Doriates Proceeds to Crippleci ls Your Kitchen As Up To Date As Your Car? hzKd o oor - in Exhibition Jr. Debut JSunday afternoon marked netted hlm second, Once again Fred Brown'a goal made iti the firit appeerence of Baw- on a three way thrust, as De- 5-1, with Larry Thompsonl rnanviile'a newly-formed Jr. vitt and Williams drew as- aompleting thc sooring for' "C"' hockey club in an exhii- sista. Cobourg, late in the garne. bitioni contest et tie Memor- il Arena ageixiat the Jr. "B", Cobourg Cougara, The local Wlilz Kida won 5-2 in the garni whlch was insMar L a u billed as a benefit for "Bud" Perect hed efeee f Bw. The Carter Family took all 116 singl1 and Bruce Adamsj manville's Mlinor Hockey As- top honorsaet the alleys on1a470 trifple. saclatioxi. "Bud" hem been ln Wednesday night. Father Dr. H. B. Rundle still leads ill heelth for many rnonths. Doug Carter lied garnea of x i vrgswt 5,A The real winners Sundey af. 233-257-312 for 802 ta win lnshearis nx with 28,A1 ternoon turned out ta be the high triple. Son John Carter George Bebee and Doug Cart- cripied children, as"ud id a big 360 si a Bdln1le geme to er are tied et 236. in a fine gesture, donated the o ilbwer. on'a triple Th hae9/ proceeds to the Rotary Club. was 749. pheointsfora point hadver/ Displayisig fast skating and Matt Harrison la startin¶ to PesfoJrya % Loitl, tan erisp passing Bowmenville, ht the deadwood and lad and Gould and the Nelson camprised moatîy of lest year'a 762 (278-271), Ernie Perfect Osborne Ins. teamn. The team Juvenile Ontario champions, 764 (295), Dave Ryod standing lias neyer been clos- sliowed thet they wil1 be con- "when are yau gong ta change er then it ig at the prement tenders in the Suburban Jr. the pins" 749 (266), AilOs-time. "CI' league. borne 746 (296), Lau Wise- Rick Woixier caunted the maxi 724 <257). Ted Bagnel Sth Week - lut Schedule oniy goal o! the first period 723 (279), Mike Murphy 722 Teain Standing on a pais frorn Mike Done- (281), Si Trewin 718 (278), Team W L pins Pts. giiue. The Wh.iz Kids ran the Ruas Oke 716 (293), Roly 1. G. A. -9% 5% 16291 91/ margin to 3-0 li the middle' Coombes 708 (247), Elton Pepsi . 66 IBrock 705 (262). J --u96y1&6 session as Kim Rogers click-1Jr& ed on a play with Harvey Dr. H.B. Rundle, famouls Loveil -- 9 6 16769 9 Williams and Larry Devitt, Moose hunter, had a 296 Muttan & and John Taylor fired an un single, Don Oke 269, Bill West- Gould ----- 9 6 16168 9 assisted tally at the 14:01 lake and Bud Henning bath N. Osborne mark. wih27, Ron Etcher 263 and ' ms 9 6 16027 9 Less than a minute leter, Jack Bond 261. S. Grant Dave Peers put the Cougars Frank's Variety tearn had Heating - 8 7 15852 8 on the score-sheet, but early higli single 1233as well as higli Beaver li the third, after 55 seconds triple 3488. Lumber- 7 8 16152 7 o! play ta be exact, Rogers Treasurer Fred Cale had a in»er - ---- By Fank ohun623-7234§ GOLF Dave Kerr, ane of the best young golfers to learn his shot-making ini Bownanville, proved that he hasn't lost the touch as he helped Port Arthur's Lakehead University to their second straight Intercollegiate championship over the weekend. Dave turned in the second best score of the tournament as Lakehead won easily by 15 strokes over runner-up Osgoode Hall. Competing at the Peterborough Country Club were 36 golfers, comprising nine university teams. Dave was also on last year's winning roster. t t t t t WOULD YOU BELIEVE - THE OAKLAND SEALS? During their training camp at Oshawa, we had the opportunity of watching a few exhibition garnes, and also chatting wlth morne of the Oakland Seals personnel. Only problern was - we're stili not sure If these were the real Seals, who had such a poor season In the N.H.L.'s first expansion campaign. The Oakland club was undefeated lI six starts, a record for the team, even if this was pre-season play. «"How can you trade Bob Baun, Wally Boyer and Charlie Burns and be stronger," we