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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1968, p. 14

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v "S L - E T S A -IE0 m -E-F- S AP- -IE- Y-,S L-R N WA -H E mumwo-- -Iquump - - c DSIFIED 'ADI BEI MMSLIII Births Coming Events __Commng Events Cards of Thanica Articles forSale Auction Sales Auction SalesW nedtRntor Wc td COOK-orî ane ishesto EfIelU.C.W.Bazaas illw1i Chartered bus te Plowlng W. would 1ka to thank-the '66 HONDA CB.-160, A--.Tel-- AuctI-on everyWdedy-uto-ae0-uriueo ODwral am ladPITN n aebnig mnnoune thesah e rrale lof beheld ctfbe 18, 8p.m.,cfl Mtch,1hur8da, Octbern1.Mctchlty f Ennskllln for hone 23-572. 411* statf 6:0 p.m, Bowanvill the enfoud2e3tae,7s.ling t Wit Oralehoot uildigs. Wlson Aernety. Teep an her sister Catherine Grace, 7 basement of church. 4- 41 -PoeRo TaeIAec.te oeycai hc e e HE-fro asepog trtfl:30Bar., Can 28-005,e Peinfound s hoe, s it ie h o72-718 0-f 2324 Se tbs. l 28,oz. 96n8.a rday.f e gon M illionaires Night, 885-2527. 40-3j celved at leur presentati n $40. Phone 263-2508. 41-1 2 - 9 6 ou o e, J m east of Oshawa Town Line. O K H P 0 q t p- H UEP N . lv n o ~epemer28 198.PrudSaturday, October 19th. Tc-I - -_ Wayne and Pat Becket Woods, auctioneers. 34-tf OKHP paets John and Audrey.t ets avallable. Phone 623-3609. Ebenezer United Church' INTEabefurcais _ uint one.~ ie shipf No. 2 x. 411'DîETE abeforeharsDr.___DaSyltnvesterl6h ro.,Bowmanvil, rape n.Vr odrfrne Many thanks to Dr. SylveleSouthtenNo._2ferred, other ai-a osdrd.6329.4- miidailnures o maernty. hArere busto 4,'03',Turkey Supper. Saturday. Oct.!W ls atinlayo andbuffet. 623-3119. 41-1;ý Auction sale of furniture for, Highway, on Monday after- Phone 623-3441,4- an l usso aent.26 at 4:30 and 6:15 p.m. Aduiý itst hakHyd!No. i -POT ATOES, $2.00 75-lb. the estate of Mrs. Les. Mount--_____ 41-1___ ae T buonto. Nov 6-8--0. 723.0 hl7 5. T 41-3 gco uifty r ore the IluiOntheag. Joe Bouma, 623-2847. iiy.Blackstock, seïl n ýnoon. Oct. 14: Antiques, chairs _____ - A I Ic Ca-22.0. cildrn 75. Teephne cmmunty fr te loely ng adresser, dlocks, buffet, wicker\ane Tices oanta ovi-89ab.2-83. Te1ephone occsiontef tusain e40-tf 1Pcthick's Auction Shed, Ennis- sewing stand, mirrors, buttons.,lm ig etn NESBITT-Mr. and Mrs. John 885-.527. ___40-41 Newcastle Lions Club Hal-! John and Cecilla Bertrlm. WATER for sale andcidelivered. ke o aura vnn.bokctebngn ap ado vc.t~APoe6372 G_ Nesbitt are proud and i- lowe'en Dance, October lgth, 4-1Caîl Cliff Pethick, 62321 ct 19th. Sale at 7 o'clock. 1toillt set, washstand, saîts, De5 orn 1Old Tyme Dance CmmunltdHall,19:02p-2313. No reserve. Ters ah.Cl sî'r n i-'tîsî *i es S happy to announce the arrivali C - Round,9:0 .m 138 t! O tic, utinerc. Iff .ad . ytamallraio omnii 0ftheir chosen son, Edwardland qae yaeHlSt L)Ptik utoer 41-2 Lr tc 8t urdy ctoerl2h. obDres ptona. rizs iorW@ would like te thank the BLACK fur- jacket. size 16,1 ____ eodplyr wocetrfield, Gardon (Ted), a little brother;udy.Ototb1th obj Best Costume. Bar Privileges. Tyrone Communlty for the! 3 dresses size 18, one size 16. Acinsl fhueodst~ hoen odnkth PICKED UP POP ~r John and Katleen. and Band.41-1 1-beautiful roomi divider andi987-4985. 