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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1968, p. 14

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___________ - -. - -.-- -. - - - ~ - - ..- --t--- -w-- TIicl Canadian Statetiman, Bowinanville, Oct. 18, 1968 Qshawa Man Dies When Car Collides With Trans'portj :~About 5 a.m. Friday morning, Richard Cain, 26, ~!920 Willowdale Ave., Oshawa, wag killed and his Ikssenger, Robert, also of Oshawa, suffered Wbroken ankie when their car collided with a tractor- tr'ai1er transport loaded with steel rods. Driver of the Cathcart Freight Lines Ltd. transport was Dalton G. 'Wood, 43, of 726 Monaghan Rd., Peterborough, who1 n f. fi I i I o vo was not i1njureM. The accident occurred near the Pontypool sideroad on Highway 115. These photos of 1the two vehicles show the extensive damage that resulted from the almost head-on crash. The injured passenger Smullin was taken to Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, by Bowmanville Area Ambulance. DOMINION Essex Famlly Pack COOKED MEATS Essex Brand Frozen 1-lb. Pkt. 69C Whole or Cut UP RABBITS 791b Bittners Farm Style SAUSAGE 791b Bittners Mild Flavoured Ham Vac Pack BOLOGNA 5lb Affairs Minister Darcy Mc- Keough, the mail drop is an unusuai measure for an un-ý usuai situation. 1 DOMINION'S "The tax reductien system provides a benefit for every eligibie househoid ln the prov- BAKERY FEA i1r.e. Because of the unique nature of the system, it is1 Richmello - 24-oz. Loaf essentiai that every individuai' homeowner, tenant and iand- C R U S T Y lord fufly understandss own rights a nd responsibilte unda theitstes'lBR EA D Everyownerof aseparate-! ly assessed residentiai property Richmello Is cntitied to receive the ful amount of the reduction from his municipality. If the Own- M er ts aise a landiord, he must, o u s under the ternis cf the law, on t 2 pass along the full amount ofI the reduction to his tenaiîts. Rlhel Tenants who moed by chel June 30 must apply te land- lords to be entited te a pr- tien of the reduction. If aA n e tenancy ended after June 30 n e a or continues te December 31, landiords are required te pass along the reduction autemat- Icaily by December 31, 1968. Te be sure they get the bene- NEW STRIPI fit te which they are entitied, any tenants whe have moved during the ycar are advised to TO T Pi notify their former landiord of their new address. rGiant Size Tul Sitting one hot summer day Underneath a shady tree Hot inside and outside too Wondering what 1 could do Until the time for cup of tea It's much tee hot te write or knit Think lil go and snooze a bit! Ferty winks will do me goed Better far than eating food. Then there came a brilliant thought - Why net turn the wardrebe e -ut. . 1 - Sec what dresses I Ted Topping, Toronto, Mr. There must be some and Mrs. Harold Stevens, wear? aegin Hospial Viits Linda, Dawn and Scoté Ste. I will be ready coe dtevens. Mr. and Mrs. FredST irc fth i set i ln Assessm3àment. Pro gram Sdaves.:sMr.end with thedir ed ofthicad s Stevens spent a couple cf Shoved it ln an aid dayslas wek wth heir Tid wth ordto ee Survey teanis from the Coi- only with the full approval cf and the OHA." cousin, Mrs. Edna ewll To quickiy find some «e f Physicans and Surg- the hspitals cncerned. "We This constructive study of Cann go, L Jwl trdy ott a ons of Ontario and the Ont- have bean greatly cncouragedi administrative policies and! Mr. and Mrs. Laslie Jack- Than off I want te fie Hospital Association have by the ready acceptance cf the procedures is aimed towards son were Saturday visiters tea! qday bagun their visita te assessment programme by the overali improvement of stan- with her brother, Mr. and , e 120 smaller hospitais in boards, administrators and dards of patient care and ser- Mrs. H. G. Freeman. Oh! Sure enough so00 71tario as part of the volun- medical staffs of smaii hospi- vice te tha community. The Thanksgiving weakend visi- the day - kry Hospital Assessmant Prog- tais, and hy the wiliingnass whole aim of the assessment tors with their parents Mr. When oui- gond