12 ULMEIVR.d1 SELL RIET- SAP-HIRE SUY E f e c 'IF'. e o ir REODITS Birtha In Memoriaim- Coming Events- Coming Events Coming Events Cars for Sale _ _For Rent__ Lost__ okWne ZIROWN Bob and Sharron A.LN-In lovlng mernory of! Dance, Saturday, October 191 Leglon Millionaires Night, Chartered bus to Toronto, '54 FARGO pick-up, licence ONE bedroom apartment. 211 PUREBRED Holsten eieEPRNCDld dsre (nee MacDonald) are proud ta Cors Leona AllUn Who p*ssed In Tyrone Community Hall. ISaturday, October 19th. Tick- Saturday, NovT. 2. Matinee, 39851B. Apply Pas4 Parkway services included. Adults cniy.1î ,ý, ears old, strae rmrhueor ytedy hr ùnuiethe birth of their away suddenly, October 22. Wllli and his band. 42-1 'ets avallable. Phone 623-3609. "Anne of Green Gables", Rov- - Crescent. 42-1 Available Nov. 1. 623-3262. Lt2,Cn ,Crwlh.2~~' ~ - daughter, "Suzanne Lee, 7 lbF. 1964.AtmnTain B-ara 40-3 ai Alexandra Theatre. Tick<ets! 1955 CHEV. truck,.-1 ton, $125. 42-1 Phone 986-4868. 4~*WLd- - _____ 31ozs., on Tuesday, Octoberi Every day In some small way the Golden Plough Lodgc. r Chartered bus ta 1ce Ca_- avaîlabIe, For reservationsDo Boe Sheil Station, Phone1 FURNISH ED- ap artmenti three LA RGË-gE-y-ndwhitefterptcuasal Dorm, 9M.Ak md Cherl Menorles of you corne auriSaturday, October 19th, 2-5 pades. Toronto, Nov. 6-8-9-10). oe 8:52. - 424I* rooms and bathroom, separ- Persian cat with cla n Done akadCey.wav .m 42-1 Tickets available. Telephone j Turkey Supper, Nestleton!'61 PONTIAC -ILaiirention >e- ate entrance and parking ei.Vcnt ..2 rnA R 424Thogh bsetyouareeve -Chartered Bus to Toronto 885-5. 40-4 :Presbyterian Church, Satur-!djan. auto., 6. good condition.: 623-7138. 42-1*:reward. Phone 623-40 are happy ta nanu aOSce the sdea. , lwynesday. Oct. 30. Phone Port Match, Thursday, October 17.17.* Tickets, adults $1.50, child-1 e 623-2174. 4"In _______ Phono 623-7127 armivappyf teair g terJaet Sdyed vduatrHpe85227 22 hn1ow rvlgn ren 75c. Avallable Blackstockli 63 FORD Futura, 4-speedîconveniences. Available i 40:Ho986-48682r244742-2l Phone<k shift. god condition.mediately, heat and hydro i-Tenders"N te 5elnSt Bomnll Patricia on Saturday, October Marjorie, son-ln-law Kenneth, Chicken Pie Supper, Angli-, 885252_*7.- Phone -_- 623-7536. 42-11 cluded, elderly or middi aged_______ l-2th, 1968, weighlng 6 lbs. 8,grandchlldren Gregory and can Church. Blackstock, Fr1-! Ebenezer United Church Ate frSl I6 ABERCasc 6 -cuple peerd esral EDR ilb eevdb 8 CzÉ., at Oshawa General Hos- Gail and siqter Hilda. 42-1 daY. Oct. 25, 5:30. Aduitsj Turkey Supper. Saturday, Oct. -dr sedan, standard,~ienxvrlt Phone 263-2705. 42-l* the Children's AidSoit.20 PTR OU S pitai. Many thanks to doctors; $1.50, children 75c, pre-school! 26 at 4:30 and 6:15 p.m. Aduîts! FEED rye. Millbrook 932-5478. l: _ _______ - - Walton Strcct, PortHp.b -ad ures0ffort foo.free. 42-2-# ý$2,00, children 75c. Telephonei 42-l' prîvate. Phone 623-314.3 after -- --ýOtber 6th, 1968,f 16 ONTUTO an wueesstfrforthAlan andCOTTER-In lovlng memorY 2 ie.4-1 \anted to Rent _O rc n CA wee sstr 42-I nd of my dear hixshand Bruce who 1Rowmanville Hlgh's Annual 73-8937. 41-3,1ONE-tricycle, excellent cn 6 OTA tat-hew HE-RO prmn ih aonticA16 o ]Karen_42-1 passed away on October 15ý, Magazine Sale. Support this' Tyrone United C h u r c h dition. 