The C@Mdtm o8btesmun, et S11 Prominent Masons Attend Reception Honoring Grand Junior Warden Rickard tst ensa vnnSp.2tteadtru Newastlednesdevningal wSep25hte auditoium ception and banquet sponsored by Durham Lodge Io. 66, A.F. & A.M., in honor of Rt. Wer. Bro. Garnet B. Eickard, recently appointed Grand Junior Warden. here were 166 present including Grand Lodge officers OBITUARY 23, 1968, at the Oshawa Gen- ?«MS. ANNME SEDMAN Sedmnn o 301 Brock St. N.. Wbitby. 5h. wes in ber 8lst V oflowlng a brief sickness year. &0e death eccuxred September, A daughter of the lete SAVE, $ $ $ Shop the Wesbay Way! NOXZIEMA SKIN CREAM 6-oz. - Compare $1.49O . SPECIAL -95C __ CREST TOOTHPASTE Fémily Size - Compare $1.23.1fl SPECIAL _____ __ BAN ROLL-ON Deodorant 1%~ oz. - Compare $1.35 SPECIAL-_____ VO-5 HAIR DRESSING 1%oz. - Compare $1.09 SPECIAL _____ LADY PATRICIA Hair Spray l'O oz. - Compare 99e SPECIAL __ 97c 74c 67C SILVIKRINSHAMPOO - 4 oz. - Compare 85c L SPECIAL - __- - - 59C IT LIGHTER FLUID 8 oz. - Compare 39e SPECIAL GILLETTE RIGHT GUARD New Anti-Perspirant 6 oz. - Compare $1.59 SPECIAL 25C 99C WESBA&Y DISCOUNT & VARIETY STORE (Formerly 0k.'s Smoke Shop) 33 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE and others from London, Woodstock, Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto, Belleville and Peterborough as well as representatives from area lodges. Durham's Worshipful Master Alex Hendry was in the chair. Highlight of the evening was the address given by the honored guest in which he outiined his philosophy of life and his feelings on what Masonry could accom- plish for the good of ail with the concerted co-opera- tion of ail lodge members. The above picture shows the Masons who were at the head table. Raise Funds with Commun ity Bake Sale and Market This picture was taken shortly after the opening1 of Shaw's Community Bake Sale and Market on Sat-1 urday morning, but already many attractive Items of home cooking were on display as well as produce of«1 Charles and Lucy Orain, the deceased was bornaet Clapton, near Bristol, England. A resi- dent of Whitby for 23 years, she was a member of St. Mark's United Cburch. Predeceased by ber husband, Samuel, Mrs. Sedman is sur- vlved by tbree daughters, Mrs. B. Moere (Mary) of Nestleton, Mrs. D. Cordelle (Grace) ef Keremeos, B.C. and Mrs. C. Jenkina (Mirn) ef Wbitby and four sens, Jack, Clifford and Thomas of Wbitby and James ef Bowmanville. Aise surviving are four. sis- tera, three of wbom are Mrs. F. - eele, Mrs. T. Ridler and Mrs. C. Luster. al of Eng-1 land; a brother, Clifford, ofi England; nine gnandchildreni and one great-grandcblld. She1 was predeceased by a son, Ray-1 mond. The funeral service was held et the W. C. Town Pun- eral Ohapel, Whltby, et 2 p.rn.. Sept. 26. Interment was in St. John's Cemetery, Port 1 Hope. Rev. J. Smith, minister1 of St. Mark's Church, conduct-1 Roy W. Nichols and staff wish to thank the many, many friends and custorners who joined with us last week in the friendly, social atmosphere of Our "1969 Auto Show." Your interest and large attendance made this the " Greatest Ever" ! If you were unable to join with us at this special showing of the luxury-styled 1969 models... we cordially invite you to corne in at your convenience and one of our courteous sales staff will be pleased to show you these exciting new automobiles. AUTO SHOW PRIZE WINNERS Draw was mode at concluuion of Auto Show by Mr. Byron Vanstone of Vanstone's Flour & Feed: - Jt Prize- Electric Carving Knife MRS. W. QUICK, 21 Elgin St., Bowmanville - nd Prize - $10-00 Gasoline Voucher BARBARA MILLS, RIL 3, Bowmanville 7 Ro ihols Motors Ltd. Your Authorlzed Dernier for CHEVROLET - CREvELLE - CREVY il - OLDSMOBILE - CHEVROLET TRUCKS COR VAIR BOWMANVILLE Phonte 623-2556 Phone 728420U YELVE Mrs. William McCabe, wbo bas beien in Ross Memnonial Hospital in IÀndsay for sev- eral weeks, baa been trans- feirred te, the Nightingale Nursing Home on Ridout St.. this week. Mr. MeCebe ha net pregressing as fast as boped for, having injured some nibs since bis opeiratien. Deepest sympathy is ex- tended to Mrs. Balfour Moore and faxnily in the sudden passing cf ber mother, Mrs. Annie