i 5 The. Canstan ~S tesman, Eowmanvoeo, Ort. 2. 1968 Durham's NDP Women Ilear Address by OFU President. " WALT DISNEY'S Tff OFA ~*I~*1, MORTAIN TECHNICOLORO LION! Thursday, Sunday and Monday at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at 7:00 and 8:20 Matinees Saturday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Children 500 anytime SUNDAY MID-NITE SHOW, OCT. 13 ONLY "Hot Rod Hullabaloo" Former Garden Hill Family Holds Reunion IlTh Durham N.D.P. Wo- of her week et bbe Women's .into being because many nSen's Organization held Its i Holiday Workshop ln August fermera feît that bbc Ontario monhlymeeinget he omowhich was sponsored by the Féderation of Agriculture was lhonhlymeeingnt he omeFoderal Women's Committee not sorvlng fermersaedequate- fM -..E Eaton. Milbrook, lof the Ne w Démocratic Party. lly. The OFU. Ia wiiling to, en Tuosday ovenIng, Septem-!1 A full report will be givon by bake militant action If neces- bér i7th. ber et tbe October meeting. 'sary. The first m 0cho large number attended bo Mrs. D. Moffatt spoke of teatw i 94mde people. hear Mr&s. M. Opsitnîk, Wo- 'corn roast and hay ride ta o realize that action wex noces- isien's President of tbe Ontario beld Sept. 21 st at Moffatts sary. Every year e brIef Was. Tai-mors' Union. Before Mrs. and advised that arrangements presented ta the Federal Gov- O)psltnik' spoke, a number of had been finalized. ;ernment by the O.F.U. but Wt business Items were discussed. oedicsonwaelonWe" an exorcise ln futility". lira. W. Hil reported that! tbe possiblliby of having a ateTrctrnideotins eren $8200 bad been teken ln et Christmas party tb wbicb anote.re rning p oinedn the rurmmege sale bold Iichildren wouid bring gifla for; tned. ore fermeraand heoind Elumpton, September 7bh. ! UNICEF or Sick Children's o rgedztion a bc on- Blnr. I. Gouid spoke briefly 1 Hospital. This will be dlscuss-1 eral public realizedtt a- - frhe tth c obe rs werc not goting a fair ed frthr e theOctberdeal. meeting. A ful achedule of évents. In-! n the O.F.U1. there Is ae ciuding dences. card parties female office for every made! and sales wes sel for bbe co'm office with junior offices alâoJ Insura nos Is not jing year. Tbree new mcm- :;:d mcarry togh e: am, asimple subjoct Art las year's convention a ~ and advised that she wes the resolution was passed ta Inte-' 1Women's President of bhe grae the provincial fermers' 1OF.U. 'unions Int a national organiz- Mrs. Opsitnik opened by ation as eech province la now e ying that she bad been rais- autonomous and il la no longer e d on e tobacco farm and she effective. Corporation lai-ms j end ber busband had noved are not provincial ln nature. i b ibis erea from Norfolk We look to bhe national fai-m iCounty Io 1956. organization ln bhe United "In 1963, tobecco growers States as a guide. "No price - Last week, the seven surviving children of the the large sign et the Garden Hill Conservation Arva. suffered severe cutbacks. They No product" - wlthbolding late Mr. an-d Mrs. J.H. Lock of Garden Hill returned Other children et the reunion included Mrs. J. A. -. bd a terrific commodIty org- action is used ln the United home for a reuruon. There were 10 in the famfily but Stewart (Eva) 83, of Garden Hill, Mrs. F. W. Sprv' enization but because of gov- States. We hope to get con- ol ee r tl iigTelI rLc a Se 81, of Beamsville, Leonard G. Lock, 80, Port beconiea complex and higll ernmcnt décision, prIces were tracts with major Canadien g.hiclsbjc.ltsbrdr ynkdof oecoedtbycmpnw wt rîe.carrnage maker in the village. The oldest of the family, Credit, Mrs. S. Morton (Millie) 73, Garden Hill, M'S. were thrown on the open l Lest yoar. corn was Import- Walter S. Lock, 85, now of Vancouver attended the P. S. Cru tchley (Aima) 72, Garden Hill andi A. M. 038l ~ Ct oe OU o klOW mar ct. Buy rs ad rod c- d fro m bth c U nited States. iM e