- *~ **~*~*~ *~-~ ~ ~ ~ - [0 The Canadlan Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 23, 1968 Just 50 Years Ago Joe O'NeiII Describes Armistice Day Back im By O.C. of C. Coy - l9th Bn. mans in 1914. Across thi Flfy ear ao o Nvemersame field, C. Coy saw thi Fift Yeas ag on ovemerIast Hlun rifle fire shortlv afte llth, C Coy of the I9th Bn. daybreak. went through the city or C. Coy w'as about a mil Mons and out Into the field and a half ahead of the re: heyond. H-ere they took up of the Bn. and received thi the exact Position that liadnetvs of the Armistice whih been Used by the Royal Irish'in the front liue. The balan<g wýhen they first met the Ger- 0f the Bn. was-either in -th 0. RICHTER& SONS GREENHOUSES are proud to announce their appointnient as Authorized Dealers of GRAVELY GARDEN TRACTORS and STIHL CHAIN SAWS Sales Scrving the districts from Mlarkhamn east to Bowmanville Locust Hill Service Parts Free Demonstrations llth Line South of Hwy. 7 294-1457 Res. : 282-4959 Townshîp of Darlington Second Instalment of TAXES Due Nov. lst 1968 Penalty of 1% per inonth charged on aill impaid first instalment taxes, and second instalment taxes after Nov. Ist. LLOYD PETERSON, Treasurer. ATTENTION TOBACCO GROWER Farmhand Company Hus a Unique New Machine for Frost Protection of Tobacco Crop - THE RAM - JET - 17,000,000 B.T.U. of heat per hour - 60,000,000 cit. ft. of air per hour - coverage Up to 50 acres A MEETING 0F TOBACCO GROWERS WILL BE HELD TO INTRODUCE THIS AMAZING NEW MACHINE AT VILLAGE MOTEL WELCOME, ONT. (3 miles west of Port Hope on Hwy. No. 2) Tuesday, October 29th at 8 p. BE SURE TO ATTEND THIS IMPORTANT MEETING FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: KEN ASHBY LTD. R.R. 3, Port Hope, Ont. Phone 7.33-2441 Opp let Yo ur fingersi walking througl YELLQW PAG[ especially the Byon section arnong those attendlng Kendal . lTPV Ol leased and are hopIng that and If possible. Mount Pant-m Anniversary, Sunday afteL'-1 F U.LIIILUUAmore wil be present next sel. The 2th Bn. was on our rl noon. 1 Sunday. There are classes for r4ght and the Naval Dlv. on 1 r CUUU~ I There was a family gather- Mrs. M. Stewart of Toron-! chlldren from 3 ta 12 years of their right. Taoaur left there I I ng Sunday, at the supperi ta is vlsiting with her sister. age. was the 3rd Div. and then a hour at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rennie. Mrs. Letty Carter Is malt- ,Br itish Div. Thursday. Oct. 24th, 6:30ý Thursday. Nov. 21st, 10 a.m. Mrs. Raymond Trim, who Mr. and Mrs. Perry Neal n some changes In ber home. OT o?~ç~* sowd a oder:m-4-H Interclub Teams1 Extension Branch AssociationI werzc presented wth a wicker and th eir daughter Mrs. BillI1The part, whicb was Iorme1 Teet at ExecutiveMeetingrToronta clothes hamper. in observance Robson of Peterborough were the old Post Office, is bmei ntby the usual brigade of-;'n go ta Guelph for Inter-I November 15 - 23-Royal of their lOth Wedding Anni-1 recent visitars at the home renovated and changedi fie."You wlll advance onlv, club Competitions.! Agricultural Wlnter Fair, Coli- versary. Those present ln-i of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Neals. an apartment. We wonder If i !f youcan do s witho' Frlday, Oct. 25th-4-H In- sem xiiinPrTrn cluded Mr. and Mrs. Clinton in a recent issue of the Toron- Letty has plans that she Is flot casualties. If you are held up 1 terclub Competitions, Uni-, to. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hend- ta Star there was an article revealingl ay where you are until dark. Sversity oNovuelph, 8Guelph There is ta be no artillery fire. Wednesday, October th ,SurayJno. A w23rdd FHenea and C rolndMr.!Iaboughtar. Bi Rosn wha, rs.eT.ofMahley a forer is edge of the city or ln the sec- on the citv". The C.O. polnted Wednesday, -Oct. 30th, 6:45 -uhm JuirAw a ndrson. ilrand Cal M r though ettally bllnd ine a re ie 09Potypool, celo- ile tion called Hyon. How often Out that this order wa s p.m.-Durham 4-H Agricultur- Nigh L, Town Hall, Orono. PandHoeMrsJ. lmrand fMrs ill, racientslevraiyrsba, Oer 2st.br.an er in the old trench days "What'unusual that we had etter! l lbLaers Faîl Meeting Monday, Nov. 25th, 10:30, Wade and family, Mr. and farm near Peterborough. Mrs. Curtis McKay attended wil ithe ikewhe te wr rmemer t.and Banquet, St. Paul's United, a.m.-East Central Area Meet- Mrs. Ross Brown and family. l Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisk a party lnnlher honor ln P'-- - Mr. and Ms.Sidney Brown1haertre rmawk'mnvl nSud. le ends'."' The Germans were fighting Sudculovtudruram and Food. Lindsay. toiad Iwr inr uss aertrndfo eksmavleo1udv , SndyNov 3d-urhm ndgirs e dnrgus,1 holiday trip through Northern Master Gerp.1d i allis ls*- st The 3rd Division got the a rear guard action to gain County Junior Farmers Church plan area crops and livestock! Sunday. with her aunt and1 Ontario. Among places visit- cupeîiting from a recent ton- offcil rcouitonbecus a im fo te cmpetin f:Service, Eldad United Church.metnsfr he prg uncie, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert' ed were North Bay, Sudbury sillectomy. Mrs. Earl Armi- le platocn under Lieut. King ofj their shorter line. As the l9th Time to be announced. 1969.WetritoMaha.ndSutt.Mae.tg isaudroasmla e the R.C.R. chanced ta be the waS, on the flank of the city Novemben 4-5-6 - Ontario December Sth - 6th-On- __________________r. oertin hi wek oe first ta wander into the Citv 'and trying ta get past so thatjFdrto f Arclue tanlo Beekeepers Association Eyone tis gad t Mrs. vn1oe an hasmwee . Square. Since that time Mr.i we could eut off bis retreatFAnnual etin o g riclt e,196 ovnioRylYork rt?~~Jimmy utsadMs li ereVnDm J ~ the heeetngvTorntot168 onvntin, oya o Olan home again from Peter- found employment in Toron- Maitrau th Brgmaterrods wereeiedSallurday, Nov. 9th-Provin-1 Hotel, Toronto. ibough Civic Hospital. i ta and begins bis work as a, and other city officiais learned fire. They fought as well as cial Junior Farmers Directors ý Thursday, Dec. l2th, 10 a .m.- M Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van draftsman there this week. of the part played by the l9th they did in the trench days. Meeting, Durham County. '3:30 p.m.-Durham County MRS. JOHN CARTER Wernn wilb mong MsArne rwnoth Bu. and have tried to correctiwslerd artat Saturday, Nov. 16th, 8:30 - Soul and Crop Improvemnent i The death o! Mrs. John shortly into their new horne Soldiers' Hospital, Orillia, Is 't. The l9th had morej there had been a machine gun 12:00 p.m.