Lead Fuelers to Victory Merchants Sainsbury Crosses Plate With Winning Run On Thursday, Stephen Fuels pulled out their second win of the Town League finals over Kramp's Furniture, to go one up in the series. The above picture shows pitcher and team sponsor George Stephen, left, who led his team bo victory and centre- fielder Grant Wright who pulled a spectacular shoe- string catch that stopped what might have started a Kramp rally. Photo by Rick James Commercial Hi Brysoas - G. Sainsbury, S. Burns, J. Balson, D. Mc- Murter, L. Piper, T. Fairey, B. Ogden, Bill Cale, T. Prout, B. Oliver, D. McCoy, B. Ellis, L. Kelly. Brooks - L. Chant, L. Per- ris, B. Bradley, A. Wiseman, G. Parks, B. HeIlamn, J. Clark, G. Aikey, R. Donoghue, J. Reader, G. Bail, J. Osbo'rne, C. Vanstone. W. Frank - R. Crombie, iB. Crossey, G. Fliatofi, L. Hamilton, H. Lane, B. Fairey, Y 2. Cowle, H. Pollard, T. Wil- pn, W. Vanstone, R. May- WrrY, K. Anderson, G. ~Vright. Mutton & Gould - I. Gi, AI Guernsey, Butch Cale, J. Coyle, J. Fowler, B. Rowe, D. Green, S. Barclay, Wrey Randail, G. Falls, -G. Ru.ndle, J. Stevens, K. Veitch. Schedule First game 9:30 a.m., sec- ond game 10:45 a.m. Spon- sors: Mutton & Gould Shelîs (M. G. Sheli), Irv Brooks Supertests (B. Supertests), Bryson's Smoke Shop (B. Snmoke Shap), Walter Frank Real Estate (W. F. Real Es- tate). October: 6-Sheils vs Supertests Real Est, vs Smoke Shop 20-Reai Estate vs Shells Smoke Shop vs Supertests 27-Real Estate vs Supextcsts Sheils vs Smoke Shop November: 3-Smoke Shap vs Real Est. Supertests vs Shelis 10-Supertests vs Smoke Shop Shelîs vs Real Estate Night Hawks September 25th Team Standings J. Mairs ____10 K. Campbell -9 J. Shearer _______ 9 W. Nesbitt _______ 8 S. Gay 7 B. Wilbur 5 .High Triple-W. Nesbitt 616 Hlgh Single-W. Nesbitt 254 Over 225 W. Nesbitt 254, D. Ogden 232, A. Larussa 231. Averages S. Gay 198, J. Shearer 196, F. Bruce 196, W. Nesbitt 190, J. Rowe 178, J. Mairs 174, K. Campbell 173, D. Kelly 171, F. Jones 170, C. Bate 108, 1. Wrght 167, D. Cochrane 165, B. Wilbur 164, D. Gibson 164, A. Larusso 163, P. Bagneli 161, F. Land 160, M. Ovendon 159, D. Ogden 159, 1. Hulme 157, D. Sallows 156, E. Coombes 156, A. Burgess 151, B. Char- land 151, L. Coombes 150, K. Raîstan 148, L. Burgess 148, M. Brinklow 148, W. McNeil 148, A. Glaspeli 146, C. Mar- chant 145, A. Perfect 144, P. Broome 135, B. NimIgon 133, Y. Young 124. ]BRANCH 178 DART LEAGUE Team Standings Treama W L Pis. 5 __ _- - 10 8 _ _ - 8 2 8 2 __ _ 6 4 6 9 6 4 6 3 5 5 5 5 55 5 4 46 4 10______ 4 6 4 7 __ _ 2 8 2 6 0---__ Leading Team-E. Perfect, J.Wright, W. Gray, D. Pat- 9 peld, G. Parenteau. 301-Ins, 5. D. Severn; Quts 17,C. Anderson. High Score, 3 darts. C. An- dlerson 140. Most Runs B.B., J. Mantie 7. >%c Score, 9 Inn, No. 2 t.n.81. by Jim Cak 'n ntredaI e' lociiy beague Softball League closed a suc- cessful season on Saturday 17-Smake Shop vs Shelîs eveniag with a banquet held Supertests vs Real Estate at the Memorial Park Club- 24-Shells vs Supertests house. The head table was Real Est, vs Smoke Shop composed of the following: December: Past President D'on Bishop and his wife, Secretary-Treas- 1-Real Estate vs Shelis urer Al Cole and his wife, Smoke Shop vs Supertests Recreation Director Bud Fan- 8-Real Ëstate vs Supertests ning, President Richard Mc- Shelîs vs Smoke Shop Lean and his wife, Vice Pre- 15-Smoke Shop vs Real Est. sident Murray Cain and his Supertests vs Shelîs wife, and league reporter Jim .lanuary: Clarke. Following a toast ta 5-Supertests vs Smoke Shop the Queen, an excellent meal Shelis vs Real Estate was devoured with gusto. 12-Smoke Shop vs Shelis Presideat McLean present- Supertests vs Real Estate ed thc Memorial Park ladies 19-Sheils vs Supertests with a gift of money in ap- Real Est, vs Smoke Shop preciation of their splendid 26-Real Estate vs Shelis work. Recreation Director Smnoke Shop vs Supertests Bud Fanning followed with a February: brief address. He applauded 2-Real Estate vs Supei-tests the variaus people whose ei- Shelis vs Smoke Shop forts improved bath the lea- 9-Smoke Shop vs Real Est. 