4- en Set, two Duncan Phyfe din- Telephone Collet2322 O M N IL 41-1 T.O..S. owmavlll B41-1 furniture, some antiques, the îIng sets, quantitv 0f beav ' Christmas Bazaar and Bake Don't miss Yelverton's An- iapta a peetdt LAYPEN, hlgh chair, strol- prapert.y of Gordon Rowe, 101 alu minumn cookware, leathirM Forthcoi..J.LLA Sale, Friday, Nov. 8, St. Ant- Inual Turkey Suppro s e.eceln odto.Caîl King St. West, Powmanville, înadedadcfe ablesgwlFrFrmAU O B D drew's Church Hall, 10em hnsiîg Mna.Ot. 1 Doug and Jean Par-k. 623-7156. 41-1 on Saturday, Oct. 19th at 1:30 'dresser Sets, dul c.bx Licence No. 11C6 41I14 firn 3:30 untîl ail are1 41-1 o'clock. List of articles in double___hi___ Marae 2Pm 11OIL -space heater,_ good con- x spring, single spring mattî-ess,i .- ______ Marriages 2 p.m. served. Admission 'only $2.00 ad4- next week's paper. No reserve.i extra long metal twinbds t4t M.Russell George Sanders, Tnoe United C h u r c h* and $1.00. 41-11 Many thanks ta frlends and din eehn vnnsCi Pethîck, Auctioneer; chest of silver, refrigerator: , Crditrs SEeIC AN Port Hope. wishes ta announcre i Thankof ferlng Service, 3 p.m.. :relatives frcrs it n 6.-.2.4- Lawrence Harris, Clerk. 41- uoai ahr 1alee----- the forthcorning marriage ý% Sunday, October 20. Guest Attention Hunters! Plan ta fiowers, also ta Dr. Ewert, 20 FIBREGLASS panels, 20' x - atrieatpie ash elr, sma ec- NOTIET hisdaubtr Vleie ouSe.t peaker, Rev. Donald Lute. attend BowmanvIlle Kinsmen nurses and staff of Surgical,4', used, excellent for roofinig,l WEEKLY ~ vrîsaîtbenmru AND OT0S'UVPN Xl!r. Donald Clarke, son of Mr. Speclal music. Ail welcome. Tui-key Sot audy c lo hl ain nM-:t. 2-6.4- IET SALESther articles. Sale at i p.a.patithntEstatMi0etW.lliam5BERT>TOMPKIN gnd Mrs. Robert. Clar-ke of .41-2 l2th, 1968. at Jim Gedde ,marial Hospital, Bowmanvile. 1H6(5- a'taatc washl ng! NST C L ohr aes. alrne a p.mDorInlte Ticsonate f h ]Bowmnanvillc. Weddlng ta Wekend Tourt Wheeig.Maple Gi-ove Road North. Fol-! Marie Beckett. 41-1* machine wlth spin-dryci-, $100. at Durham County Sales Arena, Clerk; Cliff Pethick, Auion- Town of omnllI h hoeNwovle7625 take place Saturday. Octoher W.Va., Oct. 25-27. Hotel and ilow the sigris. 11'-- Poe6334.1-f rn vr hr. :01-. . 41-1 otyfDr 1 iht hnkm ea elling Horses, Cattie, Swine, iVerchant. decease.wode Chuh, 3Porart H. 41tf 'phonicestesorw:fr in oeraiol1 -jaSudndTanOcoer 13 at tiver, friends and neighbors SALANT! accordion, 12')bass, Calves, Sheep, etc. Charlie---- at Bowmanville, nai.o Agency, Port Hope 885-2527. ý7:30. Guest speaker Rex'. 'my accident, aiso Dr. Slemon!623-3661 affci- 3. 