14 The, emnathan Stategman, lew envffle, Oct. 23, 198 BitsComing Events Coming Events Articles for sale Articles for Sale Pets Auction Sales WorkW ne ok W ne EROCK - Allan and Sheila -Chartëredbustn Ice Ca- Dance InSln ommunityiF'OLD-UP camping rte. DOMINION upright plano.36 ROLLER pgos gnWELWI gve-i Brock are proud to announce arde Toronto, Nov.68-.al. Sat.urldav, October 26th. 623-5I19. 43-1*1Phone 623-5117 after 5. 43.1l-*1pair. Phone_623-2316.4.-1adaf the birth lfteiitghe valbl.Tlehn EarI Brown's Orchestra. Eev PROPANE gas range Ir. good, 1966 SUZUKI 120 ce, excellent - -: hl mte Vlcky Jean on Thursday, 1885-2527. ____ 40-4 one welcomc 43-1 condition. 623-3170. 4-1cniin hoe6354.whîlne- arD,,- lCunt aesArna Ir e othM seok.~iintr A T 43-1 condition. eig Phone 62ýrê - ,- 3-21ei* te tD rhan ThCur,,.. rna7M:S0ool Caî Oc ob r 7t , 96 . ei hi g ha t Bed R s to Tronto O H i Tim e D ance and 1Ha1 - No. 1 PO T ATO ES, $2.00 75-b.,4 . *- ro o - E e y T ur . 7 3 . . 623-517-8. 4 5 lbs. 1 ½ ozs., at Memorial and Hadassah Bazaar, Wed-locn Masquerade, Tvrore b n.Je Boumna, 623-2847. jCALL now for your ýaknsWEMALEdtA. v Oae A , Vncent ssey HsiaBowmanvllle. Special 1nesdav ,Oct.. 30. Phone Port,;Hall. Saturîdav. Ockher *fitli. w I i4-2 Phone 623-741tteSwie, t a k oDr. n Bndle n d lu s_ IH op e 88 . -2527. 42-2 iîM u ic by B ob B r o n a i40-tf iP ro d uects, O sh aw a 728-2679 . E E he p r q ired . A p p ly C alves, S_ _ o d c n i i n 2 . 7 6 6 k d o e c s . e h n 8 - 4 1R i , A ýucti n ere and p ro - ! cf Mterlty loo. 431 Ht TrkeySuper, liz- Bao. 3-IFRIDGE, stove, both for $70, SUR .ymc 43 South Haven Nursing Home, pi'ietor.23tjPu ig&He in _____bethville Unit.ed Church, W ed.,, Chartered Buses to Royal, Phe ae N rm n Pn h, ~ N l on eS. B wna vle6 V r McCuilough--Pati and Myrna Oct. 30 from 5 p.m. on. Adults Winter Fair. Sat.urida%-. Noveml- 4 3-18. ie4e. 1C-11rn 4-2 the tioN ormheean t Pon 63-12 'rik <nee Peterson) are happy VO, 51.75. children $1.00. 43.j*,ber l6ith and 2tth. Telephone WATER for sale and delivered. 98-1 31 MATURE woman or pensboner ý rn.6 omnil I i 8t announce the birth of thefi ChlckeénPie ëSujppei-,-Angli- 88r-57 Port Hope. Rowe Cali Cliff Pethick, 623-2313.;ELECTRIC m ot or, single Vo baby-sit boy 6, girl 4.ie , 6Bomnle aths son David Andrew, on Thurs- cari Church, Blacksit.ock. Fri- îTravel Ageicc. 4 3-238tphe,3p, keew W. H. in or out. Cali 623-7684 e ourseoldeffPEsTonRO.1 day. October 17. 19188. at day, Oct. 25, 5:30. Adults' Nestletoil United Church 'PIANO, Dominion: bicycle,, Rowe.. Orono. 43-2' apply 27 OdelI Street. 