-Durhami County Association Annual Meeti ng, Cre curda eoi nte2dLn n nadvstn ihbrprns r Daiis ptantgt Th ey!d sch te re nd this pan u nior FiarmrAnuHDacall.. alOon.Hospital, Bowmanville, on Mrs. Dennis Carter move into1 and Mrs. Lloyd Brown. Diiio u tgthr he e wy tie fremcd suh ohnaHal December l7th - l8th-- Thunsday, October 3, 1968, the former Van Wieringen! Miss Elaine Fallis Is on hoIu-. struck a solid silver medal toa yfe ro abbg Wednesday. Nov. 2th-Fed-" Staff Meeting. Ontario De- 1 following' an illness of five i home. days this week from her commemnorate the tact thatlpatches. roof tops and other eraýion of Agriculture Ban- partment of Agriculture and weeks. She was in her 74th There was some hilart tpsto ihteCnda the Canadians bad liberatedifancy places. qu6:oia 45 pm . Food. Toronto.11 rta psio wth heCndn Mos he sntthsetaGn. Duin te orîn et.- - aP.year. 1the park on Sunday afternoon Imperial Bank of Commerce Mons Thy snt heseta en.1 Dring theÉnonin weDaugbter of the late Rich- when our local Midget hal]lin Toronto. Currie. Gen. Lomis, Lt. Col.1 reached the Mons-Cipley roaiJi . ard anid Hanniet Coatesth1ea toknatem f Od A th rgurcrrpn- Chanke and Lieu. J. O'NelllLand bsmi n !dfne .r s and .-uresLs former Agnes Beatrice Coates! Timers". The latter won with ent stated ln bis cohumn of the OC. of C. Coy of the l9th ID. Coy managed to get down __ vas barn in Toronto where; a score of 9-8. The "Ohd Tim- last week, he lost bis Inde- Bu. It. is a beautiful tbing and into the outskirts o! Hyon. M-sh rcevdhreuaones" eentbdwthhepdneon audyO. I consider it a tibute ta the For the rest 0f us things were w e .v relIei Iv198 s e reduMr. John. bat, bu t u d difficut e ind9th atn3:0 p.m. in Ot.- l9tb Bn. and to C. Coy in par- different. It was here that W e l epor I 118st marid r.Joniatrunngthe bases. Among pooll n i te: Churh. Rev.ty ticular. Tbey also sent a hum-lCapt. Roberts, Lieuts. McFaul, Carter in Si avioun's Ali- unn h ae.Aogpo ntd Cuc.R inum medais to all members1 Robertson. Copeland, Ptes. Forest Protection Is i composition of the moose can Church, Toronto. Mn. those taking part were Leray Wm. Piercy tied the knot be- of the 19th that took part in !Howard, Shewfelt and others Everybody's Business population. Carter predeceased ber in Hyland, Larry Bradley, "Stub- tween Jack and is bride, the the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Y Reuu t Mns.I'en kied Seea weepJ.Csd'Teloeja mybetkni16.b"Reid, Martin Dwyer and former Edith Albin, and Mrs, "Reur t Mos" I wre iled Sverl er P J.Casiy he owr awmaybetaenThos. Badhuck. Lily Richardson played the might uow be tohd that haIt 0f; wounded. Then we obeyed Forest Fine Protection rsn oayDpartment l After a brie! residence inAs a platon ofC. Co got lst Geeral urries orde and io ý oront foitoiwasteAnniversAary wSun-nieweddingn-wmuslc m for f thememtt * aplaoo ofC.Coygo lot Gneal uriesorer ndsometimes thought of as being Officer or office in Onta '.Trot oloig hi ar- i Bethany United Cburch, Itrip down the aishe. Jack, on the night of the 1th and, waited until dark. We pro- a seasonal affair, starting in Eacli jaw should be accom- nrage, Mn. and Mrs. Carter j da vcey hl in Pny huheteeynrosdr eventualhy found themselvesi tected ourselves behind the April. reaching its peak late panied hy the name, address caxiàe on farming diperations1 nool.Sviceo was helti P nty thhextremely nervos dur- on a side street watchiug the 1, bouses, but there were spaces ln May or June, then tapering and licence number o! tbe on a farm property, situated poorgl.unay School whas at- ngt es he aemndhas qite J Hun troops and transports between tbem. There was a off tbrougb the sum mer to a hunter, as welh as the place in Cartwright Townsbipfo tendance o! 35 girls