eolms of Janetville. The Canadian Stiemn onavllOtS 98 1 IIt was our pleasure te re -___________________________ present the Lindsay Branchl 1of U.C.O. along with Mr. Art' Smtheram of Fenelon Falisý Branch at the Presidents Con-a g st a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a g i s t r a teites C o u r t of Ont., held on Sept. 3th and Oct. lst at the Ascot InH I ~H1pW ntd edes aRe eal Estate for Sca1e Real Estate for SaleI EV R O at Rexdale.In ed i B _________Tndes___t_ __________inBomavil WAITER or wattress. Apply FOR Manager of Newcastle1 -1 The fourth meeting of the O ' Restaurant,1DisonAea starting atSE VIC W.Frak R aldEl A reoent visiter with M Yelverton Wild Wooieys wes October 7 and 8, 1969. juvenile delinquenc a ih fMnes ewsfnt 5 E. Bowmanville. 41-i Nov. i through te end o n c.lorMo r n d Saturday, Sept. 28, froe Mainrt'R . ate r arn y thye peddnoCoiabeG ozk < E a3 h PleseCA ODIFIED A DI DErREIÙs BlîBurhMoore sd on Grate gB.ilten ay o! areeadiigad netgtnao~re1 HOUBEKEEPER for widower Mrh laesaeslr x ANYONE? LIMITED Nny pirt eunn~cuo aeet o u i wIth one school-age chIld. Live ilth ansof the undersign-- Il you would like assistance REALTOR 'homne te Keremeos, B.C., foi- cu . dtn.FrOrds-,t .B axe ihCon h hrew I-Phione 987-4505 alter six. led by 6 p.m. October 12, 1968. An sellng or buyîng vu:2 Kn lowmavî.,lwing their mother's funeral. n r.Mlom iwduiTedy aitaeR .Op 41-1An orlowsttener otorowrtsplatecotacewa nayt siteroMr.rar-howtletastichunea sir. Btte prsied t acloedfolowig a acidnt n Cesobeed stp ignandrQis, *iijIlc 7 ekend necessarily accepted. Please MARGARET DOWE at 163-33 e CreleeIwasorand pressdrsadhe - fidcetasuto wokocar ar.M .mr Tedr nevlpe. I -41Mme shw n ititure to cailion the Cordelles snd make gath2rs ý"few yearsH.mar "Tngr" nanvdo enjoynd kegahesandiTuesday afternoon In the sec- Pdell, Newcýy ate 87431. CalsCote Secretary, raRoAlli Andersonancharg-I easlÙ4l31.* Arena Management Board. B WE &C C S Real Estate Board their hospitality. pleats. The members prac-ýond court room. RoyAlunAn 3ABY-SITTER for two school ____________ 160 Acre ShowpIace A correction to aur newsýwhicIh are ta be placed in'Bv BTrionl, 2Va18,halsut1 ihdiig âgé children, pensioner or*jLDj Village o! Enfeld near report of last week. Mca. Wm.1 their rrd boks Bld. T ooto, yleadg1,ha hledsialfe a e *xpectant mother welcome. Real Estate for Sale !Realtor Oshawa. Statey 2 storev brick!McCabe Is now aithe cPrivate; __________ I is motorycle an thgi myasd o oewek ncu- MOPMaS 623-7270. 41-11 460 KING STREET WVEST ,home large barns, ponds. Ex- ýPatients Hospital in Lindsay GoldenHawks Heowa fine cellent soul, corner farm. This, sud iMN.wMcCabe d $250 and costs. or one month, oetKiho etn PART or full time bousekeep- T n Oshawa, Ontario productive farm must be seen., ribs prier ta going to Lind-; following conviction foc dan- ville, found guilt. uut16SAFR er requIred, three sehool-age A. .La*.LLooey 41-i $85,000 - Terms. say hospital. Our guest m.n- nda gecous driving. An order was of escaping custodwagie children. Telephone alter 6. :ister last Sunday was Rev., Canac1an hamberl u. ardset 623-5419. 