Ceremony Took Place in Courtîce Unitec Mr. and Mrs. Donald EarI Simmons, shown in the above photo, exchanged m'arriage vows in Courtice United Church on Saturday afternoori, August 24, 1968, at 2:30 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Barbara Dianne Balson, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Balson of Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of _ Mr . -and _M__rs. -Cecil Simmons, Courtice. - Photoby Aster Studio Walkey cf Bowmanville andi Mr. Bill Wanburton cf Osh- awa. The reception was held iný é Courtice United Church Hall where tihe bride'. mothen re- Weddings owlae heffdrssit W eddi gs AQceived wearing a canary-yel- les and corsage of white car- nations. She was assisted in receîving by tihe groom's mc- ther who wore a beige linen sheath with light beige ac-« cessonies and corsage cf yel-[ low carnations. I IIM*MONS BALSON r played the wedding musi-.! As the happy couple left on! Mrs. Kenneth Hull was the! their wedding trip to Cali- jThe marriage of Miss Bar- soloist. For the ceremony,Sfrnia and British Columbia,1 baaDii'nne Balson, daughter'baskets o f white gladioli andithe bride was wearing a dress< cf r. ndMrs Rssel , yellow 'mums prettily decor-fland ecat cf brightly flowerede 13a1son. Bowmanville. and Mr.1 ated the church, and theilinen wîth white accessories.( Donald Earl Simmons, Wood- guest pews were marked by!A corsage of yeilow 'mumsc stock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ilily-of-the-valley clusters tied' ccmplemented her travelling Cecl SmmosCoutic, wslwith white satin bows. i ensemble. hyaersdn volemnized in Courtice Unitedi hyaersdn _4l4urch on Saturday after-1 The bride, who was given at 770 Hu.ghson St., Apt, 401, noo, Agus 24 198, 2: in marriage by her father,1 Woodstock. Honored guestsr n'coon ugs 2,168 t :0was radiant in a billowy. ful- at the wedding were the o'lok.length gown cf white silk or-Ibide's maternai grandfather,e Rev. John Romerit officiat-lganza over- satin with lace. and the groom's maternai ed and Mrs. Walter-Short bdc and long lace, lily- grafldparents. pointed sleeves. She wore thel The bride attended Courtice Burin R cta IchgroonVs gift, cultured pearp PublicSchool, o'Neill Colleg- veil cf illusion tulle was held' High Sehool. The groom, whOh Relieed InM1]jUeSýbya whte rose and lily-cf 1 is emplcyed as an electricaln R eieed n inuesthe-vaIley headpiece, and ber1 engineer with Truck Engin- t Excusve cain SustnceI ouuet was a spray of Amer-j eering, Woodstock, attendedS Relevs ainAsIt ican Beauty red roses. Courtice Public and High 1 Sbrinks Hemorrhoids. Mrs. Ted Lieffers, Oshawa Schools, and Ryerson Poly- N If f rlif fomonly sister o! the bride., i technical Institute, Toronto. g Ifyeu vant satisactory rlefntsi matron of honor was charm- The bride was feted at se",-a «tching Piles'-bere's good nw.i ullnt ono A renowned research laboratory has 1ing inafulenhgwno eral showers prier to her fcud uiqe ealngsustnc turquoise-spray with coat ef- mnarriage. The staff cf Sted. thnat p niplyue lie us tauncg fect. Brîdesmaids Miss Rose- man' Stores, Bowmanville itch and pain-actually shrinks anne Patterson and Mrs. John e rese t heridews mpy )îemorrboids. This substance has Walkey, Bowmanville were epeetdhrwt a set Ieen shown to produce a inosi. ffe,- gowned in similar turquoise-1 of step-stools and also ar-I tive rate cf bealing. Its gern-killing !spray dresses, h petiteiranged a mselnos show-1 properties aise help pre'vent flower girls, Jane Marie bief- e in her honor. A linenC infection, fers, niece cf the bride, worei-shower was held by Mrs. Bob In caee after case "ver-y striking a full-length turquoise-spray, abutn Hampton: andF jeaprovement," vas note-d, even frock accented by a yellcwi Mrs. M. Mustard, Uxbridge, 01 aniong'cases of long standïng. And velvét bow. Ail wore match-i aunt of the groom, was hos- 1 tbis iruprovemient waq maintaine<i ing wedding ring' headdress-es; tess for a bathrocm shower. t over a periodl of niorîlhs! adorned with a back-bow. A miscellaneous showerp , 'I'his was accoiniblislied by a liew The sendor attendants carried was given in honor cf h, sieamîng~~ _rsL bride-> î)-t-idU UULULSOlvîiw '-ç"'- rin- 1- J rwrd were MIsn Madelinel Tampa, Fia.. the bride's math-1 Recenllv ' a rried in PJ iladndli SeesaEopnvleSpta5 er; the brides. sIsters, M f alL John Tartaglia of Philadel- r R c n y M rr dJ phia and Mrs. Alexander:R c nl a re ýGen o adoeMd.; amd :Mr Trtgli, r.Green andi Mr. Chellas. The newlyweds will be at: homne In Palo Alto, Calif., on, ýSept. 