623-5080. 42-1 ýstaard, radio with rer. alo saio agnfob Pne 2-25 196i2. fund-raislng carpi nby buy-, Thankoffering Service, 3 p.m.,'o OAOS 207-b pae.bd ar reaal in Boxvmanville. TelephoneFacnstinw McLaughlin) are irery proud to, gv tdn, -;paeRv oadLue a.J Brn,6324.Poe2-45.2- tender flot necessailyacp-3 ;nnoncethebirh thther bivavPstofnt.42-espake, Rv. onad uc. lth ndan deay harere Bues o RyalBpesaesusi. A wecom. p40-f -GOO womusicfam.lndidl 2-1I _____ _ wee daughter Karen Dawn. Bttelv o l h itrFi.Stra.Nvm 41-2 WATER for sale and deiivered. Livestock For Sale with or without building,.___r SPICT N 13 lbs. 7 ozs., at Memnorlal Hos- sleeps beneath bher l6th and 23rd. Telephone! Weekend Tour ta Wheeling.1Cî lf Ptik 2-233 EGTENbedigdes Business 10, 9q8 Spcia thnksto r -ovîgîv remmheed h TrvelAgecy.42- tiket tosho: fr Iforatio OI heter tw drms.tio Phne 23-581 42-1bv eceberIsI ii Boman g ortnit PUP5N pital, Bowmanville, Octaber, Shallneye fadie away. '88.-2527. Port Hope. Rowe W.Va., Oct. 25-27. Hotel and r- sae3-if y-ounig iabbits. Foi, informa- TWO or three bedroorn house;~T M KN Ewert and nurses of Maternltý' your dear wlfe Florence and Hîoee acLgo 'phone or write Rowe Travel goo0d condition. Telephone L OMER.. ete.gs-ville, Orono or Newcastle ares. SPR TM lor42*fanilly. 421*, Hall, Saturday. Oct. 26th. Agency, Port Hope 88.5-2,527 *623-3658. 42-1 eroiment premium boars. Noeli Newcastle 987-40184. 42 - 1 SARINE Phn ewovi 8625 VANDRHEL - ete andDISEY -- -Prizesz for the best costums 40-3 HOOVER automatic washing'Rohî'îsoni, R.R. 1, HamptonHUE hreautrque Refilling and coecigmeyClColleet VAIDEREU - etr ad ms,----- 1 HUSEThre duls equrefrom NEW TYPE hihqult * Ann (ne Gibsoî are ver In niemofo a dea r Music hy the Twin Spins, 8.30-r SUNNYSIDE PARK machine with spin-dryer,$1.26-4. 42-i .3 or 4-bedro os nBw onoeae ipnesi 0t -happy ta announce the blrth of hsad Cal.wn ard120.Br $ 0cupe AYTER BINGO hne62-3443-f 100HEAD Hereford stock manville area: wvill psy good your aiea. No selîg oE A S their son, Boyd Peter, 8 lbs., away O-br-t. 7 22 i.~LÂI.LJL ~ SUEAKER Service, ri w calves snd l2-erodsteers rent and s'ignJes.Hvaiqulfyumu.hecr on Monday, October 14th, lq ;g mîtlldni îoxed and veîy .- Charee Bus to Royl Tu da Nih and used parts. Grahams adhefr T e rvaevown appliances and furnish- references, $600 to 29(cah ('STM IOFLLG at Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, dar Alexandr-a Theatre, Toronto, to Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf at farmi every Saturday (anv'ingsý. Cali 623-7(026 after 5 Seven to 12 hours wel a LUHN n ICN O rillia, A brother for Julia,! -.Wife Florrie. 424l* see evening performance of740VfMcIfNTO7-5SH apples, $1-.50-bush-,timneby appoinitmentî. Georg'e p.m. 42-1,net excellent nthyino 42-1 - -Anne of Green Gables, Friday. EDBA Nel, hand-picked. 37 Prospect A., McGowan, Phone 778-2213 More fulil ime.' For( ro~ Poe5613 __________ - OKE -I loving mim-rv Of a October 25. Phone 885-2527, R DB R St. Phone 623-,59,58. Bring IlIavelock. We deliver. 19-4*jNotce ta Creditors interview w vrite Cnpn ANO OTOFC Engagement dear sister Rozella Pearl, Who Port Hope. 42-1 OS H AW A1 container. 42-if 100o WESTERN and Ontario DitbunaLmed30Oe-35 _______________ - passedi awaY Octoher 14. 