SO LIN A j ~~Graduates From RyersonThCaaantaem.,EwnvleOc ,10 Congratulations to the weddlng ln Utica United er and scripture readlngs and ' J.orSoccer team on win- Church on Saturday after- closing wth a Thanksgiving f~the Darlington Junior non poem. Cnwpionship on Tuesday ev- Mr. and Mrs E. Larmer, The roll cail brought forth :.&. ening: Lady Luck has cer- Biackstock. were Sundayvi~si- a variety of worthwhlleI tainiy been with the- Solina tors w ith Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thanksgiving thoughts. clubs this year as the Senior YelIow lees and famlly. Mrs. John Knox gave a taik team cimed the Senior titie Mr. Wes. Powell and Miss on "Woman in God's World DMNO last week It really is a rare, Mabel Powell, Oshawa, were Where Do I Fit In?" She honor for the same club to capture bohcaposis eet'guests of Mrs. N. C. ieft the group pondering such' an ola fansae eproud P Wotten and family. questions as -How can 1 show, Of these two fine teams and Mrs. Frank Westlake enter- every day what I believe? Do the'coaches tLained relatives recently at a we want Peace instead of a cotteMplate the many blesaings bcstowed pnorgetlnadt ent isitrs wth M bridai shower in honor ot Miss Challenge? Are we too busy rtr u r ei oPLUCS ndetvstr thM.Veronica Smith, Fleetwood. making money to care about -eun u tak frth 1Iài g b and Mrs. Katie Langmaid have Recent callers with Mr. and peitte" Tis eriod cisedn meni to en)oy. The traditLonal family gaterig..telv ffml n been Mr. Ross Prout, Kathy Mrs. Bruce Tink and family with te mebes diided In iins..san oem«inOrpe ra and Janice. Etobicoke; NMrs.'were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink ètw e o noup d iscusig at aains hr aemn eaost b hnbu.ea Mabel Winter and Mr. Maur- and famlly were Mr. and Mrs. anbdoenwthsabYI Ice Winter, Oshawa: Mrýs. Phil- Bruce Ormiston and Barbara meb yfml n ym IPDbiIeaan group?" and "Where' Domnion are also thankful for the privileeo evn lipsDubln, Ieian, an Mrs Ann, Ralan.does our U.C.W. fail dowr?" -- j Garry Monckton and Neil. Congratulations to Mr. Barry The next meeting wiii be Yeu. .Our frU.ends landne buuuUfacoss ~~aa Mr. and Mrs. A. F.- Aber- Browes who recently won theheld at Mrs. Bruce Tink's on nethy, Manilia, were Saturdav'traphy ln the lightweight Judo Nov. 4th. The rail cail will be evening guests with Mr. and Championship in the Yellow "A need of aur Community".I Mrs. Don Taylor and famil.y. Beit Division.Th metn lsdwh Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden 'Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Th metn cosdwh Visited on Sunuday with Mr. and family were Sunday sup-'raver. after which refresh. and Mrs. Ron Snowden, Osha: per guest.s with Mr. and Mrs.i ments were served. Wa. Keith Rowe and famiiy, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bakermnile were Saturday guests. and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryd-! PONTYPOOL and Mrs. Barry Cowling andi erman accampanied Mr. and SHPW rFDNE John, and Mr. Larry Weish Mrs. Bruce Montgomery, af Weil, aur Midget Softball l eMdmmelW Salem, were Sunday guestî Hampton ta the Parry Sound Teamn eventuaily hias been ableuimfeh «M«N W M with their parents, Mr. and and Huntsville districts and to keep the cup won in 1967 .AdesWj Mrs. John Knox accom- nd ta vew ery beautu bleAft aer l n efis ame 0f-4 On Saturday, October 5th, H. Douglas Andrews Maple Leaf Brand 1-lb.