'me and the Memorial Park' Supertests vs Shelis- diamond. The league, he stat- Second baseman George Sainsbury romps home with the winning run while his team mates show considerable excitement on Sunday, and Midland's Intermediate League Banquet catcher walks away in disgust after overthrowing second. The overthrow gave Merchants their second win of the Ontario playoffs. extend "Thanks" ta Bill Cole for running an excellent film on the 1964 Indianapolis "500". The remainder ai the even- ing wa,, enjoyed by ail, as Ai Cale kept the music purr- iag and pulsing. ]KEDRON The Executive ar the Kedron Hi-C for the year will be: Ricky W ealIe s, President; Nancy Draper, Vice-President; Susan Brown, Secretary; Bob Smith, Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. William Coe ai Kedron have returned home from a three weeks' visit ta WINS TENNIS TRIPLE Lars Carlson completed a sweep af the triple crown of tennis at the Bowmanville club Monday night, when lie defeated Dr. Keith Slemon 6-4, 6-1 in the men's singles' final. Last Wednesday, Lars and his wife Rita won the mixed doubles championship an the strength ai a 7-s, 4-6, 6-4 victory over Pat Lucas and Bill Burgess. .Earlier, Carlson had teamed with Lew Rundle ta dawn Manfred Mattern and Frank Mohun 6-0, 7-5 In the men's doubles final. , .So, it's a. tlp. of the hat to Lars;' who showed why he Is rated as one ai the best tennis players flot anly In Bowman- ville, but In the entire area. The ladies doubles championship was decided last week es Anna Strike and Pat Lucas deieated Jean Evans and Nora Allin 6-4, 6-4. cd, was one that should de- cipient oi the League Execu-1 linitely be continued. tive award, as the Most Valu- An election of officers saw able Player in the playofis. 'well known, local umpire and The Chartran's ace had an sports enthusiast, Arnald Et- impressive, seven win, one cher, become the 1969 Presi- loss mark, in playoff campe- dent, by acclamation. The re- tition. The Gord Wallace tro- mainiag executive positions phy, for the top pitcher, was were without change. captured by Franks Variety The evening's highlight ai Ken Baker. Ellis Shoes' Ray course was the distribution ai Wallace was the winner oi trophies. Chartran's Terry the Top Hitter trophy, donat- Baker was a double winner. ed by Ai Cole. Wallace fia- He drew loud applause as the ished with a ioty 400. aver- recipient ai the regular sea- age. Mike Donoghue, also ai soa's Most Valuable Player. Eus, was presented -with the Probably the most coveted ai Jack McNulty trophy for the ail awards, ia any sport, the Top Homerun hitter. Each choice was a most deserving member oi the champion and popular one. This trophy Chartran's Men's Wear squad was donated by Canadian received attractive, individual Tire. 'The Hooper's Jewellery trophies. Cec. Mutton, co- trophy, for most R.B.I.s, was coach, accepted the Jatk Reid also- captured by Sa k er. League ChanMpionship trophy. "Boomer", who .was a big cog Special. awards Were, pre- in the Men!s Wear Champion- scated ta Frank Brittori, Bud sh'ip triumph, also did a Fanning and John Lufimnan meticulous job as the league's for their tireless efforts ta- statistician. wards the improvement ai the Dave Rafuse was the re- lengue. The league wshes to RECREATION REVU EWS Minor Hockey Coaches Meeting There wili b a meeting af the Bowmanvillc Department of Recreation Hockey Coaches at the Lions Centre, 26 Beechi Avenue, Bowmanville, On- tario, an Wednesday evening, October 9th, 1968, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting is called ta dis- cuss miles and regulations and Une up teams for practice trnes. Anyone interested ln coach- Ing in the Recreation Minor Hockey is cordially invited ta attend this meeting. Rural Bowling September 24 Pts. Pins Maple Grave-- 7 9451 Enniskillen Srs.- 7 9442 Hampton 7 9317 Salem __ 6 9338 Hi-C's 3 8220 Satina ------ 3 8151 Ennisklllen Int. - 1 8536 Tyrone ----- () 7901 Hlgh Single-L. Wearn- 322 High Triple-R. Twist 798 Low Single-A Sharp 106 Low Triple-A. Sharp 346 Averages Games R. Twist -____6 K. McGill -- - 9 Dave Reynolds - 9 H. McLaughlin -9 C. Brunt 9 D. Bagneil 9 R. Bromell ____3 D. Taylor _____9 G. Shackelton -9 J. Siemon ____9 E. Dickey 9 F. Beckett 9 Doug Reynolds -9 L. Wearn 5_ T. Pleasance -____9 D. Wood - - 9 A. Martin ----__9 Bruce Combes - 9 Avge. 255 237 237 230 225 219 215 213 209 206 205 204 202 202 201 201 197 195 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvile, Cet. 2, 196 II SPORTropiCSf By Frank Mo hua 2-24 SOLINA WINS SOCCER CROWN What started out as a best of five series ended up golng seven games, before