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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1968, p. 3

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--a--- Now...a new concept in precision watci 13 E~M.YCud ~lWatch bas 17 Sr 29 W»n working Je% Jua #g eine oempasive watciies. 13D Evey Cuemai Watch bas a fulty Jewefle Lever Movetf --zJtoub»dlnexpesivewatches. 1 Evey Cardknal Walch bas a dynamioe Shock Pmof Sys Juguo e exano Ne watchas. i,$6flrdinal $19 Fm mm. DMr lag, fer taons aid for boadaoù m est IOAtWÀKthone expansivewacho& MARR'S JEWELLERY & GIFT 29 King St. W. Phone 623-5463 SHOP Bowma nvi Wedding Invita-tionsm 1'hermo.eingraved (RAgro LETEtltmrGY Weddïng end engagement announremnent, h irth arinnunce. ments confirmation invitations, golden and silver anniversary an.nuncements, etc. Thermosaengravin EA!SIED LETTEING> Looks and féedalike the finest band engravinj. Thie fettera have an elegance and indivdualty oaiy the funest band cen. graving can match. Thermo-engraving (1AisED LETTERINO> Couis "oI ha'J as much as hand engr* gbeeaute it eimia., aue the. copper plate that makes band eugravâtgo expenaîv ,*A." lIT'S 1EADY WITMIN THE WEEIC 0f course vnu can order matcbing enclosure carda, reception, responqe, thank you and at home cards, etc. Selecrt tram mir giant catalogue Of fl&Alea*lv Corrmcg papers. 1h distinctive styles of lettering. Wàeddings prireti as how sa SO for $9.00 and 100 for 813.50, cou. plete with doubLe enveiopea and tasouca. Available at Rev. John Semetie, tai] and fair Phili-! rpw's Unit- stines. also the Ark of the va, a zo Covenant (the national hope ýs extended chest of the Israelîtes>. TIn , was withl most enlightening word pic-'I -ty opened ture, Rev. Morris showed us he cail to that todays rapid change, OJur fnn'aal Thank-Offering the guest minister, Service was held on Sunday Morris of St. Andr 112n it 2:30 with a Iargeed Church, Oshaw ~geatio in attendanre arweo w î s Znctuary was enhanced twaMrwpîMoris v -WJth the colorful tokens of u s. rris whcher harvest and autumon. Besdes u.Rv oge two the service with ti wolarge flower arrange- worship, Ps. 95:1-3 Tnents, a large "horn of plen- i unison. Rex'. M W'" overflowed ils contents of i fruits and vegetablç's. Each mon entitled "Let*s COlorfd ls window had award, Not Bark- %% vase Of manY autumn f]owers, ing and informa colnred leaves, local rain. messag e. ithit and pheasant feathers Aio wa" îpese n t~beutiuI askts ! feshthe congregation as cuteutfu bawe s eatthffe ahresting description ýut-flwer wee a th alarTestament ciiaractf In rnemnory of the late Bobth hBokfSa McLaughlin. niod Eli, bis sons Hc Our minister %vith somr Phinehaq. Benjamin well chosen words introdiicvd Infant Ichabod, and The Cobourg rOpera & Drama Guili presents ROY HIGGINS' production of "Our Town' by Thorn Ion Wilder VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE, COBOU Curtain 8:15 p.m. November 7 -8 - Ail Seats Reserved - $1.50 - $1.75- Mail Order Reservat ions : Cobourg Opera & Drama Box 483, Cobourg. Please enclose cheque with reservation: Happy Little One-Year-OId ENNISKILLEN Z% I EVy b guets t M. ati cs.R. Mrs. Laura Carlson, Mýrm. services anti spent a few days erlng anti take the GO train' Lamb's. Mc. anti Mrs. M. Antirew Parks antiCI-aire Lee.lwith Mrs. W. Mercer. Mms. to the convention. The alti at 12:01 ami. Stainton anti Mc. anti Mrs. L.'Livania. Michigan, were re-jTed Coatham anti family were