mu Li uaE ~Narc<itics Squad of Oshawa' B. ~ ~. LVVJand has been involved in Bek.HeeSe 4EW S 9rnany cases of people and by Gary Baker will he $1.00. Corne on out drugs. I would likp to thank and have a great evýening of Ken MNartin and Reid Allin c l Mrm. BrueTilison, Editor Phone. 987413 have gone o to remain po.;rt your B.HS. Boys' Ath. possible. deeaed ths eson. The ! letic Association. In the BowmanvilleRce-b ede xeLr ii mma Juniors defested M.C.U.I. a i> DprmetPegm!ssatn Wdedy 8 4 W i t n e s s e s S u p p o r ' 6 Y r . . O î d B o ya watlest F rid a y , O ct. 4 th .' b y fB a rry V I ri .R trn s i ' oftear t iono e tf o i 7 t 6 reOl Saklto, r g. ogr.'Techr o Care Cu 'M P Re ur s t0h, the Philliestrncd Tamt bognie1 8 4hackieton, SroughOn Raerto Sice end Bowmanville High T Lthe Jts23-8. JoceRsrgtatn. d Ch o usl nd Seron dividing o te r msdta sss To e c n lbe oern o opa nitrokn dr U P PfrBomavll.Schools gatlhered et Courtice, eiridJo-hnersad e d uewt\lle era, V ia y ~ ~ ~ Our Seniors have had a num ler of prnble ms that facB eflsanhoe Jno-A r ato ad D p reht L des e g e B us S erv ice t~ppIiccjtcn Newcastle - Juat mi utespewek,clwsinning bohconfrcnting youths such as Oany Y a ho e Srun re Phlis Rgtrtofela30 B ueev c p l c t o fterwnfaonlhour, onhismreturngarm aagainst O'Neilll312ýdrugs and juvenile delin- n EaneSne dddaprn.RgsretRcato 4<ewcastle~~~~~~~~~~~ homp fro ni school, Joseph Rob- and Central 18-8.q en e w r ds sd. Dors Durham M PP and Pro- hom e run, double R n i ge O fc r e o d E gn S i o -ecsl Don Deremo, reason for the need o! a Hope Mrs. Ruth Clarke. Re- Inson, age 6, King Street, In the O'Neill game, D a veedissatistaction in utharisgsseCosraieWpint the attack. Robin elngmb ensaOt 0 Ow ner ai' tw o school buses w eekly run along the lake- presenting H ope Tow nship ; N ew castle, w as struck byOp r t n n t e P r o e s o e a e , i e n e h ps w s S a k i. D p t e v a n M i t e t ake a R fuse cou ted for othfrom li in in an u nt u r s ral th e COna r a e is te , AlexIaso h t a h m r o b e a dH r e S o r ae area, seeking permission from the only way many along thet E a r 1 Walkey representing Memnorial Hospital, Bowmnan- e todonwt ohnfra ;et , unosiot abe eviron-Caruhtshre'tc t hsPayne paced the Jetswt avle os heTu. the PC.V. Board for e licence . route could get out o! cither Clarke Township and Clerk ville, by ambulance, the b o vrigo n o igemnde taiefo h former profession off teciatrpl and two single.Dramn]ilb ta operate e passenger routelPort Hope or Newcastle eith-!Glenholme Hughes represent- was later released with bru- point. essanihen sny o ac to f- ace e k o i e a s hn in tri le r a d D o n ram Port Hope ta Newcastlee er ta shop or visit. Should Mr.'ing Newcastle. Other groups1 es ta his head and face. his Against Central on Monday, he needs and relity of life ls ek t gv n ona H ys cl- Pr ned1tM m ra la k o he u g n vcitizenship tani ge 4 a lle rs Sunday ettemoone long the Lakeshore, attended ýDerem o rece ve such perm is- I e r s n e w r.h o tli h i e an i h n eR !fu e, D tt a d D kt r doc-s the ack of a father dets off r lgt av45 a - e loect d t o ht a i c o h O t Oh t rtn t I p m his hearîng in Toronto on Wed- sion to start a route, weekly i Hope Lions Club, a Travel' The car, a '61 