asked. "Well", an unnamed team officiai told me, "'actually coach Fred Glover has been the big difference; Bert Olmstead expected too much. He failed to realize that this wasn't Montreal or Toronto he was coaching, and he thought that every player should be a Gordie Howe." "Why even the dressing room was off limits ta the press for alniost the entire season, and just to get the players in the rlght frame of mind he flned them 50 bucks apiece for losing their final exhibition game to Buffalo 4-3." The largest crowd for an exhibition encounter, over 3000, saw Oakland defeat Detroit Red Wings 3-1, on goals by Bert Marshall, Bill Hieke and Gerry Odrowski. Trailing 3-0 alter two periods, the Wings who had been completely outplayed, came ta Ille briefiy, In time for Gary Unger to pot their only goal. Speaking of Marshall, who always had problems with hlm knees i Detroit, the big defender la looking for a great seamon. He spent almost the entire aif-season water-skiing in California (you would almost think he liked being traded ta Oakland) and reports hlm legs are In the best shape ever. The good exhibition attendance, prompted Tim Ryan to remark, "Maybe we'd better move the franchise to Oshawa." Last year they sold 1700 season tickets, and this year expect ta have smre 3500 subscribers. The Detroit-Oakland game was marred by log requiring the teams ta cease operations, and skate around in full farce, two or three tirnes a period before the game could carry on. General manager Frank Seike Jr. stated, "This rernnds me of San Francisco in the early morning." Naturally the big cheer went to the one and only Gordie Howe. But flot ta be autdone, Bryan Watson tangled with big Gordie the first time he was on the ice. This Watson la quite a guy. We at wlth hlm for one period o! the next game as Oakland shut out Pittsburgh Penguins 4-0. Bryan's jaw was the reason he was out of action, and ta say the least, It looked plenty ore to us - with a dozen stitches and swelled up the size af a rimall grapefruit. We knew something af how the Injury occurred, but asked Watson ta tell us in his own words. "Weil Bergman belted me with his stick, so I kept alter him tili we reached centre ice, and then I hit him over the head with my stick. Then Douglas jumped me, and I don't know what happened. My face wasn't swallen Up like thîs until I bumped Into IMarshail et practîce." Bryan toid us that he only knows one way ta play hockey - and that's tough - na matter who the other guy ls - be It Hawe or Hull. Not many guym in the N.H.L. provoke trouble the wey Watson doea - so he's either got plenty afIintestinal fortitude or he's just plain nuts. Nice guy ta talk to, complete with hlm cowboy boots and ail! The Ilne af Ted Hampson (three assista), Gary Jarrett (twa goals) and Bill Hlcke (one asslst) wam e stick-out In the win over Pittsburgh. Except for the play of Les Binkley ln goal the score could eamily have been hlgher. t t t t t CAN'T ALWAYS BE RIGHT! Sa we predicted Detroit Tigers would wln the world erles - well you can't ulways be right - although It would be nice sometime. Actually our inside information was thet Bob Gibsan had broken his leg, and the Cardinedm dldn't want the newm ta leak out. And ail the time It was a guy called McLain who had hls spirit uhattered. Had we knawn thils, naturally our choice would have been St. Louis. Anid how about that Leu Brack ? Not only ia ho maklng the Tigers look bad - he's got them talklng the smre way. When they start throwlng Mr. Brock out In hlm attempted riawe. -7 Frank's Variety --6 Dykstra's Food ----- -6 W. Frank Real Estate 6 Ken's Men's Averages Naie Gaines Dr. H. B. Rundle -- 15 AI Osborne 15 George Bebee 15 Doug Carter 15 Ernie Perfect- 15 Don Bagnell 15 Ron Etcher 15 Elton Brock 15 Luke Annaert 15 Russ Oke -- 15 Larry Piper 15 Lau Wiseman 12 Ted Bagneli 15 Bud Henning 15 Dave Reynolds- 15 Russ Halîman 15 Howard Bromel - 15 John Carter ---- 12 Si Trpewin - 