1966. -Anyone wishlng to go toi-.6-_tf TW-IC1roncetr stockersI rvîî vr NOTICE TO CREI)ITORS lette Avenue, Windsor nao RN Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Leav- In the hook of life there are Yorkdale Plaza or downtown Annual Turkey Supper, St. field in good 'condition. Bar-Thid, (anvtimne by p ANI) OTHR.Inue'pnenmr.41 ~r ae hpuyta anoure he mmores Tornto Moday.Octber28,Joseph's Auditorium, Liberty:er*s sink. mirror and pol.piîen> vnJohuIson, Inthe ~Estate of William m L engagement of their daughter 0f the happy ria vs we kneIl also November I11h. telephone Street South, Suniday, October Newcastle 987-4M73. 42-1 SOuth Monaghan. Bailieboro Dorville Thickson, late of ttehe u ±ecun Susan Elizabeth DAlton. to And recorded in love are the or ýv rite Rowe Travel Agencv. 20, 4:30 and 6 p.m. Adults 9:39-NG5or s5lmilsg furnilure Port Mr. and Mis. Norrman J. Scott, 0f ahlergs sister ike 83257PotHpe 2- 150 hlde 7c Tces r alEle, oeonHgha 8,2CouvofIuraReiedJIE p1e ike t amINTLLTO oWllwae Th edn yu.rSt. John's Martha Group aý'.alable at Fiank's Vait miles east. 114Lf i Merch cmpt M Wnlowale Theule I ! pHamptn uies23294 - - hone eicoe 7532246.NO SwhDAYCALL to-aenael e-me.y(vnn Branch) Rumnmage Shop or telephone Mis. Heen- 1 esiness263 2695 3- -----at B an de, Oaserio ho ne bulk cometiiepc7.5B ,BOMNI --sadly lssrd b' vBoiman ail7le323ntaiio'aon ta akeplae n Dc 2-er 'Hal eaMrle nd býÏ i:Sler ursanight, Oct. 17,a72-39 Mu Chhom - 262953-t Help Wanted or about the 251h day of Jane' 2-70 42- *Hael JenMytl an 1elnr iday morning, Oct. 118 utnil 6235196, Mrs. Kîdd 987-42301 SALE of chesterfields, kitch--198 Creditors and others 'PUREÈREr) andGrd1-o--- 4-1* noon.'lu the Parish Hall, and Mis. Hendsbee 623-5489. len suites, Sealy mattresses,;rEXPERIENCED service s;ta-,aigcansaantte Fotho in iomnileCffe n d-40-31 and lamps. Murphy Co.. 47 tion operator. Phone 983-9988.hi gdisagis h stei:u heifers for exp , u F orth c or in g - Bo manvllle Coffee nd do-! King St. W ., 623-3781. 421 * 14 : above Estate are heeh.v re- and second caf. Nei M a c m. 0 K B U G S M~igs OKE -In lovlng memnoiy of ai nuts. 42-1* 'Woodview Conimunîty Centre CLEA4- Mr. and Mis. Paul -Chant.: Rozlla Pearl who passed awayMONSTER BINGO MONSTER BINGO iTkyPEWsiTers,no de rad. 2LADY at ed for ekHamnt e and prof eof caim. 10 ROUND dilling tbe l L'BN EAR i nue day each ware.hHamptoo theinctdeesigned or9be.or -nouln gwothe re h appy to a- OTho er 1h , 1966.e go utT HURSDAY NGHT, 8 o'clock Ni x M on ay terrn- , reniais, service. Bill,1263-226. 42-1 the 8th day of November. chairs, chierrvw7,ood fiiue H N A P rxonc te ortcoln mi- hoe ho weloe o utSponsored by thie Junior J~x Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-7160.,LD' opc eg.i oe 1968, after which date the cylindei' phonographsadcl-2325 zlage ~of thirdaghterMre o 1b Chamber of Commerce7:5P.1-t potultr,' house. Caîl Alvin ses0rh Etl ilb inder records, muicbxs -Ane, a ohnAndew so of Ft nyerou o!niîd.JUBILEE PAVILION RED BARN FROM the giower to you-!rMetcalf 62:3-2269. -1 distributed. having regard onlvWieAetsr93,corhMaldrss - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Andrew. 'Tbey are cherlshed in the t OeSiHAsdWheAamsCnaia SatsmnPSHBxAWA ox43-190a,-ll ~Bridgenàrth, Ont. The wed-l hearts O AWA 8t Delicious sweet coin, tomates FEMALE lielp required. Apply thai. have then heen received. 