431 eleGhan nStrdy OSR -Oshawa General Hospital. a si1.50, children 7.5c, pre-sehIool Womieni are sponsoring their. racer. Newcastle 987-4662. PUMPKINS for sale, ait sizeq.IHOUSEKEEPER - Companton1'November 2nd at 1 o*clouk. Brick - Block-Soe ADSOEMSN "brother for Robby. 43-1 free. 42-2 Hot Faîl Stîpper, Fridary. Nov. 43-1 Don Rickard, C e r e s mo0r e for refined couple, live in; ref- i1ist of articles In next week's aXFRd RIFLAER Salm Tankffrinz Srv: 10. - 43-ereFarWrte dst er 935ipaper. No reserve. CliI!!Phone 61-6 -89 Parkway Crescent., are ie, Sundav'. October 2îth at515 ' students 75 . 4-2 66" x 48". Phone 263-2114 20 CORRIJGATED patic/oTeCnda aemnetikAuioer 4- ;hpp a noucete rivi2:30. Guest speaker Rev.. Fred' ThankoffelgSrie Nw-3 ae,2'x4,usd xeln'P-0. Box 190, Bowmanville___ Nash Rd., R.R. Jacsfn theimerrindaughtevlreUniDdariireneNv.200 BSHELS of mixed for roofing, etc. 623-5683. 43-I*ý 33-tfio .oAudr agt on Wedne- Sel ui.43 -1 * 3rd. 10 arn. Speaker, Re\>. R. grain. Apply Sam Turner .43-1FL o at time sales people IPotat.oes, apples, dahlia bulb~ day, October 16th. 1968. a-t Hallowe*en Diance, Legion C. White,.B.A., of Oshawa. 62.1-50169. 4:3,1* F GIRI,'S coat, teen size 14 wanted. You alone determine igr'ain,hmmdera, u3 S TCTA KC TO \O K Memorial Hospital, Bownian- Hall, Satin-dar. Oct.h. Male Q uart.ette will assist t.he T NPSbtebuhwax- brown tweed with fui- colla,youi earning capaclty .Send cakes and variet.y of otherPU INPlnht - obng 'vile 431' rive forthebesicostmesChoir 43-9' ed Runwaxb ted. Telephone 'excellent. condition; also ciress 'n eadpoenumber 1 goodies; number of ot.her mis- DoPl Dmcn Music by the Twin Spins, 8.30-i Durharn C 0ori n t y Junior 623-769.5.4- es. Phone after 6, 623-5674. Advert.iser 934, c/o The Can-Icellaneous articles, Havdon jM KN ri n onDyn 'WR1GHT-Grant and ,îane'12:00. Bar. $2.50 couple. Farmiers' Annual Diance, Sat-REIE 43-1 adian Statesman, P.O. Box 19()Chrc - e, h- SturdvBE TT (nee e Jon) ar happ to -42-2 trd. ,No. 16, 168, Sýolina ERIGRATOR, small siz'e '0nivl~4.1- 'Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m . Sponsor-! phone Newtonvll 8-52RB.BYN annunc ie ariaI ! hei Ayon wshtg got. Hal.Music bv -The General'good condition. Teleplion, INSULATION, blowing meth- . rd hv the Church Sead 'i ole ;son Robert Frankln atMe- Yorkdale Plaza or downtowr Stoe". $1. t esn rs,623 -3 8.7. 43-t' od. xith rock wool. Work- or'aihtk ACioner ,manship guaranteed. Free TREPR-IÎ H 0t mortal Hospital. Bowmanville, Toronto, MUoncdav. Octoher 2. en-r!1. 43-I 'LAURENTIAN table turnips, estimates. Harrv L. Wade, RPRENAVS4-Ihoe7821 'October l8th. 1968. weighing al.so November llth. telenhoiie l'le Goodcivar 25-v'eai' Serv- 2bs 1 bs 17.Leslie PoeNwate9743.REQUlRED 1 nesgndacine E.H ASo 8 lbs. 2 ozs. Special thanks to or write Rowe Travel Ageiicv., ice Plin Banquet. will be held .a'o.Breo.4- 43-tf Can you spare 2 houirs a di'ia. z been aut.horized by the (I *SlroNI SilO, III( *Dr. Ewert and maternity staff. 