15 Brian Martyn- 14 Roly Coombes 15 Clarence Oke 15 Frank Mohun 9 Don Oke --------15 John Gould ___15 Hap Palmer- 15 Maurice Annaert- 15 Russ }lately--- 15 BiII Westlake 15 Bob Konopaki- 15 George Stephen- 15 Murray TIghe - 15 Don Jensen --- 12 8 1555 9 1635 9 1617 9 158& $58 7 54l 6 174 6 ;9 6 1Ave. 251 248 236 236 235 232 231 229 2-18 228 227 227 224 224 223 223 222 221 220 220 219 219 219 218 218 217 217 215 213 212 212 211 McKeen 205, Bill Nicholson 30 Games Llanville 14129 15 Perfect 14278 9 201-220. Bob McR.eelis 246- H. Palmer, E. Dickens 312, 0. Etcher 13804 7 244, Ray Westiake 247-225- M. Etcher 330, 314. _________ 223, George Feddema 202-238, 225 Games . Fred Tippins 206, Dick Denise L. Piper 255, 283, M. A. New ville -S.tarkville 209, Clayton Morgan 249-254, Richards 269, C. Wiseman 241, Jack Macnab 265, Norni Mc- L. Weish 243, G. Wilcox 280, Bowling League Keen 226, Carol Roberts 234, Arn Sleep 269, 269, S. Stain- John Rozema 226. ton 242, A. Blanchard 246, H. Thursday, Ct, 1, 1968 Tearn Standings Palmer 281, S. Davis 227, 0. Marg MacDonald - 194 Pt.Etcher 276, E. McDonald 227, Dorothy Stark 186 Teamt. M. Wilcox 264, E. Brock 226, Margaret Wade 177 6-,Clayton Morgan - 26 A. Osborne 259, 266, 264, A. Gail Milison 176 9-May Aildread --- 26 Osmond 241, Matt Harrison Marie Trim ---------- 173 3-Ron Brock ... 24 226, 232, P. Prout 237, A. 200 Gemes 7-Gord Ritter 22 ray 237, 253, 248, D. Perfect M. MacDonald ------ 207 1-BilI Nicholson 17 230, M. Richards 228, H. Joyce Stacey 207 2-Bob Marshall____ 17 Moore 226, V. Prout 254, 229, Garnis Wan 10-Ray Westlake 14 D. Bradley 238, M. Harrison Peony 10 5-Betty Westlake - 12 238, George Piper 243, 269, Iris --____________ 0 4-George Marshall - 9 A. Lobb 290, 235, H. Brock Phlox ________ 5 8--Glen Prout ----- 9,271. Aster 3 ANOTHER REASON MOST PEOPLE LISTEN TO... JOHN DOLAN 1The Canadien Statesarnn, EowrnanvMfe, Oct 9, 198 'Mixed Lecague Bowling Bd Leslle _.... 13..îs 211 Art Rowe 15 211 Ab Saman -___ 15 210 :Matt Harrison 15 210 Mike Murphy 15 210 'George Piper - 15 210 Ron McLean - 15 209 Jack Bond____ 15 209 Karl Piper 15 208 Jack Parker 12 208 Bob Kent ____ 15 205 Bob Smilth____ 15 205 Harold Michelson - 15 204 Mauice Richmards 15 203 IJini Houck - 15 202 (0F Bowling October 4, 1968 George Marshall rolled 711 for high triple, with Doug Nolan rauling 329 for high single. Betty Westlake rolledl 601 for high triple. Here are a few bowers who rolled 200 and over: George Marsahll 290-235, Lois Woodcock 203, AI Dejager 202, Jim Robinson 229, Elsie Prout 219, Dick Gibbs 209-229, Gord Ritter 208, Bll Buma 214. Norm Woodcock 203, May Alldread 243, Betty Westlake 211-232, Roy Woodward 207, Ron i 1 October 4, 1968 1 ji * APirer 2s 1 L. Osbrne 15 3248 'IM. Etcher . 15 233 9V. Prout 15 232 :D. Perfect 15 231 iM. Richards 15 231 .H. Palmer 15 230 iE. Brock -___ 15 229 iAb Saman 12 227 G. Wilcox ____15 218 George Piper - 15 212 Arn Sleep 15 212 A. Lobb 15 211 O. Etcher - 15 216 S. Davis____ 15 210 A. Wray 15 208 Matt Harrison - 15 . 204 L. Welsh ----- 15 201 M. A. Richards 15 200 Tearn Standings Osborne ___ 15279 27 Prout ____ 15209 23 Palmer ____ 15099 25 Piper 15568 21 Lobb - 14220 17 E. Brock 14033 17 M. Etcher 14218 la H. Brock 14076 16 It was Eocer nt, tth bwitg watcer ngît t th boigaMoley roldai Fia nightrirleed 3wiha nige 330fohile aing843 wit abi 330 lordigs igtle e ieth 6he adie high iple with 6 674e and high snlaesith 6 avniae tookaovelaies high 210vera y a ew pis wIh men's high average with 258. Osborne's teamn won seven Points from E. Brck ta keep in the lead. Prout and Pal- mer each winning even Points frorn Perfect and Glan- ville ta tie for second spot. Brunt mnoved up the ladder by defeating O. Etcher seven ta nothing. Piper and Lobb each won five points leaving H. Brock and M. Etoher with two points each. 700 Triples M. Etcher 843, A. Osborne 789, A. Wray 738, V. Proti 701, A. Lobb 70S, L. Piper 762, Arn Sleep 727 . al-