15 after driving acrosa . the country on their honey- moon. SHANE -PRAZIENKA Oshawa, enhanced with bou-i ~ quets of yellow and white ' 'munis with yellow gladioli, ! was the setting for the mar- """'~ riage on Saturday afternoon, oi Mss Susan Carol Prazien- ka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Prazienka of Bow- manville, and Mr. Frank Wil- mot Shane, son cf Mr. and Ž Mrs. Wilmot Shane of Osh- Rlv Philip Fiess was the, . officiating clergyman and the wedding music was played by1 Mrs. P. iess .V*.\\ <Y The bride, who was gîiven .':r i marriage by her father, wore a forma length, sleeve-e soie with gentie gathers at1 the empire waistline, and lace train highlighted by lace- edging. A lace jacket wit lowered neckline. and wrist- length bell sleeves, adorned with lace-edgi1ng, was worn tier, elbow-length veil was held by a floral headpiece of white roses aind llly-of-the- valley, and she carried a cas- cad.e bouquet of yellow roses. *e Mrs. Douglas Davison of'1 Bownianville was matroei of honor, Miss Stephanie Pra- zienka, sisteir cf the bride, of Bowmanville was bridesmaid, and the junior bridesmaid wste groom's sister, Miss V Pamela Shane cf Oshawa. Their floor-length sleeveles.q Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wayne Beckett, showrn in gowne cf pale yellow chiffon the above photo, were married in Ebenezer United ove r matehing crepe were Church on Friday evening, August 23, 1968, at 7:3Q styled with empire Waist,th frot oal eclin, ad sfto'clock. Formerly Miss Patricia Evelyn Goyne,th froold al n from ad obl bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Goyna yoke I the back. They woa-e Mr. and Mrs. Michael James Tooley, shown in the above photo were of Courtice, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. white shoes and over-the-el- married in Philadeiphia, on Sunday afternoon, September 8, 1968, at three Floyd Beckett cf Enniskillen. bow gloves, and yellow but- o'clock, in the home of friends. The groom is grandsori of the late Mr. and Mrs. thei'munoifere s Thed n ames Tooley of Tooley Milis, Courtice, and nephew of Miss Della Tooley and twirled both games for our ___________ caerboqfues. w eir cf as Miss Madeline Tooley, both of Oshawa. The bride is the former Miss Rodelia locals. y, cade_____bouquets______________of____________ Mrs. Alvin Olan Is con- m. and whlîte 'mums. Josephine Hapke, daughter of Mrs. Amelia Hapke cf Tamfpa, Fia. vîsiga oeatrsv VI Mr. Douglas Davison cfi eral weeks ini Civie Hospital. Bowmanv'ille was best man' I ..IIII We visited Lindsay Fair on Adams, Oshawa, and Mr. John! JO 1NIU3êI rdyadwreabtdsp~- Sum ercal s, Bo man ile.performance and the very C h s t n The reception and dance poor attendance. Other local C iîfa was held in Memoerial Park people wlho attended on other Cl1u b hou s e, Bowmanvil]e, days report likewise. We did u~ fC where the bride's mother re- corne home with another ceived in a pale greein jacket- blanket won at bingo. At dress of matelasse with beige Peterborough Faijr we came accessories and corsage of home with twc large lamps mo t r yellow roses and whjte car- -.. ~~. and a blanket.r con in i nations. To assist in receiv-MranMs.RbtBrw ing, thie groom's mother chose roya blu orpe dess iththeir restaurant after a two lace overdress, matching hat weeks' holiday in Northern O re l andses and iecraeiofnkOntario. They einjoyed visit- rose andwhit canatins. ~ ~ing Mr. Andre De Grossilliers 1 Before ]eaving on their fracul ihus nîe y lrl u -wedding trip to Ottawa and, omrrsdn eeî Montreal districts, the bride, ~\~vr uy and happy living donned for travelling a grey I newspaper 1and white ehecked suit with' Mrthatarle, ra ain Mr. EarlstEmmory, a patientiYour localnewspaper