885-2527 Port Hope. .42-2No - 2:168Dio yeRoalSFUEBaEtSevic, -aWEDIG gwn 14tal; tatil aoinî ! fon ~Town.ship Ar LIHN adDI G A cto Sle 431 Iw ca e U.C.W .--T uirkeý.V ork H tl Toronto. l'and used parts. Graham's black car coat, sze 36; sports ,68.' We ha e op nBoard t to sel v pu- .- ____________ _________N o v.___. Y o ik l o de w ho have ,G arage, - 4-16-263- 233. , 4 -tf ; j c e . size 14, 2 pa r gold 6 ' W a e e i g n t e l e a c i n t e T y rone 'School .P h o n e 5 Engagement Sitings 5 6and' 7. Adult,, indiated that, theN wsh10DARK bIne w'ool and tmohair drapes, 1I1,i widths x63 oo lbFel '. ihand ]and onSaturday moUrnAuto eey enedy Mr.andMrs A.E. ebo 5200. eblîdren 12 vears and attend will be supplied with matching coat and bat, size co!fee table, music stand. Tele- guaî-autced new and ienewal inNvebr2d at 1- TA INTON POSTOFC tra63 .. omndl M.adMsA.E eotrnpraintan rmte* commissions. Contact. Mr. inge.oepr - 0 3-8Aucio Bao.Cai 78-10 of Bowmanville wish to an- under 75c. Tickets now avail]-tranqprtent. o and rom th10-12.Cali 623-5292. 4,1-1I phone 623-7454. 431 Stewar~t Thompson, R.R. 1. oclck Mr pap ri oulasnxv73 ofDu oer Jn ,nounce the engagement of able. 43-1 bnutTw ulvBus ODsz lmnmmi(osIRýCAR,- 2.5 wvlNsltn hn ae lf ehcacto- passenger coaches wiîî leave Oiisz lmnmwndwAMH.S 2,5;sîe eteo.P 8646Ô f wespae r d nda ! FRWANKaîc.one their daughter Barbara,. b MONSTER BINGO front the Goodyear parking $4.0)0 each. Beaver Lumber,' rockers, $44.95; recliners, 6:0(0 p.nî. weekdays or anytime eer. hne632,1.I.- .Joseph Rott. son of Mr. and lot ai 3 p.rn. sharp and return 246 King St. E., Bowmanville. S79.95: Sealy maîtresses, $39,95.: on À,eeketid. .Phn;2321. 43-1 Trenchig *Mrs Stephen Rott of Oshawa., THURSDAY NIGHFT, 8 o'clock, !rornRoyval ork Hotel at il 4 Boom and Board hetr--io 'aeatSirvai', EPI 'Weddlng to t.ake place Noveni-Sponsored by the Junior 4-fTeade-in Twpiece chete-Y,' FV OA Au(i çslea S teat.- 1I .~Kne be PhaI3p...S. ons Camerc Cmere p.M. sharp. 4.3-9 STAINLESS steel and copper-, EKi _ R EYTO A Action' Hall, 33 Hall st., INSTALLATO berc9h. t 3owmvi. J4h's; JUBIeE PAfICoNmmerEeOUR ,tone Tappan Trendline stove ing__W.,_623-3781. --431 BIG INCOMIE - MIAIL TODAY Oshaa, Thursda\', Oct.'24 ti) ..6 OMNIL ORyugmn ok a _______ vil. 431 JBI-EPAIIN O ETO R wit.h oven above, like ne,, T-- -------- The IV. T. Rweg Co. ltd.:1R.(; O O S H A W 8 - t I C L I F O N I A T U R $ 5 . 6 3 - 2 8 7 . 