,.The Orono News Th ree 50-Year iewel Masons Attend Past Masters Night Eppley Sisters Coming Here PWv. and Mrg. il. Rohert'Road In the former J. Bcst Mr. and Mrs Hiayne, Xevin and Tim. Mrs. house. and sons John 'Talbot Alidrend <of Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Knox and Port Credit c were Sundayv eveîîhîg dinner son Mark of Nipawin, Sa5k., cousin, Mrs. Jar guesta <of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. who recently came out east, on Monday. Gray, Shelley and Julie. are with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miss Valerie Mr. and Mrs, Ross Taylor Knox for the winter. Bowmanv'ille m Dale, Diane anîd Debbii oi Mrs. Ethel Payne oif Port.day weekend w! Scarborough and Mrs. Ervan Hope spent the weekend with Challice and fat Raile' were Sundav dinner her brother, Mr. Cecil Joncs. Mr. and Mrs. É_IeY'Of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mrs. Jones and family. nish, Cheryl ai Taylor. Mr. Robt. PetilÀton and Mrs. B. Jones( Mr. arnd Mrs. Wm. Ferrier daughter Misq Eruna Pentietrin wece recentS Of 3oton sprint Tuesday of oif Toronto, spent Suniday with gueste of Mr. last week with Mr. and Mrs. hi.s iister, Mrs. Catherine Merrill at Castl Orville Challice and famiiv. Sral. M.adM% Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ritclie vislted Mr. anc Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Fraser wr Sundav dib- Kittmer and son returnrd homne on Monday ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. near St. Metj from several weeks visit withEd. Drapak, John and Edward.,weekend. her father who has been illinb Ohawa. Mrs. Orley Englsind. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooey and Mrs. Orvil Mrs. Isaac Chatterton of and daughter Jili of Toronto Mrs. Ron Hane Mnose Jaw, Sask. is visitilng and their weekend house guest Mis. Jack Chai Mrs. Marshall Chatterton andMis.- Marilyn Gail oif Trenton the funeral of Stindav dinner guests were were Sunday dinner guents of Mr. Lyn Chaprri Mrs. Jonn Chaterton and lier Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best and age 29, in OshaýN son-in-law, Mr. Geo. McGowan Ron. of last week. Of J-avelock. Mrs. Les McGee is a patient The FaIU Anr Mr. and Mrs., Harle%, John- in the Menorial Hospital, vice for the Orc ston of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville. lion will bc ne Bud JohnstonBRiet and Barb- Mr. and Mrs. Ilarlcy John- the regular hou ara or Scarborough. Mrs. Geo. ston of Toronto; Mr, and Mis. Thli special s p e Morton. Mr. How~ard Stapleton Bud Johostoni and chIldren of is the Rev. Are and Mr. John Robinson were Scarborough; Mrs. John Moi- B.A.. B.D.. As5 'Thanksgivbng Day dinnerris were supper gueats of Mrs. tary of the Boni guesta of Mis. .ohii Morris. Geo. Morton on Thanksgiving llsn and Social Mr. E R. Raine 'v lias heen Day. United. Churceho e patient n the Memorjal - Ilospital. Bowmnanville, sinci' a kifl off a indder last week Mr ndMs.Gan olMixed League Bom Annd sons of Oakville spent thc long weekend %vilh his fatiier. October 11, 1968 M. Richaid.