41-1 REAL ESTATE AND 250 Acres - Newtonville !Bill Fritz neot Frity. Guessa made prohibiting him from supcde e nfr tee a tha RESONIBE fmae el INSURANCE PlrKwl r 8 room brick home, plus 1 our writing leaves sOmething' f o mece frivone nwe nCnd ed ta reside in Ohw n BoPNIBEfrnl e pimaPeter - 36 LlertJrN.econd house for help. 2 setslto be desired. Ionotormerrn fortheeCounty of for restaurant work, full and !omnil 6LbryN REALTOR of bacns, good productive sol, j Constable K. Ruttan OPP Itrtuntet pattm.Poe6330 2-24lrran d frpondsg. $90,000 - Thursdytrnoon a mt thon toldd the court that on Satur-o!teCu. (B.J.'i Drive-Inn) or 725-0277.163-26 and GENERAL INSURANCEa orgerap4~ondsg. $90,a00; ,11day, Auguat 10, fveth m otor- edCourt. 41-11BWANILE-3 e52 King St. W. Bowmanville Trs home o! Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pyhaswr osre evn ice up in Netnleon EXPERIENCED bartender re- rcoom brick, garage, new furn- Gray and Mrs. Florence Gray.'. Newcastle at a high rate o!f ik yplch a ifodDohr qutr,~, eranntposition.'ace Central. Only $2.000r 623-2453 128 Acre Dairy Fari The meeting operied with the r e sd Cosa temawekeone wein u-NRIOI ApyI esnMr apdon aka rset10 miles south of Peter-, U.C.W. theme sang. Mr. Har-,. Whitely gave chase and clock-l~~Y Appl inperonMr.Cam- dwn.ParvayCrecen!!!borough. 10 room brick homre,' old Stobbart wvas in chargee hma 5 ie nhu Jerry Bromley, 85Srn IIE bell, Empress Hotel, Peter- MAPLE GROVE - 3 bed-' Imniaculate 3 bedrooni brick new barns, silo, stream. Ail o! the devotional, providing - between the junction o! High- Garden Road, Bcigo, borough. 40-3 rooms. hot water heating. builtr bungalow with ccc. room and real buy at $49.000. - Tecms.i information about c e r tai1 n Wav 2 and 35 and the con- pleaded guilty o!faeeadi- 1 Dna t .WJb FEMALE. part time and ful lu stove and frldge. Lacge lot, paved drive. This home is I hvrnns and those who wrote ý struction zoees f Bow ing June 28 in theT time short ordec cook for!small barn. Asking $ 14,7001jabsolutely ln first class con-' 44 Acre Hobby Farm tir - Fanny Crosby in par- zon cstoaW-rgeon Wotf 68-55 cafeteria. For appointment with $5.000 iown.dition and vould suit the Rolling scenic land near tclr.Ms rtRw e tanie 70t o5bfore a h- caîl 623-3373, Flying Dutch- HAMPTON - Choice build- most discriminate buyer. Prie- Leskard. 8 coom home la pouted on the U.C.W. Rally ing Liberty Street whece they manMotor Inn. 41-1 Ing lot, 100' x 165'. Central.:e osi ensaalbe el eoatd au3 edrcnl tOeie stopped for a ced light. Asing$,0.70, Ideal for horses. Streani. Mrs. ailreneceoPage'uings the HAIRDRESSER, female, focr sin 4.0.Building Lot!!! Akn 3.0.$200dw 1.Caec aera h The officeca ocdered them to m1'Akn$3,0.$200dw.1min'utes o! pceceding meet- stay there but one rode off to modern shop In Bowman-j Ken A. Caverly - 263-2632; Centrally located near stores Would consider trade o ing. Mca. Ted Spenceiey pro- the weat. They put on the ville. Must be experlenced. i 41-i and schools. $5.500. Ternis.'Oshawa home. vddVetescrsrpr oeddf Full or part time. WieA- aka rset!!dm light and auren and o- W 1rt diPr~a rset! 73 Acres - Newtonville and Cornie Malcolm the flow- lwd tKn n epr Settema3, P./ox , Bivian1 'even .kil 2 ttbrikreporto. Details o! the tur- am SaemnP..Bx190 Bow- Gog i Tbcokls,2ctae, lrpr ance he ran a red light and manill. 4-1with paved drive and sungood trout streani. Good gar- key supper to be held on continued on out o! town - EATR ec n xclen onito dn aI.