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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1968, p. 3

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WALRAVEN-TUIMLH asoste mioreaeous showe-rTh aaIa t ~R~bOIJ~ ~ Excha nge Vows i n Rehoboth Chu rch aothse af miscellaneTeusainSatsaBomn sehc.9,16 was hrchidwmbyilMr en-Ciarebtee 80ad185w hanced wtth baskets of Dearborn t held r rencELEeILE h ivda tew1ted gladioli and pink 'munis, was ý l miar omnit r' hoer PAt op. TSslie el the setting for the marriage1 j s idu Couritice Unied First frost of tesao uho neetbt oPr of Miss Carol Marlerie Trim- 'Churh. ra ortc UiedCme trithiS êarea s tudyHpadBwavi hie. Bowmanville, and M. The brlde's mother was lias- iht.btfotvr evr.I Ms .Kavnn Anthony Marinus Walraven, ts fratrusautaathrhtbe naonverfu e o fSabruhcle tE *10.eson of Mr. and Mrs. Adriaan hoe hon torssefute he brided -eWalraven, Coliingwood, on ada ufegupeawshe e ple hduacce t a- feno nterwyt t Saturday afternoon, September andtarbthe ta ut te homeldcfpeoe a ail h oato te edtedinrhl o 14, 1968, ut 3 o'ciock. *Mtrtand Mrs.tJthDeomejfneede.Mhe Anersnhe Prtonp Rev. A. Vanden Berg offiel- J.Th romspret nteFd ntecmunt ihshol_____ ated and the weddlng music JrTaie he ridai sparnsty olo-' caleds Inthe Rs hpli e was played by Mr. Dan Davi- . n h eera t hi oePr oeonSna ra- Anuc son. t~~~in edK edal. tty fo l w - c Ieded the f r al o .JJ G J S N C H L 8G iv en in m a rria g e b y l er i_ _th e_ _ _ _ _ _ __n t _ _ _ C h o e ciort H e n Mau ,R a i n u s t n e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _b r o th e r . R e v . L o r n e T r im b le , lin K e n d ap a v îbte net h n l m n f e At 4 'clock. September 28,1the bride wore a full-length '~ ~ i 96,th apit h rc. Potsheath gown f white ut-vel- pMm r al H s i a y J~ tribut t his a iy r. h i k i e 196, te Bptst hurhPor!,Bemat, otahis isrci " YHope, was the scene of the;vet styled wth brief train. a sister.sita wedding of Joan Carol. dau-IThe gown was designed with Rb et fti ghter of M r. and M rs. Carrolli g oo neckline and long point- tMa rris h n un a m rn n ThNichais. and Garth Jigg* led sleeves with sef-covered Weekly Report Church Service ia ede so f M r . M de i e Jig g in s . b u tton closin gs, an d w as ad - 0- ct 6 i cl si e:w s h e on S iy e v c n t e f n d ah a i g s a s a so rned.Ma eln with a taiored bow t F rUhII1 o S p . o W rl Orm C h t s i T h e d o u b l e r i n g c e r e m o n y t h e w a is t l i n e b a c k a n d f r o n t . 3 A d m i s s6 io n c s iv e : ha r gt le . n d a v s cha s h h h t e h i k h m r was ;performed by the Rev. A wedding - ring headpiece Admissions haire et n ocokaday1aune1.t.eiw.t~i! J. C. M acFarane, with M rs. studded with rln son s ld h~ i pt e tcf ten h s fot. a d du o fr s m u o S c ie n c e lMacFarlane presiding et the'eaught ler four-tier, waist. ie egs -- - - - - -3 in the oi ft h e c nuin ieda u tln f h nue~ S veil, and bridai ~~~~~M ajor operations _ _ _ 2 'witfh shifting timie s h d is ifam dt e T h r d , g v n I a - bouquet w as of Ye îow roses M22 p r t o s . n a d M s a rl u t n Ii ca e a t r c s , w i e g n l N onorrage by her father, wore a d white steph notis with Emenrgerc at ni n ts 5116 and nd e3 n oono r. e&ivn pi. ceHae nei ~t o i. t o T ea r ide, f i e crIn mar ren ivh Bow- houY rs 38 m . d iey n :nd M s W. vsie% o to a.T. w sihort o w of ce an h ie r v M n,. H . B a r w c u g b i a e) t k pl e irecommwa soidr ent. heeville was maid of honor V tin. ____ 3-___________ BaMr.andrrow wit ho cf laceand . he pi udtman o __________clou .' nd o' cerried a bouquet cf white'and the bridesmaids were Mrs. 1 ihMs d imi o-mnwuanandaeji j. J. Denbok and Mrs. W. Clark, wt