and boys. were whisked around tawn in moving out the main road. ditcb ahong the road and the full finish in the faîl. There(tw hp) beeteail19-94.n140hymv The teacbers were veryv a convertible and then ta the This kiud of grandstand type: boys amused tbemselves by may be times in the summer was shot and the sex o! the ed ta the Village of Bunketon,- - -- Legion Hall ln Millbrook for of .varfare was certainly a puttiug a steel helmet on a or faîl when f ines wîhl get out, moose. Donons wihll receive and in 1965 Mrs. Carter came ward County, is survived by the reception. Several from first and only lu War 1. Ibayonet and shoving it qbove o! band and make the head- notification as to the age of ta Bowmanville.adugtrMuio!Tonoth dsrctteddten- As a battle of strategic im- the crown of the road and hunes, but public conscius their animal. In addition eacb The deceased was a mem-Shwapedcsdbytee etonfrheewy dso potneluwnigth a.jwatching the machine guns ness o! forest fines slackens as hunter submitting the hower ber o! St. John's Anglican brothers, Ross, Frank and Saturday evening. During the second btteo! Mons was make It spin. tn1umr ass jaw of a moose willl receive a Church, Blackstock, and a!ter Batn h vnn akadEl~ not in a class witb the great' As usual in aIl moverrents, the Dumerpasmesto. Lnd special crest testifying toabis moving to Bowmanvjhle was The unerl evie wa herevpented wack adweih eveus tat adetheCan 'rany tbings happened that and Forests, with their col- success and co-operation. 1 a member of St. John's Ang- behd from the Morris FuÉ a eoae aybgy adian Corps the spearheLd o! day 'and each group only sawleusin terPonca 1969 andi 1970 Moose Seasons' lican Chrbbr.SewsChplBwavle nerues- ortes, fo thb Poypoo the British Army. However. a limited part of it. One Of Governmeut ageucies having to be Announced in Dec. 1968 also a member o! the Angli- day, Octaber 15th, and was viclnlty, were present at a as a battle of sentimental im- tbe most important was wben cag !Frs rtcin We wisb ta advise camp can ChurchWmeteB -codte by ev Hahdpsnatn naeviefr portance it bolds a bigh the Hun attempted to send a work, reahize it is a full time 1 operators and other interested manville Senior Citizens Club, Turner o! St. Paul's United newhyweds Mn. and Mrs. *position lu the ey'es of the! party o! about 50 men down activity and that much stil, people that the Department adteSle rs oe hrh nemn a nRlhHalp public. ' a sunken road that sbielded remains to be doue. will announce the 1969 and o! Canada, Toronto Chapter. Orono Cemetery. We extend the sympathy of The British Army first met 1tbem f rom view but placed Forest Fire Protection, hav- 1970 moose seasons by Decem- Mns. Carter is survived by Pahîbearers were Messrs. the community to Mn. and the Hun there and earned that, them lu the rear of D. Coy. ing ta do with a publicly own- ber 2nd. This will enable a daughter, Isobel o! Toronto, Reginald Sutton, Ernest Bow- Mrs. Alvin Olan and family highy honored nrne 0f 'Old Fortunatehy this was visible ed resource. is the conceru of camp operators and moose and tbree sons, George of en, both o! Orono; Chas. Ad- on the death o! Mn. Delbent Contemptibles" for their super1 from C. Coy's position. .1 sentL every citizen o! the Province. hunters to make their arrange- Bowmanville, Robent o! Wind- amson o! Toronto; Gordon Ohan of Milhbrook whose fun- human defence and hater thir Sgt. Craig and bis