10 o\nuxle 12__ 0t - afng ta take place at 3 p.ri O f Ihose tbey lefI, behlnd. The Durham Cut Pro- 1 ~6-te app1es at Fred's Fruit Market, South H-aven Nursing HomeDTDaTooo.nauo r- SatîdyNoembr thaI Saîy isedbyeirisîtes resiv Cnsrvtiv Tanoferng eric, enHigbway 35, 0IJfh of Orono. e aePoe 8-44. te8hd ay Tofrotobnr 16i LYB RN S&B A Trlnlty United Church, Bow-land brothers and familles. iointeyu10oin a Idl ntd -bih, cterI6tf4-2 DONALD W. KERR, Esq., R L V RPrMBN ETN -navle 21 21*ioocd o oo oi f 0 :30 pin. Guest speaker, 'CAMP t r a 11le r, attachable WIINt aYi n -iBritradSlctr N _______ ~~~~~~~~Durham County on Suinday Rev. R. C. White, B.A.. Osha- awning with poies. 12 x l O M'\ýAN b a ston aritrsu ooitrneDSLS& EVC Mran Mr. uan Qan, Cads fT ak October 201h. Motorcade be- wa. Excelsior Choir under twO mattresses. Boat, 12ft. i,Àgiîhoue10 l91utiespTelelTIMOTYeSEE M.andPerry sn.. wish taan- ad o h nks gins al, Orono Park aL 1:30 the direcuioun o! Mi. E. M. Mc- plywood flat bottom and oas. spo e 23-5798 afes. Tl-TORONTO 7, Ontario, Ql B rne Sevic nounce the farthcomIng mai- We wJsh to thank relatives ipin. Route fully marked. Cov. Turkey Supper, Wednes- 623-3719. 42-1 42-1*1 Solicitor for the executors. Please BringSapeEPITAK AN n,-age of their daughter, Fiance and frien1da for the îoveîv .-. 421 day', October 23, 5 . 6,7 .m SINýGER-sewing machine, ie_ MALE or female general kitch.._____ CARNATIOTIEB S Eveln, a WyneChalesshoer ad wddlg gflapré I hartredBus10 ackMin Adlta$2.00. students $1,00;lctrd player, coffee table, boy's en help, studeuts accepted. PON Vennig son of Mrs. Elîla sented 10 uis. er's Bird Sanctuary. Kings- children under 12, 75 cents. 1 skates, size 2; boy's hockey r Applv Flying Dutcbman Motor' NOT'I(' TO CRD'OSFLO\VER SHEHMTN2328 Vennlng and thie late Mr. Howard and Lily Edmondsonn !ville, 10 sec birds in migration 41-21 pants. shin guards, small. Tele- :Inn, Mr. Gaye, Phone 623-7242. lu the Estate o! ARTHUR oervSwat'Sed . TRNE2-65 Charles Venning. Blackstock, 42-1- Enroute stop at Hamilton's r -_D -D phne26-2510._ 42-I 42-1 HENRY IVIOORE, deceased. 33 Division St. B(wavle 1'rrT~ ntare loac e Straw ed'2 OeA ir Moeaet. Oc . 26 or2, ýRECONDITIONED TV towers'EXPERIENCED bartender re-: Ail pesons aving caims4- niJ . L ~ ~ E ~take plae Saturda, October tbauk 2dasaHtelrrngdMFrYnerFarand rotors (trade-ins), 40, 50 qie emnetpsiin.against the estate of Arthur __-__ ------ '6168 t7pminBlack- infrmatoouPone rhikee oyal i ____FairpermanentCHosTERFn.Li frindsandreltiv-s or oWev and 60 foot structures;, ail in'Apyi esn r Camp- Henry Moore, iate Of the i\Vanted RCAR ieEtm 26stoc68 Untd7 pinc. n4 e2-an1eltve*orleyRowe Travel Agency 885-2527, Noveownsehipîîoof îio O Applyin peuonhMi stc1ntdCurh 2l~flowers and carda received POrt Hope.letcodiin.Osaa elEmresHoel etr TV Suply Lmited 723-623-5252se Miad r. .H.God.duîing my stay ln OshawaTVSpyLmle,2331 borough. 401-3 Co-nuty of Durbam, decease Hospîtand peclalW.hHks GnoBONN Excellent Seats; for 50-tf W ho died on or about the 26th' ea orCr ..