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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1968, p. 13

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Last Wednesday our Juniors 'MTe Ceanadltan steemn omnf1,ot 6 98 1 deftated Henry St. 28-1, Slem -_______________________ en, Crough. Russel a n d ______________________________________ for aur uquad. We rnay havei _____ __n_________ h s earagies:rt o ff solet's give them Il the sup- ______ __ CI UBIFED AI ni iliuiTerklêan shred Ucscorblg fr aIReal Estate for Sale Reazl Estate for Sale Auction Sales _Ivtsited The Canadian Stats-HeId in7:3Bowmanvilleobe Auction sale of furnture for__ man office. Mr. James showed 18th, followed by a danCe. H l n B Jacker Kowal, the estate of Mrs. Les. Mount- us around the office and he featuring J. G. and the Sund, Ptr EoalTO r .B N AL W joy, Blackstock, selng atianswered our questions. We Show. October 15, 1968 1 guilty ta this chareoAu-Halnd egntwak . RATRPethick's Auction Shed, Ennis- Isaw the printing presses. how The Basketball game, with Magistrate R. B. Baxter pre-: Pst 14 and the mati a adhshm ttebah killen, on Saturday evenîng.1 they made pages and also the' the B.H.S. Faculty members! sided with Crown Attorney jG. journed until this we ao-A .nae t ciec'., SLtd., Realtor mad GENERAL INSURANCE: Oshawa ýOct. lgth. Sale at 7 o'clock !machines that make the ads opposIng the Harlem Diplo.. F. Bonnycastie. 22 ýtain his previousreodThscrpacdhm ndtoe. Norsre em ah Ci adpses efound I very mats, costs $1.50 and, If 'ouý Pattrick Barrill, age 2, howdauseio nSpSmoe yled oetn. 52 Kig St W. Dwmaniie ltebrick home No ecervcoe. ers cash. l ifntpsters.Themembers Of go to the basketbaîî game, the! fixed address, who liasspent tme 98frhvn ae hnfu otsJms: 623-2W03 623-2453 bdromnicely îandseaped, Ptik aciner 12 CtlRteTr on ah anewî oî ot o o.see19ees66usoy p- fnr orfamoa eîced~~.WyeFog <~ là Acres Land Brw Sret! Paciaus garden with patio.i WEEKLY ýcart, Garnet Zcaland, Wayne ihl marda fiberwmanv11i i les. T ownwtr. etaxced hom3edwithgarae. t 2250 wtLfexbl trmSTOCK SALES:Lloyd. The members of the A will cost $1,00. Sec you !charge of assault. He ssr d spnionin Mahi s er-o u fth asadsat there! the courtwn wah..hadeaajob homgowth gafor dri$2,5g0 whilflehbse licencei edretotchcosethllm.hthaejobrectoor e ait Durham County Sales Arena iEagle patrol are John Zealand, ____ immediately and was remand- was under suspenso.rndw htodadit Wélinkton Street out. Asking $13.000. Terms property Please eau elngHres atiS i cart, Roy MacDonald. Our! b BaryViouet rn of soyf eoym wet. cd hlmthat e paltoide h ouh pndtedo à Bedroom bungalow. Good arngd MARGARET DOWE at Calves, Sheep, etc. Chri' Troop leader is David Hne- Reid, Auctioneer and Pro- son. Our Scout leader lsa nTesaOt 1,BH~ Tini Brooks, Scugog Street,mottaedashuath, e cOnditin. Plumyan 1,0 7622 Tedaappe COctr.LiingNearTow Da. ded n t fa Iot o ah tésnreryr. 1550-6 roomn bungalow on haif572 1 prietor. 