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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1968, p. 16

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- - - - -. -..-' - . . f~ .. - - - - ------------ - - --------.r -. - - ~1 ~ - :.-------------------....-. - .-*.- -. ~.........~ t ~ ~ J The Canadian Statesnian, EowrnanvMle, Oct. 23, 1968 Dirth Rate Much Lower Says Hospital Report Over hall-a-billion dollarm Was pald for hospital cane in 1967 by tht Ont-ario Hospital Services Commission and the Qioverament of Ontario, ac qordlng tai the Commission': Annual Repart recently issued en that year. The total amount e568,968,588, is made up of 8465.9 million paid by O.H.- S C. for services Insured under the Ontario Hospital Insurance ~ an. plus $99.2 million paid yteprovince for mental hospital care and $3.8 million for cane in tuberculosîs sana- toria. Tht province bears the enlire cost o! mental and tub- ërculosis hospital cane as the Federal Government dots not share in these costs. ý O.H.S.C. net incarne fram premniums ln 1967 totalled $157.2 million. Tht Provincial Government contrihuted $89.2 million directly ta tht plan plus a further $ 137.5 million In special and capital grants, operating costs o! mental hos- ptals and tuberculasis sana- oria. and for the care o! In- digent immigrants and Indi- gents- fromn unorganized terri- tories in tht province. This made a total provincial con- tribution ta hospital care o! $226.7 million. Tht Fedenal Government contributed $225.7 million toward tht cost o! tht O.H.S.C. plan. The report Indicates that during the year 1967, 1298 hos- pitli beds 'vert added ta the 45,828 already In operation, bringing the total ta 47,126 In public, privat and federal hos- p itals plus those In nursing hornes temporarily appnoved by the Commission ta provide chronic care. These beds pro- vide a provincial average o! 6.6 beds per thousand eligible population. In addition, at tht end a! 1967, 41 major projecîs s3 were under construction mnd ithese have been designed ta al provide 4,868 hospital beds, te 445 nursery bassinets and 1,- -310 beds in nesidentiai accam- 's modation for student nurses Id and interns. It Volume of Hospital Cars The average length of slay for patients in active Ireatment (general) hospitals rase ta ý10.5 days in 1967, fram 10.4 din 1966. Tht aven-ail average ilenglh o! stay for patients In nactive treatment hospitals and hospitals for convalescents and tht chranically ill was 12.8 eldays, tht same as la 1965, and one-tenth o! a day less t-han inl 1966. This was due, prinvip- nally, ta a 10.8% decrease la 3the average lèngth a! stay for jpatients in hospitals for tht 2chronically-ilI. Patients aver- .aged 245 days In these hospi- tals as compared with 274.6 1days in 1966. Tht total hospi-ý tai admissions o! 151 for each 1.000 eligible population in 1967 'vas tht same as la 1966. In-patients la public hospitals accounted for 1.1 million diag- nostic radialogical examina- stions (8.1 % more than in 1966) while out-patients ac- counled for 1.4 million exam- mnations (15.5% aven tht previ- ous year). These figures do not include routine admission chest. X-rays or diagnostic X- rays ln convalescent or chronic hospitals. Blrth Rate Down LOnce again the rate o! chlld- birth iu the hospitals o! Ont- ario dropped signilicantly. Newborn admissions totalling 128,592 represented 18 for each 1,000 people in tht province. This is a drap from 19 In 1966 and Is 30.8% iower than tht 1961 figure o! 26 newborn ad- missions per 1,000 population. B LÀC STOCK supper at South Nestietan on Miès. P. Romeril and ber All units of the United niece Miss Broucel of Guern- Church Women met Wednes- sey spenit the weekend in day. The morning unit met Toronto. it the home of Mrs. Jim Mar- Constable a'nd Mrs. Ken low with 13 members and one Strang and sons, Ottawa, child in attendance. Follow- spent the weekend with the Ipg coffee and light lunch, Larmer familles. Saturday, al leader Mrs. B. Mahaffy open- the Larmers joined in a cele- ed the meeting by reading a bration of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph poem an-d ail repeating the Larmer's 20th wedding anni- Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Go-rdon versary at Mr. and Mrs. Eber Strong led the Bible study Snowden's, Courtice from John 15: 1-16. Mrs. Ross The new Post Office is go- Duf had charge of thé pro- ing in full swing this mocm- g'ram and led an jnteresting, October 2lst, aIl neces- discussion on the article in sary equipment from the old The Observer. "Prejudiced." Post Office having been mov- The afternoon unit met inl ed Saturrday afternoon so as the Vestry with 10 members to not cause any interruption P resent. Mrs. W. Wright read to regular mail service. 