mnorial C erem ony on Frida , rarking 25' years of (Fred) Lock, 66, G arden H ill. Y= YfbaVeno1ughjnsuran= iors where tbcy wanbed them. Moretha1n was necesrwaCosraonnh prvn .1-ei o naogidotco l yoramy JTree adressed merkeb. ordered endn the balaince.ws He - __________________________________-- -________ e_ = -c z* or bqaàines& F or j I sat on tbc Tobecco M arket-j used to depress Cenadian obj ctie. -i-Il ne ro- eeeXpert adViceyo Iled to1Ing Board for two ycars and prices. Corn growors _- Speaker Tels Rotarians ojciel acot r. j wetched the sbunting fromn Soubbwestern Ontario were bI ----- prictery produti for whirb dctermne if you bavce nough Provincial Government to Fed- trouble. tberp Is e demend ln al parts' ,ro v rag .-and *he ligbt lànd , crel G ov ernm en t and back There are national m arketJof t e w rd n l i g th *-WbY Mot conhuit us lpdiiflagein." she said. "We o info wmE U tbc Fermera' Union in 19i4as Igpolicios for wheet and P odu e 964 E xpects tok. Produce e Imo.U r.Brace waxes n n we saw the need for ALL mil. Thsy cannot be ipprt of~I fermera, wbether of tobacco id Ti aeaal ato A.Eu Toronto In 1926. Hoe ttended dalry, market gardening, etc.,i cwhlet eaeaiigfrsh r nthe Univcrsîtv of Toronto majn pobe ma e cin o day' the ne t m ti g ul hoI h I O f S0V many robles faing tday'ý Thenextmeetig wil be!$ 10 M llio s W orthof MUniversity Unverfiy Toronrono 1n farmr. jeldln Oonoat te brne f!i1.949 wîtb e Bacbeior in Me-, btence for 16 yea. Tt camej0ctober 151h. ;Tr.esdey * afformr11 ftger *' Lf rlnlof bbc RCNVR. He joinedi JAMES 4X 1f li I!leh Tlui. : CENERAL INSURANCE UKing st. JE. .::Omo@ f3-5681 Bowmanville, Reidence 623-54931 Um s unMau àu7a For OId Avoliance through STATES MA N C LA 8S1 F 1E D Phone 623-3303 ROYAIL BWMNVILLE OCTOBER PHONE 623-5585 THURS. FR1. SAT. and SUN., OCT. 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 lan1Like Fliat" James Coburn, Lee J. Cobb i.- "The Sorcerers"P Alil Color - Aduit Entertainment TUES. WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. and SUN., OCTOBER 15 -20 Repeat Engagement at Popular Prices e é?ouQJo/ /Ilusi-c One Coniplete Show Nightly at 7:30 p.m. Aduits $125 Students 900 Children 650 THURS. FR1. SAT. and SUNDAY OCTOBER 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 "Where Were You When the Lights Went Out ?"à Doris Day, Terry-Thomas als4o "A Minute to Pray, a Second to1 Adult Entertainment - Color Die" COMING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 Ple t of the Apes uKinsînen PlIan Bownianvi]le Rotary Clubiinfra-red eilmpngss ~s .. eld their luncheon meeting at1 temns. rau Cou '1the Flying Dutchman Motor Honeywell Is a large Inter- Inn on Thursday. etebr natoa opn and pro- 26. The Vice-President of Ad - .vides products to every seg- Here in October 1mirlstration of Honewel ment of industry on a world- ContolsLtd. Mr Joh H.wlde basis. Brace, was the guest speaker. Sales growth during the pa,4 - The Association of Kinsmen Mr. Brace outlined the high- 20 years has Increased 20 * Clubs District .8 rail Councîl îy diversified product line pro- times the 1948 figures which la to be heid here In Bowmnan- duced by Honeyweil. He men- then were at* the $60 million ville on October 25 and 26. tioned that aimost al of the mark. At that time 8,5()o and tbey wili use tbe Fiying 15.000o manufactured products 'people were employed through- Dutchman Motor Inn as head- are connected in somne way out the world. Today, in 1968, qLarters. It is enticipated that with automation - everything th e sales wiil increase ta the over 200 wili ho present. from eutornatic heating con- $1.2 billion mark and tbe Bowmanviie merchants are trois tb automatic control of total number of, empioyees ls being urged ba join wlth the space vehicies and from minia- 75,000. Mr. Brace said that the local Kinsmen Club as hasts turc precision swltches to