23-tf Robert Nichols. held their annual Field Dy pleaded ty asault F or ecothe sing bodcrelyo inarm. Nick Fourth Ncwcastle yo 1ut eemnigta eietf h Ter e ot's no teB VHS &eOC SShe un er ig ed au ti ne r his ye anwa d a i n e [ o neal, O shaw a, w as playing 1 charged w ith un a f l y 0 bo w th he ni . Mr Hi 'T o be ro *n stbungalowruly a good9,home buy 1 LTD. w ll el b y public auction f r- _1îge S h oîa flrn m n a band at the W est Beach 1Ing In a dw elling ho s Se - g n to d he t l a e d for, g- ber particIpatcd. idance ball, Saturday, October tember 20. retophntepli.On ~l'w beroombunalowwit at 19.00. erm. !the estate of the late Mrs. Curtis Magazine Sales began5 titrison heIen Constable T. A. Yrysci fte oete'hn rn deparate dining rmcm. $16,000. Kendal T! Aealtor 'Violet BaIl, al ber housebold ** *Tuesday and the campaign 5outd e r a igarn e.Ev-wencewsta ubrotadtrwi ntefor Commnercial Bldg. 15 Acres of land with good 460 KING STREET WEST ieffeets. Selling at the home this yearforhasimanettchanges dence was that Bok ikdyutsfo h at i.Ie uhdhmao n KinnSt.,So. anvile. runpond ites.Asingg7,pond shites.n rAs0fkr.nad Ms.,L500a. Oshawaad Onutar.ioc oful.Mor.alandthefac, bLakin i idgeFestval0f te Ars treatned o hat hm u store. beauty s lon. to offers.42-1; i lrn er f O and ko n, U The new library ln the ba k his ïose. A t this point B rooks ý w ere having a p ar y o h n u n d w i o s . O Office Plus 3 apts. Over $700 iBuildingt!! l ____ th ilg o rn n Satur- - haîf of the auditorium is noew':bjected so strongly that h.é'beach at Newcastlc w r hi a-otoepce i day, October 26. List of art- - Open for full use from 8:30 a-m. 1 vas sent down to the cells fori three local youthsted n-aatiupreve man mt hle cm e.s600.Ce t al o a ed n a t r sides n next. w eek's paper. u c s f ly t cr Térma. and schools. 55,500. Terms. Sale at 1 p.m. Lawrence Har y ay Baker to 4:30 p.mi. Many new andi lack of respect for the court. Tucessfully ta ras h at toki i. hm h we lc1nteresting books have replac- He remnained there until after-Thybgntrwgrok »'pndthplie- Béatiul ldr ome PakwaiCesent!HrismCer:rCifsPehikAucrOr Snir ootal tem d he ldone. ooAwhn e ws emnde mmbes f he ary ad he Maisrat Bxtr dclre Edw rd St. N wcste. ic' 3 Bedroom brick bungalow 1uiiton e.12 wrapped up first place on Fi-l I would 1k. to send out an out of custody until next weeklf. A s ottm ae o h t h atd n al p se im yc fr t on aparten s with k I n pa ed cedrent cand it o usun s l o unit re defa, t e r lltCw hen they Invitation from M r . K ennedy to have defense w tnesses here ' from the beach pa rt c o t iia d r a d d th m i u t d A uct on ale of urn tur de eat d M VI, 15-0. D y kstra, ta ail p aren ts or stu d en ts ifor tw o w eek s from toda v. one o f the o th ers an th a - fo a e k sêpar ae coenainc hes, o g deck In excel e c itonStore going out of business, Devitt and Froats counted for wishIng to discuss their eh il- Ce e c ei. 9 u e n d h m wt nf. T ei_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E x c u l e n m a k eo n d e at i fn m i y h o e. - h o o u . l a e r i eiiS a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 1 9 , a t i1 e s o