41- nitrA cio er n Po FOR SALE~ or about the 25thdy o ue - The farthcoming marriage Is: ----40-3 Arthur Cresswell. Specl aad nurses an Thîrd Floori McINTosHj apples $1.25 bus., p___o RY AUCIcrON 196l. Creditors adohr announced of Sandra Lucille. Chartered bits ta Toronto, music. Mr. Bruce Hurst and d - ysa nMeoiIscn rde avnCao ucinsl fHrfr' OEI hTRI avng (aims ai sthe CSTM IL FLIN daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Saturday. Nov. 2. Matinee, M rs. J. Turnbull, accompanlied duHosp ayinMemar!62second6gader . a1vn 1Crao, Aitock sales, f Herord' FRItAM' 1TRI bv saea- ecb --PO'HN n ICN Rogers and the laite Mr. John "Anne of Gi-cen Gables". Roy- by Mr-. J. Turnbull. 41-1 , pt ~ Tn.4.*.224 fe i. 11cw.sokclesokrFAE HOUSE qiiired ta send fui a-itlr' fi 713 Edward Rogers Jr. te Jamei Alexandra Theatre. Tickets The Durham County Pro-! 1STUDEBAKER Service, new Ford tractai-, farmi implements,, Appro-<. 1130 sq. fi. and proof of sic am a Fun Roy, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy'avallable. For regervation es ieCnevtv soi- ews athn uýand used parts. Graham's: 900 balles hay, honsehold fui-ni-, TO RE SOI]) BY AUCTION the tîndersigned o rbfr ANO OTOFC Alm-ey, alI of Bowmanville. Phone 885-2.527. 40-à tien Invites you ta loin a friendsand nelghboi-s of Car-aaee4623233r3t'trcf and . antiue , tpo- Theertydno!tHan-y LlaceWadektwyo-a> 2 P.M.Tonthep frhldai 1SofWNovember 196i8,affer whihdaete38 Themwed ing ta t akS pl ce u .ey Supper. Ne tleton,m otorcade for a clai- tour aof i h T w s ip f r o e12 NO M B LE1na1o- m ies south f Newtonville,: ,AT IRDAY, OCT. 19, 1.969 assets of the E stt il b ' P T R L U Noveber23rdat t Pal~sPresbytertRan Church. Satur-, Durham Caunty on Sunday. , Ple lamp and the large w'aill dition. Contact Lcn Greene, Satnrday, October i2th at 1 Lot 8, Con. B.F. Township of distrihuted, havingrgrdol Ijnited Church. 4:30 p.m. r day. Oct. 19: settings 5, 6 and Oct. 20th. Motorcade begIn' mini-or whlch they presented R.R. 6. Bawmanville. Phane: p.m. Murray C. Noble, Paul Clarke, (l mile south of ta the WllandteamsONT CIO 41-1 7. Tickets, adit $1.50, child- rat Orono Park at 1:30 p..ta us as; a showei- gift. It was !728-9515. 41-1* Lean, Auctioneers. 40-2* NEIVTONVILLF.) at RaiIi-ond that have thenbenieeedBrc -Bok-Stn i-en 75c. Available Blackstock Route- fully marked. 41-1 most deeply appî-eciated. McNOHape,$5bsh,-Trk.ATD tTroonti,.a irprs ~Mr. and Mrs. Ed. DeLuca, :986-48I68 or 4475. 11-2* D . .Pîîîs-Pofssi Mr. and Mns. David Ballingail. cMI OHand-pice., Proseth cinsaea-o hodHue(oTai teD th ayof cae.16iPoe6325 apyti St. Phone 623-59,58. Bring furniture, bedding. dseMdm Kthn(por DONALD W.'KR~Eq, Ns d, ..3 omnîl *nomanvite far hppy to MONSTER BINGO '0f Medical Blaphyslcs. Uni- -cn1ie.4-I adn osKec.te rpry oe he Curce 1imra tee.