ne caadfaa Itatemm neowmaove.OcettXlm CeremonyMarks 25 Yea rs of Achievemn ..................... Durham's MPP Alex Carruthers welcomes official part of the Ganaraska Watershed projeet, that he guests to beautiful Garden Hill Conservation Area, opened Mi 1960. '~Of Possessing tolen Goods vitdat a special court ses- o tolen goods. Robert An- toyWorrall, 30, of Garden Hiland Gary Galbraith,29, SDr. A. H. Richardson who compiled Ganarkskf Newcastle, atesith ulpert recails *arlier days before governmnasd..wekn yrd t 4b. public became interested In conservatie.. charged. Teipesv lqesti ag Both were remanded out of Gep Conference on conservation held n191 custodY on$100poet bail for pre-sentence report ...............>1Oct. 17. w.u h Police evidenre showed Wor- rail and Galbraith to be InSL possession of sections of thrpeî SclIna School Club met on, persons to attendis ethldyiinefrhcut cars stolen last spring from ýWednesday,Seemr2.h nedhipfo avrynj- Whitby, Oshawa and BayiMrs,. Rosevear, the principa]lhhr[eeigo i bi ie\ek oia pn Ridges. ~~~Introduced Mrs. Kelly, ourl"Solina Stylists '~a pnd\~tn red n eai NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Rae Pascoe introduced ljumper patternadtewae M.adMs on e]t Mr. and Mrs. Bey Hender head of special education at use-. Shirley Wetaera n r.DnMNvn el. son and family, Bowmanville- Hobb's School. the minutes ofth seodvl.j were recent supper guests Mr. McQuay is very inter- meeting. Mrs. Yloie 1 r n r.Wle a wlth Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ested In special education. structed us on howt le idracmaîdM.a Local people who went on those wt reading Irberg.e it ara the bus trip with the Shiloh j1Mention a mdeo thtemterati group, ta Kitchener and variety of special dctoouorskt; IY k 1 Trim , inR. - Yorkdle, ednesay, clase required by chiidren !The meeting c]oe ihth r n is y ac edrm Mrs. MR. Far- wt hscldtes such as 4-H Pledge.anRhnaerSndyup row, Mrs. W. Milligan and1 speech, difficulty, etc., gifted Sauina soccer fanweela-prustwihhsaen, Bernice, Rev. T. Snelgrove.chdrnadso leres edoSauaynhtweMranMs.HodPao. eMrs. Jim Adams Is a patient Mr. McQuay told how the the senior team orh r n Ms ar n, in Memorial Hospital, Bow- students are chosen for thesej Darlington chaminhp.A-adfmywreSny îi manvîlle. special classes for slow learn- tr ard acelebrainprytr ihMs ila n~ Mr. and Mrs. John Gidinskl ens, and how the teachers 1 was he]d at the hm fM n r n r.KnPso left for thein home In Van- assist them to pragress at theirland Mrs. Perny Wslk. n aiyBoga couver the latter part of the own rate. Mr. McQuay feels -Congratulations ta ietacudyspe usswt week, atter a couple of weeks' that more students shou]d be n their coaches! Ms .C otnadfmt J. Grant Smith places pertinent documents enclosed in time capsule for visit here and this vicinity, receiving this type of assist-1 On Sunday rsWl]T. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _w t h r e l a t i v e s a n d f r i e n d s . a n c e , b u t f a c i l i t i e s f o r s p e c i a l 1 m a i d w a s a g u e t o h r k , O s a a p o s te r ity ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M iss A u d re y M o n k o f T o ro n - cla sses, as y e t, a re lim ite d in d a u g h te r , n M rsLl y M . a n rs ra t D w was a recent visitor with Dalington Township. Preston, Bowmanvlem n n n hlrn udrad corne, first served.) A tasty Mn. and Mrs. Jim Caswell and Mr. Bruce Taylor thankedijoyed a visit wth nterweweedgutswhM. K )A Llunch was served by Mrs. family. Mr. McQuay for his informa- idaughter Mrs. OrC l unadMs.Jh nxado Couroux and Mrs. M adr Mr. and Mns. C. M. Jones tive talk and fon answeringland Nancy of Peteroog.