ý Mr, W. S. MotTaI. Joan Brunt's teani wallolin 1). Perfect Mrs. Ro ' f3ianch with lier Glanville for ail seveni poillts H. P'aimer dAughiter andisninlw Mr. on Fidav night, Oct. i ~Ah Saian and Mrs. F. B . MeChire, Janet Palmer eked out five to lwo E, Brock and Douglas at Lorme Park. from H-. Brock. OshornA mrn j M. Eleher----- Port Credit, over the Thanks- agcd 10 kep bis teamn on top V. Prout ---- givinig wcrekenId. by taking Lobb's teamn five 10 O. Etriier - Conizraîialinst a toMi. anid 1îwn. Piper had to settie nrG. Wilcom Mrs. Jamrs Douglas Cornish. five points as Perfect took 'George, Piper fli fomerMis Rnni Lyn îo.Piýout took five îO two A. \Viav Simon of Oshia\wa, on their fÇrom M. Etcher and E. Broclc A. Lobli niarriage Salîîrda.v. Octohergo four points while 0.E . Davis 5tlin lu (itennial United cher got thrAe. Matt Harrison Chiircli, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Larry' Piper lias iiglîavc. .Moore Cornisli wiii reside ini Orono. age for Uic men with 256 and Arni Siep Mr. and Mis. John Cors cli also took high single and ti iP. ye'o or London, spent the Thanks- pie with a 316 gai-e and 8:30 rream Sta glvlng weekrrnd willî their par-ý for triple. Onie Etclîer took Tp~a in ents, Mirs. W. R. Cor ' cli. Les- ail honors for the ladies. H-vn Ohrine l<ard and Mr. llar" Roxce, alsoavrg s'1anlirtp1 Pme visited iMlcS. Rowe inithe aeaei 1 n irtil~Ple M(,mrialHosptal.Row was 7521. Slie bowled 282 for Prout Mvmri a ,spia-.Bom a n- high single. Piper Mrs. Wely (akr o 700) Triples EPrunt J3owmiarîville and Mis. John Ab Sama!n 719, O. Et. ' tc Leishmani of Oshiawa visiled 752. J. Brunt 741, D. 13riuol!fAibt, river 'lhanksgiving v.%-ith Mr. 746, A. OshoWýrne 719. I. Brnck ntrd Mrs. M. J. Tamblyni. 225 Gantes M. Eti'her Mr. and Mrs. David Ferrier M. Harrison 2441;,01e.g(7 ;lAnxille of Bolton have rettîîmned home Piper 234, 253, A. Osborne PerfeCt from their xedding trip ta 296, 226, P. Prout 252, MattO. Etriier Florida and spent Sunday and Harrison 238, H. Palmer 2.33. - Thank(sgiving Moniday with 251, A. Blanchard 282. F. ber parents, MVr. and Mis. Bradley 240, P. Yen 264, T.,St. Joseph' Orville Cliallice and famnilv. 'Milîson 296, E. Diekens 25 Mr. and Mis. Ernest àr '-' J. Brunt 266, 23, D. Briiîrt Team St, son, Mr. and Mis. Chas. Tav-1 276, 251, A. Wray 245. 2711.Rjes lot' were Thanksgivlng Day!L. Piper 274, 240. C. Mllon Ifusilers dinner guests of Mr. and Mrsý. 231, Ab Sarnan 244, 280, o. Tigec4ios ------ Jack Bryson and daughtes Etcher 282, 276, E. Moore 268,. The, Lacks --- BoxvauîvlleJ. Thompson 265. M. LeamanSn'partists Mr. and Mis. Roht. Beacock 236,M. Richards 245, 243. Go Getteis âtid sons have sold'their homel1 Averages Hizh i SDivision Street and are L. Piper 18 2.5f6Brinda Leddy noW rcsiding on the TauntonlA. Osborne 18 2141- Higl Si Bi3enda Leddv Eileen Il-ickev High TnIp) 'Jirn Fair Hirh SinzIf Jack Brown Over 1Rienda T.eddv Fileerî HickeyV Gloria Miinîro Jac'k lrown ROSA Venassp ýJohnIlFord Stii Clîisholm - esfaifePaul Lapradp tel i