$3.00-Ternis j Thanksgiving Monday (see weaving in sud out o! trafflc DRESSMAKERS, must be: Phone 623-3500 or 623-5265 Ithroughout. Has a x'erv ni e'Coming Events) were finaliz- and forcing sevecal cars off thoroughly experienced; work. garden. Asking $24,000. Ternis 100 Acres Near Ennlskhllen cd. Next meeting will be at onto the ahoulder. The officers e from home. Thia will be a; Lovely well kept 5-year-old I'arranged. Beautiful split level brick the home o! Mca. Norman radioed ahead to Whitby and permanent fuil-time position 3 bedrooni bungalow, situatedCotie! home, ni cel1y landscapedi Wilson. Mrs. Milton Gray Oshawa who sent cruisers to SWIFT'S PlEIMFLYCOE with excellent remunecation In a nîce quiet location I býruds ielcs,2bt-to the std rido aHamn odadKn if ccetabe.Phoe 63-240village of Newcastle. Must be Older 5 rooni home on ha] gi na ielcs at-rto h td'pro o a amn od sd Kn Ifacetal. hoe62-24 rooms, attached garage plus1pan, Fears and the Future., A. Searle Leach Street where the fleeing cyc- mornings only. __4 1-1 j accuto be appreciated. Priced1 acre lot wlth streamn. Recent-irdouble garage, plus 3 rlooniLuncoh was served by Doris ASere eah WnipgJe cor, eenshe cunse, at $19,900. W rewired sud new !urnace cottge.eNwrltelLjeacahndWMedamesgi, V df EXRAmoeyfo yu ivng 7 roo older brick homensdbayr~ns, 2 ponds. Asking onlyisud Milton Gray. 1rsdn !TeCnda stated that his client was HM part o! Duerhaico. Whthe I wî lagetceed secluded lot, ountry Living Near Town ! $55.00;0 - Terni.M. s. ihColis amer o!ommee Cat the steadily employed and engag-j help you. Big profit. Full btecnr !Bwavle ombnao nbl 10 Acre Parcels ýMr. and Mrs. Balfour- Moore national business organuza-edobemredHedit.d Askig pice$15,00.We recre ot n Nwcatle' noth' ICýdaI ill A,, 1that he had neyer had a lic- cosmetic Une, spices, inedicines, A'spengforifer$.90.Weaendacre lot a h d o mate'snoth Kndi uI;Aea were supper guestaiat Mca. tions 39th annual meeting in ense ta drive. ratamn$19.500.polTernis.s- Terrlfic views. Near Gov- Ruth Wilson's and Mrs. AnnieICalgary, Alberta, on Septem- Infectants and food products.1CuricgAes Furro n rrnnaPr. nya, few ,McQuade's on Sunday. ber 29 - October 1, 1968. Hei "I trust that marriage wiII l -b Write Rawleigh, Dept. J-140-!frame bungalow, with garag edl!!hlfta ny$.0 ashfi aube !Ddi n- jwas formerly first nationaliresult lu you settlîng down j 2t -b vrg T8, 4005 Richelieu St., St.j sud paved driveway. Large! 15 Acres of land with good price. ichers froni this community at- vice-president. In business life, sud cutting out this sort o!i HerMnra.41-1 îlot suitable for V.L.A. Ask- pond sites. Asking $7,500. 25 Acre Paccels- Oshawava tendedte rebred sale in Mr. Leach la Chairman o! the nonsense," observed Magis-; BONEIESN.iLZ AL THE Bowma ---l - P -u b in price $15,000. Open to offers. Scncwoe ae Peterborough on Saturday, Board, Federal Grain Company trate Baxter.A THFomnil ubi cnewoddpreso'Liniited. Mr. Leach brings toi Phillip Ham, charged %ithsTE KBR A F S School Board requires respons-Brw Ste! Very good lnvestment Is thisBonStet! Shirley Road north o! Osha- i On Saiturdiey It Wvorhihmerpeiec aela rvn n ttempt- ible person ta act as noon two acre lot with large bacn. lExcellente3 bedu-oom ot the clan at the R O A S TanB A C O N hour 3upervisor at Central Only $3.900 cash. seni- wa. $1000 - $5.000 down. . pleasure ta attend e asgthrWide background o! experi- ing to pasa another vehicle on Puli Shol.Hors 150tadetached home with garage.. 