VOLUME 114 brn~1bnrn t~xte~m~ut 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1968 Rural Grandma Deplores Conditi ons Late Chairman's Wife Unveils Plaque Unexpected Ending An elated bunch of Bowmanville ba] gather round hero George Sainsbury on Sun, he had scored the winning run to tie the playoff series at two games each. Sainsbury the eleventh inning on an overthrow to brea Deciding Game Sunday in M~ Catch er's WîId' ives Merchqr by Jim Ciar KIN INVESTMENT A wild throw In1 There were two $25 win- of the llth inningq ners last night in the tirst afternoon allowed draw of the current Kin manvile Merchanto Investment serles. Wlnners a 5-4 decision fror were Jin Williams and land Indians. It wa Glenna Kitchko, both of that enabled the ME Bowmanville.1 snarl their best of Subseuentdra swillOntario Intermedialq Subsquet dawsw iIIais, at two wins take place during the next sets the stage for nine weeks wlth the big this Sunday afternoc $1.000 draw the final week. land at 2 p.m. Kinsmen at their meeting A crowd of neari; last night held their annual cd a chili, grey da; Budget Night that kept manvilie rewarded them golng strong until af- porters wlth a gr( ter midnight. 4 lAfter trailing 2-0 ti Gives Merchants Victory in 1Ith "It's a Dongerous A ttitude to L ose Fuith in fOur luaws, Dear EitorNewtonville, Sept. 30, 1968. Tha Eiter hsbe cemn ob rt ail summner and 1 cannot push it into the background any longer. Two chance pieces of conversation convinced ~ ~me the letter miust go. In an interview on TV recently the interviewer asked what an individual could do to help in this confused world. The reply was that one individual could do littie except live his own life in harxnony with others, speaking out against wrong and if he or sbe liked to use the pen, to use it to try and influence others. S..~ A lady was in my home on the problem. telling me of the hard night There are residents who the residents on the front wouldn't cail the police if the \4 ..-~street had had the night be- village were being tomn apart. -fore, getting littie sieep on I hope the Dew Line has as ~.. . account of noise created by a fine a warning system as the âm, gang of irresponsible young culprits have here. Whether ..i people. I asked why the police the police cars corne froni ~c~'\had flot been alerted. Her west, east, north or south, rply frightened me. She said when they arrive nothing is ~ ?,.What is the use of calling happening worth reporting.I the police. It wouldn't do any think for months the police good." Where had I heard themselves thought we were these thoughts expressed be- a bunch of fusa pots. fore but in a different way? Other residents wouid neyer 4Oh yes! On the march f olàow- report trouble for fear they ing the church funeral service would be marked for the ~ .~of Rev. Martin Luther King a demolition crew. Others of '~reporter asked a negro what course, try not to become She thought the chances were invoîved. '~to find the murderer. His reply What is happening to us? was "What is the difference (TURN TO PAGE TWO whether they find him or flot. He wiil only get off." Arew becoming so frustrated and Ca irn Marks Ani ull of despair that we feel ____-____ ___ that for the solid iaw abid- ing citizen there is no justice, [l players bail game against Midland Indians. Final game. will no protection. It is a danger- jj f 5 r u rday after be played in Midiand on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'ciock. ous attitude to lose faith in i i a t o r e Ontario A large crowd is expected to make the trip in support the laws of Our land. scord inof he Mrchats.Each night, especially week- sak d o the tiehats ends the cars corne from the - - ______ outlying districts to race, give f E ak the tiean exhibition on how to wreck B o Iia n EAT OUT la car, deliberately backfire, y o 4idiandscreech brakes, scream tires, This Sunday when you get honk horns, yell, cry, fight and out of bcd, don't bother getting sit on private lawns to drink. breakfast. Just bundie the Sometimes this goes on untilCa h w n 1Iiro vi in il tii wfe and kids into the car and daybreak.gelmaInPr H e gale Hall on Qucen Street. thought it best to talk to some l o t H pe TAI,1, the Odd Fcilows wIil of the boys priv atcly.h He did it~ 1(1 have It ail ready for you. They so. Each adMitted he was OI IH VVg iII srved breakfast last Sunday causing â nd raws 1 0 0 ree pafurural nteand the response was so good, promlsed to stop if the others Frteps i erms the bottomlast o he eighth i in the tev re doing it again this, did. As one put it, "We are Frtepr i erms one Sundaylest orfteeit In tninTh weck. a gang." This had littie effect of the car dealers ln Port hold an auto-sho-w-with-mod- cis of many makes on display ln the arena there. Last week, they attracted an estimated 