woallens are ta be sent awavý Lamb were evcning cahiers, c0ent guests at Mr. anti Mrs.,also t.o the service anti werer!the la'st of October. They mayi Congratulations to Mr. N. E. C. Avery's. ýdinner guests wtth ber mother. .be left at the borne of Mrs.' Wrigbbit hvOc( rs. Norma Bratifordi anti The rain Friday night anti E. Cauroux or at Mrs. W. Mer- u d c , O t b r 2t 88t bithdv Otohr lth !McrN E. Wright were recent Saturtiay niomning matie many.cer's. It was votet intahave! Mr. N. E. Wright spent a.1 tiay' with bis tiaughter, M I visitars nt Fred Wîight's, o! the beautifully coloreti our Penny Sale again the sec-ý 1968 * ' BowmanvIfle leaves corne town. Some of ond Saturtiay in May. The anti Mrs. P. A. Tresse, Os Ivîethe r aenai ae en olcinwstknu awa, ni r.John Avery wax a recent eTheees aenal ae en olcinwst'e p Jim Swan, vemigh gust f M. dl . r. was a good attend- anti a tieliciaus lunch was; iMr ad rs E Petieran'Ms. . arhalBo ance at the anniversary sec- provideti by Mrs. Turansky, On this date ail citizens are requested te turn hirdck n Mc. ntiMrs E.Petife ani Mr. M Mashal, owmn-,vice of Kendal Unitedi Church anti Mm. H. Foster. faî~,Toronto, were Suntiay 'ville. 'Sunday afternoon when Rex'. - __. watches BACIC one hour and thus change fromn Daylight Saving Tima vtors At A. L. Wearn's. Mr. anti Mcs. T. Werry at- R. C. White was our guest The Canadian Savec the M.anti Mrs. Roger Lowe tended the baptismal srie speaker. He spoke on *How big Chilticen Funti says that tEsenSadr ie anti familY, Chagrin FaIls.' of Pamela Christine Miils,lis ane anti By the Grâce o! Christmas greetings can be t atr tnadTne Ohio, were recent weekenti taughter of Mr. anti Mrs.jGod I Amn Wbat I An'.' He sent this year anti a chilti beip- visitors o! Mc. anti Mrs. S.i Bruce Milîs, nt Zian. Unitedas saiti that peaple go with cd at the same time. There IA . OB Pethick, anti tngethcr al at- Obhurch, Sunday mamning. the crawd no matter wbtther are millions In neeti. with IA .H BS tendeti thm Wortien-Ashton' Mrs. Grace Bartondale, Mm.ithey go. We were also plcaseti 10,000 dying every day because, Myr wetiding anti the reception at, J. A. Werry, Mrs. H. J. Mc.! to have wîth us Mr. McCoy of bunger ant i dsease. Write Myr the Bowmanville Golf anti GiI, Mrs. E. A. Werry werean isBagwo eyCNAE o 77 dhie1ow fBw avle ICountry Club. Fritiay afternoon guests ailpleâslngiy played duets an the'Street Post Office, Taronta,ý1Tw fBwavle Mr. anti Mrs. Perey 1-amil-Z8Mr. IL. Godden. Oshawa. 'argan and piano durmng tht Ontarlo, for a card brochure. ___________________________________ The Cana.dian Statesynan, gowrranville, Oct. 23. 1968 'Rookies PIay Bîg Role in Jr. Town League Openers IeeLaderstandin f-etr norris' sei o n etra' Look For- o has changed te a new~~~~ As Kens and Bulis Pull Win ~asnspr-concept. Hle recommredid~ eloqu enc bod whose attitude idea he duno by A l.m r Nihi a pe r d n te Ie i ly <~ the Past and blam ed the fu-I b î en a bgthd as t i an ntr-tur. e taed cotrryte i unorTown League Hoc- score board on a ga y on fellow was slashed anitr urre He stated cotrrytdai key bas agamn opened up for Burns. At the end ftweal nterst period for of fro currenTer. s od eadrit<?) another exciting season on periods the score stood 7-1 fori sîcesadcame baik that foryof lhaod sto Chfrith ~Sunday night s between 7 and Bill's Billiards agrtgan.son ~Iuel. vihz lr !Go hnsfrhj.:1 i.I h h aefurTitetîdone goal early in the thiri npn