r.IaPi you reau ýColingwood. Thev were at- ~Zo Hp onhp no~îe He'r two sisters, Gloria anr led in floor-lengh' -n are intenested inabokr I~~ m aln ee bridesmaids ow s w h mpire waistîne Mrs. E. Russel f Picton centlv brouight t hi t hc .7 lra ýand wore dresses styled simi- in mint green peau de charmwa visiting lier niece, r. eto'nwil a but I h hi ht d ith lace cel M argaret Gerow, lte tiashch wa p bis ed colaa ief P P r blue crepe. They carried ta the weistline, and fashion- *. .' cantains much cfinestt e w p ~ . white fowers aso, ed with elbow-length seeves ' l t rand s, ohlMenvilis Itx wrtte'h acne ih elbow-puffs.! 1nd sosmBereville ort Your local newspaper keeps yo rn- The best man was auThy wore matching shoes andi wrercnviirsfMrtagtnhronhmeb formed of whats happening in your lKernan, friend cf the gro)om. lvs n ae edn-lg ýan r.F ufrd-otJsp eivnfrsm îe area-community events, public Jand ushers wene Brian and headdrpsses with short veils in Hope, .Iufr, ot!JsphSrve o Mleetings, stories about people in Kevin, brothers of the groom. thHaesad.Terpo-M.e, ayadHla your vcinity. These you cant-and Before the ceremony, B3ar-!quels were cf yellow ros~es kU VhOURLnt-doCAL PAPER ing of heresagthe LsanBow an 4 Mnicecfth _cfStr-- LEU Shuln-dwîhutbraDinr ag heLrdsan rs crations with green~ Mrs. C. Meneiliey visitedUc OI MNOW THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS Prayer, and during the sign-livy. Miss Karen Meeks of' their brother Han-yofSi- It d The Monitor specializes in analyzîng 1«'O Perfect Love" accompani-, bride, was flcwer girl and '" ,TeSpebrmeigc and înterpreting national and world ied hy Mrs. MacFarlane. wore eafler-lenth fnock cf Mi: ~The SZinb.W wsmedetgo from one of the largest news bu- r the ch urch the bride's mother'identical styling with campletel r a ue s . in th e uie i s p latch e F or th e ree t iow n al e m gr ee n pe a e. e ca r m i n 1M rs. C arm e n Irw in 's h o m e, e with seven members present. from Monitor news experts je 40 i violet crepe gown with white a basket filled with vellowlMeigwsond yth overseas countries and aIl 50 states, a ccesscyies ndte romsro-esand white stephanotînis"JssWhr'rTyPol TRY THE MONITOR -IT'S A PAPER mohnwr akbu ihMr. AdrîaanWlrvnoMet"olwdwt.pre. THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY whteacesne.Georgetown, brother of thel ....... ...... flevtifoalopcem wpa giv ecGuests wene dae groom, ws best man and thei Th Crlstiun Science Monitor mebr fte ai'edushers were another brother '~&,. nu is ita~b n One Norway Street o egom n B oston, M assachusetts, U .S.A . 02 5 s m e o h b rid e 's g irl of t e g o m M r G o e n M rs. C a e n r in M n u s 0" 15 ~~~~~Walraven of Brampton. and CrnnIwn iue were read by the secretary, Please start my Monitor subscriptiori for f i n s another brother f the bride,~i vtto a ec i e r i .~ I the Perm dchecked below. il enclose TeyonMculewllr-Mr anyTnmlecsBwIwo,. .. th. $U..uns.Side in Port Hope whpre manville. ..................... invtthe W sii e .C.W ta et cf Mry'S.yîesîr wht.ecorsge.Shthede Wesleyville c. tat. 2. ýoW 01 D1ER2 oeh Garth is emnployed with the The i'eception was held In Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marinus Walraven, who are shown in lhe above tend the Rnnuai meeting being C 3 moets $6 Department cf Highways. Nightingale Centennia el p Nome ________ reiu to hier marriage nt six o'clock. The bride's otexhagdParige vows in Rehoboth Christian ReformedChcho The Zion ladies are ta pro- AU G thP bride was entertainéedmother neceived wearing aý Saturday afternoon, September 14, 1968, at 3 o' dock. Forn-erly Miss Carol vide sandwiches. Thene va.5î Street_______ with a commuoitv shower et'rose-colored