__9t -araeo hi nyduh HRDYNGT 'lc ei-sity of Toronto, will be the!r We wlsh ta express ou -----giMdr Bari-ister Find Slctr % r A ge lo i Ph yi. augMi-. USo s rD bY G The 8 uo r u s'p a e ach n dylicee t a k .oT r n o - O E Jo n D ee po g , vd ! T o as E o r, wl b oe ah oo O O T , O taiR N R N arant Peppen, son o! Mn. and Chamber of Commence October i 7th at 8 p.m.. Adel- munity for the lovely vacuum bottom, trip beam, thi-ee point sold at is residence at Rozs- ORNTF7 itrs. Glenn Pepper, Mitchel. JUBU,EE PAVILION aide House Y.W.C.A., 199 cleaner. A speci thanks ta hitcb. Neil Malcolm, Black- mount, 4 miles nonth ot Dale 1 Conditions of Sale: Solicitor faorh CIut is ~it.The ai-age illtakeOSntArWA 8 tOsaa.Dr . _: r s. J. Reyenga and I-ene for SiO 8-26.4- nHighway 28 on Satu-day,. 10% down day of sale. Re,- 4- t.ace on atray, Nll ae- N AWA t r lis lsengaged In Canocer Re-Ithe Shower. 1 BUYING -or selli ng furniture October i2th at I p.m., some iane:7(ee~ asCs ETCTN rce2ondatur p.. novTninityle Liaon s Clunbseai-ch. Ail welcame. 41-1, Margaret and Royden r appliances, cal Fmer, goad antiques, (00k Stove or Certified Cheque. No item N OTIlCE TO RE0TR 23d Chu3ch. BowInillAn uaitcin ae lleAlaay(ecJnzyn). IHampton: business 263-2294 1chests o! drawens, chesterfield, to he remoi'ed hefore fuîll price in the Estateo!ATU.RR , O ANIL 41.1*Chuch heldi Saturday. October 19 at C L E O R 11rrsiec 6-65l3t etc. Terms cash. L. Clysdale, lk Paid. House must bie ne-HNYMOEdeasdNOSDA CLS Deats 1p.m. In the Newcastle Ai-ena.-Inod $2acner-. 40-2,moe within 30 dayti from AIl persans hvn am nhv orIespceiiTYPEWRITERS, no$--. $ time of "ale. against the estato!Athi.O Deaths iTo ave 987-442items44prcked pýRoyal itrF rAuiosaenStrdv WRTER, Agnes B.-At Mem-'Poees ilgot tereohNvAge Crerwshstatan;erbretisr-76.12, 7 pmat 1usd from- any member of Township of Darigo.i h opal Hospital, Bowmanvilip. vation of the ai-ena. :39-3 Noember Ior2nztinjfo Ha-min-iltnRaglan, 1-9 teatsHuta lI 23 Iailthe frIends. nelghbons and Ham9to-7sevic . Bll igt. Otober Hall, 'rn Counicil aor Road Supcrintend-, County of Dui-hadcsd BA N S& Y M on ThursdayOct. 3rd. 1968. Woodvlew Community Centre Excellent Seats for , ness and help during their ne- I .. -- 2f H aSt. Osh igdaire l, Insectionomoseyxh ido rabu h 6h PUBN ET Aines Coates of Bunketon In' O SBIGHor-se Showîncîuded 1 cent beneavernent. Speclal FROM the grower ta von-I fieaa.wsigmcie ponmnt, phone 786-2256, day of July, 1968,a- e-b AE EVC htr 74th year, wife of the late M N TER BN thanks ta Dr. J. Rundle, Dr, Delîiclous sweet coi-n. tarnatoei, electric slave , Viking), tele -Nori bdno.tfe sd1 Ji hn Carter.' dean mother of NPhone ayH. Ferguson and the nurses apples at FredsFruit Mai-ketvso.tyertr wsitnd nsrv l.ntificd oicta enIntSi-k&2-HU ilebel, George, Robent and Next5lPonday 623-3265 o ~r nn 3and staff af Mernorlal Hos- Highway 35, south o! Orono.' chesterfield, bcd complete, C<)lTN(IL 0F tikSictr fo thOu B ne Srve I*ederick, Rested at the North- 741..u~~~ rO~JQ~ pital, Bawmanville. 