--Pkg. panied Mrs. Grant Down and auun1eey obehae nCvn54 family. Sunderland, ta visit The 4th meeting of the "Sa- they cantinued the. finals ln received his diploma in Business Administration at Pork and Beef Mrs. obertKerrActon forlina Stylists" 4-I- Club was Pontypool and aur boys won! Ryerson Polytechnical Institute graduationexrss severai days last week. held in thre Communit.v Hall by~ a big score. We are pick- 1 i Toronto. Mr. Andrews is on the teaching staff of PS U S A GE 59c O I - o iin-D lx odnBr Mr. Don Taylor spent 1 a st on Mna*y September 30. ing no stars and finding no the Secondary School in Maxvillet, and Mrs. Maple Leaf Brand il.Pg welnTrnoathBelwt24monday, esnt Ont.,t btcogrtuatM eat1-b. k.Grade "A" Eviscerated l.Ag Telephone Plant Scroal. one alteration". Jane Lynde future. Jack Brough, Horsey St., is on the nursing staff of INS u age MAt 45I( V C I Monday guests witir Mr rend the minutes of thre Sorry ta learn that _Mrs GlengaryMemorialHospitalin Alexandria. Ordgena (with Free Pizza Cutter) O f - end Mrs. Joe Snowden are Mr. pre\'ious meeting and then we Jimmy Curtis had ta be taken'Ppeo2-.SieI , and Mrs. William Johnson and divided into two graups and ta Civic Haspital recently. 1 -proi2-o.Sz Yo ngT U R David, Ingersol. Mrs. Huis gave instruction on Mrs. Alvin Olan liras been, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice haw to nmake a bound button- taken ta irospital again. On a 'H on o. O shaw a Couple PIZZA PIE ea. Ma99efccatz-Tne-.rsh 5t 0l.Ag attended the Scirafield-Harper hale. Mrs. Yellawlees discuss-1 recent visit ta se her 1 vas, i Mapie Leaf -Tastv - Terh Pec ing of a skirt and Mrs. Flett'limproving, hefu nO n I 5tt> AN A Evscerati eUKTO od Ls thre nstructo ali- ga afn e ieeflad ~~lBOLOGNA Grade "A TT D V~ TflkTtold us 0f The neetin f o sta ' r. E r mr a e al r a M r. and M rs. Ivan A. M e-'m er hom e on Thirteen Island S e a d a ra d B n l s s J. A . Jan saton ea sith h . Teme tin lo sedfew weeks ln Sunny'rook ilw upie pris i hl n tr a eh r ss She andiiUBand Bon lss ou g TR KY 9 Mr. . . ahstnBlck wthtie -HMota mproving at home. b Kenzie, Cadillac Ave. S., Osha- Lake. The highlight of the Y stock.was a aftenoon ea Mr. Hary Dimleby' sis-ý Wlile no 10017,erearrecentlyerehanored ho weekendkenwass a buffetuncluncireoUnR guest of Mrs. W, Bryant 011 ter, Mrs. Jasepimne Cook, who'aiihtosrrspaie W ldntelksoe.G ss Tu eyR s b9 c Thursday. liras been visiting hier for thetaeeM.Jn Broti recognition af tireir 25th Wed- inciuded Dr. and Mrs. A. F. SreMpeLa TbeRavSi Mr. and Mrs. Howard Di- last manth, lias returned to arai t esm e s e 0frisdn niesay ceze OooM n r Devon Brand Rindiesi -b.Pg vey, Sus5an and Steveir, Bo,- lirer home ln California. farmsin dutsatterndecena1 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Norris Cyril Norris, Oshawa; Mr. and COOKED M EATS manvlle spnt atudayCV- Mr.andMrs Geoge ooxwees i irspial nd on-were hasts at a dinner party Mrs. Hubert Ferguson anxd rn nvll , pe t at rd e - Mrs G o ge Kn x al sc nc n h melescenceme o E ne so i atre o home. & CH ES L A ening with Mrs. R. Davey. and family attended Mark- at ierhm n Eesr hlrno Easton's Corners, iCRONI & CF O NA Sympathy of the communi- iram Fair an Saturdav. ,W e cold weatirer prevail- 'Avenue, Oshawa, ln honor of, and Mr. and Mrs. EarI Hughes J . HCF O~ OON B reakfast B AO ty s etededto hefamly edtire last part of tire week tireir aunt and uncle. The 0f Smiths Falls. During tire; PICKLE & PIMENTO0 IOAF ty ~ extqîdd ta tire fam l Edad U.C.W. met at tie ,little serius frost damage ýguests ncluded Mr. and Mrs. afternoon Mr. Douglas andý MEAT & OLIVE' LOAF Ml ue , S et Pc l d - V c P e o! Mrs. John Carter in thehreo r.LodBomen oal srpre.1dnt'CrlNrieDi i ueSw tPckd passing o! their rnother. 