Pontiac con- scored for B.H.S., without image ccntribute ta the prb CaCrp No. 75 "Vincent On Oct. lst theCrkesteTw of omavie nesday. October 2nd, becked in the beginning and building Service in Port Hope, Natural- vertible, was driven by James coriverts. Keep it up, bos1ems? Despîte the causes, the Massey"' at the Skeena btiild - cracked the Povaletts2-iEtyfei 20prprôi bY 84 wItnesses. ýup as the need arises, he 'ist Club tram Port Britain, Pollard, 19, of R.R. 1, Newton- Unfortuneteîy. Dave %afuse i problem is one o! solution and ing on Mill St., Port Hope. TeCakrrped ut3 ofrhe These wtnesses, many from would then be able ta operate, and Women's Institute. the ville. Accident investigated was injured during the game not explanation. Even y'au rinformation re-p Port Hope. felt that It was1 on a charter basis. Other wit-1 Scout Association and Hockey bv Constable Bill Stevens, and had ta be haspitalized. cen help find a solution toi Mr. Carruthers, with the 1 bits during the game ihgrdn hsturaetpes time texpayers In Port Hope nesses speaking on his behalf:Mothers of Newcastle were lNewcastle O.P.P. Detachmentl e're hoping he'll soon be the problem if you try. ,ado map diagram, out- 0f those bits were hom(a h olwn:M.A got the backing from other'felt that there was room for also represented. The hearing recovered. I lined the arrangement of the ;M. Spry went 6 for 6anhd1ooper62-7,M. R taxpayers In Port Hope, where extra bus service, private or began at 1l a.n. and continuedNetwkthlthoOc. On the afternoon o! Oct. seating of the Queen's Par k' two home runs and crdWîh 2-42 r D buscs were alreadv there. charter. with the vest grow- until 5 p.m., then held over HSst-osin h vstd Gegah governmn n ave a de- fiern.K ugs ad Wih 2-37 r twe h It fOtý Grade I 1CD Geg1.1, They didn't feel it 'necessary; ing aof the areas. until the following day. ....i otn h Harleni<students ite St. Mary's scr-iptioli off thc function Find Dilling bath went fo 5.ItrrDeraig . service. Some who spoke gave lent were the Reeve of Port, further Information available. team, and a dance fcaturing'the aperation of' the plant. Itlin Parliarnent including the homne runs. J. Wilson n .tro eoaxg Cus *BmwaimaJ. G. & the Sound Show i, proved very to gavernment miembers and op- Colnier xvent 5 for 6fortcwihxa u abgno i castle, invites the members V H being held after. Tickets aremanv students. position. nr. Calmer sce( i7 hrdy eeig coe daofh ool classes a na Lais-20adae gae nda adiiriOct isfGade î n i popegeiam sonen is. in fixellasad a-oewakadw1lbgno of its congregation and Sun-i on sale now et $1.50 for the: On the niorning of Oct. it, lie pointed ontt Iiit sm us 3 udi a orltwl epspnd~o fruit and vegetables ta ini alr 4 o edne. fyau wish ta Home Economics course visit- when thexv visit the house In lied f'Our runs for thtCakThrd\ Ooer7hfo Cuhooc ----------e-- 3 o fteracorn, iktse heBwa ___esad .Hrrsn De .used as decoration thraughout Fran Lunn ----------- . ----21.13 'J!h onigadse hi C o e f o a ih n tecuc vrteTak-There are many new and in- mebe absent. lie note for 4 and scored tiv us ete hswl ea4i giig service, and later i Judy Rogers --- - - - --- 202 homeowner oten puts in a 20 teresting antiques and ou that sometimes tht e rn hl . W ieed w n ek cus n h E N e w c a s t l e N e w-as t- - - ----b e-o- --mo r e e s t a2 5sh e d a n df uie , b e d s t r i b u t e d t ait hh e a d NewcastleNealwc.tle0weor 25 amprerefuse.bwhichdisd shouldemake abupointoyturselfh menthbusiness a aotnnuedutaefforn6 audihitsaonhomeiruntforor6manperipersao. const h vlaeM.adh edcls o t terhse nOhaa Udn- Men - Z25 and over 'less snstiv tilehat mel w l ls e evd. ton r ak d c e a en R n God . n sa e nieta ehea ting 'tavisit the Museum. 