41-1 36-tfilawn chairs, pictures, dishes, TWSI FCAK Ontario, on or bfoeteth SPCTAKAN tt El__àtFunera Home.ndDredsNaf ather articles. 4OWSIPOFCARE day -o! November 98 uI IEBD ~tt llitt unerl Hme RE BAR COIvIR 'TWO-door refrigerator, 301, Also bailif f auction sale. 41-- . -2o l eroc aurde a hlaft 1S AWnA.I EWe wouîd like te thank aur range, 2-pce. chester!ield, 9- Ternms cash. No reserve - ---Fr PH-N Ilerment St. Jon's etery,- n 1 TRAVEL SERVICE many friends, relatives andipce. chrome kitchen set, 011 Myles King. Auctianeer. 0,sh.- 4JvestockFo Sale I lmmediatebHAPTN26-28 ackrmntSt.j' etoc 4- iy 2ti.n nwtruhneighbors for their sympathy, Ispace heater. 623-5135 afti 73-041.-1 ____h day o!Novebr\98 TRN 625 ackstock. Bowmanville Museum openl- - 413'loa tributes and donations! 6 p.m.1-w7301. HOLSTEIN cow, fresh. Phone' the assets of bbthecesdw ei re T akgvn pkn Thankoffeiing Service, Ken- ta the Heat Fund, the ladies'A c on sl' 263-2,589. 41-1 e dsriuc m ngt bc RE P O S E i kslln 'kn.dal United Chrch, Octberla! the Memorial Park CIub SALE-Sealy mattresses, $A i, f atqu.aris entitled teeo ~NDERSON Elizabth R.- ny atord 27 ndhendsays-, ,2:30 p.m. Guest speaker, House, Rev. Turner and the: Chester fields, lamps, kitchen furniture, property o! Mrs. J.,100-YEAR-oid liens, [)eKalb. ing regard only adiso Nt emSN lzbt .!onlalteHospita27l.hnBsw- Rev. R. C. White, B.A., Osha- Morris Funeral Chapel. Your i suites, $49. Second-hand kitch Luke. 23(0 Roxbaongh Ave.. Ross Lane, 623-2797. 41-I1\vhich the said slctr o RCAR raEtmt ifanville, on MondayOctober apn loe exepI.or erons by wa. Excelsior Choir under many acts o! kindniess and en suite. Murphy Co., 47 Oshawa, Saturday, Oct. 12 at' 9PG _ ee- lM the Estate Shall te ae6355 716.Elizabeth Henderson, pontnn dya eelgthe directian af Mi-. E. M. Me- comforting words will be i-e- Ki11g St. W., 623-378] 1.-1~* I p.m.: Spinning whccl, pine oneS10wes I.M notice. 1968, taernd-Novembei-. Phone Mrs. 1Coy.iTurkey Suppen, Wednes ebrdadceihda-'EODTOE Vtwr ok agn ap.îe 8-2518. i 7 d f at. o el iea rMs ebrdadceihda- cupboaî'd, capper kettle, school1 Vogels Nexvtonx-ille, telephon ae I amnilti VyesU hit one Hendrsof.tde aten o! e EODIINDT 76258 1 7h av of Otob, D16 ~~eorge. Tononto: Nellie (MrsR.eLun-41i a, Otobr 2. 5 6, p.. W3'5 - 55KîngSt.E -Bowianll Aedro.da ohro ev4 1ldu,'it $200, studen.s7$1,00;iFlRenean at-cl ateand rotons (trade-ins), 40, i50 set, wash stand. platforrn SERVICE age Yoaik sh Ir e'STRiKE & STRIE___ 2 Lunune, owanv Nllle (eihM IAnulTuke upe, t cidnen und2.0 12, 75 ents$.00; loMn. and r LaePatter: and 60 foot structures; al Iirrocker, cîocks, rocking chair,,'as.Li-e Ba.,;ac Solicitors for thEsae..- tLshn, Bontana entjaehsAdtrim ie-y 12 n ailles. 4bh,1rexcellent condition. OshawalCanadian Gi-cen bulleye lamio, stock 986-4250. 