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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1968, p. 5

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in St. Joseph's Churci SPedle .vander Werf 1thie groom, Toronte, w« mat- ron uf honor and wore Marie Agatha van der'flocer-length gown of Iight! fi daughter of Mr. and gregn chiffon. Miss Corrne M*. William van der Werf o! van. der Werf. aiter of the Newr.astle, and Mr- LOU Peter bride, Newcastle, as brides- $peziale, gon o! Mr. and Mrs. maid was attired in a floor- Anthony Speziale, R.R. 2, îentýi white chiffon gown' Newcastle were united in bighlighted by a green and marriage on Saturday morni- yla mrie bodice ing, August 17, -1968,et Il Bnth wore matching green, o'clock in St. Joseph's Ronananti yellow bow-headdresses.ý Catholic Church, Bownan- ýThe flower girl, littie Miss. ville. Baskets o! yellow roses Angela Domizin o! Toronto,î adwhite carnations fonrmed wore a long white frock and 9Matactive setting for the white veil headpiece. bothl ceremony. miniature replicas of those Rev. F. K. Malane offîi9at- worn by the bride. Tne sen -' ed. Mr. A. Collison played .lor attendants carried bou-1 the wedding music and alsoý queùs of yellow -roses andi accompanipd the %oloist. Mr. white carnationîs and the! Martin Doleweerd, uncle o! flower girl carried a basket! the bride, of yellow roses and carna-ý Given in marriage by her, tions. father. the bride wore a Mr ap MoeTon, formal-length gown o! white ,Mr. Raph ortorono, lare nver satin styled vith brothe.r-in-wo!tegom long bell-shaped sleev'es. Back wa% bes't man and the usher interest xvaq creatpd hv a was Mr. Dirk van der Werf long. matching lare train o! Newcastle. brother of th@- which felI from the shouldr, bride. The bride's youngest and her three-tier, shoulder-: brother. Master Ronnip van lengh vel ws l'elcIbv der Wei-!, was ring bearer. crown of! ryrstals and pearlg, The reception wes hepld In Mrs alph Moro, siste r of the Legion Hall. Bowmanie ,~,Before leaving on their wed-hà ding tnp to Northern Ontario- and Quebec. the bride donned 0/1 for travelling a turquoise ýF ta ~ . dress with matching lace coat. 6t- ý:They are residing in Bow- PC manville. The newest look of fashion s the newest look by Naturalizer. Chunky heel,. and rounder toe with comfort that makes this shoe feel as good as lt looks. Lloyd Ellis Shoes 47 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE The bride attended Rich- mond Hill Hîgh School. Lang- k staff Secondary School,! Thornhàll, Cla rke High Schooli andi Peterborough Teachers'1 College. The groom attended Public Sdhools in Toronto and Port Hope High School. Button Club Exchange The September meeting of *the Pioneer Button Club wasi held at the home of Mrs. ýi Frank Grosjean, Codrington,i with 13 memberm and one'* visitor present from Oshawa, *Bowmanville, J an e t vià11e: Campbellcroft. Newcastle, nd, Baltimore. The membersar rived at 11:30 a.m., and en- joyed a semà-pot luck d.finner after which President Mrs. 0. K. Osborne conducted the business part of the meeig giving a talk on Waist Coati Mr. and Mrs. Lou Peter Speziale, shown in the above photo, exchanged Buttons, worn on men's vests: marriage vows in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville, on Satur- in years gane by and whichi day morning, August 17, 1968, at il o'clock. Formerly Miss Marie Agatha v'an are difficuit to distinguish from jewel buttons. der Werf, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William van der Werf of The pecal ispay ardNewcastle, and the bridegroomn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Speziale, TasButsp ith ims o criR.R. 2, Newcastle. Photo by Astor Studio Frames. Many aind variedi were these buttons w'hich L ýcreated quite a lengthy dis-1B E. ~ ' fi cussion as to which was a' -TA N ýrim and which was a fra me. Some members were convinc-. A number of Bethanî îles ilowing their winming o! thelAdamis invited ail membhers ed that a few of their