1:00 pin btrithe leve ings and winners. Cherry Vanstoe ad Rfre' ad C ahs U c o r n e s ~~~~~~~~~~~~- t a t-vi l g-M ,---h- -e .îs f r3 16te r h s e l i s h w . A h d n - a d i i n t h e m o r n i n g s t h e m e m b e r s S . D a v e Y p a c e d t h t l s rT e r i h a C i n a Y rs. Don Van Tassel, fro nm eas wl lo b s r e . tJsae as e a b a e ohn CGoo ngh m2 16 e ei i a a d"The girls on the G irls' Ath- were looking after some work with a 31 for 3 perfor ma c s ue n e u ai n e H m lo , O tGood weekend entertan- tO the church on Saturday. Gor---ps n----5-ap lyThe ca nsue, er cottages, was etc Association sponsored A in their constituencies or were i On Oct. 2nd the B lets g ri g t t 1 6-9 C A H A where Don ý G~ ~~~~~~~~o CuSi sngh ----------- 27 1 a pyT chan e whchttwges, aso r w s t R sels Sui nt r ofc s Heilan Ot. wer Dnment cen be enjoyed. Vic Attention Cubs and Scouts: Gord Watson ------ 249 recommended b h r-o aturday. Thethhaduquite2 was an acarntwashHeat RusselîsheSunocostnadtheirToffices. e napmedinthBoQueensPro4 Ota 10.udRuleTbookadfou t DachesbrandRre- w a sd e a n a o nt i a n H e h a s Re i t hn e o r g nis t , h d t e T er1i l b e n e e i g B b B u r l e y- - - - - - - - - 2 3 7 v i n c i a l c o m m t t e t o n t h e O n - a, tm e w a s h i n g t h e c a r s i n D u r i n g t h t c a d e t t r a i n i n g H b a d .M r y ,V , f r e nWdd ye e i g doec i e ssta t h stheand ith i s otn e ocibent a n volv ab e dnext M onday evening bp- George G lanville --------236 tario Electrîcl Code. The the cool w e the but it turn- program , Jack iocki g h air-Cow le, M . M cTavish . n . O t b r l6 h n t e e d. ance off his pretty wife, Toni.îlast weekend so the local, but olda.cubaniScutrJ- The Van Tassels have taken talented townspeople took i . o CusadS out on orrester ------------ 232 tatives off municipal utilities, run. CorIps presented Suib-Lieui,. xvthi two hiits each. N ak~Tmeac tet amn over the Queens iwl vrme h o-jmBu Hotel on iheir turn et entertaining. M r. lwil hweeme t thtfo--Ji---uton--------226 fire and electrical inspection Harold Farreli with his pro- maî was the besi o h ilOtalsatig e King Street West. The Queen's * Reid should, however, be back ,oîg ek Newtonvillls Ladies jauthorities, contractors, manu- There xvas a special assemn- motion ('ertificate to the rank Queens with a triple n (pm hnas beiang ervd th ndeing. The an assrae-l Gerge familyCandpwaant.diit i Hrs or facturers and distributors, ail bly or Grade 10, Il and 12. 0f lieutenant. Filling in hishome run.*Bi Morsn frmrr- one of the first things nowivery friendly people who are cd with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gwen Hughes -------------l78 terest In greater electrical carne ta the schoal ta discusslwas presented with ilhp A Basketball Leagu o inlHce ege iib being donc by Mrs. Van Tas- anxious ta meet everyone here Hope, Newcastle. Miidred Bingham 7 sfty hipole !