î g i h î a e o - r n s o a i n l o d c t i o n a l S t r e e t , p e a d e d g u î t y f j l o a l d g aw t h e r d b s f i edaI E Q U L T Y Exeln odto ihc-garden. Asking $24.000. Temms teRanch n hi gm.Sontyle octinl Brick nw eos Home.Heywafdcon- ý togetldgtee Ceotionally attractivanchlot.lemBrickdHome p.m. at Stirtevant's Auction gratulations to Doug Parker necds. Mm, Kennedy, orn ru s rîn. . asa l oge othe an saed uto $2tonlya act lt rne. QUALITY built home on 1.4 Hall. 33 Hall St.. Oshawa: on a job weli don., filling ln guidance teacher, wIll be Iivicted and fined $100 and 10 o h nf lle OUET N $2,0.ýorie!4Braemore Italian occasional for lnjured Dave Rafuse. MARKERS"hotl ate Hobb Fam aresof lnd.Comand a cair swvelbiskroffict-e every Tuesday nlghi. costs, or 10 days, and bis! "otly f ter mdng HobbyFarmOlder 5 omhome on haîf arso ad omnsaicar wvlrce.atmt Come on ot and support from 7:30 ta 9:00 p.m. An in-licence suspended for slIix gndrco acre oamJ30 mile vlew. Located near,îc washem, space-saver, single.'ou cenontlninuedfna the officer Royed ormonhs 15 Acres of land with 3 bcd- ar lot with qtream. Recent-IHighways 115 and 401. Thisi double, triple dressers, night orSnosI hi ia eve a earne o ots roornihome. Drive shed plus l eie n'nwfunc îoeI ersod a oi- aleokdlqo abineegular schcduled game of tthtis night by appolntmnent Constable L. Ricard's evi-' STAFFONewcstl two other smaîl buildings.: installed. Only $1 7,900. Terms.: wood kitchen, two firepla * dr hss cfe a L, - season against Donovan on fmom Mr. Kennedy or the dence was that an accident oc-Ek' - mB Onl $1.50. Esy erm.î broadloom and Ozte carpeting tables, igbk dning-roomi Thursday, October 17. l scho-l cured at 1 p.m. August 21slRS LS OJT M rg ts A rn enewcaf ie! hrou hout adaettiagc h ed chains, chrome suites. rugs, Iat Wellington Street andG Morga em Arr ng d ne of ew aslcs pr stgedouble garage. $26,900. Cal 1s tr îe s ac u e n THE ENJOYM ENT F A CAN ADIAN Scugog Involving th ee cars.! Consuit a M em be ! h Wayne Marchant -623-2945,homneF Is looking for a new Arthur HmloOhwcris diaplerbs, carae.Toufme er akdo Mary Heath - 623-2902 'onr euiu 0mosPhone 723-6121. :drapes, hundreds of other, MOTORCOACH TOUR hesuhsdofWlIngton'___ ___ ___ with 2 fireplaces, some bmoad-i facing north. Mr. Yezik, BlIck Meteaif 623-52931loom, balcony and many oth-i More People Work For You articles. This Is a No. 1 sale.' Oh! the joy ot thought and anticipation, wsbud o elntn i tfodEohr Garnet Ricard 623-7397 cm fine featumes! Piced to.i When You Buy and Sell Terme cash. Myles King, auc- As westbplan Wllngon itioneer, 723-0l561, Oshawa. j:A epa, our country's beauty rich to view. passed the parked cars, made Mae MeDonald-- 623-3911 seli. Vour Property Through 42-1: And the thrill we get of expectation a U-turn and came west agi m m_____I*aum*a GISNWLOGB - -on Scugog. then revesed andaamsgu Lloyd Atchison -786-2959 Imn'aculate 3 bedmoom brick 'Auction, househoid contents, l fmein thdsoeod om e.bcedfirsthark ecermof- MULIL. LS ___42- 11 bungalow with ec. oom, and'LMIEDMr. and Mms. J. E. Hinkson, tfetl'J»uawa ed vDistrict Box 133a _____ -paved drive. This home îs i Realtor 465 Bloor St. W., Oshawa,1 Frorn cities large and many a town Ing lit back three or four e W. FankRea Esateabsolutely ln flst class con-î Sae42-1 next doOr to Mackie's the Hamlets and countryside far and wide, Con" and Into t hek second ve hicle Real Estate B ad 38Dna t .