'hm fM.LlyBrae01lclyireotd Idn'CviNris Mr. and Mrs.!Miss Heather Ann Code, and rXDl1LH IOAF RueySeptemirer 3tir. Tire meeting tink 1 am in any preferred Peter Narris, Mr. and Mrs.:the Misses Anne and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rbyopened witi tire hymn 'Came class but did have dahlias,lJohni James, Mr. and Mrs. 1Ga1I Ferguson presented the, Ofntly a tie home of rs. foied by paer. h ' ad rsesstmiuniasn. n aulWriirtaila! shaa; hos prset. kg alld r- Cme"; ums.mainddspetnia Frd Knkl ad M. ad Ms. oupe wthnift onbeal!cfof5! O T G RO TtTA GS 6 9 Ramn ae.mnt ,takyucards and';rSunday. A second grawth iras Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie eU pg 2, c Popular Brands Ready to Est Btnr aumPce Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wilson treasurers repart were read. :'heen evident in many places Mrs. Gardon Staîker, Misses were married September àrd, ~ --____ Smoked Cooked 2%j to 3 lb. Avg.Pls cf tis ommunity have tak-, An Invitation was cxtended wvitir beans. cucumbers and Trudv and Susan Staîker, all]1943, ln Bowmanvllle Presby- en on a Sth sic tHampon't0 attend TiiyCirurci rv berrnes stagioga second harv- of Peterborougir. During tire, terian Churcir by tire Rever-1 Frozen Food Features D n e a sl.9 A S G b 9 know asSmity'sat HmP-ice on Octaier 20tir. Tire est, A very goad friend of, evening, gifts were presented 'end W. J. Blake, witir Mrs. D n e H m l.9 ton, aon Tuesday o! last week. presîdent also urged as manyimine in tire Cavan area pick- ta Mr. and Mrs. MeKenzie on McKenzie'-s twin sister, Mr. BiHghliner Cod - 14-os. Pkg. Btnr ueo ore u hb Dmno' w iad1l.P~ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tav.- a pssble ta attend tire Osha- ed many bowls of raspberries.befoaf a! ire faifiney ortte Cyrl Norrsozan Mr. ]nr o! Bowmanville were Fi-ý wa Presiryterial ta be ireld atlast week. 'Janice and Jeffrey Narris. ' Kenzie's brother, Dr. A. F. F day everùng callers at tire Zion o Oct. 2lst, wien tirel W:ie hrs- Mr. and Mrs. George CodeiMeKenzie, as atenans M SH STICKS 55c Liver Sausage 35c( 9 hom o!Mn.andMrs Leliespekeris a ie Mss atrciamas tree growei-s tirat haRve 0f Verana. brother-în-îaw and 'and Mrs. McKenzie have re- SV 0 Taylor. Clarke. s~~~~~~~ýtarted cutting operations for rsister a! Mr. McKenzie, hosted slded ln tire Oshawa district Yok-Alareis-8oPg.o.ChbMpe e! rnd-o.k. Mr. Leslie Taylor and Fred,1 Reports wene given from 198 om rwssrpr a weekend party et thiIr sum- since their marriage. Faron Saturday. I M eat Pies 4for99c Sp ckwurst 35c(o k d a 9 exibte sioe Mrk antie cOfii oare an tre ncasedt e m iotrersAVE_19o Mr. end Mrs. Dave Gatchel,' r.Hrv Kcxnee itc pessi- Oshawa, were recent Sunday the vrii evc ihtr r nlndt oe B L A C K 4S r O C KC___SV 9 V tir te home of Mr. and hymn "Now Thank We All Or ew-stOfientat a u e otOfc LrsýAt service in. the United Mr ndMis. Garnet Fresh A .Sehno. Our God", folloived by pray- 111 operatian tis A.M., Mon- 'Cî cr r dcaF au e a ic led n ldteIn (don't subjeet for his sermon "Lose Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. member mecan ge.Tielh unge; Lose God," stressing Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm fTIS AUTU MN- Iir I can ne- 'ho easily we can loge our'visited iris mother, Mns. A. ton. Otiers I recaîî now are t.. and gadually grow sway Sunday.u..eGde Feh Hoaper, Crowley. Hackwoad foGad. Tire choir sang an . Mr. and Mrs. Te MeLaughir- ..PEPPEATueHlda aouie aty Otr rw - and a! course tire Carters, antirm "Lift Up Your Voice."J lin and Paul, Fenelon Falls, SWEET PPE After the usual summer luil, many stocks witir Letty still aur efficient Thle Secrament a! Holy Corn-i and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Me.~r L corne to life in the fail, and become strong postmlstress. Many af aur munion was adniinistered in. Laugirlin and Debbie weére1 &r ,f marke perormes al wintr. S tha yourural meilmen suffered plenty bath cirurcires. Rev. R. C.iSunday guests o! Mr. andl O Ais b.2C S 0 U A rnaketperormrs il intr. o tat ouwith irorse and cutteronR ose spoke on "Autho'nitY bi Mrs. Harold McLaugirlin and can best take advantage of an active market, snaw blocked ronds. Just to the Cirurcir"..1 family. Tasty and Mild - Genuine - Size 32't Ontario Grown - Cnd o rd mention a few are tire lete Next Sunday - Thanksgiv- Mir. and Mrs. Bob Bryans No. 1 Grade Crisp Crunchy