~wmnvh1. ae apy ospu . Spewl n tD.H.and- o RO ETOURS So nldd UE ahr -FULL-TIME femnale help foi d,,y of Jul,1968, aehb y edCipe W yesU hltr -Bwmnvll,,ar hp t;Dr Cseel ad r.H.Sad CALIFORNIA TOU'R oepatmos, restaurant work. Excellent otfet sninoSrk &F mSt announce the forthcomlng rson andi nurses on 5th Floor. i NOV. 6 - 30 - 25 Days Phone 'Simplicity, Thor and Moffat wgsfrqaiidproe-Suîe Slctr o b nimarriage of their daughteu 1 dam H. orSharp. 42pers1:ex-tifiedSotors for10 te&r Fam SoksKigtE-Bwavle - ~ ~ ~ ~ Aa H.trei Mrhaerap..'acs f ntret:Coordo appliances, nationally advei itucesr.Tee ___ 2t .-5trIe GodMagake, so !Mr. -I Prings.ofSantreisCoor ait 623-3265 or B23-3093Qt sd lin off1ritit. PdEtatene,.3-60Box 75707"BOwlmall\ille, iPICKED UP PROMTY____ -Stese line o!k, snuonitur1eSriPaddy's Frphoneo 623-36rket2Hamptn,25032241.Ontario, on or hefore the 6th, Telephone Collect 2322 o T ul o .-jd Mis. Frank Godsmark,, We slncerely thanln thelLake City. Los Angeles, San C L EMakHapo,2324.I42i day of November. 1968, full wl u am R A O S ir.carborough. The mariageimany friends, nelghbors and Diego. aiso many othersSE VC4tt DO vou need ni~ for the particulars of Ilicir dlaim M r Cas November 3 t43 ..i ts h i idess Wsr nMtrCaýJuseadv for h nonag , 3.0 bag.make i eligRwei--o-If a, f'oen 98 "'t. John's Anglican Chuuch, rendered and expressions o!f a oo oorCah4131 bheh; Spars onin, d.ied. . ,s~ aîiî o ( fN 9> ul rmyu ln 30 aI 4:30 pin. in Lit'LErOS, the mnnvakfrndnesse, r metic sud other seasouable the assets o! the deceased xvwil .-: *-- __ponyu o rw a -Bowanvlle42-1l*, pThe Webb Fil A. 16- F TOUR rRoy Nchol Garae, products. Sales easy 1 M a ke. be distributed amnongal the Work Wantd apoe osa euiu 42-1 ebFFmEB.JA. 1 - MARH 1 FORgoRo itho10 frgeCourtice,iBig profit. Write RsWleîgh, parties euîitled Ihereto, ha d ay-itng hn 421Dea1t-hs 2FR g orht frtcorner. 42-1 1 p.J-14(t-5C, 400.5 Richelieu ing regard only to cdaims of WILL do bPrkway rescen rets---- 24 Days RED) CROSS SPONSOREO I PAT'S Cleaner, 3 yeaus old. r SI., St. Henry. Mfontreal. 42-I which the said solicitors for 6 23-39(05. IBDVS CAMPBELL. G. Arthur-At! My ,;incere thanks to rela - 'Iravel Ald-conditloned.kT'lT~C Used onhy' two seaisons. In ex- O'1'7o EARN- MORE ---the Estate shail then have Memorlal Hospital, Bown'arI- tives;. frleods and neighbors 1 Washroom Motor Coach HOME JNURSlINGJ' celle nI condition. Approxlm- notice.iB W A IL iet S.S onaill $-vile, on Frlday, Octaber 111th. fo fo1 s.radsandviit. Forinoratin n bovNturaDtdc a Bwma\'Ii, BisLoW'DwnPamnt. 4 1968, Arthur Campbell, 39îfo toweDu. Kandgasd nurs ýFInform ehonnae COURSE ately 25(' chain. Contact:i MONEY - MEN and WOMENhis 1echAene.Bwmn lo Por Peny Hsiand or!TlpoeC U S Hackner & Meek, R.R. 1, Ux- I need a full or part-timie per- 7bdx !Otbr 1968. AUTO BODCaac n(ovnetNHA nbis 5h vne. huehand le.of Poert car an oskindal x'P rtHor '~0TO COMMENCE r bridge, 852-3533 or 852-3563. son 10 belp imccl the demandr Tomsdat\nof 8iolnterest. pe UU are an kuIdn 40-4 for a miuch needed serv'ice for SRK TIE ;the lave ay xMcGregor, .uORr tha nks ta Rev. Romeilr hs ROWE TRAVEL, AGENCY Wednesday, Nov. 6 ELECTRIC _ orgai i ---LewiW motorisîs. Pleasant. digni- Solicitors for' the Estate Phone 623-741 iD ER qfather of Mis. J.eStout tMa- I iendly callLi.oh40o-4euxe Ty fied, god paying work. No o! Ar'thur Henruv Moore,4-fPoe6323,Bwnnll ýjorIe). Rested at Mis. Crawford. 