SaUina completed a fine come-froin-behind series' rally to down Zion 3-1, Saturday night. to win the Darlington League Soccer Charnplonship. After Zion had won two and tied one ln the first three games to move within a single point of the titie, Soliia railied ta win the next two. In the sixth encounter, Wednes. day night, the teams stili failed ta decide the issue, battling to a 1-1 draw. This Saturday, the Darlington League will be holding tournament at Zion Park. The schedule is as follows: Satina vs. Hampton - 8 a.m. Zion vs. Maple Grave - 9 a&m. Salem vs. Newcastle - 10 a.m. Tyrane vs. Courtice - il a.m. The first semi-final contest will be played shortly aiter noon, with the tournament final clash slated for three o'clock Cast af anc dollar for aduits, and 50 cents per student, will certainly enable soccer buiffs ta see plen- af action at an extremely reasonable fee. Children will be admlitted free. The Darllngton Soccer League dance will round out the season, starting at 9 p.m. at St. Mary's Hall in Oshawa, when the presentatian af trophies will be made. t. t. ti. i l Bowmanville "Whiz Kids" will make their flrst appear- ance ai the season this Sunday afternoon at ane o'clock wheix they play Cobourg's Jr. "B"' Cougars ini an exhibition tilt at the Memorial Arena. The game will be a benefit affair for "Bud" Perfect, who has been in iii health for some time. "Bud" is anc of those untiring individuals wvbo devotes a great deal af his time and effort ta the recreation set-up, particularly as referee- in-chef for the minor hockey leagues. We join with ail readers ai this column in hoping that "Bud" is soon back In good health. Sunday aiternoon wil provide a wonderful opportunity ta see the newly formed junior "C,' club in action, while at the same time contrIbuting ta a fine persan. Admission prices are $ 1.00 per adult, flfty cents for students and a quarter ta children under 12. Coach Ray Preston and manager Dan McGregor have slgned several players, but no names have been released as yet. i. t it .t 't Heading inta Tuesday night's action, Stephen Fuels, who had ta win three straight ta take the best aof Ive Town Soft- ball league semi-finals 3-2 aver W. Frank Real Estate, were ane game up in the final series. Stephcn's, regular schedule third placers, won the apener, with pennant-winning Kramp's Furniture caming back to square the best ai seven champioaship set. Af ter last Tues. day's scheduled encounter was rained oui, the Fuels posted a 4-3 Thursday night decision ta once again forge In front It was a thriller that might easlly have gone either way, as once again pitchiag predominated, Veteran George Stephen gave up aine hits but was particularly tough In relief, whlls getting a lot ai fielding support. Dick Stata, makiag his initial start in the sertes. tossed a fine six-hitter, but he was victimized by a fcw inopportune errors. Grant Wright, the same guy who made the spectacular basebaîl catch, came up with a spectacular fleldlag gem il Thursday's fixture too, that prevcnted the Furniture creW from scoring at least twice. Fifth game In the series goes Thursday ai 7:30 p.m., w1tli future games slated for next Tuesday and Thursday night& if necessary, 7:30 at the Memorial Park. Th e pin-up of the month! Lock-arm spring type clothes, pins. Limited Quantity Speciàl!ý, SUPER-LASTIC VINYL-ACRYLTO LATEX gives any room a fresh new look that lasts and lasts. Dries odorlessly, quickly to a wonderful washable :finish. (For just pennies extra, choose from 160 decorator colors with colorant tubes.) Now go paint the town with the savings. 5Strincg SopEC CORN BROOM 1Spongio Thlrmly dlrt hungry squeegee, 48" handie. Sponge Mop Refilis Speciai 2 for 1.19 Moiur-reysponge refla fiotmopa. REDUCED COMPARE ATr 99C Roller & Tray Roller Refuis' 688 2 FOR 077 9x 13" metal tray and Topsin1 quality. 7½"', 7½"' mohair roller long, one miohai and wlth hardwood'handle. one lambswool. Stock Buy now for big sai'- up au this low price. 166i CHURCH STREET KNEE LENGTH Rubber Boots sors3 SIns 1.5 2.3 MEN'S 6.12 Sale 2.99 Knee Mil and dry, black rubber Corru- an ol d heel. tel hnk. SPECIAL L .e8 8 Clean sweep Inside or out! Thick tuf ted wire bound head, secured to long hardwood handie. BOWMANVI LLE PHONE 613-2518 Baker and Rufuse (hoses for MVP Softhull Awards 1 . 5 Strinu SPECIAL PHONE 623 w2518