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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1968, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman, BowmanvOle, Oct. 2, 1968 Buyers Puy $ 30. 50,Cwt. For Steer Calves at Stocker Sale Sept. 20 Top rc aid at the South Tipper. Agricultural Repre- River Nliorthern Stocker and sentative for Hastings County. Feoder Sale held on Frlday, Mr. Tipper was the former Ag. â&ptember 20th, was $30.50 per Rep. ini Muskoka and Parry hiundred welght paid by Len Sound and one of the chief Brillinger, Stouffville for a lot organizers of the Livestock Co- of 30 Hereford steer calves. H. Operative In 1953. KC. Dlck, Hyndford and Walter 1804 bead were sold by Auc- Eeath. Oshawa. pald top tioneer Vern Shepherdson of luce of $3000 for lots of 26 New Llskeard. The Associa- and 20 Hereford steers, res- tio was pleased to have the pectively. High price for beif- fre-uesiakadt e fts was $24.00. These were a farmer-ubuer bck nd to ese PtUrchased by Wallace Minor a larg nu moewbuyslo Of South River. Other lots were anduyig s oehateslow- purchased by J. A. Hawtln, apercs l oer than te ship -Beaverton and Bruce Paisley apers2chad boped Ca 00ve s.e of Stouftville. ag26c helf oer 80der 80021b; Prior to the Sale the officiai 2e; frs ver 800 lbs 21cn opening of the new covered steers uner 800 bs. 22/ cattle yard was conducted by ser vr80ls 2 Mr. Frank Rick, President off The next Noirthern Feeder the Parry Sound District Live- Sales wIll be Thessalon on stock Co-Operative. Mr. Romeo Wednesday, Septemnber 25 wlth Leroux, Associate Dîrector of 1100 bead; Thursday, Septem- Extension for Northern Ont- ber 26th the Manitoulin Sale ario, and representing the Ont- at Little Current; La Sarre, ario Department of Agriculture P.Q., Wednesday, October 2nd & Food, officially opened the with 600 head; New Llskeard, new building and Sale. Greet- Thursday, October 3rd with ings were brought to the As- 500 bead; Wiarton, Thursday, sociation by Mr. Lorne Maeck, October lth; and South River Mayor of South River; Mr. on Wednesday, October l6th .Alister Johnston; Mr. Gordon with 500 head. The cattie have Aiken, Mr. Dlck Nichols of grown particularly well this the Canada Department of year and are in excellent con- Agriculture, and Mr. Doug ditIon for the feed lot. Rotarians From District Attend Lèadership Forum N ESTL ET ON Mr Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mount- Mrs. Malcolm EmersonMs :.::...... joy, Blackstock, Mrs. Lorenzo George Heaslip, Misa Ruth . ...... M4ountjoy, Nestieton, and Mrs. Proutt, Mrs. Ailan Beaoock,. ..... Russel McLaughlin, Caesarea, Mrs. Grant Tbempson and were recent dinner guests Mrs. Richard Davison enjoyed with Mr. and Mrs. Charles the bus trip Vo Port Credit Brings. sponsored by Janetville Wo-~ Mr. Orton Bradburn, Peter- men's nstitute. They attend-M borough, visited Wednesday ed the demonstration in the «pd Thursday with Mr. Mar- kitchen of the St. Lawrence vin Nesbitt and Mr. Ted I.en- Stairch Company. On their nard. arrivai the ladies were treat i Mn.Edde Wilims as olded to tes, coffee and cookie bis larm to Mr. Edgar Emer- Te lovstdteBtn ~ . cal Gardens at Hamilton and Ign, ron, eeroouh Mr.n the Adelaide IHoodless Home St. George. There were 48 'Williams bas retained the lde ntebs tno for u re, ndng-she andlan they enjoyed a pienie lunch ~ora grde, V ocupyhisand had evening dinner at Ieisure hours. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee, Mankham. From elght in the ad Dvldenjye mornIng until ten iiý the ev- Sudywith Mr. and Mrs. enlng was a full but thor- JuayBoha hrctaea oughly enjoyable dey. ifkriian t lhdrcotae tA correction please - Tt le Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gilîson Xan1s attended the golden who bought the home o! Mr. weddlng annlversary of Mn. E. R. Wood. and NMrs. Robert B ai rd, Another correction - Re- Çimeesibank. cent dixmer guests with Mrs. ,Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliot, Vers Mountjoy were Mr. ancj »a;vid and Kim, Leaskdale, Mrs. Harv'ey McGili, Mrs. *ere Sunday evening dinner Theo Siemon, Mr. James A. guesta with her parents, Mr. Werry of Einiskllen and Mn. and Mrs. Richard Davîson. and Mrs. Chas. Briggs, Nes- A full day of discussion and reports on a wide ard "Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs tletion. (My humble apolo- range of topics took place here on Saturday, Sept. 2lst Rehi lit rMondsy to spend a few gies!) at St. Joseph's Separate School when Rotarians from righ days In their Toronto home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyons this district held a Leadership Forum. Following the Corx ' Reverend Wm. Fitzsimons, and famlly, Uxbridge, at- 19eaverton, was a mid-day tended anniversary services customary welcome and presentations those attending Mill dinner guest with Miss Ruth in the Presbyterlan Church broke up into smaller panel discussion groups. Top ville let"utt. In the evening be and were guests witih Mr. and picture shows one of them lied by District Governor Clubi iid Mrs. Fitzsimons were din- Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Ken Miller, centre, with Case Bastmeyer, Scarborough Oshý Zier guests with Mn. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Weybie Mc- Past President, lef t and Past District Governor How- and e-nt Thonipson. Keown, Mono Road, visited Bhucensd zimons gave an excellent com.- mie Fraser; 5-6 yrs., Grege Bqiin n resbHeaip. erar mentary. Mrs. H. Visser and McClurg, Donna Lee and Deb- cornPResheran An.lveraary ber sister Mrs. Pat Koender- bie Lee; 7 yrs., Dwayne Mc- ReveendWm.Fitsîmnsmain, Bowmanville, favoured Clurg, Lawrence Cooledge, Stanchlons and StalUs Beaverton, was guest speaker with two duets, "Littie Brown Dianne Lee; 8 yrs., Kinm Shaw Silo Ijaloaders for tJhe anniversary services Cburch" and "Give My Heart." aind Sharron McClurg; 9-10- Save on versatile and in the Presbyterian Church, Mn. Fitzsimons sang a solo, yrs., Tei-ry Mcçlurg, Cindym economlc Stainless Steel Sunday, September 29tb. In "Stranger or Galllee" with McCali and Wanda Cooledge;M Cable Cleaners. the morning he based bis Mns. Richard Davison at the 11-12 yrs., Stephen Crawford,U Chain Cleaners - priced sermon f r0oni Revelations, organ. Uebble McClurg, B r end a reasonably. chapter 3, "Hlold Fast Wieh Folk>wlng the evening ser- Shaw; 12 yrs., Stephen Craw- Thou Hast," and aomm-ended vice lunch was served in the ford and Brian McClurg. 10%' Off on PRIDE 0F THE the workee-s In the enialler church parleur and a social Balloon Tag, boys' teamm FAIM Rleated Waterers tI churches. He deplored the tme was enjoyed. won, Widow's Mite relsy race, Nov. 1, 3 year warranty - fact that many churches are from $40. being closed and urged bis Nestieton Presbyterlan Church Cindy McCalI had the win- congegaton e "Hld ast. Suday chol Pinlc ning team; Wheelbarrow race, Code Fas - eetll Rsco Mrs Prebyt~anlst Stephen Crawford and Grain Bina and Dryers. MsH1. Vissai, sang "Great is The Nestîcton ryein Bnian McClurg, 2nd RobentM Tby Faithfulness", wnd the Churcih Sunday School picnic and Ian Swann, 3rd Kimm Sales, Serývice and choir number was "Blessed was held Sunday, Sept. 22nd, Shaw and Mark