42-I or furîher _________ 'cutt Elott Funeral Home. i Sale o! rd 4-1used-hockey equip- Frfth Information mantual sud complete two l experience nccesssiv buît a car' Box 7,I- .Funral ervce ws hed a. - , -ment, Oct. 19, 10 10 12 a.m., Please ('ailotv otpdl keyboard rîs. FOI full inforrmation contact Bowmauîville, Ontario. FOR I1t io'clock. Surda afleunoon 1i ouul ike to t.hank aI1 Arena. We appu'eciate ail Mahogany w o od. (New)B kîn nauiTlpon41-W rk ER EPRFC ieIntérynent St. Paul's Cemnetery, r nîy friendis. nelghbors and ula- donations. For pickup caîl 623-3929 Suitable for home ou chu rch.'2_63-2330. Supervisor. 4-1- Brick & Stone Millhbrook. 42-1! tives for (hein flowers and 623-2517 or' 728-1976 or send 42-2 Chime sud Hawaiian added M- 1I -TJ raids sent (o me white in bo-- 1 arena lime o! sale. Don*t -effecls Phono 725-4243 Thu us- Maie or Female rNoie__F ep cs Lu în .L a1g !GAY, Carnie Elizabetb--Stid- pifaI anid for their kindness 10 forget next meeting. Oct. 221 OSHAWA AND DISTRICT iday, Friday and Saturday ev-1i -- _ ý,denl1y on SnaOtbrft ening Y73 'cok 211' XODBIK 1968, at Toronto Western Hos- lng home. Speclal thanks 10 rnemhers needed. Bown- PARENT COI'NCIL F OR 2-1 us Lies ,chu frkwaton RetauranqtsNI)STOE A p$a1 blvdwf o letnre n staff o! surgical ville Mînor Hockey W.A. CRIPPLED CHILDREN SKI DOO have oLeiMT forET) c focains.luIbanquet PHNE STON O NBWMNLE *E Gy.frmrl o ambo.floor and Dr. Keith Slemon. 42-1ý is sponsoring a Sae evc pnnsfr *ontspeniaPo eNecastoslo'e- HN RN 9350 8t Aear mnother of Mus. Alexi Audrey Runedie. 42-1 PLAN TO ATTEND) THE RE U auMale or î"emae9poi-4eut5or e Newca46e5. 33-t .Thompson (Lois). Isllngt.on. 1 retlDne MUSICALRE U D A V I S 1 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS 9-475r---46.-2-'C ER A 42-11 A incere thank von t.o the by the h oVNAVLEAE» e CosLa Lpor G IU T - members o! the Enniskillen beinz held in the *"COL NTY TOWN SINGERS" IMarine and Rentai nth OMAVLE RAofRed Crosoan Cups (l A RCU TUAinEX A ATN "'~cLAGHLN, obut ayn Comuntyfouther ~nerus ~ '11 ~ 'AmI~ IApplicauts nmust be over 21, pialbSupp,ýelis c(ths- CUS TOM lrODIG -TRNHN MeLAGHLI, 'RbertWaye'so etiitN fo- th r gTerosi .-Suddenly as the resuît of an assi yaccident on Sunrlay. Otoher foi '-ý13th, 1968, Robert MrLauughlfiu mn 'ocf R.R. 1, Buiketn, n. bis îPtb pAru ,-year, beloved son of Harold l'or. and fleen, deai brother o!; 'Linda, Janis and Kelly. Reat- -ced at the Nartbruitt Elliott, istanre In the prepsalions ouri weri(lrlg. Alan foi, Mie aIt enjo 'vabNe presentalion tv and gifI of a Vilas min- Kelt.h and Lois Worden. 42-1 4uneraî nHome. r uneral aerv- T wlh 10 express imy sinîce 'c:ayaeld a. tefrlk.men SCthiks toneighbors. friends .John's Cemetery, Blackstock. andeelnivedshurch Woen 42-I fou xîsits. carda, fruit, flow- t- ---- -eus, and gifla received whlle <,EEIT-At Memnorlal Hospital,, in Port Perry Hospital. Special 'Bowmanville, on Satuuday. thanks te Bey. Phlllp Romeril, <4ýOctber 12, 1968. Florencer . Bennie. Dr. Sturgis, nuis- gStinson, Bewnanville. foum- os and staff. .,cly a! Oronn. aged 7f; yearq. OieHasl. 4- ~wlfe of the late Wvven Reld, -rÀear rmother of Muriel, Toron- - !to. Serice was held In the 1 %,- n ; 1d like 10 t.hanlk Dr. ,-Morris Funers] Chapel. Bw-Fergtuson. Rev. Mu. Waud for >iarvIlle on Tuesday ai 2 visltlng and the lovelY prayers we'clock. Interment O r o n o for me. alan Memorial Hos- ,ýCezmetery. 