wool suit with, Marlene Trimble, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eveett Trirroble cf veny littIe business te be talc. lWesleyville chîîrch, at th aht. and accessoriei andý Bowmanvjlle, and the bridegroom 's the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adriaan W7alr'aven en care of et this meeting. Ciyhome oMaySletriwhtcosg.h W assist-, ofCollingwood. _____ Photo byAstot- Studio ýFollowing the program, a Port Hope by girl frien diq ed in receivng by the go m~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ d it u c a ev d b - and following hein marniage at.mother who ware a gold crepe _ the hostess and 'Mis. M. Irw:'n.I YO '8 Mount Pleesant by lher rela- ýcifnslee, e Mrq. Laurence Beyko Is e _ and bnown tmg Was ou rice nite Chuch patient et the Memoniai Hos- A 3e Zion United Church llOth Bfore leaving on theirI niesr eriewshl edingtrip te Northern Ont-'lniesr eriewshl ala and Quebec, the bride _____.C.MrFrann ace-rs thwdig tePort Hope Baptist Chunowh LTX ~ ~ Ms aremelokarl rsnal h Y -ieckett-he x aera, sguest speaker. The SATNsic LATEXML Meet niarle me lo k fenly pre ent ble i~he VO ri g bt e the drea m tenaiwas provided b v the W esley- consider the poor materlal wlth whieh the wives had to!and black accessories. A cor- A, il-ecm hi ne a'I ,work. :sage of white flowens comple- - theleaerse hoifr Jondr S v 0 mente liher travelling ensem- Gtenlevderidp ofMr JhnSeyu atcptn ejmnMceDoe hien. e r eiigetRR a-Reeves et the organ. Two an- OTHES CARE HINTS: Orono. thema. were given by the- Sale Ed1coe Sa,16 t.~mens re ulnd y pesingai om. Pope eiuim Thebride ettended Bow -rxt. r.:~,'5. manville Publiceand Hlgh "~ " .chi "hop se f th War' ls neceeuary to do good Pressing. Brng them to our local Schoolq and ta a data prepra A landm .uq dry cleaner for expert attention, Itien operatornet General Mot- ~ 2i. Elizabeth Kellogg taking the o r s. h e g o o m , h o i e n i .. .d e c o r R te d w ith A u tu mn n f lo w -~UU LEGION MILLIONAIRES NIGHT podwihtetaf eat- j..;, ens and cotted cýhthe ment et .Genenai Motars, et - .PpAINa tended Cellingwood Publie and muis B.uiulwethrand Saturday, October 19th High Schools. _ ~ ...lre attendence favored the! 55 KING ST, . O M VLL occasion. GREENWOOD-DeCUfE BOWMANV1LE Bouquets o elwsat 1 mumis and white gladioli en- hanced Ceurtice United Church ~ CLEA NERS for the marriage on Fridai S84 KING ST. W. q23-5520o'v0,10k of Miss Jane Valie i .'t " C E A ~ We Sp cili e n hit au dein "DeCoe, daughter cf M n. and-------- C LLut W Seilz I hr audrn Mrs. J. Russel DeCce cf Osh 4.yi awa. and Mn. Grant Robent Gneenweod, son of Mn. and You tan give thanks this 1 Thanksgiving for a superb, tradi- tional feast, prepared in the best traditionýl ways, and served expert- ly in the pleasant atmosphere of our beautiful new dining room! SUNDAY & MONDAY - OCTOBER 13 th - l4th Dinner WiII Be Served From 12 Noon to 9:00 pa. (Licensed undeir LCBO) RESERVATIONS REQUESTED Attend Our Friday Supper Dance ... featuring BOB HILL and the Quartette Saturday wil feature JODlE DRAKE and the Quartette THEÇ MOTOR INN Bowmanvilli Mn. and Mrs. Grant Robert Greenwood, shown in the above photo, chose Friday evening, October 4, 1968 at 7 o'clock for their wedding in COUrtice United Church. The bride is the former Miss Jane Valenie DeCoe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell DeCoe of Oshawa, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence Greenwood of Kendal. Photo by Astor Studio Mrq. W. Lawrence Greenwenod'green velvet styled with three- At white fur muif and wvhite of Kendal. quarter iength sleeves, andiorchid corsage complémentedi Rey. Dermot Arscott offici- metching x'elvet bow-head- her