-rg tdvYtr sb-lieut.- xmnr ladies 18yeran Vrathisruo. sel Js serving an exceptionially in the village. and wlll wel- Wyltne Rajhme - ------ 176 good dinner. In time, as they came a xisit from you. Maria Vogels------------- 175 :HokeyM ot ersWinda Willandt- - -------1751777 7 Thursday Mlxed- 200 and . socta/ i~,~ï?~;r,çoni F A (1k FrIday Mixed -200 and over: 11[1m 'ý H. M. Munro - - -----221 S o i l n -(),,l.q n l Newcastle -TeHcey I Albert Pearce___..-22 iMothers' Auxiliery held theïiBen_ I{oogkamp ------------ 21.13 Newcastle:- Congr a t ula-i of chacolateç in the village, evening with 13 members inr Boys League - 175 a.nd aver tions ta Cal Murray who re-'and ask for your support. attendance. The minutes of the P. Barchard - ----- 225! eently celebrated his 78th s pcametn eeraG.Frt----------- birthday. Saturday, October Igthls pca etn wr edG ogt2013 i by the secretary, Mrs. Marient A. Dubeau lui~- 8 Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hare' sttms ta be the day for alRgrnflwe-bthfin.! D. Shearer ~.-. 8 enjoyed their trip ta Peter-,tht action. Starting in tie ancial report by the treasurer, G. Murphy- 181! borough recently when they morning, the boys of the vil-iMrs. Narda Hoogkamp. Tht [W. Forget ---- -- 17,5 Ivisited with friends, Mr. and'lage planning ta play hokvbsns then got underwayý Mrs. E. Runnalis.1 this year are to register with: with President Mrs. Helen The Newcastle Intermediate the Newcaste and Area Re-Iý Aquilina reparting for an ab-l STÂRK VILL Sunday School aof the New-! creation. This is ta be thelsert member tÀ LEeseo castie United Church have only day when registrationI the purchase and Installation' Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reid end chOen their 1968-69 Execu- wiil be eccepted, s0 your at- of a new elock for the arena. Mr. Allen Reid were guests et tîve. They are President Miss tLention is being drawn ta thislEarlitl tht Auxiliary hed been'tht Nesbitt-Wood wedn t Jennifer Gray, Secrttary Miss. and tht advertisement else- !asked ta donate towards a Kedron United g rc at! Dale Powell and Treasurer!where on this page. Tht fet,lcdock, but the feeling of mostiday afternoon. Cuc au- Miss Debbie Shearer. As a'five dollars per boy, and your * o! tht members beîng thet al M eal alwel h money raising project theyý birth certificate MUST ac-1too often they are called forîhas spent the past Year abroed . wil saon be out selling boxes campany you ta be eligibie.I1donations and ta date neyer r re oe atwe n ~~~~---- Hunt up your certificate rightihave purchased such an item1 eundhm etwe n sorecognized afo h ýwith hîs parents, Mrý:and Mrs. no- . 50you tvon't be disap-. ta be Mohes hey fethi Sid Hallowilwa agus pointed. In the afternoon, at!.Hockey Mtes they l hye']1saget tht Memorial Arena, th e1mxght ta ke on this project. with Mr.on ndar.AdyGy, Lions Club will hold thei r1 owever, it must be with tht OMr. a nMSundArtuy Moe auction sale. Articles artepprovai o! tht Arena BoardlCastîtton, were visitors withý 1 being brought forth but there(edpriso snwbig~ n r.JmSak Newcastle, Ont, lis stiil rooni for many items. sought. !Mr. a usnd Sey M