SPOIRTopgcsI 87 Frank Mohun su-7234X KRAMP'S In rs der ta get tht. coluinn written before the ps-as deadlIne, we can't watt for a winner ci thse Town Soitball Senior League final sertes. Barrlng rein or belaw freezing tempes-atures, the textes thould be declded this weck. In fact a Stephen Fuels' victory last night would have given thein the ses-les four games taý two. But a Kramp's win forces a seventh and decldlng claih, Thursday night, 7:30 at the Memnorlal Park. Last week the Furniture men won 3-1 ta tic the sertes as George Stephen and Dtck Stata hooked up in a mound duel that Baw each pitcher tossing a live-hitter. In Uic fiith game. the Fuels unleashed a 16 bit attack, saw a 7-0 lead go down the drain, and hold on ta post an 8-7 decision, although Kramp's were beld ta eight safeties. T1hât just goes ta illustrate that anything can happen in soltball. The gamne's neyer oves- untîl tle final out, particularly ln exclting Town League action, and if you thlnk we're predicting a wianer - no way 1 Pes-haps we wiil be forgiven for hoping It Io Stephen FPuels who wln the championsbip. A sports editor lan't sup- posed to be biased ln a local aflais- of this sort, but w. happen to have a Fuels' uniiarm. t t t i. t GENERALS - A NEW LOOK TEAM You wlll really need a ps-ogram to tell who the Oshawa Generals are this season, wtth guys like Ron Dussiaume, Joe Robertson, Dune Wilson and Jim Whittaker gone due ta over-age. Dale Talion, supposedly Canada's top midget draft last year, bas been traded ta Toronto Marîboros, while Brian Moreuz lu attcnding Denver University on a hockey scholar- ,hlp and Bs-yaa Slywchuk Is et Sudbury's Laurentian University. Bill Yeo and Brian Rose, up fsrn the Jr. "B"l Crushmen, should give Oshawa top goal-tendtng. John Ciayton, whe bai been named team captain, and mucb-improved second ycar mnar, Bob Stewart are back on defence. Gcrry Methe, Osh- awa's first draft cholce - 16 year oid fs-arn Richmond Hill looks like the Pierre Pilotte type af defender, while big Dave McFadden has already made a few rival Jr. "A" per- formes-s feel his presence. Dave Puikkinen, a 19 year-old blonde defeneeman, only played high school ln Sudbury - op bas a lot ta learn - the assistant general manager Ivan Davie liked bis play, and this big fellow cauld be a pleasant surprise. This year assistant captains will be Peter Vipond and Fred O'Donnell, wbile af local Interest, Harry Gay bas joined th. Generais' board of directes-s. O'Donnell, one of Uic best skaters on the club, i. ne stranger to Generais fans, while Vipond has been extremely Impressive. Oshawa secured a couple of outstanding players tn the Talion dccl tn Rick Kesseil and Bob Kelly. It wauldn't surprise us If Kessell finlsbed in the league's top ten scorers, Wie Kelly Is the bard-bitting, never-say-die winger that tloesn't know the mceaning af quit. Ivan Boldirev, an excellent centre, fram last year, Is back, clong with AI Quintilian and Tom Foxcroft, two of the Generals top wlngers. Foxcroft, off ta a great start, sollected Il1 points in the first four pre-seasan games. Others likcly ta make the club include, Steve Cardwell, a rugged winger, Chuck Gyles, a defenceman turned farward, who toiled with the Generals on loan from Marîboros last year. Bath Gyles and Foxcroit were aiso Invalvcd tn the five for one deal for Talion. Gerry Welsh, who bas played parts o! a couple of seasons wtth the Generals rates a good chance, while Terry O'Rcilly, with last yeas's Crushmen, if he does't eara a spot on the rester, wlll be a haady guy ta have around in case of Injuries. Oshawa wil play ten home games on Satus-day nights, @Il but one going at .7:15. The December 2nd contcst is an .afternoon affair stasting at two o'clock. Following iast Sun- day's apener, the Generals have tea more