kWTony T-orstmani triFai Allen Marlean *iEIi Iiii~ fIi iOiiDnrothv Passant lui il ilMary Brinkiow New'ville-. Bowling L :Mamte tl-Stacev Marp. MacDounald ,Gai] Milison Marie Trini Jovre pSt.acevMarprcmt Wt Ruliv Shawe Dale Foîaui Olive Heîîtirson Shirleyv Mai-tel Gisce Farrow Lvnda Nicekersn Bart) Ingriaani Dorildia McCaruou Ellen Faurow .Jean Morrow FretiaJeffrev 200 Gan M. MacDonald 'G. Farîo ... D. Foran -,----- R. Shaw -- ----- D. Stark Games V Peouuy- Ph lox lris Aster ANOTHER RE, MOST PE LISTEN BILL STEPHEI m. Cecil Petch and Bruce -fi alied on her mes E. RIchards j Thompson of ipent the holr-l 11th Miss Donnal Rmîly. ;. Carmnan Cor- and John and1 of Newtonviile Sunday dinner and Mrs. L. leton. *d Oscar Adams idMrs. Burna; ris at Lakeside,I ys over thel Chaprrîan, Mr. ilie Chatterton, rock, Mr. and pman attended their nephew,, nan 1-ienderson, I s'a, on Tuesday knlversary Ser-ý 'onio Congrege-i ext Sunday et ir of worshlp. ýaker this yeari -chie McCurdy, The Eppley Sisters of Millerstown, PR., U.S.A., are to be at the Bowmanville Pentecostal Church, 75 Liberty Street S., on Sunda *v, Oct. 2th. at Il a.rn.and 7 p.m., and Tuesday the 2lst at 7:30 p.rn. They have been travelling in Gospel wvork for a number of years and have served more than 70 differ- ent denorninations throughout the world. Thev are of Lutheran background and have recentlY conne into the ]ast day outpouring oif the Hioly Spirit. The sisters have mînistered in Brazil, South America, several European countries and bave recentl 'v returncd from four and a haif months touring Jamaica, West Indies. They will sing and play their instruments, give their testirnonies. preach the Gospel and pray for the ssizan )eresick. .Itveryone is învited. ird oif Evange- of ServiceTh church bal@ when packed. were dininer guests after the of Cnad -~The group for, the monîli was, service wîllî Mr. andi Mrs. led by Mus. A. Ford and as- Bruce 1Lehman and family. sistcd liv Mesdames H. Payne, Mc and Mrs, FE. Twist and vlingM Payne, Clarence Nichols, famnily \vere Sunda9y supper and K. Dinner. Rttests of Mr. and Mus. Cler- 19 231The annuai Thankoffering ece Bell, Town. 15 231! ,service was lielti ai the churcli Miss Katlîv Twist, Ryerson 18 230, on Thanksgiving Sunday. The Institute,, Toronto, Miss Ro- 15 229 ~~~ congregalion with a large berta Ci catrUi proportio <if youn peopie aig. , atrUi 18 21, roprtin ofyoug poplversity, Hamilton. Mr. David joincd lu the speciai hymnsSaclon Unvriy f 18 22 foc the day expressing thanks ýhcltn nvriy o 18 2231 Guelphi, and Mr. Erie Shackle- 19 2171for the many biessings enjov -i ton, Car -ton Univ'ersity, Ot. 18 217 .0 w ..ed hy a l]. T h e ch oit' s ng w a , s e t teoo i a e k 18 2! 1.- f. special numbers and the UCW twsetUc oia ek 18 2101............ - 1",:*&W«*mmmt group for the month decorat- 'endi at their homes. 18 210' cd the front oif the chuirch Mr. G Ien Blackhurn Kempt- --18 2117 Last Thursday was a unique occasion at Ocono Charles Trim, and on the right by Past Master Bro.iwith a tiered dispiay of fruits, ville, Miss Joy'ce Anderson, 18 206.