42-1 pital. third aud second floors __________ -- .nurses and staff and aIl rmv Personctl friends for fruit. candv, flow- 'eus, carda and letters sent me, uGIENIC Supplles-(Rtibber alan Sinre 1 have been home. ~oods) mailed postpaid un Al I (an savIla thank you ahI 1plain sealed envehape wîth and God blesvou for your *rlee list. Six samples 25c,. kindocas bo me. _941 samples $1.00. Mail Orderi Miss Mahel Chalhis. L~pt T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.. 42-1* bp91. Hamilton. Ont. 1-52; ~iuo-sEWeightwlh a1eGur 1 Iwould like ta extend imv ~'eight Beduclng Plan. Safe, incere thanks and apprecia- barnm1ess. effective. No stauv-i lion to ail aur relatives and etion diet, no exeurclses. Eat friends for aIl the kindnesýý Asatisfying. tasty meals. uselhown hy Inquiries, cardsansd teafe Guard Tablet.s as rocom- , fIowers sent. visita, during jjnended. watch your weight go ny slay Iln BowmRnvilleand Uown. Free bocklet. "Lose Oshawa Hospitaîs. Special1 t'iat" Includes weight and rthanks tb ail the nurses, Dis. Ittaiorie eharts. Safe Guard Feugusan, Du. Ugray and Dr. Laborataris. 5270% Bessborough ROW,",ll, Maple Grove Chuich 've., Montreal 29. 38-5i anact Sunday Schooh. Jerusalem .r ~ ~ I lodtge nd Palestine ChRptelî,I __________________ i Order of the Eastenoi Star., and 'OVINYL boat top. SeUigog Road., r 511 ho provlded transporta-1 Uonday afterroon. Owner mmv rtino for Mus. Freeman Sin- m4aim sme by paylns for ad-> cerely.E fè0oie 823-5363. 42-1 H. G. Freema.n 42-lf St. John's Anglican Church HAMN'R.. Bowmanville i OH W 'Wednesday, Oct. 30, Friday, Oct. 18 Tiwo Sittings. 5 and 6 p.m. 8:30 P.M. 'Ticets from Mrs. D. MacKiin- Admission - $1.50 tosh 623-5294 or Mrs. L. Lueas Proceeds Crippled ('hild ren's 623-5!445. Adults S.50. Child- Centre ,ido 2,510. 2-~COLMER TOURS Excelsior ChoirFLRD Presents in CIRCLETO R TOWN HALLTO R Bowmanville Jan. 11lth - Feb. 1lst AND Saturday, Oct. 19 Mar. lSth - Apr. 5th 8: 15 P. M. Excellent Accommodation THE 'IXTH CHANDOS SIGHTSEEING ANTHEN OF HANDEL Phone AImi..'don by Programme62-65o Puirchase at the door 62-25o 2-03 42-1 ITaTT Of 900d ciiaracter and appeau- 555KIG T.E.atWISO ance aud must pass the mcdi- 5.55KIN ST.E. t WISONcal requirements and drixing Osham-a and 'Aroa's Oldest and test as set out, hY the Ontario Largest SKI-DOO DEAL.ER l)epartmnent o! Transport. BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Lot us supply your honme freezer wlth GRAIN-FED BEEF ahilSumimer SIDES .--52e FRONTS --40e JIINDS --66e SPECIAL - a PIG, 44e Cut, Wrapped and Frozen for your convenieuce Flnanclnt Terms Avahlablo FRESH DRESSED CAPONS SPECIAL - 69e lb. Phone 623-5578 DeNRETRAVEL SERVICE1 S A L E- MOTOR COACH 41-41.0F TOURS OSHAWA AND DISTRICT UsdFrtu CERERALPALSY Ue untr OCTOBER 20 - Mystery Tour PARENT COUNCIL FOR WESTINGHOUSE OCT. 26 and Nov. 2 CRJPPLED CHILDRFN "Anne of Green Gables" FALL BAZAAR Television Seti NOVEMBER 89ud1 and TE10T leCapadesan EOTR NOVMBE 16Memorial l Sundry Equipme Royal Atrieultural Winter Fair SIMCOE STREET FiaOt For Reservations and UNITED CHURCH rdyOc.i Information phone SIMCOE STREET SOIJTH 10 A.M. t. S5 P.M. 