Sunday dates, witb gXame time slated for 7:30. The motos- city aggregatlon wil also have five 7:30 Tuesday night contests, while New Year's Day at twa o'cloclr completes the 27 game home schedule. Inctdentally anc ai the sts-angest plays we have ever seen occusred ln an exhibition game againet St. Catharines Black Hlawks. And we's-e stili realiy not sure how It started.It came fsrn a face-o>ff, foU owlng a battie that sesulted ln par ai Gencrals and the same number ai Hawks had bei* banished with fighting majors. New we're flot sure whcther the players lined up ws-ongiy or not but the next thing you know Gerry Methe Is going ln on bis own goal-tender, but Just fails ta seach a pass from Bob Stewart. However, the iuaniest thlng of ail - was that St. Catharines were tryiag ta stop them from scoring ! One ai the players ta watch this year in the Jr. "A" wtlQ undoubtedly be a maritimer by the name ai Bob. Shee- han, who scos-ed 120 goals la 90 games over the past two seasans with Halifax Canadiens. Sheehan played twa exhibition games Ia Oshawa, the fisst with Niagara Falls Flyers and the second tn a Black Hawk.s' unlformn. Thse transfer foc as we uadcrstand it tsaa maximum of $500.00, but we wcre Iafos-med that bath teams had bired lawycrs, and wes-e illing ta go ta court over the rigbts ta Sheehan. He wound up on the St. Catharines s-ster. Although it's still plenty early ta attempt predictions, it would appear ta us that Toronto Mas-Iboros have the team ta beat. St. Catharines with a f ew hold-overs, and two or, three top notch rookies should be a contender as weIl. Oshawa, Peterbor-ough and Ottawa should show great J Improvemnent, and although they lose quite a tew, the Mont- real C anadiens pro bab[y wiii tce a good club when they!I BHS Girls Athletic Assn. Raised Funds With Car Wash On Saturday, the Russell's new Sunoco service car wash. They are shown here in action, cleaning ul ýstation, King St. East, was a busier place than usual a large tank truck. No reports have been receivec when the girls from Bowmanville Iligh School's concerning the amount of money raised. Athletic Association took over to raise funds with a Crippled Children's Fund Benefits From Hiockey Game On Sunday afteraoon, the grass receipts f rom the exhibition hockey game between Bowmanville's Junior C Whiz-Kids and Cobourg were to go to longtime referee Bud Perfect in appreciation of his efforts over many years on behaîf of young hockey players. He is nowrecovering from a seriaus illness earlier this year. Fuels in Front 3 Gamnes to 2 Mr. Perfect refused to accept the money and requested that it be turned over to the Rotary Club's fund for Crippled Children's work. This photo shows the pre- sentation being made by from. lef t to right, Michael Puk, Bud Perfect, Rotary President Bill Thiesburger and Howard Corden. Rural Bowling October 1, 1968 Points ampton------- _1I .niskillen Srs.- 10 îple Grave 9. 1em ----------- 7 1 ic's 5 J Mina------ 3 1 iniskillen Int. 2 1 yrone ---- - - ------- o 1 ls-h Single Carswell ..------ High Triple Carswell----- Low Singlo Barrabaill ------ - Low Triple Barrabali ------ Averaget Twist_ _ McGill ----- ive Reynolds- McLaughlin Bagneli Brunt Taylor Bromeil wi Reynolds Carswell-- Slemon Dickey Bothwell Weas-n Pleasance- Shackeltoa Wood Martian____ Laird-___ Beckett sCoombes- uce Combhes Moshe- Iph Davey- M ilîs ----- _ rCoombes yDavey Wotten____ Tink -___ Craig Tennant Cas-swell [vills, Westlake Elusaeli Games 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Total Pins 12387 12356 126661 12325 11238 109371 11558 10646' 333, 730 114 399, Avg. 242 233 231 224 211 217 212 211 208 207 206 205 202 202 200 1991 197 196 196 196 195 194 194 194 193 191 loi 190 187 186 186 184 184 183 180L Jtm MeKnight, a refugee ,down a reach into the