy strong stneam. Ask- Congratulations tea, la the MALE McMilian, 61 Thornllffe St.. seen before you buy. Only, $22.900. Terms.in$1.0.ersCa:GogeBtnyPeWe em ' ,y,-runfTB s on Sak O. STORES Adventist Church, Satunday, i 30 Acres, Courtice VanDyk. terwnoerMlbokthat BLACKSTOCK Bolb September 28, 1 p.m.: auto- Hampton!! 1000' frontage on Courtice * NEW 3 BEDROOM: brick gave them the Austin Worri reANAEdfRcm, i reeto terc, Flee- 1 ce lhsra.IelRa ot.Alwoe n'bungalow with carpent. Elec- Trophy In four straight games. rnTe Anglican Guild met at irFlewo tro locint onhm.$50ae fgo oss )3.000. tricaiîy heated, 4-pce. bath. Manager Ernie Youngman can the home o! Mairjorie Green SITPEIMSITDNE aodtlvsorfieaoTrs Living and dining oom. Ask- be justifiably proud e! bis on Thursdray night, The hos- ,j ero tl, eectic sove 21 u. t. feez TTesing $21.500. Ask for George proteges whose ability to come tess led th lb. onlred BREAKAT ULYCOE 0m ra osiaeriettevsie, 1 cu. ft. treez- erms. 1 25 Scenie Acres, Oshawa VanDyk. from behind. game after game ing from Luke 21: "Men do Bo nxnvll mdetesuite, bedmoosa Cohartice!! Wooded land near Simcoe: 100 ACRE FARM: with 8 and bat thein way te Ictory, not lve by bread alone." The B A c ONH A M S Onde12 eucaton irefeabhy suiteasoap rcoar d-ms 5 Room 11/ storey home on' Street North. Good buildingi'roomed home. 011 heated. 4 wa most commendable. The hymn "Abide Witb Me" was exelec l nvno y er, camping equipment, rugs, 12 acre lot nean schoo PmIn~ sites. Asking only $15.000. ipcle. bath. Barn. Stream. teasa enjoyed a pleasant atter- sung; W. A. prayens repeated «r ncin urentoran asuecas.ellg eEuo ent dti90.Ten. 200 Aces, Milook Asking $2.5.000. Ask for noon on Saturday at the home responsiVely. Discussion ne - Caifrspltent Myash.KoIng utoeerPone Bowmta 1790.llle!0!Ars, ilrok George VanDyk. o! Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Kieipfer chicken pie supper in Oct. lb1l 723-50i 39-1 itn yesKn, utine hn Bowaleoabik on!n lrebrs.8ro!oeIBWAVIL 3bd'of Bethany when the mothens Work party at the church was 72-50.3912 lpond rs 8Go sto tarsa. I nc 3 em rdlwwt l- provided the yeung try with planned tor- Saturday, Sept. B. A. Brownexcelent ond i on. eI'pndrs 4 .000 Tems. sted reck.bnaom N h ice ne- a wiener toast and aqsorted 281ib. A delicicus lunch was ONTARIO Noi excelen coditin. entally$45,00. Tems.Ishd re. rom.Nicey dc- eliccle. Te bos hnord seed nd ocia t4-Qtjo. Péurehabint Agent Giving up tarming - Auction located. Full pnice $13.000. Esae!saaorated. Patio In back yard. their managem-coach by pre- ed. Atteadance P.O Gentlemian's EttOhw Akn 2,0. Ask fodr cce.Teby ooe &e adsca ia l e G L P SBse 623-3331 fumniture, the propcrty o! Ern- arned 120 acres - Ideal fer golf Phyllis McRobbie. setiby ngriedit a des t __________ 31esale cf tammLstck, imemntssTe.as4 miles tram City NRH0FNWASTLE: yMongfrve tiandgRS 39-iestaryseTnshti2, IConceson Aergr - 997-4267cmt. 2 stoney home, living, 1 Lovely 3 bedroosa brick bun- ýeeffrort he gave se unstintir 'RgPIlREHN. yRS -LADIESCNreow nsht ib. omiesB A3McGer 9687dining, sun room and large: galow wîth carpont. Twe years to bis teasa. We, toc, werc n& P lu olus Cantauo pe L IES Highway 115, Saturday, SepJ Peter Kowal Jr. - 62356 famiiy room with firepilace old. Asking $20.900. Terms. most grateful for the waiiet OFFICIAL ROSTESS to visit tember 28 at i o'clock. Cattie: 39-1 downstairs, 3 large bcdrooms Cali: George VanDyk. gîven ta us by the boys (bow- FirstivMeeGRENiNnN the homes of Newcomens, 10 Hereford cows witb calves upstairs. 