4l1* !Atu -n1Mae e U ul o Wh - -SUPPIY Llmited, 723-8131. coffee grinder, antique chairs, Box 7, (>one, age 90 years. Resting ,Street South, Sunday, October- - --0t'basca il1mdao~ EJSEE e-!zdbl, omnilOtro ai the Barlow Funenai Home, j 20, 4:30 and 6 p.m. Adults C L E O R My sincene appreciatian ta rs olollmdaoýýý RGITRDHrfr i Bwavle rno, for service on Thurs- $1,50. chIldi-en 75c, Tickets' yfrlends and relatives for USED - - - ch,, Iran p:Oroo -591 ete2ry.m411 haIonlepon Me.Hen- RIA her hoghtful gifts, welcorne Simplicity, Thonrn -Mfftpicture frames, pressed glass, roo.83-59.41-1 î-- ewllbil-rm or ln aet 2 ..I4t1-en O SoopvarlablephaI. Frs. VantyFLORDAcardsvisits and cancernied In- appliances, nationally adver- Ienigo oEISEErAgsbul 7-arrticedoles.o ..-orw , mr atces Triscs.ToesrnisefragpovnEPETNEDld csash.rve os tbauiu _______an 728-3239, M rs. C h shol m a . 1 h. F b. l t o rs dSuri n d my stb s- tised line o furniture. Pad dyi o re er e M v es i ga c h! s lage .orA g p r .oven ~7ful er l e '1rERTSTRA - At Toronto 63-19.Mn Kdd97-23 CRLJ TO R Speclal thanks. lndeed Market, Hampton, 263-2241. tioner 73001Ohwa re, thi rgsee Agshuewr yt Cleneral Hospital on Saturd andMs edbe6358.Jn 1t Fb s eDs pol n lsand 4-1leier nec îegstecd AgushauW.orCbvÏhe8a-,C1527.w Joh0Tertsra,205 - -ANDmdfloon nurses fr heiBOY S- clothing, -suit and top- ---__ . ar.,way N../re1cew gîaobr 5h 98,Gdt i ADklndnesç and cane. My earI.-1UBDVSN gSt.E., owmavill, RO E TO RS M r. lth -Apr.5thlt thanks ta Mi-. and Mrs. S ceat, like new. size 14. Girl's Auction sale o! furinture. '100 HEAD Hereford stock JACK BURG] iet t S omnlî ajed St.yE.r, Bowvle us C O RNIATOURS a.1t -A r t'eJong, Mn. and Mrs. AI! dar-lwinter coat set, size 8: girl's Satuîrday, October i2th. 1:311 calves and ll'-ý,ear-old steens GjL BURNERS -FRNCSow Dn aet igd 6 ear athe o Thui(Ms-. N OV. - 0 25DU EcletAcomdto odmi n ndMs u-tap shoes, size 5; girls' cloth- a'cîock, propcrty or Rex'.W. n efr asl nvtl- LENDBlneo ovnetNHA bllnd of Dianne Vanderher- ExceglntmAformocaring fr v Ing, Size 5 ta 81 skates. Mrs. 1H. Cuaw!ord, 14 miles easto! iat !arm evci-y Saturdav ý(any~fPUBN EAR ensa ny8~%Itrs Jhn Oeerua) muidf Khathy), Places of Interest: Colai-ado' SIGHTSEEING daughtens. auid ta aur relatives;IHarold Harnrnnd 623-5228. Caesarea, including: modeintime hy appointmient). GeorgeHOEHMPO . ER Ji nvlege Yje, ond andy) Springs, San Francisco, SaIt Phoe land friends who took the tîrne - .. - . -42-I. hedroom suite. bcd spi-. and A McGowan, Phone 778-921 Tomantole YeJohn ank Lake City, Las Angeles, San Phn tapi-avide fond and transpor ICK yu on paih att. (niwc hesterfieîd, tele- 'Haveîock. We deliver. 39-4* *ck Trnto; Jm. ran- IK yur wn:Spaish263-215 * e , e n ,a - Dl g , al o m n yo at o or S m S n c el , i o n o s $ 2 0 b sh î ar a visio n , r adio , 5 0 f ld in g ch airs,M a l A d e s ford. RRestedaatttheMMorris Diego, a623-3265 623-3023332chair,6e3ec093cts-bave.r2Sam. WESTERNlandoniotar$o.MailuAddre sarPhone1623-2263,NBandaOntari PNuneral Chapel, Bowmaui- Turavel ir-conditioned. Margaret Breretan. 