4 3 l ~ J l V e S O C K r r b a i D e p . . J 1 4 0 - y , 6 < 1 p6: 3 07 - 1 0 0 p i e c s o !5O-1 0D A Y A L L Sl u nco f p aNe d . i n B w m a p Mrs Hwar Bow an Bacstok nied huch F.17- ATRC1$8.5. 6232817. 43-51glass and chinaware, refriger- i623-720'31 the laieHoward Brown an morasbord atedth Rca- 2175-DAys 13 ,B UYING or selling furniture 00 H--N hnsi1yaro 005 Richelieu, Montr'eal, P,,atox-, freezer acî'oss top, ee- 'te at Hwad ro-i.Sorabod t heRere- 5 a* or appliances, cal] Elmer, !Orono 983-5231. 4,3-1 !Gentlemen: I amn inicrested in trie siove. washing machinc, JC B BGe -om n or Pontypool, Ontario. wish tei tional Centre. Bec!. turkey. Plac~es of Interest: C'olorado Hampton: business 263-2294 -'CMMRCAL rageews-Lie n rn s ot.satouel c h r meOLBRES-FRAESRO n or.peea announce the engagement o! ham. desserts. Saturday. Nov. Spring. San Francisco, Sait residence 263 -2695.--- 33 tf !and rams. R. H. Dow, 623-5817.1I Part-urne basis tabl.-,, occasiona] chairs. lamps, CLEANEfe a, cmoral hm. their daughter Evelyn Mary, 9 from 4 p.m. Adults 52..50. Lake City, Lms Angeles, SaitTYPEWRITERS, no $ dn., $21 43-2 I Fl i e bssc m hr gas ds. ml ls L M I G R P I S '2-51 to Mr. Ralph James Hay. son Publie School and Pre-School. Diego, also many others Fultm ai apo l>sds ikgas I"BN cof Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hay. $1.50. 43-1 Trvlai-odtind wkly, cashiers, adders. Trades, -100- WESTERN and Ontario( Please send me FREE lamp. cranberry glass vase., PHIONE HAPTN I___ Ponty-poo1. Ontario. The wed- TrvewCmunt enr ah r-ontoneCoach ternis, rentais, service.: Bil stockers, sold privately every Cook Book and catalogue with ironstone bowl and plates.: 'dlng te take place November, HmloRga,1l95if60,Thursday, (anytime bya ful details. ruby tumblers. Many other 263-21« Ot. 96, t 'coc i BlI-MO STR IN O FLORIDA CIRCLE TOUR 2t 9th. 1968. at 3o'clock In Ball- 1 ONSTERBING pointment). Ivan Jhsii aeatce.Tri ah duff Presbyterian Church. JAN. 16 - FEB. 8 O h rwrt o-South Monaghan, Baieborol Name, artc. Ters72cash.'Mle MPlAdre. BoxSwrstwac3 o-Kn 43-1 Next Monday MARCH 17 - APRIL 9 Delicious sweet corn, tomatoes, 1939-68-55, 15 miles north of1 Address --- - ---- - auioer 723051 0t 31 7:45 P.1M. 24 Days apples at Fred's Fruit Market, Port Hope on Highway 28, 2 1City ----e--ne--u-io-e-BA NES&-BAM----c-----îôr Reception REiB RNTrat'el Aid-conditioned, Highway 35, south of Orono. miles east. --r-v- 43-1 Thel]y undrc ndauction soe PLIJMBNG HATN .-ê Mr. and Mrs. Clarence OS~H AW~A Vsoo MtoCac36f'1 b bI Beatty will be celebrating ____ 6-te f For information on above tours, RECONDITIONED TV towers Cars for Sale 43Icars and small articles for' SALES & SEVENTCET EDOR -their Golden Wedding Anni- ý-NOTICE Ho nd6 fo srutre- ['In159 PONTIAC, 8 auîomatîc, ýW'anted to ent north of Nichols' Gar-age.24HO vesr nStraNv o teophe a8d5-25rs27r1de-ns). 