travelling enîsemble. The-v ated and Mns. Walter Short dresses. Their teardrop cascadeare residing in Oshawa. pleyed the wedding music. Mn.: bouquets were of yellow shasta, The bride, who is a regis- Ross Metraîf was soloist. lmunis. iered nnedical technologist at The bride, who wes given in Mr. Ralph Greenwood, bro- Oshawa General Hospital, ne- manniage by her fathen, wore ther of the groom, wes best1ceiving her training at Osh - a full-length gown cf whiteimen and ushering were Mn. awa General, attended Cou r-1 mette satin with Venice iace.John DeCoe, brother of the tice Public School, Bowman- bodice, and long sleeves'. A bride, - Mn. Larry Thonipson ville and Courtice High Schools1 turtle-neck, easy coller high-jand Mn. Richard Ruthenford,iand Donovan Collegiate, Osh- lighted the gown and e de-~ cousin of the groom. . awa. The groom is a mechani- tachable Watteau train gave r The reception was held at. cal engineer et Generai Mot-ý hack interest. Her bouffant,ithe Lions Centre, Bowman- ýors, Oshawa and attendedý elbow-length veil of Alencon1 ville, whene the hnide's moth- Orono and Clarke Hligh Schoolsi lace was held hy a fonwender received wearing a street- and the Gencral Matons Insti-; deml-crown with peenl end length dress cf Spanish gold tute et Flint. Mich. crystai tnlm. She cernied a silk with metching accessonies Many parties honored theý white Bible crested with a and crescent corsage of Talis- bride pricîn to ber rnriege. r white Catelea onchid andman Sweetheent nases. The A personal shower vvas ~givený golden sweetheant roses. grooms nieothen assisted to ne-, bv Mrs. ianer Cul ting and r Mrs. James Cutting was the ceive and chose a pale pink Mrs. James Stratharm et the, hnide's matran of honor and'French silk coet-dress with formcr's. home. MiS. Ewart: the bridesmaids were the beeded coller and cuifs. and Clemnence wes hostess for e bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. John corsage of pink Sensation kitch,-n and batbroomn showei- DeCoe, the groom's sister. roses, et ber home. A kitchen and Miss Linda Gneenwoed, and Before leaving on their wed-,batbronni shower was also ssn e ftebrdeAi wenecet- d b ri dnEaen esble, her hoyMe.sthat wsacken iss Annte brdennidge, cou- bidin n t anensemblte, fthehe bomiss Myrnhlacksotndd tined In formel length, prin- Amenican Beauty silk, and bat hy the biiide's co-ivcrkers etý eSu-line gowns of bunter iand ahoeu in the saine sbhade.ithe ho5pital. Mrs. John Logani If you're planning to modernize your home, here's the place to begin. /4 Modernizirig vour home can be a delightful experience. Home improvements con do a lot to help make your way of living better than ever. But before you start to modernize, you should take care of one thing first: your household wiring. If you begin your modernization programme by re-wiring, almost everything about your home will suddenly seemn better. You'll have ail the electrical outlets you need. Your appliances will perform better, and you can add ail the new ones you're ever likely to need without the annoyance of overioaded circuits or blown fuses. Re-wiring wil let you take advantage of the new ideas in household lighting. With decorative exterior lighting you'Il be able to enjoy patio living on pleasant summer evenings. You will, in fact, be opening the doors ta the joys of all-electric - living, including the quiet comfort of electric heating. Start 4 modernizing your home by re-wring. THE HYDRO FINANCE PLAN wiil let you re-wire your home right now. Cali a qualified electrical conhractor for details, or ask your Hydro. _M8'1471WCFP PHONE 623-3373 Lib.rty St. and Hwy. 401

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