411* i 125 bushel; bring baskets. sjvivel car l ri tv.2stockers, s. 1vtl ce-~-Bx43-Bwavle _____ ville. Service was held Inlu hro Motor Coach C--L ERW 'E - Inn haîf mile east o! cot, ktefwrîe aors, rnhwaY r Thursçday,, (anY lime b.y ap-: _______ ______ gehoothChrstin Rformd FORIA CICL TOU Cas' or aleappiances, single bcd, desl:, pointment). Ivan Johnson,! Ohureh onu Tuesday a.2 JN 6-FB TRAVEL SERVICE tÀBZÏTuuigcn- ie. go nonth ta fi-st conr Ioap 2 South Monaghan. RaillichoroFO o'coc InerentBoman FB. 17 - MARCH 12 __4-4 dItIon, $100. 6231-5247. 41-1 -ersf,'ookase 2 owi- lawn moan- 939-6855, 15 miles; north o! Brick & FtOR il m ig etn vhîe Cemetery, 41-1 24 Days -H -ON - csgade-tols lmp, n-Pot-opcondihwti8,2otoehoe1 HONDA, ood conT'S Cleaner, 3 ycar old. tique Iarnp, srnaîi tables, same Por Hpe n igway28 2 _____ Newcastle and Ai-ca Recrea- ______milTAs OSTREE Travel Ald-conditloned, 'ion Hockey - Registration i ow mileage. Phone 623-2361. s 72 w esns ne-atqe.dihs a. iel '*EB-AtMeroril Hopitl, ashonti Moor oac Day Sauri Ortber41-1* cellent condition. Approxim- useful articles. Termg cash. ~wavie nWdcdY, For Information on aboya tours 1968, 9:00 a.m. te 11:00 &am-."60SIMCA, 4 cylinder--, ow'acen &25Meek, ..I.onxauctie aons 41-i ly,:OXFORD BRICKA RS3f Qcbobei- 9th, 1968. Hilda Bar- Telephone ONLY - Lions Room, Com- 'eg.Atn5tlpaebrde 5-53o 5-53 Dr. A. F. McKenile wil AI TN AOS '- r#tt, aged 61 yeat-s. beloved munity Hall. AIl boys mutI 623-2668. 414l* i4- Acinhehi onetbe on holid~s Serîtember '25 PHN OR O 8-06A K M N ~1e ! honuanWeb, Pot op OJ4LI.h ave birth certificate te reg- i l o ta October 14, bnth dates Ini- rdother of Heather (Mrs. Han- ROWETIRAVEL AGENCY ister and registration fee o! 1960 PONTIAC Lani-entian. I-- Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Hinkson.i cîn sîive1 39-3* 3-! o4d Ballem), Oshawa. John and1 __ 40-4 25.00 Ages 5 ycars to 18, gond nunning onder. Phon KI DOO 465 Bloor St. W., Oshawa, Garfield. Bowmanville. Retv ears. This day ONLY ta576-2252. 41 -1* next doon ta Mackie's thel Red Cross Lean Cuipboaî-dý AGRICULTR A ODG -TRNHG titg at the Marris Funeral SUNNYSIDE PARK registen. _ 41-1 191cnetl. Sales and eric Moyeu-, Oct. l9th, 12:30 p.m.:, o! Sickroom Supplies (hos- TCr',Snd Soad Ghapel, Bowmanvillie. for senv- - Bady and motan gond shape, 2 bedroom suites, odd chaii'r, pital beds wheelchairs, rutiCUSTi-OMlTo Iqe ont Bomanv 2o'leCer ne- MONSTER BINGO OSHAWA AND DISTRI Tl25csh mi63-34atnD A V I S tberadio, record player,-e,t. 4 ) zavalable toinyn IPlîhig - omnn FiDeiee i~onFrdy t r 'c.l- Ctables, cash. Clr 6ATER3SERVICE onbltTravel directî>' to lorkdaie, hemrri entreeGD mlI, A.C. uliladar, tannin 3establishment classified as a club. - »DAT storage, reasanbePlaza %where there wil e rat Waikikl Beach, Ici greeting, mnd Save the Big IVa>' - At flhitor986-5521 qe.Phone 786-2244. 