lnd Cornwall, Enzland amd f from hospitai where ha under-:The Canadian StatI i arm residiga The "Long-LIA 1 n esa, wm ,e.2,16 Autumn Wedding im ;_Kecently 'va rrieu in London, England YreP1MHaTStudys.BkrMrG.aki Enln.We al wish hlm a speedy Vaneyk ateno An X-ray Technician. the revr.M.adMs la akrwr udyeehgvstr bride a tt en d ed Newcastle!r ed hte>. h adM che.WtronMr'nMr. and Mrs. Ca.Pn Publie Sohool and Orono andweedaElmLdePi-ad rsBuc Bkr dW&d. Bowmanville High SchoeIs.1;coendak Eli ode PgPamela, Toronto;M.ad Cu 0lde flme j Dr. Medhurst attended Monori oI Lke Mrs. Ketth GobleadBin ensat vnn.Ot t 9, House School, London, Eng., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright,,Courtice and Mran Mr.tth hoenMs.Lle j St. Mary's Hospital, MedicaÏ Oshawa, spent the weekend John Baker and by eeGbe laent hneo with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.1Sunda _guests n r n ae '(Pharmacy).y Telegrams and giftz for the!Ln.M. ebr Wright,. coupe wee rceivd 1!om:daughter Linda, Enniskillen. were receved fromwcre Monday cvening callers ( friends and relativesý in Nor-' at his brother, Mr. and Mr%.l a er 1iu i i wvay, England, New Zealand,Frd rgt dfaiBse -' Malasia, Gerrneny, Holland Lie. rgtadfmlBs <~ii~cI~Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow Prior to her marriage the' were Si ycaUcersonte Erydywo imas g .bride was guest of honor at Suon thoe' tht I orl isine aiv a "Canadian" style showerfollowing: Mr. and Mrs. Har-tirtIlausf 'hcld by the radiologists, X-1 I Mellor, Toront~o. niece; Myr, ecl uies vrne.ýohsas~a.l ra ecncan ndsuensiand Mrs. Jack Ashton, brother,ý maklng money wanst a!i erain of the Middlezex Hospital, A. cnseruMr. ao r HS.HNTS LnoEng., where she hadj .Dnem croouh r CLOTHE CAR] Lendepe onthe atand Mrs. Frank Cruckshankc, b e n d am p l y d f o r t e tA ja x , s is te r s . H o m e C le a n n g is ag e r u . C e n n l f h u d b a d Aye er nda hld n ew Mrs. H. G. Freeman accom- SA s owe r t., a th e dh o m e wo f în fe d h er d a u g h ter M r. a n d i >' b x e t . r n h m t ' o a r c e n r asti , O t., at fic ome oflM rs. M orly Flintof, Tow n. toi Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Miklos on Harmony church on Sundav AL RV HRHACINSL August 19, 1968, when the wenthegrPdaugte o b rid e w as in C a n a d a f o r a ~~ ~ ~~~Mr. a n d M rs. F lin to ff , g re a t H o e a k n - V g t b l ,-ri a O . 4 h ibrief visit, st which she was! rndugtrn Ms re presented with silver table-mawsbplz.Thy er arte byn frn daster om N w dinner guests nf M r. and M rs.ý caste ad Acaser.Gary* Gordon and son Michael. IMr. and Mrs. LawrenceB W AN L E WINTERBURN -CALLAN iStPi5i B tnrs with Mr. i Bouquets of white 'muns[ and Ms.Bd eywer, Mon1 and the soft glow from cari- Bae inek8nKIG T. .m23-c2 delabra enihanced Christ An- MrBaseLnd . Fe tv glican Church, Coboconk, nr n r. rdSeesý whnMs alEiaeh spent several days with th(i CL ANER "W SpclzeIShrLaneng w he M ss Ga l li ab thgran cisons, he T o in gs, T or- Callan and Mr. Earl Gilberti..te pg eW interburn were united 'in!ot. w ie t er p r ns w r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ marriage on Saturday after-' ,. . wRY to a convention. i oon, September 14, 1968, at dM,.famdyMrs. HE.rdH Wl. 1E 3 o'clo c k T h e b ri e is t h ek in s, P o r t H o p e , w e re S a tu r . i~ME E* d a u g h t e r n I M r. a n d M r s . a y d in n e r g u e s t s w i t h t h e ~P ~M v E I I I Robert H. Callan, Coboconk,foers oheMsAln w g g[ and the groom's parents are Snode an a