15Acrs- jda ig obteîlan t t ight- ence in business, sud associa- the right instead o! the left PublieSchool Houri1150 t 41-1 xcellet condtion trough- 15 crsh-ldedat thmpbtionupaffaira. Hee tolaaa formere byaformeringdoffng tof etroadwayy 1:05. Apply ln writing stat-- -!LExeetcodithug- 8 cooni home, barn, terrific' North Runnymede U n i ted i president of the Winnipeg heard the first charge dismis- AL " A marital status ta S. R. James, I John F. DeWi, outA king $13000$Tenisv0e0 GodTorrnfa, rCburch in Toronto sud recep- Junior Chamber o! Commerce sed because the officer was on lb lng ge.qualfiction an F. uewtn araned. 22,00 -Teristion in the church hall fol- and f or several years served annual leave. George Pollitt, 7 7l P.O. Box 10, 24wmnvit .lle REA SAI I 7D!ecsl!M Secy-rea..24 in S. E, REL STAE IMTED Necasle!!50 Acres - Newtonville lowing tbc ceremnony. The on the Council and as an offi- defense counisel, pointed out 41-11 REALTOR rOeo ecslspetg Good streani, 7 acres bush 'apyocain a r ccv-ccco! the Winnipeg Chamber that the two charges arase FEATRNXHSW E 14Fan homes is looking for a new Only 1, mile froni 401. $25,000 ered Uncle Les taking unto of Commerce. Born in Winni- !com the saneie ncident. A fine HOW TO EARN MORE own.r Ternis.hiniself a bride, the former1peg. July 4. 1909, Mc. Leach of five dollars and coats, orI LARESLCIN0 MONEY- ME and OMENPhone 623-3111 Iwitb 2 fireplaces, some broad- 30Ars-Corie IMrs. Thelma Camipbell. h lgrc ated from Dartmouth three days, wss levied for thei-- lombacoy ndmay th extend the beat wishes o! their iClge, New Hampshire, and second offense. 1 nmed a full or part-tme per- 160 ACRE FARM: Gaod ,er fine features! Priced to' 1,000 ft. paved road front- mnanY frienda for a happybxford University. He takes A total o! 14 chargea againat FR l son ta help meet the demand buildings. Large streani. Lave-isell. age. Wooded land adjoiningi niarricd ife. Others presentiover froni W. M. Anderson, Floyd Cullen, Robin Forbes,RSVA for a much needed service foc ly pond site. Excellen soi.Afe spm.good homes. $30.000 - $10.000 frorn. the locality were theýimmediate past-president o!E0r oktJh ea OSS -COS *CTES -EC motorlats. Pleasant, digni- Asking $37,000. Caîl: ar, down. i Victor MalcolmsNtltn h aainCabro eRAT fi , good paying work. No Coutts. a [D.;nia, seon,,be Caa98a7-hambe'o!1MLean sud Ronald MeLean D. A MaGreor -987267 120 Acres - Taunton Rd. accompanied by the Rae Mal-j Commerce. ______- eeptae aNvme Informationaio cnac BVMNVLcontactPte Kwa No.3568 Neriamtoeondods 2 Secnsndoieesron anyor.1 1 urketon, Ontario, Telephone roam bungalow with 2 bath- __ 41-1 corner property. Good invest- a ~I~~ L2 cnd sent d oytefConFthc '3q3- 30_uevsr 03roonis. 011 heated. Recreation mn - 4,00-$2,000,vventfighI t Du~owfl to M/ire defense. -230, upev___or - 403roani. Garage. Paved drive- mewn t$400 Oscar Adams, Orono, aged RPS5l Maeor Female lway. Asklng $25,000. Caîl: Jackdon - i 71, who pleaded not guilty of R Bu Lne Office,. Bungalow - Leskard u l making a le!t turn without1 BulyB sLnS NECAE:4bdrom, R ICD 1 acre land with streamn, 4Fue s E g r i firat ascertainlng that it could No. 1 GOLDENYL EL KS .uUr ITEy Wal -STLnEwhm. O4 eated, rooni bungalow. Must be sold.; be made in safety, was repre- LIMITEDl bot whomrie. d hated1,00. Ltd. elo Very scenic property. Asking II sented by Russell MurphyBA -p e b t . Pr c d t $ 8, 0 .