2 bathrooms, double fe orPla Ci: evrudsvd)orutef-ju Newlyweds, and New Babies, at foot, 12 steers and helfers -__- iattached garage, large shade AfterHeurs14ease ali: e e unell s c)oo r t slf-i -anileBuins bringing thern "housewarming MH o . 2 tatr, racer:Jaktrees. Painted barns, 2 streasas. Don MountJOY b63-64appse. neaste rcach atlst j T eomavill e u2iefsorfor4 giftl" and local Information, T I 2 ratrtaco Corner propenty. A s k i n g, Phyllis MeRobble - 623-7159 bas e Master Bych e Jimoand Pofsial Waes C while extendlng the weccome plow. M-H tracter mower, Hay R IC AR D oniy $115,000. TÈersas. Rosa Davldson - Bethany 30R2 wamesas n he bMbs tevlue Club heid their timat meeting _____________ _______ banCofRteteammates Yur asdethe mostue svalu-, 1of the 1968-69 scason on badc h crmnt.orlde, MHmnr pedr Building Lot 1 Wesley Anderson- 349-2669 able playen on the team. and nlsaSp.1,wt 0 TATMS ownpat-imehers frtize ad raiertili- Ld. Rertr ande eagrainhwalodrGergeliy 62--37Ltdlvd Retblltlquoa *wnpar tm hu.drus rellier, Waterloo side- 3mlsesttOhwlt ereVny 2-47riefiasuiabp lques. s Thumbrsand Sege 9.w t 0 TATMSE "HI NEIGHBOUR" WELCOME ae binder, two-row cr 100 x 240. $4,000. !Harold Coutts 725-2649 tiuec i prows.Ti sebrsad eengess CII4 IAO SV SERVICE, a Canadian Flrmrae .con'rnrnj the tirst time since 1963 thatpeevt with Branches Iu every prînci- scuffier, 24 ft. baie elevater, 6320 Newcastle ýJan Oudshoorn - 623-3950 thîs cup bas come to a Man- Afte.r a delicious dinnerK Pal City and town Coast 4te scales, fanning miii, rubber- 11/2'storey, 7 noem home.! is htoML S în ertetanyor orespond- Ansevdew'sthe.rcadies o ietB.I 0 Coast, neeis a lady, *te Si5te tired wagon, bob-sleigbs. cut- Oshawa Central Large lot, close te school and i W i htoML S inveth eany oreseondve'> seed by tAi lades cf St. UNG .ouaI&aI6 . wo a ter, e.p lecrcaîgrna, -ts es rckbnalwo-iceshopping. $15.000. Tersas. 1 , lEclsieent bas aieady done a most Jnxluieean Devitt presided over thel Min. Max. heavily In tlsis bord with 11 nersig iw ate Trryiï Maiter. 5- Wrd2a3-37r92!Oc fos Before elosing, the presi- P' u tr" Level 119-85, 7,m 4 e,,.. s sevice.nd30 hal so. .000.as-ea. AskgBk 9377Jim Stacey that ho haas-ny- dent announccd ihat there P GlutlE Levi z ssw.- mes mny ineduuhtes o Rok- 0 Ares- Ceek Maner afue -6233605 but Is having a littie dlfficuity ln Cobourg on Saturday, Oct. -o.A 7 f C tAve 4 $V~. .wdl relet aseLa er Fat Yeo - - - 623-3077- 1Scots dialect and bis own Man- attending should notify thn Jar lb Lovel à ,$6900_$10,500 Kayen Farsa Anthony and Vr ce.,weitee a-Rousa Gilart - Orono 983-553231comncain ewen,11gh.adths ntrstdUc1 a Incemet $99 Seling Petro. cei. Perfect for weekend e-MFosterrs ron933-801r Iprcsideest by Octeber ist. RV A herd with exceptîonaîîy Hnd orOsaa re Harvesting ln aur commun- AIiowance for Previous Ex-goddertruhutThs resident. $5.500. 