0,hone62-48 431Cute . cCric, ' ies 24-HOR fADOH be 6 98 yrcîîgGroup from Cobourg going excellent condition. Oshawa--- alntrTo- .bersary o968Saturday, Nvem ot p 8257ni6 ot tutrs iji0 hn 6327. 4-GOOD workable farm ]and Cuie, Darongun on- O Bu N Sric1 nteEtaefWlim ther fiens nd elaive a Skilngir n Switzerland ROIVE TRAVEL AGENCY, TV Supply Limited, 723-8131.1'61 .CHEV. Belaire, 6 auto-i wiih or wit.hout building. sbp Rad 14, Con. 4, on Sat- SETC ANSAD DrieThcsnltef1h their homne from 2 p.m. untîl i Jan. 25 - Feh. 14, 1969 43-I.50)-tf1 matic. Phone 623-5683. 43-1 Pon e 728-7218. 40ù uda-.:'30rpornnglOt.26A F .TIEBESrondf omavil, n h m..m. prgrA wll beSt.AntoiZrmateCa Nit. IAUED ashr patsmotts, 61hMPAAn2-oorhtotos, FFMILM wit seen hilden oac, '5hChv. mpalcoeacMPTO 26-228 MechatImceaedawhodle ~rscie I tei hno i te For further details write I eoix ipiiy hradMfa V8. sid. Phone 78-26 require bouse immediately., owner car; '58 Ford coa ,ch, 6 TYRONE 26325 iBwavle naio Eîizabethville United Church Bob Mann, 142 James Streetth sme.3n-1 i toclckCoou ,Onan urgent.In]oin m-,aplincsnaioaPyhovr-ne3 iisisuren. lesePhnecndatadad;'4;Fee'4e8TT 3FclT,-etr bot he25h ayofdue dtisedline offurniture. Paddy's 1967 HONDA, Scra mbler, ex- 728 -805 0. 43-I * Chev.; 4 bicycles, floor folish- B 98 rdtosadohr Vo be foîlo ed b a so ial S U N N SID E P A R K h us ory o A yb e ar w h pab e lv d M arket, H am pton, 263-2241 . cellent condition. 623-57'42 . T H R E E -B E D R O O M ouse or er. vacuum cleaner, 200 ga . U 1 ' . . . ~ 1 f a m g i s h h o ur. il are w elco m 4 3.]'aw av to ur ears ago, O c ob er -42 t 43- 1 ap artm en t in H am pto n , B ow - j tan k , 70 gals sto ve oil, large RR I L b v s a e a e h r b e Deaths MONSTER BINGO 26,'96t4.k TARPAULIN, $5.00; 'A h.p. 1 '62 FORD Fairlane, automatic. manville or Newcastle area. . space heater, eleciric drill, elec- OR CHAIRS - FeeEtat uriVsedflpaicar DeGROOT, Ar e-S ud enyïi T h u rsd a y N ig h t that morn and cutter, tools, pulleys, ' C hl 72304643te51. RE edtely. 623-3674. 43-I chi nesio . No se g a-62 -5 52an p oo o sîc d im t THReE-bedoom hous in 'goo -, Mcberhlanncuier, In Tbritceuders.gnh Toronto on Monday, October T7e45rrow te da wo l ber a 1d lme, 6brick5 1960 AUSTIN Healy, $225 or Orono, Newcastle or Bowmian-! Terms cash. Sale Saturday 1vyesu.oseyteRhdyo oeb 21st, 1968. Arie DeGroot, 7:5orin . Caîlaaser ll arn.,e623- 1 besi offer. Phone 623-3117ill1968 after whlch date 1h Cif Pthikau- 5 in S. 