Shaw; Tiny Installations. Assurance" with. Mrs. Charles on the chunch lawn. There Tots race, lst Susan Swann, ac ne & M e k riggs accempanying. were around 30 children tak- 2nd Gordon Cooledge ii di In the evening Mn. Fitz- ing part. Jamie Fraiser tied, 3rd Alan NackS & M ek smens gave a short talk. He Races were won by: 2 yr. Cooledge. R.R. 1, Uxbrldge showed pictures that he and olds, Ronald Lee, Alan Cool- Tug o! War - This race was 852-3533 8542-35631 his wife had taken of "The edge and David Lee; 4 yr. girls on one sie and boys on IHoly Land" and Mrs. Fit- olds, Alan Cooledge and Ja- the other. The boys won fromM the girls. The childnen ail recelved ribbons for the races. Cookies and sandwiches and freshie were served by the Ladies' Aid. Rev. Swann was in charge of the sports andM all bad an exciting good tinie. Around 4 o'clock we called it a day and each child re- ceived a chocolate bar. Court Lady Snowbird held its first Eucbre Party for theM season on Wednesday, SePt. yùur h ating Costs25. There were five tables- of progressive euchne played. Y"r -h a i g o t Hlgh gent, Marlow Thompson; high lady, Mrs. Lennik, 0 e lady, Mrs. George Bowers; M low gent, Mx. Watters; duorM *UiW'~Lunch was served and ail 1 0 'mt s pie r. iIFer. W W W. report a good te Next Euchre Oct. 9, at 8:15, 'W dt:-'eto lk ýSwM i ve 1 go l g p. Change Hour J a à24IWM ayb&. Oe r U- And thee'O 110charge veSS Y= bY a.king yS< whatsoevoe for this extra 'o iiig a * t» psy 'wlt eadi delivery. semvce Ou vay la to sPread CkiOr Budget Payment PlimP wrntt 1. biatig oe.ta oer » la ouly One of many ways Effective October lst the thatHeatwlll be a change In the visitons monthly paymnents. They ta make c~m Ho*me H hours at the Pickering Nuclean bqi n l September CE one SerVic a îsuperior serie. Power Station and the populan and nd n Jm o th An we j& toteàyouweekend bus tours of the con-M YM n e uJn fte n edlk »ti O struction site will be discon-- n«xL. 'Ths way, the colder more. CaR ne aniytime- tlnued until next summer. D. E. White, Public Rela- Md Mm-I MUY Mcustl OZfl U 0tOdayfor inStancetiens Officer for the Nuclepar M 1Wright, Làeaside. Lower picture taken by TOMi der shows the panel leaders, front row, lef t toi àt, Glenn MacLeod, chairman of the Youth Service~ nmittee of the Bowmanville Club, District Governon' ler, Forum Moderator Past District Governor Mel- eL. Feroe, Pottstown, Pa.; back row, Bowmanville b Pres. Wm. Thiesburger; Past Dist. Gov. Ed Storey, lawa; Past Dist. Gov. Maurice Rector, Scarborough Past Dist. Gov. Howard Wright, Leaside.h Chamber Deplores Litter on Streets Bowmanvllle Chamber o! and Bewmanville. The toplc Commerce beld a meeting o!fer discussion was an Area the directors at the Lions Chamber of Commerce. It Community Centre on Tues- was proposed that Oshawa, day, Sept. 17. President R. since It Is the largest com- Lawton called the meeting to munity, be the headquarters. order at 8:20 p.m. 0f the 15 Regandlng the mural-type directons, only seven wene ln painting of a Preston Trans- attendance, and much was port Van, slgn painter George accomplished ln the way O! Fonsey has asked tibat he 'be new business. pnovlded wlVh the sketches Retail merchants Chairman frorn which be wlll estimste Arthur Hooper, sald he felt the the cost. The Bowmanvllle summer store bours were well High School will be approsch- accepted. He also proposed ed and a pnize o! $10 wlll be the idea o! s sidewalk sale, o!fered te the student who several o! which have been produces the best skçtch for very successful ln nearby cern- use on the side cf the van, munities. featurlng Bowmanville