ýMasonic Lodge 325 G.R.C., A.F. & A.M., whcn three1 Arthur McLaren. The jewel holdeus are, from left to1 and vegetables, showing the Ottawa, were weekcnd visi- 6 2(14 members, holding 50-year Iewels tucncd up for Past, right, Rt. Wor. Bro. O. W. Rolph, V. Wor. Bro. R. E.,out ftheat.A Sun-',oswt c n u.F 18 203'Masters Ngt hyaesoni h eteo hsLgnadV o.Bo ri am da,' school eadh meniber pr'e-,Blackburn. Nih9Thyae h20iÔi cnr <fti Lgnan1V Wc ro!rieHm .senît told <of -somne of tu Mr. and Mis. 1Les Welsh, 203group, flanketi on the left by Worshipful Master Bro. :hnsfr hc he aeMr. and Mrs. Ron WelIh, Fox- ýandintrthnsfo h--teygv Pin8(s 12 /the local diamonti Sunday. !Mrs. C. B. Dalton, M. Gra- <if those things which mostMr.JeanBak ler, onM. wen 18281) Spe k on " he Farni I LOBA 1.14 held a meetlnXg;ham Dalton, Mr. aud Mis. Dtanks ati ail spoeeadil br. M.iar esMs 18083 30 I r on Wednesday evening. Tt was'Faricott, Mr. and Mcs. F. Au- vemvN smailesl sly heginner,. Saturday supper guesta <of Mr. 18056 decided to dispense with the dei-ka, Ottawa. ýTîmm Nielil played than Mu.DnWl. 18566 26 ~~usual Christmas anrid New Teprns fMs oscoighm.A tumher from lieue et-. 17,157 t22I,...the te. in..,n...of 17055 21 ' .-eaMDncs Ada for Ashton held "open house" There was special thanks- tueitetsi ôo i M Tuckeys. etc. will take place during tlic week hefoce lier giving At tihe Austin homeMisLsAson Ensk- -~ ~ befôre Christmas. wed lenl ftyme0ae00rv18o- wenîg wheu scoreis orif ijduring tleweed we anirlaieriviedMsingnl Asi rtre Mr. and Mrs. W, Craig held 16903 18 ~~~~~ ~ day rmti sîî rvn bhem to see the bride'% t-ous- home from hnspital in Peter-'a fa miilygaern onM - 16,959 151~ ces to work with the Gold sa'n oeygit. -bcvhatc en hr nidy when about In enjoyed .~~.. "'.' ~' Star Christnîas Tree CompatvliPr op osiaysneTlianksgiving dinner. 16897 10, ~~~~~~~~ -~~~ ' ~(Alian Field & Cno. This i11 u n u.WlaeGi- Jl.HcdultrMsRs - e::rr~'~ 55'an annual affair. These peoplifin. Hepather sud Dale. M._u. Hrduhei r.Rs a Ci Corneliuso<f Port Hope wil V5 r ~harvest, transport aud load ounsud is. Russell Griffiîî en- be stayigfraviewt e 's MixM cars tbousands of trees fror.IO3'ed Tliauksgiving Sundav .n o tm vt e DNTW T O ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the Pontypool- Buuketon ares.ieviening dininer xith Mi-, aidl mtEan isnspo udv WNTR WATT ,andings o r.Jh e , Mr. Douny Brown, so i'Ms.Jhneleat fml. with the E. Barrowclough'sý ~ Mc antiMrs. Lloyid Brown. Ocono. A fter dinner we ailw eli erprnsM u spen th"'ekend w ils enjoyeti hearnîg nid rcr --------- ---- -94Donn iscuiGREB parnt. Dun iscuctîv'On Mr, sud Mis. Belle's records ts bs isnat lî -KODIAK 24 *parnts attendeti the ceremonies at 171 ' . . ' # taking a two year Course ~ lyr Triniitv Coliege school. UrI AT f 15 ~~ 'i~5,'2 '.' '~~~"' fliceKemptville Agicilturl Mi-. And Mus. Ruissell Gift c'Ens asyo f U M E 12! Sebool. fin eujoyed a motor trip lin awa'called oni frientis on tliï IN UL'E 604 ~~~~~We heard it confitid liat 'Fha.nksgivitig Monday with' aesoed!n h ek O T theDuba1Cuny Pingres- Mc. anti Mrs. Wallsce Griffiniend anti visiteti lis former -nle- ' .