niandi even greater today when If) clubs, Ke's thenseaosureIn tearonperiod NichoIs period, an heGdissfern eeyhee ~Bil's Billiards, Legion. aandnord eaCobbl goalsWîth te PRemember hockey fans. thé t e n n w th H is lo v e r cm a in in g c o iN c h I M t o S a e .s o e d n t 3 B ] s a m J u i rya g e a stant. Though the Ark di-coTheclownteH7cke Bih aperei Thhreenes league this year is to life again end ai the 9:00 again started, Sunday nights wpe to us ny ls faith . ne, e sporting some new faces up minute mark put the gamne!Ibetween 7 and 10 p.m. Thé weto ut eerlsefit.!from the Recreation system, out of reach on a goal by. playerswudlk ascyu The ministrv of music was such players as D. Osmondi, Noble. bis third of the night.1support se d.rop around to supplieti by two anthem by . K. Tabb, Warren Aider, Robin At 11:41 Donogbue scored for!ca these gaines. Tbey were our c oir a d lea er M r .' 1Virtue, G ary Baker and Ran- Bill's ant i a 19.45 M ead a p w ith your support last chambrs,:sùig a th Lor dy Donoghue. Aiso the Legion madie sure of winning the i year and would like t e (wh wa pich-ittng t te ~coach, a man who is no ond game were Noble withigue bas sorne new faces. se (whowas inc-hitingai teý stranger in sports as he bas three goials. Homenuik witb the hockey shou.ld be good, last minute> for one o! ourý , . . . . . . ..oachebd many teamns endi was two goals for Bill*s. Nichois' exciting, anti a pleisreta Young choir members who very active this past sumrmer goaswr i ige yLewtb on u n he toa uamily b o ereavomendusangC with the Chartran s softball Burns and CobldcErlorfvrt e rp e tri famlv f,,raveent angclub. He is Cecil Mutton w'ho Cobbledick of Nichols shouldlon to vctory. See you there. a solo. "Thanksgiving Hyn," will be belping Bill Cole with adtiing a del ightfully pliaan !the Legion club. touch te the service. Messrs. 1 ... A b lau tre Sun- M. J. Hobbs andi K. Mi day the rookies played a big!S AKI L wvere the ushers. The church rnie in the scrig In the' (Intended for hast week) Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Souch, bulletin incîrideti a' speciall first garni Warren Aider, Mr. and Mrs Morley Rob- Bowmanville, anti Mr. and tribute andi message of sym- picked up two goals. In the l Inson, Drsand Gro were ýMs .VnDunn Oshawa, !R G p thy t the amilv relaivessecond gam e Jim N oble pick- dinner Dor t is Gord o r. A. V n r e , anti frientis of the late Robert e.u hregasani>niyeMs Pos.PotHp.guest.s wlth Mr. and Mrs. Waynep Mclatighlini. Rev. anti Donogi picked up one goal Mr, andi Mcs. Brian Caswell1 Harold Soucb. Mrs. Morris were entertained ant one assîst. and familv hati Thanksgiving MradMr.BMceî at the home of Cierk of Ses- In T the first game. Ken',ie wt r anti Mrs. Har- and famlly. Oshawa, spent sion Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Ash- ýrunner-u from last year, i awlPr oe una thbrprns r $,0 ton. fought a hard battie with, Mr. anti Mrs. W. Carsoni and Mrs. Warren Carson. P$2.00emeîbr the annual' ý.Legion asteyld the m and Mr. Wilson Carson attend-I t ttîrey supremem ee en et thotiF rSona. unday afternoon service at Mr. antIite Mrt enle Nwo.FarW.da. J.ilh Brael ttnd, it opend te sorig a 7:3 o Mr. anti Mrs. Deibert Hallo- Rev T. J. Snelgrove givlnga G;tiild JaeaniBrMisH- a goal by Reatier. This goal.1 lBl nd rs. J. Red-fine message for Thanksgîv. therBarre, rovienc, wee Ltood Up untîl tihe 16:14 mark ford, Toronto, spent, the boit- 1tmg anti