-Wib W. rak ea iditionan would suit the Mover, Oct. 19th, 12:30 p.m.: moving tbk one foot. oeWlby6-35 LIMITED most discriminate buyem. Pric- Aucto Sae 2 bedroom suites, odd chairs, Foty souls for friendship met: "TheTor ow. James Wood, R.R. 2, Osha- i REALTOR ýed ta selI. Temms available. , tables, radio, record player, Travelling companions, the coach we ride. wa, was fined $300 and costs, Auction every Wednesday, oddesr, irrby, iqu ouhr naiosrligconrsd.or to mnço s ndRobnt el King . .,St. vW., ftr Bpm. sart 630p..,Bomavile dddrssns mrrosbos 6houh3outem Otaios olingcontysde o to mntsfo sppyig Aucio Ban.Cal 78105,bieautornatic dnyer, card Fieids of grain, cern, onchards and pastures green. James Peeling, age 19, R.R. 1,ý Idem er s62a3 an339 trit D A. MaGregor - 987-4267! 723-0976. Dotg Gow rJî tabe, e axen o lse, sigh Cities, towns wth beauty fai, ighways enjoyable to ride, Hampton, $25 and costs, or e E shawea d DsritPeter Kowal r. -623-5868 1 Woods, auctionees. 34-tf snike, extenion, dd er9 de-sk mmny a ippling stmeam smaiî lakes, bright sIlvery five days. frmdrinking underl 42-1 trcss, lamps, glassware, china, sheen. aOPCotble courthtzhe 170 Acres - Orono ST C ER AL. plus'ý the following antiques:, Ptl h or hth Good sprlng wlth pond site.. buffet, chairs, records, love;t h naro ieaicîrdrokad arlngon otnshlpatobln Parklike grounds, maple and John F DeWilh 500 HEAD seat, sealers. sllvenwame, press- AVE'.hr ntrosmnri clrdrclndDrigo owsi coel birch bush. Good view of,ý REAL ETT IIE THE DURHAM FARMERS c d91laSs, fern table, spool Lake Supcnio's picturesque trce deckcd hilîs, 5 when h. came upon the lk.3850-Trisitable, pine chest, books, watch- With smellters smoke and grime on every band, Corkedrsh. l t ichl' l04ak e 38 50N o r o ms haEATw a t A N U L s1h nd4d oFoo iem . A nd the acrid soleil of pulp and paper r ills. R obe t Sheridan, 28 K err' 10 Are Nrt c Ohaa 4 rank St. - Bowmanville i FALL FEEDER SALE Tcnms cash. No resenve. Doug Crescent, Trenton, was fined Scenic wooded land witb Gowem, auctioneer, 728-100F5.' $50 and costs, or 10 days, for mmmi tram an pndits. Phone 623-3111 ' Seiling without reserve at the, Loads of free parking. 42-1 On through the fanr flung prairies great, Two road frontages. 160 ACR DURHAM CONYFelds of wheat, barleyr, oats and mustard spnead sao de.Csablesd Jvn.ScutOP $000-Tms Opnfrtdthcorbewsopaoffers.i buildings. Lange stream' Love- SAESAEN ving a vivid expansive picture, the eye to greet, on tecob le Schlt.oPP.