- sive Conservative Association1 to their cottage at Coudoyalliomte in Port Britain tieB OT 241 l stging a Coujnty Tour Col-Mines. ~gotiatieih re 243 orade on Siiav, Oct. 2th.ý The Suniday School is nak- lie plamtet duiing bis resi-, 8" BOOTr 279 e- Men q~' The proposeti route envers a iîîg an appeai foc wintr tene e '.He wes sccom. e-Mn 63- lot of intcresting sud histoci- clothing, boots, bats, mitts foripanied by Mr.Cecl illam ALSO If, Me cal places plus aIl the foress <lie people oif Kingfisher Lake -with wliom lie ls visiting. WITIT $ .7 9 ----222 withr their very colorful leaves. Indian Reservatinu. Al] dona-ý M. sud Mis. HarliB- SELT $3jv The starting point Is Orono, fions wouulti be APPreciateti. rowcîougî caileti at the home319 24 . ' _ .Park at. 1:10 p.m. This weck's, 241 o ttse cl tc etr'-<f Dr. anti Mis. Derry Hub- - k'-., ""~~'~ rote. Eervon is ~bardi in Bowmarîville on Sun-,lnnuae - Sorryfolka. afxpee 230 o le ~ ay flrnoon, after attending, a-tor---- -----houli li2'a fami]y gathering et the iBO --- 214 e colorful. Aithougli some <of the iregti. home <of Mc. ad Mis, BRan 212 '~. Sory rno new.s qnexi. week lac members were unaie 1iGenw ntt aebw 209 ~ V'"from me. 1 hope. o hRve eAlie present ai thp Octoher 1 Mr. and Mrs. ' J. Fraser K N W T O --- -----27capable local yugltiy tomeeting oif the Unoitedi Churchîmvt hi e oe 207look afler Ibis column. Wc Womnn, therp wet'e stili 16 or! Port. Hope- on Satuctiay, Oc- 206 won't say wht- e ' cAre going' 17 presentt indiscîîss te ti - tbe lth - 203 ~~on a honeymoon but 1 lose' nesa <of the monlh under the p.. U LN 201My fceedom Satiurday. Oct. 19: leadership oif lie president, A E 202~ e 3:30in Potypoo Uniteti'Mri. Thos. Wilson, The uial StakvIIe .-- ~~ - cancelled becsuffl. Of the joint' Cbîtcch service will lie field, WOMEN MEN eg eNorman W. Paget ENNISKILLEN thp Welcorne charge lptpr inidav. U.$lis1en 7-95 $19-9. League î the ~~~~monhli. iSi- 'CW isbe i TFle Executive Director oif the Children's Aid anti1 On Sundav mnirning Off Tentative plans weie matie postponcd to Thursday, Oct Il d --- 1q95 Societv for the Prevention oif Crucltv to Childuen <ifministpr basc*d hec interest- frs Vmtoi pot lituký 24. Memnhers <foicuci* f ---- 186ýTrieni ty eronit attewa1 milfre c0 Ll yd Ellis, 186 EieCo nY, Nomn .Paget wllspeak iisupp1 .1 teend ofthe plraedbeompcaIJ.CWere int ittiN .yomnW iIj i emno ateas h --uch-Sn---ve-n, tbe2, knnwn as Levi, who wrote bis i<fbcya uqo, seil srie e rnt 711968. av itedp..Hubct will bve "Te Famil in e Gspl900 yau ao.To l-es appointet in make Unitedi Churci.Bowmanvlle, 1711- quopelRc190D0ugertv's oud0Arrangements for ut. A letteu next Suntiay evêning et 171 Tirne of Social Change." Al] are welcome to Ibis l'are ý "We are thankfuitîl day<on wssatfonflcpnsritohuMcNomnPet 169 privilege . . . Coffcc afteî'wards in Uic church sChoiol. Ibis Thanksgiving Day fomr chilti in Kowloon, anti ronryiwho wiIl