$ 15,0 00 - T e r ns. Y .nH r y M r e , a a er .m have o»Cflinfor aîlGeorge VanDyk. Realtor T Championgaprate idN A AS T 0 Maie or Femal: 9 OOEDHOE:wih 623-2503 Hampton Area T o W n C ap o s î proprietor, waa tesng a lay' 9 ROOMD HOME withicar on County Road 72 when1 sCROOL BUS DRIVERS s maîl separate apt. 011 heat- j 7 rooni 2 storey home nearý Ter Black's fourth succes- was sale on an error by thMr Adams turned right Off a in the BOWMANVILLE AREA c d. 4-pce. bath. Goad size lot. 1 Thrivlng Garage Business Taunton Rd. E. New furnace. alve bit, a two out Infleld shortstop sud Grant Wright's sideroad in front cf hbu. Since15 Asking $16,500. Terms. Aski Just, off 115 Highway. G .M f Home completely renovated. single by Guy Parksansd Grant bunt was bobbled by the Mc. Adams waa proceeding Applicants must be over 21, for George VanDyk. Dealership. Good turn over Nc grounds. $2300-Trs rgtsloigsnl epthr much more slowly than h e 2 ofan c auterpand the cd- 13ACEFR:2ace on caca, 1967 gas sales 110,000 Newcastle - Highway No. 2 right in the final inning gave Singles by Hellam and 1was, Mr. Meccer. turned out andrlandgmuschards7themed ho E A me,253cesgI opee eupe o jBiksdsoernhbnStephen Fuels a 4-3 victory Piper produced Kramp's first te pass. Suddenly Mr. Adama TOASTMASTR cal requirementa and Furnitureharand rcun inmethecefoul.th.plroadeeqapplefor Bucknad sthieranonbun test &às et out by the Ontario bath. Large barn. Garage. servicing, plus large used carj galow only 2 years old, brick over Kranip's Friueadrni h orh aealf unIt l o' Departînent of Transport. Drive shed. Ask for George lot. Reasonable down psy-j fireplace, attacbed garage, lot the Town League Champion-J Terry Black led the Fuels'idriveway and a collision oc- Inerstd eran cntctVanDyk.mn îhgo ens 100 x 150. $29.700 - Terrna. sî.hsiîgt(us) at aack wiîb four singles for a curred. David Switzer, stand- AEA PP L"- Butrey Bupesnstac Memonial Park. !perfect night at the plate, ing on his front lawn wilnes- 14le Ec fr 75 ACRES with Iovel.y New Split Income Home, Bownianviile Stephen's took thue best o!ft PaeteIonEt o e bccahad ttdta BulyBsL s streani. Pactly wooded. Ask- Oun Hilltop Dr., 3 bedrooun- 2 storey brick with 2 spart- seven series four ganies t cutr akWihA- ho saw no signal for a left _________________________ phone 623-3811 or 723-7171 lng $22.000. Ternis. Caîl:l family rooni. Fireplace. Elec- mentsansd 2 offices. Good two. George Stephen, wbo an- bot, playing manager Lloyd lurn. STOKELYSRYL HRE 41-2 George VanDyk. tric heat. Twc batbroonia. Iinconie, ce n t ral location. Inounccd bis annual reticement Hamiilton and Stephen, Constable G. Kazak, OPP m *- i_ ,TUTNROAD, 10 Acre! Nice view ta south. Cal for $40.000 - Ternis. following the series tossed ,a. Bob Hellsmn, returning to the investigating officer, told the uIY vNwIL Ef -MECHANICAL ltUOn10mn drive tae appoînîment. ibert St.N.,Bw lle six-bitter for his seventh winlline-up after being bcnched, court that bath cars K i rU PEt Mb Oshawa. Akig$10.000 pec nte atnnegnes$e1r6iswthadubeadheS00dmgdan k d MAINTENANCE lot. Retirement Home $680with teprnim bya the Fls iedte s orlined, mpwh Jo erappd 5 mavrksfoiIeMemrer vhi ci 10.a LALur aimfng 15.00. erni.mCpétieoreiTenip Phone 623-3303 body',, language. No details of race times were 7A July 19 following s beavy inblka anptîieprcsVanDk poddbuitwudperthywlb un fuip ètof hey eroe pro-ECEA ai 9 Phone WelcOmne 753-2246. r k. 10 Acrp Lots poie u twudapa hvwl erno 40-4< NEW 3 BEDROOM: brick Beauliful retreat propertyv Lqpmuece o! s e~l-r e pfr-i Ic E C USE f.repaccacrenin oodbunalo wib arpnt.Ele- wîh trani an apbng. 