Mrs. Llew Hallowell Sîîtiay gupikstsuo!a Ma. antirgMri.t O.iC. Astso r r. fi-on, Prout anti tieti the Mr. anti Mrs. Charlie Hoît, e. t te ed f oe pr-Toronto. were guests with beri Miss Linda Westheuser wbo Messages- hy telephnne antidttesoe to it . mother, Mrs. Stone,.setahlda ibbrpr pas>, cartis have beei receiveri ti scnKes Mrs. G. Etwell, Orono, en- lents, Mr. anti Mrs. E. C. West- localy fcom thehnymo-r. .,-.. a quick goal at 1:01 by Wal- tertaineti the Shlloh U.C.W. athi busrIs now I Vancouver. ers Mr. anti Mrs. KeihH,. . . .roff to go aheati 2-1. Lein er home for the October i Wortin (nei Lois Ashton) cl:i ~ ~ .~ .~..... . own aga nipe meeting wtth Mrs. Carl Taoii AIIfofffnc e w a. gol an presing at ei inrr ofchs Little Miss Melanie Jane Welsh, the happy wee girl in the above photo, hattleliedsthe score on a been Cape Coti, PI.ymotOtbr6t.Mlne*an steo by Aider, bis second of the e MishspeMichel allo- ~Isaj, Ms.Nntce.atVe-celebrateti her first birthday on Otbr6 eaneJn stedaughter ofyrwîî Ie.n Mont.:SatucaraaknetB,"an anedo Pticaani al h With Ke.n*s one gtinMorîs. sen Tbnk- mont Stae. arb ra nd Bun babya y sgteaof Pdticigan Pa l.horts tong aadaupenalty -n a p naly O'BO' rie.n. viMr wsh LlewandHailowell.s fl e MisMageite wri;zhi, ter of Jean andi Bert Mundiyandi the late Jim andi Lillian Welsh. sotoM. lwthalloer rnimte, Mstonev rekupe>Thks a~i Legion rapitalizeti on a goal M niMs rnSi te . .Crightnti fhamiivj -guets ithberparnt byCameron to go abeatid Metr, n r. r n MapoeoGrve. wereThSntu-ioalbyBuns eter.haliay end. o DavniMs.Fe rgt it U h an gî r.JiSarniora in hiiteb ý gîving w eek end with h e fa -he r leati vanisb asamagdKen's givinAgminueayanightgidinner Mr. Jue in halloel r.arnts it h Mc, . atiE . i Md lerIn e tled vahirds Ken erooi ceM, ai.tann . i t ark. orAnti n doenfrt mr mnute anti arrdl.Mr. antd Wi Mr tinegion thega inona w a e h a n s gî i n g M on ti y gt a m the islisecondd firind a ) tooubstance n.ight dinner guests at b goalr of. The s cnig d t t e G b o lr e w d giving SudayAtig11:50 e gin ehatinaga ting at St. Pm aui's U M. ndti Mothfli ett, ai fl-rd W ri g h t's. o! M r. c h a n c e w h e n R e n d ell w a s o ff C h M a u r icBo w a llo le , S a u - e r e t o a h h t h i m p v . Ms .Wre Msss.hlt ffthihatak A 1 a~Sndiy uStt wandMr. antidofanyicmointha.ts n 1osMr.hiandMr. antJimMlrIoalbtheatid, bi thidofMrs. Reewl nt ons aweln- as ew esophing ofethne (injurae& Fank KerrllyMr.apbellri tcigof th aronysco-n Mm ss. .Wikins, or Hpe ig ckiy elp el nue he hwa antin M rs. Rotd ney Ired, iî- fminngm n ae, Le-. Mr. AlntiMsocM. Brn aswloisa~ tniat.rwhfe had ns adKe nse, 1-ampton,! gin aput 10on unsgea efort d rfa old were dinere guests taiae ok l Wer TansgvibyM Brseowndantial fth1e:57 he Suay wthe isM lr.kanti i oB<>Di~~ù nigt inav essîîpe wt M. sorAta1c50 e wt hina ret dJlm atS. Pu'mUient a:nd iportant f &ririhe goals oofMr.andnwis.doTb e m rib t K i d yAfc no n m a a kfii e t vra pe1ri4 Tient familv, w Msss hedeoti 64 fr ascore M1:17, . nan eti Mrs Or Fall ri f any'ti Mc.iseani MrirTe Werrv, was Kle ens. K-3n'as. tntiHve wr Sndy dn-re Ths wuactaoprmooe mom.a ýtosh , M'hilb .\, M r. and M rssoal ng ad lc is id o fe n e g ets w nth sM r. an i M se n~ i h ei S b t n e( i - y Frn Kai, on a phlfr. at- line, Brwn iUtw geoals L .. PlaikOr n, Pr oe hc ucl ep S nu aondeMr. th e WaItrv-McQ urn Remaer w int h bre gals ani Mr an s.Bi C we l màE mua go f O ne weddngii Stmaya ow i-ffputhnanc goeal. effrgnd- l wr ine had Sunday suppr inrgoas by Aiderwith two f ) ntadfrr le ~ * Mr. ani Mrs. Veo Perigoecanero t h c n B r w nlIh,, an ~rysitor sha .Wewtonan o e.sTherei wee s r nLMs re anlý Pes (3?