phatoon to Therefore, the work o! the ments for the 1969 hunt. snadFeeico!Pst.Mrin MrinBok adeal asedteean o- * rarguad ctin gaistsuci stp bemwlh mchne unstaff in organizing and putting Opening of Pheasant Season Eleven grandchilnen al1s o Wm. Cole, ail of Bowmanvllle. day. terrible odds. Tbe Retreat fine. Un!ortunately this was Into effect preventuon and' Clarke and Darlington Twps. survive. from Mous was known lu ahl spotted by the Hun artillery suppression techniques Is ý,nî Departmeut C o n servation The funeral service was parts o! the worhd. :and Craig was killed and ses'- partly doue, If whi]e carryîng Officers checked a total o! 252 held from the Northcutt-Eh- It was pure chance that the!r eral wounded. Then Corporal out their work, they fail to hunters on the opening day îiott Funeral Home, Bowmau- Canadians were lu the "Returu Tousiguat took over. Caling impress on every citizen - o! pheasant season, Sept. 28th. ville, on Saturday, October .9, to Mous". The last great! three or four to give hlm cov- "Forest Protection Is Every- These hunters reported hunt - at a odce yRv batieo!th Crpswa a Vl-erng in, e asedstraigbt body's Business". ing for a total o! 654 hours ta K.J. Frampton o! St. Jobn' encienues where our artilheryldowu the roati. dropped down It Is a welh knowu fact that bag 155 pheasants. Hunters Anglican CucBwnn fired wbat amounted to a ton lin front o! that party and thnee-quanters o! all forest using dogs wene more success- vChu nt rchow mai S.l and mý bah! o! shelîs for every'1 gave them the Lewis treat- fines are started by human ful than those who didn'tvil.ntmetwsn man o! auy rank lu the hst! ment in that narrow space. agencies. Therefore, to achieve have "man's best !niend Maon's eatful flal tok- o , 1 c c q o z andi 4tb Divisions. They blast- Single handed he drove tbem good protection nesuîts we along witb tbem. Maus from chuhesloraiza- concrete and steel section of beavy casualties in D. Coy. sîde. Acting District Fonester. tos eaie n red the Hindenburgg hue. Later 1 stepped over about a Citîzens today pay taxes toawîchte dhechheaste a eld. The 3rd and 2nd Divisosîoznomre re i!ms their municipahities ta provd T,?mTvPabenswee ess.. took over and theltba- there. Ahl I couhd get for him fine protection for their homes i.ninii i' vanced to a town about bal!- was a bar to bis M.M. and 1 and tbink tbe money weh *way ta the Belgian border, have often tbougbt o! It when pn. Tevs oet ! M~ n r.DSaltn Faîhis, D. Coates, W. Latremo- Herm we were sbelhed by Ger- someone tries to say that the Otrone uhpoeto okdatrterg ville, and G. Spencer. man artilery on Nov. 7th and MM. came witb the rations. no hess than do our homes, Darneil Donnelly, and bis r 8th. Then before daybreak on As soon as it was dank, I but the publc's attitude must cousin Dennis, hast weekeud the 9tb the advance was start- was ondered to send a battle favour the need o! the whîle Mn. and Mns. Bruce * îýiîn~ 1 ed witb the l8th andi 2lst toa patrol witb Lieut. Stuart and strongest possible protection Donnelhy wlth Mn. and Mns. I ITUARY i take up to the border and tbenI two Bu. scouts. Thanks t fot h ulemyntLodMKe fPr oe MRS. W. L. REID the 19th and 20th were to the olti Patine be was kept iu reahize they have a dollar enjoyed a trip to Nashville, The death o! Mrs. W. L. I. . lean.fnog and carry ou. When constant toucb with the move- value investment lu the forest Tennessee.j Reid, aged 76 