Sedman. Several Yelverton ladies accompanied Janetville W. 1. ladies on a bustrip on Thurs- day to Port Credit (St. Law- rence Starch Co.), Hamilton Horticultural Gardens and to Brantford te visit the pioneer home cf the lady wbo found- ed the Women's Institute Movement - Adelaide Hoed- less. Yelverton girls lost their garne te Millbrook girls on Wednesday evening by a 13-8 margin, despite a couple of bornera by our banana cake baking champion, W a n d a Kerr. Deepest sympathy te Mr. Hareld Stobbeirt (our minis- ter) whose father who lived in Englanýd passed on this week. Mn. Stebhart's brother just recently arnived from Englend for a three-week Open House IHonors Couple On Anniversary jMr. and Mrs. Walter Hurrie. Gibbon Street, recently receiv- ed friends and relatives at their home on the occasion of their golden wedding anniver- sary. The couple was married Sep- tember 20, 1918, ln Cambridge Street United Church, Lind- say, Ontario. and moved to Oshawa ln 1919. They have three children, Mrs, Royal Aitken <Margaret) of Weston; Mrs. Stanley Munroe (Eileen)~, Picton, and Jack of Bowman- ville, 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Tea was poured by Mrs. Frank Owen and Mrs. ' R. Genge, friends of the couple and assisting were Mrs. B. Owen, Mrs. Vince Genge and Mrs. T. Hornsby. Miss Patricia Aitken, grand- daughter, attended the guest book. Mr. and Mns. Walter Hurrie were presented with a gift of money. carda and best wishes from those present. Compimentary telegrams were received from Prime Mnister Pierre Ellott Trud. eau; Governor-General and Mrs. Roland Michener, Edward Broadbent, MP; Clifford Pil- key, MPP; Mayor Ernest Marks and a certificate of congratu- lations on behaif of Premier John Robarts. Guests attended frein Tor- onto, Weston, Picton, Ida, Ont. anjo; Whitby, and Bewman-, 1 vil.. various kinds. The event was held at Price's Fruit and Vegetable roadside market stand east of Bowmanville and was expected to net about $100. old acquaintances witli Rev. ER T O N . Bill Frity, bis wife Joan, an.d their five children, wl-r for- stay in Canada with bis bro- mdrly served on the Janet- ther and friends.j ville a'nd Bethany charges Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson some 10 years ago. An inter- and Susanne, Mr. and Mrs. esting article appeared about Lloyd Wilson of Scarborougb otne year ago in the Telegram were Sunday guests with Mrs. dealing with Rev. Frity's ef- Rutih Wilson and Mrs. Annie forts and success in tihe Da- McQuade.. venport area. Miss Anniie Rowan and Mrs. A series of bail games on Mabel Rowan, who _have bee Saturday p.m. drew numerous visiting with the Dick R<ow- fans from the area. At Beth- ans in Enniskillen, are back any, Bethany eliminated Nes- witlh the Art Rowans at Yel- tieton in a two out of three verton. series by a score of 5-4 in Yelverton United Ohurch the tenth after being tied in observed its lO6th Anniver- the ninth inning. Credit must sary on Sunday a.m., wîth a be given to the Nestieton full bouse present to hear team for playing almost flaw- guest speaker Rev. Bill Frity less bail, but the breaks al of Davenport United Church went to the Bethany team deliver a fine sermon, sup with NestJeton being put out ported by our own minister tàme after time with men on Mr. Stobbart. Special music bses was much enjoyed as provid- Congratulations to the YeI- ed by the "Song Spinners," verton girls on winning the a lady barbershop group from Eva Thomnas Trophy ini the Lindsay and district led by 3 out of 5 finals complee Mr. Bob Fallis. It was also aon Sunday afternoon at ii pleasure to greet and renew brook. After trailing thel , ed. 2, me PONTYPOOL Th~e Official Boesrd meeting of Pontypool United Church was held here Monday nîght with a fair attendance from both charges. Considerable business was transacted. Mr. and Mrs. John Barsketis spent the weekend in the Toronto area. Mr. and Mrs. Pugmire, Clevelanjd, Ohijo, and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Goddard cf Bowmnanville were Sunday guests of Mr. R. J. Payne. With the threat of frost over the weekend, some speed-up operations were evi- dent in. trying to save some of the perishable crops. Mr. Ken