0 fSaturday and Monday. There's a tbnp b Iialy in- icéeding ai 15 miles an ho-, 1USED fieplace ereen lngond bugalow wih céipovolvedc-forh she winandrpinngbbcnProduction frSportsincarinshesPreduecondSdrta cprs.9o ToétheiredWeRITEo.LeICEDirWMNETTE condition. Aiso amaîl dînette trically heated, 4-pce. bath, a couple lefi. Prlced la sdIl. category. f brror the heavy machineA suite, Duncan Phyfe prefer- Living and dining rooni, Ask- Mortgageq Arranged + +..+ .without any signal swung tal B R c.62-7572. 41I ng $21.500. Ask for Geocge h e tu t bgrberRE DMA G R N - -VanDyk. Lloyd Atchleon -786-2959' THANKSGIVING M- aywili be a weehrahd hruh d stein heifers for expert, ficat 100 ACRE FARM: wilh e Wayne Marchant 623-'9* 5 tPEALTOR Maankgivnd.Spa l holi2a- bb PUEBEDmdGrdeHa- jtoclerae haksivng Se5alsrvices are rîghî door of their car. Bath 24-s and second cal!. Neil Malcînjrolmehm.01bae. -'ayHah - 623-2902 OSHAWA OFFICE hein held o udA tc qhrce n h ith 986-4246 Blacketock. 39-30 pce. bath. Barn. Sîr'ran- i. kMetcali - 623-52931 e o r h n ua avt ail hure s i hol e vbce eîit h ot ~ ---Asklng $25,000. Ask for tastii yE ohat frni d hecori TU1?t'DN TROUND dlning table, old George VanDyk. rGarnet Ricard -623-7397 Sa 11 4Il le.usosSae t me arke the annual eve tehere should be ditch. where he uat on bcF RthRez~zzvÂ. ~A chairs, cherrywoad furniture. a eoad 6331 n u nadmn te rdiinlyfl oaewgnh ol e ZFRYU cyllnder phonographe and cyl- BOWMAN VILLE: 3 anbuen ndayote-rdtinlyfil frg agnb oldntscATTRCIEYPIE mdc rcods msi boes roai rik bnglo wt e; WiIf Hawke 7 ietTrno is9271 jobs around the house to take care of this week- lraffic approaching froni the;FeborFoe h f lvrisr93 / Telhdrc.ro.Nc ln e- 41-1 end before winter sets in. Don't overdo it, the rear, nor could be give a eig-1 Canadian Statesman. P.O. Box orated. Patio ln bsck yard. j- Listings needed by a Flrm!! fsineral directors and staffs like ta have a holiday H adiseyabe mten uîrg UKES rAPN 100.Bowanvlle._ 4-2 sn $20bi.0 sk frRESULTS COUNTI tî roe eod iSls on, 50 please try ta be considerate and stay hafosissuhdboowHA W E Bhyli MRobi alive ai least until Tucsday. cd Ibis unit sud been using Atter Heure Fleane Cati: Conssit a Member ar the Cali for courteous service,ý t t t on thal road for tbcee day. RE D a...icn o onto 2'31fLocal Representativez: 'PAVING --- Asphait. lavers wer br usHeowas advised ta baveeROASTING CHICKEor ANDPhylla MeRobbie - 623-71,59 1p 4eu0on usysmon ab oaotfcEC Les Hall, Bowmanvillie 623-5211: and Wednesday laying the black top on the stretch 'other traffic on the bighway. TM THY EE Ross Davidson - Bethmny 3012 rdBeuaeBomsle of Church St. belween Division and Temperance JsehLusBcer21 ]Plu» B-34 269i23371 fSîret. Eerîhng hold eoo Gilbert Street, W.. Whilby, ~~~~k~e Qiaa i623-371eo1eVnDk - 23737- normalthEere bef ore the more or lnsbe lachar-ged Juîy 22 ln the Town-~ Gerg CA N TO aro d Coutt2-7252470oml er e eteweekend. On Liberty St. ship o! Clarke wîtb Illegal NI2526$MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Oshawa Area office: î North, the road crews are stili causing some incon- Ipossession o! liquor, was fined FL W R H P a Odhor -63 90Oshawa & District North 401 Park Rd. Claverleaf venience to area residents, but hope to have a road 1$50 sud costs, or seven days.f 7op~ e ly S e w ar 'e S eda e I~ st P oto L sC onstab e D Stuart, O P P , O 'N 88 ~ ~ ~ ~ W Liustt Photoile dExlsv elEtzeB i Manager - Frank Smith, surface applied before freeze-up so car drivers won't ichecked a car wîth two occup- MARFOODT 41-4 1 ly__Stewart'@___________ I Ohawo576-33f.sght during the winler and sprng. ai I24 m n on 41-1 Should be wonderful when it's ail finished. lquantity of beer.