years, occunneti ,we anived at our jump-of! ments o! the Hun troops as wealth, but tbey do nealize that Mn.Gog MCulghsInSautycobr1,96,FN R LA A GE NT une, we founti that the Hun they moved out. Col. Hatcb fonests provide wealtb througb a patient lu Memonial Hos- at Memonial Hospital, Bow- F N R LA R N E E T bati retireti and our Bns. were i then ondered me to fohhow uip proper utilization o! their pital as o! last Mouday. manvîlle, !ollowing an Ilhuess What Better Way to Remember to folhow. and keep going until I founti pnoducts. Gooti protection Mrs. W. Brunt spent last o! several years. *As everyone who was ln tbe a good position past Mount will ensure that these values weekend at the home o! Mn. Daughten o! the hate Walter Your Loved Ones. army knows, bouudary lines Panisel. This meant going will be realized for a very long and Mns. Sid Brown, keepmng Stinson and Louisa Lapp, the * FOR YOUR WEDDING are set up by the higher com- into the city ta the main time. Propen utilization o! the bouse whlle the Browns were former Florence Louise Stin- mand to cover fromn Corps to Namur road then out over the forests wilh provide weahth for at thein cottage at Aps1ey. son was barn at Castleton, Bouquets - Corsages - Arrangements Phatoons and that a basic rule bll to the open country. the country, wbile their de- Mrs. Perey Burley o! Bow- Ont., and moved ta Onono with * FRT A PClIO C SO is to keep in touch witb the C. Coy gathereti in Hyon. struction will spell ruin forl manville spent a couple O! ber parents wben about five, O H TSEILO C SO enemy. Then we starteti that crossed the canal and up past the large industry depentient days bere, receutly, with Mrs. yeans o! age. She receiveti Send Her a Message of Love joy ride o! the war that lasteti the Reti andi the White Cha- o bm Cecil Burley. be1dcton i no iuntîl long after dark in the teaux. The German engineers Onhy by a sincere effort on iMns. W. C. Robb, West-Scboohs. Iu 1927 she married Il euiuFarn Iwr j town of Framenies. The lRtb hati placeti buge land mines Our part can we help the mounit, witb Mrs. A. Bonnett, Mn. Wyven L. Reidi who pre-,I Expertly Designed. to Suit Vour cleareti tp the 5stray pocketsi besitie the bridge and along the the citizen toatievehop an atti - Port Credit, were at the fonm- deceased bier ln 1949. TseadBde on our front anti the 2lst on canal bauk, but we were SO tude re!hected lu bis thoughts er's cottage bene for a couple A bousewi!e, ber chie! ln- TseadBde the 2th's patb. We were the close bebinti that they did not ash osotit h on !dy atwe.rtenests ceutreti arounti ber first frieutis that these people have time to fine them. We try. "I am not going to be Rev. T. J. Sucîgrove motor-j home and famiuy. Mrs. Reidi had seen in four long terrible tiestnoyed the connections. the one to start anv Forest ed to Peterborough, Tuesday ha ne sitied lu Bowmanvihle ~ie l years. They are Frnch anti We passed over Mt. Panisel Fines". eveuing, to bear the Korean since 1940, at wbich time she V an Çe l arclens very different from the Fhem- and took up a position ou the To AI] Moose Hunte Choir Concert. moved to this town fnom hthat are sa well kuown Chaussee deBeaumont ln a The lower iaw uo! your M. ntiMs.HaryLne -,Oon.fhewa-amebe o by some o! our crowti. Men tiitch that was used by the m1s sugnî rqieil wu oniwr-nitn t al nieiJe /o e a n t i~+ I w-e .ni t h i f e o a .I h w e t e i s o r d e r t h a t te e p a n tmre i