Montreal Mets-o League for thse crearniaf the from the intermediate league, -,valked crop.who probably didn't play stngled erp.more than a dozen innîngsaial nant-wlj Kitchener- wiIl be hardeat bit, losing Just about everY- season, singled and scored the In tht body ta oves--cge, includtr>g some outstanding performers. winning s-un as Stephen Fuels gled, St Hamilton tao, will be iaclng a buge se-building chas-e, while edgcd Kramp's Furniture 8-7, esror tc London wlll also encounter al kinds ai difficulty. Thursday nlght at the Mem- bunted, anial Park. The win gave bases m~ We'll take Oshawa Generals for fousth place In 1968-69, Stephen's a 3-2 edge In thse forced J Manlies fisst, St. Catharines second and Moatreal third. best of seven Tawn Lcague Wîscma] Niagara Falls bas lost half a dozen stars, but with Hap Emms final series. Joncs 4t thse helm, should do no worse than flftis. Petes as-e aur Actually the Fuels unleasis- Kramp's chole fr sxth an irm hre n dwn t'sa tss-p. heyed their most patent hitttlng when "IV ehoie fr sxth an frm hre n dwn t'aa tss-p. heyattack o! the entire campaign, on a hoi could finish like this: Ottawa, Hamilton, London and Kitch- collectins- 16 hits off the McKni ener-. Now you can't go any marc aut on c 11mb than this - lcague's top hurler during the ey was but with aur record, who cares'? regular schedule, Dick Stata. sacker's _____________________________________________Vetes-an George Stephen toas- Black sÉ ed an eight hitter in what eventual L should bave been an easy win But K~ but 10 stranded Fuels' base- guns cor M EM O R I L runners, only four left on the Coyle1 R ENnlad::bt right up ta the final two-bagxg threewithth na DO W AN VLLEbut Kramp's got anc back in Stephe BOViM MLLICthe bottom haif and five ln the Jones, L Telephone 623-5728 fiftis ta move within ances-un. ards on _______________Singles by Tes-sy Black and grouad-c Don McMurtcs-, Grant Wright's Curt mu two-bagges- and a home s-un thse game by Bobby Abbatt counted four top bait PU BLIC fisst tining markers. MeMurt- ing a er's oecond single, a bunt sin- McKnigh S ~A IN ~ gle by Guy Parka, Abbott's Ici t. I SK A TI C ru-producIng lnfield out, and and thih clutch two out singles by catch hk FRIDAY, OCTOBIR I lth manager Lloyd Hamilton and alive, Stephea added three in tise Stopbei 8 lpU third. add te t] £DMSSON - - - * * SOC Aiter the fisst two battes-s ner was had beca setired in the bat- third ba _________________________tom hait, Von Grubinla d plteh i Hat Enr Sal Hi Sol Enr Tyr bunt single, Jirn Coyle play by Piper and Hay andýB. and Alex Wiseman a tlUth run as Wright was cut ta produce the pen- down attempting ta strctch a B. Inncs-s fis-st s-un, triple tt a home s-un. ie flfth, Bill May sin- Abbott and Black cach gar- B. tata was sale on an nered ths-ee base knocks as to short, and Grubin cveryone in the wlnners' lune- B. safely again ta fill the up had at lcast anc hit. Black,- vitis none out. Coylc Wright and Hamilton added a MVay at tise plate, but pair af safeties apiece. m singled and George Wiseman had three hits and R. clubbed a double. two RBI's, wtth Grubin's two K. sds-ew withia ncns-un singles and Joncs' twa s-un Da, MIoe" Richards was sale double accounttng for Most af H. aot at short. Ks-amp's attack. D. iighit singled, Ted Fats-i C. îsale on the second < D* ;miscue and Tes-sy St. Josersh's Mixed R. ngled ta drive in the - r'Dai ýwinner ta the sîxth. Rejects -____ 24 B. s-amp's had their big Tiges-os -___24 j. ning up In the seventh. Hustlers 23 E bunted and reached Sepas-tists 12 R' an erras- by tise pitch- Go Getters---- 12 L.. x Wiseman s-appcd a The Larks___ 10 T. Ier, and It was 8-7 Hg rpeG ie tying rua on baseHihTrpeG )ne out. John Ford .