pi-as being conductad jeintly of busy physici, -is and ad- programme is positive. and Mrs. H. Cooney were Mr. say - Vy the twe organizations. ministrators te givL. generousiy The four-man teams wiii re- and Mrs. Mick Dowson and "We have been asked The first visit is being made Of their time toeûc.'duct the port te a joint i-eview cern- chiliren. Windsor, Mr. and oui- baie pthe 22-bcd. active traatment surveys. Net one hospital bas mittee of the Coilege and the Mrs. John Clark and childi-en, By nid Novambar 'Ochcnour Memorial Hospital turned down the offer of a sur- OHA which in turn wiii re- iceeM.adMs on fi. ýt Cechenour, 350 miles north- vey and many have gene eut port and make recommenda- Hutchinson, St. Catharines, So ladies! Ail please E t cf the Lakehead. The Of. their way te commend the tiens te the hospitai boards Mr. and Mrs. Michael John- around $itng team, consisting cf initiative taken by the Collage concarnad. soni and daughter, Maple Pick eut some ciothii etec physicians and a hospi- 0Gi-ove. and sound *1 administrator, on the same Ar.L .Sodnatnd o esol la rp ictHospita atheDryden M A ~P L E G R O V E ed the L. C. nownar t tenrrsweinoin d i a - ict Hspitaland th SiouxCari Wiibur by hier grand-.Ta we to othersm Eokout Gencral opa. The first meeting cf the Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur daughter Mrs. John Arsenauit kind. ?"The progran swings Into Maple Groe Hoç and Gibson, Base Line, wera Mon- iast week. Ta u gi an bp gear the foliowing week School Association iii be day supper guests with the r. .R.Fle njyd n oapsack am !ith four ather teams vlsiting heid at the East Schooi, Wed- fermar's parents, Mr. and r.HR.Flyeje a kpsc pspitals in other parts cf the nesday, Octobea- 23rd, 8 p.m. Mrs. W. H. Brown and bro- tour of thanlautun olrs th-'ofl wgtte oint Wlovnce. Sa far, survay dates Mr. Baiton of the West Schoi ther Dave. Snaadhdspe ih"o ever did thiss Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell, hare ? W-ve bean CtIfifed for 24 and Mr. Churchill cf the East Mrs. Chai-les Piich, daugh- Bowmanvilie.An thsrasuta pias ymi-èober and Schoel wiil intreduce their ter Vivian, and the former's1 r.A.BnrdWtrlo M. t gd sit. .is pianned te assass 70 befora staffs. Mrs. T. Hoar wili be grandidaughter, Kim PiC.h.BSrteTahterMiss Br- Tisskitond bos c nd cf Novamber. inciud- the guest speaker. Hcr tihame Toroente, spent the waekend bara Wanan, LaMable; Mi-. can wear 1<ail those betwcen the "Language Art at the primai-y with her parents, Mi-. and and Mrs. George Tent.horey, My oid raincoat I jus rRnitoba boundary and the level." This topic should be Mi-5. Arthur Gibson, Base Michael and David, Mr-, and spare ttawa Valley. The remaining of special interest te parents Lina. Mrs. Alfred Tenthoray, Ms1dntwn okt Shospitals will be visited of thc grade 1 te grade 6 M- n r. .H rw1A TMrlartspeit he cek m ant okt bring the Winter and ncxt leveI. There wili ha -cpi-e- wr guests onW.Saturaoawnd wThiIt M.r.nd Mi e-.. . ehoabottin ipring. santatives from the Oshawa thaElligsBun a weddngi ar and t fM.andy. C.So hgi-cen. th e ,Twenty-twe hospitai admin- andi District Home and School th i- -un edn nBr n aiy ogen trators and 40 dioctors have Council. Lct's try te maka Tinity United Church. Mrs. Amy Niddria, Toroente, And then toecase my h-eady acccpted Invitations te this a weithwhile meeting, The many friands and -e-' Mr. and Mrs. Elma Ashton, cf mind prve on these teams. Ail are think positive. Spcnd a night ativas of Mi-. Lloyd Snowden 1PO .-tiac, Mich., werc week- A coat of !ioe sI wcni merienced in the administra- wvhere your child spends his arc vary serry te iearn that end visitoi-s with the'former's With it want pants wi où f small or medium sized days. ha had te return to eraoriali sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. en seat Erplitais and tie efficnt er-MaeGioeSwrdwxe Hospital and is stili a patient ISwaliow. But there, I sewed it gnizatien of niedical services to have met lsthndy e re eal ihhm et 2these institutions. OatSna v speedy racovery.I This faded sweater t > .1ening. but ewing ta Thanks- M- onPicadsetW "The response cf administra- giving quite a numbar ware Mr.cJhnkPgitcghaekend N w Ssand ýtsan dctos as aenone awav. The eting il be he7hnsgvig wekeIIe S st m It's adywrhm !enthusiasm and whoie-lheid- next Swiday eve ng i i t hparnt,M and brthrst ed earted support fqr hs n-the church at 8 pm. itPet d and a rthardFo I' culOIn Thera! Now I'm sure 1 pran pogamt hiiDr. J Pteman PshPricred C. Dawson, Registrar of the Don't foi-get oui- U.C.W. Manotick. l'hrP on e ohr blUege. "They bave weicomed meeting On ThursdaY evening Mi- and Mrs. H. G. Freeman rroperivonax ,eoear.. e ivitations te participate, in tihe C. E. Hall at 8 p.m. attended the funaral on Sun- Oh dear! I'm glad thi Fen though ln some Instances Worship and program in day cf their cousin, Mi-. Arl nOanunprecdaFtn mass s don means they must be en the1 charge cf Unit 2, lunch. Unit thur Campbell, Bowmanviile.1 miIing, ail homaowncrs, ten- And now te tic It safe iad for four or five days.13. The ladies arc invited t Mi-. and Mrs. Ron Bennet t andansndadorsl naiehecthiwrna cat îernswîî trvelat meet wîth Trinity U.C.W. onf family, Port Hope, were Sun-1 aet20000¶nttl tysu ast500mils ad ac wll undy eeting I 8p.m tedaycallers an their grand. ýare reccaving a leaflet fi-rnI1 hope the bale oui- gr ver- more than 1,000 miles te hesi Mr., Norman W. Paget. parents. Rav. and Mrs. L. M.I the Departmcnt of Municipal send omrplete its vWst.s te Northern1 An Wavitation is alse extend- Semerville were Sunday cv- Affai-s in late September or IWiii please the missiai Isptals.", jd te the ladies cf oui- U.C.W.I ening calice-s. eariy Octeber. jnoecnd! R.Alan Huy. Executive Dir- tto meet with Courtice ladies Sev eral spent the longi The leaflats describe the Then back again wit1h r oicf the Ontario Hospitailon Thursday evcning, Oct. 24,1 weekend at their various cet-r province's ne w system cf air isociation. who has shax-ed1 at 8 p.m. ta hear Mr-. Ruthýtages, aise parks. preperty tax reductions. speil- Into the wardi-obe pla tue aske! cheulig te WrdEowanvlle Tha.nksgîving visitai-s withing eut hou, il provides bene- with care -eystressed the fact the! Couples Club meets Satur. Mi-. and Mi-s. Fred R. Stevensifîts for tenants as weill sh 1d'd"Isol seamet ..whii vlu- ay vern a Mpl Gev.1wera Mr. and Mi-s. Rov Top-,homeowners. thlers share! ry and th&& vligsa re made J Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown,,lping, sons John, Glenn and' Accordlng to M u n 1c 1p aI inA0E %" 61 -MnnleE. can spare 1 seldom ie the day m bale te werk k of that knapsack ýp it shut ir away e ther make the 3OWN dTURES SAVE 4c 25C SAVE 9e 49c SAVE 10e <e 49c MARY MILES BRAND RIND)LES Breakfast BACON DOMINION BRAND Pure Pork SAUSAGE ESSEX TAST BOLOGNA ESSEX FAMILY PACK WIENERS 1-1b. Pkg. 1.1b. Pkg.- 7 5c By the Piece33, Bag 99C - 'I Riaunt's Tomato - il-oz. Bottie SAVE 410 (ATSUP 6 for $1 Cutveuhouse Ch. - 19-oz. Tin SAVE 23o Cream Style5fo$ CO0R N 5 1 Clarks In Tomato Sauce 14-oz. SAVE 90 BEANSfo39 with AOK o, g Betty Cnocker - 18-oz. Pkg. SAVE 13 PIE CRUST fo MIX 2 .r69C Budget - 4 Roll Pkg. SAVE 9 TISU 2 for 89Cj Frozen Food Specialsj Domino Fancy - 2-lb. Bag SAVE 16a Broccoli (uts 59c RIcb's - 32-oz. Pka. SAVE 40 Coffee Rich 49c FREE PARKING Values Effective Until closing, Saturday, Oct. 19, '68, ini Bowmanvillo AIl Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tiI 9 pa. aced DOMINION STORES UMITPED- d wthKing St. and Simpson Ave. (Highway No. 2, iast) if Mclil Fresh Canadian Pork Loin Sale7 TENDERLOIN END - /2-Ib. AVG PORK LOIN ROASI COUNTRY STYLE SPÂ'RE RIBS CENTRE CUT LOI PORK lC CHOPS 8 MEATY Pork Hocks.29lb STE bo 1 49C SAVE 10o MENNEN SPEED STICK DEODORANT 1 'S-OZ. SiZe 3-0? 17, 'D 'C SPEV $1609, 1 SAVE. 26a MICRIN ORAL ANTISEPTUC New 18-oz. Size! SAVE 30o POTA TOES 25-lb. Bag J c B.C. FANCY - FLAVOURFUL - SWEET and JUICY BARILETI PEARS SizellO'0,5 for 45c C ADA No. 1 GRADE ONTARIO GROWN (elery ea rts 23c U.S. GROWN - CRISP and TENDER Endivfe and Escarole Size 18's 2 for 49C 1 . IMVIL -- - 1 . IL - ý 91

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