corn- rate of change of technology of-he' event. Participating pliceted computers. Soi-e of was even more staggering, merchants wii] be dispiaylng the lesser known products are One of every eight emp1oyees a "Welcome Kinsmen" sîgn In photographic equîpment, anti- of I-oneywell la an Engineer, their store front windows, and submarine torpedoes. under- thus Indiceting thet t I aa are asked ba assist ln the sea exploration equipment and higbly ophisticated technical donation of door prizes. The - zi ndhstry. Kinsmen Club of Bowmanvîîîe Business Direclor g The Ortenization IS plaYlng host ta the councîl_____________ The four major sectors corn- ifr sf-ashieveudment. on A cforni n - pqrising Honeyweillare: a) The proitas t I bu get d o a c c o n i a Vy emperature Controls Group. "break evon basis". ____ responsible for heating and air j RA J. ÜI-LLING conditioning control used both Chartered Accountant in the home and ln Industry. I3 Church Street b) The Industriel Products L n s& F rss623-3861 Group, responsibie for In- w~.J .COGGTNS - dustrial process control equip- Report 115 Lbrt t SBwmnilemdia es qupetpe CoitEvnsPhon 623-3612 cision meters and swltches. Comlg EvntsWILLIAM C. H-ALL i c) The Aerospace and De- Oct. 24 - Kawarthe Lakes Reg- B.Comm. fence G r o u pi manufactures ional Tourlat Council Annuel1 Chartered Accountant Imiiitary hardware. communi- General Meeting - Rock Haven! 361/2 King St. E., Oshawae cations equipment, eircraft1 Motel, Peterborough.i___Telephone 725-6539 jand space craft control sys-1 Deer Poachers - Bewai-e IUR W, EB & tems. Lest week a Lakefieîd man J Chartered Accountants d) The Comrputer and Com-i wes fined $500.00 for carryingl 323 King Street West municabions Group responsibie i a ioaded firearm ln the Peter- Osbawa, Ontario for business and scientific' bruhGame Preserve. Thisi 725-6451 - 728-7,554 cmues aacmuia fine was handed down in thel William A. D. Selby, C.A. ltions and data processing! Peterborough M a g is t r a t e's, G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. 1ecýuipment.i Court. -- Honeyweii of Canada Is part Under the Game and Flsh Ch ir o pr ac ti ic 0f the ItrainlDvso Art, 1961-62, there ___aaxi-wblch does business outsIdeý mum fine of $1,000. for thisý G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. th Unted States and accounts action. In addition, Section 15.1 Chiropractor for 20% of the company's' sub-section 1 reads: Any game; Office: sales. Fifteen thousand people! or fish suspected of having~ 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. are employed by the Interna-' been taken or possessed and1 Phono 623-5509 1inlDvso n eu anything, except an aircraft, Office Hours:_By appoîntment facturlng is conducted ln 10l veh- __or vsselcountries ofoutside the US. Asý [hvnbîceorvel uspeincotd of jis the case in Canada oach! hvnin been useAnctontra- __De__ni ai -foreign operation is encour-! vonton f ths A orthe ____ - ageci ta dovelop its own pro- regulations SHALL be seized.ý DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. ducts for sale anywhero ln Sub-sectjon 2 reacis: An air- 75 King St. E. Bowmanx'iile: the worid. craft, vehicie or vessel (a) sus-! Office 1-ours pected of having been useci or! 9 ami. 1a 6 p.n. daiiy rIitr (b) used ln îransporti ng game1 Cioseci Saturday and Sunday b l 19:31, i-oneyweii came to, or fish suspected of havingl Office Phone - 623-5790 jCanada and began businessi been taken or possessed, ln, o.,. Phone Newcastle 987-426 1. operations through a sales!i contravention of tis Act or* R . . C TT A , D. .Iagency takn over as a wholyl 1 the regulations MAY bel 75King St. E. Bowmanviile ondsbiir.Asmi seized. j fieHusoperations that commenced ini Section 80, sub-sectîon 2 fur-, 9 arn. to 6 pi-n. daiiy 1935 ln downtown Toronto ther provides for the cancele- Closed Saturday and unaycwresod and