buttons went on The Stock Bros. bus Austin Worr North Durham to attend Open House nt The' were in the wrong category,i tnp to Toronto on Friday to trophy. Rectorv on Wednesday and requining some rearrangi attend a hearing concerningý During the party. Wayneiview the improvements made: whie thrswee tii out-proposed bus service from i Martiohenko and D n alito both interior and exterior. fuI when the discussion ended.!Toronto to Peterborough, via: Timnms presented Er n es t Church calendars wer ai -ý At the close of thîe meetingi7 highway through Bethaany' Youngman with a trophy asi dered for the comîng year:1 Mrs. Grosjean seiwed a cup' Some years ago Coloniallcoach of the year. also two dozen teaspoons fori of tea and the ladies helped Coach Lines gave daily busI Bryce Jimmo, voted the1 the parish hall kitchen. *themnselves to an assortment, service over this route. 0!! most valuable player of the, Plans were made ta hold a of dairities left over from the! late the only accommodationJ year, was also presented with'Buffet supper in late October noon dinner. has been one bus a week, ala trophy by Mr. YoungmYan. lin the Parish Hall. ___ ____- special which ran from Beth-i James Kloepfer presentedj Lunch was served by mem-ý any to Peterborough by Stock1 Harvey Malcolm, the assist-'bers of group three. Bros. The group from Peter-lant coach, with a Ieatherj Athietie Association Mieeting, borough, Millbrook, Cavaný wallet. i At their meeting last week and Bethany were favorablyr A number of the player's the Bethany Athletic Associa-ý r eceived and it is expectedJ mothers helped the hostessition agreed to hold a Hal-' tthat daily service will be re- with serving undh. lowe'en Dance on October 6, sumed in the near future.11 Mr. idrdBrstwspn Bethany J-H Club i at which time the Senilori Mrs Midrd Bistw pe.t, weve irl hve oindýSoftball Teamn and the Pee, the weekend in Kingston 'îsit Teve gir4H lsave jdWee Team, champions in th e ing ithherdauhte anmeeting held et the ho me ofNorth Durham League, will son-iin-law, Mr. and Mrs, MelJOfbe presented with jackets andý Ogryzek.their leader, Mrs. Glenn Ogryek.Preston. i sts. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Di'i-' This unit is 'Working w.1tbi Plans were also made ta ver, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wceîl' and involves the mak- hold a Fashion Show in thel DýieNwToronto, visitedýnofawl krorjme near future and a Dance an with Mr. and Mrs. Leonardi and learnng th careand T Driver and Mr. and Mrs. Ger- lann th aead Tr wson icuin vin Mulligan last week. properties o! the wool fibre. er as saune discussionl 1Mrs. Walter Fallis is the as ta rnsaalbefo Fran Whit an Rev Wln.'a;sýitan leaer.the Provinoial Governm-ent 1 Frak WiteandRev Wm asistnt eadrfor parks and com ni Piercy attended the Unitedý Anglican Uhurch Women clb. are Maoî. u- Chuch ens Cnfeene ss- The Anglican Church Wo- clo !MnesTwsi ýstmas g.:51sos t~imLd~. Cr men were enteî'tained at thelagreod ta look further iut'o have returned from a week's hom-e o! Mrs. Ross Neals for any grant Vihat would appl', visit in Picton with Mr. and hirSpebrmeig to the Bethany Athl<'îî As- Mrs. Creighton Carr and Mrs. Neals led the devoi-isociation Park, and Wall1 family. tional period assisted by Mrs. Reid, president of the B.A.A., On SturaytheWomen , Ina Palmer and Mrs. Myrtie volunteered to attend anv: CHIT A nstitut.e soso. abs r Thompson. meeting at Queen's Park, Tor-' sposoeda usti Rev. and Mrs. Kennethiotmths nection. tHamilton. Points of inter-i ____n__i cnn est visited were the Hami H Rock Gardens, Dundurn o orCo rtceCopl tie, The Rittermere Rug Fac- o o o r ie C u l tory, The Vineland E xperi-, ier's mntlSttonad4 menalSttin'dJod n 45th Anniversary Museum. A Smorgasboard, r Supper at Brain.t Inn climax Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phaîr, (Audrey), Courtice and fixei ed the day. Courice, were recently honor-,granddaughters, Wendy and The Betiany Bowling Alley ed at an open house on