as the As of Sept. l7tb the Bow- "Tlp o! the GQlden Honse- ruanville Chamber bas 71 mcm- elioe". ber firmese companed to a IV wss approved that a letter total of 68 for 1967. be sent to the Oshawa Cham- Complainte about the litter ber o! Commerce offerlng the on the streets of the down- assistance of the Bowman- town ares resulted ln the pro- ville Chamber of Commerce in posai of a "Keep Bowmanvllle the way of arrangements for Clean Campaign". EvIdently the Men's Canadian ýCurlIig there are plenty o! receptacles Championship "Bniar" Vo be provlded for public use and held ln Oshawa ln March, 1969. IV le just a matter cf educating, On the subject of Tourism, the people of this ares wlth IMn. Lawton presented a letter constant remindens. from the Department o! Tour- Mention was made cf the 1 sm and Information. The fact that letters approving the Department will staff the 401 pnoposed "Welcome" s i g n s Service Centre Information bave not been retunned by the Booths, and Bowmanvlile may service clubs, place brochures and other lit- Civic Affairs Chainman Wil- erature ln the Intenest o! pro- fred McMechan reperted that motion. he bad attended a meeting ln A Santa Claus Parade bas Oshawa o! corne of the ares been planned for Satunday, Chambers o! Commerce. Re- Nov. 23 at 10:30 a.m. presentatives were present The treasurer's report re-1 froin Ajax, Wbitby, Oshawa- vealed a bank baInce Vo Jan. 1,a running ail overt a 0 0 1988 of $1,100.52. Total re. ceipts to date are $1,542.75, and the total expendfturesamr $1,728.73, thus the balance outstanding as of September 17 Is $914.54. New Businessu o It was approved that the directors meetings be luncheon tmeetings held the third Tues. day of every month. The directors approved send- lng a cheque for $200 ta the town wlthout delay, Vo be used for Christmas decorative lighting. Western Jamborees Start Sunday The Department of Recrea. tion, Country and Western Jamboree opens up the 1968- 69 season on October 6th in the Auditorium of the Town Hall, Bowmanvllle, starting at 8:00 p.m. Once again Gerald ElUiott and bis Hoedowners wlll be back. along wvlth Jamboree regulars, Ted Hallman, Ivan Wannamaker, Joan Harper. Doreen Black, Irwln Miller,' Joe Bothwell and R. Luxton. Guest stars for the open Jamboree wlll be Kathy Scott on the piano and Hank Goltz and bis flddle. A few weeks back Hank Goltz won the Port Hope Fair Flddle Contest. The Jamboree Is very fort- unate in baving back this season Master of Ceremonles Mr. J. C. "Senator" Coyle and bis fa mous Country Humor and Wit. bircis let Yo ur fingers do ffie walking through the YELLOW PAGES m - - - - - - -- "We're Making Our Basement the Happiest Room in the House!" LET OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS HELP YOU 'WITH YOUR RECREATION, ROOM Yes . . . with our heIp you cari make your basement the happiest room i the house . . . your Recreation Room will have a great future as a playroom for the children . . . a sewing room for Mom. . . a don for Dad .- . and a place for f amily entertainingi1 It can b. a special room for .v.ryone in the f amily 1 START NOW TO PLAN OR BUILD THAT RECREATION ROOM IN YOUR HOME LWE CAN HELP YOU WITH PLANS - PLUS AIL THE QUALITY MATERIALS YOU WILL REQUIRE OSHAWA. col WOOD PRODUCIS CENMR L7 I IF 1: "*ALONT-TIIE NAME TO EUILD ON« - - - I I I. I (JETICE I UThSHOPPING ( M~-1611 LIITEIDI 728-1611 NEW COURTICE SHOWROOM NOURS Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - 8 a.rn. - 6 Frlday - 8 &.m. - 6 z.m. Thursday - 8 &.mi. - 9 pa.. aturday - 8 &.m. - à pin.

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