speak on Social antiS oe - 15 Th meeingis sonsuedhy Tiniy UntedChuuh Mtthw's ecod i g ofVoteti for social assistance Weifare work. 162Themeeingis ponorp byTriityUnied hurh Mt,Jesus r Se io rsdii 9-,ofia'lieue in Canada thiotuglithFe!Mr. anti Mis. Wilber. Craig , 47 KING ST. W. 1581 Wome'n andi the speaker is the son-in-law oif Mus. 1 sch csatialir fni-îa Street Haven work in Ton- anti Miss Milctreti Phîllip at- - 136- . d,1otr, ne dMthe's BOok orinto, alws uwi t y tnded chucliservice et AshI BOWMANVILLE 1,96îNorman Smith <of Jackman Road. ilu buin oniSunday when Dîaneo 132 w' tsslt ni eedbene rils1. o nteLeliman was baptized. 1They 13,,knowledge acquireti. thrug nugl article___ goi_ he ri122 careful researchi wlb sautihen-, 106E*STLETONtibakn.Mthwmpes --107 tcbcig 88 Mi. anti Mrs. Alan FrantuisWm. Johns anti farnîiy, Mark-1 that whlen Jesuis enfers life <Of; Oshawa anti Mus.Jeck Mer- ,ham Mc. anti Mus. Harlow persons, co'ngregations, coro ,mes low Livy wece recent vtsit- Bailie sud Bill Kagawnng,i munities and nations -- Ihen 24-29ors v. lb Mr. anti Mrs. Grant Manutoulun Island, were Sat-I miracles happen. Miss DonJ-' 225 Thompson The Thonipsonsiurdav dînner giiests anti Mc. Igbeuty ceferredti other mcii' I -216 are spentu g this week in anti Mrs Ambu ose Lywood,11 wbo contributed mucli to bis- -- -----209 ,PefferIaw w bile bier sîster, Lindsay were ev eniuîg callers.1 tory through the ages, c.g. Sicý - _208-2(02 Mrs. James Nas lor, is vacat- Ori SLIntay Mr. anti Mrs.. Wiified Lauier, anti withTWN F B WM VIL i ouiîg lii hue U.S.A. Johnis enjoyedth le day wvitl soine pecsouial refeu'cnces boT W FBO M N IL SMr. NurnîauîSanuells e jý theic sout and dauigbtci-iî- 'bei- fater and oui owîîi noua- 6 edTiIhu usca v Io Sunday v î'thi iaw. Mr. anîd Mu's. Wm. .Johns getanian, Mr. J. A. Werry 6 Mu'. aund Mis. Wiifu'ed Rogers anti famnilY, Markham. ' We exl.eid a cordial w cI- sud Mc. andtiMis. Hlarve ' v Mc. anîd Mis. Richarti Davi- cornet'o eveuvorete l attend :Roger's lu Mississauga. Mu. soi, visiteti Sunday with their' oui annual Thank-Offering NTC Chas, Houue aud Mis. Elmierdauigbîec anti son-in-law, Mn.,service nexi. Sunday, OctoherN0T1 CE Reecli, Rowmanville, wcrc anti Mis. Cari Elliott, Daviti 201h, al 2.30 in tle.ehuuu-l. Suniay' visitors with Mu. ;am- ant imr, Leasktiale. Rpv. John Morris <if St. Art- cils. Mr. AdMus. Norman lu"ine.' drew's Uniteti Chureh, Osh- Mr anti Mis George Bowcrs Bownianvile. xtvere Suntiay' awa. will lic the guest mainis- spent the holiciay weekentid stoswthM nt ti er, anti <mc choir will pro- fl <Saburda b toMontiayî with V e. vdeSperuai music. HSON tbbc Chaprnan family, North Brurce Hali.Monday calîerCongraPreventionsof Litcte rin Bav.were Mca. Dal Clarke, Wcs- Congratulations surf hes 8ev ton' Mrs. homne Gallamughec,' wishes to Mr. anti Mrs. Keitl UrLL rg.vand us. iare.eGnArrat n u i.H odn(ieLi stnCduwc S a d evenMauewood McKee, Biackstock who.se wedtiing was solemniz- B o6-2- TO..11,41anti- Ms.- --ed on Saturday eveniug. Oc- B- N.-32 isflow infl ttct to Do i.and i hl