e n O e a i v S o u e e n d l o t B w a v l e b r h &o p and bas written the article MÏous "markeéd, the endi of the lu the Community _ Hall, St that will appear lu the Arm- war but it also manketi the urday eveulng ln honon o! the as ry ume o heLgin enti of that great Corps that 35th Wedtiing Auniversany o! I r.The l9th will receive hati developeti a pnide lu itseî!, 1Mn, anti Mrs. Jack Hatherly.wedntIletbtyowth ep siehang erd. pralFe. but certaiuly only a a confidence withlu Its mem- Mrs. Roach, Bowmanvihle, antiedntlk ohi o i1 xesiehaigpros part of the original copy. bers anti a mutual fientisbip Mns. Hatherhy, Tyrone, moth- a single heavy bil. Or incon- And there 's no charge At about 7:30 arn. the 28th that the people o! Canada ens o! the guests o! honor,! Br.. passedti trough us anti at have neyer untienstooti were both present, anti aîî venienoe you by asking you whatsoever for this extra about 8:30 the 42nd camne up --J.O'NeilîlO.C. C Company!I four neceiveti corsages. to pay with each delivery. service. on our left. on November luth, 1918. 1 Mn. anti Mrs. Hatherly were, *\eplace 1 At about 9 o'chock the news - presentet i wth a eather up- Our way is to spread your Our Budget Payment Plan o! the Armistice camne as the boîstereti chesterfielti a n d h b n costs over 10 -qua is onl one of many ways 1,uulodam jk htwsjM nýýhi.after whlch dancing was .hainwcna1 ol C5 ~~~so common in the trench Acorn Equ n chai, music being suppleti r thy p et. Tey that mnake our Home Heat tiays. I stoppeti a young staff Stanchions anti Stalls i by the Lambert famihy. î officer, but he knew no more SioUnodesMn. anti Mns. Bill Wade r begin in September of one Service a superior service. than I titi. Then we saw a Sl nodr wene among the guests at thei year and end in June of the And we'd ]ike to tel o 6th Bde. runner anti be tolti Save on versatile anti Roadway Transpont's suppen -y0 us lie was cannyiug the officiaI economic Stainless Steel anti entertalument, Saturdayi next. Tis way, the colder more. Cali us anytime- orders f0 the 28th Bu. H.Q. Cable Cleaners. ýevenln g, at Toronto's Tamn 0' and more costly months are todav, for instance. At !irst It seemeti incredible I Chain Cleaners - prlced Shanter. anothen angle of the olt i Saturday afternoon bazaar ant i stay. f ws ardto eahze10% Off onl PRIDE 0F THE tea at the Golden Plougb d o th e th: he luis ro w w o usa s, abl. 'A ,Cou rg,:se te dMrls.blncdb tSm.drlesF over for us about an bourNo.13yer arnt - Lancaster. Mrs. C. Brown, STE PIM EN FU L after there was Hun rifle fine troim $40. 'Mrs A. Wade, Mns. H. Trnim, across the fielti from us. The:r Cooler Fans - Westel Roscoe Mrs. W. Miligan, Miss B.. PHONE 623-5410 boys saw fieutis anti home; Grain Bins anti Dryers. * Miligan. Mrs. F. Gilmer.- ýh t esomewhere in that distant anti *Mn. anti Mrs. C. H. Lane E 138 WHARF RD. BOWMANVîr1L' unkuown land - Civie Street.! Sales, Service and wîth Mn. anti Mrs. Jack: rA - ~~~~~~~Besitie themn were the pals ývho:* Installations. Elliott weut to Toronto, Sun-hteiedft n r M e~ , a. E A oroamnt en>Dsrba@ bati been wlth them through day !ftennoon. o cm un em I& w r -tbick H hnadhr a c IMn. anti Mrs. Charlie Waters th-sdo tero_ _ _ __htHah r ee io Toronto visiteti at Mn. R OldGag f Mne. ac ma RR.1,Uxbrldge Bnuce's tiuring the weekend. 852-3533h gea gysh 852-3563 Mn. anti Mrs. W. Baugbeni wa3 cavng bhin on hatMr.and Mrs. F. Gilmer were owoc@m 'a; 41, - -