n. and Sark 4Oct. 8, 1968 Don't toss eway what is nowl As money raising projects 'Mrs. John Stark and Terry, ThtEdiorin your way, it might prove ta carry on with equipping Mr. Jim Stark and Ted et- The Editor, ta be a thing of beauty forithe boys on tht hockey teams tended tht bail garneaet ag Newcastle Indepedent, sIl ets.TtLin e te uh rjesbigtn Deer Mns. Tilîson: soen es.ThLjs e-and otersng-roecs e bers wiîî appreciate your taktn on by tht mem bers, box- Miss Norma HallowelI, Tor- Tht Newcastle P u blic telephone cali to pick up es o! chocoletes have been pur-lonto, spent the weekend et hen: School Board is so pleased , whetever evailable and us- chased and wi1l be delivenedîhome here and Seturday even-i with the generai response eable items you have. FromîIn time ta be given ta the ing guests with hen wene Mr.! ta its necent "No Parking in, here, tht action goes over ta n:mbens et tht next regular Genald Halloweli, Miss Nancy] Fron of th Schoi"ad-tht Community Hall whene metn. Tickets, too, on tht Hailowell and Màr. and Mrs. monition, it wishes ta use 'the Lions Club wil hold theirldraw have been made up and Sid Heîîoweîî and Miss Beulah thi meiumta xprss tssecond dance of tihe seaso)n.Inow distributed emong thelHalloweil. deepest appreciation to aIl IThis dancet wil be a Hello- Imembens. Donations of prîzes Mn. Murray Curtis and Miss who have complied with , we'tn Dance with prizes foriwere greatiy appnecieted byiWatson, Fenelon Falls, were this request. tht best costume. However jthe Hockey Mothens Who theank guests last week with h is aunt, This bas made tht going Idon't stay away because youiWaodland Products and J.Ms Orme Falis and Mr. taadcoming from tht 'don't have a costume, dress 1isAnderson Smith Ca. Falls. school a much safer venture optional, tht good time en-l It was realiztd that goalie' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trni.i for aur chiidntni and, it wes, ýjoyed at tht Septemben dance sticks shouid elso be punchas-lBowmanville, were Sunday off course, tht -oncern for * wihl be picked up and con- ed for tht teams as well asidinner guests with hen par-ý our children's safety which !tinued this time as well. Corne tht hockey sticks. These wîhI ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ormeý prompted tht request in early, stay late, and enjoy be purchased as a second stick Faîls. t h frtyplaceo yoursef. 'for later use In their gmes.. Mrs. Wayne Blackburn, toyualhe.tyvoe! thanks" Our friends and neighbours: A requesi. from tht TwniNwaste, lis spendng a fw1 ta you a l ,i o m n il optlti'L a u offering $1000 ta tht ýdays with hen parents, Mr.i ekar:Mrs. Aima BrownAuxiliary if tht members'eIid Mrs. Len Falls. The Newcastle Publice r. aanwunighmwould mend socks end sweat-' Mr. and Mrs. Spelchien, Tan-ý Sdhol Bard -.Miss Patile Chard, Mrq S.,,_ens for their teams, was turn- anta. wene recent visitors with! - dra Draper, Mrs. cd down. It was felt that these her mother, Mrs.VitrF- Notice Farrow, Margaret ime0 have wives who couldrow. Vco a- ciLM issFa rrow, rs. ary ote Sr, spend a little tim e m ndiîg. Sunday afternoon, M rs. Ctizens of Newcastle areMs SneneGa-eaMns.'their own unifonms while theiBrenton Farrow and Ms advised that the regulan Oc- Dorothy Goo, Mns. Rhea Hoky MtesiwowrBin awl eein chrge tober meeting off tht Village Gray. Mrs. Althea Laking," okyMtes h eeBra awl eei hre Council will be held on Tues- ila aaeno1is5.