Sinclair ef Manvers Sta- tion ha harvesting bis 20 acres of spuds on the Darrocb farm. with a large potato banvester. The bumper crop of orops pour inth a large truck driven alongside the harvester. Net a potato sack visible, se the bag manufacturers will take a beating. I had boped te have been able te report that Our Mid- get team had won their finals to make the 1967 Champions eligible for thie 1968 season. In a double header bere Sun- day Our locals dropped the first game 10-9 buit teck the second 12-2. Pontypool now leads Cavan In the "eries 3-1 and bave only to coin one more game te take it. If necessary a double beader wil be played in Cavan next Sunday. We congratulate the Yel- verton ladies in winning the silverware i the playoffs agadnst Millbrook. We expect this will be covered else- wbere, so will agein wish Mrs. Floyd Stinson and teain centinued success in the years te come. B 25"COLOR TV AN t4i features yow'd u~c i i~g *CotTV - b(gt priced especiaffy êu& 'N L$b @M De 0 251, NSTAY'IJplcmmr 0 Deqlcraft cabinet 79900 COMPARE AT wm&wownHARRY LO(KE TV le 2-yem pkcre tube wm janty " Magie ELECTROL lisu t.â.g " ANu "Rdwped chassé £V IkI#%YaC1. U ci z Ili peu Tro Scugog St., Bowmanville *m""n*DN'f fagainst a dedalon of the town. ship comrnlttee of adiistment whicb disniissed his applica. tion for consent for the con. veyance of a paroel of land in Lot 1l. Concession 5 GET CABH TODAT lOI9 0LDAPPLIANCES througb STATESMAN 1Millbrook team fln the 1a innngs., the heavy bat 'y jeam oeSets Hea ring the home team aheadtobest!1 thein rivais by a 21-17 score.Fo p e lb or th-ereabouts. The winning4 o p e lb battery were Ann Wilson and 1 Kathy Kerr pitching with D/.J. S a n o Wanda Kerr receiving. Credit ne S ain o goes not only to the players Th Ontario Municipal Board but te their coaches, Mr. and has set Oct. 31 ln the Darling- Mrs. Floyd Stinson, for the ton township hall. Hampton, v'ictories. The lime-up was as for the heening of an appeal foflows: Catcher, W a n d a by Donald James Stainton Kerr; pitcher. Ann Wilson;- lst, Jennifen McGill; 2nd, Pam Stinson; 3rd, KathyTH CE RA Kerr; s.s. Vanita McGill; 1.f. EN RA Norme Wilson; c.f. Gwen Mc- GilI; r.f. Barbara Wilson - CONSERVATIOt substitutes, Nancy S ti1e s, Adele Page, Marleah, Candy and Darlene Malcolm. cordially invites R. J. (BERT) ROBINSON consei In declining health for sev- Cn e eral years, the death of Robent John (Bert) Robinson, aged 77 years, occurred et Sunset Lodge Nursing Home, Bow- manville, on Wednesday, Sept-F e I ember 25, 1968.F i l Son of the late W. J. and Margaret Robinson, he was born ln Clarke Township and to be heli received bis education et Orono School. A fermer, he LoS retired six years ago. For the L n o l past four years, the deceased gu bad resided et 87 Queen Street,A r moving there from R.R. i, r Onono. He was a member of Orono United Church and a lt8 o.9 w former member of Orono lt8 o.9 w Orange Lodge. Mr. Robinson was unmer- on ried and Is survived by two 87ts Muenst.,aryBomanvson, sisters MStMary obnisn,î o B and Mrs. Lewis Wood (Marg - E aret), R.R. 4, Bowmanville. TO E The funeral service was beld fromn the Morris Funeral FROM 10:00 A.1M Chapel, Bowmanville, on Fr1- day, Septemben 27th and was conducted by Rev. Basil Long of Orono United Church. In- To N LOI terment was in Orono Ceme- Blackstock CONSEF tery. Palîbearers were Messrs. 9th Line Howard Wood, Everett Wood, John Robinson, Brooks Cowan, I Wesley Wood and Colville Evans.l Day Conservation p. of Darlington 5th, 1968 NI. TO 4:00 P.M. MG SAULT RVATION AREA "P o sth LinoLong Sauil Ith Lins ITyrone 6th Line Sth Line TaTtn d Toi Fw Libert y St., Bowmanvilie Features of the area i 1. Personal tree planting 2. Plowing demonstrations - then and now. 3. Dog retriever trials 4. Tours of a climnatological station 5. Refreshment Booth 6. Look-off stand; bring your binoculars, the view is terrific. Transportation through the area wilI be by tractor and horse drawn wagons. ADMISSION FREEë 499,00 COMPARE AT 50WMANVILLE STiEREO HI Fi ToMWm, w stemso <*en e125 watts aofbêg BEem oue* a # wowgh iés 4.spewcer su. *pmYSio f«e Sa~e Sow 11 0 11,9 p LAKE ONTARIO )N AUTHORITY you to attend -a BOWMANVILLE