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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1968, p. 10

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- -10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Oct. 9, 1968 Speaks at Rotary Club Speaker Delails Services y 0 j a-0 a i New Gas Line Making Excellent Progress ibuppIied to Business. by ~ Trade & Developmenl Depl.e The services suppiied by the Years Perfect Attendance Pin revenue but is cssentially a Ontario Department of Trade ta Tom Rehder. The birthdayssevîe organzation. and Development to lndustry of George Vice and Dr. Kelthl "Our terms of reference in- end businessmen of the prov-iBillett, twa past presidents of clude a format of business hfice, and thelr Importance to the club. were celebrated by:development, the location of!- Ontarlo's ecanomy were 'out- their fellow Rotarians. new industry, centralization lined by James J. Graham, Dr. Billett introduced the of industry, and a more Toronto, lnn Ms address tai the guest speaker, Mr. Graham af equitable distribution of in- Bownianville Rotary Club's the Ontario Trade and De- dustry. We also are ever luncheon meeting held at the velopment Department. He alert in regard ta opportuni- 'ongutcman otr n told the club that Mr. Graham ties around the world concern- * n husdy.had served in the RCEME dur- mrg industry and business. We Bill Wilson, Production Su- 'ing World War II, and had engage in advertising and pub- jerintendent here fo St. been on active service In North icity ta ensure that the pub- ~ Mary's Cernent Company, a!Africa, Sicily. and Italy, with lic is fully aware of the new member of the local Rot- 'the British Eight&î Army and constarit need of the depart- ary Club, was lnducted by the Canadian Second Division. ment's services and their President Bil Thiesburger, "Mr. Graham has a Bachelor availability. -assisted by an induction team of Economics degree from "In Ontario we inust findj -formed by the following four McMaster University and arooonwpstosaya past presidents: Rex Walters, agre !1aser0fBuinssfo ne psit onshaogrd Bob Stevens, Dr. G. Edwin Administration from the Uni-'fruiest adsho rd Mann, and AI Witherspoon. vriy0 ufl.H a uates, people coming here Councillor Robert Dykstra, some years experience in romoter roviances, and This picture was taken a couple of weeks aga were operating. Since ther, member o the Attndtnmake sure anthatagthet in-hwhen Mannix-Somerville gas pipeline layers were into its trench, covered v ___________a__ 16_ the Uni'on Carbide Corporation c"'m Commttee prsentd a in the United States and . ustrial development ciate wrapping pipe just north of I-aydon. It was taken have moved further east. EsCanada before entering the is maintaîned at a high degree fromn Manvers Road, looking east where the machines A onserviceofteOtroGvOf4 efficiency at ail times. -________ ,.A corn Equlpmentern o theMr Ontaam ria Go- oYou know O h nai Stanehions and Stails ienmtet. r raaMargan-n Trade Crusade and Sales SiloUnlodersBranch of the Department 01 Program. O u r department Sae n eratleand Trade andI Development," Dr. works wi-th thousands o! bus- Kes ulîs of C art w right Save n vesatie lmesses in the province each economic Stainless Steel BiUlett said. otya.W aeataeln Cable Cleaners. Mr. Graham pointed ot'Sar es iso hae a trveing ChinClanrs- prlced tha cnaiin hve a s 52 counitries, and has obtin F ie ld r pCme i i n countryd Crop