Aenedth Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Winter- Snadndyî eddg heM burn nI Norand. an Mrs. Wm. Davidson and Rev. J. B. Harrison officiat- ài boys. Weston, were Satu rday ed and Mr. James Merrett, ., t. inrgusswt e itr played the wedding music. ;te ýM.an r. e oomr Th onstwsMs.Br~ Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey A. Medhurst, shown in the above photowr mar-t phy and daughters also attend- Nvison, who sang The Wed- e Sding Prayer and l'Il Wl ried on Saturday morning, March 30, 19 68, at 11:30 o'clock in Christ Church, e the Snowden-Lyle wedding. heshown!iBeside You. Wl Ail of bis brothers and sistersý Mr. and Mrs W allace Raymond Nortey London, England. The bride is the form er Miss Mary J. Pluister, daughter of jwere present. Mrs. Lloyd1 In the above photo, were married on Saturday after-i The bride, who was givený Mrs. Margaret Pluister, Thickson Rd. N., Whitby, and the late Mr. JohnEPui-SodnMm.oyVCap noon, September 14, 1968, at 4 o'clock in St. Paul',sin marriage by ber father,E ter, and the groom is the son of Mrs. May Medhurst, Wallington, SurreyE. ngui- aln wen re s o a th awe- w omi eg hAe' y n-as eeget ttewd United Church, Bowmanville. The bride is the for-mer worea o white nytlon o ' land, and the late Mr. Heriry J. Medhurst__ ding. Miss Sylvia Mitchell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred gown fet wit viue non_ Mr. Bob Wilson, T'oro)nt.i Mitchell, Bowmanville, and the bridegroom is the SOnf Chantil olaerbltyle a was a Monday dinner guesti of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robert Northey of Oshawa. W edtiree-quarterChrength, frilled fl tch'nI. Bo s]eeves. A cathedral train of,.. Mrs. C. Greenham. Mapleý Chantilly lace, which fell' Grove; Miss Carole Greenhamn, from the waistlinc, highiight- Tmno pn h ekn IlJhv -Jx'ed tri 'ed the gowrî. Her bief chapel wt loped edge was caugbt to an law. Mrs. James Greenham,i Ille MEDHURST - PLUISTER ostrich-featber type head-. Motro n r.DeMNin. pyiece of matching lace with'ý West Hill, visited their grand- The marriage of Miss Mary, crystal and peari accents, and' nother, Mrs. R. R. Stevens at Chrisian J. Pluister, daughter of Mrs.1she carried a white Prayer: h anod usn oe 0Rd. N., Whitby, Ont., and th&ese, white roscbuds, e ody late Mr. John E. Pluister, and !carnations and ivy. Ms nad Cyemn~ T I E K O L 1 Dr. Geoffrey A. Medhurst,ý Mrs. Mina Saunders, ister r i rdra.M.Kn a nd the late Mr. Henry .J was Miss Audrey Harris.dnt I aee caey coo i4durt asslmnzdi. n atrd nflllnth fbroadcasting radin and TVI Iecoinii in s il wsslenzdi er tîe n uilnt1held at the Four Seasonsl r O~~~~~~Crs hurch, London, Eng-ilime green sbeath gnwns 0fMtrHtlo atra.Knjf -uland, on Saturday morning chiffon over taîfeta bandediasneoth udts UEIUMarch 3th, 1968, at 11:30ý with daisies at the empirei . Mms. Elmer Trirnble, Town, 1i4 11spent a fewv days with Mrs.1 tRev. Anthony Bridge offi- the fiowing nylnn sheer cape. Ro aCm,.ae ie eated and the wedding music< hywoesoes to match., iiMS UIAONOOFRI PIA ITN 0 I1 NTh eyo es K ngow od tur5.se nsha 1s P t t i f n -asocyeabyMt1Ete Miss Judy Spry, cousin of the TH POS..U brook. Lovely bouquets of; bride, WOre a lemon yeIlow 0 firr.,Tfie ATT ;m nOur 1,sfory 'sa.ofengGASSf.yuaN rafo hv ~ie spa er Spring flowers formed an at-i frock in the same styli "J oasot o TLOWNGOLYyo inby 1, nf i aa tractive settin.g for the cere-' those worn by the senior at- B ramded first quati y nqeVsoGle CMLEwfht.fri*0 tendants. Ail worema Yow rW cawspaper keeps youin-moncing Congratuilationx to