10,000 people ta the show on Friday and Saturday. Organtzer AI Morris advises that the event was an out- standing success and suggests iV might well go over ln Bow- manville wherc .lndividuai dealers held their owvn priv'ate showings last weej.. It wouldJ take some cooperafive organiz-i ation and promotion effort buti would provide viewers with a1 much more extensive choice of models than Is now the case here. Biggest problem would be to locate a building suitable for the show. NEWS CROWDED OUT Several Items of news have been held over until next week hecause of a »Pace ahortage. t,hie Bow- Sto captt.r n the Mi as a victorv lerchants 1to >f five, Al te "A" Fin- apiece andJ the finale on ln Mid- y 400 brav- Y, as Bow- their sup- eat effort. hey conjur- of their large clan of Midland backers. The two clubs battled on even terms until second base- man George Sainsbury opened the bottom of the llth on an Infieid error. Midland catch- er Terry Moore threw high to second, attempting to nail Sainsbury stealing. The bal eluded the centerfielder and George raced ail the way home* with the winning run. Pitching was the highlight <TURN TO PAGE FIFTEEN) Port Hope Girls Hurt in Collision On Tuesday at 9 a.m. a car driven by-Susan A. Smith, 19, of 106 Bruton St.Port Hope, wvas in collision with an Oshawa Wholesale van at the stopiight Scorner in Newcastle. John Baumann. 38, of 64 Archer Hill Dr.. Islington, was clriving the van and was uninjured. Miss Smith was taken Vo Memorial H-ospital by Bowmanvîlle Area Ambulance where she was admitted with concussion and fractured ribs. Her passenger, Carol Barre, 12 Park St., Port Hope, suffered shock and a bruised right ankie but was not admitted as a patient. Police esti- .gate damage ta the car at $500 and $250 to the truck. OPP Constable W. Stevensj vesigaed.The two vehicies are shown above shortly after the injured were BITS moPIECES WINNERS - Bowmanvilie fHigh School's Senior football squad won a spectacular game yester- day against O'Neill Collegiate, Oshawa, by a 13.12 score. It was neck and neck right down to the wire. O'Neill missed a couple of converts to niake the difference. t j-t t t SUICIDE - A hen pheasant, fed up with being shot at during the open season, may have decided to end it ail lasV weekend. Either that or it became confused because it fiew head on into the big picture window at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bagneli, Scugog St. and killed itseif. In the process, the bird also shattered the window, about 1/" thick. The Bagneils say this was not the first bird that has met a similar fate against their window, but it was the biggest. This was pheasant into instead of "under glass". t t t t t HELP - Parents in the Maple Grove area are urged ta attend an emergency meeting in the Christian Education Centre on Sunday, Oct. 6th at 7:30 p.m. Apparently, a crisis has developed because of a shortage of leaders for Cubs and Scouts and must be solved or the packs and troops wilI have to be disbanded. There are plenty of youngsters eager to take part, but few who will volunteer to lead. Corne out and hear details of the probiem. The situation is serious. t j CHANGES - Tt is understood that the Crystal Dairy building on King St. East has been soid and may become a fiower shop. In Newcastle, the Queen 's Hotel is reported to have been sold but no informa- tion has been re]eased on the new owners. t t t - t-j RESULTS - The Walker Store in Bowmanviile reports that the six-page advertising section in last week's Statesman brought excellent resuits, with their staff being rushed off their feet band- ling the flood of custoniers. The Target Sale continues until Saturday this week and there is still plenty of stock on the shelves to satisfy everyone. + t1 t t t OPENING - This Sunday afternoon marks the opening of the hockey season wîth Cobourg Juniors playing a benefit game with Bowmanville's new Junior "C" Club, sponsored by R. M. Hollingshead Corporation of Canada. They have been aptiy named "The Whiz Kids". The proceeds will go to longtime niinor hockey referee Bud Perfect who bas been laid up for several months. FINAL - Also on Sundaýy, Bowmanville's Inter- mediate hardball team wilI either emerge as Ontario champions or runners-up after they play Midiand Indians in the fifth game of the sesies. FIELD DAY - This Saturday from 10 to 4 there will be something new in this area, a Conservation Field Day held at the Long Sault Conservation1 Area. An interesting program is planned and fori further details see the advertîisement on page 16 of this issue.j At the special ceremony in Garden Hill on Friday, cominemorating over a quarter century of achievement in conservation, Mrs. J. D. Thomas was given. the honor of unveiling the memorial cairn and plaque. Mrs. Thomas is the