*Sna r n n.Rbr Mr. %am Smith of Bowman- whene long wearIng quality is A heanty vote of. anes.a visited fniends at Eganville the many questions asked by Weekend guestswthM.acom ndBue ville was a guest of Mr. and needed and freedom from rusti1given Miss Stewart. aven the weekend. the parents. and Mrs. Ross KossazadM.rm eeas u~s Mrs. George Clark last Sun- Mrs. Low read a fine poemn onl The first Kendal Girl Guide Ah om faMprtygt. e tTeSaiaWmnsIsi and Mns. Rall]ph Davis werei reula Mr. and Mrs. Haot Jt, Foster '"Wat is a Canadian?" Thefmeeting was held at the Ken- Lane, Port Hope, on Fniday meeting Wednesday, Octoben Burtington. OnSuay aadM.nd rsLld ut Mr. and Mns. Allen Fod eladie h u et on the busidal school on Wednesday even- e'i ingInhonr f Barry th at teCmunt I a îtda at wshl fradfaiv aga.w tnp tlasît nlav 10 in trin uPith teNwovi11a-ig-ih1 ilswslgt Lnsbrhdy uss-n :5pm M.Mceze-fSely-n-ei--hnM.cetso n n Ms usi so4- Ms9M EF-tr - t e B . Ree r h b il-ji. h y wns o n ho a cueoM. adnr. T d a e S.aays Ce e t C ma. ..ns l y F w e, Os a ie I~~4oW oniJ L pangts ouinoaestLnsyarati snecitd eundhm u whl hi issee ag dyeeigatnamnhseach them. Folks behind home CMECMN oe r25,196 > î w. manyope.n er d A rs . Can nd Pnyplate had the ida their pit- DU AT O -2 w ek f ld cher could thnow curve halls. Lynn -20weksMr.C.ame m adany $ 1 9qts We hopeour lads wil have TIME - Nightly 5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. rme matuial. DLOUAGIpr - bette next Satturdav Messrs. Truemnan Henderçan, when the game wilt be in PARTICIPANTS - full tinie farniers of and Don Vinkle were duck.. Langton. ;hunting at Tory Hill aven the C Foreen girls.jie e limited income, who may weed ¶1117,Bnownies Ai their meeting, he paid according to 1Mr. and Mrs. Harry WadeU YI 9B od Thursday evening at the seeuevlslted Mr. Jim Holdaway at v ftd~N fse school. Mrs. Maureen Wilkins shdl during 'Bannie Hockey Camp, Suinday. i iomi s the leader and is assisted attendance on course. With Mrs. R. Farrow on by Mr. Doa MaDonad2 :Sunday were Mn. And Mrs. Jim Their meetings are from 6:30' The Canada Manpower Division of the De- Farrow and family of Bow- to eght nd ae fo girs, prtmet ofManpwer nd Imigrtion the manvitte: Mr. and Mrs. Clan- 16 -9 t ei nd yarfgls patnntodMnpwrtheI' rtin te ence Farrow and famlly, Wil- seven ta ieyasadth Manpow'er Retraining Centre; and the Ontario ]awdale. wU ASeptember has been quite a Department of Agriculture and Food are co- M.anMn.JmGro plasntsnn mnt itou. prain tmake this available. r and family. Solina, and Mn. fllufrmst hene. However. we ca Jh odnwr udy2Y2timnes y u LAM AT *I INISH ENAMAEL expcct frost any time now. 1 o ute nomto otc orcut callens with Mn. and Mn.. Wal- The Institute meeting a, Fo uteinomtocnatyurony; lace Baughen. held Wednesday evenîng at office of the Ontario Department of Agriculture1 Visitons at Mn. F. Gilmer's inctuded Miss Ida Sharpe, mveWL&ÂJ. avaJ.L Save over $225 per qte the home of Miss C. W. Stpw-r and Food. Applications accepted p to October Toronto, and Mrq. M. Irwin on a albe~ ii w ly Se. ~e paIicipt~g e~joart ~with Ms.E. Couroux pne-, 16 slding and Mns. A. Low. sec -1,196. Stnaado n n -Sale Ends October 319t, 1968 - reayir.R tit îdSteven and David, and Mr. rIl cati was ansenr.ed'bvxbridge, Bowmanville, George Pethick, Toronto. Ouollelicitatins te aur loca A D D J T j it namning an article you have Box 309, 14 Frank St., urlcton Mt urloa wih icelinlt Temoto 92-13 63338wlllb, rs eclBîgart, hayBuy yours nowa M D L tI ~ Ifls ~"Much of Cad"a s 52-313 6233348 s. e cain rtly, A PAINTS WLLPPE S lies in ber mineraIs." Mrs. El-Lindsay, Peterborough, on uesdhy Oct. lat. PANS&WLPPR litt gave us a very i22Ket t. ..16 Hunez, the more popular houn of In10R DTOI intront e"Rmne o'32-12 4-65 erviuda, cet. R6N T O DMN K5 ING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Nickel" and the moanyv ways iwhen doubtîess even the fr-ontTh Bakwe polm it is used with cUier mineraisl seats WW bh iedIec -~ Il F t t I