'Weston Bannister - ___________ perience: Level 1-5 îears. combined with the sharpness Bidn os+Hu. Hwr Gardon HilI 797-2215 i taaOFFCLl scoml e ae lua.Hrey sraIon SUMMIT - AsoedFaur LeveI 2-8 sean, Level 3-10ofo!these cattle as well as many i bldig. iot ls +atoe o wa d reoklu65-353HAWULUkA E. towed swsy the Iast itchy o sra ears and Leveis 4 and 512 decades cf sound breedlng and bse lnsu tcio! now-Gre Bto n 5-383 - LI ILÎfl bales onto outdoor stacks that n o_________________________ ALS NEDE A E !of ie finest opportunites te otPer 8-28 urai ingeauity. Ooops - spoke, purchase replacements hs Commercial aud ludustrial Andy Sutcha - Orone 983-i9119 DirectTont Lin 922-7970 too scon~. Anothor lalidslide TheOntrio~j Department o! BINETT RTEBIE Supply ieacners fait. The ycung cattie are out- 1 ehv ic !coa o îog-Bthn 21' bat and our englaeer's licence 13 EOergy and Resources Manage MA G RN1 DAILLV RATE standing as well. mercialiy zoned land 155':x30 3-'Listings needed by a Firmioc oervkd ment announce that the 3 Pre-Level - $15.00 Selling ut one o'clock sharp on Base Line. Bowsaaaville et 1T-e Yelventen girls bail teamn estsblished Conservation. Au- Quallfied Teachers $21.00 1031 iba. cf milk quota; 66 cati $11,000. Aise 3 acres zoned pESUTTT1' TM 1 wlth a proven Record cf Sales-: and the Millbrook girls. cur- thorities ln Ontario Witt hold A EW24o DeLuval bulk coean a light Industry et $ i8,QOO. Cati for courteous service.I rentiy ln their finals, are ut- their Eieveath Biennial Con- Ib.o L Reply statint experlence, quali- "Sputnick" bothoeyaridI Terms. Cousuit a Member of thé rc4n1onbeabelcas-$ eeneo Speme 5 fications, and name and ad- Lunch uvailablo ut farsa. MaMcoad--6391 Local Representatives: terest. Don't kaow wbetber through 27. 1968. drouaec lait inspecter. to: Shore Hoîsteins Ltd., Na iDnl 62-3911 ____;Les Hall, Bowmmnviloe 623-5211, Its their playing ability or the Some 400 delegates repre-1 ,Ro.bt. P. Gutteridge, e lanworthAOnt. Witf Hawks - 5 iI2?II iFrdBacae oma lewuy they throw their "curvea" senting the Conservation Au- ' Sae MLloydd ULA nr. i FrdBacKBwavlearouad t.hut la the biggest t.horities will attend the Con- PRINCIPAL 39-1Lly Atchison 786-2959 JI 623-3711 drawing card. This pat week fereace te be held ut thbe Rock __________________iWayne Marchant 623-2945 the Yelvertoa girls clobbered Hayon Motel ln Peterborough. Y FAKAACECETMryHah WA20 ULIL LSI CEVCE41 akRd lvela Wdesa veNn ts inl uttndn pekr ad______-IOsasAraOfiettheis-rvais2a Yeiveton. O The pogrSERVIcCEds som (HOME FQAIY PaoTuning North40PakR.Coela W nsa vinthfiasottnigpaerada BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO - - . - Dick ïMetcalf 8 23-5293 Oshatwa & District Manager - Frank Smith, 'continue ut Milllrook. At one number ef werkshop sessions F " ' L A L~ anteed. Arthursrle Cc w chshould provide sei ln-R F *IP[~'~. ý%hone 623-5151,, PROnESSINALrwork guar- Ganamt Rîcard 623Z-7.197 Real Estat. Board; Oshawa. 576-03».; or say not be completed be- terextlng a n d Informative f-16333900, i U1 ,__________________________fore the snow floUe&ldeas. 1' r i 'I I i r. 17, 71- ý