/mmAnfic4le mentkin, ere! mînr hndet-4 ou K i hKe n d avywr udy ln tr&sUsi e iy wIoe Mr. anti Mrs. King Kent, swoing was antiLed -yone Jf youhests ethlM. nd to hopenfnuor,&mtlgt oe StThon as, c ceDae, .i n e eond ine, BIII'as I L.t'-laintb thaf1 f Moe tndedthel e afrd-dnnrMrelaîe anti the postludegoTleland tlgt o- o aeue soe n~o manvlleIo al s, s t y ler's leagiîe gurtsndfMc. Vanti Mr.A Eclso Cor ag w sjCampionswalkeoerdiBro- Shd arp. ,Page aniMisCaetons whcb erever mu h s ones -. Iii Uic rst CLTHE.,ARE n erS111u Pauag spent aewas a e- jgJYeîLuchws erei flPr dout ich st Mrn andhre ng as eK cuc vc.Tent,!urchhea ee. Agfn atthe bavle ote ttra or lo r, sclen. ov, n inMontri eal wstatfulitcortd.amryBh aiit nac l St.i r.Thai Mrs. N rm w ano e.1 ruce anM terer eterde.T helgoalian s a s e clea Inhite seMosd Don Tordîft, OmtbopedncrantidoArthrttiaveos-reeNichais power playkwithfa gisiofrt. anti Mrs. A! xeso Corsn w el-maionhbx, o o s aeti 2-0 at he Shr. poes . 015nMsta 10s3enIn thet In the second perioti. Mcs . PeandMr.davMistla.r ejk wtLuh r amiiyere. in eiid wrta peroti BlF SAshoYrtT-E 2t Page a>'on nt a eanns va a s 'h dda. o ou g M JG ess wth M ss Cuw o ta i lls -o r p r onl a p a a c he-e ty I pr v d I r sl nt Mr. ihCtii ren s l s ema Stwa ta on u niy cr egie. In thiA Pio ti te1 ,8Jook-loh sf om y u ocl d y cl a es in !nal. Zowr ii; daDbomni isMro dastBil Nchais waoer iýMad L . aNormns HiBack-cevie Miss terdthe somalgon atoper pawer- visthoeianouple o!tiys-s l' ste crt w Ghtb riffDonTorpotted1 iconaer n pntityaUPtO4:47Y COUTANPERSA MOsa. ni r. . riff e in. alThr.onon rday, o bxsehoe a -0a hoe ang iertsat r. wandMrý..!,dtWcivntetnd40oft ted ik ertiod.î 4 IGS. 52 ~ family baveheen Mc. antiMrs. KengsAcheBrcanti1 t STRAY OBR2th111makweBls r.m."W Spili IShLudz R A. eatibeater rTc-__________________________ ian h! Etobaiok ecae apIn tet secondaga in d, Baigol ',,;R K1. V' oaMr. anti Mrs DMid Taib ,down atispei theMis . . obl e ni gant12:0he i.ayM c. ant ai rs.bG. rgii n, ars.F.! heWl metngwa hlIn______________________________________look-_____ l/ an nti .Keîh i C Mdrs. . M. atituewaty ontng Octoeri a15,uh Nihls wr Cnlutemn, Scarnrough. mil sp aryat.thDome o! ndMissMA. Low e on eso hepwr OMNI L tor A ergc is ai niMs. nt-eyHLw. eaLUX flan Sunia wce Mr.'Y'J ie M ss SCurowarst i-eflBf ste crd ly rig oc, earei, awce vertan. d antiMrpleRay Hughesa! Port îggoMrs.G. C3t13.rNoant Hope ,iss C.Wit .Wtewart Sei. vMirs tT er . r.F o s aco nciMantnrd di Cu-carend of the U prograin. e Mc niMrs. . Wri ght îVlrs. illia Bre.ridge anti ux enertaicti bi§foM" 84ckKINGto STs'LWt othin5valu R ice Satu cday d innr et sMr s.FacM ri. Trita ter tL K atlehe o stin or fogottn. Ten4 ,i to lk thsu TÉ ; s an . ,Ant . J. M ler , w here sherch r, rucspethn111a couph n B lor C co tag e atc ali e akeh rtLusher ng farnily have bgef.the ThMrksavndg b It-cî a hi wof s answoered byu aan n oa Mrs. ALexThiSrn, Feoe-'Coxaiso ooole. a3ndth a Duchm or12:th1 Ion Fails, 'cntwa xvndk' va- otcm. e r ýotM . and Mrs C AM , _i evening ~istnr o! Mcwanti awa.i Ms telGayha a ote foilwgolng people t-th Cat04 lanMsdAîgs igLite n- M. nt rs Ga.Iwi g a awaviiehspta rie orelBetic Liy iI etrn t

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