--. ------ 704 D. en bore down ta get 111gb Single A. Las-ry Piper and Ricis- John Ford---------------- 302 R. itwo pap-ups and a His-b Triple - Ladies F. out. Gloria Munro - ----- 550 Les Vanstone pulled off 111gb Single - Ladies Bru ie's ficlding gem la the Gloria Munro------- ---- 218 J. aio the scventh, mak- Over 200 RaI one-handed stab ai John Ford ___ 302 C. ht's smash ta deep Paul Laprade - 262 Jim th s-tnnessun second Jack Br-own ---____ 262 Ray rd and twe aut, the Banner Passant ___ 255 F. kept lCramp's hopes Bil Orme-------254 L. Arnold Brinklow___ 242 W. an'. misscd chances ta Mike Kennedy 225 D. helI, lead when a s-un- Gloria Munro, 218 C. called out for misstng Alian Mpclean 213 B. ase, again as a wild j Gars-y ConwaY 211 P. u*turnd nt a doubleJ1 JimFair 205 C. 1 Youth Bowling BANTAM GIRLS Taylor 5, Sellers 0; D. Piper 3, K. Piper 2; Yeo 3. Carter 2. Team Standing Carter __12__ Taylor il Yeo __________10 Sellers __________ 5 D. Piper5 K. Piper2 Hicg Single C. Pearson 144 K. Piper 136 Iligli Double C. Pearson - - 264 D. Piper 261 BANTAM BOYS Coombes 5, Woodward 0; Sudsbury 5, Brooks 0; Welsh 5, Cooke 0. Team Standing Coombes 10 Wel:h ---______ in1 Sudsbury Woodward 2_____ Cooke ________ 0 Brooks 0___ HIgh Single J. W elsh ---------- - 226 M. Cooke -------- - - 168 HitIh Double J. Welsh 358 M. Cooke 32'7 JUNIOR GIRLS Mountjoy 7, G. Dadson 0; D. Dadson 7, Brunt 0; Tice 7, Bromeil 0. Team Standing p Tice 16 d Brunt -_____ 12 Mountjoy 12 D. Dadson _______12 Bromeil _________7 G. Dadson - -- 7 1(1gh Single W. Mountjoy ------ 205 111gb Triple W. Mountjoy - 519 S. Davie -_______510 S. Morris 501 JUNIOR BOYS Simnpson 7, Jensen 0; Coom- bes 5, Preston 2; Preece 5, Roberts 2. Team Standing Simpson _______19 Coombes ________12 Roberts _________9 Jensen _________ Preston ______ Preece 5__ ____ 111gb Single G. Jensen 271 J. Carter ____221 B. Heilam ___208 111gb Triple G. Jensen ____604 J. Carter _____522 SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Sellegçk 5, Goodwin 2; Brock 5. Bradley 2; Chittick 7. Lewis 0; Bromeil 5, Etcher 2; Good 5, Bouwmeester 2. Teans Standing Brock -- - -____ 19 Sellcck _______ _17 -- d12 Goodwil Bouwmeester ______i Etcher -_______ Bromell _________9 Chittick ________ Bradley -________ Lewis ------------- - 3 1(1gb Single R. Selleck 346-200-244 C. Ayre -- 225-268-225 D. Bradley - -- 319-217 D. Brock 232 B. Burley 282-212-219 A. Chittick -_____- 233 R. Bouwmeester-- 240-244 N. Neads --------238-249 111gb Triple R. Seileck ___790 D. Bradley 720 C. Ayre -_______718 B. Burley 713r R. Bouwmeester -- 650r 20 KING ST. Vo Th "ecanadien statesm, Eo'wmvmfl, Ot.S, 1,68 BASKETBALL t t t t t Anyoae wlshtng ta play Town League Basketbail on Tuesday nighs at the High School gymnasiuni, Is asked ta contact either Don "Pop" Martin or Ted Dadson, immediately. The first session - a practice rua will be heid an Tuesday night, starting at sevea o'clock, s0 let's get those names la rtght away. I M uffomm 11 ]ET OTROHEK)!E k 25" COLOR TV, Ali the Meatures yota'd expect ln big ticket TV - but pric.d ssp.ciaiIy low for Look 'N Ustw, Yaks. Deysl * 25" INSTAVU picure * Dilcrsft cabinet " 2.Ym pictur. tube warranty " MngleEt.ECTROLOK fine tuninq " AJi handwired chassis 799310 COMPARE AT HARRY LOCKE TV BOWMAN VILLE gzrw Iii FUELS OR Ste phens EdgeKramps 8m7 Jim McKnîght Gels Hif To Score Winning Counter . 