- ly pond site. Exceln ol B N E D LItdtf 44 Acre. - Orono Area ceAsking $37.000. Cail: Harry Along the bighways stnaight, with ne buis to bide. trol on Hlghway 401, Octaber t.21 '$3700).spent ary4th vwhen he notced ac TAND 1-erse or hobby fanm. 2 uts r.MyLxospnpa: slowlng down with brake' stre hmecopltyoe- BOVANVILE 4bO-'ctns.a L2on pat.A TINARB r Q 'tryhm opeeyr- of last week in Port Hopei Cities with well planned, pieasing parklands, llghts flashing on and off. AIfl fft~ cor'ated, new bathroom, lange oom bungalow with 2 bath- i at 1 P.M. Sharp ýwith ber daughter, Mrs. L.J Motels, highrise buildings, architecture to please the eye, tnuck dning bythe accue PRIME K D KU J , *ing rooniand dining room, ooma. 011 bcatcd. ]Recreation Slling two-year-olds, ycam- "une thehsenrthewahe' was swadrfnrlqsatee vrrihfrlad fte rvingfomheonhe ideff IW M rtinli. he b s be n maher u p mps nd rtinc ies cattrcd ver ich fanm andof te the to the ther of 4 bcdrooms. Rolling product- oom. Garage. Pavdrie oldq, stock and grass calves, rniggetwat n uhnee ueiupy notenrhsolete fo lnd with some hardwood wy Akn 2, Visiting Friday with Mms. W. BLEnAgetNelh n -c ede ulsupy oMEheArh hudete anwayen. Asking $35,000. Caîl:e and feeder.s AIl cattle grad-!Mercer were ber brother, Mr. over onto the south shoulden. LA ET d anid sold in suitable lot.AGrn and Mn. D. Alcotti Through areas of sagebrusb and cactus bleak, Theg bu ests how bedrinotkAR- Te ms -P rtAra ,a mtNEWA hoE.O4 ced , . A G anti Th au s ts hd end rn k-- i NEW ASTL : 4 b droo , by thex pound. Plan to attend f Uxbridge.ToW 100 Ars- otHope Athi !Important omeucti1neawhereiThanksgiving Sunday gucsts'lToCalgary, the home of the famous stampede arc. enough to b. lmpaired sa e Sbe 1,00 f. n G narsk Ri- 4-pce. bath.* PrIcd at $18000. ie with Mr and M ms. John W alton W lth Indian groups, bands, orses, dazzling float§ complet.l was charged with caeles_____________ PrtîivatY:etm;:ad. Ideal Caîl: George VanDyk. Ilyr and sellers mcci eachlweme Mr. and Mrs. Ted Camp- And colon icb, other shows tmy bard to shame. 'drixing. Gog ..COC s e n 2,00 Tre ma .M st bc O M N I L : ih~ .Iyear. Terms cash, ne reserve. Jbell and Stephen of Oshawa; fNai i U.S. gen.$2,00-Tern.BedoomAN bunE galow, augh12, Newcastle, was fired $20: 3 Bdrom rik unglOlCharles Reid, Auctioneer iMrs. David Hood and -îug 200 Acres - Orono, with broadloom floor cvr ter Stephenie of Oshawa; M -1 With elevators rising bigh on the fan skyline, and cosýts, or five days, forî cvr 42-1ýr operatlng a motor vehlicle ORA Solld brick 2 storey home ýing. Finished necreation room. __ and Mrs. Hilimore Archer and Hamlets beme and thene on the vast prairie plain, maîg necsam oie G SLE T C bam, godgravel deposits. j 1ig $390 s o -familv 'cf Raglan, Mrs. Wal- Wc view the lowslung foothilîs wlth their undulati g line,1 Constable J. Chalmens, OPP,' Gon sockfam. 62500- eore anDk.on BYheAUCTCei]ONon nd the great massive mountains, ocky, ough terrain, laid the charge Auigust 16th Dm Ternis. ;~~~B ACTONand nicce Susan Brown andi t1 ..we h bevd D Irs 134 ACRE FARM: 25 acres ONE 13J STOREY 'friend Fred Brown of Llnd- îat 10avîn a service ostaio a0 Iealocestinho Factoyofebch.arge arn.e hm,3-c.f'I>i 4 À 7Idesl loctiononjucton c ah.arge bamn. Garage. FRAME flOUSE sy is1ave mwnadThe migbty gray rock mounitains with snow cappcd peaks thle east end of Newcste at two ighways nean Newcastle. rv hd s o ere Airx 1s.f.. Churcb was beld as usual tpf a high rate of speed. The ac- $50,000 - Terms. VanDyk. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION!Sunday with Rev. T. Snel- The jagged pictunesque oulline of those lofty peaks sin high' cused said h.l was ln the gar- 160Ace ar -Osaw ýST1GEBULDNG 780' t PM.age te have his mufflen fixed MAG ETSAV c 160Ace Frm- shaa TOAGEBULDNG'7 00ai PM.Igrove taking the service. He, Wlth tree growth thinning upward te whemc It bas to stop, - but it was stili noisy at the' homcllaetbaicn,2silo pond. O Ask for Jan Oud- Lot 8. Con. B.F. Township of1of 'A Good Thanksgiving? NHe, Cgoiumjetcbatmetpesn t h y.HOCOTrnC OC LTxelntbik2somyi'IIengfls1.strjaohn;D N T 3c Paved rend frontage. This Isi hoIn Clark., (1 mile south of preached on giving Godi 1 lae o ulyt hre' an excellent stock farm. ! TAUNTON ROAD. 10 Acre NEWTONVJLLE) ai Railroad 'thanks from the heant for ail' As around steep tontuou% mounitain mails we ride, l1lad net21 gullty nt hr R $85.000 - Termm.1 lots. Only 10 min, drive to Track. his mercies and blcssings. Mns. On hlghways, built for safety, smootb and true. vehicle on the right by driv- i iOshawa. Asking $10.00pn'fos onan:Allen Foster played the organ Looking down on the deep valcys tre. filled pride, igofterawy i ie Hapo'ra i o.00 e'os otis and the choir sang 'Dean Lord' wsoffShe5 and osi. H five: 'NATURE-BEST I1 Hampion Arca lot. i Modèrn Kitchea Cupboard HveTy ay.Sosor tirushing, foaming streams flow swiftly through. i Robent andenossa r ivd as, mu u 7 room 2 storcy home near Wbcne IyWa'.Sosoryto--1A1-.- - -onR. .Ne unae MPE RV: ooe-Mdm 1-urae1hveg!mydte 9x%1:1nvigcatonHgwa1.1t D .- i Tn UWm A n y ut h - ro o 8 -9 î9 in 15 00 .T er mni C a l : eorge 1to a ster, tab le radio . ass rtm en t Seens, Raieielo mJ r-anddMms.! se hale, Ano St g- eh mn 21' aDk t hsom niu. Themnpson cf oteMillbi'eork.--- PastsOKamîneoops barmen ranchland, where irrigation nmeans lqtngrltwe nt eNra, S A E 3 2h. SV 4Ri OROnO AREA:of w' R es ookn utniqsuandsome1 The stockcanres vitgrltveInheaaxi p.16 43 LPk carv-raacekaaseFalls amea this past w 'and ne, ooig tesisanaslvtrack finîshed for 8 n Norman and Edith and John' iit110g mcie.ak inin m tryaiSnayad hOn te th. city cf Banff, bedecked as a tourist tmail. n oneSteln ee HITESPEIMSV 0 I roomcd brick bungalow erwre.Beaty wingr w sb-. udyad adCni Steln ee lovey fieplce, roadoomtable, 6 chairs, sideboard; 21trophe frte Most points With parks, rides and gift shops, the tavellers lov'e se nuch, with their familles at Bnrf D b - floor eveming. A t t achebrbown Icather recllnlng chairs. received duminR the yeam were ox'er the holiday weekcnd. i4 doubl garag.CllGeorge]wine sort chair, green softigiven. Mrs. Art Farrow ne-ý The beautitul pictumesque lakes set on the mountibg, Mr. and Mms. Art Farrow #kSO DO Y 'kA T~100 ACRE FARM: with g, room couch. 21 " Stewart-Wam- ladies Powder Puif race. Frank Louise, Emerald, Peyt.on with their waters se deep a hue. 