bu1945teamI- 'tion by a court of a licence 1 Phone 623-549 raeanIn145tecm to ~ ~ ~- Ë hut xcpta icnc - - - iSSO pany moved to lerger premises itohut xcpt lceceta . E. W.lnLeaside. Cenadian opera- buto1re u-oaigai L.fl.S., D.D.S. 1 tions employed 200 et the time. masuo cnito of any Office in his home 1 , persan of an offence againstJ 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanviiie' etenlPret Jîbbs Act or under the Foresti Phone 623-5604 1 As a Centennial Project, iFires Prevention Act, theOfceHus the companv sold bbe Leaside Migratory Birds Conventioni 9 arn. to 6 p.m. daily ýproporty and moved every- Act (Canada) or the regula-,Closed Wednesday - Saturday thing excopt a Toronto Sales lions made under that Act, or - Office to Scarborough. Here 'under section 165, 191, 192, DR. STANLEY GERTZII, nd in tho 15 sales offices '19.1 .172, 373, 374, 375, 37, 67 King St. E., Bowmanvlie across Canada, the employ- 383 384, 385 or 386 of the: Office Hours : ' ment mark bag just passed the Criminel Code (Canada) Cam-, 9a .t 6pm 2,500 mark. mitted whilo using or in pas-! Monday througb Tbursday Local Plant sesson f afirerm or he' 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. Frlday session of a fiermfo t Closed Saturday and Sunday The Bowmanvllle plant la puroseof untng.Phone 623-7662 !Honeywoli's latest expansion Attention Non-Reideni j project, completed just four Tutr weeks ago. Mr. Brace explain- i nsuranc e ed thet "we liked htw Wbere an area is open to! J saw in this town", aiso that non-residonts to hunt rnoosea DONALD A. MaeGREGOR 'the Ontario Governiment pro- non-residont who wishes to' Lite, Auto, Home ývided a financiel IncentIve for hunt ONLY DEER OR BEAR. Insurance: hm Tispatw cn IN TI-AT AREA must pur-* 52 KIng St. W., BowmanVIile tam hspatwscn ichase the_$101.00_lcence._Phone_623-596 structed prima rlly for the ihs te$î-.0 iene Poo 2 5ý2J purpose of manufacturing a Hunt Camps Available computer data Input device, ha iyd Tonshp Q-î1 o m e t r y called KEYTAPE. (Keytape in _______Township___ eliminates the need for punch There are still a few deor, KEffH A. BILLETTOr O.D. cards - providing direct trans- lhnigcampsites lef t in Clyde' Optometrlst acription from source docu- ýTwsip. Aithough relative- 143 King St. E. - Bowmanvllle. monts ba magnetic t a p e ly inaccessible they wouid be Office Hours: By eppointment through a keyboerd). ideai for a gang experioncedj Teiephone 623-3252 Machinery valued ait $10 in boating and camping. Those! Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fr1. million will go from this plant i interest.ed sbould contact the 9 arn. ta 3 p.m. ln 1969, two-thirds of which Acting District Forester, 322 Wed. and Set.- 9 - 12 wlll be shippod overseas. To iCezt St. West. Lindsy. i Thurudyay veninga -date. thero are 40 employees IU wIHoneywel Contros _n 1950---as production engineer and subse- and by the end of 1968, thbc qucntly became foreman, plant, number will amount 10 100. supcrîntendent andi factoryý Honeywcil of Bowmanvillc manager In 1958. He was pro-'r owns Il ½ acres f lndi andi moteci 10 operations manager, could support a 200,000 square in 1964 ndi was elccted Vice- foot plant. President of Administration' Early next year, tbc corn- Jo 1967. Activibles bIbte bus- pany plans to begin design less an d social fieldi held is r andi deveiopment work binîctrest there for many years. Canada, on data communica- jHo was president of bbc Toron-, lions devices. The ultimate' b Brencb of tbe Canadien In- ORANGEJU IGE27c M v- w tic ,81658 GR(S GIAIIT- 'U' W P VII.,pmluU V l E A N S ,C O R N o r P E A S niliet 694 PnOT uADNA EA ACm'MM Fi'ISR STIX 45'FRNCH FRIESne 45' 810-ADI1 -414 9 4 on4 n- amu m PCES U!CTI OCTBERA. 