1 1 SPORTOPICS CRIPPLED CHILDRE HELPED Sunday aftes-noon's exhibition hockey gaine at the Memortal Arena wEN ln honor of a man who Is no st~ er to local sports fans, particularly the young hockey plu systern, who gave unstintingly of his tUrne and effbrts, when. ever possible, has been ln bad healt14 for many monthj now. Sunday's game was a besielit for "Bud", but ln a typleal uBud"~ Perfect gesture, ho ln turn donated the proceeds ta the Bowmanville Rotary Club for use ln their crippled chlldren's work. "Bud"l decided that these childrcn nauded the money more than he.X That's the kind of guy ho Is - we know because wq have bad the pleasure of sefereeing many hockey gamnes with him over the pait few years. We sinicerely hope that ýr "Bud" wlll regain bis health very moon. 1. The R. M. Hollingshead sponsored Whlz Kids showed local fans that they wifl be worth watching durIng the comning 2season. The WhIz Kids. comprised mastly of players froin (last yeas-'s juvenile Ontario chanipionship team defeated 5Cobourg's Jr. "B" Cougars 5-2. 5Bowmanville, coached by Ray Preston and nianaged by' 2Don McGregor, wlll play ln the Suburban Jr. "C" laop, witli 4the homne apener slated for one week from Sunday, whcn 5Milton provides the opposition at one o'clock. Former juventles who have signed to date Include: goal. 4keeper Doug Hayes; defencemen, Don Forscy and Day. 1Rafuse; and forwards, Kim Rogers, Larry Dcvitt, John Qyler and Joe Hircock. Up from the midgets, another under con. tract Is Mike Donaghue. t- i. t i. 1 MERCHANTS LOSE Bowmanville Merchants didn't manage ta win the Ontario Intermediate "A" basebail championship in their first season back, after a lengthy absence - but they came mlghty close. Merchants cxtended the series to the limit, and Sunday iat Midland, aiter George "lGeneral"1 Joncs had cracked a two run double the score was 3-2 after seven innings of 5play. 3 The hometown Indians wound up winning 4-2, but even 3 n defeat, Bowmanville probably played its best game of 1the scason. Judging by the crowds la attendance at the two final playoff attractions here, it appears that basebal 1 on the way back. A great deai of credit must go ta Fred "Buck'* Cowle, who got out and really started the bail rolling. Clint Ferguson, the pitching hero, In the Ontario champ- ionship win over Listowcl, several years aga, took over as manager, and Murray Tighe, a familiar sight, as a member of the executive in years gone by, was back, ready and >willing ta help out. r To the management, players and sponsoring merchants, we say thanks for bringing Intermediate 'baIl back to Bow- manville. It was a Job well donc!1 t t t i. t TALENT GALORE We had to feel just a little bit sorry for Bob MacDonald, papular owner of the Bowmanvillc Country Club, Saturday nlght, when Bob was on hand to distribute prizes and trophies to the golf ing champions. Bob, on the tournament committee at Toronto's Bayview Golf Club had been up sînce 6 a.m. ta arrange things for their closing day, wherc hie alsa awarded prizes there. Aiter 18 hales of golf and his many duties Bob was a rather tlred individual. Perhaps the owner wasn't up ta par, but manager Larry Heffering showed that not only is hie a fine golfer, curler, former hockey player, referee or what have you, but he Is also a talentcd Individual. Larry plays a mean piano and warbles a pretty fair tune. And how about this Phil Trudelle?7 You would think belng able ta drive a baîl something like 300 yards would be enough. But Phil is quite a singer too, so if Andy Willia* is reading this, he'd better look out. Saturday's wind-up dance, buffet, and presentation of prizes was an excellent affair, certainly ln keepIng with t4 fine efforts which have been put forth to eventually mnake this one If not the best course in the area. I know this reporter appreciated the facilities we had at aur disposai over the past season, so much ln fact that il we can arrange a busy schedule, we'd sure like ta curl on&, regular basis. How about you ? Instruction is available foLé, For further details give manager Larry Heffering a cal t t it t. t SOCCER Sauina won the junior soccer titie last week oves- Tyrone and ia the senior tournament an the weekend, Maple Grove pulled the big surprise by ending up as the champs. A tip af the hat ta bath clubs.