Gerry o ; . ac ofthi Oe LWDSON RC fo dulanbwCnmnish whose caif was champ- 6 TLS HPSADOLR OC40EFG lmeof Whas happening in youi- Tebiewowsgîven adorned with short veils. Thel dobl, anSTYLapEceS, 5"' df ofea-mumunity evetts, public imarriage by Dr. Brian mto Ih radte ~ion theiner-ony - ail *iB lsii eef711WCl a oyyOeneO OU si .eeisstories abouIt peopie iniKendall, wore a floor-length ndsadcridbuut..........................................eIthionterLonsy 4Fairn-, eurrefi eeêfo v~e*srnefcffaeti n yhoalint d wthscouat-adgw n ht pa esoie of rust and white 'mums with eYoshireitdws aceird sc s'qed especially fryu tîicisoa~yad aa otor i shoudn'ttowlhoutwith long lily-pninted, orkd i in t sanie cmetîind sec-.GeaetVle dii iq.fQafya N O styledwheat, and the junior brides.eff'C ort yu opthé..cmorsol roe. a.kIn ae!ISae 10OW THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS leeves and lace necklinej madcarrid .1in As hery ae oattion YOUR LOCAL PAPER The gown was accented by'R a sket filled...........atenin with bronze and yellow Kemptville Coilege of Agmi- SALE POSITIVEL NSSTJDY C.8 98 The Monitor specializes inanalyzing embroidered white rons e s .mu.m.a with. wheat. . .. cultural Tecbnolngy, Dean KYTI LE 'A-O and înterpretirîg national and world down each ide of the gown, Mr. Jamh wes auner.as K"PnoYI anavrycpa Mr.. ih Jav dsace ndbrsoldrlnt vi et manadesSushers wercno o ......................................so e thSe naIs. y Con-1l frotmime of the largest news bu- feIl bnuffantly from a crown Mr Gary Calian, twin brotherrtuainDe. reaus ithe nations capital and of embroidered roses and!rGrry Ctonisha,Kmtvl, front Motor news experts in 40 sping flow er. Her bridal of the bride, and Mr. Douglas Ge.r visied ishar ent.Mr. ande overseas coîmitries and ail 50 states. bouquet was of white camna-, Winterburn, brother of the ~... groom....................................................................................rs. SdneyCoonshSouSun TRY THE MONITOR - IT'S A PAPER tiens and yellow roses. î ecpin a el t.Y" THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY Miss Andrea Purcell I b in is M r rîe et o COMPLETE I O A S $ . O A dto a ~~~ ~~London. England. was the'where the bride's mother re-~ ndybvn pn ot The Christian Science Monitor maid of honor and was attir- yeivd eainSablckandand, .......ni OneNorwaStrcet d in a formal-length hltue, cranberry brocade ensemble. .................................etobo. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Igown with match'ing floral witb featbered bat in the Bet .nsn Plesse stert nvy Monitor subscription for headdress. She caried a bou- same tories, nse ooe methe $8 dceke eO ser clrdM . and M ms. Ber John- Te of spioîï lwas hlaiaccessonies, and orchidi cor- . .4etvll:Mr unoD by, cousin ofthtre bride,!mon t Niagar-a Falls. F-e miscellanEnus ' hower w e I. CI :N2TEY-MICELL Osaa. Thcy vere attîred'travelling the bride m'ore aregbr of the bride sbower- 1 ~ ~~~~~~in formai lenzth emerald nylon knit coat-dress in rIv5sed lier with glîts. -l T A S I ING W Bouquets of yellow gadioli1 green gowns of bonded crepej ter shade, with gey v vf-ýet Office workers and staff o f ;a h attractive setting in St. Paul's sleevP,4. squar-e neckline, fit-I ton bat, black and grey ac-iw-here the bride is emplnyed,ý U'nite.d Cburch on Saturd.ay ted bodice and empire waist- c>ssories. They are residing.eýntertaifled in ber hono September 14, 1968, at fouir une. The gown was bighi-,at 191 Nonquon Rd., Apt. 9f4,'weneh ws presented wt o'clock for the marriage of ighted