why not bring your list of stocks in Io us I Robcrt Gray, Robert Miller,I! g - a Baptismal service will1 and famril visited Mr. and. for revew. Alex Potts, George Brown 1 be administered in tire Unit- Mirs. Jimn Mor-rison, Courtice,I1 Ernest. Bowins, James Willises cd Chuncir. The Anglicans 1 Sunday. o (2). Othens who did service ýwill worship with the Angii-î Mr. and Mrs. Kennetir Samn- S a ih Masters, Bill Miller, Howard I On Suodey, Oct. 6tir, twelve Merwin Mountjoy, Hampton, BARC LAY & C RA VFO RD Miller, Perey Rogers. and many 1 members o! the Hi-C joined' Surday afternoon. DO IN O my fatirer spcak of drlving ta '"Young People in a "Walka- grave, Cynthia and Roberti »rTki week at 1 Business Estab/shed 1902 Beilyduf! (a thnlving 3-irotel thon." We started et Part also Mira. John Tiers, Wood-!M~ W~~~UE centre in tire olden deys) ta Perry, walked ta Blackstock, ville. were Sunday dinnar 37 King Street East, Oshawa gtii al aeneyer and tien waiked back te Port guest r! isGnl Telephone: RA. 3-3423 tirnougir tus columo citir Penny again. Each memben' Kelly and girls. &RE IO cangnetulated or citicizcd tire!irad a sponsor or sp0osoIrblMn. and Mca. Co ,,aV4- _- __ _-- ....urtnev rm. n Mrss.Vincent Archer o! -m f tire A'ftennoon Unit of elhadBat isFaue otRt alPg E7 in the Mien disrcTuesiMrs. Ray Cameron, unit lead- New Right Guard Anti Perspinant 6-os. Size SAVE 30e R OOMTI SU '4 day.r er, 'vas In Memonial Hospital, BA____________________________ M.and Mrs. George Q. Os- anile M.Fiee opened D O~Oi.A T -~FAI~ bnePatEgnwee ek- tire meeting with à readlng, 2 altsSN geW M N end guests o! tire Will For- 'Eveny Day's Thanksgiving"..i 2 alt AE1eW M NS BKR tIK -~ ere wth s!Mrs. M. P. Philp, Scarbor-'Gery Glaspeil planned the, ALK A SELTZER - 63c IIL augir, visited Mn. and Mrs !meeting on Friendship and Rayette - 10-ou. Sîze SAVE 20ô Ciras. Srnithr and Oliver, Sun'. Visita tion . Appropniate poems - - 79cEU IIUs Apetze enerRos Trkyday. lwere read on Friendsirip and H IR SP R AY P 'M P Apeie edrRatTre aoalsMn. and Mrs. Elmer Archer, Mr%. Gl5pell read v e r y ______ _______ _______________________________ ~CWiritby, and Mins. Donaldi FREE PARKINGit frm T o sse S al d G i let ra v y ress n g ~ Flmnd Os . r chea , v si t u r A rticles for t e overseas V alu es E ffectiv e U n til C losin g, .atu rd a ,~ , L Pumpkin Pie Beverage ed Mr . AihrSTur -, bl re th etmiidlMco.:Al Merchandise Is GuaranteedToGv10%Stsain Ç ~~~~~~~Gled ta repart Mira. Arnold TmSblb tr deo Taylor home !romn Ajax hos. . Octaber. WE RESERVE THE RIGHTTOLMTQATTE Itsourplesur tohav pial nd r. oy iLrer roP Thie general meeting will ire s It'~ our pleasur ta have pital en Mr.RoyTurner noj heîd on Octaber 8th at 8:15; O e F.Ng t ti9pm y ou a's our guests for ZZ Bowmenville. Sari-y ta i-;port! p.m. A panel discussion on!r Thnsiigdinner. 2 er.eranMn. Roy Werry in Port cery ',Bible Study will ire conducted1:O e h r.a dF . TPenksgivingiirospital. We hope a' 1 1tireby four leaders from thre' Children's Plate Avaiable above may have a &Peedy1 Gideon Society. convalescence.' The Regional meeting of tire TH H GH AY ENSome !rom tis ares v isited East Section o! Oshawa Pres-: at tire perlons on Friday or bytery U.C.W. will be held atateddtr uea 1urayZo nOtbr2a t93 o! Mira. John Carter o! Bow- a.m. and 1:15 p.m. Patrla. RESTAURANT .. manville. nhe Carters were Clarke. acting edito o! tire' WAVELEYROA AT401HIGWAYresidents o! Cartwright fer Observer, wIll be tire guest, WAVERLEY ROAD AT 401 HIGHWAY yearu before moving.ta EOW- speaker.DOIONS RE MTE manville. Interment was ini Mr. Hilton Tink of Eben-A eu o St. John's Cemettry, Black. ezer sirowed mont Interesting1 ig S.a d Sm sn~- slides o! ber trips to Flonidar Mr. Ray Mountjoy, Water- and through Western Canada. MIl Ion. spent the. weekond a Mrs. Herman Haaaerve home, a duilcioua lunch. pNot W uduwq s