'Orono, aged 35 years. beloved RED BABNfe .431NeFwrashee987-4084uden,3-1e I oner. Ci43Ptic, u-1 .hsbndo!SuanVa Bllof S uWA evreCABAEVanps LrgBszeafer5e.m 4-1Necatl 97-08. . 'uItiner.431 ____ 3-targeavngrear ozf' fathe of J-AnSHAWAa To part with one 1 loved so cbae5c i'kou '56 CHEV. 6 standard, good '--_ ___ Z)ebby and John, dear brother - 6-t! dLetrUsB1ild You a b Ihe Wsile ndrVhe daim LOGSATiurni ons ih ep ps. $1,25 a bushel. Rek- 623-i203contion $7.. Pon43-1 _ ct, on sale no! 23Shobe 1DREAM HE S 05f Co (Mrs. Ralph Bouwmees- LOGSULT CLUB .50 Ti oi onswî ep ker Gardiens, on Hîghway 2 ai 03 fir4.4.1iSMALL store or office space, cattl, conistîn o!u2 Short-hthaiahaveerenfbren rwcelved '-ter), cf Bowmanville, and regret. DATED aeRod.Teepon ToronVRLT -tn tetaO srtarCail23238 «rus(Ms.Co A Bs) T RK Y UPER Itbrng br-k dy wll623-2300). 43-1' truck, full racks, gond con- 43-tf r calves by side, 21 yearlings, 1 we wilI build from orpa D .KR s ~hIby;der sn 0 te lte ATneyer forget, -- -dto.7898 Short.horn, Hereford and Char- onl your lot .- . or a OA Mrs. ohn A De- , NOV. 2ndYo felI asleep withoutiPAT'S Cleaner, 3 years old. ~THIE-EDOOM bouse in, laîs 8,000 bales o! choice hav,sulyulyerleN.A.arserndSîctr 'Grot. Rstlg attheMorrs - t -goodveUsed onîy Vwo seasons. In ex- 19.59 AUSTIN HienlySport, Bowmanvllle. 623-3903 afier1 00 bales of straw, 1250 bu.apoelostbetil Wunra Capl, owantîe.But memories o!fyu icellent condition. Approxim- ant-freeze, snOw tires, flewIS -p.m. 43-11o , -F 85 diesel tractor 1-i TRONO , Otalo -Service ln Reboboth Christian TYRONE HALL neyer die,. ately 250' chain. Contact: paint; besi offer. 623-5739. ONE-BERO*prmnti n - 0 rcogo.-aka rsen oiio orteeeuos -4~oredChrcbonThrs Setlgsat5 ad :3 pm.What wouîd I give to clasp bts'Hackner & Meek, R.R. 1, Ux- - 43-I Bwmnlla80moth ye -proe30d lli almersSUB-DVISIO y a 2 'c o c k I te r e n th a d, ri g e, 8 5 2 3 5 3 o 8 2-3 6 3. '5 C H V . 4 -d r. se d a n , s ta n d - , C a l 7 2 5 -9 3 8 5 . 4 jr c m i e a d 1 5 -d ' eL ib r y S . S Dot2o'lc. nemntAdults $1.75 - Children 75e His happy face to seebiCR TSsqah- 40-4 ard, excellent condition, 43,O443ed om ouseChaîmers seed drill, let t.S 1omnvle____ Paainhone Mrs. Davey 263-2577 To heair bis voice and sehsCARTsuspoîatoes. miles, $300. Phone eningewrenî alr ayieIo ow a evening , available Nov. Isi. Tele-,NwHîadblr abnILw Dw amn ýiIety would be appreclated.j for tickets smile cabbage, Spanish and cooking 62.3-2437. 43-I1phoe.6233573 rake and 163 bus. spreader [Balance on conveientHA OIET RDTR __-----_-hne_-2-373_ - al 2 ea rs old and under. Fuli]jTerms at o c u %inestInheEato!ATU 4314:1-2 That meant so much to me. onions, turnips, pumpkins and -'6-5-PONTIA-C,-6-cyÏinder auto- APARTMENT, central, adulsID ER ER PLAN TO ATTEND THE - Ever remembered by bis apples. North east corner, matic, 47,000 miles. Bs l!line o! modemn farm machin- j MOORE, ~1ERR, Ruert scar Sud~ - rienal Dnner loving wi!e Nanny. 