'A Little Thought" and after The first euchre for the the singing of a hymn she led winter months, sponsored by in prayer. The same Bible the Women's Instltute, was study was held in ail units, held in the Community'Hall this one led by Mrs. Glenn Wednesday evenîng with ten Larmer. Following a hymn, tables playing. Prizes went to Mrs. Larmer read «"ve Got a Mrs. Roy Taylor, high lady; Million Sisters" and offered Mrs W. Hopps, second high- prayer. Members of this unit est; Mr. E. Challis, high gent; were asked for "Somnething I Mr. Carl of Oshawa. second learned about Japan." highest. Mr. WiII Forder, -Tht evening unit met atilucky draw. Next party Oct. Mrs. Merrill Van Camp's with 3th. lour members and three visi- Durihg the week, guests of tors présent. Mrs. Bull Fergu- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and son and Mrs. Lloyd Wright Oliver were Mr. and Mrs. led the Bible study and pro- Gordon Cotter, Toronto, Mr. gram discussions. A film an-d Mrs. W. T. Fleming, Ot- "O0nt half of one percent" was tawa, Mr. Bob Smith, Tor- shown, giving us an idea o! onto.; for tht weekend, Mr. the work of the few concern- and Mrs. Albert Abbott, Ot- ed Christians in Japan. tawa; and Sunday, 1&s. M. P. -The incoming leader of the Philp, Scarborough. 1U.C.W. for 1969, Mrs. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Vi1n c e n t McLaughlin, had a Sugges- Grainger, Peterborough, we tion Box at each unit in recent visitors and Mrs. Alex %vhich members or non-mem- Clement. Norwood, spent Fni- bers are to put suggestions day witlh Mr. and Mrs. Russel for improvement or criticisms Mountjoy. The Mountjoys of the society in preparation visited Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, for 1969 programs. Newcastle, on Wednesday. 1Nine memberis of the An- Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, glican Guîld met at the home Scarbovough, sperit Saturday of Mrs Neil Baîley Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. riight. A hymn was sung and Roy Taylor. Mrs. Bailey read an old In- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- dian version of tht Twenty- gomery, Hampton, v isi te d third Psalm, and spoke on "A Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Saturday. Little Food for Thought"- Mr. and Mis. Lorne Wan- Jesus went about doing good, non, St. Catharines, spent the -'Why are we content by just weekend with Mr. and Mrs. going about. Minutes were Ivan Mountjoy ad family. read and approved. Plans Mrs. Ernest Belyea, Bronte, were made to attend the spent the weekend with Mr. Mlessiah in Bowmanville. Fin- and Mrs. Frank Hoskin. ai arrangements for chicicen Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mac- pie supper Oct. 25 were made Dougald and family, Fuller- (see details in C o mi ng ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Events). List o! needs for the Glenn Lai-mer and sons on bale was read. Sunday. 'Tht A.C.W. meeting 'vas (Intended for last week) 1-eld in the Parish Hall tht The October meeting of the ëvening of the l7th. The Pré- O.N.O. Club was held at the, tident led in a devotional home of Noreen Malcolm with period consisting of the hymn 21 members and three visitorsi f«Come Ye Thankful People, présent. Minutes of last meet- Camne", a Gospel reading and ing were read and adopted. prayers. The Fail Deanery Tht président brought it to was announced to be held at mind that the next Blood Erooklin and a list of needs Clinie in Port Perry was Oct. for the Fail bale read. Plans l6th. Each O.N.O. member *ere completed for the chic- was recjuested to phone their ken pie supper and bazaar list and send out cards to ,rhe re-doing of tht Parigh Prospective donors. Ifloor was tabled for the It 'vas moved by Aileen ?Iew year. Several knîtted Van Camp and seconded by articles, a quiît top and wool- Elaine Bailey that the Hobo Ign goods 'vert received. It teas be postponed until was decided ta have meetings spring. Carried. The rail cal in the aftemnoon during the was answered by "A prank winter months.. A most in- you did on Hallowe'en night teresting talk 'vas given by when you were young."1 Mov- Mms. Donnerai about her and ed by Elaine Bailey, secanded Mr. Donneral's trip by air to by Kathleen Dorreli. that 've San Francisco where they keep the Children's Aid ln iment several days, then by mind for January and give irto Hawaii. She showcd Christmas gifts ta the Golden pture cards and souvenirs1 Plough. Motion carrieci. faillustrate their delightfuli The meeting was then turn- holiday. Tht A.C.W. gladly ed over ta Noreen, who show- accepted an invitation fromn ed slides taken around Cart- fhe Thursday Guild ta join wright that would be o! in- them aI their meeting in the terest ta O.N.O. members. Pamish Hall in November. Lunch 'vas then served by tht Mms. Han-y McLaughlin and hostess and her group. Mrs. John Hamiltoni served a Mr. Hugh MeKee and Miss dehicious lunch before tht Shirley Tavey, Norwich, 'vere meeting disoersed. Sunday dinner guests o! Mr. .lI St, John'"- Church Sun- and Mrs. Bill Fergusan and 4ay morning, .Rase read boys and Mr. Roy. Mrs. H. eomrnunica lion. on taxing McKee, who has been visiting places of worship. Members for a week, eturned home «i tht church signed a peti- withâthem. Mr. and Mrs. Noel *n of protest. IMorton and boys, Oshawa, No service was held la tht were supper guebts. #liited Church, but a goo Mm Howard Lamnb and uon uber attended Cadmus Azn- F'ank ui, Lindsay. visited rvr attnddth ur Mrs. W. W. Van Camp Sun. . eealay nedtet rviday. n FREE 1 Éi

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