theýBonnie McGhee, and Judy, ery ~and Snack B2r will be open- occasion of their 45th weddingl:Janice, Barbara Mantie, LEing in. the niear future under annlversarY. Mrs. Phair is the daughteîi [LLE ~~the new management of Mr.T"le couîple was married Sep-lot the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. and Mrs. Harold Satîdersoni.!tCiibet 5, 1923, In the parson~- Fuund, and Mr. Phair is the The interijor o! the building ' aeof King Street Unitedson o! the late Mr. and Mis. now being renovated. Thos-e.Chulrch with the late Reverend Harry Phair. interested in forming a BoI rwn ticlating. They have 'PThe guest book was attend- m-, ii enrsh aI appyfortwo chiidreni, Mrs. Gordon ed by the granddaugliters. ýmerberhipat n erl\ daie-iMaîîtle (Doreen), North Bay Gifts, cards and best wishes Bethaîîy Wins iand Mrs. William McGhee were received Bethany Senior Softball'.M Team, the North Durham La-J gue champions, are still on top of the heap, taking their i second win against Nestleton, q )harrnacist 1gei t Soit-ttr ,ek, ct. st -5th"noon with the score 4-3. li of chîldren die runs scored was a highlightý w traic mîhapuof the game. ~vened ftenthegood ball aIl the way, with: Malcom hisbattery mt o ~ommn huseoldhold the visitors scoreless un-, commonhouseold tl theseventh inning. Don n m olo o Lch as lye, bleach, Lee was on the mound for Nestleton. with Elliott receiv- e poish IfyouTied inu the ninth, the gameJ gsters don't keepi went ton innîngs. GINGERAL iNestleton 0 0 0 0 0 O0O1I0O1I1 dangerous items Bethany 2 00000C) 0 O 2! Teams: Nestleton: Jackon,j -se within easy Matheson, Don Lee, Elliotti f i s Minshall, Parker, Pantschuk,l J. Lee, Lawrece. I ad IBethany: Jakemant, Malcolm.;In andyo McG ili, Edrnunds, Reynolds: cn I ~ ~! G.Scotty met R The Caiiadian Etteman, Bewnianvflle, Oct. 2, 190 Vows j' i. SKI JACKETS Plush Pile, warm ly Qu jît- Lined throîîghout, snug draw string hood. Vertical zipper pockets and front zipper closing. Assorted colours. Si111. Leaither Handbags J3eautfi handhag shapes with single and double handies, sturdy frames, assorted styles and sizes. r Black or Brown. 9.97 ea. SLACKS i47 In sturdy diagonal twill. Styled with à hait boxer waist and three pnrkpts. Assorted colons. Sizes 7-12. I t. ~' il MISSES' ORLON PILEI From Your F ""National Pharmacy We Every year hundredq from accidentai poisoning that could have heen pre cause of death can ho a c product, si -------- or furnituri have young potentially such as the% «Mýý"MOM reach. 67 King St. E. 623-254, '4 'b s' 'iii: * .5 t I I INFANTS AND TODDLERSj CARDGANSSEAMLESS. MESH NYLONS Fully fashioned, machine washable and drya ble, Reeg. 39e mur pi Assorted Colours. Target Sale Special, Reg. 3.98 These are first quality nylons with reinforced heels and toes for longer wear. Beigetone, 1/2 1 rneoe ofetn.Coc flglnts Full and'half sizes, 9-11. INFANTS BOYS' PILE-LINED Corduroy Slim Sets S KI J A CKE IS Sizes 2 - 3X. Assorted Styles and Colours. Quilted nylon, two zipper pockets, zip front. Roll-Away hood. Assorted Colours. Target Sale Special, Reg. 3.98 Size 4-6X Size 8-19 .1/2 PRICE .5.57ea. 6.9 7ea. GIRLS'Orlon Acrylic Orlon Pile Parkas CARDIGANS & PULLO VERS Eskimo style. Contrasting trirn on bood, Cardigans and Pullovers. Diamond patterns, Assorted Colours, Sizes, 4-6X. V-necks, button closing. Assorted Colours. Sizes S, M, L, XL. Reg, 9.00 Value 8 7ea. 497 a LADIES' PIIINTED FLANNELETTE E gïh C ï.ln SLEE W EARSave 3.58 Yard Your choice, Gown or Pyjamas. Pintucked Bib, Asre oor.6"wd.99 au ruffled. Pink or Blue. Sizes S, M, L. sotdClus 0"wd.99 au 297ea. 63yard LADIES' SLIPS WooI Flannel A large aisortment (o choose f rom. 90% Wool - 10% Nylon added for extra strength. High Fashion Colours, Another Target Sale Special. 54" wide. 2.67ea. or 2Ifor 5.00 2.17 yard 5 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE 623-5451 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 784 4'. Sizes 12-18. ea, BOYS y

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