43-I*' Highway 2and Solina Roari.offer between $1200 and $1450. 'I1 eaOffice, rient. APPIY , vand q îh tyof house Poo6326,Bwavll esn eesd _VERly nRuopdayOscbr 21d atsm ffcKigSt .e untitytepoe'y hn 2-23 O rie tal Din er iOpe Su days Teeph ne Aonl621 587 .ing11daims o 4e68, Rnupert ,O Weryo en hl ate BROWN . -In loving mernory;'576-2139. 43-2 '3PRSINEo Ross Miller. 4 miles north erÈor, aeoth Ruperstoc 0na. eîyoed n bldI te of!other, Mary V. Brown, '6IPAISENN cnvetilej ýLOVÉLY two-bedroom -apar-t- of Grafton. Il '2 miles easi on sbsnd o EuniceH. Sandr- at Hll who assed aay Octoer 28,V8 automatic, excellent oper-1 ment in quiet building, ali Pipeline Ave.,o Sardy ERNIE PERFCIonhpo DrigoI h sado uieHSadr Gra Hal 1966, and father, Wm. H.; SKI DOO atn odtoflypwrsrie uplied. Telephone Oct. 26. ai 12 noon sharp. nH +wodednorauthe2h ~ aktc.Mrryo ig-B hpse wyDc.SlsSrieequipped. Apply O. C. Ashton, 623-5888. 4,- amsl.Lnhsre.Pumbn -1 ,*o , d a a h r o O f S . John's A nglican C hurch B o , m h o p s edI y D S l s a n d S r i e 263-2 06 .43- -1 F a old R g . HL u naylerve , Pdh o!n el , 96 , re he eb , Reksied e thM Charaoy oednesay, ct.13 1 o Igh AVI 61 CRYLR id MODERN apartment,-4--roomrs'GeadRgs.HyeTyobng-ntfd sediVoSrk& tand the laie John and! Bowmanville T' ' wiîom we love go oui 16I andE Wndor Auctioneers. Phone 349-2229. .Ln 6334 4IAleen Werry, ln bis 79t.h Bt eDr nto!mmV bIksSerna ndw bath; beated. Available431 7ONAOSTETsatBo7,Bw nvle of s'Marne Rntaipcrwer rks te n-rdo o.Apply 14 Division Si.,l 4311_8_ONARI ~cDrmtî Pnabke. PrtTwo Sittinirs, 5 and 6 p.m. 'Theyae cherished in the tondnespikr-up. ais. '49 DodgeBowrnanville. 43- I fe, frsevc o ede-I o pc-p.CîlBaksokTuesday, October 29, com-- dyo oebe,16,fl qday ai 2 p.m. Interment Union1 Tickets from Mrs. D. MacKin-7B28-55s6e5ibein. N96-459ic43es plete dispersai of 80 Hoîsteis,____3t atcuas0 h am Zemetery, Cadmus. 43-1!ts623-594oAdltMr%.5L. Lca!d- -- Eve re e bered bycla. 555KING ST. E. ai WILSON-'63-R-MBLER- Classîc 4-door quota, 844 cand colrk hAa oeNvebr,198 Cars o Thnk~ rn ilier 2, 1(0 4 2 on PerlLida,- 41*Oshawa and Area's Oldest and sedan, excellent condition; _quota, 4EXCAV TING amongst th -etjIDO ELRstandard transmission; origin- te.,j te4asets f th1deXaCAVAIl Iwould like to thankn--,v COLMER TOURS COLMER-In îovîng memory ..265-tf5 6 ow er si50. Phone ' utedreh ow ad el ~ledsreaties.J.A. mui ;o! Caroline Colmer, dear moih j --- 263- 250- are,51prn.4n1dows 1 brd