kees fl~ doubie-breasted jacket, three-~~ in Sunnybrook Hospital, spent foaecfwashpengm qure Intisevsadthe weekend at home, He ils a omniyeets ul sm ktsed wihfot hoping to get home for- a metns tesao pol1W gaers n rey accessn oiesmonth 50011. your vicinity. These you c't - ff Thneyilae rsdigi Bw I reported this sumrner en- shudt-dowhot - Out-of-town guests attend- teanngsm pepefoi TEONTRcwu s- PonypolWWle, who YOUR LOCAL PAPER edsied fOm io Cvearn, Ohio,. passing through our vilage. The Montor specializes iu n aly Masfel, bj, anaOhaRecently they sent me a copy and interpreting national and wodi Flesherton, Ont., Willowdale, . of the Pontypool (Wales) news . with exclusive dispatthe Toronto, Bay Ridges, Whitby .' Free Press telling of their traon le of the Iargest nou bu- ndOaa.Visitation here. Since their reaus in the nations capital ad"I Two miscellane-ous s1owers - return they have contacted a ta oio ew xet i-40 honored the bride before her lot cf people who I mtoesa onre n i Ott. marriage. One was held at when vîsiting there fromiTYTEMNTR-I' AE the home of Mrs. Michael 1941-1945. Keith Porter cf THE WHOEFILY ILL PEO Shane and given by Mrs.BomnvleadGrdn Douglas Davison and Mrs. Fredcrick, Peterborough, aiso The Christia sScience Màouft Mqichael Shane. Te other was made visitations to the town One Nor"a Street - ~ive by iss rancne Lducwhich boasted 40,000 peol Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 0211'5- and attended by office ce- ÏX.ai. that time.eie fice b~w eds workers at SheIliCanada, "emstatMy ndiO Toron to. _GlCs oa 1ER2 beain sbsane Bi-IN>le- cscde ouues Z elow-u aa rom y ourtice rdgomI1tesnc n which quickly helps heatiII-niured shasta daisies and the fIower COmmunitY wben the eeiadeMr s Geore Robn ofLe- oeils and stimulatle growtlî of ne- girl carried a basket filled ed many beautiful and useful mrai fOsaa tisaue. Now Bi-Dyne iq offered in with yellow and white mums gifts. h e. Hlmt yk , oienl rptn sHppositorform t Mr. Gregg Simmons cf offlciated at the ceremony. etulldrugPtrepa ifation .Asfor i 'Courtice, brother cf the TOOLEY - HAPKE I Harold Ellis was the organist.. atoe afi dru toMatifctc groom, Was best man and 1 Given In marniage by ber [ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilmot Shn, shown in. the abovephtwr oeiey ref M. oh MnndedJaes.ole aShotner __ __ u he in w re Mn J i l i haet l aes Too ey, n th t he brof ie w oe a nflooi'm arîied in G race L utheran C hut-eh, O shaw a, on Saturday afteinoon, Septem - asitn ifsor of philoso-, bergth19g8ow' 4of siik organly Mis PhY at Stanford Universitylover peau de soie. The g e , 98 a 'cok FrelyMs Susan Carol Prazienka, the bride is the ~r y ~ e ne s ul/iforia caimed Rodelialwas fashioned with chantilly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Prazienka of Bowmanville, and the groom is :sephine Hapke as bis bridellace Illy point sîneves and a the son cf Mr. and Mi-s. Wilmot Shane of Oshawa. Poob n nSui c i a e s Uu C 1 S nday afternoon, Sept. 8i chapel length train f m atch- Ph oto b O rion____Studio_ 1968, in Philadelphia, Pa. The'ing lace falling from the Mryn r. F o d B c etI M . G r y B c et c l c - a g a u t f O A C, U i bride is working toward a shoulders. Her headdress, M.ad a ly ecet!M.GryBckt fBak rdut f0ACUi Ph.degree in the depant- chantilly rose with org Enîsklle. istock was best man for bis versity of Guelph. bet wee hrhsadlae.hl ul d h lenthl'Me fftingclergya brother, and ushening werel Man y parties honored the \,ýj teaches. ~~~~~~~~~i veil cf .11k organza with lace was Rev. John Romeril cf M.Lwec rgto n rd ra o e arae The groom, who grew pi rosettes. She carried a casad ourtice. r.Ei ori:niskillen and Mn. Joehn Goyne A howen attended by family Oshawa, is thegrandsen ouquhe OsawM.and Mte r. Jamesof thebuqe cf regal gold roses played tk wedding MuicCu rtce1bohe c hemers was held at the lat Mr an Mr. JmesToo- and stephanotis. 