41-1 1 i re n aetheSYTM uroBig.hyrulc Nwfo tefoiwigp-mse:AtcsL S.tue to %hop or browse until transfers, porterage, govern- iAR Halurrw land uake. ew Hla;Ndw 7rth 31 -t! pems PÈD sitting roamn. sultable foi-j1.00 p-m. At 1 p.m. leave for m nent tax, Pearl Harbor Crinia. foln akNwHlln 1Bwmnil outyCu jrk i ng couple. Pbone!dowltown Toronto and thei and Mt. Tantalua Tour. CAR MARKET Let us suppiy you home fooioer edill, 2.0o0mlb P.O. -Boxnile(o40y 'u 70.41-Il Royal Alexandra Theatre to Departlng Toronto cv.ry Cash and Trade-ins Accepted freezer with silcî, A.seed iI .000 lb. PO.'Box 40 UNDERCntaAi îý_ -lenjy Caada' Mos pOplar1 secndscalrdys!adA.C.ownecdmetsprayerRAINFAI)jEBoC.mrunville, tuOntadili* fD UW apa' t- mical "Anne of Gi-cen r&m ndbt: etd Aal Gbe"commcnclng December 28, 1968: cd te those that qumlify. ail Summer McKce harvester wibh powe-r, Any person who Is resîdeuit ln the liccnsing disrc m rvnsRa e now. andpty:14tDi viio-'Foabltes"nfomaii 194-196 CHURCH STREET th box and pipes. heavy sleighs, iabject to the application, and the grounds of ob0 to n DrngWne ete _____________ ____ - lNOEs C ad 0 contact IBOWMANVILLE, ONT. SIDES ---521igl 'wrbertrd.a rdting %hall hafiled with MR. RALPH L. GRAHAQC ~etBomavle 4-1 NOeER ad 10 I PHONE 623-5064 FRONTS . . 40e on.,('ain cultivator, 28 fI baleý AmNffISHED fmri home nean OEBRlrL elevator, 16 ft. grain auger,' the deput>' registrar of the licensingr district, whosadessl rn orCri O o 0Uono, east o! Highway 115. NVEJRI URY AND LOVEL 41-1 HINDS . - 66e t.0 ae AU conveniences. Nov. 1 - Royal Atrieultnrai Wtnter Fair ITRAVEL AGENCY L tSPECIAL -~a PIG, 44e straw, 1,500 hels m50 bies]P.O. BOX 127, 249'2 FoROth Reet BELVIL e, N. ALiN U ir e p o e tit 7F rR86atos-n,7233S, at o mm vle __ _ _ _ _ __gan ua bt u be, fnc be h ad ___ __ ___ __ s hefe, ,i- rabushelsnmixed .l e b ema end . b fr h etn I hc h p lcto ,Al W r o pe l. 86223 unay Information Phone rPURERED Holstein i - - , torapproed n ren po3stF, 500 feet 'Z' Inch oak, lat *~:Monmv. --- 41-IPhone 623-3182 '1,2' years old, stnayed frorn Financlng Terms Av'alable wooden iai-rovs, harvest DATEI) at Bowmianville, Ontario, this 9th dayo!LcndMehic MÉCFMTE .114 -storey -hou-se,'JURY and LOVELL _____ 41-ilLot 22, Con. 4, Cantwrighb.ý ~~iiIs fror Hlghwy 115 m~wew-,v-'Phone 986-4868.412 FRESH DRESSED CAPONS cradle, wooden rake, 1 I 98 ie f .roadn to MIbrook, IlVt~AL~ Roomers Wanted REAR , feale h n u n d, SPECIAL - 69e lb. ohc atle.Trscs.Cunr'Cb 23s8 ohae nt63-82hKreLaadara hoe P-resarticle. Harnis cashk.r Box 4S.0. . edo hdro, noIn- __ - 1 black, tan mand white, lat luiNor Box 40. $s matcJ M Q tiOOERwate. 53-68.623-5933krdara.Phne hone 623-5578L No s Cer:Bowmanville, Otro 0omi~ dw* M -1-9 isnthl1-y.08 -5 70OMER 6 4 -1Pethick & Reid, Auctione s. P o e 6 33 3 ~. m ~ ai . 89 * 4-1141.1 98.527 cfc, . 411 4 -Uî41-1 Thé Canadlen %tteman, Bown>anvfle, Oe. , 19@8 DEADLUNE FOR CLASSIFIE9 Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. m ,qv- 'IV' -qqr- ILOA w IddLý

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