Campe! ilionse reasnaby. abundant andI fertile soil andI OC hundreds of thausands of 10% Off en PRIDE 0F THE'i from ail this can take a good sample orders. We seli On- -FARM Heated Waterers tili 1 life. He said hie would out- t aria products andI the compet- Following are the Cart- 7 John Bansma, 8 John Baum - seistine. * Nv.1,3 ea waraty- in onth Dpatmntof ency of Ontario's industries wright FieldI Crop Campe- chen, 9 Glen Larmer, 10 Roy Ensilage Corn - 1 Harvey Nov. o, $40. Twa r ady ie ndth Deeaptmentsac and businessmen." titions as sponsored by the McLaughlin, I1 Ralph Larmer, Graham, 2 John Carnaghan,1 fron $0. Trae ad Dvelpmet'sac- Mr. Graham said that he Blackstock Agricultural Sa-112 John Wolters, 13 Wm. Fer- Co!rFas-WetlRsoi tvîties during the last five it.gsn14JmGa,5Ere yearsr inncontribution ta the has just returned ta Canada Tdgsn1 i ry 5Ene j eas n onriutontoth .Grain Corn-1 Td ok'Sw~ain, 16 Lloyd Wright,1 Grain Bins and Dryers. thataedlgio fr t growth and expansion af thewihatde eeainfrm n Australia and New Zealand. estoel, 2 Don Frew, 3 James John Carnaghan, 18 Dorroîlý Salsteicensand , province's industry. 'The Astr-allan eonmy ieson, 4 Harvey Graham B-o-,. 19 Douglas Sleep, 20 thI earmn of Trade and an,- _ 'Hackner & M eek'There i a significant differ- stralians are anxious for tech-.P a t d n o r R.R. 1 Uxbridge ence between this depart- nical information, he pointedýP a t d n o r 952-353 852-3563, ment andI others as aur de-, 33 T~he people of New Za*0 R ~ . - partment tIoes not produce landI are interested in nucleari EWUC in K ngsto power. Our experts have'! been there and are gaing backi The Canadian Forces Re- v.hat-,oever. ta give further assistance.1 cruiting Centre has offered aý Each school mnay be repre- MIThis has also happened in oth- sertes of praposed student sented by two students andI one has a specialized section of the College in Kingston, ta fîve guidance department. The Maretig ranh wic selsyear grade 12 and 13 hanar!tout-, are scheduled for al mUknow-how" ta fareign juris- students as a reward for ýThutsday on dates ta be an- Have ~ aiut e slrtdiction nt s ew orthumblerîand area. Catn in Planeamorsh airee F A R MR S 1"The creation of the image school. This applies ta stu- 'signed ta create an interest in a! Canada and an image o! dents In the Durham andzthe Regular Officers Train-1 Agriultre o b coductd i Peerbrouh- D stge, Mr Grhamex- Tomelin, liason afficer, stated you ng men, andI it has been planed Headed hatthelat wek n PrtHethat indicatedi from past experlence Lindsay area this winter ? Department o! Trade andI De- students participating in the 1 that there is a need for in- velopment's efforts in this tours are under no obligation 'formnation given by the tours.1 field have been particularlyý COMMENCEMENT - November 25, 1968 successful in this fieldI durîng DURATIN - 20weeksthe last five year's. DURTIO - 0 weks"The response from manu- , ri Calendar[ facturers andI businesmein has, _ TIME - Nightly 5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. been rewarding from a civiF' PARTICIPANTS - full time farmers of service point of view. . Weý Thursday, Oct. 10 Quinte eration of Agriculture Ban- limte icanewh nay have assisted 35 companies in Corn Day - 10 a.mi - 4 p.m.-- quet, Sauina, 6:45 p.m. be paid crin g twh a locating branch plants abroad, at farm o! Clarence and Lyle TusaNv 1Etn sce adle ding t andI in 75 cases o! the ex- VanClhef, Ameliasburg, Prince 1 us BayNc AsociationEx- shdl uigchange of licences. We have Edward County. ecutive Meeting, Toronto. attendance an course. alsa worked with 500 or, 600 FiaOt 1Rgoa1 Nvme 5-2-oa indtria etbi.mns i Staff Meeting, E x t e n s i 0 n Agricultural Winter F a i r, The Canada Manpawer Division of the De- Ontario sical on 'Branch, Ontario Department! Coliseum, Exhibition Park,. "Onedtroisireocigany in- o! Agriculure andI Food, Toronto. partment af Manpower and Imnmigration; the mitd a bemng n - Kingston, 9:30 ar.StraNo.2,8p Cnr;adteOtia dustrial type o! economy," Mr. Saudy ovI3 . Manowr etrinngGraham asserted andtihe dis- Wednesday, Oct. 16, 9 a.m.'Durham Junior Award Night, Department of Agriculture and Faad are co- cussed the great numbers o! -Peterborough East Central iTown Hall, Orono. operating ta niake this available. business establishments tihat Ontario Annual B & W Show.: Wednesday, Dec. 4, 6:45 can ho definitely classetI asý Oct. 16 - 19-International, pin.--Durham Holstein Club Forfurherinfrmaionconactyou contv manufacturing operations. H-e Ploughing Match and Farmn AnnUal Banquet, Blackstock. For urter iforatin cotac you conty also pointed out that the major Machinery Show farm of Jackî Thursday, Dec. 12, 10 a.m. -1 office of the Ontario Department af Agriculture portion o! the 100,000 new Gilchrist, Armstrong Milîs, 33() .Drhm Cut :: and Food. Applications accepted up ta Octaber jobs needed every year are Wellington daunty. SoladCo mrvment 21, 1968. prv1dbymnfctrr. Oct 20-Junior Farmer CarlAssociation Annual Meeting,ý Mr. Graham also urge his Rally-Time andI place ta beq.10,0F. Hall, Orono. listeners ta buy Canadian announced, .hrd'y e.19Etn Uxbridge, Bowmanville, gos nIt laslo o1 Wdedy c.2,93 sion Branch In Service Train- Box 309, 14 Frank St. Canadian labels when shot-, Mapower Com-ýigCus nSis-Lnsy ping. Ho alsa asked his audi- mittee, Ontario Department of IîgCus n os-Lnsy 852-3132 623-3348 ence ta acquire as much Agriculture andI FoodI 14i Llnsay Peerbrouhknowledge as possible con- Frank Street, Bowmanville.1 Linsa, eteboouh.cerning develapments in the Friday, Oct. 25-4-H Inter- OBJTUARY 322 Kent St. W., 164 Hanter St. W., * Canadian ecanamy, which pro- club Competitions, Universit y' 324-6121 745-6851 duces the good life which heofo Guelph, Guelph. MRS. C. B. PURDY said Canadians deserve. Sunday, Nov. 3rd-Dui-hlai IKen Mackenzie moved a County JuniorFarmers Churcbi The death o! Mrs. C. B. Service, EldatI United Ch urch.; Purd y, aged 79 years, occur- Time ta be annaunced. it-ed suddenly at Bawmanville Nov. 4 - 5 - 6 - Ontario 1968.udy etme 9h Federation o! Agriculture,. Annual Meeting. Torontoî. 1 Daughtcr o! the late John' iru v jo, Mà a I AMI A m v 1Saturday, Nov. 16 - 8:30o - and Mary Edgyar, the formerl n, the pipe has been lowered with dirt and the workmnený .1 Joe Wygerde. 4 Richard Van- Camp, 5 John Wolters, 6 Neil~ Werry, 7 Jim. Byers, 8 Glen LarAmer, 9 John Bonsma, 10 Ralph Larmer, 11 Ted Kroe-I kenstocl, 12 De Jong Brothers,! 13 Roy McLaughlln, 14 Jimj Gray, 15 Don Green, 16 James Jamieson, 17 Merrill Van- Camp, 18 George Wolfe, 19 Ivan Mountjoy, 20 Darrell IBros., 21 HaroldI Meddt, 22 Vie- toi- Malcolm. School Groups Boost Museum A ttendance~ A nuniber of graups have seum on a tour of histori toured Bowmanville Museum points of jnterest in the dis in the past week in adtontrit to individual visitors, biring-j On Oct. 1, 24 girls o! Grade ing this seaso<i's attendancel Il Home Economics clasa ai to 1,485 as of Oct. 1. In twolBowmanville HighSchool and days, Sept. 24 and 25. overiteacher Mrs. Dunstail found 90 children with teachers or' much of help and interest in leaders were shown throughltihe period room furnishings, the Museum by Mrs. M. Wise- costumes, displays of trades man, the Curator, assisted by' of the area; homecrafts s h Museum Board members. ' as spinning, weaving The groups included Grade needlework: also the general 4 of Lord Elgin Public School, store showing goods stocked 34 children and teacher Mrs.iaround 1900. and store ac. C. Hay; 2nd Pack Brownies counts of the 1860's. 32 children with leader Mrs.ý The Museum season is near-* W. Townsley and two other!ing its close. It is open everv leaders; 22 Explorers from day except Mmnday,.Oct. 7, Harmony United Church h from now up ta and including leader Mrs. Smales and two_, the entire Thanksgiving week. other leaders. I end; then Saturdays and Sun- On Sept. 21, President Earl Idays only ta Oct. Z7. Groups, Hann and 19 memnbers of1 howvever, may visit by ap- Oshawa and District Histori- pointment day or evening to cal Society visited the Mu- mid-November. Texco now tis.Tha's hyTexco eatngonto International Airpori, heltI from the Morris Fun- Texcoknos his Iat' wy Txao hatngMalton, Thursday afternoon oeral Chapel, Bawmanville, on 7.00%, for cach of the la oilis'éimte cntoUd'fo or ocliy.andI the Wmn. Vanc'yk's willi Tuesdav-, October lst, andI was cashed each year as they spend four weeks with their' conducted by Rev. H. A. Tur- yucos oke hs Moreover, our complete Texaco Home Heat relatives in Ontario. Tbey were ner. Interment was in Bow- yucos oke hs Sevc, nldig'Jixaecotold'ol dentlater supper guest o! Mr. andI manville Cemnetery. earn intcrest on your it Servce, neluing'chmte cntroled oil doen'tMrs. John Vaneyk. Tyrone antIý Relatives attended the ser-I cost a penny more. SS us for fifl details. vsetMran Ms.C n-icefromn Toronto, Lindsay,' warden, Thursday evening.lB'oýbcaygeon, Port Hope, Pet-, Saturday evening they w7ere erborough, F en elIon Falls, supper guests of the Paulý Hastings, Cambray and Camn- Vaneyk's. Tyrone. and on' cron. Sunday, Mr. andI Mrs. W. apAd Pailbers were Messrs. Mr-. andI Mrs. Wmn. Vane, vk !onPr.,LodPtes A L. W EARN FUELS spnt the day at Niagara Faits Jh udy ly Ae L W AR U L calling on Mr-. and Mrs, Pao] Frank Kelly, Ralph Rowe, Van Brink, Whitby. Loy'ne Walker andI Harry ENNISKILLEN, ONT.Mr. andI Mrs. G. Baker, Ann, Bkr Ruth andI Garry spent Sîîndav* Amiong the many beautifull Tel: 263-2291 with Mr-, andI Mrs. John Baker,' floral tribut(-s, evidence of T ECAldershot. the esteemn in which the de-I Mrs. May Johns spent Sun-, ceased was held. were thase 1fou commuAt> Texaco Ditributor da1ihMs iol fromn Cost Accouinting, Gen-i rMr-. and Mrs. Lloyd Harmner eral Matai-s o! Canada; Jeru- anIBeth were Saturday din- salem baodge, A.F & A. M.. ner guests of the Smlth's andI Bowmanville; Board o! Edu- Mir. and Mrs. J. C. Cook were.cation, Oshawa: and Mary I8uldaY guesti. 'Street School, Oshawa. O. RICHTER & SONS GREENHOUSES are praud ta announce their appointnient as Authorized Dealers af GRAVELY GARDEN TRACTORS Serving the districts from Markham east ta Bowmanville Sales Locust Hill Service 1lth Line Parts South of Hwy. 7 Froe Demonstrations 2415 Res. : 282-4959 L h- i. i.' 1' j' 'i J. ~ 'i 'f ~.' ,t. *

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