~formed ta look after onîy tht off tht Sundav' sehoolcass .younigen leagues elready had et Shiloh. Tht communion dlay, Octaber 15th in the Coun- anne Portsmith, Mrs. Laura l ttmnigteycudsrie wa1bevd wt cilChmbes t 8p.. RinyMrs. Julie Stubbing- take. ýRev. Socigrove In charge and! D. J. Cunningham, Reeve.; tan, and Ralph Wright. i There being no furthen busi- Mrs. Llew Hallowell as organ-! 41-i Tht United Chunch, New- ness, tht meeting edjourned.. ist. Wiring Changel ~~ WiII Reduce ~iore let your fingers do the walking through the Y ELLOW PAGES Fire Hazards 1Hazards caused by over- loaded kitchen appllsnceý *circuits will be reduced ln 1 homes and apartments wired or rewired after Jan. 1, 1969, Ontario Hydro ennounced to- day. This is the date of an lm- portant. change ln Ontario electrical requirements calling for a three-wtre circuit to each twin (duplex) kitchen re- ceptacle This means thet each outiet wiil be on separ- ately fused iS-ampere circuits. To permit, safe repair and re- placement work, the circuits will be Interlocked for simul- taneous disconnection. 'It's virtually Impossible to onverload a three.wire circuit with two conventional kitch- en appliances." says Hal 'Wright. Hydros assistant chief electrical inspector. 'Esch outiet will carry any Canadien Standards Assoclatton-approv- *ed portable appliance at the i tire me with complete "Wlth present wiring syg- terne," ho x-lans "two htgh- wattsaapi ances ln the same duplex receptacle often exceed' 1501,1 watts; and the fuse blows. j Alter continuai re-lusing, thei .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..SP C L4................... P IcE SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, CANADA GRADE "A" EVISCERATED, FROZEN, 8 TO 24-LB, YOUNG lb SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SMOKED, COOKED, SEMI-BOI4EIESS HALF HAMS1 Ret. Priee 49oeah-SV19 Super-Right - Pienic Style WH-OLE, 4 to 6-lb - fb 53gt CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND STEER BEEF : Smoked Pork SLICEDr SIRLOIN STEAK SHOULDERS lb 5_f f1PORTERHOUSE Schneider$., Pure, Country Style 1 IGST AKL PORK SAUSAGE n,69< or ROA-ST g lUt I JE f.. 4 I~i 4 s t SX Brand, Vacuum Pack WaEn e àrS. tH i1îa, Shopsy or Coarsh, Vacuuim Pack, Bonel.,.s 2-b pk99< CORNED BEEF BRISKET 16891 ALUMINUM FOIL, HEAVY DUTV Reg. Prie4 roll 79* - AVIE 100 A&P FANCY QUALI Y Pl*&Pr"o 2 t ne - *AVE bgo REYNOLDS WRAP "uiero69< APPLESAUCE54 s89'1 DUNCAN MINES (12 VARIETIES) Reg. Price box 49c - SAVE go "NEW PACK» I.g. Pri« 2 tiS *0 - $.%Vaes CAKE MIXES 2 z89/ A&P CORN srnE 4.m9 DETERGENT - A&P's OWN Reg. pric. bWI 4c - SAVE 60 E. ID. SMITTH - REG. 35e SAIL LIQUID) 24ozpIshebtI 39< PUMPKIN- PIE FILLER 319 ID-I. ,0 1 Luncheon 3$100 AUL PRKCEO I THS AD GUARAWNT THROIJGH SATURDAY, OCVOSR 12th, 1968 Ontario Grown - No. 1 Grade White Fluffy Table Stock POMAMES 30f$s 19 Urazoiafi Valencia, Sw..t Full of Juiie. pNo. i Grade ORANGES d.m.59< El FRESH, NOT MROEN TURKEYS 49f1 JANE PARKER, LARGE 17 OZ Pt". Pri" peach SOc - AVE 2Me ro1-j-ýýoR H=FZA j Mumumumq N 1 r 1 -9 e C. 1 - - f JANE PARKER. PUMPKIN PIE e', S'e 1