26ad, M ,CHEESE PizzAN,4,55' SOLE FILLETSn 49Aà Wl RESMSE TUE MONT TO UNIT QuAlfnII dustrial Management Assoda- 1tors, the first from the Toronto tion ln 1958 and 1959. After Club President, Inn S. Me- serving 10 years on Its na- Râe. concerning a luncheon to tionai councîl. he becamne Its be heid et the Royal York Ho- president ln 19,60 for a term of tel on Nov. 1. The guest two years. speaker wiil be the President Mr. Brace 13 very active In 'of Rotary International, Kâ* the service field. Ho bas been! ofhi Togasak. Fivo cu president of the West Scar- hv nlee ofr their borough Boys Club since Its Interest ln &ttending. The Inception ln 1965, and is alsoý second letter came-from Mr. H. a diroctor of tho Boys Clubs!Knight, Chairmnan of the of Canada. He is the father of Youth Service C o m mn itte. three children, âges 11, 13 and which mentioned tho succe&q- 15. He was lntroduced by fui affaii*s of the yeer. This Erie Wyte. year, Scouting began on Sept. Eric W yte. th, and an Incrense of from Other gue-sts welcomned to 10t 12 boys ls oxpectod. tho meeting were Glen Proc-~ Mr. Ke'Mlr ogtu . tor of Picton. Fred Glîmore'i .e ilrcnrtl. of oroto.John Larrnond !ed the presîdent and club Mr -e rone end Logan Wood' an excellent "Leadership For- Jman, al of Oshawa-, Bob Cen um." by of Dayton, Ohio, and Dr Bob Stevens reported thet John Rundie of Bowmenvlle. Ithe Car Wesh, held approximf. Draw for the donation-prize ately three weeks ego. man- wes won bi' Bob Stevens. Col- aged to coilect $460 - expenses In Cook was wished ea erCwre less than $20. happy blrthday and presented! with e gift by President Tie burger. Bob Cenby of thý Dayton, Ohio Club presented a Cl~iI Tenders banner to the Bowmanvîlle' Aex Carruthers, M.P.P. Club and in return received one from the president. Duha.announred today Keith Slemon announced the,ý that tenders are being calid smorgasborg and dance to be 'Immediateiy for the greding, held at the Bowmanville Condriaegaulrbead tryClu. LsI ears ventipaving for the C.P.R. over- was a success and enjoyed by'ihead and approaches one Mile ail. east of Port Hope on High. The president rcnd two let- way No. 2. MILK!e Maàkes the Perfect Party i Drink! KIDS LOVE Il T daYOU can have a Party in your house very dy, when you treat your faniily te refreshlng Gien Rae Dairy milk. It's the easy way to enjoy health-giving goodness. Keep Plenty on hand. FOR HOME DELIVERY PHONE 623-5444 Glen Rae Dairy BOWMANVILLE ALxRMON '47s *SIRYOR STRAWIEIRY WITH PECTIN ÇGA JAM JAR 390 ICA MILK 4 *, 65, ICA COFFEE ~ 9 BISCUITS 3 nos. CoOLBY r RICKCES6e 3 m RIVAL sku i li CHEESE SUCES ' 9 SWEET PICKLED MILO CUREo COIAE ~ c SIE BACON r5ct0Ef ACAO iteigN 73cF HC nO aci 1OiWiu4 Il$ It's $0 eusy .... Y., M. t04.i .10.1 fa»4"k w "« U1* 0u510 500 i9 l.r « l~Ms 0fwi C.tIuo Important . .. . Y. My0 t10.lq n - i ..* è* y uSewwdm"' , 1i utw Apsu MO&Wv lmoub q m o f.t 1 44 iII ly. 0 m bmoou 1 .01,1.$1800 n i l Out" j.. tii.'#Mt,5 41 *1010 tf.. 9-0 Ilte oh,.t,., 0%1 fui.~ AT IGA THE CHOICE 15 YOURS FOD s certificates 'c-t WHICH MARI FOR EVEN LOWER FOOD COSTS! SAVI YOUR IGA CASH Rmsra [Ans MW IGA OFFERS BIG SAVINGS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY IN THE NEW... GIFT SUPPLEMENT PEACII$2491 V4r, OF Fe.1 ICED TWIRLS 3 K,~AISER ROLLS m 3 GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS TENDER & CRISP LOCAL OOWN CANADA NO. I1 O1hE CELERY SWEET & JUICY PRODUCE Of UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA - VALENCIA ORANGES SUAVE HAIR SPRAY v- 674 ýGLEEM TOOTHPAST! '574' 2 :5 6982 fl ALPNAOETT 'mI' SLOPPY JOES VEGETABLES 2*t31 2 v 49" 3 v 691 Bowmanvi'lle IGA Foodli'ner 10 WMAN VILLE I ;oe~ 'i - H i H [GIJFTSI forIGA register tape ýn Alk, lmi 6IF7 w Mll (MOI(l igom le NUMMOF llitmieilip lu loi IM çMufFui igil W UMOGUL 01 If Fou WISN lximinu loue 1', ATON GIFT CERTIFICATES $lsû lx IGA liM is II(MARGIAIli FOR à n w MON cnnn(Ait, U$Iàuf )Ùsf Fin wm RF M UTON SIOÈF 01 (ATMOGUI M15 OfFlo a JML- ,.73 9% C4 &Màbti coqué cou lmad%ào ýft a MB--