by a matching silk'Osbawa. a loVely Jazy susanan a Miss Sylvia Mitchell, daugh- chiffon overlay which fell1 A secretary. t.he bride at..jserVing ýtîa.v. The bride's gift ter oI Mr. and Mrs. Fred from the bodice. The attend-, tended Hillcrest and Central fr0m Oshawa Wood Produrta, r n l IMitchell, Bowmanville, and ants' gowng wcre hand madePublic Scbools in Whithyadwsaflo oihr iMm. Wallace Raymond Nor-'by a fmiend. They woî-e crown ýýi, rae1 auaeo Following the weddrgî-N S IL they, son of Mr. and Mr:. headdresses of ememald gree Bwanie Hgb cho hearsai. the groomýqN S VIL Raymond Robert Northey of crepe and chiffon adomned' The groom attended Vincenilentertained the bridai party"T EH M 0FCUTYAD WS RN UIC Wben ulckness strikes send your lovlIig IRev. Harold Turner officiat- of honor carried ashwcascade i mow Te at on y Rd. Sehubl d onev1-an-a hi on nOhw."H O EO ONR N I Osha wa.with a bac -bow. The atra eona y R Pubiol andch o n ar- a hir h m n s a a regards i a beautiful floral !ed and the wedding music teardrop bouquet nfbrne Clegat ail in Oshawa. H e O t l arrangement.wa played by Mr. C. Evans. 'mumis, and yellow 'munis in' is a saleeman with Sîmponna- MAPLE GRflVE e v s Oc. 1t yien in marriage by bier similar arrangements wetreiSa »al elivery titIiaerbaiMm. 011d mad, til-engh gwn of m. ayn AaenOsawa,jat several prenuptial shower,, Mrs. Elvin White and b Mr. $74.00 PER PERSON INCLUDES: Orono NewcstleBowrniîvile andwhite peau de soie with cm- was best man and usheringý Mrs. Edward Dobby, assisted andMr. im nwe f e nTasotto i eueMtroc j pire waisti.ne, fitted bodice were the groom's brother, Mm.'jby Miss Su.san Dobby and'their recent marriages.* eunTasotinVaDl Oshawa. ofI silk sculptured brocade r -p Northey, and Mr. John Mrs. Susan Porter, aunt, 120(-. Dont forget the Stewards *Acm oainfr3Ngt a h xeln ecr oe styled wîth a square neklne both of Oshawa. j si and sister nf the bride, auction sale, alan home madeý comdto o ihsa matchîng long fitted slceves. The reception was held at1 gave a miscellaneous shnwer haking, on Friday, Oct. 4th at, V an Ç71S'~II ~~ ara isand Aîline skirt. A detach- the ashawa Cei Union at the bride's home when re-'the Chiirch * Reserve Ticket to Grand Oie 0r So -V an O lle Q rdensable train of white peau de Hall, where the bide's mo-Ilatives and friends nI theý The Stewards thanknfferingý soie trimmcd Wl h rocae ter rceved n a topebride wcre present. M*i s s sPec-ial Sunday on 3unday,ll'or Further Informiationc nal flnwed frmnthei back of the ensemble of aqua-blue lace, Ch,îstjine Marsden aînd Mrs.lOct. 6th. Mr. John Twi, ges' i e /ie h pempire bodice ending in a and nylon oven taffeta. the iJohn Hancork entertained'speaker, will speak a bout bis1 U L Y B S LU E I I E gracfulhal-mree a th drss i shathstvJ an th,%with a miscellaneous ;hnwfr 1,Crossroads Africa" trip. U L Y B S IN PHONE 623-5757 bottoni ege. A tiara of seed1coat fitted. matching at, andiat the former's omne attend-' The firt cardcparty of the pearis and crystals bedler yeliow and white synbid or-' ed by Iriends and Bowmari- season will be held thýîs veeki OSHAWA 723-7171BO ANIL l41 Open 9 a.m. to 8 >.~..bouffant. three-tiier n ylIon chid corsage. She was assiait- iville'High Schoo rla7ýsmates b he E. all EvryneOR ORLCA TAEL GNC itlevei. and hier cascadelcd in neceîvirg by the gmoom's Mrs. Stanley MilIhel, Mrs.,welcome fRYU OA RV bo quet was oi Centenialimother who wore a aasp. Ray Va llancourt. and M rs.il !4r. Lloyd Snowden la home _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _