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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1968, p. 7

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Socai 8ý Phone .NI:-. and Musr. Rav DDîlîng aItte'uued a 'ralier Club RaIIý at POvz.asïon on Suridav. -aî,d NMus ..A. L. Houeý NVerc Sunday guests tif MI anÇ,M us. J. Cary anid Mis LieHooeý-,Toron to. MN'iss ildred Willniout.. Mu and NMus.«L. A . NaeDougal 'vlsited on Sunday at Apsley. -Halihurto)n and Huntsv'ille. Mr'. Randy Sallows, Uni- 'versity of Guelph,.vwas home over the holiday weekend, v.ithu bis mother Mus. Trud'v SalloWs. Mr'. Luther Niciiols lias i- turned home after visiting hi ' bson and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrg. Douglas Nichols h! Kingston. Mvr. and Mus. Il. EýPudy. Skip and Derek. Tenîperane St., visited Mu. and Mus. O. T. Oru, Lake Rosseau. ni er the holiday weekend, Mus. L. M. «Keith. l'ouonto. and Mrs. R. D. Woods, Loi- <Ion, O-nt., weue recent visîtoru with Mrs. Geo. W'. James, King Street Eas t. Mu. Bill Depev-. Queen' University, Kingstori. speni the weekend with hic mother. Mus. Tom Depew and brother Bud, Liberty Pîce. Miss Chi-ty Tiglie, c-uen"s 'University,, Klngstoiî. spent the holiday weekend wîthî lier parents, Mu. and Mus. MuuuaN Tighe, Orchardx'iew Blvd. Miss Mary Jane Walteu.5. «Wellngton College, University of Guelph, spent Thaîiksgiv- ing weekend with heu par- ents, Mu. and Mus. Rex Wait- er's. MuI. anud Mus. Hiax-i Locke :returned last weekeuîd frîom a celightful xeeks hoIidaýý at Cannes, France. The trip was a sales award gix-en by Adnîlu- ai TV. Mn. and Mis. W. R. "Edge, daughteu Debbie and son, Randy. Peterbor'ough. vete' Suîîday visitous with NMu. Edger's mother. Mis. W. .. Edgeu. MisKareti Kvaip. Uni- veu5zity of WesternQunt ario. London, Ont., ivas with heî' parents, Mu. and Mus 1' ned: REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Ch urch seugog Streei Phone 623-7216 iminlster : Rev. A. VandenBcrg, B.A., B.D., 1M.Th. Worship Serv-ices 10 R.111 *vlsltcir- ith ',%r. aand Mirs.1 versary with a dinner meeting ed by those In attendance. land put to themn by the pupils'around it camp lire in fhc 13y!,cn-l ,,*ere M~r, and M11rs. on September 177th at the FI,,-- nhldyliBwinil ntecasso hi rn-1Ahe ak Har; Donr. M. i 1ingind r;. utchian otorIiii. Achlldren. James and Diane. :VIr and Musr,. (>(.Il 1 cG 1i;. Cliii' Mc(Coumick and two sons,!highllght of t-ie meeting wï. are 1\u. and Mus. J. Adams 0f Mr. George Proctor of Otta- Toron to. wvere iveekcnd giiesis týýe soîa ani Ms. Jhn ymon,ýte intalatio . f itcômiigBlvthi, Northumberland. Enig- xva also visited at the Brown with1 Mr. .and Mr-. Biii(,, ý!ut LeanIincton. President. Bettyý Brough, and land. Mrs. Adams wvas here home to renew acquaintancesRy. 623-3303 1 lv.Mr. A.igus Blair,lother officers bN' the presi- five years ago. but this ls the with his in-laws. Mib lrgèpetthe wcckcî giviiig vuest.s their daughterlwell as those from the Osha- that Mr. Adams hias seen his akla g Koî~p or Thrksîvngand soîî-ir-laxt-.NIu. and Mi-s.1wa Club, clubs froni Agin- daughter, Mus. Fred Brown, BET ir prns. Donad Land ig ranp tr 'haksgvitgW aI auakaa -cilrncourt. Newcastle, Cobourg Liberty Street South. She BE HANY Ms oadLws vweekend. Pauil and .jolîn. Listo\%el. and and Peterboroughi were also left their home, then in Aber- Mrs. Nornian Neals. n- Miss Jan Webçter. Carlteton:Mi Reille ,MlDo%,welMIA. represented. During the even- deen. Scotland. to corne te 1Mr. and Mrs. Wes McMahion vale. visited ,\-ihli Ius. T, l, 'University, Ottawa. v. as -xitiî Guclph. îreuvof the teaclhIlgTem ele lolisCnd ihmn te a and Mrs. Ina Palmer sperit Jackson on Sui-dcav. h.ler parents. Mr. and Mvlis ti >taff of the Ontariolbeen treasurer of the Bo%\- brides. Mr. Adams is also seé-1the holiday weekend on a s George Webstei. ConcessionîLîicëoitcce. Wlîjitby. Miss manville Club for 10 vears. ing for the first tinieis four trip to Vermont and other Mr. and 1Mi1s. G;Ilnn Si,i St. East, for TIanksîu'. iiî.ýMcDv. l is Dr. Blairs aunt. xvas presented witlh a special grandeilîdren and two great- points of interest in the Unit-Gat pn h ,-eui weekend. TiInsf ýattendjrît the Falgift in appreciation ofliheu grandchildren. During their:ed States. 1his unother. Vus. Mervili Mhi Jatti HblidW'- 'H i~iî~ 0 te ositl aihfl eric to the club. stay ini Bowmianville, Mr. and Thîe Bethany hli-C clubîldSih lliîîgton College. 01 esf\ tALixilii- A.sý;ciatioiî of On-- Folloiig the dinner, Mr. Rozs NiMu. Adamis have twlce visited! an oid fashioned lia -ride on Mr. and Mus. Robert îe Guelph. spent thje tholhdý.ri o. Ditrict No. 7. lîeld re-, Metealf entertained arnd lVs Ontario Stueet Public School Friday evening. On retun1..Cookax-ille. eegstWi \veken wih hu pren~..Dr.certîy1H ortPery. ereprograin was much appreciat- ta ansiv'er questions on Eng-:refreshments were served-his parents, Rv n l~ eand Mus. E. D. l{ubbaud. Wel- Ms.Ll y re. Puesident of -ý\adài 1lington Street. flc Wornens Auxillary of. c Mu. and NMuS. RoîîTurn u er. iorial Hospital, Bowrnan- Kingston, spent 'lhankiiiille uI. Mu- aul Thornpson,1 -weekend %vith Iheiu paient- Mu5.ý R. Cowie, Mus. E. Pat- Mu. and Mus. Maniseil Stace\ c o, Mus. Wmi. Rudeli. Mrs. and the Reverend zird iMr.. Lofleie lacautle\v nd Mrs. A. t Harold Turner. Couuine.v. Mus. Rludel was a 1t tnemiber of a panel discussioni Mrs. TN. Woodieyv 'isitcd 1Mu. ;tetl )HPublie Pelations. and Mrs. Wayne S te,. eun4. leWillowdaie. anîd auconipanîed 't'!e Howmaîî'. )ille Lionettesi ý therri to the Becker-Steplîenti ueîebitted their 1111h Anni- e wedding at Waterloo on Sat- uuday. October 5tli.An ve a y Dr-. and Mus. Dan (awar. n ie s r _ Toronto. spent the weekend s with their parents. uXît attt Mus. Chales Cattuan. Centrt S ea e *Alli.i, Prince Street. t Mu. anid Mrs. Har>i- N).hounc and Mus. Editlî Black wtciîd- ed thte funeral of tlcu sîtc iii-laxx . t\Tîs. Albert Gav. at Porter-Youke Chapel. Blunu tSt. ..Toronlu. on 8X t.. r Du. Donald Muttoît. Havx kes- C 6 1 & M a A E O fI" I 04Y bury, Ont., visted his mnotlîcu,_____ Mus. Perey Mutton. KîgSt. C V E 5 A D East, for a few days lasit wee;- An # q 7 .A # _auid attended ttîe lutterI-iof lus aunit. thie bite Mus. T. J. CND.NMD Webb. Rs unt\Çiu. PO rn CONTAC-C Capsules VICKS FORMULA 'Vr osTileFor relief f rom nasal congestion due f l Cough arrestor formula. dale. and Mr. and Mrs'. XX e- ta colds, l0's Sugg lit hLÀ,3 oz. Sugg. Jîst 1, 12 ...... don Palmer. Niagara Vlt-. 99Cs weue 'fhanksgiving '.-eeken'i vistou xvth hei paent> iîr. 'i *CONTAC-C Nasal Mist DEQUADIN Lozeni and Mus. Tomn Turner.We lington Street. A fast acting dlecongestant; 15 c.c. r, routhi end thront infections. Mri. and MIi,.. JuJIInE. -janjurs squeeze bottie. Sugg. list 1.19. 88 - .eo 0 5g, is .1 and daughiter Susanite ofut Iue Montreal. Que., w-eue lholidzi,.-CaRL PRIlIM i7I~~t xtîof L PRIVINENOSE DnROPSCORICIDIN " Newcastle. and àl t. .andtM P v' eleves stuffy nose due Io colds, Cold tablets plus decongestont John M.Ji s oln etc. 1oz.Sugg.lit 1.05 ...action. 24' 1.98 . Mur. and NMus. Regý,. hl-atni. 5 Bonunîe and \Vendx . Pickeriiî .M îî,i- Mu. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ýîî u.RnHai icn-!\.. S.T.I.,i).D.. Professor wood, and Mur. anîd itits. Be-i Syer -w eue Tlanksivx ng clin'utf Sy sternîaticTlelo and F M E Y ~~ ner guests of Murs Etliel irectnr of Gunduate Studies,! Tlioxpsout, Teniperaitue Stl*elf l!l. Etnnu.ntColloge. Toonto.!- Muls. .ohnî Stacev aindIchili - nni t îsady .\îîtiix eusauy Heatlier, Scarbouougli .speult \Xltît'le ursuii4g î'a duate - VRg tMn uglý ,~Fumu u~~nSi îcvr.Seg Thanksglving Day wvith M staes ati Uîont Tleological , an r.Masl tae.-lI-(- iii Ne\v Y-rk.lie was, RIGHT GUARD _... 1.17 GILLETTE Blades. i John Stacey' Is piesently 1H -i<i riHl( tassistanut 10 Paul. Gander.,Nxxoudl 1""i O Tilt':, naaiffi Reiîiold Ntebuhir. 0 5 NEW SUPER DRY. &,nti-perspirent, Sugg. list 1.59 Super stainiess steel, 10's. Sugg. tust 1A' Caîîachaîu National Tele_îii P' . fle ,,, n300'stth Mspa t Gilîl. Quiet î* UtVi Liiii- of'ut Sasbourg. ..OC \est.Kingston. r Vil1d amni¾ nul ttUn 'iver-sity ASA P I I' ngIFo GfrnýAge ae. Mu-S. John Barry Stevet . Wti - V cb - ermanî-.He is A PO- I îngl Fce ... 8u P nd ivlA-npga.Fac lowdaie. anud Mu. ai)d Mi. \11 cLtEditot' ut the Cati- . ..u TA LES Dte ot Copat MkeUp.uug. st Il,, - lrs'ing GilI, Carnie and id lît'. aiti; bau-0i1Iml of Theoiogcy, and d.- towîi. weue vith tLheur pareu'tS.1 ue L,îr nuriibutoi- to ' .1>' SgrainA1fE ai ii Mi'. and Mns~. Robert Gti. Ritai î.u euato an id î'e-, UI A FmnoNaksQQ R fl B ITblt - strepu West. k iat laIstt-iu" . tant._ . 1" u îbialoî- r îsont- O EX FmiieNakns4 e A C AR N Tai 7:30 pan Dr. anîd Mus. E. U, Si. - ui, Liberty St. Northi. x tue houi- 11:-15 a.m. Sunday SchoniJ day weekend visitons witlî their son and daughteu-iut-law,' Back To God Haur Mu. and Mus. Stepheni Sissouî CKLB f Willowdale. Durnîg the CKLB weekend they enjoyed a motor trip to Lake Kennesis tri the very Sunday 6:30 p.uL 1'Haliburton district. EeroeWelcome' Mu. anîd Mus. Janmes Stoitit, "EveryoneDetroit, Mich., spent a i. eekI wlth Mur and Musý Chas., WSymoils. Ontario Street. Other - TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Mîuîîsteî' -fe\'. George K. \Vard, B.A., B.D. Uu-tgatist -Mr..\William N'. Fincilay, B.., A.C.O., A.T.C. SL'NDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1968 11:00) aj.. "THE ADVANTAGE 0F THE DISADVANTAGE" 11ev. Ward SACRANIENT 0F BAPTISM 8:00>1).11. SPECIAL SERVICE "THE FAMILY IN THE TIME 0F SOCIAL CHANGE" Speaker: 31R. NORM~AN W. PAGE, Executiv'e Director of Children's Aid, Erie County. Nev' York. Light refrcshîients in chut-ch hall after'-vard.rç CHURLH SCHIOOL 9:30 a.în. - Junior. lnteried'uate and Senior 11:00 a.111. - Beginners 11:20 - Prinmary anîd Kiuîdeî'garteîî ST. PAULS UNITED CHUR(H :Uiister - [ici. Il. A-\. Tu unet. B. A.. 13.1). ()rganust - Mr . 1 l", af CT. ..'M 134th Anniversary Services 9:,15 a.n'. - Ail classes of ('butch Schnuîl 11:00 a.111. - "WHAT, WHEN AND WHERE IS THE ,CHURCH?" 6:45 - Orgat aînd Violis 1relude 7:00 - "THE GOSPEL IN THE CREED- GUEST SPEAKEH - DR. PROFESSOR W. O. FENNELL of Eînanuel Clee out tGuest Violilnist - Mrt. Klinii Haiboiirg of ~%eterborougb and forîierly of theUnv'it of Bath, Eîîgland. Kýtiiii j zhanibaura-. Ai, b4. iol, o luthe ex eliig - eux te i(St. PuinilS ('ICrli 13i :ttAtuiuîxersati- on Suîîdalv Kleti Ilan-ibuLîuýg will gix'e a ri ital of xîoliuu and orgari il tsic. Ile xiill aisu present .,eettiti. îiut'in.thfe service. ,tucI the -Loir tindert-heicdirer- tînt, t l4s Netcalf lias also t eIo10pioxide -pecia] 'IIIOic I iuL tId *aI:o lie eî- ti itttd tttcît St. PaFul chil.i' h hiuCl)tuuigtoi- a pecial festival oi (Cluhristnias umusic in thue thuti cli niDe-. 181 Lii -eu thex- xiii ut-e i te Citistnllas oft)t ut 'f l(iel s Messiali. Hl. ilu.>tinv- ret-eixed hi- uc l1t t ai l i 'ttt Iîle Fluiilouîa) ('n ; liH i n Mîsic îuui 'I t '.t, nutied bx lis grantd t-lui . Pinte sut NI i ucIl a e I h~~~i mau i I ade his ehut - l -niiuiiOttawia in I194 . ~: uc v n lolnîs uftIe Pn-NutcîStrinîg Tutu c)t TIu-ntîîuneîî'of Catîaca's foue- un u tn.mîten tsembhle>. Il-aîu latglt uin bothi iou uaxa ud Peterboroughi '\inn~ N IlHatmbourg foster- ad lx e rnoumusic un nman v i (iHfQ tiiiig pla\ eus, lI 1961 tu eh loti.b Eiuglatud andI xxas -î;icut -denitor lectutierI iu itt Lulua \cx u,.Park Col- tul'. t ut lit evaristuCa Fe]- cix utT! luîuttx (ollege of i fnîlict. it 1965. Dur- lu,, 4til:tim tiftagave a series, ut (ei- Li i -tul- foi- tlur 'l\t: -utllL li iît de par-ti jeltt out - . u ~' t t 01 t itit, NI.t t t u lit'a hiPetet - tii . u: ' I tttuuîg Pro- lruil tIe Peterbor'oughî Siý [ptnuhol t-je-t( Il sep-- ti o'e f 1967. w htch lie coi- uu- uvIAlias fi equettxahi- u( c jt.- t t,izli-t tut bothu t ii à tatulucu concetst ALEX McGREGOR PRESCRIPTIONS KING STREET WEST The Canadian St.atesman, 13ownianx-ille, Oct. 18, 1968 \'cu. Pieiriýv durng the 'veek- i..andi Mus. Fraîîk Wlut accurnipaýnied theur guests Mi-. anîd Ms Heushel Braswell of Lvuidenuust. Lotig Islanid. 'Io Banct-uilXxleethuey visited xxith MIu. anud NIis. Cecil Whii e andt other relatives. ,,so \ittu Mus. HazeI By eus inî Lidsan .Don ng the' weelk 11w xsited xvitlîvlu. anud MI--. Ruchat'd W'Iiîte anc ',Mu. andt NîMrs. CIa.x on Curtis tut Trenuton. Mlr. andmI Mu. \Vtlitattu Pli il- lis sîxeut the holiday wee.- endI wx th Mr. andI iMus. Hauold P.îullps ilu Peterboroughi. DRUGS PHONE 623m5791 I.DA.REMEDIES

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