1 and also accompanied theï o bride.m Ahtn ey o! Tnoley Mîlîs. Cotîrtice. The bnide's sîster. Miss soloist, Mrs. Lloyd Ayre. h.rcpinha edi ome cfM rie Wm. Asibtn andTheprewofptissn Wls heldarinndrewia. MiFsMreBctî andnehe cfMis elll araraAnreswaç the, the Christian Education Cen- gav a in a En shower whichl Tnoley and Miss Madeline' maid of bonor and Miss Aud-i The bride, w'ho was given r f bnze ited a e n tehoesfM Tooley, botb cf1 Oshawa. A rey Andrews, Miss Karen Le-'in marriage by ber father h0h h ndesmte'Fod BektEnsilný gradua te o! O'Neil 1 oleit mene and Miss Margaret were a white, sheath-style' receiveri in a green and ye-Thatednsedakicn and Vocational I cegatte, eAndrews were bnidesmaids. gown cf net over satin with lo - es ndcoa-eseblTher at dath elderne c Mr earned a d nstute e e itWilfned Hambly acted as best' oven-skirt and flowing trainowthreen and wit esacces owr a asce hameaofMrs.1 Princeton University man witb Robent Andrews and attached at the waistline. The1 sories and corsage of yeîîow Richard Hughes, Oshawa, was graduating first in bis William Rau cf Toronto, ush- gown was fashioned withroses. To assist in receivini, bostess for a miscellaneous frcmn the University f Tr rn.rune ekiead l- h rom's mother chose - hwraedd ynih LOOK iOOD S NEW! Wilon FlIowas isthe bide.Albert Street Church Hall. pliques bighlighted the h- acîn ôt uqos n a edi bnzrCns Send youn dress shirts to usand disover what qimlity care She is an honors graduate of The bride chose a light green dice, skirt and overskit. Her 'thn ot uqos n a edi bnzrCrs ýwhît.e accessonies and corsageî tian Education Centre. can mean to your shirts. Florida State University where crepe sheath with white ac- shoulder-length tulle veil was o ikrss youIi love the Iow-rost convenience cf our iuxury she was elected te .Phi Beta cessonles for the boneymnoon caught te a beaded petal-!pnkrs. Kappa honor socîety. trip ta Niagara Falls. headpieoe, and she carried a! The couple honeymooned p shirt Iaundering service!! The wedding ceremony was M. n d wlrseosgeh e-w a scgade .bouquet of Yellow at Glenn Burnie, Maryland, O T P L read ai, 3 p.m. by the Hon. _______sd n saa lail.ýUSAad e rveln h ST.JOEP'SFAL BZAR heodrejustcey. Ph lael- Mraa.s Loransoftebiecf Oshi-,nd coat with black accessor-, are sure keepin.g aur village Friday, Sept. 27th -in Auditorium pheajsie ftepec.b BECKETT - GOYNE alas sistecocsthe bride, wa teapartment cf fniends cf matron cf honor and the îes. Wnd corsage o! yeloa tbe couple,Prf an Ms. Bouquets of white gladioli hidesmaids wr isMr hyaersdn at on the ma.Afe akn weeMssMrm13 us 'baAv. At 1 ard fought semi-final series LE Bnian F. Chellas. Mrs. Chelasiand yellow snapdragons pret- garet Goyne, another sister Bu Vstfv.,;~ from Bethany they started BOM A V I LE ,)ph Mark of Toronto, Ont. ed Chunch when Miss Patricia Beckett, sister of the groom.' The bride, who attended1 that village Sunday atternoon. ctod as best man. Evelyn Goyne and Mn. Donald Tbey wore full-lengtb, blue Courtice Public and Higb Our locals defeated Cavan in CL A E <A short dress cf Irish lace:Wayne Beckett were un;ted faille gowns with empireiSchocls, is employed bySimp- a double header taking hoth C LEA ERSwas chosen by the bride for1in manniage on Fniday even- waistline, rounded neckline,!son-Sears Ltd. in Oshawa. A ends. The fans were tneated ot 84 KING ST. W. 623-552C the occasion. and the groom ing. Autgust 23. 19638, et 7:30 elbow-lengtb bell sleeves, and government R.O.P. Dairy Cat- t om ore good fielding and ES wore a black Nehru suit withlo'clock. - The bride is the overskints of blu,ý chiffon. tle Inspecter, the groomn at- batting. The series continues « [. AMER " We Specialize In Shirt Laundering" silver mPtdallion rte daughter cf Mn. and Mrs They wore headdresses cf. tended Enniskillen Publ c writh a double beader in Pon- J On hand for teresadGai-net Goyne of Cou.tice. blue roses and carnied sheaves'Scbeel, Bowmanville a n dtypool on Sundi.v afternocn Ichampagne buff et supper af -i and the groom àa the son 01 of yellow gladioli. iCourtice High Sekicols. He isi (Sept, 29th), George Reid, I ntroductory $1.49qtç More AQUAGLOD." LATEXSAT IN INiENAMEL Save over $225 per qt. Se your paOrtkcipating Benjamin Moore Deaier - Sale Ends October 3lst, 1968 - ABER-NETHYS PAINTS & WALLPAPERS 55 KING ST, W. BOWMAWVILLI~ .1 z, i. " 1" 55 KING ST. W. BOWMANVULj-.