wi.fe: of the late J1. D. Thomas who was chairynan of the Guelph Conference on Con- servation in 1941. That meeting was the forerunner of the many conservation projects that have been undertaken in Ontario since that time. Mr. Thomas died iast year. iversary Dust Stormsil'n U.S.A. oservution Action Herd Leaving forBC The disastrous dust storms tively represent 30 millions in the United States in 1935 of dollars. and their counterpart in Wes- Nearly 200 people, Includ- ~ ter-n Canada were credited ing six of the original mcmr- with bei.ng the events that bers of the Guelph Confer- focussed attention on the ence were present at the need for conservation meas- commemorativie ceremony On ures in the USA and Canada, Friday. held at the entrance "' atated Dr. A. Hf. Richardison, to the Garden ilil Conserva- Toronto, speaking at Garden tion Area. The six original Hili on Friday. members included Dr. Rich- The occasion was tihe Oom- ardson, Prof. A. W. Baker, memorative Ceremony, com- Prof. A. V. Coventry, Dr. E. plete with cairin and plaque, S. Aithibald, C. A. Walkin- marking more than a quarter (TURN TO PAGE TWO) of a century of conservation achievement in Ontario. The FIGURE SKAWING CLASSES Bernard Holden work was begun by the Registrations for the Figure [t was iearned this weelc Guelph Conference under the Skating Club will be heid on that Bernard Holden, AdmIn. chairmuanship of the late J. D. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Istrator of the Merncsial Hos. Thomas on April 25th, 1941. 'and Thursday, October 7, 8, 9, pital, Bowmanvllc, since 1961, The Ganaraska Survey and 10, from 8:00 a.m. tcI 8:00 P.m. will be leaving for a new Poo$ Report was the first major in the Recreation Office In the in British Columbia late lit project followiing this confer- Town Hall, 40 Temperance November. ence and it set the pattern Street, Bowmanville, Ont. He will be Administrator of for conservation authorities The Senior Class will start the Trail -Tadanac hospital in the proviince. There are on Monday, October 28th and that now has 164 bcds, with a now 36 conservation authori- the Juniors on Wednesday, $2 1/2 million expansion under- ties in existence in Ontiario October 3Oth. Time limit for way that will add another 78 whiose annual budgets coller-lbth classes 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.1 beds. Starts on October 22nd. Government Cens us Test ,Planned for Rural Area nhe census ta.kers are corn- ing to Durham County - the. Corn Growers Stage Protest Tractorcade i22.rasoni -o They will be asking reait dents Vo assîst in an import. S ,eý ant government project de- signed to help determine thYe best way to take the 19',1 national census in Canada. -. - The census takers wlll cali on about 3,170 househoids 'i -rural Durham County duria - a three-wreek period staiti4U 1<Otober 22. I The test will include a reg- --ular population census as wigi f~' *f. - -~ ~ 't~>as the farm census. IV bas4t. ~'44S~ -- -ally wiIi be taken in the tr). ditional manner with cen takers collecting informati% fom every househoid. Excç - tions will be the larger far. -. househoids who wiil receive the agriculture questionnaiïa by mail by October 17 Mer - completion in advance of tIne - census takers' caîl. The cea. sus takers wiil also drop off a somnewhat longer populatiei questionnadre to one house- hold in four to be compieted S themseivez and picked iâp zM' later by the census taker. Durham County was selee$ ed for the test by the Et. Minion Bureau of StatstMg because, the Bureau said, 1~ agriculture divcruity is i-e- presentative of rnany types fi farming practices in Ontar1b. To make the test nationel ku scope, similar censuses wji be conducted at the sa r l time in three other areas ri Canada; Annapolis Valle'y area, N.S., Napiervile Coun ' On Tuesday morning, corn growers from south-western Ontario passed Quebec, and the Lethbrldý through Bowrnanville on their way to Ottawa. This large vehicle's sign tells the area, Alberta,. As in all DBS censuses, ii. basic reason for the protest. The sign reads: "USA Corn Ruining Ontario Farm- formation collected is strictly ers an-d Canadian Economy". There were over 75 vehicles, ranging f rom ex- confidential. Ail DES iM. tremely large tractors to comparatively diminutive types. At least one was driven ployege are bowid to seeri by a woman while the others were mostly in charge of young farniers. They are by law Uidr the Statlstg Aet, wtsieh alm **npow making about 12 miles an hour, escorted by Ontario Provincial Polîofe in cruis- DE»S to collect crnus lnfoý. ers and on motorcycles. A few members of one of the local Farm Union locai.s mation. waved to them as they passed the corner east of Bowmanville cemetery. (TURN 70 AG. WO 150 Per Copy - NUMBER 40 1 0 e t. IS e ýr n e e r y e