'JURY and LOVELL Oshawa TRAVEL AGENCY , Saturday, Oct. 19 FLYING 19 Klng St. E., Rgowmianvillo r 2 P.M. 1 UCHA 623-3182 or 623-5933, Proceeda - Centrled eu:hlldren' 42-11Cnt il4-2 OO N ,e ts .ent 18 Interested persons contact 1 Burley Bus Lines IPhone 623-3811 or 723-7171 PUBLIC' S('11001,BOARI) TOWNSHIIP SCH(>OL AREAý DARINGTON HANIPTON, ONTARIO Maintenance Man, Applications for the abov'el position wvill be received by p the undersigned until 1 Saturda3', October 19th, 1968! Applîcants should ho familiar' %vith ail phases of maintenance! work with experionce lu car-j pentry an assot. Salar3' and hour-, o! îvo,'k ta bo uegotiated at time o! hiring; 1V. 6. IDALLAS r Business Administratou' 1 ~42-1e es. etc.) available to anyouîe il] aI, hume ou a doctor's recomi- nendatioti. For fa irther infou'- matioui cal]: Convenor MNis. F. Giifbin 623-59014. HcîJp the local Branch t10 help everyoxe., pIeaýe retui articles piomnptl 'v s0 that evervýone mray benefit, fuomn <bi. Red Cross seriv'e. 41 -2 Noti The Liquor1 NOTICE 0F P SLI('ENSING DI 'rAKE NOTICE that BOW o! the Tiownship of Darlinglo ivili make application at a SI Licence Board of Ontario tr CHAMBRER, CITY HALL lu t] the 'OI'NTY of HASTINGS oi NOVEMBER, 1968, at tho houx aftcrnoon for tho ls.suance of and consumption o! hiquor w establishîment classifiod asa HONEL1.LYWLL Bowmanville Bowmanville P.O. Box 41) CLERKBowmanville. COST 13 gRaK object o n P7 o I reoidi: igfor a Grade 1 rdae -tt h plctoa wih2 - 3 years <cost account-, wnitlnt shali ho filed wîth N~ Ing experience. Enrolîment in the deputy registrar of the lie <ho R.I.A. course- an asset. P.O. BOX 127, 249 f,2 FRONT Apply at least ten days before tho n D. 1. Gilhooly Is tobeho eard. Honeywell ContraIs Llmited IJATEI at Bowxnanville,1 '100 Base Line Rd. E. ' 1968. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Telephone 623-5896 Ploîaghing - (ombining, Sand, Gravel. Top Soil and Double I)iscing FUI1 Delivered Grain ani Corn Drying 2-.-Hour WVATER SERVICE Picking and Shelling Coin Reasonable Rates ROBT. BRYANT ,623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE Phone 728-7218 Refrigeration or 263-8438 r and 38I ppliance Service -~Commercial and Domestie ces Refrigeration - Milk Coolers Phone BERT SYER Licence.A.ct NDays --62317 ýPPLICATION Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC ISTRIC No. 9Wilson & Vowl es 'MANVILLE COU[NTRY CLUBI HEATING SPECIALISTS rfl in the ('ounty of Durham 011 and Gan Installation ýpecial Meeting of the Lîquor PRESSURE SYSTEMS ýo hoe held at the COITNCIL Sold aud Servlced he CITY of BELLEVILLE In SHEET METAL WORKt bn RIDY te FRSTdayof EAVESTROUGHING rof 1:00 o'clock E.S.T. In the oe n an a 'Club Licence' for the sale 17Liberty St N., BowmaevIUle vit o withnut ea. Ina Phone 623-7591 club. I eCountry Club e, Ontario lnt ln the liceusingr district May id the grrounds of objection ln MR. RALPH L. GRAHAM, Q.C. .ensing district, whose address ln rSTREET, BELLE VILLE, ONT., meeting at whlch the application Ontario, this 9th day of October, Bowmanville Country Club Box 40, Bowmanvilie, Ontarlo, 42-1 or Blackstock 986-5521 a3-.q UNDERCOAT TOUR AUTO NOW Prevents Ruit fluing Wlnter Weather Brlnt Your Car ln NOW for à FLL TUNEUP Ail Work Done by Llcensed Mecisanien 85 King St. W. vwmiil DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIEý Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. The Canad!an Statee-man, geowmanville. Oct 18. 1988 1