hifrsTonpe tends,_reatives,_._A._Smih -be-erstr20 fresb cows -fadif - LAIG -TECIN eds. oc. and companiv workers for al Ite Fair 'er, xho passed away October îhl AfoFam)a o-Fl Dlvrdigrgrdol odiso e e d in nes. S ecal th nkl C O LM ER TO U R S1OC M\ ips cannot tell ow I miss MAO1& RS H I NaBw a vi' ctbr 16.sewing machine, small round D ac s o k 9 6 5 2 Rev. George K. Ward for hem, AO & IC PIN o m n iltoe,16.tallthscsBa ktc 9 'tbl, lobe cessideboard 3 V W. . unde, Clek 'Chrome table and four chairs, M rs HmJ .B a coc . 3-1 F O RI A y e ar t cannot teil wbatP A T wn hi403Drlngon tension table and six chairs, NjR C CZýC T' O R S Go a, TH RC A H- 43-1 pots and pans, smalî tableU D R O T IJ U te c r e n h v e J M . t - F e . 1 t In a h oer tu n r y E q i p m e n 7 w atn e P ill]o w s, couc , w o Vrunks. 2 O U R A U T O N W u aý today. O t.25i b d n ates s ad nPrevents Rus t !; e H tr et c w and v e a n . i 1t - e b. stn d h om e th t4s3o -1o m 1 F i d y-Oct-2-_ _-_43-1 G E N T L E M A N requiss ride , ols, fridg, w ashing m achine, uring W nter W e t akf st t C nt nnil H ll îSiorD prOfthsnd eaLom bn431 mRE UYW itlea hworking d y . a h n chest o drawers, o rCa n Ni W L n d y , O c o b e 2 t h 9 . m -V A N C A P - n l v i g e -t u r d a y , O c t . 2B E D C L O V E R D 6 2 3 - 5 7 4 . 4 3 i ' g r a m o p h o n e , w i c k e r f e r n e r y , B r i n t c r C r no h rer e rsan. 43-1 N . wa a y, ed aLay on________-ANDrolls for piano, drop leaf table, F A L L T U N E U W s ird SE n uryn eîc me. -celent Acc mmod6i. 10 0f y d ar htea d5Rop26ANDparlor chair, 3 rockers, doilles I D A A Ch rt re B s a ac M n-P1 h one EI G2, 1 66 0 A M t 5 P MIM O T H Y S. E D D e a d o r C i p l d fancy w ork, tablecloths, d A l W ork Dont b '0le os e Bird s n ga inga hoThe flow ers we place upon his P ea e ri t am le c c o 'o k, 8 d y c o kLi ensed M echa i c ~~lIe6 3- 26 tosrbid ri m g ato6r veP23e Bl g a il F a rin S tock small radio, 2 rugs, 98 piece set Enote t am ailton s3-36 o 2-3093 Mvwte addcyFLYING CRAIMPCF 1 MTYo ihs rce Fen Air ariet. Ort. 26 -27, MYwt'raddeaC RN TOI CE PPROMT iofdse, cul glass, oer deys. Hotel &rraged Frý CO LM ERi But the lve for bimn who sm1 l tv.fnvV R or rite 1 PoemPribentewart'TCSeed will Fur Far m i due plee. Noeservean @b e Travrel Agency 882527,j TR A V EL S E RV C I Shal never fade awa-.Mryer cs. Sl I 1 8 MKnr s. w. Bow mnv 43-1 by~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~4- 41 l 'nl eim ee O O N 3 Dvsin S. D w inil iec o 5--8 Lawrence Harris. Clerk; Clif f Phono 623-3134 you der wfeEdra.. 43 3- 414 5tfPethlck, Auctioneer. 431 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED I I 1 1 ý5IFIEH 15 CET RERDITS