'evening ta celebmate th. end roomed home. O11 heated. 4-:'ner TV, walnut bed and dress- ,rgttetob o h.Moe etsep ide n er feeding contentedly of seas:on ln stock car racin ..aI pe alnt ardob wih ix ylnde crs;Hoard ngh Several drivers and their OSHAnWA OFFICE ie.bath, Barn. Stream wanut aidfamillessx cwere pcar;esent. f, INETTE WIESIE ~.pau Asking $25,000. Ask fer!secetary. 3 antique dressers iMoore eceivcd two, on. for!, Without a fear, along the roRds w. tmavel thnough. failQle wldes fmom ibis fl A - ereVaDn et, large antique pctume also the ove-alI point winner; section are enjcying teIndia MR A BOWMANVILLE: 3 bcd-itrame. lamps. English mîmor Carman Irwin for the Fiat. Then Jse with t magnificent Jap o (dge, Sme hl uywrig briate bunPatio wt h c iyar bass tim, Electro Hy-!bead cas. Gordon Langs .taf Maligne gorge famed for beîng go namrow and deep. on the local apple harvest Aff 2-s Direct Toranto Lino 922-79 i7îhcd mrec. room. Nicely dec-,jn combination vacuum and ' won Sunday's 50 lap featurcerta' aosgm am ecudntdm edde Listng eddba rmAking $20.000.apir Ask for0.00 Aaîîachments, %rockers stand, i Mms. M. E. Foster Is spend- Yrtnswi ildmsuiweerlc l hyke._____________ vith a proven Record of Sales. PhylisMcRobbie. flooir pelisber, antique kicheni afwweswt e' UII so CalIfor oareousservce.Afie Hous Pes..Cmii ' hoar. A-FM RCA Victor'1 aughter, Mrs. Jim Short atI Nw ho'mcward hound as nature'si beauty grn w.s, Clfo oreu radio, gramaphone with mod- Barrie. IW. think of tb. wendcrful sîghts and iodgings we s;hareI E AA (ai L~.a Repeacaatîvs: non Mouhtjoy -- 623-3614iecm record table. single bd Mm. and Mrs. Jack Fonk are'63 30 Phyli, cRabler23-159tnd tttessantque bokeidain it is famiiy at' The comfort and special cane we receivea, we ail agmee., __623-3303__________1___________C I_ Hall Bornavlle 63-511 oséDavdmo - ethny 012case. assortment of recoirds, Bunks Falls. 'Mkstelslgfinaî eejyd eedcmae Heauage owrnnvîie 342669antique wooden curtain rod,. Mms. Alva Swambrick spent' i 4t3.Î71WftlGeorg e n - 74 71a, e n tique n iqush l epM 'Tha rns iing witb o n As a e s .C Beacag Boml n eotrg nre V n k - E62843lapo. e osan atique nls lwrnsteis.Cmnm i M .at on& s- we look back, thc ladies can dmeam of the shopa they W NA OaaSArea Office: 'Harold Couits * 725-2649:I steols. assortment ef antique îview. They cailed to se, Mrs. ese. S EK Ia usor 2-90Itools, antique clothes mangle iRoughlcy. Oshawa, on their The purchase of wonderful gif ts they made. ý K V«$401 Park Rd. Cloverleaf i.(woodcn ollers>. v a c n u m 'way ho me. The men leok witb swe ai their wallet.s so Jean, Maa* reklt.We List Photo M.L.S. cleaner and attachments, 1 The Boy Scouts re-ippened But with the pleasure tbcy had, feed fuily repald. pA&»gér limu Smth.pewer mowem, Ne reserve. !ýheir meetings for the faîl on Ohw 56OU. mdExlsieClif f Pethick. Auctioneer; Sept. 1lOth. On Sept. 30th, w'I 42-1i Lawrence Harris, Clerk. 42-1 went to Bowmanville andi -Elgin R. Taylor, Enniakîieni

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